Final Paper
Final Paper
Final Paper
i. Attempt 4 questions
ii. Marks for each question are given.
iii. You are required to abide by all rules and regulations set for the examination by the NED
iv. Total time of examination including uploading is 3 hours. No extra time will be provided
after the time is over.
a) Small projects
b) Large and complex projects
c) Research and development projects
d) Deterministic activities
5. What main benefit does a Gantt chart provide over a task list?
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d. A listing of all the tasks required to complete the project
a. Initiation
b. Planning and design
c. Execution and construction
d. None of the above
8.If to, tp and tm are the optimistic, pessimistic and most likely time
estimates of an activity respectively, the expected time t of the activity will
9. Why does the activity on critical path are termed as critical as they:
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10. You are the project manager for a software project. You have worked
with the team to create the project schedule, perform critical path analysis
and calculated the values of Early and Late Start, Early and Late Finish
as well as Float. Which activities in the project cannot slip without making
the project late?
a. Scope
b. Resources
c. Team
d. Budget
a. True
b. False
14. A schedule activity may begin 10 days before the predecessor activity
This is an example of:
a. Finish-to-Start
b. Start-to-Finish
c. Start-to-Start
d. Finish-to-Finish
a. Early finish
b. Late finish
c. Early start
d. late start
a) Define project and explain how the selection of project helps to drive change
in an organization and how it helps to enable business value creation? (7.5)
b) What are the three important components of project planning? (7.5)
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a) Draw the network diagram, calculate floats and determine the critical (12)
path for the following project:
b) Define:
1. float
2. milestone
3. early start time of an activity (03)
a) Why do you think project needs planning? What are the uses of using CPM (05)
schedule in project management?
b) Differentiate between:
1. Tangible deliverables/and Intangible deliverables
2. Initiation phase and close out phase
3. WBS and PBS
4. optimistic duration and Pessimistic duration
5. Project manager and Construction manager
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