Price of Rebirth (SW)
Price of Rebirth (SW)
Price of Rebirth (SW)
By Omer Golan-Joel
Cover Art Author
Public Domain Art Omer Golan-Joel
Interior Art Editor
Public Domain Art Richard Hazlewood
Interior Design & Layout
Kathy Hazlewood and Omer Golan-Joel
All rights reserved. Reproduction of this work by any means without the written permission of the publisher is expressly forbidden. All significant characters,
names, places, items, art and text herein are copyrighted by Stellagama Publishing. Parts of this game product have been published under the Open Game
Licence. A copy of this licence is shown on the last page of this book. To learn more about the Open Game Licence, please go to This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States. This product is a work of fiction. Any similarity to
actual people, organisations, places or events is purely coincidental.
Swords & Wizardry, S&W, and Mythmere Games are the trademarks of Matthew J. Finch. Stellagama Publishing is not affiliated in any way with Matthew J. Finch or with Mythmere
The Price of Rebirth
Table of Contents
Introduction 3
Required Materials 3
About The Author 4
Critical Injury 5
Defying Death 8
Variant Reincarnation Rules 10
Lichdom 11
Open Game License version 1.0A 14
TABLE 1 – Treating Critical Injury 6
TABLE 2 – Variant raise Dead 8
TABLE 3 – Variant Reincarnation 10
TABLE 4 – Lichdom 12
Swords & Wizardry, S&W, and Mythmere Games are the trademarks of Matthew J. Finch. Stellagama Publishing is not affiliated in
any way with Matthew J. Finch or with Mythmere Games™.
The Price of Rebirth
Death lies in wait for the hapless adventurer in the dark corners of the dungeon, amidst the gnarled trees of
the forest, and even in the halls of mighty kings. Even the strongest adventurer faces a constant threat of
death, as the adventuring profession is not for the timid. According to the default Swords & Wizardry™: White
Box™ rules (S&W 16), characters and creatures die when their Hit Points reach zero (0). In many cases, failing
a Saving Throw might also kill a character or creature. However, not all heroes and villains die so quickly, even
in the absence of powerful magic capable of raising or resurrecting the dead. Instead, this supplement
proposes a possibility for first aid – or even ordinary healing magic – to bring back a character from the brink
of death if applied in a timely fashion. But such lucky escape from the maws of hell is not without
consequences. Wounds severe enough to bring a character to zero Hit Points are not to be taken lightly, and
the character will typically be scarred – or even crippled – by these injuries. Powerful magic, indeed, may
repair a broken body, but even it has limits.
Under the default Swords & Wizardry™: White Box™ rules (S&W 27), a powerful Cleric may raise any dead
character within an allotted time limit without undue consequences. Similarly, a powerful Magic-User may
cause a dead character to reincarnate in a new body (S&W 28), again without negative consequences.
However, in some worlds, the gods will look unfavorably upon such magic which tampers with mortality and
the natural order of things. Therefore, the optional rules included in this supplement allow for circumstances –
ranging from mild to harsh – of the use of such mighty spells: bringing a dead person back will not always be a
great success, and reincarnation will not always bring back a character to their original sex and race.
Finally, a powerful Magic-User – especially of Chaotic alignment – may attempt to transcend mortality and
become a Lich. This is not always successful, and in many case comes at a terrible price. The end result is an
intelligent spell-casting undead creature; great success in this transformation will allow the player to retain
their vile character and play them even in undeath!
Note that all rules presented in this product are optional variant rules, to be used at the Referee's
Required Materials
To get the most from this book you will need at least two dice of various sizes and some pens/pencils and
paper or a computer.
This book requires access to a copy of the Swords & Wizardry™: White Box™ rules by Mythmere Games™.
Page notations in this product refer to those in the First Printing Edition from 22 January 2009, available for
free at the Mythmere Games™ web-page at the following address:
References to Other Books
In this book, references to specific pages in other books and products are shown as the code for the
relevant book followed by the page number, both in italics, thus: S&W x or (S&W x) for Swords & Wizardry™:
White Box™.
The Price of Rebirth
Stellagama Publishing
Stellagama Publishing is a small, independent, international role-playing game publisher focused on older-
school science fiction and fantasy gaming. We publish stuff for Sword & Wizardry: White Box™, the White
Star™ RPG based on it, and for Mongoose® Traveller™, 2nd edition. Our interests are first and foremost to put
forth enjoyable, immediately playable supplements, setting and adventures for these games for the
enjoyment of our fellow players and referees.
The Price of Rebirth
According to the Swords
and Wizardry™: White Box™
rules (S&W 16), a character
dies when their Hit Points
reach zero (0). Here we
present a slightly more
complex alternative, with
more varied results aimed at
adding more variety and
color to your campaign –
and of course allowing
villains to come back and
exact vengeance on the
player characters who have
seemingly slain them many
game sessions ago.
Under this optional rule, a character does not die when they reach zero (0) Hit Points. Instead, the fallen
character hovers at the gates of death – they may or may not be dead, and are possibly mortally injured. Do
not count Hit Points below zero (0), unless the attack which knocked out the character caused more damage
than the character's Constitution score in a single attack after subtracting any remaining Hit Points, in which
case the character is mauled beyond any chance of recovery even by high magic, save for reincarnation. The
character remains unconscious, or maybe dead, until someone tries to heal the fallen character by first aid,
herbalism, or magic. When another character makes this attempt, the stricken character must make a Saving
Throw vs. Death. Note by how much the character has succeeded in this Saving Throw or failed in it, and
consult the table on the next page.
The Price of Rebirth
Bodily Harm
Here we list the effects of the various inflictions caused by rolling on TABLE 1. Note that unless otherwise
noted, ordinary magic cannot heal this kind of damage, but a Ring of Regeneration (S&W 58) will restore the
organs and limbs to normal functioning, and so would a Wish granted by a magic item or a powerful creature.
Brain Damage: The character's brain is impaired. Halve their effective Intelligence score, and they suffer a -
4 penalty to all rolls – Saving Throws included – related to mental abilities and resisting mental powers.
Crippled Leg: The character walks with a marked limp, reducing movement by half (usually to 6).
Lost Arm: The character loses an arm and obviously cannot use two-handed weapons or do any other action
requiring both arms.
The Price of Rebirth
Lost Eye: The character loses an eye and loses depth perception and suffers from reduced visual perception,
leading to a -2 penalty to hit rolls and other rolls related to sight, as well as a -1 penalty to Surprise rolls.
Lost Fingers: The character loses one or more fingers and their grip loses its firmness. The character suffers
a -1 penalty to hit with two handed weapons and a -2 penalty to hit with any weapon held in the stricken
hand. At the Referee's discretion, the character might also suffer other ill effects from losing fingers.
Lost Hearing: The character cannot hear spoken language and other sounds and will suffer related effects at
the Referee's discretion. The character is also Surprised on 1-3 rather than the usual 1-2.
Lost Leg: The character cannot walk and can only crawl. With a crutch costing 5sp, the character can move
at a speed of 2. A peg leg costing 20gp will also allow a speed of 2, but will be less unwieldy than a crutch.
Lost Hand: The character loses one hand and obviously cannot use two-handed weapons or do any other
action requiring both hands. A hook hand costs 25gp and allows basic grapping but little else.
Lost Sight (both eyes): The character is blind. They treat all opponents as invisible (S&W 15) and is
otherwise impaired as a blind person (Referee's discretion applies). The character is also Surprised on a roll of
1-5 on 1d6 rather than the usual 1-2.
Lost Teeth: The character has lost most of their teeth and is unable to chew, has difficulties speaking and an
impaired appearance. Exact effects in the game are left to the Referee.
Scarring, Horrible: The character's face and other obvious parts of their body bear monstrous scars, causing
a -4 penalty to any rolls related to diplomacy or persuasion and a +2 bonus to any roll related to intimidation.
The character is also very easy to recognize.
Scarring, Major: The character bears a major, obvious scar on one of the body parts easily recognized by
onlookers, causing a -2 penalty to any rolls related to diplomacy or persuasion and a +1 bonus to any roll
related to intimidation. The character is also very easy to recognize.
Scarring, Minor: The character bears an obvious but small scar. This makes recognition easier but does not
affect persuasion or intimidation attempts. Cure Wounds II (S&W 21) can remove this kind of scarring.
The Price of Rebirth
Powerful magic – namely the Raise Dead spell (S&W 27) – can bring back characters from the dead.
However, in some worlds, the jealous gods of death loath to give up the precious souls collected by them after
death; in other worlds, the gods see such resurrection as a violation of the natural order of life, death, and
rebirth. For any such setting, or if the Referee wishes to insert an element of risk and horror to such spells in
his world, we suggest the following rules.
When a Raise Dead spell is cast on them, the dead character must make a Saving Throw vs. Death. Note by
how much the character has succeeded in this Saving Throw or failed in it, and consult the following table.
The Price of Rebirth
The Price of Rebirth
The Reincarnation spell (S&W 28) allows a powerful Magic-User to bring back a dead character's soul into a
newly formed body. However, if you wish to make things more varied and somewhat risky in your setting, you
may wish to use the following rules for a more complex version of this spell.
Under these variant rules, a character is reincarnated into a new body – but this may or may not be similar
to their original body. The soul remains the same, but the flesh appears anew – at the whim of the gods. First
and foremost, roll 1d6; on 1-3, the new body is male; on 4-6, it is female. Additionally, while the character
retains their mental and spiritual Ability Scores, they must re-roll the three physical ones – Strength,
Constitution, and Charisma – as they are rolled when creating a new character. Finally, the character must roll
on the following table – based on their alignment – to find out into what kind of creature he or she has
The character retains their memories and personality. Human characters reincarnated into a human body
retain their class and level. When a character reincarnates into a different race, they will retain their level but
change the class to reflect the new race; for example, a human reincarnated into a dwarf will follow the Dwarf
rules (S&W 8). If the character's original level is higher than that of the target race's highest level limit, reduce
the character's level down to that limit. If the character reincarnates into a creature for which there are no
rules in the Swords and Wizardry™: White Box ™ rulebook, the Referee will determine the new race's abilities
and other game features.
Note that the new body is perfectly fresh and healthy – any maladies or lasting injuries caused to the old
body will not appear on the new, pristine one.
The Price of Rebirth
A powerful Magic-User or Elf may
attempt to use dark magic to transcend
mortality and become a Lich (S&W 45). A
level 10 Magic-User or an 8th level
spellcasting Elf – unless playing an Elven
Fighter (S&W 9) – may attempt to perform
this horrid ritual. Lesser Magic-Users and
weaker Elves may not attempt it, and non-
Chaotic characters rarely attempt this
process. To become a Lich, the character
requires complex ritual supplies and unholy
texts costing a total of 30,000gp, as well as
at least a year of eldritch study and
research. Finally, on a moonless night, the
character may attempt this monstrous
ritual. A Lich created by this way – if the
ritual is successful – retains their full
memories and abilities, including
spellcasting abilities, and becomes an
undead creature immune to age, poison,
and disease. They do not need to sleep, eat, or drink – or even breath - but must meditate and pray to dark
gods for 8 hours to regain cast spells. Any character turned into a Lich becomes irrecoverably Chaotic and may
be turned as an undead of their Hit Dice. The Lich also gains a "natural" Armor Class (AC) of 4 (15) and the
ability to paralyze any creature of 4 or less Hit Dice with their touch – no Saving Throw allowed, but their
movement Speed falls to 6. In any case, any character performing this ritual cannot be Raised or Reincarnated
at any point in the future.
When performing the ritual the character must make a Saving Throw vs. Death. Note by how much the
character has succeeded in this Saving Throw or failed in it, and consult the table on the following page.
The Price of Rebirth
Lichdom Effects
Here we list the effects of the various inflictions caused by trying to become a Lich.
Accursed Aura: A curse lies on the character, emanating an aura of Chaos and Death around them. The aura
has a radius of ten miles. Within this area, all life withers and dies: animals leave this area, trees die and rot,
and other plans dry off. Any humanoid creature or character who dies in this area rises on the next dusk as a
Zombie (S&W 51-52), but is not under the Lich's control. And dead humanoid creature or character buried in
this area rises similarly – but as a Skeleton (S&W 49).
Cold and Stench of Death: The character is a corpse and this is obvious to anyone within 30': their flesh rots,
and even if they try to conceal this rot with a hood or other clothing, they emanate uncanny coldness and a
horrid stench of dying flesh, easily recognizable by anyone around them. In addition to their inability to
disguise their new nature, almost no living creature will agree to serve them and all henchmen and hirelings
will desert him at the first opportunity, though at the Referee's discretion, particularly vile monstrous beings
will have no problem accompanying such an undead abomination.
Corpse Rot: The character is a walking corpse and continues to wither away with time, despite the dark
magic keeping them alive. Every month, the character must make a Saving Throw vs. Death. If failed, they will
The Price of Rebirth
die immediately and irrecoverably. If successful, they will suffer a cumulative -1 penalty to all Attack Rolls and
Saving Throws: for example, after three successful months, the character will suffer from a -3 penalty.
Curse, Mild: The gods have cursed the character for their transgression of mortality, though this curse is not
particularly severe. The character suffers from a permanent -1 penalty to all Attack Rolls and Saving Throws.
Curse, Moderate: The gods have cursed the character for their transgression of mortality. The character
suffers from a permanent -2 penalty to all Attack Rolls and Saving Throws. Furthermore, every time the
character attempts to cast a spell, they must make a Saving Throw vs. Magic; if failed, the spell fails and has
no effect, but is removed from the Lich's memory as if it was cast.
Curse, Terrible: The gods have damned the character for their terrible crimes against nature and Lawful
order. The character suffers from a permanent -4 penalty to all Attack Rolls and Saving Throws. Furthermore,
every time the character attempts to cast a spell, they must make a Saving Throw vs. Magic; if failed, the spell
will have the opposite effect from what the Lich has intended: for example, when casting a damaging spell, it
will harm the Lich rather than its intended target.
Insanity: The character loses any vestiges of sanity. While the exact effects of this outside combat are at the
Referee's discretion, we suggest that in combat, the Lich will act as if they are permanently and fully under the
effect of the Confusion spell (S&W 20).
Loss of Flesh: The character's flesh rots and withers away, falling from their body. Within 1d3 days, all that
remains is an undead, sentient, spellcasting skeleton with an evil red spark in each eye. In game terms, this is
indistinguishable from a "regular" Lich, but the Referee may decree on further effects of this state on the
character in addition to his deathly appearance.
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Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
System Reference Document Copyright 2000-2003, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Rich Baker, Andy Collins, David Noonan, Rich
Redman, Bruce R. Cordell, John D. Rateliff, Thomas Reid, James Wyatt, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.Traveller
Swords & Wizardry WhiteBox Rules by Marv Breig, Copyright © 2008-2011 Matthew J. Finch.
White Star: White Box Science Fiction Rolelpaying, Copyright © 2015 Barrel Rider Games; Author James M. Spahn.
Adventurer Conqueror King Copyright 2011, Autarch; Authors Alexander Macris, Tavis Allison, Greg Tito, and Ryan Browning.
Labyrinth LordTM Copyright 2007-2009, Daniel Proctor; Author Daniel Proctor.
Labyrinth Lord™ Advanced Edition Companion Copyright 2010, Daniel Proctor; Author Daniel Proctor.