Psycho-Cybernetics Summary
Psycho-Cybernetics Summary
Psycho-Cybernetics Summary
The self image constructs of how were you treated in the past
Or by how do you remember yourself in the past
You only act as who you believe you are
And you cannot act otherwise
Your subconscious will STRIVE to prove that your personality is true
And if you believe you can't do something, you won't be able to.
Learn to use the subconscious to prove that you are strong and capable.
Your servomechanism either should steer you to the goal, or steer to look for a
It should know the end goal. It is its job to figure out the way.
Do not be scared to fail. You need negative feedback to know where to go
Learn by "forggeting the mistakes" and "remembering and imitating the success"
Trust the servomechanism and dont be scared that it will fail. Trust it and it will
get the answer.
Human acts in accordance with what he imagines to be true about the world.
Your brain can't see a difference between imagined events and real events
Hypnosis changes people by convincing them of imagined things
Use 30 minutes a day to relax and imagine good things about yourself
Make the experience as vivid and real as possible to fool the dumb brain
Accepting any idea is hypnosis. You accept ideas from yourself and other people
And the ego will protect the idea. Even if it means you must fail every time to
prove you are stupid.
You should question your beliefs often. You don't know how much lies lie in your
By believing you can't do it, you will be weaker.
Dehypnotize yourself by believing you can do more than you actually can.
Being inferior in something to another person doesn't make them a superior person.
Stop suffering because you are inferior. You are not inferior in everything.
1) Lay down and relax as much as you can in five minutes. Don't make an extreme
2) Then use mental pictures to relax
2.1) Imagine parts of your body are concrete and sink down. They are veeeery heavy
2.2) Your body is connected to strings and they are relaxing the body
2.3) Valves open on your body and start ejecting air and stress out of you.
2.4) Go back to a relaxing memory in the past. In vivid detail, very real.
1) Hypnosis is conditioning. You believe and act in according to what you think is
2) You must recognize hypnosis and break it. Hyponise yourself with positive
3) Being inferior or superior is also hypnosis. Use that in a way to get value in
real life
4) Relaxation gets easier if you imagine external things relaxing you
5) Other people influence your beliefs a lot.
Mistakes should be forgotten when you have extracted experience from them. It's a
pain to remember.
They hypnotise you into believing you are uncapable, dumb, stupid, worthless,
inferior, etc.
Victories should be replayed in your mind to reinforce the things that led to
They hypnotise you into believing you are smart, capable, powerful, superior, etc.
Getting emotional and mad at your false beliefs melts and breaks them.
We are often downed by small negative remarks by friends. Don't "swallow and
accept" them.
Think of what you haven't yet tried as "I don't know if i can" instead of "I
We are the first obstacle to ourselves.
Chapter 6: Relax and Let Your Success Mechanism Work For You
You can just relax about a problem and let it fix itself
No point to worry about the future.
Conscious thought was never meant to solve problems.
Jesus told us to take no thought foer the morrow
To succeed you must want to succeed very much, and you SC will generate ways to win
Some of the best ideas come when you are focused but not strained. SC is not
tainted by C.
Best way to generate ideas is think massively, relax well, repeat.
The best performers don't think when performing. Only the SC is working, the C is
done with.
When talking to people, don't ask "what should I say"
Don't jam your creative mechanism by thinking.
1) Do your worrying before you place your bet. Worry only about what you can
Worrying about something out of your control is wasted energy.
2) Form the habit of consciously focusing on the present moment
Don't think about the past or future. Be focused.
Don't say "I will stop drinking forever", say "I won't drink today"
Stop trying to do something that can't be done right now
3) Try to do only one thing at a time
In short, mindfulness wins. "only one grain of sand at a time passes through the
4) Sleep on it
Your creative mechanism works well when you sleep. That is a valid strategy.
5) Relax while you work
"Remember the feeling of relaxation in vivid detail" and you will be more relaxed.
Chapter 7: You can acquire the habit of happiness
Happiness is when your thoughts are positive a good chunk of the time.
Your physical sences are sharper when you are happy.
Memory is better when you are happy
Be grateful and happy and you will also be healthy.
Unhappiness is the sole reason of criminality.
You are being manipulated by external events. They tell you to be annoyed, and you
Stop reacting to them, and you have happiness.
Epictetus said:
"Men are disturbed not by the things that happen, but by their opinion of the
things that happen"
When people say you can't, or you think you can't, it is not fact. It is opinion.
Tie your shoes the other way.
Make this serve as a reminder to change other habits.
This reminder can do nothing by itself.
Use it to remind of "think positively", "be tolerant".
Something of a grand gesture.
Success is an acronym
S - Sence of Direction
U - Understanding
C - Courage
C - Charity
E - Esteem
S - Self-Confident
S - Self-Acceptance
Sence of Direction:
A Man is like a bycicle - It moves, and goes forward. When it stops, it falls.
Get yourself a goal, a purpose worth striving for.
You act as what you believe to be true. Change the belief and the action will
Let go of opinions leading to unwanted behaviour.
Be sincere to yourself. Think of yourself as an outsider.
Any problem crumbles on a strong offence by you.
Take calculated risk.
Never stop doing. A servomechanism can't steer a still ship.
Be willing to make mistakes.
Making kind things makes you happier.
To stop feeling self-guilt, stop condemning people. You are "people" too.
Appreciate people as if you depend on it.
There is zero point in not believing in yourself.
Stop feeling downed. Stop downing yourself. It is useless.
Don't dramatize yourself.
To be confident you must focus on remembering your wins and forgetting failures
Extract all wisdom from a past failure and forget the misfortune immideately.
Remember past victories to restore your confidence.
You are not a mistake if you made a mistake.
Chapter 8: The Failure Mechanism: How to Make it Work For You and not Against You
Failure is an acronym:
It may be avoided if you set smart goals - Goals are meant to guide.
Perfectionism never helps.
We become frustrated as a habit from childhood
Whenever we cried, a hand brought food to us. It doesn't work anymore.
It itself is not a bad thing. It is a powerful tool. But must be handled with care
and precision.
Do not lash out on innocent people or things. It does no good.
Do not lash out on unreasonably agressive people. They just had a bad day.
Anger is best used for achieving goals.
You feel insecurity when you do not measure up to your expectations.
You can choose your expectations.
Never protect a title, Even if you are a champion, do not "protect", fight.
People are social creatures, don't cut yourself off.
Lonely people are afraid of others. It is a sign of failure.
Being shy is fixed by being exposed to people repeatedly.
The Greatest mistake a man can make is to be afraid of making one
And when you make mistakes, blame no one but yourself.
Small people make no mistakes.
Failure-personality people look for scapegoats to blame for their mistakes.
Resentment is reliving past experiences to try to change them. You can't.
Resentment develops self-pity, and that is not good.
Resentment is passive and prevents action.
Failure is achieving success and never being happy.
Emptiness is when you fail to live creatively.
To live creatively is to create, to use talents for a worthwhile goal.
Pessimism is the ideology of purposeless people.
Emptiness can be a symptom of a bad self-image. You can't accept your victories.
"If only they knew what an Х i am, they would..."
You should focus on the good things and merely look and comprehend bad things.
You should never dwell on the bad, there is no point.
However negative thinking can help. If you can quit it.
Chapter 10: How to Remove Emotional Scars and How to Give Yourself an Emotional
You get hurt once by one person, and protect against everyone
Do not let your own trauma ruin your life.
To do your best on an exam or test or olympiad, fling the book away the day prior.
This encourages less self-criticism and leads to better scores [you tried it, and
You should maintain a balance between too much and too little inhibition.
Inhibition is often too strong because of trauma. Be more bold.
We often form useless social habits. To be scared, or to answer the phone w/o
A powerful tranquilizer is simple muscle relaxation. A relaxed body is a relaxed
Your mind can be the best hideout, the best vacation and the best bunker.
Emotional carry-over is feelings staying for longer than they should. Angry after
work at home.
A man who woke up from an injust dream, understood that it is false, is still angry
at it.
But you can relax in mind, and carry it over too. Positive emotions carry over.
Ways to do that:
1) Practice Without Pressure
Playing scenarios at home is strong reinforcement.
Without pressure we make better and flexible mind maps.
Purpose tremor can be beaten by practice without pressure.
Practice without pressure is also called shadow boxing.
Drop the pressure off yourself to make your performance more subconscious. That is
Brain can't tell difference between real and imagined failure and victory
You feel either feelings of victory or of failure.
Those feelings signal whether you are geared for success or loss.
Progressive overload is key to maintaining the success feeling
Remember past successes to get the winning feeling
By accepting negative feelings as challenge you turn the tides, and get an
Bad emotions of sadness can be overridden by positive emotions.
Chapter 15: More Years of Life and more Life in your Years
You should get more living out of life by psychology and God.
In feeling alive, all methods are good.