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Berkala Ilimiah Teknik Keairan

Vol. 13, No.3– Juli 2007, ISSN 0854-4549 Akreditasi No. 23a/DIKTI/KEP/2004



Ni Nyoman Pujianiki*)


Pengembangan pekerjaan perlindungan pantai untuk pantai Sanur memerlukan strategi

perencanaan dengan demikian keseimbangan perlindungan pantai dan lingkungan
dapat terjaga. Strategi Perencanaan mengandung langkah langkah penyelidikan awal,
pengumpulan data, dialog dan negosisasi serta draf gambar yang dibutuhkan dalam
ketidakmampuan pemerintah untuk menjawab isue. Strategi Perencanaan merupakan
langkah dasar dalam proses Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) yang
berfungsi sebagai dasar untuk berkomonikasi dengan masyarakat dan menjadi dasar
persetujuan antara stakeholder. Dengan Strategi Perencanaan, pekerjaan perlindungan
pantai Sanur dapat di selesaikan dengan perlindungan kombinasi antara groin dan
beach nourisment.
Kata kunci : Strategi Perencanaan, perlindungan pantai

INTRODUCTION. Nusa Dua and Kuta which are occupied

6% of the total coastline of Bali. For
Background protecting the own land and beach
which are threatening, it is important to
Bali Island with its exotic culture and do such preservation/conservation
scenic beauty of beaches and
efforts especially for the beach area
mountains is most popular with because tourism contribute to the
international tourists. Bali has beach national income.
length ± 430 km and around 18% are
coral beach with white sand. However For the people of Bali, beaches are
about 64.5 km of the beach length or functioned as religious, recreational,
15% have been eroded because of the fishery and living places. Considering to
human activity and natural factor. It is the function and value of the beach in
giving impact to the environment, also Bali is very important and also as a very
existing infrastructures surrounding it. potential asset, so the eroded process
that still happened need to be
The tourist industry is centred a round concerned and a seriously efforts have
the southern coral beaches of Sanur,

Jurusan Teknik Sipil FT. Universitas Udayana
Kampus Bukit Jimbaran Jl. Tukad Pakerisan Gg. XVI No. 9
Denpasar Bali. Telp : 081933047594; e-mail : the_curse_of_fulse@yahoo.com
Ni Nyoman Pujianiki
Strategy Planning : Shore Protection Work for Sanur Beach

to carried out by Government and To develop shore protection work for

society. Sanur Beach need Strategy Planning.
Strategy Plan is the key whole
Based on Feasibility Study carried out
integrated planning and management
by the Bali Regional Office of Ministry of
process. Strategy Plan involved all the
Public Work, some areas are
preliminary investigation, data collection,
categorized experienced serious erosion
dialogue, negotiation and draft writing
and become to the priority conservation
that is necessary to enable the
such as Kuta, Sanur, Nusa Dua and
government to define the issue (John R
Tanah Lot, shown in Figure 1.
Clark,1996). Some strategy plan will be
To overcome this situation in 1997- integrated became Master plan and
2004, the Government of Republic improved ICZM. It is most important
Indonesia with a Foreign Loan from assist government to develop guideline
Japan Banking for International for ICZM.
Cooperation (JBIC) under the Urgent
Bali Beach Conservation Project carried Objectives
out the project with major shoreline
The objectives of this paper is to apply a
construction for the whole area in Bali
strategy planning for develop Sanur
(Tanah Lot, Candi Dasa, Kuta, Sanur
and Nusa Dua).

Figure 1. Bali Island

STRATEGY PLAN. strategy for management program. This

is the stage where needs and solution
According to Clark, 1996 Strategy are examined and recommendations
Planning and Master Planning, there are advanced. This is not detailed planning
two important stage of ICZM. Strategy stage for the management program; that
Planning is the process that explores comes in the Master Plan creation
option and develops an optimum phase.

Berkala Ilimiah Teknik Keairan
Vol. 13, No.3– Juli 2007, ISSN 0854-4549 Akreditasi No. 23a/DIKTI/KEP/2004

A strategy plan is an excellent mean to 6. Design Consideration

assure the balance between coastal 7. Implementation
defence and environment. It provides an 8. Monitoring
overview of the realistic goals, steps to
reach these goals, the planning time and Sanur Beach: Overview of current
the resources needed. In this way a situation.
strategy plant is also an essential
element in obtaining finance and all Bali beach Conservation Project at
legal permit, which are necessary for Sanur Beach is implemented along the
beach of approx 6-7 km between Grand
implementation (Geense, 2005).
Bali Beach and Serangan Area. Before,
Another important function of a strategic the beach and the hotel are naturally
plan is that it lays the foundation for protected from erosion by nearly
communication to the public and it is the continuous parallel ridge of coral lying
basis for an agreement between the just offshore. In the more-less 500 m
parties involved. All relevant interested space between the coral ridge and the
parties should support the strategy. We beach, there is very shallow tidal lagoon,
should not forget that a favourable which is rich in sea life and which
judgement of the plan and agreement dampens the force of waves coming
between the various interested parties over the reef top.
would prevent infringement on existing
operations and future developments. Present condition, there are many
coastal protection structure like groin
According to the limit time and data and seawall have been made along the
collection, the study only addresses coast by the owner of the properties to
about a strategy planning for shore protect their own area, which finally led
protection work only not addressing to an unnatural beach and degraded the
social economic aspect, finance and coastal and recreational amenity value
legal permit. and the natural character has been
severely degraded. All of the structures
Addressing shore protection work for
can be seen on the Figure 2 below. Only
Sanur beach, there are following steps
beach in from of Bali Beach Hyatt Hotel
of strategic plan can be distinguished:
(almost 1 km) are still preserved without
1. Overview of current situation
any coastal protection. This is shown the
2. Setting goals and objectives.
effectiveness of natural offshore reefs to
3. Problem Analysis
absorb and attenuate the wave energy
4. Data Collection
before reaching the beachfront.
5. Alternative Analysis

Ni Nyoman Pujianiki
Strategy Planning : Shore Protection Work for Sanur Beach

Figure 2. Sanur Beach

More than 30 m of shoreline retreat has - Maintain good aesthetic effect

occurred since 1983 due to the - Religious activity for Hindu people
destruction of the coral reefs by mining,
After desire the required situation, some
beach sand extraction and man made
alternative can be making base on
channel cut through the reef and
feasibility studies and existing
investigated reports.
Setting Goal and Objectives.
Problem Analysis.
The second step of strategic planning is
The first step before star to design,
plan the required situation. In this stage
determine the problem analysis from the
communication with decision maker and
existing condition is most important.
stakeholder is essential. Several
After understood the problem well, some
alternatives should be developed and
possible solution can be discuss on
feasibility studies should be carried out
in order to assess the economic,
Possible causes of erosion in Sanur
technical and environmental feasibility of
Beach are:
the various alternatives.
- Coral mining
According to function of the beach, - Natural influence
shore protection work for Sanur Beach - The construction of the groins,
need to fulfils the following which is carried out partially without
requirements: coordination and technical
- Protect the beach and reduce consideration and not executed
erosion comprehensively.
- Provide a wide beach and a safe - Pollution
swimming area

Berkala Ilimiah Teknik Keairan
Vol. 13, No.3– Juli 2007, ISSN 0854-4549 Akreditasi No. 23a/DIKTI/KEP/2004

Figure 3. Mining activity location

Shoreline retreat has occurred due to and the natural character has been
the destruction of the coral reefs by severely degraded.
mining, beach sand extraction and man
Mostly lateral current moves sand,
made channel cut through the reef. They
which is related to water entering the
are many fishermen broken the coral
lagoon over the reef top and exiting at
reef to make canal. This is made the
two-reef gap. Beach sand is composed
effectiveness of natural offshore reefs
mostly of foram from the reef. Probably
reduce to absorb and attenuate the
the major ecological threat to the coral
wave energy before reaching the
reef ecosystem of Sanur is actually the
poor quality water issuing from Benoa
When the coral was removed, stronger Port just to the South West and sewage
wave came through the lagoon, being discharge in Benoa from Nusa
presumably eroding the beachfront and Dua settlement and the International
making certain parts of the beach airport. It seem that coral ecosystem
unsuitable for tourist use. Beside that, could already be near a pollution
lowering of the lagoon give effect to an threshold. High concentration of organic
increased beach slope caused some matter are discharge from Benoa
slump of beach sand into the lagoon. Harbour with CODs of 20 ppm reaching
some of the reef area and the amount of
The immediate reaction of many tourist
dissolved phosphate exceeding
hotel owner was protected their own
ecological limit (1 mg/l) in some place.
area without coordinate. The owner of
Increasing sewage or increasing amount
the properties has made coastal
of fertilizer runoff from paddies could
protection structures like groin and
stimulate alga attack of the coral reef.
seawall/riprap along the coast. This is
When this happened the algae overgrow
caused new and difference problem, like
the reef killing the coral. Then the coral
total loss of adjacent and down current
are worn down by bioerosion (drilling,
beach at some site. Which finally led to
grazing and burrowing animal) and
an unnatural beach and degraded the
coastal and recreational amenity value

Ni Nyoman Pujianiki
Strategy Planning : Shore Protection Work for Sanur Beach

chemical dissolution and the coral reef to the 1000 years, has to be determined
begin to disappear. depending on the economical judgement
and the risk according to the value of the
Data Collection. project area.
The available wave data for Sanur area Features of the bathymetry of the region
is from the Global Wave Statistics for are dominated by the coral reef system.
Area 78 with result table below. There is not enough data contour along
The storm selection needs to be beach to the top of the reef. During low
determining designing the beach profile. tide all the coral reef is exposed up to
Evaluation of potential storm damage more less 500 m offshore and during the
requires selection of a set of storms high tide most waves break at the
representative of future event that may offshore reef.
impact the project area. The amount of
the return period ranging from 5 or less

Table 1. Production of exceedance using 'Global Wave Statistics

Height Percentage of Total Total Cum
(m) NE E SE S (%) (%)
7-8 0.03 0.030 0.030
6-7 0.04 0.09 0.20 0.330 0.360
5-6 0.01 0.09 0.26 0.68 1.040 1.400
4-5 0.05 0.32 0.73 1.94 3.040 4.440
3-4 0.16 1.00 2.00 4.48 7.640 12.080
2-3 0.55 2.73 4.71 7.98 15.970 28.050
1-2 1.55 5.32 8.04 9.22 24.130 52.180
0-1 1.88 4.03 5.59 3.69 15.190 67.370
Total 4.2 13.53 21.42 28.22 32.630 OTHER DIRECTION

P l ot of Obs e r v e d Wa v e H e i ght i n A r e a 7 8







0, 0001 0, 001 0, 01 0, 1 1 10 100

T i me T h a t T h e W a v e H e i g h t i s E x c e e d e d ( %)

Figure 4. Wave High Exceeded

Berkala Ilimiah Teknik Keairan
Vol. 13, No.3– Juli 2007, ISSN 0854-4549 Akreditasi No. 23a/DIKTI/KEP/2004

Figure 5. Part of Sanur Beach Bathymetry

Beach material of Sanur beach is typically has both an onshore – offshore

composed of fairly coarse sand, light and a long shore component.
brown coloured on the southern part and
To estimate sediment transports a
black on the northern part of the beach.
numerical model CRESS can be used.
The possible main origin of the sediment
CRESS 424 Sediment transport acc to
is coral, limestone and volcanic product,
CERC with climatic input chooses to
which is mainly supplied by northern
use. With input wave characteristic to
rivers. The median grain size D50 is
the software total sediment transport
varies from about 0.2 mm - 1.5 mm.
can be counting. Before calculate
Beach sand is composed mostly of sediment transport wave characteristic
forams from the reef. Mostly lateral from each direction should be
current moves sand, which is related to determine.
water entering the lagoon over the reef
top and existing at two-reef gap. High NE
current speed (0.4-0.5 m/sec) would be
required to lift sand particle of 1 mm or
To analyse coastline, we should be E
analyse sediment transport because
erosion or accretion of coastline
depends on the gradient of sediment
transport. Littoral transport is classified
as cross-shore and long shore transport. SE
These are resulted from the interaction S
of wind, wave, current, tide, sediment
and other phenomena in the littoral
Figure 6. Original coastal orientation
zone. The motion of sediment particle

Ni Nyoman Pujianiki
Strategy Planning : Shore Protection Work for Sanur Beach

Table 2. Sediment transport rate already damaged seriously. So

calculation. according the beach required, possible
alternatives will be investigated.
Total sediment
transport (m3/year) The merit and demerit of hard solution
0 9.231.091 (Seawall, Groin, Offshore Breakwater)
5 9.630.900 and Soft solution (Beach Nourishment)
10 9.753.230 can be studied both from the technical
15 9.602.223 and economic point of view. The
30 7.303.519 selection of suitable type depends on a
90 - 298.387 number of parameter like: goal and
I objective the project, environment
impact, cost of the project, availability of
n Sanur beach during high water, waves material, construction. All parameter can
will eroded the beach and transport the be analysis on Multi Criteria Analysis.
sand to the deeper water and during low
water waves cannot transport sand To determine the solution among many
toward the cost because coral reef. possible alternatives Multi Criteria
From the mid-1960s to 1980 total coral Analysis (MCA) method can be used.
mining about 975.000 m3, this would This method will calculate some
result in an average lowering of the parameter related to the project. Every
lagoon of about 0.31 m. So the cross- parameter has different weight. The
shore transport can be estimate (Clark, important factor will have a higher
1996). weight value. The weight values depend
on the purpose of development in that
Alternative Analysis. area. The parameter in MCA will give
indications as an advantage or a
Generally, there are several measures disadvantage to the alternative. The
that can be considered to address the value range of the mark is set up
existing erosion problem. In this case is between –5 and 5.
not possible to use the zero option (do-
nothing) because the existing condition

Table 3. Multi Criteria Analysis

Offshore Groin and
Sea Wall / Beach
Weight Groins Beach
Breakwater Revetment Nourishment
Factor Nourishment
Mark Total Mark Total Mark Total Mark Total Mark Total
Environment 4 -2 -8 -3 -12 -1 -4 -2 -8 -2 -8
Goal & objective 5 2 10 3 15 -5 -25 3 15 5 25
Cost 3 -1 -3 -3 -9 1 3 -2 -6 -3 -9
Availably material 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Construction 2 -1 -2 -2 -4 3 6 1 2 -2 -4
Total 0 -7 -17 6 7
Rank 3 4 5 2 1

Berkala Ilimiah Teknik Keairan
Vol. 13, No.3– Juli 2007, ISSN 0854-4549 Akreditasi No. 23a/DIKTI/KEP/2004

Since the required of the project and the ƒ The groin-induced accumulation of
best rank, hence groin field with beach long shore drift on the fore shore will
nourishment is finally recommended. modify the beach profile, then try to
re-establish its natural shape.
Design Consideration ƒ Water pushed by wave into a groin
compartment will sometimes return
According the setting goal and objective,
offshore in the form of rip current
beach nourishment proposed for this along the side of groin.
project to increase beach area for ƒ The percentage of long shore
recreation and religious activity. It is
transport, which bypasses a groin,
important to note that nourishment will depend on groin dimension,
material is sacrificial in nature and water level and wave climate.
required periodical maintenance. Such
ƒ The long shore drift that is collected
phenomena shall be part of the design in the up drift fillet is prevented from
concept. Related to beach nourishment reaching the down drift area, where
that needs to be considered with Borrow
the sand balance is upset.
Area and Placement of Fill Material.
There are many type of groin I, L and T.
According to Shore Protection Manual, In this Project one of the groin type T
1984, the basic principle to design of
proposed to protect beach nourishment
groin is: shown on figure 4. Coral reef on
ƒ Groin can be used to interrupt long offshore is not functional well so to
shore transport reduce wave energy to the shore and
ƒ The beach adjustment near groin keep sand nourishment groin type T
will depend on the magnitude and
direction of the long shore transport.

Figure 7. Combination Groin and Beach Nourishment.

Ni Nyoman Pujianiki
Strategy Planning : Shore Protection Work for Sanur Beach

Implementation Development used Strategy Plan to

assure the balancing between coastal
Process in the construction stage or defense and environment.
implementation is the realization of the
required situation. Monitoring and Since only using groins system to solve
control of the environment impact during the erosion of the coastal line, the
construction should be an integrated erosion in the down drift of the groin
part of the program of supervision. After system is unavoidable. It is necessary to
the groin and the scheme for take other engineering measures to
nourishment are designed, site offset the consequence. Beach
preparation can be start. Before nourishment scheme with the groin
nourishment, groin filed construction construction is good alternative to be
should be over. considered. One time, nourishment is
sufficient with groin construction. It will
The method for beach nourishment is be a feasible solution to create a stable
starts from dredging a material in the beach within very short period.
borrow area. The dredging activities can
be using a trailing suction hopper
dredger (TSHD) or cutter suction hopper RECOMMENDATION
dredger (CSD) depending on the
This is quite difficult to make clear to
distance of the borrow area to the
politicians and to the public. They
project area and the climate condition.
usually think that after nourishment the
The sand delivery to the site will be by
wide beach will stay in position.
barge and pumping using the
Everyone is very happy with the
connection pipeline from the vessel to
beautiful wide beach, but after the first
the shore. A bulldozer then will be used
stormy weather a large part of the new
to spread out the pumped sand.
beach will disappear under water (in fact
Monitoring. the artificial profile is adapted to a more
natural one). The public does not see
When the project is complicated, the this sand under the water and so in their
work is not end at this stage. As mention perception the nourishment is fail.
before a periodic maintains program for Another managerial problem with
re-nourishment need to be done,
artificial beach nourishment is that the
periodic inspection, routine monitoring work has to be done at more-or-less
and evaluating as well as improvement regular intervals. So after several years
and alteration need to be done from time
re-nourishment have to be done again.
to time to ensure a positive outcome and The interval is not constant as it
to determine a success of a nourishment depends on the number of storms during
that interval. That is no surprise for the
technical managers of the coast, but the
CONCLUSION funding politicians prefer a solution "for
ever". This requires certain flexibility in
Strategy Plan is a good guideline to the budgeting system, which is very
define the issue by government because often not possible in public finance.
its involved all the preliminary
investigation, data collection, dialogues,
negotiation and draft paper.

Berkala Ilimiah Teknik Keairan
Vol. 13, No.3– Juli 2007, ISSN 0854-4549 Akreditasi No. 23a/DIKTI/KEP/2004

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