Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
Keywords: Present work proposes new insights in the field of multiferroics and its properties. The substitution of SmFeO3 in
Ferroelectrics PbTiO3 (Pb1-xSmxTi1-xFexO3, x = 0.21, 0.22, 0.23, 0.24 and 0.25) over a range of composition has been syn
Solid state reaction thesized and explored for multiferroicity. The properties such as ferroelectric, magnetic as well as coupling
between these two have been investigated at room temperature. An in-depth study is carried out to detect the
Magneto-electric coupling
magneto-electric coupling in all the samples through magneto-dielectric, magnetization after electric poling and
magneto-pe. The magneto- pe measurement gives the indication of multiferroic nature of all the samples. The
maximum value of coupling coefficient (γ) and magneto-dielectric response (MDR) of about 10.3 g2/emu2 and
13.09 at 1.5 T respectively for sample × = 0.24 has been achieved by magneto-dielectric properties. Moreover, a
comparative higher shift (~0.061 emu/g) in magnetization has been observed after electric poling.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (A. Singh).
Received 25 August 2021; Received in revised form 20 November 2021; Accepted 1 December 2021
Available online 9 December 2021
0304-8853/© 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
M. Arora et al. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 547 (2022) 168928
2. Experimental:
Å). The surface morphology of all the samples was investigated using FE-
SEM (Supra 55) from Carl Zeiss at 2 kX magnification with InLens de
tector. A set up based on Archimedes principle, was used to measure the
density of prepared samples. The electric and magnetic properties were
measured by using automatic PE loop tracer from Marine India and
Vibrating Sample Magnetometer (VSM) EZ9 from MicroSense respec
tively. The impedance analyzer (E4990A) from KEYSIGHT TECHNOL
OGIES was used to determine the dielectric properties whereas
magneto-electric studies such as magneto-dielectric, magneto-polariza
tion and magnetization after electrical poling were made by performing
polarization versus electric field measurement in the presence of mag
netic field using PE loop tracer.
Fig. 2. The splitting of peaks for × = 0.21–0.25 in the range (a) 44.4 – 48.0
◦ ◦
0.22, 0.23, 0.24, 0.25) has been carried out by X-ray diffraction tech
nique. The diffractograms of all the samples are shown in Fig. 1. The
reported the multiferroic properties of (Pb0.8Sm0.2) (Ti0.8Fe0.2)O3 solid sharp and intense peaks depict the crystalline behavior of all the sam
solutions and he observed the effect of processing parameters (sintering ples. The splitting of peaks for × = 0.21–0.24 between 44.4 – 48.0
◦ ◦
temperature) in the prepared samples. He optimized the sintering tem (Fig. 2a) and 55 – 60 (Fig. 2b) is suggestive of the tetragonal phase of
◦ ◦
perature at which solid solutions exhibits enhanced multiferroic prop these samples. This may be because of the base material PT which
erties whereas structural and magnetic properties of (1-x)Pb possesses tetragonal structure. The figure also indicate that the tetrag
(Zr0.45Ti0.55)-(x)SmFeO3, 0.10 ≤ x ≤ 0.15 have been reported by Ran onal distortion decreases with × and disappears for × = 0.25. This
deep et al. [31]. From these studies, it is clear that PT-SF solid solutions disappearance of tetragonal splitting might be due to the fact that with
have either been explored up to × = 0.20 only. The possibility of increase in × (Sm concentration), the crystal structure transforms into
extending the composition (beyond × > 0.20) still exits. It further needs pseudo cubic at × = 0.25. Thus, visual inspection of the XRD data in
to established that at which value of × , the (PT)1-x – (SF)x system these 2θ ranges suggests tetragonal structure for × = 0.21–0.24. The
transforms to pseudo cubic structure. Similarly, in these studies the further confirmation of structural phase in these samples has been done
coupling between magnetic and electric has either not been explored or by Rietveld refinement using Fullprof software. All the samples from ×
only demonstrated using magneto-pe studies. Magneto-dielectric studies = 0.21–0.25 have been refined using tetragonal phase having P4mm
are more often used to describe the presence of M− E coupling [32]. symmetry. The initial atomic co-ordinates and structural parameters of
However, Catalan et al. [33] reported that the magneto – dielectric different atoms were kept same as those reported by Sunil et al. (having
response (MDR) can also results from factors other than M− E coupling. P4mm symmetry) [34]. Peak shape was modeled using Thompson Cox
Hence, the main aim of the present study is to synthesize and charac Hasting function and a sixth order polynomial was used to describe the
terize the multiferroic properties of Pb1-xSmxTi1-xFexO3 (x = 0.21, 0.22, background. Various parameters such as lattice parameters, zero shift,
0.23, 0.24, 0.25) solid solutions using solid state reaction route. The scale factor, refine able atomic positions and Biso were successively
M. Arora et al. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 547 (2022) 168928
Fig. 3. (a-e) represents the refined X-ray diffractograms of Pb1-xSmxTi1-xFexO3 for × = 0.21–0.25 samples respectively.
Table 1
Rietveld refined parameters of composition Pb1-xSmxTi1-xFexO3 for × = 0.21–0.25 samples.
Composition x ¼ 0.21 x ¼ 0.22 x ¼ 0.23 x ¼ 0.24 x ¼ 0.25
Space Group P4mm (tetragonal) P4mm (tetragonal) P4mm (tetragonal) P4mm (tetragonal) P4mm (tetragonal)
a (Å) 3.9192 3.9190 3.9184 3.9196 3.9218
c (Å) 3.9658 3.9649 3.9581 3.9495 3.9310
M. Arora et al. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 547 (2022) 168928
The room temperature polarization versus electric field loops for all
the samples Pb1-xSmxTi1-xFexO3 (for × = 0.21–0.25) were measured and
given in Fig. 8(a-e). It can be clearly seen from the figure that loops are
almost saturated for × = 0.21 and 0.22 sample (Fig. 7 (a,b)) and
increasingly non-saturated for × = 0.23 and 0.24 (Fig. 7(c,d)) and it
became lossy for × = 0.25 sample (Fig. 7(e)). It is worth mentioning
Fig. 4. The variation in (a) c/a ratio, (b) lattice parameters and (c) cell volume
that the polarization in lead based materials is generally attributed to
as a function of composition.
hybridization of titanium and oxygen ions in 3d and 2p states [38]. The
observed shape of the loops indicate that the electric dipoles in × = 0.21
and × = 0.22 samples have an almost instantaneous (nearly ideal)
response to applied ac field whereas the dipoles in × = 0.23 and × =
0.24 samples have a more gradual response. The observed remnant
M. Arora et al. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 547 (2022) 168928
Fig. 5. (a-e) shows scanning electron micrographs for composition Pb1-xSmxTi1-xFexO3 for × = 0.21–0.25 samples.
polarization (Pr) for × has been found to decrease from 17.42 µC/cm2 to
Table 2 3.88 µC/cm2. The decreasing Pr values can be directly correlated with
The value of the obtained grain size, standard deviation, experimental density decreasing tetragonality as shown in Fig. 8(f).
and theoretical density of composition Pb1-xSmxTi1-xFexO3 for × = 0.21–0.25
3.5. Magnetic properties
Sample Average Standard Experimental Theoretical
Grain Size Deviation Density(gcm¡3) Density
(μm) (σ) (gcm¡3) The room temperature magnetization (M) versus magnetic field (H)
x= 5.411 0.068 6.40 7.94
studies of Pb1-xSmxTi1-xFexO3 (for × = 0.21–0.25) has been carried out
0.21 and the M− H loops are shown in Fig. 9(a-e).The figure clearly reveals
x= 7.673 0.092 6.69 7.96 the presence of non–saturating loops with increasing remnant polari
0.22 zation (Mr) and coercivity (Hc). By the virtue of substitution of Fe3+ ion
x= 8.285 0.097 7.40 7.97
which has five unpaired electron in d-shell, the samples attributed to
x= 11.977 0.115 7.69 7.98 magnetic order. The magnetic parameters of × = 0.21–0.25 samples
0.24 retrieved from M− H data are given in Table 4.. Unlike the ferroelectric
x= 12.245 0.150 8.08 7.99 properties, the magnetic properties of these samples exhibit an
0.25 increasing trend. The increase in magnetic behavior of these samples is
directly correlated with increasing Fe content coming from increased SF
concentration. The highest Mr and Hc values have been observed to be
M. Arora et al. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 547 (2022) 168928
Fig. 6. (a-e) gives the temperature dependent dielectric constant (εʹ) of composition Pb1-xSmxTi1-xFexO3 for × = 0.21–0.25 samples and (f) shows the variation of
TcFE and c/a ratio with composition(x).
M. Arora et al. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 547 (2022) 168928
Fig. 7. (a-e) gives temperature dependent tangent loss (tanδ) of composition Pb1-xSmxTi1-xFexO3 for × = 0.21–0.25 samples.
of external magnetic field which in turns induces the stress on ferro lated using Ginzburg- Landau-Dehonshire theory [42] and expressed as:
electric domains by generating electric field. This whole mechanism
β β
results in change in dielectric permittivity of the material after applying Φ = ϕo + αP2 + P4 − PE + αP2 + M4 − MH + γP2M2 (2)
2 2
magnetic field [39,40]. The %age change in dielectric constant with
applied field is termed as magneto-dielectric response (MDR). The MDR where ϕo is reference potential, α, αʹ, β, βʹ and γ are related coupling
values for all the samples were calculated using the following formula: coefficients. The γP2M2 term arises due to coupling between electric and
magnetic components of the material [43]. The magneto-electric
MDR% =
ε’(H) − ε’(0)
X100% (1) coupling results in being proportional to γM2 as:
ε’ (H) − ε’ (0)
Here, εʹ (H) and εʹ (0) are the values of dielectric constant at applied ∼ γM (3)
ε’ (0)
magnetic field and in the absence of magnetic field, respectively. This
results in lowering of the dielectric constant of the material [41]. It is Here M2 is square of magnetization and γ is the magneto-electric
clear that × = 0.24 sample exhibits highest MDR%. coupling coefficient. The value of γ has been calculated by linear
The thermodynamic potential in multiferroic system can be calcu fitting of equation (3) [43]. The obtained MDR values and fitted γ values
M. Arora et al. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 547 (2022) 168928
Fig. 8. (a-e) shows the room temperature polarization versus electric field loops of composition Pb1-xSmxTi1-xFexO3 for × = 0.21–0.25 samples and (f) shows the
variation of Pr and c/a versus composition.
for × = 0.21, 0.22, 0.23, 0.24 have been tabulated in Table 5.. Since, the 3.6.2. Magnetization after electric poling
sample × = 0.24 has shown the maximum MDR value. Therefore, the The impact of electric field poling on the magnetic properties of × =
detailed investigation of MDR vs frequency profile for this sample (x = 0.21–0.24 samples was also investigated in order to check whether the
0.24) only has been carried out in the range − 1.5 T ≤ Field ≤ +1.5 T. electric field induces any magnetic changes in these samples or not. In
The Fig. 11(a,b) represents the effect of positive and negative field on this regard, the pellets were broken into two pieces for each composi
MDR values. The obtained values of MDR with varying fields at fixed tion. One of these pieces was electrically poled at an applied voltage of 2
frequencies (100 Hz, 1 kHz, and 10 kHz) are shown in Fig. 11(c). It is kV while the other piece was kept unpoled. The sample is mounted in
clear that highest value of γ is observed for × = 0.24 sample (Recall that such a way that the direction of applied electric field while electric
MDR % was also maximum for this sample). The reason for the poling remains same as the direction of applied magnetic field. The first
maximum value of γ for × = 0.24 sample could be its TcFE being just quadrant M− H loops (Virgin Curve) of these unpoled and poled samples
above room temperature. were measured for each composition. The typical plot for × = 0.21–0.24
sample is shown in Fig. 12(a-d). The plots clearly reveal that the virgin
M. Arora et al. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 547 (2022) 168928
Fig. 9. (a-e) shows the room temperature magnetization (M) versus magnetic field (H) graphs of composition Pb1-xSmxTi1-xFexO3 for × = 0.21–0.25 samples.
M. Arora et al. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 547 (2022) 168928
Fig. 10. (a-d) shows the plots of εʹ vs frequency measurements of × = 0.21–0.24 samples at 0 T, 0.5 T, 1 T, 1.5 T fields.
4. Conclusion:
Table 5
The obtained MDR values at different fields (0.5 T, 1Tand 1.5 T) and fitted γ
Pb1-xSmxTi1-xFexO3, (x = 0.21, 0.22, 0.23, 0.24 and 0.25) have been
values of composition Pb1-xSmxTi1-xFexO3 for × = 0.21–0.24 samples.
fabricated using solid state reaction method. The tetragonal structure
Composition MDR(%) at MDR(%) at MDR(%) at γ (g2/ with P4mm symmetry has been determined by X- Ray diffraction data
(x) 0.5 T 1T 1.5 T emu2)
for × ≤ 0.24. The FE-SEM results shows the uniform grain growth in all
0.21 2.46 3.28 3.41 5.6 the samples. A good agreement with XRD data has been established by
0.22 1.75 1.88 2.03 7.8
the ferroelectric transition temperature which decrease from 412 K to
0.23 6.10 7.92 10.33 8.1
0.24 11.71 12.76 13.09 10.3 351 K for × = 0.24 (for × = 0.25, TcFE < room temperature). The
decrease in polarization and increase in magnetization has been
explained through the c/a ratio and Fe3+ content respectively. The
This is also indicative of M− E coupling in these samples. The MPE magneto-dielectric and magnetization after electric poling studies sug
response is usually measured as: gested that sample × = 0.24 exhibits highest magneto-electric response
Pr(H) − Pr(0) of 13.09 at 1.5 T and coupling coefficient (γ) of 10.3 g2/emu2.
MPEresponse = X100% (4)
CRediT authorship contribution statement
where Pr(H) and Pr(0) represent electric polarization in presence and
absence of magnetic field (H) respectively. The MPE response at 1.5 T of Mehak Arora: Investigation, Data curation, Software, Conceptuali
× = 0.21, 0.22, 0.23, 0.24 has been measured out to be − 15.46, − 14.13, zation, Writing – original draft. Shubhpreet Kaur: Conceptualization.
− 9.90, − 9.53 respectively. Clearly, x = 0.21 sample exhibits highest Kanika Aggarwal: software. Sunil Kumar: Writing – review & editing.
MPE response. Undoubtly, the obtained results reveal that all the sam Parambir Singh Malhi: Visualization. Mandeep Singh: Investigation,
ples have exhibited promising MPE response. Generally, the magnetic Validation. Anupinder Singh: Supervision.
poling induced stress in the material which impose electric field on
electric dipoles and hence variation in polarization comes into picture Declaration of Competing Interest
[44]. With this regard, the sample which has shown maximum polari
zation in the absence of magnetic poling exhibits more variation under The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
magnetic field. Hence, for × = 0.21 sample, the MPE response has interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
attained maximum value. the work reported in this paper.
M. Arora et al. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 547 (2022) 168928
Fig. 11. The plots (a) and (b) represents the effect of positive and negative field on MDR values and figure (c) represents the variation of the MDR% with range of
magnetic field (− 1.5 T ≤ Field ≤ +1.5 T).
Fig. 12. The first quadrant M− H loops (Virgin Curve) of unpoled and poled samples of composition Pb1-xSmxTi1-xFexO3 for × = 0.21–0.24 samples.
M. Arora et al. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 547 (2022) 168928
Fig. 13. The variation of polarization (P) as a function of applied electric field (E) with and without magnetic field of composition Pb1-xSmxTi1-xFexO3 for × =
0.21–0.24 samples.
M. Arora et al. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 547 (2022) 168928
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