Noble & Skirmisher Base Classes
Noble & Skirmisher Base Classes
Noble & Skirmisher Base Classes
N ob l e & S k i r m i s h e r
Alissa Mathiasmeier
Revision Designers:
Jeremiah Zerby, Dayton Johnson, Scott Gladstein
Revision Editors:
Christina Johnson
OGL Compatible: Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
System Reference Document. Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on material by E. Gary Gygax and
Dave Arneson.
Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. Copyright 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason Bulmahn, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams.
Pathfinder is a registered trademark of Paizo Publishing, LLC, and the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatibility Logo are
trademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC, and are used under the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatibility License. See http:// for more information on the compatibility license
Daniel Källgren (Order #30291454)
The DC of this check is equal to 15 + the target’s Hit Dice Teamwork Feat:
+ the target’s Wisdom modifier. The creature must share a At 3rd-level and every odd level thereafter, a noble gains a
language with the noble (or be able to communicate with bonus feat. This feat must be listed as a teamwork feat.
them in another fashion) in order to be affected by this
ability. This provokes an attack of opportunity. Cutting Words (Ex):
Sometimes words sting more than a blade. It doesn’t hurt
Social Bonus Feat: to include the blade, however. A noble of 3rd level or
At 2nd-level and every even level thereafter, a noble higher can cause a stinging wound to hurt even more with
gains a bonus feat from the following list: Alertness, a sour word. Targets that are successfully intimidated
Childlike*, Cosmopolitan*, Charlatan**, Deceitful, Dashing by the noble take additional damage from allies’ attacks.
Scoundrel**, Enforcer*, Expert Linguist**, Femme Fatale**, This morale bonus to damage is equal to 1/2 the noble’s
Lady Killer**, Leadership, Preacher, Public Speaker**, Charisma modifier. An ally may only apply this once per
Stealthy, Skill Focus (any noble class skill), Sociable*, Stone- round to each intimidated creature it attacks.
Faced*, Taunt*, or Vixen**.
Commanding Persona (Ex):
The noble must meet the prerequisites of the selected At 4th-level, a noble can grant any one of her teamwork
bonus feats. For a complete description of these feats see feats to all allies within 30 feet who can see and hear her as
Chapter 5 in the Pathfinder Core Rulebook (or Chapter 3 in a swift action. Allies retain the use of this bonus feat for 3
Pathfinder Advanced Player’s Guide for feats marked with rounds plus 1 round for every 2 levels the noble possesses.
an *. Feats listed with ** are found in the Tome of Ingenuity The noble can use this ability once per day at 4th-level, plus
PDF.) one additional time per day at 9thlevel and every 5 levels
19 th
+9/+4 +6 +6 +11 Talk down 10d6
20 th
+10/+5 +6 +6 +12 A king uncrowned, teamwork feat
Daniel Källgren (Order #30291454)
Tyrannical Shout (Su): Morale Damage
At 14th levels a noble can cause her talk down class feature Every creature has a will to fight. Breaking that will is a
to deal lethal sonic damage rather than morale damage. She skill that few possess. A noble can diminish a creature’s
may only do this a number of times per day equal to her will to fight with his talk down class feature. When a
Charisma modifier. creature is dealt morale damage, record that amount of
damage separately. This damage does not subtract hit
Infectious Persona (Ex): points (in a similar fashion to non-lethal damage). When
At 18th level, a noble has such a firm grasp of rhetoric the amount of morale damage inflicted upon a creature
that any successful Diplomacy, Bluff, or Intimidate checks is equal to or greater than the creature’s remaining hit
against a single target effects all allies of the target with the points, they are forced to yield. A creature defeated in
same skill check DC or lower within 60 ft. A noble can use this way is considered “defeated” for the purposes of
this ability once per day. gaining experience points. The creature is staggered and
will not engage in hostile action towards the noble or his
A King Uncrowned (Su): allies, though it will defend itself if attacked. At the GM’s
At 20th level a noble has a naturally regal air about them discretion, the enemy may flee. If the enemies’ hit points
that is immediately noticeable. This is normally a visual once again rise above the amount of morale damage a
symbol of office or other form of regalia (sometimes divine creature has taken, their will to fight is restored. Morale
or supernatural). The first time in a 24 hour period a target damage is healed using the same rules as nonlethal
is defeated by the noble’s morale damage, that target is damage.Effects that deal morale damage are always mind-
immediately moved two steps towards friendly. affecting abilities. Additionally, morale damage does not
affect creatures of 3 or less Intelligence.
Daniel Källgren (Order #30291454)
The Skirmisher
Creativity is a Way of Life Playing a Skirmisher:
Skirmishers are generally lightly armored fighters assigned A lot of impromptu creativity is involved in playing a
to watch the flanks on large scale battles. They survive by skirmisher and it is only suggested for those who like to
ingenuity and creativity alone. For them, the opportunist ham it up at the gaming table. Its core mechanic is reliant
lifestyle is not a choice, but a necessity. An unexpected on both random chance and a player’s ability to roleplay.
blow or a creative solution to a problem is often the If you are not a player who is motivated by the roleplaying
difference between life and death. aspect of the game, a skirmisher is a poor choice for you.
Daniel Källgren (Order #30291454)
Class Features
The following are the class features of the skirmisher.
A skirmisher is a master of mobile combat. Excessive
baggage hampers them. Many class features of the
skirmisher only function while skirmishing. A character is
considered skirmishing as long as they have moved at least
5 ft., are wearing light or no armor, are not wielding a two-
handed weapon, are not wielding a shield heavier than
a buckler, and are not mounted. Wielding a one-handed
weapon in two hands or two one handed weapons does
not cause a skirmisher to stop benefiting from skirmishing-
dependent class features.
Daniel Källgren (Order #30291454)
Table 2-2: Creativity
Number Resulting Effect Example
1 None (Auto-miss) “Oops…”
2 Your damage is multiplied by your critical multi- “I impale the gnome with my longsword and leave the blade
plier. in him for a moment. Swiftly, I kick the blade deeper with my
riding boots.”
3 For this attack you deal damage as if you were “I mislead the ogre’s swing with a deft step and a parry, guid-
equipped with your opponent’s weapon. For the ing his club into his own head.”
purposes of effects that trigger when equipped,
you are considered to have equipped the weapon
for the duration of your attack.
4 You gain bonus damage equal to your Dexterity “I execute a fencing flick with my rapier to get past his guard
modifier. and place the tip of the blade in his chest.”
5 The opponent must make a Fortitude save to “I sweep my blade low, taking his feet out from under him.”
avoid being knocked prone. The save for this is
DC 10+ skirmisher level.
6 The opponent must make a Fortitude save to “I use my mace to smash in his kidneys. This discovery of a
avoid being sickened for 1 round. The save for new level of pain causes him to lose his lunch and hopefully
this DC 10+ skirmisher level. the will to fight.”
7 This attack bypasses the DR of your target. “I caught some of the holy fire the cleric cast at the demon last
turn on the edge of my blade. Blade alight with holy might, I
sunder the beast and end the fight.”
8 An adjacent ally of your choosing can make a “My strike catches the nearby banner and I distract my oppo-
single attack at their highest BAB against the crea- nent momentarily so Lady Elaine can get a strike in.”
ture you just hit.
9 You gain bonus damage equal to your Intelligence “I take a moment to carefully analyze the opponent’s fighting
modifier. style. When he missed me last turn, I took the opportunity to
set up a surprise blow.”
10 After your attack, you switch places with the “I roll off my opponent’s shield and attack his exposed back.
target of your attack unless they are of at least two In the same fluid motion I kick him from behind to off-balance
size categories larger. him for my friends.”
11 If you successfully hit with this attack, you may “I lay my shoulder into him as I slip my dagger into his stom-
make a free bulrush attempt. ach.”
12 If you successfully hit with this attack, you may “I two-hand my sword and swing with all my might… at the
make a free sunder attempt against one of the tip of his sword. The vibrations resonate in his bones, causing
target’s possessions they have in their hands. extreme levels of pain.”
13 Can’t be rolled. -
14 You may change the damage type of your weapon “I don’t even bother to unsheathe my sword and strike him in
for this attack. It may be changed from blunt/ the head.”
piercing/slashing to blunt/piercing/slashing.
15 Can’t be rolled. -
16 Can’t be rolled. -
17 Can’t be rolled. -
18 Can’t be rolled. -
19 Can’t be rolled. -
20 If you roll a nat. 20 you may keep this number, “…and that gentlemen, is how you remove the heart of a man
but chose one of the effects of an adjacent number. without piercing his ribcage.”
Daniel Källgren (Order #30291454)
Creativity (Ex): making an attack. At 7th level this bonus improves to a
When a skirmisher makes an attack, he has the option to +4 circumstance bonus and every 4 levels thereafter this
do so creatively. Creativity can only be used with standard bonus improves by a further +2. This extra damage is not
attack actions or full attack actions. A skirmisher may multiplied on a critical hit.
use creativity any number of times per day. Employing
creativity is a free action. When employing creativity on In addition, as a full round action a skirmisher can move
an attack you may elect to not take the number rolled on up to his maximum movement speed and attack any
the dice if there are numbers that are lower adjacent to targets within his reach at any point during his movement.
the number you rolled. If you elect to do this, the chosen He is still limited by the normal number of attacks he can
number is the value you are considered to have “rolled” make in a round. A skirmisher must be skirmishing in
for all purposes. Abilities that allow you to re-roll, do not order to do this.
apply with this skill (This is detailed in the section below).
Skirmishing Tactic Feats
If you chose a lower number by this means, you gain A skirmisher has to adapt to survive. He lives by his wits
an additional effect (as described on the chart below). and evolves his tactics as his understanding unfolds. At
Otherwise, resolve the attack normally. If you gain a bonus 2nd level, he gains one of the following bonus feats or
effect, you must describe how your character gains this abilities even if he does not have the normal prerequisites.
bonus effect. It might be something like describing that He still is required to meet any feat prerequisites. He only
you aim for your opponent’s stomach while wielding a benefits from these bonus feats while skirmishing.
light mace to cause them to vomit to gain the “sickened”
bonus. If you fail to describe it adequately, to your GM’s
satisfaction, you do not get the bonus effect. If you fail, you
still have to use the lower number you chose. You may not
use the same description twice during the same encounter
or against the same opponent ever (Mostly concerned with
recurring NPCs). This mechanic is not used for subsequent
rolls (Like confirming a critical). You may only use
creativity on one attack per round.
A skirmisher is ONLY concerned with launching original
and creative attacks. When their focus is shifted to another
discipline, they tend to be unable to QUITE make the same
impact. An ex-skirmisher may use creativity on his attacks
once per day for every 2 levels of skirmisher he possesses
(minimum 1).
Critical Combatant:
At 1st level, a skirmisher gains Critical Focus as a bonus
feat while skirmishing.
Battlefield Mobility:
At 3rd level, a skirmisher gains a +2 circumstance bonus
on damage rolls as long as he moves more than 5 ft. before
Daniel Källgren (Order #30291454)
Bonus Feats with this class feature. Apply this increase after any other
Bleeding Critical (2nd level), Blinding Critical (8th level), multiplicative increases. You can’t apply this bonus on a
Catch Off-Guard (2nd level), Combat Expertise (2nd level), natural weapon, such as a claw. A skirmisher gains this at
Combat Reflexes (2nd level), Crippling Critical (6th level), 5th level and every 5 levels thereafter.
Critical Mastery (10th level), Critical Versatility (2nd
level) (Human only), Deafening Critical (6th level), Death +1 Critical Multiplier:
From Above (2nd level), Dodge (2nd level), Exhausting The critical multiplier on all your attacks is increased by 1.
Critical (8th level), Greater Dirty Trick (6th level), Impaling (A x3 multiplier is increased to a x4 multiplier).
Critical (4th level) (Piercing weapons you have Weapon
Specialization in only), Improved Critical (6th level), How Skirmisher’s “Creativity” Works
Improved Dirty Trick (4th level), Improved Impaling The skirmisher’s most prominent class feature, creativity,
Critical (8th level), Lightning Stance (8th level), Lunge (4th can be a bit daunting for some players. Let’s look at how
level), Mobility (2nd level), Sickening Critical (2nd level), one could use this in an actual combat situation.
Spring Attack (4th level), Staggering Critical (6th level),
Stunning Critical (10th level), Tiring Critical (6th level), Ricardo is a skirmisher who’s locked in combat with a Bone
Wind Stance (6th level) Devil. Ricardo decides to employ a bit of creativity on this
attack and rolls. He rolls a 10 and looks at the numbers
New Tactics adjacent to it (17, 12, and 8).
Heavy Skirmisher
Prerequisites: 2nd level The entry for creativity states that he may choose to not use
You may benefit from skirmishing while in medium armor. the 10 he rolled, if there is an adjacent number that is lower.
Flowing Wind 17 and 12 are not lower than 10, but 8 is! Looking at
Prerequisites: Lightning stance, 10th level the creativity chart Ricardo sees that if he uses an 8, he
Your Wind stance and Lightning Stance feats apply can strike against his enemy’s flat-footed AC instead of
against melee attacks in addition to ranged attacks while his normal AC. (In this case the Bone Devil has 25 AC
skirmishing. normally. Flat-footed, it has only 20 AC.) Ricardo decides
to do it. Now he needs to describe the method in which
Chain Conformation he gains this benefit. He tells his GM, “So my character
Prerequisites: 12th level decides to turn around and expose his back, exposing
Confirming a critical hit grants you a +2 circumstance himself to the bone devil. For a split second, he pretends
bonus on future confirmation rolls until the end of your to be distracted by the pain of the cleric who just got hit.
turn. However, this is a ploy as my character quickly reverses
his sword and attempts to impale the devil when he goes
Critical Threat +1: to attack me!” If the GM accepts this, he gains the benefit of
Traditionalism and predictability are like low hanging his creativity. If he fails to come up with a creative solution,
fruits to the skirmisher. This class feature allows you to Ricardo still has to act as though he rolled the 8 instead of
exploit weaknesses in an opponent’s style, improving the 10!
your ability to deal telling blows. This ability lowers the
threat range of all your weapons by 1. A threat range of 20
becomes 19–20, a threat range of 19–20 becomes 18–20, and
a threat range of 18–20 becomes 17–20. Multiple effects that
increase a weapon’s threat range (such as the keen special
weapon property and the Improved Critical feat) stack
Daniel Källgren (Order #30291454)
The Open Gaming License
12. Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the terms of this
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Author: Jason Bulmahn
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• Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Race Guide. © 2012, Paizo Publishing, LLC;
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• Tome of Ingenuity. © 2011, Little Red Goblin Games, LLC; Author: Scott Gladstein,
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Caleb Aylsworth, and Maverik Bishop
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• Class Rebuilds: Noble & Skirmisher 2014, Little Red Goblin Games LLC, Authors: Scott
Gladstein, Caleb Aylsworth, Maverik Bishop, Jeremiah Zerby, Dayton Johnson
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Daniel Källgren (Order #30291454)