06-Ni Nyoman Puji 204-214
06-Ni Nyoman Puji 204-214
06-Ni Nyoman Puji 204-214
Vol. 13, No.3– Juli 2007, ISSN 0854-4549 Akreditasi No. 23a/DIKTI/KEP/2004
Ni Nyoman Pujianiki*)
Jurusan Teknik Sipil FT. Universitas Udayana
Kampus Bukit Jimbaran Jl. Tukad Pakerisan Gg. XVI No. 9
Denpasar Bali. Telp : 081933047594; e-mail : the_curse_of_fulse@yahoo.com
Ni Nyoman Pujianiki
Strategy Planning : Shore Protection Work for Sanur Beach
Berkala Ilimiah Teknik Keairan
Vol. 13, No.3– Juli 2007, ISSN 0854-4549 Akreditasi No. 23a/DIKTI/KEP/2004
Ni Nyoman Pujianiki
Strategy Planning : Shore Protection Work for Sanur Beach
Berkala Ilimiah Teknik Keairan
Vol. 13, No.3– Juli 2007, ISSN 0854-4549 Akreditasi No. 23a/DIKTI/KEP/2004
Shoreline retreat has occurred due to and the natural character has been
the destruction of the coral reefs by severely degraded.
mining, beach sand extraction and man
Mostly lateral current moves sand,
made channel cut through the reef. They
which is related to water entering the
are many fishermen broken the coral
lagoon over the reef top and exiting at
reef to make canal. This is made the
two-reef gap. Beach sand is composed
effectiveness of natural offshore reefs
mostly of foram from the reef. Probably
reduce to absorb and attenuate the
the major ecological threat to the coral
wave energy before reaching the
reef ecosystem of Sanur is actually the
poor quality water issuing from Benoa
When the coral was removed, stronger Port just to the South West and sewage
wave came through the lagoon, being discharge in Benoa from Nusa
presumably eroding the beachfront and Dua settlement and the International
making certain parts of the beach airport. It seem that coral ecosystem
unsuitable for tourist use. Beside that, could already be near a pollution
lowering of the lagoon give effect to an threshold. High concentration of organic
increased beach slope caused some matter are discharge from Benoa
slump of beach sand into the lagoon. Harbour with CODs of 20 ppm reaching
some of the reef area and the amount of
The immediate reaction of many tourist
dissolved phosphate exceeding
hotel owner was protected their own
ecological limit (1 mg/l) in some place.
area without coordinate. The owner of
Increasing sewage or increasing amount
the properties has made coastal
of fertilizer runoff from paddies could
protection structures like groin and
stimulate alga attack of the coral reef.
seawall/riprap along the coast. This is
When this happened the algae overgrow
caused new and difference problem, like
the reef killing the coral. Then the coral
total loss of adjacent and down current
are worn down by bioerosion (drilling,
beach at some site. Which finally led to
grazing and burrowing animal) and
an unnatural beach and degraded the
coastal and recreational amenity value
Ni Nyoman Pujianiki
Strategy Planning : Shore Protection Work for Sanur Beach
chemical dissolution and the coral reef to the 1000 years, has to be determined
begin to disappear. depending on the economical judgement
and the risk according to the value of the
Data Collection. project area.
The available wave data for Sanur area Features of the bathymetry of the region
is from the Global Wave Statistics for are dominated by the coral reef system.
Area 78 with result table below. There is not enough data contour along
The storm selection needs to be beach to the top of the reef. During low
determining designing the beach profile. tide all the coral reef is exposed up to
Evaluation of potential storm damage more less 500 m offshore and during the
requires selection of a set of storms high tide most waves break at the
representative of future event that may offshore reef.
impact the project area. The amount of
the return period ranging from 5 or less
P l ot of Obs e r v e d Wa v e H e i ght i n A r e a 7 8
0, 0001 0, 001 0, 01 0, 1 1 10 100
T i me T h a t T h e W a v e H e i g h t i s E x c e e d e d ( %)
Berkala Ilimiah Teknik Keairan
Vol. 13, No.3– Juli 2007, ISSN 0854-4549 Akreditasi No. 23a/DIKTI/KEP/2004
Figure 5. Part of Sanur Beach Bathymetry
Ni Nyoman Pujianiki
Strategy Planning : Shore Protection Work for Sanur Beach
Berkala Ilimiah Teknik Keairan
Vol. 13, No.3– Juli 2007, ISSN 0854-4549 Akreditasi No. 23a/DIKTI/KEP/2004
Since the required of the project and the The groin-induced accumulation of
best rank, hence groin field with beach long shore drift on the fore shore will
nourishment is finally recommended. modify the beach profile, then try to
re-establish its natural shape.
Design Consideration Water pushed by wave into a groin
compartment will sometimes return
According the setting goal and objective,
offshore in the form of rip current
beach nourishment proposed for this along the side of groin.
project to increase beach area for The percentage of long shore
recreation and religious activity. It is
transport, which bypasses a groin,
important to note that nourishment will depend on groin dimension,
material is sacrificial in nature and water level and wave climate.
required periodical maintenance. Such
The long shore drift that is collected
phenomena shall be part of the design in the up drift fillet is prevented from
concept. Related to beach nourishment reaching the down drift area, where
that needs to be considered with Borrow
the sand balance is upset.
Area and Placement of Fill Material.
There are many type of groin I, L and T.
According to Shore Protection Manual, In this Project one of the groin type T
1984, the basic principle to design of
proposed to protect beach nourishment
groin is: shown on figure 4. Coral reef on
Groin can be used to interrupt long offshore is not functional well so to
shore transport reduce wave energy to the shore and
The beach adjustment near groin keep sand nourishment groin type T
will depend on the magnitude and
direction of the long shore transport.
Ni Nyoman Pujianiki
Strategy Planning : Shore Protection Work for Sanur Beach
Berkala Ilimiah Teknik Keairan
Vol. 13, No.3– Juli 2007, ISSN 0854-4549 Akreditasi No. 23a/DIKTI/KEP/2004