SSC His IndusValley 06.10.2020

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For : SSC,Railways,State PSC,Defence Exams

By Ankit Avasthi Sir

Ancient History

Indus Valley Civilization

ससिंधु घाटी सभ्यता
Ancient History Chronological Period (Important )
प्राचीन इततहा कालानुक्रतमक अर्तध (महत्र्पूर्व)

 Indus Valley Civilization (BC 2700 – BC 1900) o स िंधु घाटी भ्यता (ई ा पूर्व 2700 - ई ा पूर्व 1900)
 Iron Age/Mahajanpad (BC 1500 – BC 200) o लौह युग / महाजनपद (ई ा पूर्व 1500 - ई ा पूर्व 200)
 Mauryan Empire (324-187 BC) o मौयव ाम्राज्य (324-187 ई ा पूर्)व
 Gupta Empire (300AD – 800AD) o गुप्त ाम्राज्य (300AD - 800AD)
 Indus Valley Civilization was the first major o स ध िं ु घाटी भ्यता दतिर् एतिया की पहली प्रमुख
civilization in South Asia, which spread across a भ्यता थी, जो र्तवमान भारत और पाककस्तान (लगभग
vast area of land in present-day India and Pakistan 12 लाख र्गव ककमी) में भूतम के तर्िाल िेत्र में फै ली
(around 12 lakh थी।
 The history of India begins with the birth of the
o भारत का इततहा स िंधु घाटी भ्यता (IVC) के जन्म
Indus Valley Civilization (IVC), also known as
Harappan Civilization. े िुरू होता है, तज े हड़प्पा भ्यता के नाम े भी
 It flourished around 2,500 BC, in the western part of जाना जाता है।
South Asia, in contemporary Pakistan and Western o यह दतिर् एतिया के पतिमी भाग में मकालीन
India. पाककस्तान और पतिमी भारत में लगभग 2,500 ई ा
 The Indus Valley was home to the largest of the four पूर्व में फला-फू ला।
ancient urban civilizations of Egypt, Mesopotamia, o स िंधु घाटी तमस्र, मे ोपोटातमया, भारत और चीन की
India and China. चार प्राचीन िहरी भ्यताओं में ब े बड़ी थी।
 In 1920s, the Archaeological Department of India o 1920 के दिक में, भारतीय पुरातत्र् तर्भाग ने स िंधु
carried out excavations in the Indus valley wherein
घाटी में खुदाई की, तज में दो पुराने िहरों के खिंडहर थे।
the ruins of the two old cities, viz. Mohenjodaro and
Harappa were unearthed. मोहनजोदड़ो और हड़प्पा का पता नहीं चला।
 In 1924, John Marshall, Director-General of the ASI, o 1924 में, ASI के महातनदेिक, जॉन मािवल ने, स ध िं ु
announced the discovery of a new civilisation in the घाटी में दुतनया के तलए एक नई भ्यता की खोज की
Indus valley to the world. घोषर्ा की।
Developments in Indus Valley Civilization
स िंधु घाटी भ्यता में तर्का

 Citadel / Acropolis at cities for member of  िा क र्गव (पतिम की ओर) के दस्य और आम लोगों के
ruling class (west side) & brick houses तलए िहर में गढ़ के नीचे ईंट के घरों के तलए िहरों में गढ़
below citadel in town for commoners. / एक्रोपोतल ।
 Remarkable grid system of roads → Roads  ड़कों की उल्लेखनीय तिड प्रर्ाली → एक दू रे को
cutting at right angle to each other. मकोर् पर काटती ड़कें ।
 Large scale use of burnt bricks & total  जले हुए ईंटों का बड़े पैमाने पर उपयोग और पत्थर की
absence of stone buildings. इमारतों की कु ल अनुपतस्थतत।
 Remarkable underground drainage system  ईंटों / पत्थर की पटटयाओं े आच्छाकदत भी घरों और
connecting all houses & streets covered by ड़कों को जोड़ने र्ाली उल्लेखनीय भूतमगत जल तनका ी
bricks / stone slabs. प्रर्ाली।
 Agriculture technology was well developed  कृ तष तकनीक को अच्छी तरह े तर्कत त ककया गया था
(But no use of ploughshare): Wheat, Rice, (लेककन प्लॉिर का कोई उपयोग नहीं): गेह,िं चार्ल, जौ,
Barley, Peas etc. + Domesticated large मटर आकद + पिुओं के पालतू बड़े पैमाने पर।
scale of animals.  कपा का उत्पादन पहली बार स िंधु के लोगों ने ककया था
 Cotton was 1st produced by Indus people इ तलए यूनातनयों ने इ े स िंधोन कहा जो स िंध े तलया
hence Greeks called it Sindon which is गया है।
derived from Sindh.
 Harappan were first to produce silver in the
 हड़प्पा दुतनया में ब े पहले चािंदी का उत्पादन करने र्ाले
world .
 They Practiced boat making, seal making,
 उन्होंने नार् बनाने, ील बनाने, कािंस्य तस्मथ, बुनकर आकद
Bronze smith, Weavers etc.
का अभ्या ककया।
 Granaries & seals show Harappan carried on
 िैनरीज़ एिंड ील् ने हड़प्पा को काफी व्यापार पर कदखाया
considerable trade but only through Barter
लेककन के र्ल बाटवर त स्टम के माध्यम े।
 कक ी भी स्थान पर कोई मिंकदर नहीं पाया गया है, इ तलए
 No temples has been found at any of the site
कहा जा कता है कक यह व्यापाटरयों द्वारा िात त था न
hence can be said that it was ruled by
कक पुजाटरयों द्वारा।
merchants not priests.
 देर्ी पृथ्र्ी, पीपल र्ृि, पिुपतत महादेर् और पिु (बैल /
 Worshiped Goddess Earth, Pipal Tree,
गेंडा राइनो) की पूजा की।
Pashupati Mahadeva & Animals (Bull / Unicorn
 र्े तलखने की कला का आतर्ष्कार करने र्ाले पहले व्यति थे
- राइट टू लेफ्ट - (के र्ल तचत्रािंकन → अब तक तडकक्रपडव
 They were the first to invent the art of writing –
Right to left – (Pictographic only → Not
 व्यापार के तलए उपयोग ककए जाने र्ाले भार (अतधकतर
deciphered so far).
16 में) और कािंस्य को माप के तलए तचतननत छड़ें बनाया
 Used weights for trade (Mostly in multiple of 16)
& Bronze made marked sticks for
 पॉटर के पतहए और तमट्टी के बतवन बनाने के तर्िेषज्ञ थे।
 उनकी ब े बड़ी कलात्मक रचना " ील" थी
 Were expert in Potter’s wheel & pottery making.
 अतधकतर चूना पत्थर का उपयोग मूर्तवयों के तलए ककया
 Their greatest artistic creation was ” Seals”
जाता था।
 Mostly limestone was used for sculptures.
Major important sites of Indus valley
स िंधु घाटी भ्यता के महतर्पूर्व स्थल

Chanhudaro Banawali
चान्हु दारो बनावली

सर कोटडा
Important Sites On Map

• It was excavated by Daya Ram Sahni in 1921-

• It is situated on the bank of river Ravi in
Montgomery district of Punjab (Pakistan).
• Excavated items : Stone dancing Natraja
,Cemetry ,Sandstone statues of Human
anatomy , Granaries , Bullock carts , Coffin
burial , Graveyard, Mother goddess.

• It is located in Larkan district of Sindh province of

• It was discovered by Rakhal Das Banerjee in 1922.
• It is situated on the banks of Indus River.
• Mohenjodaro literally means 'mound of the dead'.
• Great Bath, Collegiate Building and the Assembly Hall are
the special features of the site.
• Pashupati Mahadeva (Proto Shiva) seal and fragment of
woven cotton have been excavated here.

SSC Exams By Ankit Avasthi Sir

• It was excavated by NG Majumdar in 1931.

• It is situated on the Bank of river Indus in Sindh, Pakistan.
• It is the only Indus Site with no Citadel.
• Bronze figurines of bullock cart and ekkas and a small
pot suggesting a kink well have been excavated here.

• It was excavated by SR Rao in 1953.

• It is situated on the bank of river Bhogava.
• City was divided into Citadel and the lower town and
• Evidence of rice has been found here.
• Evidence of playing chess found here.
• It is the india’s first port city.

Persian seal is also found here.

Bead factory is available.

 Kalibanga )-

• It was excavated by Amlanand Ghosh in 1953.

• It is situated on the bank of river Ghaggar.
• It is located in Hanumangarh district of Rajasthan State.
• Evidence of ploughed field, wooden furrow, seven fire-
altars, bones of camel and two types of burials (Circular
grave and rectangular grave) have been found here.

SSC Exams By Ankit Avasthi Sir

Proof of double cultivation is found from here.

Gram and mustard cultivation was practiced here.

 Surkotada)

• It was excavated by JP Joshi in 1964.

• It is situated between the rivers Sabarmati and the
• Evidence of horse, oval grave and pit burial has been
found here.

 Banawali)

• It was excavated by RS Bisht in 1974.

• It is situated on the bank of river Saraswati.
• Evidence of both pre-Harappan and Harappan culture and
barley with good quality has been found here.

 Dholavira)

• It was excavated by RS Bisht in 1985.

• It is situated on the bank of river Luni of Kachchh district
in Gujarat.
• Evidence of unique water management system, Harapan
inscription and stadium has been found here.
• It is not located on the banks of any river.

 Decline of indus valley civilization
इिंडस वैली सभ्यता की गिरावट

 Though there are various theories, the exact o हालािंकक तर्तभन्न त द्ािंत हैं, टीक कारर् अभी
reason is still unknown. भी अज्ञात है।
 As per a recent study by IIT Kharagpur and o आईआईटी खड़गपुर और भारतीय पुरातत्र्
Archaeological Survey of India, a weaker र्ेिर् के हातलया अध्ययन के अनु ार, कमजोर
monsoon might have been the cause of the मान ून स िंधु घाटी भ्यता के पतन का कारर् हो
decline of Indus Valley Civilization. कता है।
 Environmental changes, coupled with a loss o िहर के जीर्न को बनाए रखने के तलए स िंधु
of power of rulers (central administration) of घाटी के िा कों (कें द्रीय प्रिा न) की िति के
Indus valley to sustain the city life might be नुक ान के ाथ पयावर्रर्ीय पटरर्तवन, इ का
the cause (Fariservis Theory). कारर् हो कता है (Fariservis Theory)।
 There might be a resource shortage to o जन िंख्या को बनाए रखने के तलए िं ाधन की
sustain the population, and then people कमी हो कती है, और कफर लोग दतिर् भारत
moved towards south India. की ओर बढ़ गए।
 Another theory by Dr Gwen Robbins Schug o डॉ। ग्र्ेन रॉसबिं िूग के एक अन्य त द्ािंत में कहा
states that inter-personal violence, गया है कक अिंतर-व्यतिगत सहिं ा, िंक्रामक रोगों
infectious diseases and climate change had और जलर्ायु पटरर्तवन ने स िंधु घाटी भ्यता के
played a major role in the demise of the तनधन में एक प्रमुख भूतमका तनभाई थी।
Indus Valley Civilization.

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