ICT Book

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Information and Communication Technology 1

Matthayom 1–3 (EP)

© Andrew Biggs Academy 2016

Printed by Khroo Chang Publishing

542 Moo 1, Srinakharin Rd, Bangkaew, Bangplee,
Samut Prakan, Thailand. 10540.

This book is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception

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no reproduction of any part may take place without
the written permission of Khroo Chang Publishing.

Printed in Thailand

Advisory Board: Andrew Biggs

Om Huvanandana, DBA.
Utsapaporn Pipattanavilai
Carl Prince
2 Information and Communication Technology


I. Introduction 3
The Importance of Information and Communication Technology
Principles Underlying Andrew Biggs Academy English Program – ICT Curriculum
Curriculum Overview

II. The Curriculum

A. M1 (Year 7) ICT Strands, Learning Standards, and Syllabus 7
B. M2 (Year 8) ICT Strands, Learning Standards, and Syllabus 23
C. M3 (Year 9) ICT Strands, Learning Standards, and Syllabus 39

III. Assessment and Evaluation of Students’ Achievement 54

Overall Assessment
Criteria for Grading System
Information and Communication Technology 3

I. Introduction
The Importance of Information and Communication Technology

Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) education is essentially our efforts to teach our students
valuable knowledge and skills around computing and communications devices, software that operates them,
applications that run on them and the systems that are built with them.

What are these things? How do they work? How do you use them productively? How are they deployed,
assembled, managed and maintained to create productive systems? How they are used in specific business
and industry settings? What are the underlying science and technologies behind them and how might those
be developed to advance ICT fields? These are some of the questions we endeavor to answer throughout
the ICT course.

ICT is complex and quickly changing, and it is confusing for many people. It is so pervasive in the modern
world that everyone has some understanding of it, but those understandings are often wildly divergent.

In virtually all modern businesses and industries, and in modern society in general, ICT has key strategic
roles. It is strategically important to develop our students into citizens and workers who can competently and
efficiently operate and add value in these systems and environments.

Principles Underlying Andrew Biggs Mathematics Program

Andrew Biggs Academy Curriculum is based on the Thai Ministry of Education (The Basic Education Core
Curriculum 2008). This curriculum recognizes the diversity that exists among students who study ICT within
English Program. It is based on the belief that all students can learn ICT and deserve the opportunity
to do so.

This curriculum is designed to help students build a solid foundation in ICT that will enable them to apply their
knowledge and advance their learning successfully. Andrew Biggs Academy believes that students are
learning most effectively when they are given the chance to investigate ideas and solve problems and then
carefully guided to an understanding of the basic principles in ICT.

The Basic Education Core Curriculum aims to instill the following five key competencies among students:
communication skills, thinking skills, problem-solving skills, life skills, and technological application skills.
Curriculum Overview
4 Information and Communication Technology

Curriculum Overview

The Andrew Biggs Academy Curriculum, M1 – M3 (Grades 7 to 9) in ICT identifies the goals and objectives
for each level and illustrates the knowledge and skills that students are expected to acquire, learn, demonstrate
and apply in their class work, tests and in various activities to assess their achievements. The overall
expectations describe the general knowledge and skills that students are expected to achieve at the end of
each level. The specific expectations describe the detailed knowledge and skills that students are expected to
demonstrate at the end of each chapter.

The program in Matthayom 1 to Matthayom 3 is specifically designed to ensure that students build a solid
foundation in ICT. Overall and specific expectations in ICT is organized into an educational strand then further
subdivided into learning areas according to the Basic Core Curriculum (B.E. 2551) from the Thai Ministry of

The study of ICT is designed to facilitate students in gaining an understanding and acquiring technological
skills and knowledge based on their highest level and enables students to acquire the skills and knowledge
according to their utmost potential.

For common understanding and to establish clarity with regards to Andrew Biggs Curriculum, various codes
have been used for Learning Standards and Grade Level Indicators. Below are the codes used for this

OT3.1, GLI M1/1

OT Subject Area of Occupations and Tech.

3.1 Standard 1, Learning Area 1
GLI Grade Level Indicators
M1 Year
1 Indicator Number
Information and Communication Technology 5
6 Information and Communication Technology
Information and Communication Technology 7

8 Information and Communication Technology

II. A. The Core Curriculum for ICT, M1

Strands, Learning Standards, and Grade Level Indicators

Strand Learning Standards Grade Level Indicators (GLI)

3 Information and Communication OT3.1 Understanding, appreciation 1. Explain the principles of function
Technology and efficient, effective and the roles and benefits of a
and ethical application of computer.
information technology in 2. Discuss the main characteristics
and the affects of information
searching for data,
communicating, problem 3. Process data so as to serve as
solving, working and information.
Information and Communication Technology 9

Course Description: Information and Communication Technology M1, Semester 1

Microsoft Office (Word, PowerPoint and Excel)

Subject: : Information and Computer Technology Course Number: COM 20241 Level: M1
Period: 32 hours per semester Academic Credit: 1 Semester: 1st

The following course outline highlights the activities, terms to be learned and discussion questions displayed
lesson-by-lesson as they relate to Microsoft Office. The course is presented live through demonstrations and
walkthrough in which the students listen to/watch the instructor and follow the instructions. Students will learn
new skills each week and practice their new skills by completing a small project / task. The tasks require the
students to use their new skills, as well practicing old skills, while encouraging creativity.

Areas covered within the ICT syllabus – and included as learning areas of the Occupations and Technology
Core Curriculum -- include the processing of information technologies; communication; the search for data;
application of data and information; solution of problems or creation of work; values and effects of ICT, which
are key components of the ICT Core Curriculum.

Grade Level Indicators (GLI):

OT3.1, GLI M1/1 OT3.1, GLI M1/2 OT3.1, GLI M1/3

Total up to 3 Indicators
10 Information and Communication Technology

Course Syllabus: Information and Communication Technology M1, Semester 1

Get Ahead 1, Introduction (5 Hours)

Lesson Topic Objectives Activities Overall Assessment/ Strand/Grade
1 hour Evaluation Level Indicators/

1 MS Word Understand what Present: Classroom work: OT3.1, GLI M1/1

Topic 1 MS Word is Open Word & Asking questions;
used for Discuss Word monitoring; OT3.1, GLI M1/2
Understand the Layout assessing projects,
MS Office layout tasks and OT3.1, GLI M1/3
Introduce print Activity: assignments, and
screen button Take a other in-class
Introduce the screenshot of projects
ctrl+v keyboard your favourite
shortcut to paste website and Assignments/
paste in to MS Homework:
Word. Examining
2 MS Word Introduce Project 1:
Topic 1 inserting text Take a Test/Worksheet/Unit
boxes screenshot of test:
Introduce MS Word, paste Worksheets,
inserting shapes and label it pop quizzes,
to insert arrows chapter reviews,
Practice taking unit tests
screenshots and
pasting Midterm and Final
Reinforcing layout Exams
3 MS Word Understand the Present:
Topic 2 use of styles for MS Office
consistency Styles, headers
Understand the and footer
use of a Activity: Add a
documents heading, header
header and footer and footer to
Learn the screenshot
required header document
and footer
information for
every document
created on this
4 MS Word Practice including Project 2:
Topic 2 the required Write about
header and footer yourself, inc.
information for all use of title,
documents heading, header
created in this & page number
Information and Communication Technology 11

Lesson Topic Objectives Activities Overall Assessment/ Strand/Grade

1 hour Evaluation Level Indicators/

Practice writing a
document using
predefined styles
for titles, heading,
sub headings and
Introduce the
Spelling and
Grammar checker

5 MS Word Understand how Present:

Topic 3 to select modify Paragraphs and
text to highlight fonts
important /
keywords, change Activity:
color, indent and Write a
align sentence about
Understand the yourself and
role of lists change different
presenting words to have a
information different font
Understand the style.
between bullet
lists and
numbered lists
modifying text
6 MS Word Practice creating Project 3:
Topic 3 lists Create a list of
Introduce your top 10
changing page movies / songs
background color and a shopping
Introduce setting list of things you
borders want to buy next
time you go to
7 MS Word Understand how Present:
Topic 4 to insert objects Inserting objects
into a word
document Activity:
Understand the Draw a picture
different types of of your house /
object that word home using
supports shapes.
inserting shape
12 Information and Communication Technology

Lesson Topic Objectives Activities Overall Assessment/ Strand/Grade

1 hour Evaluation Level Indicators/

8 MS Word Understand what Project 4:

Topic 4 a survey is Survey class
Practice inserting about favourites
survey results into (student decides
a table topic e.g. color,
Practice shape, sport
generating a chart etc.) and present
to present survey findings using a
results table and chart
in MS Word
9 MS Word Project 4
Topic 4 continued
10 MS Understand what Present:
PowerPoint PowerPoint is Open
Topic 1 used for PowerPoint,
Emphasize that discuss layout
the layout is similar to MS
similar to MS Word, how to
Word add new slides,
Practice creating, edit slides and
editing, format text.
rearranging and
deleting slides
Practice saving a
Practice viewing
the slideshow
11 MS PP Topic 1 Practice creating, Project 5:
editing, Create
rearranging and slideshow
deleting slides “About me”. Add
Practice saving a headings and
slideshow text
Practice viewing
the slideshow
Refresh about
Spelling and
Grammar checker
12 MS PP Topic 2 Understand the Present:
use of themes to Setting a theme
maintain and inserting
consistent design objects
throughout all
Introduce how to
insert objects into
Information and Communication Technology 13

Lesson Topic Objectives Activities Overall Assessment/ Strand/Grade

1 hour Evaluation Level Indicators/

13 MS PP Practice setting a Project 5 (cont.):

Topic 2 theme for a Set a theme and
slideshow add images
Practice inserting from Facebook /
images into slides phone camera
to “About Me”
14 MS PP Understand slide Present:
Topic 3 transitions Slide transitions
Understand and custom
animating objects animations
Practice setting
slide transitions Project 5 (cont.):
and animating Set transitions
objects and animations
to “About Me”
15 Midterm Test Midterm Test
Review Review
16 Midterm Test Midterm Test

17 MS PP Complete Project 5 (cont.):

Topic 3 slideshows Complete
Practice “About Me”
presentations presentation.
18 Student Assess students Students
Presentations ”About Me” present
presentations project 5

19 Student Assess students Students

Presentations ”About Me” present
presentations project 5
20 Student Assess students Students
Presentations ”About Me” present
presentations project 5
21 Week 11 Understand what Present:
MS Excel Excel is used for Open Excel,
Topic 1 Emphasize that discuss layout
the layout is similar to Word
similar to MS and PowerPoint.
Word and MS
PowerPoint Activity:
Introduce Conduct a class
spreadsheet survey, write
tables results on the
Understand cells, board and have
rows and columns students enter
data into a
14 Information and Communication Technology

Lesson Topic Objectives Activities Overall Assessment/ Strand/Grade

1 hour Evaluation Level Indicators/

22 MS Excel Practice Project 6:

Topic 1 organizing data Create your own
into rows and survey, choose
columns topic, ask a
Practice writing number of
useful column / classmates and
row headings create a pie
Practice inserting chart to present
data into cells findings
Introduce charts
23 MS Excel Practice Present:
Topic 2 organizing data Using charts to
into rows and present data
Practice writing
useful column /
row headings
Practice inserting
data into cells
Introduce charts
24 MS Excel Practice creating Activity:
Topic 2 different types of Create 3
graph different types
Understanding of table in
worksheets separate
worksheets and
workout which
type of chart
works best to
present that

25 MS Excel Understand the Present:

Topic 3 use of number Number format
styles to make and table styles
your tables easier
to read Activity:
Understand the Write a row
use of table styles heading with
to give tables a each number
specific look format name, in
Practice using the cell to the
different number right of each
styles heading write an
example using
the correct
Information and Communication Technology 15

Lesson Topic Objectives Activities Overall Assessment/ Strand/Grade

1 hour Evaluation Level Indicators/

26 MS Excel Practice using Project 7:

Topic 3 number formats to Create an
display expense log of
information your pocket
correctly money and
Practice creating expenditure
tables using using correct
number formats
for each column
27 MS Excel Understand what Present:
Topic 4 a formula is Writing formulas
Write formulas in to process data
the formula bar
Understand cell
operators (+-/*) to
create basic
28 MS Excel Practice writing Project 8:
Topic 4 formulas Complete
expense log
from project 7
using formulas
to calculate
balance on each
29 Formula Introduce some of Present:
Functions Excels built in Formula
formula functions, functions
sum(), round(),
ceiling(), floor(),
Write formula
functions in the
formula bar
Identify formula
functions using
the formulas tab
and ribbon
30 Midterm Spare time – for
Review/Finish students to
uncompleted complete any
work unfinished work
31 Midterm Review

Mid-term Exam
16 Information and Communication Technology

Course Description: Information and Communication Technology M1, Semester 2

Karel (programming language)

Subject: : Information and Computer Technology Course Number: COM 20241 Level: M1
Period: 32 hours per semester Academic Credit: 1 Semester: 2nd

The following course outline highlights the activities, terms to be learned and discussion questions displayed
lesson-by-lesson, especially as the relate to the Karel programming language for students beginning their ICT
studies. The course is presented online through http://codehs.com, which provides a complete introduction to
computer science through videos and other interactive content, such as example programs to play/experiment
with and activities where the students must write their own programs. Students will develop a basic
understanding of the concepts of software development through repetition and practice. Due to the nature of
the website each student is able to work at their own pace and to their own abilities. Stronger students who
finish the course early will be directed to do extra modules on http://www.codecademy.com that builds on the
skills learned through http://codehs.com, which frees the teacher’s time to focus on helping the weaker
students and unsure that no child is left behind.

Areas covered within the ICT syllabus – and included as learning areas of the Occupations and Technology
Core Curriculum -- include the processing of information technologies; communication; the search for data;
application of data and information; solution of problems or creation of work; values and effects of ICT, which
are key components of the ICT Core Curriculum

Grade Level Indicators (GLI):

OT3.1, GLI M1/1 OT3.1, GLI M1/2 OT3.1, GLI M1/3

Total up to 3 Indicators
Information and Communication Technology 17

Course Syllabus: Information and Communication Technology M1, Semester 2

Lesson Topic Objectives Activities Overall Assessment/ Strand/Grade
1 hour Evaluation Level Indicators/

1 Introduction Sign up to Introduction to Classroom work: OT3.1, GLI M1/1

to codehs.com Programming Asking questions;
Karel Understand what With Karel monitoring; OT3.1, GLI M1/2
programming is assessing projects,
Understand what Quiz: Karel tasks and OT3.1, GLI M1/3
a command is Commands assignments, and
Introduce Karel other in-class
Learn commands projects
putBall() and
move() Assignments/
2 Working with Experiment with Our First Karel Examining
Karel demonstration Program homework
Understand what Your First Karel Test/Worksheet/Unit
a function is Program test:
Learn commands Short Stack Worksheets,
turnLeft() and pop quizzes,
takeBall() chapter reviews,
Complete practice unit tests
Develop problem Midterm and Final
solving skills Exams
3 Learn how to More Basic
write functions Karel
Learn function
syntax Tennis Ball
Experiment with Square
4 Practice writing Make a Tower
commands Pyramid of
Practice writing Karel
Develop problem
solving skills
5 Experiment with Karel Can’t
demonstration Turn Right
code Tower and Turn
Practice writing Right
Practice writing
6 Understand what Slide Karel
a bug is Fireman Karel
Experiment with
18 Information and Communication Technology

Lesson Topic Objectives Activities Overall Assessment/ Strand/Grade

1 hour Evaluation Level Indicators/

Practice writing
Develop problem
solving skills
7 Experiment with Functions in
demonstration Karel
code Turn Around
Practice writing
8 Practice writing Pancakes
Karel commands Mario Karel
and functions
Develop problem
solving skills
9 Understand the The Start
role of the start Function
function Tower with Start
Experiment with Function
Practice using the
start function

10 Introduce the top Pancakes with

down design Start
Practice applying
the methodology
Develop problem
solving skills
10 Introduce the top Pancakes with
down design Start
Practice applying
the methodology
Develop problem
solving skills

11 Understand Top Down

design Design and
decomposition Decomposition
Experiment with in Karel
demonstration Hurdle Karel
Practice applying
the design
Information and Communication Technology 19

Lesson Topic Objectives Activities Overall Assessment/ Strand/Grade

1 hour Evaluation Level Indicators/

12 Practice applying The Two Towers

the methodology
Develop problem
solving skills
13 Understand the Commenting
role of comments Your Code
Experiment with Hurdle Karel
Practice writing

14 Reinforce the use The Two Towers

of comments + Comments

15 Introduce Super Karel

SuperKarel (extra Hurdle Karel
Karel commands) (with
turnaround() and SuperKarel)
Understand that
functions to define
these new
commands are
not needed
Experiment with
16 Midterm Test

17 Practice writing The Two Towers

SuperKarel + SuperKarel
18 Understand the For Loops
role of loops for Repeated Move
repetition Put Down
Understand that Tennis Balls
for loops are used Take ‘em All
when you know
how many times
you want to
repeat a set of
Experiment with
19 Practice writing Dizzy Karel
for loops For Loop
Develop problem Square
solving skills Lots of Hurdles
20 Information and Communication Technology

Lesson Topic Objectives Activities Overall Assessment/ Strand/Grade

1 hour Evaluation Level Indicators/

20 Introduce If Statements
Understand true/
Understand that
if-statements are
used to only
execute a set of
commands if the
condition is true
Experiment with
21 Practice writing Safe Take Ball
if-statements Is There a Ball?
Develop problem
solving skills

22 Introduce else If/Else

Understand that Statements
else is used to
execute a
different set of
commands if the
condition is false
Experiment with
23 Understand the One Ball in Each
difference Spot
between using an Right Side Up
if-statement and
an else/if
Practice writing
Develop problem
solving skills

24 Introduce while While Loops in

loops Karel
Understand that Move to Wall
while loops are
used while
condition is true
and will repeat
until the condition
is changed to
Information and Communication Technology 21

Lesson Topic Objectives Activities Overall Assessment/ Strand/Grade

1 hour Evaluation Level Indicators/

Experiment with
25 Practice writing Follow The
while loops Yellow Ball
Develop problem Road
solving skills Lay Row of
Tennis Balls
Big Tower
26 Practice using Control
control structures Structures
Develop problem Example
solving skills
27 Practice using Cleanup Karel
control structures Random
Develop problem Hurdles
solving skills

28 Understand the More Karel

purpose of testing Examples and
Develop Testing
debugging skills Quiz: Which
Develop problem Control
solving skills Structure?
Move Tennis
Ball Stack
Climbing Karel
29 Understand why How to Indent
indenting code is Your Code
important Dance and
Practice indenting Clean Karel
unindented code
30 Understand that Staircase
having a good Karel Exercises
programming Badge
style helps other
team members
able to read and
modify your code
Practice indenting
unindented code
31 Final test Review

31 Final Exam
22 Information and Communication Technology
Information and Communication Technology 23

24 Information and Communication Technology

II. B. The Core Curriculum for ICT, M2

Strands, Learning Standards, and Grade Level Indicators

Strand Learning Standards Grade Level Indicators (GLI)

3 Information and Communication OT3.1 Understanding, appreciation 1. Explain the basic principles of
Technology and efficient, effective communicating information and the
and ethical application of computer networks.
information technology in 2. Explain the principles and methods
of problem solving through
searching for data,
information technology processes.
communicating, problem 3. Search for information and
solving, working and communicate through the computer
livelihood. networks morally and ethically.
4. Use software for work.
Information and Communication Technology 25

Course Description: Information and Communication Technology M2, Semester 1

Adobe Photoshop CS6

Subject: : Information and Computer Technology Course Number: COM 20242 Level: M2
Period: 32 hours per semester Academic Credit: 1 Semester: 1st

The following course outline highlights the activities, projects and objectives displayed lesson-by-lesson, as
they relate to Adobe Photoshop. The course is presented in two parts, the first part before mid-term exams
and the second part after midterm exams. Part one is presented live through demonstrations and
walkthroughs in which the students listen to/watch the instructor and follow the instructions. Students will learn
new skills each week and practice their new skills by completing a small activities and projects. The projects
require the students to use their new skills, as well practicing old skills, while encouraging creativity. Part two
is self-guided learning which involves the students finding their own tutorials, following the instructions in
English and familiarizing themselves with the basic Photoshop vocabulary learned in part one of the course.

Areas covered within the ICT syllabus – and included as learning areas of the Occupations and Technology
Core Curriculum -- include the processing of information technologies; communication; the search for data;
application of data and information; solution of problems or creation of work; values and effects of ICT, which
are key components of the ICT Core Curriculum.

Grade Level Indicators (GLI):

OT3.1, GLI M3/1 OT3.1, GLI M3/2 OT3.1, GLI M3/3 OT3.1, GLI M3/4

Total up to 4 Indicators
26 Information and Communication Technology

Course Syllabus: Information and Communication Technology M2, Semester 1

Lesson Topic Objectives Activities Overall Assessment/ Strand/Grade
1 hour Evaluation Level Indicators/

1 PS Topic 1 Understand what Present: Classroom work: OT3.1, GLI M3/1

Photoshop is Photoshop Asking questions;
used for Basics monitoring; OT3.1, GLI M3/2
learn how to assessing projects,
create a new Activity: tasks and OT3.1, GLI M3/3
image Copy and Paste assignments, and
Understand what image from other in-class OT3.1, GLI M3/4
a .psd image file internet browser projects
is and what it is into PS
used for Assignments/
Learn how to save Homework:
an image as .psd Examining
Learn keyboard homework
shortcuts, copy,
ctrl+c, paste, Test/Worksheet/Unit
ctrl+v, save, ctrl+s test:
2 PS Topic 1 Demonstrate Project 1: Copy pop quizzes,
understanding of and paste 5 chapter reviews,
creating new different images unit tests
images. from Browser in
Demonstrate to 5 new Midterm and Final
understanding of documents Exams
saving images in
.psd format
Practice use of
3 PS Topic 2 Understand the Present:
layout, menu bar, Photoshop
status bar, Layout
toolbox, palettes
Understand how Activity:
to resize an image Resize an image
image proportions
distortion of
image, stretching
or squashing, if
not constraining
4 PS Topic 2 Familiarize with the Project 2:
photoshop layout Resize 5 images
Recognize key on one page
components of the using the correct
Practice image
Understand image
Information and Communication Technology 27

Lesson Topic Objectives Activities Overall Assessment/ Strand/Grade

1 hour Evaluation Level Indicators/

5 PS Topic 3 Understand basic Present:

functions of the Photoshop
toolbox, selection Toolbox, the
tools options bar and
Understand how the color palette
to change
individual tool Activity:
options to Create a new
produce desired page, set a
result using the different
options bar background
Understand how color, write your
to select colors name with using
using the color the brush tool
palette and again with
Introduce the the text tool
brush tool and
eraser tool
6 PS Topic 3 Practice using the Project 3:
options bar Create a poster
Practice using the with your
brush tool nickname
Practice using the written 4 times,
color palette using 4 different
brushes and
four different
7 PS Topic 4 Demonstrate the Activity:
problem of not Draw 2 different
using layers when color boxes on
wanting to move the screen using
things the rectangular
independently marquee tool
Understand the and fill tool, try
problems to move just 1
associated with box
not using layers
Understand the Present:
layers palette and Photoshop
why layers are Layers Palette
Understand the Activity:
importance of Redo project 3
renaming layers using layers
for easy
Introduce the
move tool,
marquee tool and
paint bucket tool
28 Information and Communication Technology

Lesson Topic Objectives Activities Overall Assessment/ Strand/Grade

1 hour Evaluation Level Indicators/

Practice moving
layers around the
Practice creating,
deleting and
renaming layers

8 PS Topic 4 Practice creating, Project 4:

deleting and Draw your
renaming layers favourite
Practice using the landscape
options bar, separate using
brush tool and layers for each
color palette object
Practice using the
9 PS Topic 5 move tool, Present:
rectangular Type Tools and
marquee tool and layers styles
paint bucket tool
Understand how Activity:
to use the Create a gold
horizontal and type effect using
vertical type tools layer styles
Understand how
to change the font
and size of the
text using the
options bar
Understand how
to use layer style
options to change
how text looks
• Practice creating
text and modifying
its appearance
using layer styles
10 PS Topic 5 Practice use of Project 5:
the horizontal and Design a
vertical type tools postcard for
Practice your favourite
modifying type- holiday
tool text’s destination that
appearance using displays the
layer styles name and “Wish
you were here.”
in fancy styled
Information and Communication Technology 29

Lesson Topic Objectives Activities Overall Assessment/ Strand/Grade

1 hour Evaluation Level Indicators/

11 PS Topic 6 Introduce the Present:

quick selection Using selection
tool tools to select
Introduce the parts of an
lasso tool and image
magnetic lasso
Introduce free
transform to
resize images
Understand why
it’s important
12 PS Topic 6 Introduce the Project 6:
gradient tool Make a poster
Practice using with your
selection tools favourite pop /
and lasso tools sport stars
Practice using selected and cut
working with from various
layers photos
13 PS Topic 7 Understand the Present:
role of filters in Making image
image adjustments and
manipulation using the filter
Understand how gallery
to access filters in
the filter gallery Activity:
and change Set a filter on
options any photo of
Practice setting your choice

14 PS Topic 7 Practice setting Project:

filters Make a pop art
Practice making style poster
image using the filter
adjustments gallery

15 Review Midterm Test


16 Midterm Test Midterm Test

16 Week 9 Understand the Present:

importance using Using online
online tutorials to resources
guide self- to guide self
learning learning
30 Information and Communication Technology

Lesson Topic Objectives Activities Overall Assessment/ Strand/Grade

1 hour Evaluation Level Indicators/

Understand how
to use online
resources to find
suitable tutorials
Choose a suitable
tutorial to try

18 Tutorial 1 Find an interesting Tutorial 1:

tutorial Student chosen
Practice reading tutorial
and following
instructions in
19 Tutorial 1 Tutorial 1
20 Tutorial 1 Tutorial 1
21 Tutorial 2 Find an interesting Tutorial 2:
tutorial Student chosen
Practice reading tutorial
and following
22 Tutorial 2 Tutorial 2
instructions in
23 Tutorial 2 Tutorial 2
24 Tutorial 3 Find an Tutorial 3:
interesting tutorial Student chosen
Practice reading tutorial
and following
25 Tutorial 3 instructions in Tutorial 3
English continued

26 Tutorial 3 Tutorial 3

27 Tutorial 4 Find an Tutorial 4:

interesting tutorial Student chosen
Practice reading tutorial
and following
28 Tutorial 3 Tutorial 4
instructions in
29 Tutorial 4 Tutorial 4

30 Final Exam Review

31 Final Exam Review

Final Examination
Information and Communication Technology 31

Course Description: Information and Communication Technology M2, Semester 2

Subject: : Information and Computer Technology Course Number: COM 20242 Level: M2
Period: 32 hours per semester Academic Credit: 1 Semester: 2nd

The following course outline highlights the activities and objectives displayed lesson-by-lesson. The course is
presented online through http://codecademy.com, which provides a complete introduction to HTML and CSS
through interactive tutorials where the students must read the new information and write their own web pages
based on the content taught during the lesson. Students will develop a basic understanding of the concepts of
HTML and CSS through repetition and practice. Due to the nature of the website each student is able to work
at their own pace and to their own abilities. Stronger students who finish the course early will be directed to
study extra modules on http://www.codecademy.com that build on the skills learned through http://codehs.com
in M1, and Codecademy’s HTML and CSS course, which frees the teacher’s time to focus on helping the
weaker students and unsure that no child is left behind.

Areas covered within the ICT syllabus – and included as learning areas of the Occupations and Technology
Core Curriculum -- include the processing of information technologies; communication; the search for data;
application of data and information; solution of problems or creation of work; values and effects of ICT, which
are key components of the ICT Core Curriculum.

Grade Level Indicators (GLI):

OT3.1, GLI M2/1 OT3.1, GLI M2/2 OT3.1, GLI M2/3 OT3.1, GLI M2/4

Total up to 4 Indicators
32 Information and Communication Technology

Course Syllabus: Information and Communication Technology M2, Semester 2

Lesson Topic Objectives Activities Overall Assessment/ Strand/Grade
1 hour Evaluation Level Indicators/

1 HTML Basics Understand what Activities 1 - 8 Classroom work: OT3.1, GLI M3/1
HTML and CSS Asking questions;
are used for monitoring; OT3.1, GLI M3/2
Define some assessing projects,
basic HTML tasks and OT3.1, GLI M3/3
terminology assignments, and
Explain and other in-class OT3.1, GLI M3/4
implement projects
<body> and <p> Assignments/
tags Homework:
Create all types of Examining
headings <h1> to homework
2 HTML Basics Demonstrate Activities 9 - 14 Test/Worksheet/Unit
knowledge of tags test:
so far including Worksheets,
<title>, <h3> and pop quizzes,
<p> chapter reviews,
Define hyperlinks, unit tests
explain their use
and create a link Midterm and Final
using <a> Exams
Understand and
create an image
tag <img>
Construct a linked
3 Build Your Summative Activities 1 - 6
Own assessment of
Webpage learning from
HTML lessons 1
Create a webpage
with an HTML
frame, including a
images and links
in either images
or text
4 HTML Recognize HTML Activities 1 - 6
Basics II can be used to
create lists
indentation and
explain why it is
Information and Communication Technology 33

Lesson Topic Objectives Activities Overall Assessment/ Strand/Grade

1 hour Evaluation Level Indicators/

Describe and
create ordered
and unordered
Demonstrate how
to use nesting
with lists

5 HTML Describe what Activities 7 - 16

Basics II inline CSS is
Use style
(including font-
color, font-family,
Demonstrate how
to bold and
italicize text
6 Social Summative Activities 1 - 7
Networking assessment of
Profile learning from
HTML lessons 4
Create a ‘social
profile’, including
lists of their
interests and
7 HTML Recognise Activities 1 - 5
Basics III structural tags
<table>, <div>
and <span>
Create a table
with rows and
columns and
explain why we
use them
Construct a table
with multiple rows
and columns”

8 HTML Design table Activities 6 - 15

Basics III formatting using
style attributes
Illustrate how to use
a <div> tag and use
it to create a link
Construct a
paragraph with
selective styling
using the <span>
34 Information and Communication Technology

Lesson Topic Objectives Activities Overall Assessment/ Strand/Grade

1 hour Evaluation Level Indicators/

9 Clickable Summative Activities 1 - 7

Photo Page assessment of
learning from
HTML lessons 8
Create a ‘clickable
photo page’: a
table with multiple
rows and columns
containing images
that link to
external websites
10 CSS an Explain what CSS Activities 1 - 12
Overview is and the reason
it is separate from
Create a link to a
CSS stylesheet
‘properties’ and
‘values’ and
Illustrate CSS
syntax and
11 Explain why Activities 13 - 21
values are used in
Explain why ‘em’
units are needed
and the need for
default fonts as
backgrounds and
borders and style
12 Plenary: Build a Activities 22 - 26
basic HTML index
page and linked
CSS stylesheet
13 Design a Plenary: Build a Activities 1 - 6
Button for button by styling
Your Website divs and links
Information and Communication Technology 35

Lesson Topic Objectives Activities Overall Assessment/ Strand/Grade

1 hour Evaluation Level Indicators/

14 CSS Describe Activities 1 - 9

Selectors branching,
children, parents
and siblings
Demonstrate and
understand how
to format nested
selectors and
directly nested
Explain which
selectors will
override others

15 Review Midterm Test

Review – HTML

16 Test Midterm Test

– HTML Only
17 CSS Compare, Create Activities 10 - 18
Selectors and Implement
Classes and IDs
Recognize and
selectors for links
(link, visited,
Understand and
use a ‘first-child’
and ‘Nth-child’
18 Plenary: Activities 19 - 23
Construct HTML
document and
CSS stylesheet
with selectors
19 Sorting Your Plenary: Activities 1 - 8
Friends Synthesizing
Module 9: CSS
20 CSS Explain the box Activities 1 - 12
Positioning model and its
importance in
Demonstrate and
understand the
main display
36 Information and Communication Technology

Lesson Topic Objectives Activities Overall Assessment/ Strand/Grade

1 hour Evaluation Level Indicators/

properties and
their differences
Explain and
margins, borders
and padding
Describe how
negative values
impact the
positioning of an
21 CSS Explain and Activities 13 - 25
Positioning demonstrate the
float and clear
Explain static,
absolute, relative
and fixed
Compose a
webpage using
CSS positioning
22 Build a Plenary: Activities 1 - 8
Resume Synthesizing
Module 11: CSS
23 Project Understand what Activities 1 - 9
1. Structure HTML & CSS are
your page used for
various HTML
elements &
implement them
Understand div
elements and
wrap elements
with them
24 Project Understand CSS Activities 1 - 13
2. Style your rules & implement
text them
selectors, classes
& properties
Edit properties
25 Project Understand & Activities 1 – 10
3. Style your practice editing
elements properties
Create CSS rules
to style elements
Information and Communication Technology 37

Lesson Topic Objectives Activities Overall Assessment/ Strand/Grade

1 hour Evaluation Level Indicators/

26 Project Understand Activities 1 - 4

4. Organise display, position &
your page float properties
display, position &
float properties
27 Project Understand & Activities 1 - 14
5. Kickstart implement
your Bootstrap
webpage Understand &
implement tabs,
pills and
Use Bootstrap’s
grid to organise &
create new
Edit CSS rules
28 Introduction Understand Introduction to
to Dreamweaver’s Dreamweaver
Dreamweaver workflow
Understand how
to save .html and
.css pages.
28 Introduction Understand Introduction to
to Dreamweaver’s Dreamweaver
Dreamweaver workflow
Understand how
to save .html and
.css pages.
29 Dreamweaver Create a Dreamweaver
Project multipage Project
Allow student to
show their
30 Dreamweaver Create a Dreamweaver
Project multipage Project
Allow student to
show their
Select the best
students as
candidates for
next year’s EP
Open House
38 Information and Communication Technology

Lesson Topic Objectives Activities Overall Assessment/ Strand/Grade

1 hour Evaluation Level Indicators/

31 Final Review Final Test

– CSS Review – CSS

Final Examination
Information and Communication Technology 39

40 Information and Communication Technology

II. C. The Core Curriculum for ICT M3

Strands, Learning Standards, and Grade Level Indicators

Strand Learning Standards Grade Level Indicators (GLI)

3 Information and Communication OT3.1 Understanding, appreciation 1. Explain the principles of

Technology and efficient, effective implementing a project requiring
and ethical application of the application of information
information technology in technologies.
2. Write the basic programming
searching for data,
communicating, problem 3. Use the information technologies
solving, working and in forms appropriate to the type of
livelihood. work.
4. Use the computers to facilitate
creation of work from imagination
or from work performed in daily life
in accordance with the principles
of project implementation with
awareness and responsibility.
Information and Communication Technology 41

Course Description: Information and Communication Technology M3, Semester 1

Introduction to JavaScript Programming

Subject: : Information and Computer Technology Course Number: COM 20242 Level: M3
Period: 32 hours per semester Academic Credit: 1 Semester: 1st

The following course outline highlights the activities, terms to be learned and discussion questions displayed
lesson-by-lesson. The course is presented online through http://codehs.com, which provides a complete
introduction to computer science through videos and other interactive content, such as example programs to
play/experiment with and activities where the students must write their own programs. Students will develop a
basic understanding of the concepts of software development through repetition and practice. Due to the
nature of the website each student is able to work at their own pace and to their own abilities. Stronger
students who finish the course early will be directed to do extra modules on http://www.codecademy.com that
builds on the skills learned through http://codehs.com, which frees the teacher’s time to focus on helping the
weaker students and unsure that no child is left behind.

ICT studies also include process of information technologies; communication; the search for data; application
of data and information; solution of problems or creation of work; values and effects of ICT.

Grade Level Indicators (GLI):

OT3.1, GLI M3/1 OT3.1, GLI M3/2 OT3.1, GLI M3/3 OT3.1, GLI M3/4

Total up to 4 Indicators
42 Information and Communication Technology

Course Syllabus: Information and Communication Technology M3, Semester 1

Lesson Topic Objectives Activities Overall Assessment/ Strand/Grade
1 hour Evaluation Level Indicators/

1 Sign up and Sign up and login Sign up to Classroom work: OT3.1, GLI M3/1
Log in Become familiar codecademy. Asking questions;
with the interface com monitoring; OT3.1, GLI M3/2
Walk through first assessing projects,
2 activities tasks and OT3.1, GLI M3/3
assignments, and
2 Getting Understand what Activity 1 - 11 other in-class OT3.1, GLI M3/4
Started with JavaScript is and projects
Programming what its used for
Understand and Assignments/
create comments Homework:
Demonstrate Examining
basic homework
operations Test/Worksheet/Unit
Understand and test:
create confirm Worksheets,
and prompt pop quizzes,
dialogs chapter reviews,
Understand data unit tests
types in
JavaScript: Midterm and Final
strings, numbers Exams
and Booleans

3 Getting Demonstrate Activity 12 - 20

Started with console.log and
Programming recognise
operators ( ‘<’, ‘>’,
‘==’, ‘!==’)
Understand and
construct if / else
statements using
Understand and
Review data
comparators, if /
else statements
and maths
Understand and
modulo (%) using
an if / else
Information and Communication Technology 43

Lesson Topic Objectives Activities Overall Assessment/ Strand/Grade

1 hour Evaluation Level Indicators/

4 Getting Understand and Activity 21 - 28 Classroom work: OT3.1, GLI M3/1

Started with practice Asking questions;
Programming implementing the monitoring; OT3.1, GLI M3/2
substring keyword assessing projects,
Understand and tasks and OT3.1, GLI M3/3
practice using assignments, and
variables other in-class OT3.1, GLI M3/4
Review variables projects
and manipulation
of numbers & Assignments/
strings Homework:
Practice using Examining
variables in if / homework
else statements
5 Plenary activity Activity 1 - 3
Module 1: Getting
pop quizzes,
started with
chapter reviews,
unit tests
6 Choose Your Assign prompt to Activity 4 - 7
Adventure a variable, Midterm and Final
construct if / else Exams
statements with
operators and use

7 Introductions Understand what Activity 1 – 4

to Functions a function does
in JS and how it works
Practice creating
and debugging
8 Introductions Recognise and Activity 5 – 9
to Functions implement the
in JS return keyword
Recognise and
functions with
more than one
9 Introductions Understand and Activity 10 – 13
to Functions Evaluate Global
in JS and local
Practice functions
with if / else
44 Information and Communication Technology

Lesson Topic Objectives Activities Overall Assessment/ Strand/Grade

1 hour Evaluation Level Indicators/

10 Build “Rock, Plenary activity Activity 1 – 4

Paper, synthesising
Scissors” Module 3:
Introductions to
functions in JS
Understand and
implement Math.
random() method
and use else / if

11 Build “Rock, Create functions Activity 5 – 9

Paper, using multiple if /
Scissors” else statements
Improve game
with the skills
12 Introduction Understand ‘for’ Activity 1 – 4
to ‘For’ loops, how they
Loops are helpful and
the general
Understand how
to initiate, control
and end a for loop
Practice a ‘for’
loop counting

13 Introduction Practice a ‘for’ Activity 5 – 9

to loop counting
‘For’ Loops down
Understand what
an array is and
how to create one

14 Introduction Understand how Activity 9 - 13

to to access an
‘For’ Loops element of an
Practice creating
and accessing all
elements of an
array using a for
15 Search Text Plenary exercise Activity 1 – 7
For Your synthesising
Name Module 5:
Introduction to
‘For’ Loops
Information and Communication Technology 45

Lesson Topic Objectives Activities Overall Assessment/ Strand/Grade

1 hour Evaluation Level Indicators/

Recognise and
implement text
wrapping and
the .push()
method for
Create a
program using
for loops, if
statements and
Extension: Fix

16 Mid-term Review

17 Mid-term Exam

18 Introduction Understand what Activity 1 – 5

to ‘While’ a ‘while loop is
Loops in JS useful for and
general syntax
Recognise infinite
‘while’ loops and
the use of
Compare and
evaluate ‘while’
and ‘for’ loops
19 Introduction Understand and Activity 6 – 11
to ‘While’ implement a do /
Loops in JS while loop
Practice all types
of loops
20 Dragon Plenary activity Activity 1 – 6
Slayer synthesising
Module 7:
Introduction to
‘While’ loops in JS
Create an
interactive game,
implement the
math.floor method
Use a while loop
and multiple if /
else statements
Extension: Improve
game and develop
46 Information and Communication Technology

Lesson Topic Objectives Activities Overall Assessment/ Strand/Grade

1 hour Evaluation Level Indicators/

21 More on Review if / else Activity 1 – 4

Control Flow statements and
in JS for and while
Understand and
implement the
inNaN method
22 More on Understand and Activity 5 – 9
Control Flow implement a
in JS switch statement,
adding cases and
a default
23 More on Understand and Activity 10 – 14
Control Flow implement the
in JS ‘And, ‘Or’, and
‘Not’ logical
operators L5
programming 15
24 Choosing Plenary activity Activity 1 – 6
Your synthesising
Own Module 9: More
adventure 2 on Control Flow in
Understand and
Implement a
switch statement,
if / else
statements and
logical operators
Extension: Add
further cases to
expand game
25 Arrays and Review arrays Activity 1 – 6
Objects in JS and practice
looping through
elements of
Recognise a
two dimensional
and jagged arrays
26 Arrays and Understand what Activity 6 – 12
Objects in JS objects are a
compare the syntax
for the two
notations of
declaring objects
Information and Communication Technology 47

Lesson Topic Objectives Activities Overall Assessment/ Strand/Grade

1 hour Evaluation Level Indicators/

27 Arrays and Practice creating Activity 9 – 17

Objects in JS a heterogeneous
array with an
Practice creating
and editing
28 Contact List Plenary activity Activity 1 – 8
Module 11: Arrays
and Objects in JS
Create objects
within objects with
various types of
29 Contact List Implement a for / Activity 1 – 8
in loop to search
properties of
Recognise and
30 Final Review Final Review

31 Final Review

31 Midterm Examination
48 Information and Communication Technology

Course Description: Information and Communication Technology M3, Semester 2

Creative Project
Subject: : Information and Computer Technology Course Number: COM 20243 Level: M3
Period: 32 hours per semester Academic Credit: 1 Semester: 2nd

The following course outline highlights the activities and objectives displayed lesson-by-lesson. The course is
presented live through a series of presentations and activities designed to walk students through designing a
software product or media product using the software development life cycle, SDLC. Students will learn new
product design skills and improve their ICT skills while working on a project of their choice to encourage
creativity. The project is broken down into 5 parts, the project introduction, analysis, design, implementation,
testing and review which will be documented in the project’s documentation. The project documentation will be
completed during the activities after each presentation. Additional time during classes is given to designing
and implementing the product.

ICT studies also include process of information technologies; communication; the search for data; application
of data and information; solution of problems or creation of work; values and effects of ICT.

Grade Level Indicators (GLI):

OT3.1, GLI M3/1 OT3.1, GLI M3/2 OT3.1, GLI M3/3 OT3.1, GLI M3/4

Total up to 4 Indicators
Information and Communication Technology 49

Course Syllabus: Information and Communication Technology M3, Semester 2

Lesson Topic Objectives Activities Overall Assessment/ Strand/Grade
1 hour Evaluation Level Indicators/

1 Project Intro Understand what Present: Classroom work: OT3.1, GLI M3/1
a project involves Introduce Asking questions;
Think of ideas project monitoring; OT3.1, GLI M3/2
Show examples assessing projects,
from last year Activity: tasks and OT3.1, GLI M3/3
Write ideas assignments, and
other in-class OT3.1, GLI M3/4
2 Discuss ideas Project ideas
with students discussion
3 Discuss ideas Present: Assignments/
with students Choosing a Homework:
Select a suitable project Examining
project, mustn’t homework
be too easy or too Activity:
difficult Choose project Test/Worksheet/Unit
4 Finalize ideas Activity:
Show an example Create a project
pop quizzes,
cover page cover page
chapter reviews,
Create a cover
unit tests
5 Project Understand what Present: Midterm and Final
Analysis an analysis is The Problem Exams
Understand what statement
a problem
statement is Activity:
Define the Write a problem
problem the statement
project is trying
6 Understand how Present:
to analyze the Project Needs
statement and Activity:
deduce the Write the project
project needs needs
Define the needs
of the project
6 Understand what Present:
a requirement is What is
Understand how essential to
to deduce what is meet the need?
essential to meet
the needs, which Create a table
will be the basic with 2 columns,
requirements column 1 enter
Define the needs 1 per row
essentials and column 2
enter essentials
for each need
50 Information and Communication Technology

Lesson Topic Objectives Activities Overall Assessment/ Strand/Grade

1 hour Evaluation Level Indicators/

Define basic

8 Understand how Present:

to search for Researching
similar products similar products
Research similar
products Activity:
Consider whether Research
features are features of
necessary to our similar products
product and consider
whether feature
is necessary

9 Understand how Present:

to decide which Selecting
features are necessary
necessary for our features from
design and which similar products
are not
Understand that Activity:
any necessary Update the
features will be design
added to our requirements
Select necessary
Update the design
10 Project Understand the Present:
Design different tools Designing your
available to help project
wireframing for Activity:
layout, Search
Storyboards for for online design
movies, tools and select
animations, story the correct tool
books for your project
Select the correct
design tools to
11 Project Create designs Design time
Analysis for layout, flow,
storyboards etc.
12 roject Design Create designs Design time
for layout, flow,
storyboards etc.
Information and Communication Technology 51

Lesson Topic Objectives Activities Overall Assessment/ Strand/Grade

1 hour Evaluation Level Indicators/

13 Project Create designs Design time

Design for layout, flow,
storyboards etc.
14 Create designs Design time
for layout, flow,
storyboards etc
15 Mid-term Review

16 Mid-term Exam

17 Project Introduce Present:

Implementation beginning Implement
implementation product
Begin creating
18 Create product Implementation
19 Project Create product Implementation
Implementation time
20 Create product Implementation
21 Create product Implementation
22 Create product Implementation
23 Create product Implementation
24 Create product Implementation
25 Project Create product Implementation
Testing time
26 Understand the Present:
importance of The importance
testing of testing
Create a table to
log bugs / Activity:
problems Create a test log
27 Test product Testing time
Fix bugs /
28 Project Test product Testing time
Review Fix bugs /
29 Understand the Present:
importance of Reviewing your
reviewing project
Review project
52 Information and Communication Technology

Lesson Topic Objectives Activities Overall Assessment/ Strand/Grade

1 hour Evaluation Level Indicators/

questions to
review project

30 Review project Activity:

questions to
review project

31 Final Review

Information and Communication Technology 53
54 Information and Communication Technology

III. Assessment and Evaluation of Students’ Achievement

Overall Assessment

The primary goal of assessment and evaluation is determine whether or not the prescribed learning
standards have been achieved. Information is gathered to help teachers determine students’ strengths
and weaknesses in learning mathematics. The overall assessment also helps teachers to create
instructional approaches to motivate students and in assessing the overall effectiveness of classroom

Assessment or evaluation is the method of gathering information from learning sources including
assignments, projects, classroom participation and tests that correctly depict the student performance.
Overall assessment refers to the quality of judging student performance based on the criteria set for each
level. Students will receive feedback from teachers at the end of each semester in the form of a letter.
Areas of assessment include:

Classroom work:
Asking questions; monitoring; assessing projects, tasks and assignments, and other in-class projects

Examining homework

Test/Worksheet/Unit test:
Worksheets, pop quizzes, chapter reviews, unit tests

Mid-term and Final Examinations

Criteria for Grading System

Semester 1:

Test/Quizzes/Unit Test Seatwork/ Homework Participation Midterm Exam Total (Summative 1)

5 15 5 20 45

Semester 2:

Test/Quizzes/ Unit Test Seatwork/ Homework Participation Final Exam Total (Summative 2)
5 10 5 30 55

Final Grade is computed by adding Summative 1 (Semester 1) and Summative II (Semester 2)

Summative I Summative 2 Final Grade

45 55 100

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