ECAS User Manual
ECAS User Manual
ECAS User Manual
Ministry of Industry and Advanced technology is happy to announce the launch of new Issue License to use the
Emirates Quality Mark system. You can still access the old system at to continue
following up old applications. For new applications, please access the new system at .
1. Access
2. When asked to login, if you don’t have a user, please create a new one by clicking on Register Now and
register a new user. After user is activated, you can proceed to submit the application:
Issue Conformity Certificates for Regulated Products
3. Once your account is activated, access again to start the service and login
with your credentials. Scroll down to the Products Conformity Certificate section, and start the Issue License
to use the Emirates Quality Mark service:
4. On the create profile page, click on create new company profile and register your company details, then
submit the application to create your organization profile.
Issue Conformity Certificates for Regulated Products
5. Select the required product and handler then click Next:
Go to applications:
Issue Conformity Certificates for Regulated Products
Select Issue License to use the Emirates Quality Mark, the applications are filtered by current step, so select
the current step of your application:
Click on the view button next to the application that you wish to view:
Issue Conformity Certificates for Regulated Products
To view the certificate
Go to Certificates: