Split - 2024 06 30 121931 - 16
Split - 2024 06 30 121931 - 16
Split - 2024 06 30 121931 - 16
A DV E R B S 83
Forming Adverbs from Adjectives
I. Most adverbs are formed by adding ly to an adjective.
skillful + ly = skillfully
brave + ly = bravely
In some cases, however, as in II and III that follow, we must make a change in the
adjective before adding ly.
wise wisely
lazy lazily
1. courageous
2. fierce
3. final
4. economic
5. annual
6. steady
7. favorable
8. scientific
84 PA R T S O F S P E E C H
9. possible
10. comfortable
definitely definite
ably able
1. gradually
2. unluckily
3. unfortunately
4. basically
5. simply
Composition Hint
Adverbs can often help us express ourselves more concisely. Compare the following:
EXERCISE 3. Express the following thoughts more concisely. Hint: Change the ital-
icized expression to an adverb ending in ly.
A DV E R B S 85
2. Under usual circumstances, the school bus is on time.
I. A word is not an adverb just because it ends in ly. To tell whether or not a partic-
ular word is an adverb, we must see how that word is used in its sentence.
Question 1: Is weekly an adverb in this sentence?
1. The workers receive a weekly salary.
Answer: No.
Reason: Weekly modifies the noun salary. A word that modifies a noun is an
adjective. Therefore, weekly, in sentence 1, is an adjective.
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Answer: Yes.
Reason: Weekly modifies the verb are paid. A word that modifies a verb is an
adverb. Therefore, in sentence 2, weekly is an adverb.
II. Some words that do not end in ly—for example, long and fast—can be adverbs or
adjectives. Again, we must see how such words are used in their sentences before
saying that they are adverbs or adjectives.
Question 1: Is long an adverb in this sentence?
1. Did you wait long?
Answer: Yes.
Reason: Long modifies the verb did wait. A word that modifies a verb is an
adverb. Therefore, in sentence 1, long is an adverb.
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EXERCISE 2. Indicate whether the italicized word is an adverb or an adjective, and
tell what it modifies.
Summary: Do not jump to the conclusion that a word is an adverb because it ends
in ly, or that a word is not an adverb because it does not end in ly.
To tell whether a word is an adverb, or an adjective, or any other part
of speech, look at the way the word is used in its sentence.
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