Dingo2020Ref 1 5
Dingo2020Ref 1 5
Dingo2020Ref 1 5
Introduction........................................................................................... 4
Additional Installation Notes............................................................................ 4
Features............................................................................................................ 5
Overload Protection........................................................................................ 5
Thermal Protection.......................................................................................... 5
Menus............................................................................................................... 5
1.0 BATV Menu..................................................................................... 6
The Regulation Cycle ...................................................................................... 6
1.1 BOST (Boost) ............................................................................................ 6
Returning to Boost state ........................................................................... 6
1.2 Equalise (optional) ..................................................................................... 7
1.3 ABSB (Absorption) .................................................................................... 7
1.4 FLOT (Float) ............................................................................................. 7
2.0 CHRG Menu..................................................................................... 8
CHRG . ............................................................................................................ 8
CINT ............................................................................................................... 8
CEXT .............................................................................................................. 8
Generator Control .......................................................................................... 8
GSET . ....................................................................................................... 9
GMOD ...................................................................................................... 9
GEXD (Generator Exercise)...................................................................... 9
GDEL (Generator changeover delay) ..................................................... 10
Generator Example ................................................................................ 10
3.0 LOAD Menu .................................................................................. 12
LOAD ............................................................................................................ 12
LINT .............................................................................................................. 12
LEXT ............................................................................................................. 12
Low Battery Disconnect (LSET, LOFF, LON, LDEL)...................................... 12
4.0 IN Menu......................................................................................... 13
IN .................................................................................................................. 13
IN/INT . ......................................................................................................... 13
IN/EXT . ........................................................................................................ 13
5.0 OUT Menu..................................................................................... 13
OUT............................................................................................................... 13
OUT/INT ...................................................................................................... 13
OUT/EXT ..................................................................................................... 13
6.0 DATA Menu (Retrieving Performance Data)............................... 14
6.1 & 6.2 VMAX & VMIN . ............................................................................ 14
Rev 1.5 4.02.13 Dingo 2020 Reference Manual
Dingo can be used for system voltages up to 48V.
In most cases, the User Guide provides all the It is safe to connect the power before setting the
information needed for effective installation of system voltage, even with a 48 volt battery.
the Dingo, and there is no need for the user to
read this Reference Manual. Always mount the Dingo vertically with clear
airflow around the bottom and top of the case.
Some users will require further information. This In hot conditions, do not put it in a sealed
manual provides a detailed technical description enclosure, as this will restrict the airflow around
of the operation of the controller. This manual it. Do not install the Dingo in direct sunlight in
assumes more technical knowledge than the User hot conditions.
Please consult section A.4 to determine the
If you are in any doubt, it is recommended you do not performance that can be expected in hot
adjust the advanced settings described in this manual. conditions.
Incorrect adjustment may reduce the effectiveness of
your Dingo and could damage your battery. The Dingo is specified for up to 60°C ambient
temperature. At full power, in high temperature
All voltage values used in this manual assume ambients, the LCD display may occasionally reach
a 12V system. Scale voltages for other system a high enough temperature to become darker and
voltages (e.g. 24V system = voltages x 2, 48V may become unreadable. It will return to normal
system = voltages x 4) when it cools down.
Display V
Charge Controller
Alarm led
High current
Low level
connections Mounting holes
(plug in
uploaded into the controller. Data from the
The Dingo series of solar controllers is controller can be downloaded into the computer
exceptionally versatile. They give the user and displayed easily.
unparalleled capability to adjust the function of the
controller and to monitor the performance of the
Overload Protection
energy system.
The Dingo has overcurrent protection on both
To cater for non technical users, the Dingo has
the load and charge switches.
four preset programs which can be used without
needing to understand the details of its operation. If the user accidently short circuits the load or
For those with a good understanding of solar the charge connections, then the switch will turn
regulation, there is another program, which allows off very quickly before any damage is done to the
all the settings to be adjusted if required. switch.
Once the program has been selected, it is If the user overloads the load switch, then the
possible to disable any further adjustment. This load switch will disconnect after a period of
prevents unauthorised adjustment of settings. time to protect itself from overheating. It will
reconnect automatically once the switch cools
Although the Dingo is primarily a device to control the
charging of batteries from solar electric (photovoltaic) If the charge input is overloaded, then the
panels, it can also be used with other energy sources controller will turn the charge switch off, as
such as wind, microhydro and fuel driven generators. required, to reduce the average charge current
into the Dingo.
The Dingo supports a variety of regulation
methods. It supports slow speed switching and For details see section A.4.
fixed frequency pulse width modulation (PWM)
control in series and shunt modes. Thermal Protection
Low battery voltage load disconnection is The Dingo has a temperature sensor on the
provided, as are an alarm, facility to control the circuit board. The function of this sensor is to
charging of a second battery bank and control for tell the Dingo how hot its own circuit board is
a back up generator. The event controller can so that it can reduce the charge current (the
be used to control lights, pumping, waste energy major heating source) in order to protect against
use and other timer functions. overheating.
A temperature sensor can be added to correct See section A.4 for details of thermal derating
the regulation voltages for battery temperature.
There is an input for measuring external voltages.
A serial interface is provided for accessories The Dingo has a simple main menu. This is
including extra switch blocks, remote current described in the user guide and provides most
sensors and communication with a computer/ the information required for normal use.
Behind each of the main menu screens are sub
Using an external current shunt attached to menus. These are entered by doing a long push
a remote current sensor (DSA) allows the in the main menu. They allow access to more
controller to see other current flows in the information and control of more advanced
system. features.
The Dingo can control larger systems by adding The following pages describe each submenu in
external switch blocks attached to the serial bus. detail.
The DUSB, D232 & DNET interfaces allow
remote monitoring and adjustment. Custom
Dingo 2020 Reference Manual Rev 1.5 4.02.13
The Battery Charge Cycle
The Dingo’s sophisticated regulation system SET Fig. 1A - The BATV Menu Structure
is designed to keep the battery fully charged
without overcharging it.
To achieve this, it uses a charge control process a. Low Battery Voltage
with three main states. These states are Boost, If the battery voltage falls below the boost return
Absorption and Float. It also uses a fourth state voltage BRTN for more than 10 minutes, then
from time to time, called the Equalisation state the Dingo will switch back into the boost state.
(See fig 1B.) The delay is necessary to prevent large short
term loads causing unnecessary returns to Boost.
1.1 BOST (Boost)
In the boost state, all the charge current available b. Programmed boost cycles (optional)
is used to charge the battery. As the battery The Dingo will automatically do a boost cycle
charges, its voltage rises. When the voltage after a set number of days (BFRQ), regardless of
reaches the boost maximum voltage (BMAX) and battery voltage.
remains there for 3 minutes, the controller will
automatically advance to the absorption state and c. Manual boost
then, later, to the float state. The user can manually set the Dingo into the
boost state (or any of the regulation states).
Returning to Boost state
To manually advance to the next state, do a
To get this charge cycle to repeat, the Dingo
long push on BATV. This will show the current
must return to the boost state. There are three
regulator state. (BOST=Boost, EQUL=Equalise,
ways that it can do this.
ABSB=Absorption, or FLOT=Float). A long-
push on that state will manually advance into
the next state. Or, to return to the BATV screen
without changing the state, do a short push.
Battery Voltage
Fig. 1B - The Battery Charge Cycle
Rev 1.5 4.02.13 Dingo 2020 Reference Manual
Note: if ETIM is 0, then the Equalise state will be 1.3 ABSB (Absorption)
bypassed. If ATIM is 0, then the Absorption state
In this state, the Dingo tries to keep the battery
will be bypassed.
voltage constant while the last part of the battery
On the BOST and FLOT displays, the battery charging occurs. This prevents excessive gassing
voltage is shown. On the EQUL and ABSB which occurs at high cell voltages. The Dingo
displays, the time on the equalisation or will keep the battery voltage at the absorption
absorption timer is displayed. When this time voltage ABSV until it has been at this voltage for
reaches the set time (ETIM or ATIM) the Dingo the absorption time ATIM. When the absorption
will advance to the next state. Remember that time is finished, the Dingo advances to the Float
the timers will stop if the voltage falls too far state.
below the set point.
If there is a cloudy period and there is insufficient
charge current to keep the voltage up to ABSV,
1.2 Equalise (optional)
then the absorption timer will stop and resume
Many battery manufacturers recommend that the when the voltage comes back up to ABSV.
battery bank be given an overcharge occasionally.
To allow some margin, the timer actually runs if
This is a deliberate overcharge, designed to
the voltage is above ABSV-HYST. (HYST is the
equalise the voltages and specific gravities of all
hysteresis setting used for slow speed switching
the cells in the bank by bringing them all up to full
-usually about 0.4V)
charge and to stir up the electrolyte in liquid cells
to reduce stratification. 1.4 FLOT (Float)
The Dingo supports an automatic programmed In this state, the battery has been fully charged.
equalisation. This state allows the battery voltage The charge current is now used to keep the
to rise until it gets to the equalisation voltage battery voltage at a level which maintains full
(EMAX) and then remain at this voltage for the charge. This voltage (FLTV) should be below the
set equalisation time (ETIM). This equalisation is gassing voltage to avoid excessive electrolyte
done every EFRQ days. (Typically 30-60 days). loss. If charge is drawn from the battery, the
Equalisation will begin at 9am on the appropriate Dingo will allow charging to resume until the
day. If ETIM is 0, then equalisation will not occur. battery returns to FLTV.
To prevent the controller being trapped in equalise
mode for a long time because there is inadequate
charge current to reach the equalise voltage, the
Dingo terminates equalise after 4 days
Dingo 2020 Reference Manual Rev 1.5 4.02.13
troubleshooting advice.
From the charge screen, a long push displays
CINT (Charge Internal). This is the real-time Generator Control
solar charge current flowing into the SOL+ The Dingo has a comprehensive generator
terminal. (measured in amps.) controller built in. It works in a similar way to the
Low Battery Disconnect function. It is designed
External Charge to give a run or stop signal to an electronic
From the CINT screen, a short push displays start generator. It does not handle the actual
the current reading from any external device generator start-up sequence - this should be
attached which can measure current. If the done by the generator itself.
device is a maximum power point tracker
(MPPT) then this device is shown as MPTx,
modes. The generator mode is selected in the Quiet time applies.
GMOD screen and can be 0-6. 3. Manual start. When started (in the GSET
Quiet time: In modes 0,1 & 2, the generator is screen) the generator will run for GRUN hours.
not allowed to operate from 9pm until 9am so as 4. No quiet time. Turn on when battery
to enforce a ‘quiet time’. voltage falls to G ON for GDEL minutes.
Modes 4-6 are the same as modes 0-2 except Turn off when the voltage rises to GOFF
that there is no quiet time. for GDEL minutes.
5. No quiet time. Turn on when the State
Note - do not confuse the GSET described in Figure
of Charge (SOC%) falls to G ON % of the
2A with the screen of the same name described in
battery capacity. Turn off when the voltage
Section 7.5.2. which sets the G terminal function.
rises to GOFF for GDEL minutes.
GEXD (Generator Exercise) 6. No quiet time. Turn on when SOC % falls
to G ON%. Turn off when SOC% rises to
To prevent the generator from seizing up, it GOFF%.
is good practice to exercise the generator
periodically. The Dingo supports this with an
3. A small amount of overcharge will occur if can block 85V.
battery is already fully charged. Use a low GRUN
For some generators it is possible to connect the
value if this is of concern.
G relay directly to the remote start input on the
generator. The wiring for this is shown in fig 2B.
GDEL (Generator changeover delay)
A programmable delay (in minutes) is used to
prevent false turn on or off of the generator due
to large transient loads. Default setting is 10 min. Fig. 2B - Generator start relay wiring
Generator Example
The generator control provided by the Dingo is G relay switches a larger relay
simple -a contact closure is provided when the
generator should run and the contacts open when
the generator should be stopped. It does not handle
the issues associated with starting such as fuel and
what to do if the generator does not start. This
should be handled by the remote start unit.
Fig. 2C - Generator start wiring with an
intermediate relay.
Dingo 2020 Reference Manual Rev 1.5 4.02.13
discharge, the Dingo has a function which turns
off the load if the battery voltage falls too low.
External Load
If correctly configured, equipment connected to
From the LINT screen, a short push displays the Load+ terminal (the “load”) will be turned
the load current reading from any external off when the battery voltage falls below the
device attached which can measure current. If LOFF voltage for LDEL minutes. Once turned
the device is a maximum power point tracker off, the load will not be reconnected until the
(MPPT) then this device is shown as MPTx, voltage rises above the L ON voltage for LDEL
where x is the device number. Similarly, for minutes. The L ON voltage should be set high
switchblocks the display is SWHx and for shunt enough so that some recharge will have taken
adaptors, SHNx. The device number can be place before reconnection, otherwise the
from 1 to 4 for shunt adaptors and from 1 to disconnection process can oscillate.
12 for MPPT or Switchblocks. To fit the display,
numbers greater than 10 are given letters. So 10 This feature is optional, and can be disabled
is A, 11 is b and 12 is C. either by connecting the user load directly to
the battery, or by setting LOFF low enough so
This list also allows the user to check that the that the low battery disconnect function never
Dingo has found or ‘discovered’ all the external activates.
devices attached to the bus. This discovery
process is automatic. If a device is not on the The LOAD indicator at the bottom of the screen
list and should be, then refer to section 8.4 for is visible when the low battery disconnect
troubleshooting advice. function wants to disconnect the load. (Note
that other settings can override the function, so
the LOAD indicator does not necessarily mean
that power has actually been disconnected
from the load.) When the disconnect timer has
Name Description Range begun to timeout, the alarm led will flash at a 2
LOFF Set voltage at which load 10.0-12.5 V second rate with the led mostly on. If the load
disconnects disconnect function operates, then the alarm led
LON Set voltage at which load 11.0-16.0 V continues flashing but with the led mostly off.
reconnects The Low Battery Disconnect function can also
LDEL Set delay before 0-15 min be toggled manually by a long push when in LSET
switching on/off menu (see Figure 3A).
Rev 1.5 4.02.13 Dingo 2020 Reference Manual
off circuitry anyway. In general, Inverters
should be connected directly to the battery. From the OUT screen, a long push displays INT
(Internal Ah OUT). This is the running total of Ah
used by equipment connected to the regulator’s
4.0 IN Menu LOAD terminal. A long push will clear this total.
The IN screen gives a running total of Amp
hours (Ah), or energy, that has been put into the
From the INT screen, a short push displays any
external load Ah. Long push to clear.
battery during the day (since midnight). This total Note: the net battery Ah is the IN Ah -OUT Ah.
is the sum of Solar Ah collected directly through
the Dingo and any measured external Ah input. The IN and OUT Ah counters are reset each day
at midnight.
From the IN screen, a long push displays INT
(Internal Ah IN). This is the running total of Ah
collected through the SOL terminal over the day BATV Fig. 5A - OUT Menu
(since midnight). A long push will clear the INT CHRG
running total.
From the INT screen, a short push displays any
external Ah contributions. This is the running OUT INT External
total of each external Ah input from MPPT, DATA
Switchblock or current shunt measurements. A Clear Clear
long push will clear a total. SET
Dingo 2020 Reference Manual Rev 1.5 4.02.13
6.0 DATA Menu changed from the ABSB (Absorption) state to the
FLOT (Float) state.
(Retrieving Performance Data)
This time will only be recorded if the regulator
A long-push on DATA, enters the data menu. has done a transition into float that day. A time
This displays performance information for the will not be recorded if the controller did not
current day. reach the float state or stayed in float all day. No
The screens in the DATA menu have the float time displays as a ‘-’.
following meanings:
6.4 SOC (State of Charge Display)
SOC (State Of Charge) should be read as a
VMAX maximum battery voltage since midnight.
percentage estimate of how full the battery is.
VMIN minimum battery voltage since midnight.
This estimate is based on the amp hour balance
FTIM time of day the regulator entered the
counter. The counter keeps a running balance
Float state.
of amp hours in vs amp hours out. The SOC
SOC estimated state of charge of the display shows this balance as a percentage of the
battery based on the amp hours in and battery size. Note that all system currents must
the amp hours out. A very rough ‘fuel be monitored by the regulator and the battery
gauge’ -see below for further details. capacity must be entered by the installer at the
TEMP temperature being sensed by the BCAP setting before SOC will be meaningful.
external temperature sensor (if attached).
SOLV solar panel voltage (open circuit)
HIST entry point for history data. Ah balance counter x 100
SOC (%) =
At midnight, VMAX, VMIN, FTIM, SOC, IN and
OUT are stored in the history data and cleared Over time, a pure amp hour balance counter
from the current day readings. will drift out of line with the real battery state of
charge. To keep the counter better aligned with
6.1 & 6.2 VMAX and VMIN reality, the Dingo automatically makes a number
of corrections:
VMAX and VMIN respond very slowly to changes
in battery voltage. This allows them to ignore 1. When the controller state changes from
short term voltage fluctuations. A long push will boost to absorption, SOC is set to 90% if it
reset the value to the current battery voltage. is <90%. When the controller state changes
from absorption to float, SOC is set to
6.3 FTIM (Float time Display) 100%.
FTIM indicates the time of day that the regulator 2. Charge current is
corrected for loss
due to gassing,
3. A correction for self
LOAD discharge is made
Toggle setting lockout daily (at midnight)
IN ("A" showing means setting adjustable) This is temperature
OUT corrected.
4. A slow correction
is applied where
SET Fig. 6A -The DATA Menu Structure the SOC inferred
Rev 1.5 4.02.13 Dingo 2020 Reference Manual
the energy collected that day
• Peukerts equation can be used to estimate Total Ah OUT for the 24hrs. This is a measure of
the loss in capacity at higher discharge rates. the energy used that day.
Correction based on Peukerts equation is not
done automatically because it does not model VMAX - the maximum battery voltage that day.
discontinuous and variable rate discharge very VMIN -the minimum battery voltage that day,
well and changes with battery age.
FTIM - time of day the controller changed to
float mode. ( ‘-’ if it didn’t)
6.5 TEMP (Display External Battery
SOC. -the state of charge at the end of the day
Temperature and Setting Lockout)
These figures are a very good guide to how well
This screen displays the external battery the solar system is performing. The user can
temperature sensor reading (if attached) or “-” compare the energy collected with the energy
if it’s not. It is also used to adjust Setting Lockout used and get some feedback about the balance
(see figure 6.A). between collection and use.
Dingo 2020 Reference Manual Rev 1.5 4.02.13
These records are available for the past 99 days A long push on each of the screens except EXIT
on the screen of the controller. The controller will move down to the next day or the next day’s
actually keeps records for over one year, but for value. Short pushes move between figures for
practical reasons, these can only be accessed via the same day.
the computer interface. The records are not lost NEXT goes to the next day, BACK goes to the
if the power is disconnected. previous day. The day numbers wrap around
At the start of each day record is the DAY when they reach the end.
screen. This shows which day’s data you are A short push on the EXIT screen will take you
looking at (DAY 1 = yesterday, DAY 2 = the day back to the beginning of that day’s record. A long
before yesterday, etc.) push will exit back to the DATA screen.
For help with navigating through the History,
refer to Fig.6B.
OUT Long push Toggle setting lockout
to adjust (’A’ showing means
DATA settings adjustable)
... ... ... ... ... ... ... DAY 4 DAY 2 DATA
is low (Low Battery Disconnect).
programs, which are set up for generic batteries.
For custom installations, selecting program 4 PROG 3: Use with sealed gel lead acid batteries.
allows the user to adjust each setting individually. The LOAD terminal is set for night lighting, with
low battery disconnect.
If you find you are unable to change your settings, it
PROG 4: Enables customised adjustment of all
may be because the “lockout” setting is activated.
This setting is designed to prevent unwanted
tampering— please see the “Setting Lockout” Installation instructions for programs 0-3 are on
information in section 6.5. pages 8-9 of the User Guide.
Dingo 2020 Reference Manual Rev 1.5 4.02.13
7 ABSV (V)
After TIME, VOLT and PROG, there are entry
points for three further sub menus:
REG Allows the user to customise the
HYST (V) 0.4 regulation settings (see below for details).
BRTN (V) 12.3
MODE Allows the user to adjust other
CLIM (A) 20 configuration options.
BFRQ (Day) 15
EVNT Settings for the event controller.
Rev 1.5 4.02.13 Dingo 2020 Reference Manual
Fig. 7.4A - Regulation Settings (Program 4 only) ATIM Set absorbtion time
FLTV Set float voltage
HYST Set hysteresis
7.4 REG menu (Customising
Regulation Settings) BRTN Set boost return voltage
[PROG=4 only] CLIM Set charge current limit
To adjust the regulation settings, long-push on “SET”, BFRQ Set max days to between boost cycles
short-push to “REG”, and long-push (see fig 7.4A). TCMP Set temp compensation profile
The settings given below are for 12V systems.
For other system voltages the value can be scaled
from this. (eg. for a 24V system, multiply all 7.4.1 HYST (Hysteresis Value)
voltages by 2.)
When not in PWM mode, the Dingo controls
the battery voltage by simply switching the
SET/REG Submenu Summary: charge current on and off. It turns off the charge
Name Description Range current at the relevant voltage set point for the
BMAX Maximum voltage in 13.5-16.5V state (Float, Boost, Equalise, Absorption), and
boost mode allows the charge current to turn back on at a
slightly lower voltage. The gap between the two
EMAX Equalisation voltage 14.0-17.0V
voltages is called hysteresis.
ETIM Equalisation time 0-2.0 hours
EFRQ Number of days between 20-150
equalisation cycles With the Dingo in float mode and slow switching
ABSV Absorption voltage 13.5-15.5V (i.e. not using PWM), the charge current will
be turned on until the battery voltage rises to
ATIM Absorption time 0-4.0 hours
the FLTV value. Once the FLTV value has been
FLTV Float voltage 13.0-15.0V reached, the charge current will be turned off
HYST Hysteresis used when 0.1-1.0V until the battery voltage falls to FLTV – HYST
not in PWM mode (float voltage minus the hysteresis value) at
BRTN Voltage below which 11.0-13.0V which time the charge current will be turned
return to Boost mode on again until the battery reaches FLTV and the
occurs cycle begins again.
CLIM Charge current limit 0.5-20A The larger the hysteresis values, the slower the
BFRQ Maximum number of days 1-20 rate of switching on and off will be.
between boost cycles NOTE: When switching a mechanical relay for
TCMP Selection of temperature 0-8 regulation purposes, the HYST value may need to
compensation profile be increased so that the relay does not wear out
(see below 7.4.3) quickly due to rapid switching.
Dingo 2020 Reference Manual Rev 1.5 4.02.13
rating calculated after the initial drop off. sense profiles is selected. However, if operation
at temperatures below -12oC is common, it
NB. Current limiting is only done for the Dingo.
is better to use the non auto sense profile
It is not done for the external charge switches.
(TCMP=4-7). The auto sense will not detect
sensors colder than -16oC
7.4.3 TCMP
(Temperature compensation) Fig. 7.4.3B shows the temperature compensation
curves for each TCMP setting. Consult the
(Default=0, Adjustable in Program 4 only) battery manufacturer for correct compensation
A temperature sensor is available which allows the for the battery used.
Rev 1.5 4.02.13 Dingo 2020 Reference Manual
Connecting a Temperature
Sensor D
The temperature sensor should B
be connected to the T+ and T-
terminals on the green terminal Neoprene
block (see p37). The sensor
wire with the stripe goes to
the T– terminal and the sensor
wire without the stripe goes to
T+ terminal. The wires may be
extended if necessary without temperature
affecting the accuracy. D sensor
T mounting
Note: The DTB (bolt-on metal
lug) has no electrical connection Battery Battery DT DTB
to metal lug housing, so it can be
connected to either the negative
or positive battery terminal. Fig. 7.4.3A - Attaching a Temperature Sensor to a battery
Diagram Key
2.35 3,7 = Linear
= Gentle Curve
= Steeper Curve
= Limited Linear
Autosense characteristics
2.2 below -16oC
Non-Autosense should be used 1,5
if battery temp likely to go below -12°C
Normalised to 2.25V/cell 0,4
2.05 23°C
-20.00 -10.00 0.00 10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00
-16°C (MIN) Temperature °C
Fig. 7.4.3B - Temperature compensation curves
Dingo 2020 Reference Manual Rev 1.5 4.02.13
screen. PWM Select which terminals
b. Run the backup generator. This also controls use PWM (SOL, LOAD) 0-3
the “GEN” indicator at the bottom of the BCAP Amp hour capacity of
screen. the battery bank 20-20,000Ah
c. Charge a second battery. Indicates when the ALRM Alarm voltage 10.0-18.0V
solar input can be diverted to a 2nd battery. RSET Resets the controller (warm reboot).
d. Battery voltage alarm output. Provides an Clears day data and time
output based on the battery voltage. DFLT Resets Prog 4 settings to Prog 1 settings.
e. Shunt regulation. Gives an output useful for Used to reset factory default settings.
Rev 1.5 4.02.13 Dingo 2020 Reference Manual
# Function Terminal is: # Function Terminal is:
0 Low battery on when function 0 Low battery on when function wants
disconnect wants to disconnect disconnect to disconnect battery
battery 1 Low battery off when function wants
1 Low battery off when function disconnect to disconnect battery
disconnect wants to disconnect 2 Generator on when function wants
(default) battery control (default)
to run generator
2 Generator on when function 3 Generator off when function wants
control wants to run generator control to run generator
3 Generator off when function 4 Event control on when event is on
control wants to run generator 5 Event control off when event is on
4 Event control on when event is on 6 2nd battery on when battery 2
5 Event control off when event is on charge controlshould charge
6 2nd battery on when battery 2 7 2nd battery off when battery 2
charge control should charge charge controlshould charge
7 2nd battery off when battery 2 8 Alarm output on when battery voltage
charge control should charge < alarm setting
8 Alarm output on when battery 9 Alarm output off when battery voltage
voltage < alarm setting < alarm setting
9 Alarm output off when battery 10 Shunt control** off when function wants
voltage < alarm setting to disconnect shunt load
10 Shunt control off when function (ON for regulation)
(Must be selected wants to disconnect 11 Shunt control** on when function wants
for PWM control the shunt load to disconnect shunt load
of the LOAD- (ON for regulation) (OFF for regulation)
** Note: PWM is not available on G Terminal
11 Shunt control on when function
(PWM must not wants to disconnect
be set to 2 or 3)* shunt load (OFF for
* Don’t use LSET=11 with PWM, as design does
not allow inversion of PWM signal.
The LSET setting allows the user to choose If LSET is set to 9, then the load switch would
which function controls the electronic switch turn off when the battery voltage goes below the
connected to the LOAD terminal. The user can ALRM setting. This could be used to turn off a
also select whether that switch is on or off when load to reduce the drain on the battery.
the function is active. (i.e. select normally open
or normally closed)
For example, if LSET is set to 8, then the load The GSET setting allows the user to choose
switch would turn on if the battery voltage is which function controls the general purpose “G”
lower than the alarm voltage setting (ALRM). relay, and whether it is on (closed) or off (open)
This could be used to turn on an alarm light. when the function is active.
Dingo 2020 Reference Manual Rev 1.5 4.02.13
7.5.2 ESET: External switch setup the real battery positive. (If there is significant
The Dingo has a serial bus which allows the voltage drop on the negative side, then take the
user to add external devices to increase the BAT- terminal directly to the battery negative via
control system’s capability. One such device is an a fuse. The fuse need only be rated for the Dingo
electronic switch. This can be used to increase supply current, say 100mA. Take the negative
the charge current being regulated or increase side of the charge current from the array to the
the load current being controlled by the load battery separately via it’s own fuse. The intention
disconnect function. is that the array current does not pass through
the same wire as the Dingo negative supply
The user needs to select which internal function current). See figure 7.5.3A
Rev 1.5 4.02.13 Dingo 2020 Reference Manual
– -
close to Panel(s)
S- B- L- S+ B+ L+ terminals
Battery +
B+ Sense wire
(Connect to Battery
Positive Terminal) (NOTE: Low Current 'B Sense' wires can be significantly smaller than other wires.)
- - - -
2nd 1st BOOST
Battery 1 Battery 2
Solar Solar (Primary) (Secondary)
S- B- L- S+ B+ L+
+ + + +
(Relay shown in non-energised state)
Fig. 7.5.4A - Second Battery Control
7.5.4 BAT2 - Second battery control to drive most relays). The following settings will
also need to be configured:
On many afternoons, there is power available
from the solar panels but it is wasted because PROG=4 allows changing LSET, GSET,
the batteries are already full by then. This power BSET etc
could be used to charge a second or reserve LSET=6 or LSET if using load terminal for relay,
battery bank. The Dingo has a separate single GSET=6 GSET if using the ‘G’ relay to
stage controller for a 2nd battery built into it. switch the changeover relay
This allows the second battery to charge if the BSET=1 ‘B+’ input used for 2nd battery
main battery has reached the float state and the control
voltage on the 2nd battery is below the setting in
the BAT2 screen. The ‘B+’ sense input is wired to the positive
terminal of the second battery and allows voltage
The second battery control function uses a
monitoring of the second battery voltage. This
relay to switch the solar array positive from the
allows the regulator to perform basic single stage
primary battery to the secondary battery.
regulation of the second battery by switching the
NOTE: Second battery control is not suitable relay on or off to connect/disconnect the charge
for use in positive ground systems since it uses source. A second regulator is NOT required.
the B+ sense input and requires the battery
The changeover relay will need to meet the
positive terminals to be separated (i.e not both
following minimum specifications:
connected to the chassis) Use a positive ground
controller in this case. • Correct coil voltage to match the system
voltage, ie. able to handle the maximum
With the negatives of the two batteries joined
battery voltage.
together, the Dingo can read the voltage on the
second battery from the B+ sense input. An • Output contacts rated for DC current.
external switching device such as a changeover • Output contacts rated to handle the
relay will be required to switch the positive of maximum current that the connected panels
the solar panel(s) from the SOL+ terminal of can output.
the Dingo to the positive terminal on the second
battery (see fig 7.5.4A). Note: It is suggested that customers leave some
panels permanently connected to the regulator
Use either the Load terminal or ‘G’ relay for SOL+ input (1st solar) and switch all the other
switching the changeover relay (the ‘G’ relay max panels (2nd solar) across with the relay . This leaves
current is only 300mA, but this should be enough a regulated ‘maintenance’ charge available for the
Rev 1.5 4.02.13 Dingo 2020 Reference Manual
primary battery, and can minimise the amount of cause some ‘ringing’ on turn-off. Keep wiring as
switching required by the relay (which switches over short as possible and panel cable pairs together
each time the primary battery bank voltage falls (cable tie). On long wiring runs at higher voltages,
below FLTV - HYST). The maximum relay switching some damping may be necessary and possibly
rate is one cycle per 30 seconds. A pair of DC some external clamping of transients. With highly
output solid state relays is a good choice here. inductive wiring, the transients may be large
This setup may not be the best use of available enough to damage the FET switch. Consult the
charge current. Consider if it would be better to factory if further information is required.
increase the size of the primary battery bank.
LOAD terminal PWM switching:
7.5.5 PWM and Slow Switching For PWM control to be available on the LOAD
When the Dingo is trying to keep the battery terminal, LSET must be set for Function 10
voltage constant, it does this by turning the (Shunt Control).
charge current on or off as required. It can do DO NOT set LSET to Function 11 (Inverted
this quickly or slowly. Shunt Control) if using PWM on load
terminal—see the LSET table.
PWM (fast switching):
PWM should only be enabled on the LOAD
terminal (PWM = 2 or 3) if the LOAD terminal
SET/MODE/PWM: [PROG= 4 Only] is being used to directly switch a dump load (no
Selection Function
0 No PWM used An exception to this is when the LOAD terminal
is driving a solid state ‘electronic’ relay (non-
1 PWM on SOL terminal only
mechanical), as these can usually switch at the
2 PWM on LOAD terminal only PWM speed (58 Hz).
3 PWM on both
NOTE: PWM is not available on the G relay.
In the fast switching mode, the Dingo uses Slow Switching (non PWM):
pulse width modulation (PWM) at 58Hz. It is
recommended that PWM control be used unless In slow switching (non PWM) mode, the Dingo
there is good reason not to, as it provides a controls the battery voltage by slowly switching
smoother control and faster charging. the charge current on and off. It turns the
charge current OFF at the voltage set point for
PWM may generate some audio or radio the relevant charge state, and turns the charge
frequency interference. If you experience noise on current back ON at a slightly lower voltage.
electronic equipment (for example AM radio), you
could try selecting SET/MODE/PWM = 0 (slow The gap between these two voltages is called
switching only, option available when PROG=4). If hysteresis and is adjustable (HYST). The larger
this does not fix the problem, it’s unlikely that the the hysteresis value, the slower the rate of
switching on and off.
noise is generated by the Dingo.
HINT: Increase the Hysteresis value if using shunt
The radio frequency interference from the Dingo control with a mechanical relay so the relay
has been tested in PWM mode and found to be switches less often.
very low. It is at least 15dB below the domestic limit
for European CE, American FCC and Australian In the slow switching mode, the regulator limits
EMI compliance standards. the maximum switching speed to 0.25 seconds
between changes. This virtually eliminates any
NOTE: More care must be taken at higher system audio or radio frequency interference.
voltages (particularly 48V) because the inductance
of the wiring to the photovoltaic panels can
Dingo 2020 Reference Manual Rev 1.5 4.02.13
Reset (RSET)
Example - Battery Low Alarm Output A long-push on RSET will reset the Dingo’s
microcontroller (it’s brain). This has the same
effect as disconnecting the power to the
controller except that it can be done without
removing a wire. It is a ‘warm reboot’.
Reset has the effect of clearing the day’s
S- B- L- S+ B+ L+ Performance Data and setting the clock to 10:00
7.6 EVNT Menu (Event Control) LSET setting. For the G relay use the GSET
setting. Also, the event control can be assigned
The event controller allows something to happen
to one or more of the external switch blocks
when a set of conditions is met. There are many
connected to the bus by using the ESET settings.
applications for this feature, such as:
These settings are described in Section 7.5.
• Turning on a light at night
Step 3 - Set the STRT condition.
• Using ‘waste’ energy pumping water in the The Dingo must be told what signifies the start of
afternoon if the Dingo is in the float state the event. Move to the EVNT menu, as shown in
• Sensor operated timed lighting at night Figure 7.6A. A long-push on EVNT will move to
the STRT setting. STRT uses the following table
• Turning on sprinklers for an hour if it’s over a
to determine what will start the event:
certain temperature
After setting the STRT value, a short-push will
Using the Event Controller move you to the setting, which goes with that
STRT value. For example, if you set STRT to “3”,
Step 1 - Select PROG 4 you will see SOLV. Whenever the solar panel
In Programs 0-3 the event controller is set up to voltage drops below the value you set in SOLV,
do a night light function. This function is available the “event” will start if the other conditions
on the load terminal in programs 2 &3 and on an permit.
external switch. For users who wish to use the If the start condition is to be ignored, then select
event controller in a different way, Program 4 STRT=0 so that the start condition is always
must be selected. active.
Step 2 - Set LSET, GSET or ESET Note: A start occurs when the start condition
changes from inactive to active and the EMOD
It is necessary to tell the Dingo which output
&TMOD conditions are active. Further starts are
switch will be controlled by the Event Controller.
blocked while the start condition remains active.
For the LOAD terminal this is done using the
When the start condition goes inactive it clears the
block. This prevents an event being immediately
Fig. 7.6A - Event Control Menu [PROG = 4 only] retriggered when it finishes.
STOP Set what stops Event
(Setting) Set value which goes with STOP
EMOD Set second condition for Event
TMOD Set third condition for Event
(Setting) Set value which goes with TMOD
EOFF / EON View current state of Event Controller
Dingo 2020 Reference Manual Rev 1.5 4.02.13
14 Stop after a set run time RUN
then VEXT can be measured by a bus accessory,
**Note: “PB” means a push-button switch. If you 15 Stop after a set run time RUN
wish to use this option, you can wire a switch or (0.0-24.0h)
other contact closure device between the B+ sense
terminal (green terminal block) and the BAT+ #Note: After up to 1 min delay.
terminal, and select BSET = 2. *Note: “VEXT” has the same meanings as in the
STRT table.
**Note: “PB” has the same meanings as in the
STRT table.
Rev 1.5 4.02.13 Dingo 2020 Reference Manual
For the combinations (start=1 and stop=1) or For settings 0 to 7, the low battery disconnect
(START=1,6-11 and TMOD=8) then events can (LBD) function will override the EMOD
be active in a time period crossing midnight. If condition and make EMOD inactive if the load
the stop time (or TMOD=8 setting) is less than should be disconnected. This makes it possible to
the start time, then the controller assumes that disable an event if the battery voltage is too low.
the stop time is on the next day. Settings 8-15 are the same as 0-7 but without the
If the stop condition is to be ignored, select LBD overide.
STOP=0 (stop condition is never active.)
SET/EVNT/TMOD Selection Summary
NOTE: an event will not start if the stop condition
is active when the start condition becomes active. The TMOD setting provides an extra adjustable
In other words, stop has priority over start. test condition
TMOD TMOD is active when Value
Step 5 to set
Next, short-pushes bring the EMOD setting and 0 Always active None
then the TMOD setting. These settings can be (TMOD irrelevant)
used to set more conditions, which must be true 1 temperature > setting TEMP
for the event to be active. 2 temperature < setting TEMP
For example, the EMOD setting could be used 3 battery voltage > setting VBAT
to ensure the light only turns on if the Dingo is in 4 battery voltage < setting VBAT
the Float state (EMOD=1).
5 *VEXT > setting VEXT
If additional conditions are not needed, they 6 *VEXT < setting VEXT
can be set to zero and they will be disregarded
7 Time > setting TIME
(always active).
8 Time < setting TIME
SET/EVNT/EMOD Selection Summary * Note: VEXT depends on the setting of BSET.
EMOD EMOD is active when: LBD If BSET=2, then VEXT is the voltage on the B+
0 Always active Y sense terminal. (This voltage is relative to the BAT+
(EMOD condition is irrelevant) terminal in the negative direction [max 27V]).
1 Dingo is in Float mode Y If BSET is less than 2, then VEXT is an external
2 It’s night Y voltage read by a bus accessory.
3 It’s day Y After setting the TMOD value, a short-push will
4 The external D* input is active Y move to the associated setting, as for STRT and
5 Dingo is in Float and it’s night Y STOP.
6 Dingo is in Float and it’s day Y Step 6
7 In Float & external D* active Y Finally, a short-push displays a screen, which
8 Always active N shows the current state of each of the conditions,
and whether the “event” is currently active.
9 Dingo is in Float mode N
10 It’s night N If the “event” is inactive, then to turn it on all
three conditions (STRT, EMOD and TMOD)
11 It’s day N
must become active (i.e. show as “1”).
12 The external D* input is active N
When the “event“ is active, if the STOP condition
13 Float and it’s night N
takes place or the TMOD or EMOD condition
14 Float and it’s day N goes inactive (ie “0“), then the event will turn off.
15 Float & external D* active N
If the display shows “E ON” then the “event”
*Note ‘External D’ will come from a bus accessory is currently active. If it shows “EOFF” then the
Dingo 2020 Reference Manual Rev 1.5 4.02.13
“event” is currently not active, but will become condition will always be on, and the STOP
active when all of the preset conditions are met. condition will never happen.
The numeric figure shows the state of each of In practice, the EMOD condition will determine
these conditions. whether the event is on or off. Because it is set
The first digit shows the status of the STRT and to 2, it will be on at night. If a light is wired to the
STOP conditions. If the event is off (EOFF), the LOAD terminal and LSET=4, then the light will
first digit shows the state of the STRT condition turn on at night. (The light would also turn off
(0 = inactive, 1 = active). If the event is on (E if the battery voltage drops low enough for the
ON) the first digit shows the state of the STOP LBD function to operate)
condition. In the example, above, this figure will
be “0” during the day (i.e. STRT condition is 2. Pushing a button turns a light on at night
inactive), then “1” at dusk when the solar panel for 10 minutes:
voltage drops to the pre-set SOLV value. If the STRT TIME STOP RUN EMOD TMOD
battery was fully charged, the event will start,
the display will change to “E ON” and the first 6 0 14 10 2 0
digit will flick back to “0” to show that the STOP If a momentary ON push-button is wired
condition is inactive. If the battery was not fully up between B+sense and BAT+, the STRT
charged, the event will not start, the display will condition will turn on with the push-button input
stay on “EOFF”, and the first digit will remain (the time will always be greater than 0). It will
on “1” until either the Dingo enters the Float stop after 10 minutes due to the STOP and RUN
state (when the event will start), or 11pm comes settings. EMOD=2 makes sure that this will only
(when it will flick to 0 until next evening). happen at night - during the day, pressing the
The second digit shows the state of the EMOD push-button will have no effect. Note: The user
condition. In the example above, this digit will be also needs to set BSET=2 & LSET or GSET=4
“1” when the battery is in the Float state, and “0”
if it is in the Boost, Equalise or Absorption states. 3. Pump water if battery is fully charged until
tank is full (i.e. switch in tank turns off):
The third digit shows the state of the TMOD
condition. In the example above, TMOD was not STRT STOP TIME EMOD TMOD
used, and this digit will always be “1”. 0 7 0 1 0
7 Examples:
1. To turn a light on all night
The STRT condition is always true. The STOP
condition becomes true when a float switch in
the tank (wired between the Dingo’s BAT+ and
B+ sense terminals) switches off (open), i.e. the
STRT STOP EMOD TMOD tank is full.
0 0 2 0
To add the ‘fully charged condition’, EMOD is
The first two conditions have the effect of set to 1. This requires the controller to be in the
making STRT and STOP irrelevant. The STRT
Rev 1.5 4.02.13 Dingo 2020 Reference Manual
float condition (i.e. almost fully charged) before both the charge and load displays. In the case of
the EMOD condition will become active. an external generator, the charge display would
When the Dingo enters Float state, EMOD will show the generator current and the load display
become active and, as STRT is always true and would always be zero. In the case of an inverter/
TMOD is always true, the pumping will start if charger, the current could either be in either
the tank is not full. . direction and either the load or charge will be
non zero depending on direction.
Note: BSET=2, LSET or GSET=4
8.2 Controlling external switches
4. Water garden for 5 minutes every 100
An external switch device must be controlled by
min from 2pm until nightfall
something. The Dingo allows each switch to be
STRT RATE STOP RUN EMOD TMOD TIME controlled by one of these four internal functions.
14 100 14 5 3 7 14.0 1. The battery charge controller
2. Low voltage load disconnect
The STRT condition is true every 100 minutes, 3. Alarm
i.e. repeated start at 100 minute intervals. The 4. Event Control
STOP condition causes the event to run for only If the external switch is a maximum power point
5 minutes after each event start. This cycle will tracker, then it is only controlled by the charge
continue while it is daytime (EMOD = 3) and it is controller. The charge controller sends the
after 2pm (TMOD = 7, TIME = 14.0). MPPT the target voltage and the current battery
Note: LSET or GSET = 4 and BSET=0. voltage. The MPPT then tries to achieve the
desired target voltage.
Selection of control for on/off switches is done
8.0 Setting up a Larger System in the SET/MODE/ESET menu (see section
7.5.3). It is necessary to set the control for each
The Dingo can become a controller for a larger external switch attached. Because it is sometimes
system. By adding switching stages larger charge necessary for the switch to work in the opposite
and load currents can be controlled. sense to normal, it is possible to select the
Up to 12 external switch devices can inverse of each control. (e.g. for shunt regulation)
be controlled. These attach to the serial The switches are numbered 1 to 9 then A, B and
communication port. This is a balanced 2 wire C.
(RS485) bus running a communication protocol
compatible with Modbus systems. When a switch is being controlled by the charge
controller it is turned on or off to try to maintain
As well, up to 4 external current sensors can be the controllers target voltage. The controller
added to allow measurements from other charge tries to reduce the amount of switching to a
sources or loads to be included in the total minimum to reduce any electrical interference
system measurements. This might be a backup caused by switching.
generator or an inverter.
8.3 Connecting external devices
8.1 Reading ‘External’ information
Each device connected to the controller must be
The charge or load currents from devices discovered by the controller and given a number.
plugged into the bus are called ‘external’ or EXT
for short. They appear in the charge, load, IN and There are two ways to do this. Each device
OUT displays after the internal (i.e. actually going will have a means to set its own number. Each
through the Dingo) readings. Because the current device must have its own number and no two
from an external device might be in either the numbers can be the same. When connected, the
charge (into the battery) or load (out of the device will display information or be controlled
battery) direction, the external devices appear in according to that number.
Dingo 2020 Reference Manual Rev 1.5 4.02.13
- - - - -
Solar Solar Solar Load +
1 2 3 1
+ + + + Shunt
External Computer
S- B- L- S+ B+ L+ Switch Switch Switch Current
1 2 3 Sensor
- +
Fig. 8.1 Example of a larger system
It is also possible to have the controller discover adaptor for single socket devices.
each device and assign it a number based on the
device’s serial number. The lowest serial number 8.4 Troubleshooting
will be given the lowest device number. The next If a current measuring device does not appear
lowest serial number will be given the 2nd lowest in the external list of devices then check the
device number and so on until all devices have a following things:
number. This ‘plug and play’ system is selected by
choosing the auto option on the external device a. If the device address selection is set to manual,
(if it is available). check that two devices are not assigned to the
same address number.
The connection of external devices to the serial
bus is done with phone cable with modular plugs. b. Check the cabling to the device. If the cable
These are 6P4C plugs (sometimes called RJ12). has a plug on it that is the wrong way round, then
These loop through each device, either using it will not communicate.
the two sockets on the device or using a double c. The discovery process can take a few minutes
if a new device is added while the system is
Rev 1.5 4.02.13 Dingo 2020 Reference Manual
A.3 The Alarm Led load current, the time that it has been hot, the
battery voltage and the number of external
The alarm led is used to indicate a number of
devices attached to the serial bus.. For example,
different conditions. The states are
it takes about 1 hour for the Dingo internal
on, not flashing battery voltage<alarm temperature to reach equilibrium under fully
voltage loaded conditions. It is difficult to construct a
slow flash, mostly on low battery disconnect in simple derating table because of these factors.
progress The following information is a guide to what sort
of performance can be expected in a number of
slow flash, mostly off load disconnected situations.
fast flash reversed solar connection 1. 20A Charge current, 0A Load current, 12V
indication on the test battery, No external devices
The controller may operate at full current up to
an ambient of 60oC (140oF)
A.4 Current limits & thermal derating
2. 20A Charge current, 20A Load current, 48V
Current limits/short circuit protection battery, 10 external devices
The charge input has a current limit which acts to The controller can operate at full current up to
protect the Dingo from excessive charge current an ambient of 50oC (122oF)
and can be used to protect small batteries from
If the ambient temperature is a few degrees
excessive charge rates. This is fixed at 20A for
above this, it can take an hour or more from cold
programs 0-3 and is adjustable in program 4 at
before the Dingo will begin to limit the charge
the SET/REG/CLIM screen.
There is also short circuit protection. If the
3. Calculate the limit
current out from the terminal exceeds 37A,
then the charge switch is turned off. When this It is possible to estimate the onset of limiting
disconnection occurs, the boost annunciator will from the following approximate formula.
start flashing. It can be reset by a long push in the Maximum ambient temperature (in oC)
SOLV screen
Tmax= 71-0.028.(charge current)2 -0.016.(load
The load output has a current limit. This acts current )2 -0.004.Vbat.(Ne+5) .
to protect the Dingo from overheating due
to excessive load current. If the load current Where currents are in amps, temperature in oC
exceeds 30A for the load disconnect delay time and Ne is the number of external devices.
(LDEL) then the load will disconnect. Valid for Tamb 45-60oC. Limiting may occur for
As well as this current limit, there is load at temperatures >Tmax.
short circuit protection. If the load current
exceeds about 110A, the load switch is turned
off immediately. If this occurs, the LOAD A.5 Block Diagram
annunciator will start flashing. It can be reset by a
This Dingo Controller is designed for common
long push in the LOAD/LINT/LSET screen
negative installations (i.e. solar and load circuits are
Thermal derating switched on the positive side).
The Dingo has an internal temperature sensor It has a reverse blocking mosfet switch between
which acts to protect it from overheating. The the SOL+ terminal and the BAT+ terminal and
charge current is reduced to limit the internal a mosfet switch between the LOAD+ terminal
temperature. The ability of the Dingo to operate and the BAT+ terminal. There is also an optically
without reducing the charge current depends isolated low current bi-directional mosfet switch
on five factors - the ambient temperature, the between the ‘G’ terminals.
Rev 1.5 4.02.13 Dingo 2020 Reference Manual
S- B- L- S+ B+ L+
Test terminal
Serial Port
B+ Sense
‘G’ Terminals
‘G’ Terminals
Sensor T+
Temperature T-
Dingo 2020 Reference Manual Rev 1.5 4.02.13
Dimensions: Limitations
Width 137mm (5.4”) 1. We reserve the right to repair or replace. The
decision to replace is only to be made by us or
Heigth 121mm (4.8”) one of our authorised agents.
Depth 45mm (1.8”) 2. We are not responsible for costs incured by
Mounting hole spacing 116mm (4.6”) the user or installer in retrieving or reinstating a
Mounting hole size 5mm (3/16”) faulty unit.
3. We will not pay the cost of freighting faulty
units to us or being returned from us.
4. We are not resposible for damage to other
devices or property which may have occured due
to the failure of a unit.
5. While care has been taken to protect the
device against lightning strikes, we will not honor
the guarantee in respect of lightning damage.
121mm S- B- L- S+ B+ L+
A 116mm
Rev 1.5 4.02.13 Dingo 2020 Reference Manual
GSET Toggle function status on/off Note: GSET will not toggle if clock is
GRUN Set length of generator exercise between 9pm -> 9am (Quiet
View/change # of days since last exercise
(or run time if generator running)
3. LOAD LINT External LSET Toggle low battery disconnect status on/off
4. IN INT External
Clear Clear
Clear Clear
Toggle setting lockout
('A' showing means
current BATV
settings adjustable) DAY 3 DAY 1 DATA
time battery program battery
voltage capacity DAY1 DAY98 DATA
Dingo 2020 Reference Manual Rev 1.5 4.02.13
3. LOAD LINT External LSET Toggle low battery disconnect status on/off
LOFF Set voltage at which load disconnects
L ON Set voltage at which load reconnects
LDEL Set delay before switching
4. IN INT External
Clear Clear
Clear Clear
Toggle setting lockout
('A' showing means
current BATV
settings adjustable) DAY 3 DAY 1 DATA
time battery program
voltage DAY1 DAY98 DATA
FLTV Set float voltage RSET Reset system (losing today's data and time) STOP Set what stops Event
HYST Set hysteresis (Setting) Set value which goes with STOP
DFLT Return settings to factory defaults
BRTN Set boost return voltage EMOD Set second condition for Event
CLIM Set charge current limit TMOD Set third condition for Event
* ESET Submenu not shown for clarity
BFRQ Set max days to between boost cycles (Setting) Set value which goes with TMOD
See section 7.5.2
TCMP Set temp compensation profile EOFF / EON View current state of Event Controller
Rev 1.5 4.02.13 Dingo 2020 Reference Manual
Temperature Sensor fitted? BFRQ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A b C
Dingo 2020 Reference Manual Rev 1.5 4.02.13
History Data
The following is the first 30 days of data stored each day in the history section of the DATA menu.
1 (yesterday)
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