Scally Mpad Pk3 Report
Scally Mpad Pk3 Report
Scally Mpad Pk3 Report
2 Materials
Highway design AutoCAD civil 3D
FEBRUARY Survey works.
GSC casting.
3 Dense bituminous Macadam
MARCH Structure
GMM and bitumen extraction.
A single paver was used to lay the AC layer into an initial thickness of
45mm. This initial paving thickness is check constantly and a sensor adjust
whenever a diversion is found. The speed of paving is controlled at 2 – 4
km/min and a dump truck is used to transport and load the AC mixture into
the paver. The dump truck ismoved forward and backward to facilitate
unifrom loadin height and prevent segregation of mixture. The excess
material is trimmed manually by the use of spade. AC compaction is
effected in three stages: initial compaction follows the spreader closely,
compacting the surfece to reduce temperature loss. A double drum steel is
used, the speed is 3Km/h and the temperature of initial compaction is
controlled at 130-1400c. Compaction again is adopted using the double
steel wheel vibrating roller traveiiing speed being 3 - 5m/h and temperature
controlled at 110 - 1200C. Final compaction is with both steel roller and
rubber roller while temperature controlled at less then 900C.
After the OGL is obtain laying and spreading the sub grade material is done.
The subgrade material consist of two layers with a loss thickness of 175mm
and after compaction of atleast 8 passes to a more stable layer of 150mm.
Compaction was done by a towed vibrating roller. During compaction the
surface of each layer shall be watered to faccilitate the filling of voids. Proof
rolling is done to the compacted section by use of a tipper to check for
heaving of the material.
The backfill of te subgrade materials was done in several layers. This was to
achieve the workability and strength of the sub grade material. After the
OGL the first layer is laid and compacted. The layer is laid at at a thicknes of
180mm and compacted to 175mm and then processing is done. After
processing is done the second layer is laid and compacted. The thickness of
the second layer is the same as that of the first layer. Reinforcing strip that
are embedded between selected backfill material layers which offers shear
resistance. The strips are connected to the back of the concrete panels.
Strips are placed on top of each compacted 750mm layer of select backfill
Protection works
All material are subjected to check before delivert to site. The concrete use
must be tessted for workability by slump test and compressive strenght
testing done in accordance with the BS and AASHTO standards. Mortar is
also tested similar to concrete for compressive strength test. Material for
sub grade are tested for suitability before use by conducting various test
such as grading, proctor compaction, CBR and determination of the
Atterberg limit that’s is liguid limit
Laboratory works
CBR test
Material. Sample preparation takes up most of the time required for testing CBR
samples in the geotechnical laboratory. Materials proposed for the project
are sampled and processed into a series of test specimens in the laboratory.
The specifier of the CBR test may request changes to the dry density of the
specimens. Changing the required number of blow counts will adjust the
dry density. Spacer discs, surcharge weights, and other apparatus to
measure expansion are also necessary. Soaking accounts for adverse
moisture conditions from potential rainfall or flooding, and most CBR tests
use this procedure. In addition to the compaction process, preparation
usually involves soaking each specimen in water for 96 hours before the
penetration test. The soil swell resulting from soaking must be measured
using expansion measuring apparatus and swell plates placed on the
sample before penetration testing. It takes a significant amount of time to
prepare multiple compacted specimens for a single test.
Bitumen extraction test and GMM
Conduct bitumen extraction test (washing the asphalt mix with
solvent to remove bitumen and remain with neat aggregate). Take about
2000g of the mix and determine its weight (m1). Place the sample in a
centrifuge, add solvent to cover the
material, put filter paper on the rim and close the pan. Start the machine
and allow it to rotate until solvent flow
comes to an end. Stop the machine, add solvent and rotate the machine
again (repeat this operation until the solvent coming out is clean). Dry the
washed aggregate in oven to constant weight.
Carry out grading of the aggregate and plot its curve in the
grading limits for comparison with the grading specification. Confirm the
mix properties at the optimum binder content by
preparing three mixes; one at the optimum binder content and
other two at 0.1% lower and higher than the optimum value. Evaluate the
properties of the mixes against the project
specifications and adopt the binder content of the mix that
complies (or adjust the binder and re-run the trial if the
properties do not comply with the project specifications).
We conducted the immersion index test. The test measures effect of water
on the stability of compacted
asphalt mix. The index of retained strength is calculated by
comparing the stability of immersed specimen with the stability of fresh
specimen (cured in air). It is also known as Retained stability.
GCS Casting
The casting of the grade crushed stone on-ramp 3.2 of Km 16.GCS acts as
the sub-base of the road. The crushed stone reduces the stress applied to
the sub-grade layer. Thislayeris below the pavement surface and serves as
the load bearing and strengthening component of the pavement structure.
The filling was done to a thickness of 125mm andwas compacted with a
drum roller. 4 passes were completed.
Penetration after CBR test carried out Compaction of sub grade material A14