Ying Zhang, Jianming Zhang, Yonglai Lu, Yongxin Duan, Shouke Yan,* and
Deyan Shen*
State Key Laboratory of Polymer Physics & Chemistry, Joint Laboratory of Polymer Science &
Material, Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100080,
People’s Republic of China
ABSTRACT: By using the in-situ reflection-absorption infrared technique, the glass transition temper-
atures of poly(ethylene terephthalate) thin films were determined by detecting the abrupt change in the
absorbance ratio of two comparable bands at 1340 cm-1 (trans conformation) and 1370 cm-1 (gauche
conformation) during heating. It was found that the Tg of thin PET films reduces with respect to that of
bulk sample and has a great dependence on the film thickness. The conformational energy difference
(∆E) between trans and gauche states of each film was also calculated. The results indicate that the
thickness dependence of calculated ∆E is nearly consistent with that of Tg measured. Furthermore, the
relaxation behavior of the PET chains in thin films prepared by spin-coating and the influence of annealing
on the Tg measured were also investigated.
trans conformer is nearly 10%18-22 (see the section “Relaxation the temperature region of glass transition, the con-
Behavior of Spin-Cast Thin PET Films during Annealing”). former transition from gauche (1370 cm-1) to trans
Thickness Determination. Thickness measurement of (1340 cm-1) will take place. Abrupt changes that marks
thin films was performed with a NanoScope A MultiMode Tg in the absorbance ratio of 1340 and 1370 cm-1 bands
atomic force microscope (AFM) (Digital Instrument) in tapping have been found during glass transition for bulk PET.18,34
mode. The film thickness was determined by AFM height Considering that FTIR provides us the information
profile after partially removing the thin film from the glass
about different submolecular and segmental constitu-
wafers. The thicknesses of gold film and PET-gold film were
measured. They were defined as the distance between the glass ents of polymeric systems, it is reasonable for applying
surface and the average of all height values taken in a line A1340/A1370 to determine the Tg of thin PET films. In this
scan across the sample surface.23 To minimize the experimen- work, we make an effort to determine the glass transi-
tal errors, several height profiles taken from different locations tion temperature of PET thin films using the above-
of one sample were averaged. Then the thickness of PET thin mentioned method. Before the Tg measurements, an
film was acquired by subtracting the gold film thickness from investigation on the relaxation process of the spin-cast
that of PET-gold film. Considering the absorbance of RAIR films by RAIR was carried out, in which the bands 1340
spectra increase almost linearly with thickness for thin films and 1370 cm-1 were also used. This will be discussed
having thickness less than about 400 nm,24 most of the film
in the following section.
thicknesses were deduced by comparing their intensities of the
1410 cm-1 band in IR spectra, which is related to thickness Relaxation Behavior of Spin-Cast Thin PET
variations,25 with that of several AFM-measured thicknesses Films during Annealing. For glassy thin polymer
of the films. films, a possible cause for the anomalous behavior may
Reflection-Absorption FTIR Measurement. Reflec- originate from sample preparation. The widely used
tion-absorption FTIR spectra in the region of 400-4000 cm-1 process of spin-coating can potentially produce samples
were collected with a Bruker EQUINOX 55 FT-IR spectrom- that are far from equilibrium. Although in most studies
eter equipped with a MCT detector. The measurements were the used thin films have been annealed above the bulk
obtained by an average of 32 scans and a resolution of 4 cm-1. glass transition to remove residual solvent and relax
The incidence angle is fixed at 83° for getting the best signal
internal stresses, it is not clear whether this represents
recording. The polarization of the incoming beam was parallel
to the plane of incidence (p-polarized). A homemade heating sufficient annealing. Therefore, in this work, in-situ
stage was used to assist obtaining the in-situ FTIR spectra in RAIR measurement during annealing of thin PET films
the temperature range from ambient temperature to100 °C. with different thickness prepared by spin-coating was
Accuracy of temperature was controlled to be (0.3 °C. carried out, from which a thorough understanding on
the relaxation behavior of the thin films during anneal-
ing and its dependence on film thickness may be
Results and Discussion
obtained. Since the glass transition temperature of PET
is 74.5 °C (DSC, 20 K/min)35 and PET tends to crystal-
The polymer transition in different temperature
lize at temperature above 100 °C, we chose 85 °C as
reflects a certain type of segmental motion. This motion
can result in the changes of partial molecular conforma- the annealing temperature.
tion and relevant intramolecular and intermolecular Figure 1a shows the FTIR spectra of 1340 and 1370
interactions (e.g., dipole-dipole effect, hydrogen bond cm-1 bands for a PET film of about 71 nm in thickness
effect). FTIR has a great advantage on characterizing at different times during annealing at 85 °C. It can be
the conformation in polymer and molecular interactions. clearly seen that as the annealing time increases, the
This method offers an opportunity for understanding absorbance of 1340 cm-1 band grows apparently, while
the structure basis of the transitions in polymers since, the absorbance change of 1370 cm-1 band can hardly
in general, the structural origins of bands in the infrared be observed. The absorbance change of the 1340 cm-1
spectra of most polymers are known or can be deter- band can be clearly identified even if the sample was
mined. As it reaches the transition temperature of a cooled to ambient temperature after annealing, as
polymer, anomalous changes of the absorbance or loca- shown in Figure 1b. The intensity of 1340 cm-1 band is
tion in some infrared bands representing a certain kind evidently higher than that of the unannealed sample.
of conformation and interaction may occur.26-29 Since The absorbance changes of the two bands in Figure 1
the Tg represents actually a type of structural relax- indicate the occurrence of deorientation (or in other
ation, the aforementioned changes usually occur in the words, relaxation) of the PET chains during annealing.
vicinity of the Tg of a polymer. The Tg is a temperature It is believed that the spin-coating method can cause
at which there is an onset of motion of chain segments orientation of the PET films. As a result, the molecular
in the amorphous region of a polymer, and the polymer chains of PET are prone to be stretched and parallel to
goes from a hard, glassy state to a soft, rubbery one. In the surface of the film plane. Since the 1340 cm-1 band
molecular chain structure of PET, the -O-CH2-CH2- is parallel polarization,32 its transition moment will take
O- moiety shows gauche and trans conformers through a direction parallel to the main chain and thus parallel
the internal rotation of the C-C bond. In crystalline to the film plane after spin-coating. For the p-RAIR, it
regions the -O-CH2-CH2-O- moiety adopts a trans selects only the polarization of the incident electric field
conformation, while in amorphous regions it is mainly perpendicular to the metal surface. If molecules are
in the gauche conformation with some small contribu- adsorbed onto the substrate with a preferred orienta-
tion of trans conformation. A number of studies have tion, vibration modes having transition moments per-
appeared for the infrared spectroscopic characterization pendicular to the surface will appear greater in intensity
of contributing conformers of the PET chains.22,30-33 In than modes having transition moments parallel to the
the infrared spectrum of PET, the 1340 and 1370 cm-1 surface.36 For this reason, the absorbance of 1340 cm-1
bands have been assigned to the CH2 wagging mode in band is low in RAIR spectra before annealing. When
trans and gauche conformers, respectively.31 The inten- the films were annealed at temperature above Tg, the
sities of these two bands are comparable in the spectrum relaxation of molecular chain occurred and more transi-
of amorphous PET. When the PET is heated through tion moments of the 1340 cm-1 band tended to deviate
2534 Zhang et al. Macromolecules, Vol. 37, No. 7, 2004
Figure 1. Reflection-absorption FTIR spectra of a 71 nm PET film with different thermal histories. (a) Films at different times
during annealing at 85 °C. (b) Annealed (at 85 °C for 240 min) and unannealed films at ambient temperature.
Figure 2. Changes of A1340/A1370 as a function of annealing amorphous, the fraction of trans conformer (T) of the
time. films annealed is calculated by the following equa-
off the film plane. Thus, the absorbance of this band A1340
increased. For the band of 1370 cm-1, its orientation is T) (1)
A1340 + 6.6A1370
much weaker than that of the 1340 cm-1 band or even
no orientation,32,37 which contributed to the unapparent where A1340 and A1370 are integral absorbance of 1340
absorbance changes. and 1370 cm-1, respectively. The calculated T for all of
Plotting the absorbance ratio of the 1340 and 1370 the samples annealed for 4 h goes near to 10%, so it
cm-1 bands vs times assesses the relaxation processes can be concluded that these films are nearly amor-
of thin PET films with different thickness during phous.18-22
annealing more quantitatively. This is shown in Figure Tg Determination of Thin PET Films. In-situ
2. We choose the absorbance ratio of 1340 and 1370 cm-1 measurement of RAIR spectra were performed during
bands for the aim to eliminate the effect of film thick- heating the annealed PET samples at a rate of 1 °C/
ness changes during annealing. From Figure 2, it can min from ambient temperature to 85 °C for determining
be seen that the relaxation behavior depends strongly the Tgs of thin PET films. The FTIR spectra of a 43 nm
on the film thickness. As film thickness increases, it film for every 10 °C from 30 to 80 °C are displayed in
becomes easier to relax. This is probably because that Figure 3. It can be found that the absorbance of 1340
for thinner films higher orientation is generated during cm-1 nearly keep stable in the temperature region of
film preparation, which can be deduced from the initial 30-60 °C, while abrupt increase can be found in the
value of A1340/A1370 for each film in Figure 2. As a result, spectra for 70 and 80 °C. The absorbance decrease of
it will take longer time to relax than the thicker ones. 1370 cm-1 in 70 and 80 °C is relatively unapparent
In addition, we found that all of the samples reach compared with that of 1340 cm-1. This attributes to the
relaxation equilibrium state in the time scale measured. less absorption coefficient in the 1370 cm-1 band.18,19
So we selected 4 h as the annealing time to relax the To get more quantitative description about this confor-
samples. To make sure whether the films annealed are mational transition process, plots that give the temper-
Macromolecules, Vol. 37, No. 7, 2004 Poly(ethylene terephthalate) Thin Films 2535
Figure 6. Changes of A1340/A1370 as a function of temperature for different annealing time and film thickness.
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