How We Organize Ourselves

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How We Organize Ourselves

Springdale International School Aziza Sharmin, Sharmin Sarah, Taslima Khatoon

IB PYP HOMEROOM PRE K HIVE 1 (Pre Kindergarten)


How We Organize Ourselves

Subject Year Start date Duration

English, Mathematics, ICT/ Pre Kindergarten Week 1, October 9 weeks

An inquiry into the interconnectedness of human- made systems and communities; the structure and function of
organizations; societal decision-making; economic activities and their impact on humankind and the environment.


Transdisciplinary Theme

How we organize ourselves

An inquiry into the interconnectedness of human-made systems and communities

The Central Idea

Different kinds of transportation help people move from place to place.

Lines of Inquiry
- Different modes of transport
- We use different transport to takes us to different places
- Need of transport system

Student questions
- What is transport?
- Where does train go?
- Can we take a car to the moon?
- How does a car move on the road?

Teacher questions
- What kinds of transportation do I use and why? 
- How are various modes of transportation similar and different? 
- How do we stay safe when using transportation?
- What kind of transport do you use to come to school?
- What kind of vehicles do you see on the street?

Springdale International School

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How We Organize Ourselves
How We Organize Ourselves
Springdale International School Aziza Sharmin, Sharmin Sarah, Taslima Khatoon

IB PYP HOMEROOM PRE K HIVE 1 (Pre Kindergarten)

Learning Goals

Connections: Transdisciplinary and Past


Reading: We will be reading non-fiction texts and storybooks relating to transport systems.

Writing: Labeling drawings and designs.


Measurement: Use non-standard tools and techniques to estimate and compare length Use mathematical language such as
longer, shorter

Shape and Space: Describe the sides of Basic 2D shape

Number: sequencing numbers 0-20 forward and backwards

Learning Goals and Success Criteria

Learning Goal:

Recognise the connection between transport and destinations.

Develop an awareness of various modes of transport.

Grasp the importance of having a system for transportation.

Success Criteria :

• Students can name at least three different modes of transport.

• Students can differentiate between land, water, and air transport.
• Students can express curiosity about different modes of transport.
• Express understanding that cars are for roads, boats are for water, etc.
• Match pictures of transport modes to the places they are used (e.g., boat with water, car with roads).
• Express that transport helps us go places.
• Understand that different modes of transport serve different purposes.

Scope & Sequence


Oral language - listening and speaking

Overall Expectations

show an understanding of the value of speaking and listening to communicate. They recognise that sounds are associated
with objects, or with symbolic representations of them. They are using language to name their environment, to get to know
each other, to initiate and explore relationships, to question and inquire.

Conceptual Understandings

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How We Organize Ourselves
How We Organize Ourselves
Springdale International School Aziza Sharmin, Sharmin Sarah, Taslima Khatoon

IB PYP HOMEROOM PRE K HIVE 1 (Pre Kindergarten)

Spoken words connect us with others.

People listen and speak to share thoughts and feelings.

People ask questions to learn from others.

Learning Outcomes

tell their own stories using words, gestures, and objects/artifacts

understand simple questions and respond with actions or words

follow classroom directions and routines, using context cues

realize that people speak different languages

use the mother tongue (with translation, if necessary) to express needs and explain ideas

realize that word order can change from one language to another

use gestures, actions, body language and/or words to communicate needs and to express ideas

Visual language - viewing and presenting

Overall Expectations

show an understanding that the world around them is full of visual language that conveys meaning. They are able to
interpret and respond to visual texts. Although much of their own visual language is spontaneous, they are extending and
using visual language in more purposeful ways.

Conceptual Understandings

Visual language is all around us.

The pictures, images, and symbols in our environment have meaning.

We can enjoy and learn from visual language.

Learning Outcomes

attend to visual information showing understanding through play, gestures, facial expression

reveal their own feelings in response to visual presentations, for example, by showing amusement, curiosity, surprise

make personal connections to visual texts, for example, a picture book about children making friends in a new situation

select and incorporate colours, shapes, symbols and images into visual presentations

Written language - reading

Overall Expectations

show an understanding that print represents the real or the imagined world. They know that reading gives them knowledge
and pleasure; that it can be a social activity or an individual activity. They have a concept of a "book", and an awareness
of some of its structural elements. They use visual cues to recall sounds and the words they are "reading" to construct

Springdale International School

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How We Organize Ourselves
How We Organize Ourselves
Springdale International School Aziza Sharmin, Sharmin Sarah, Taslima Khatoon

IB PYP HOMEROOM PRE K HIVE 1 (Pre Kindergarten)

Conceptual Understandings

Illustrations convey meaning.

Print conveys meaning.

People read for pleasure.

Stories can tell about imagined worlds.

Learning Outcomes

show empathy for characters in a story

distinguish between pictures and written text, for example, can point to a picture when asked

join in with chants, poems, songs, word games and clapping games, gaining familiarity with the sounds and patterns of
the language of instruction.

listen attentively and respond to stories read aloud

begin to discriminate between visual representations such as symbols, numbers, ICT iconography, letters and words

recognise their own first name

express opinions about the meaning of a story


Data Handling

Overall Expectations

will develop an understanding of how the collection and organization of information helps to make sense of the world.
They will sort, describe and label objects by attributes and represent information in graphs including pictographs and tally
marks. The learners will discuss chance in daily events.

Learning Outcomes

When transferring meaning into symbols learners:

sort and label real objects by attributes.

When applying with understanding learners:

create pictographs and tally marks

Shape and Space

Overall Expectations

will understand that shapes have characteristics that can be described and compared. They will understand and use
common language to describe paths, regions and boundaries of their immediate environment.

Conceptual Understandings

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How We Organize Ourselves
How We Organize Ourselves
Springdale International School Aziza Sharmin, Sharmin Sarah, Taslima Khatoon

IB PYP HOMEROOM PRE K HIVE 1 (Pre Kindergarten)

Shapes can be described and organized according to their properties.

Learning Outcomes

When constructing meaning learners:

understand that 2D and 3D shapes have characteristics that can be described and compared


Overall Expectations

will understand that numbers are used for many different purposes in the real world. They will develop an understanding
of one-to-one correspondence and conservation of number, and be able to count and use number words and numerals to
represent quantities.

Conceptual Understandings

Numbers are a naming system.

Numbers can be used in many ways for different purposes in the real world.

Learning Outcomes

When applying with understanding learners:

count to determine the number of objects in a set

use number words and numerals to represent quantities in real-life situations

use the language of mathematics to compare quantities in real-life situations, for example, more, less, first, second

When constructing meaning learners:

understand one-to-one correspondence

understand that, for a set of objects, the number name of the last object counted describes the quantity of the whole set

understand that numbers can be constructed in multiple ways, for example, by combining and partitioning

understand conservation of number

understand the relative magnitude of whole numbers

recognise groups of zero to five objects without counting (subitizing)

When transferring meaning into symbols learners:

connect number names and numerals to the quantities they represent.

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How We Organize Ourselves
How We Organize Ourselves
Springdale International School Aziza Sharmin, Sharmin Sarah, Taslima Khatoon

IB PYP HOMEROOM PRE K HIVE 1 (Pre Kindergarten)

Key and Related Concepts

Key Concepts

Concepts Key questions and definition Rationale

What is it like? n exploring different modes of transport, students will identify

The understanding that everything has a form the structures and physical characteristics of various vehicles.
Form with recognizable features that can be For example, they may notice that a car has wheels, a body,
observed, identified, described and windows, and doors. Analyzing these components contributes
categorized. to their understanding of the form of different modes of

How does it work? The line of inquiry inherently involves understanding the
The understanding that everything has a purpose or function of different modes of transport. Students
Function purpose, a role or a way of behaving that can explore why various vehicles exist and how they serve the
be investigated. fundamental function of transporting people or goods from one
place to another.

How is it linked to other things? Students understand that the need for a transport system
The understanding that we live in a world of extends beyond local communities to create a global
Connection interacting systems in which the actions of interconnectedness. They explore how transport systems
any individual element affect others. enable the exchange of goods and cultures, fostering
connections between people around the world.

Developing IB Learners

Learner Profile





Inquiry Skills:

- Students explore various modes of transport through hands-on activities, visuals, and discussions.

- Encourages students to ask questions about how different modes work and why they are used in specific situations.

- Sparks curiosity about the reasons behind the existence of transport systems.

Springdale International School

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How We Organize Ourselves
How We Organize Ourselves
Springdale International School Aziza Sharmin, Sharmin Sarah, Taslima Khatoon

IB PYP HOMEROOM PRE K HIVE 1 (Pre Kindergarten)


- Encourages critical thinking as students compare and contrast different modes of transport.

- Encourages analytical thinking about the functions and roles of transport systems.


- Encourages students to verbally communicate about different modes of transport, expressing preferences and ideas.

- Encourages students to express their understanding of the purpose of transport systems through written or drawn

- Promotes collaborative discussions about how transport systems contribute to community life.

ATL Skills

Approaches to Learning

Thinking Skills

- Critical thinking - Analysing and evaluating issues and ideas, and forming decisions


Observe carefully in order to recognize problems.

Consider meaning of materials.

Take knowledge or ideas apart by separating them into component parts.

Use models and simulations to explore complex systems and issues.


Organize relevant information to formulate an argument.

Evaluate evidence and arguments, and associated decisions.

Recognize unstated assumptions and biases.

Consider ideas from multiple perspectives.

Synthesize new understandings by finding unique characteristics; seeing relationships and connections.

Test generalizations and conclusions.

Identify obstacles and challenges.

Forming Decisions

Develop contrary or opposing arguments.

Propose and evaluate a variety of solutions.

Revise understandings based on new information and evidence.

Draw conclusions and generalizations

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How We Organize Ourselves
How We Organize Ourselves
Springdale International School Aziza Sharmin, Sharmin Sarah, Taslima Khatoon

IB PYP HOMEROOM PRE K HIVE 1 (Pre Kindergarten)

Research Skills

- Information literacy - Formulating and planning, data gathering and recording, synthesizing and interpreting, evaluating
and communicating

Formulating and planning

Ask or design relevant questions of interest that can be researched.

Outline a plan for finding necessary information.

Evaluate and select appropriate information sources and/or digital tools based on the task.

Data gathering and recording

Gather information from a variety of primary and secondary sources.

Use all senses to find and notice relevant details.

Record observations by drawing, note taking, charting, tallying, writing statements, annotating images.

Synthesizing and interpreting

Sort and categorize information: arrange information into understandable forms such as narratives, explanatory
and procedural writing, tables, timelines, graphs and diagrams.

Use critical literacy skills to analyse and interpret information.

Evaluating and communicating

Draw conclusions from relationships and patterns that emerge from data.

Present information in a variety of formats and platforms.

Understand the significance of academic integrity and intellectual property rights.

Create references and citations, use footnotes/endnotes and construct a bibliography according to recognized


Student-initiated Action

Transportation Parade:

• Initiate a student-led "Transportation Parade" where children can dress up as their favorite mode of transportation and walk
around the classroom or school, sharing information about their chosen vehicle.

Mapping Adventures:

• Invite students to plan and embark on a "mapping adventure" within the school or classroom. They can create simple maps,
marking out key transportation-related locations.

Community Outreach:

• Explore the possibility of a small community outreach project, such as creating transportation-themed artwork to display at

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How We Organize Ourselves
How We Organize Ourselves
Springdale International School Aziza Sharmin, Sharmin Sarah, Taslima Khatoon

IB PYP HOMEROOM PRE K HIVE 1 (Pre Kindergarten)

a local community center or inviting a community member with a transportation-related profession for a visit.

Assessment & Resources

Ongoing Assessment
OCT What are transport? Wheels and no wheels
19 Formative Classroom Activity Thursday at 3:55 PM

Students have been learning about transport. They will do a picture sorting activity today. The purpose of this activity
is to help the students develop their observational and categorisation skills by sorting objects based on whether they
have wheels or not. This task aims to reinforce their understanding of basic characteristics and encourage critical

NOV Transport: People or Goods

8 Formative Classroom Activity Wednesday at 3:00 PM

Students have been exploring that different modes of transport not only carries people but also carries other things
and are used for community service. They will do a group work on sorting activity.

DEC "Exploring the World of Transportation: Air, Water, and Land Journeys"
2 Summative Classroom Activity Saturday at 12:00 PM

Students have investigated various modes of transportation and how we utilize different forms of transport for varying
distances. They will be grouped into three teams, each assigned a specific domain—air, water, and land. Each group
will present the types of transportation associated with their assigned category, sharing their insights and learning
from the unit with the entire class.

NOV Discovering the Big World through Transportation

21 Formative Classroom Activity Tuesday at 3:00 PM

The aim of this task is to introduce Prek students to the concept that the world is vast and diverse, and different
modes of transportation take us to various places. Through exploration and discussion, students will develop an initial
understanding of how transportation connects us to different parts of the world.

Making flexible use of resources

• Different learning corners

• Differentiated instructions
• flexible grouping/ seating arrangements
• scaffolded learning: Break down complex concepts into smaller, manageable steps, providing support as needed.
• Smart board
• Task sheets
• open ended tasks
• students choice of picking a learning corner

Student Self-assessment and Peer Feedback

Self-Assessment for Pre-K Kids - Transportation Unit:

1. I can name different types of transportation.

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How We Organize Ourselves
How We Organize Ourselves
Springdale International School Aziza Sharmin, Sharmin Sarah, Taslima Khatoon

IB PYP HOMEROOM PRE K HIVE 1 (Pre Kindergarten)

a. Smiley face if true, Sad face if not there yet.

2. I can tell you what each transportation is used for.

a. Thumbs up if true, Thumbs down if not there yet.

3. I can show you how some things move, like a car going "vroom vroom" or a plane flying.

a. High five if true, Handshake if not there yet.

4. I can sort pictures of transportation into groups like cars, planes, and boats.

a. Sticker if true, No sticker if not there yet.

5. I can use words like "fast" or "slow" to describe different types of transportation.

a. Clap if true, Wiggle fingers if not there yet.

Peer Feedback for Pre-K Kids - Transportation Unit:

1. Giving compliments:

a. Share one thing your friend did well during our transportation activities.
2. Being a good listener:

a. Did your friend listen when others talked about transportation? Yes/No.
3. Sharing and taking turns:

a. Did your friend share toys or take turns when playing with transportation things? Yes/No.
4. Helping each other:

a. Did your friend help you or others during our transportation activities? Yes/No.
5. Using kind words:

a. Did your friend use kind words when talking about transportation? Yes/No.

Teacher's Note: This self-assessment and peer feedback are designed to be simple and positive, encouraging young learners
to reflect on their understanding and behavior during the transportation unit. The emphasis is on the joy of learning and

Learning Experiences

Designing engaging Learning Experiences

Provocation Activity: "Journey of Toys"

Objective: To ignite curiosity and interest in the topic of different modes of transport among students.

Materials Needed: Toy Vehicles: Collect a diverse set of toy vehicles, including cars, buses, bicycles, trains, boats, airplanes,
etc. Ensure that the collection represents various modes of transport.

Display Area: Set up a designated display area in the classroom where the toy vehicles can be arranged in an inviting manner.

Assessment: Observe students' initial responses, questions, and level of curiosity. Use this information to guide the direction
of the inquiry.

Finding Out:Exploration of Modes

Objective: To facilitate hands-on exploration and research about different modes of transport, allowing students to gather

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How We Organize Ourselves
How We Organize Ourselves
Springdale International School Aziza Sharmin, Sharmin Sarah, Taslima Khatoon

IB PYP HOMEROOM PRE K HIVE 1 (Pre Kindergarten)

information and build their understanding.

Materials Needed:

• Research Stations: Set up different stations, each dedicated to a specific mode of transport. For example:

Station 1: Cars and Trucks

Station 2: Bicycles and Scooters

Station 3: Buses and Trains

Station 4: Boats and Ships Station 5: Airplanes and Helicopters

proceed with guided questions or prompts toGoing Further: help students collect information. For example:

• "What does this mode of transport look like?"

• "Where do people use this mode of transport?"
• "How does it move?"

Means Of Transport For Children - Land, water and air transport for kids

Sorting out:

Activity 1: Does everything that moves is a transport?

Objective: students will learn to differentiate between what is called a transport and what is not a transport.

Transport or not sorting activity

Objective: To engage students in categorizing and sorting various modes of transport based on the environments they operate
in—air, water, and land.

• Sorting Discussion:

Facilitate a brief discussion about the characteristics of different modes of transport. Ask questions such as: "Which vehicles
can travel through the air?" "Can you think of vehicles that move on water?" "What vehicles do we use on the land?"

Cut and paste activity

Going Further: Activity 1

Objective: To deepen students' understanding of the diverse purposes of transportation by investigating whether different
modes of transport carry both people and goods.

Trucks for Kids

Trucks for kids! In this video Mayta and B learn about garbage trucks, excavators, cement mixers, police cars, emergency
vehicles and the awesome jobs they do to help us!

Labeling how different type of transport has a different purpose.

Activity 2:

Objective: Different type of transport take us to different places

The students will understand that we use different kinds of transport to travel different distances.

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How We Organize Ourselves
How We Organize Ourselves
Springdale International School Aziza Sharmin, Sharmin Sarah, Taslima Khatoon

IB PYP HOMEROOM PRE K HIVE 1 (Pre Kindergarten)

Making Connections:

Real-World Examples: Share real-world examples or videos showcasing how certain modes of transport are designed for
specific purposes.

Storytelling: Encourage students to create short stories or scenarios involving different modes of transport and their roles in
transporting people and goods.

Community Exploration: Take a community walk or virtual tour to observe and document various modes of transport in the
local area, discussing their purposes.


Creating Concept Maps:

• Encourage students to create concept maps or diagrams to represent their understanding of different modes of transport
and their purposes.

Taking Action:

Safety rules for the mode of transpor.t they use the most

Supporting Student Agency

1. Choice of Transportation Topics:

a. Allow students to choose which aspect of transportation they are most interested in exploring, such as cars, airplanes,
or boats.
2. Hands-on Exploration:

a. Provide various transportation-related materials for hands-on exploration, such as toy vehicles, pictures, and books.
Allow students to choose what they want to explore.
3. Creative Expression:

a. Encourage students to express their understanding of transportation through creative activities, such as drawing,
coloring, or building their own "dream" transportation.
4. Decision-Making Activities:

a. Incorporate decision-making activities, like asking students to decide which mode of transportation they want to learn
more about or which transportation-related activity they want to do next.
5. Show and Tell:

a. Allow students to bring in their own transportation-related items or share experiences related to transportation during a
show-and-tell session.

Springdale International School

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How We Organize Ourselves
How We Organize Ourselves
Springdale International School Aziza Sharmin, Sharmin Sarah, Taslima Khatoon

IB PYP HOMEROOM PRE K HIVE 1 (Pre Kindergarten)


General Reflections

Looking Back
Sharmin Sarah Nov 28, 2023 at 6:41 PM

Due to the political unrest for election, our field trip / guest speaker related with student action taking wasn't fulfilled.

Looking Forward
Sharmin Sarah Nov 28, 2023 at 6:41 PM

Do more show and tell

visit places like the plane museum

Springdale International School

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How We Organize Ourselves

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