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DAILY Teacher CHARANGEL AENLLE- SULONG Learning Area Practical Research 1

LESSON LOG Teaching Date & Time FEB. 26-MAR. 02, 2024 Quarter 3RD


I. Objectives Objectives must be met over the week and connected to the curriculum standards. To meet the objectives, necessary
procedures must be followed and if needed, additional lessons, exercises and remedial activities may be done for developing
content knowledge and competencies. These are assessed using Formative Assessment strategies. Valuing objectives support
the learning of content and competencies and enable to find significance and joy in learning the lessons. Weekly objectives
shall be derived from the curriculum guides.
The learner demonstrates understanding of:
Content Standards 1. the value of qualitative research; its kinds, characteristics, uses, strengths, and weaknesses
2. the importance of qualitative research across fields of inquiry

The learner is able to:

Performance Standard
decide on suitable qualitative research in different areas of interest.

The learner: 1. describes characteristics, strengths, The learner: illustrates the importance of qualitative
weaknesses, and kinds of qualitative research research across fields. (CS_RS11-IIIb-2)
B. Learning Competencies (CS_RS11IIIb-1)

II. Content
Qualitative Research and Its Importance in Daily Life

III. Learning Resources List the materials to be used in different days. Varied sources of materials sustain children’s interest in the lesson and in
learning. Ensure that there is a mix of concrete and manipulative materials as well as paper- based materials. Hands- on
learning promotes concept development.

A. References Lourdes Melegrito and Diana Mendoza (2016) Applied Research: An Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods and
Report Writing, Manila: Phoenix Publishing House
Nelia Prieto, Victoria Naval and Teresita G. Carey (2017) Practical Research for Senior High School, Manila: Lorimar
Publishing Inc.

1. Teacher’s Guide Pages

2. Learner’s Materials Pages

3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials from Learning
Resources (LR) Portal
B. Other Learning Resources Practical Research 1 Practical Research 1 Practical Research 1 by researchgates.com
Teacher’s Guide, pp. 33-35 Teacher’s Guide, p. 37 Esther Baraceros, pp. 28- 33
Practical Research 1 by Esther
Baraceros, pp. 19- 24
IV. Procedures
A. Review Previous Lessons Review qualitative research Review major characteristics Do a review on strengths and Do a review on yesterday’s
and types of research. weaknesses of research lesson

B. Establishing purpose for the Lesson Identify the characteristics of Determine the strengths Qualitative research can Illustrate the importance of
qualitative research and weaknesses of offer best answers to qualitative research across
research research inquiries across fields

C. Presenting examples/instances of the new I’m Only Human Activity Steel and Kryptonite After (High School) Life
lessons Direction: Using the Activity Activity
metacard, write a problem a Direction: List your Ask:
human like you is facing. strengths and weakness What do you want to study
Post your answer on the as a human being. or do after graduating high
board. school? Are your interests
jibe with your ambition?
D. Discussing new concepts and practicing Discuss major characteristics Discuss the strengths of Discuss Subject Area Discuss about research journals
new skills #1 of qualitative research. qualitative research. Research Approaches
E. Discussing new concepts & practicing new Discuss the types of Discuss the weaknesses of Discuss Hard Sciences vs
skills #2 qualitative research qualitative research. Soft Sciences

F. Developing Mastery (Leads to Formative The learners will answer true The learners will create their Do Activity 1, page 31 Task:
Assessment 3) or false test. reflection about qualitative Direction: With your Find researches based on your
research. partner, think of the correct interests or track.
expression to complete the

G. Finding Practical Applications of concepts Ask: Ask: Ask: Ask:

and skills in daily living How the characteristics How the strengths and How the learning you How online searching can
and types of qualitative weaknesses of garnered today can help you in writing your
research can help you to qualitative research can help you in doing your research?
craft your title? guide you in writing research?
your first research.

H. Making Generalizations &Abstractions The learners differentiate the The learners summarize the The learners synthesize The learners report what they
about the lessons types of research. Also, they strengths and weaknesses of what they have learned. have done in the session.
should state the major qualitative research.
characteristics of research.

I. Evaluation Identify one weakness and The learners will analyze a

strength of qualitative research sample. Consider the
research. Explain it in your following:
own words. a. Subject b. Problem
J. Additional activities for application or
V. Remarks

VI. Reflection
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation

B. No. of learners who requires additional acts for

remediation who scored below 80%
C. No. of Learners who caught up with the lessons
D. No. of Learners who continue to require
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well?
Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my
principal/supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovations or localized materials did I
used/discover which I wish to share with other

Submitted by: Approved by:

School Grade Level Grade 11
DAILY Teacher Learning Area Practical Research 1
Teaching Date & Time Quarter


I. Objectives
The learner demonstrates understanding of:
Content Standards 1. the importance of research in daily life
2. the characteristics, processes, and ethics of research
3. quantitative and qualitative research
4. the kinds of research across fields

The learner is able to:

Performance Standard
1. use appropriate kinds of research in making decisions.

B. Learning Competencies

II. Content
Nature of Inquiry and Research

III. Learning Resources

A. References Lourdes Melegrito and Diana Mendoza (2016) Applied Research: An Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods and
Report Writing, Manila: Phoenix Publishing House
Nelia Prieto, Victoria Naval and Teresita G. Carey (2017) Practical Research for Senior High School, Manila: Lorimar
Publishing Inc.

1. Teacher’s Guide Pages

2. Learner’s Materials Pages

3. Textbook Pages pp. 8-10 pp. 33-38, 11-16 pp. 33-38, 11-16 pp. 17-20
4. Additional Materials from Learning
Resources (LR) Portal
B. Other Learning Resources
IV. Procedures
A. Review Previous Lessons What is research? Who can give at least one What are the types of What is ethics in research?
Why do we research? significance of research? research?

B. Establishing purpose for the Lesson The lesson at hand will This lesson will This lesson presents the This lesson presents primarily
illustrate the role of research introduce the ethics of research probing the comparison between
in one’s daily life. characteristics and into functions and quantitative and qualitative
What is the significance of processes of qualitative principles that must be research
research in our daily life? research observed by the
C. Presenting examples/instances of the new How would life be Sample researches will be Teacher will present some What are the similarities and
lessons without Graham Bell distributed to the students to cases on plagiarism and differences of qualitative and
and his telephone? Or observe the characteristics other ethical issues in quantitative research?
what would have and processes of research. research
happened if Martin Questions:
Cooper did not give us What have you observed on
the concept of mobile the research?
phones? Did the authors undergone
processes in conducting a
D. Discussing new concepts and practicing What is the role of research? What are the characteristics What is ethics? The class will be divided into
new skills #1 What is the significance of of research? Why is there an ethics in two discussion groups. One of
research? What are other characteristics research? the group is Team Quali while
of research? What does it tell to the the other Group is Team
researchers? Quanti. Each group must
E. Discussing new concepts & practicing new What is the relationship of What are the types of - Ethics defined propose a study on the same
skills #2 research to society? to other research? - Identified the conflicts topic on Overseas Filipino
field areas?  Library research between deontological Workers and their Impact on
 Field research theory and consequential Family and Society. Team
 Laboratory research approach Quali must propose a
- Ethical principles qualitative study on the topic
and the Team Quanti must
propose a quantitative study on
the same topic
F. Developing Mastery (Leads to Formative Form a group of 5 members. Based on what you have Is the observance of ethics Criteria Qualitative Quantitative
Research Research
Assessment 3) Exchange ideas on the learned on characteristics of important in research? Purpose Interpret Test
importance of research to research, which is the most Why? social hypothesis
your life. common characteristics that interaction
Variables whole specific
affected you most? Type of Words, Number &
data images, statistics
Which of those characteristics objects
Data Patterns, Statistical
ce of
are inherent in qualitative analysis features relationships
research? and which are not? and

Discuss the answers to the

given questions and prepare a
group report summarizing
each member’s contribution.
G. Finding Practical Applications of concepts As student-researchers, Just like you as students, Would you as a researcher Based on your own field of
and skills in daily living what is the importance developing learning goes acknowledge the authors of study, which type of research is
of research in your daily through a lot of processes, the whom you acquired data most appropriate? Support your
lives? same is true in research which and information? choice.
also do the same. Therefore,
there could be no quality How do you feel if someone
research without going thru a gotten your ideas and did
systematic way of conducting not acknowledge you?
it, be it qualitative or What will you do?
quantitative research.
H. Making Generalizations &Abstractions To acquire knowledge and Becoming familiar with the Ethics is an important Knowing not only the
about the lessons continuously evaluate its types of research, its component in research differences but also the
accuracy and usefulness, it characteristics and processes writing. similarities of each categories
requires a well-planned and will help you determine your will help a student-researcher
systematic procedure on choice for the locale or setting familiarize with the purposes,
which this research has been of your study. types and forms of data needed,
devised to meet this need. methods and approaches to be
II. Evaluation Give and explain at least one 10-item quiz 10 item quiz Essay: Write a short essay on
role of research in our daily the question: Does qualitative
life (5 points). research produce scientific
knowledge? Why or why or
J. Additional activities for application or Prepare a written report on
remediation research process. Use
references for a substantial
and detailed paper.
V. Remarks

VI. Reflection
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation

B. No. of learners who requires additional acts for

remediation who scored below 80%
C. No. of Learners who caught up with the lessons
D. No. of Learners who continue to require
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well?
Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my
principal/supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovations or localized materials did I
used/discover which I wish to share with other
School Grade Level
DAILY Teacher Learning Area
Teaching Date & Time Quarter


I. Objectives
The learner demonstrates understanding of: The learner demonstrates understanding of:
Content Standards 1. guidelines in making conclusions and recommendations
1. the selection criteria and process of best design
2. the techniques in listing references
3. the process of report writing

The learner is able to: The learner is able to:

Performance Standard
1. form logical conclusions 1. execute best design
2. make recommendations based on conclusions
3. write and present clear report

presents written research report finalizes and presents best presents research
B. Learning Competencies CS_RS12-IIh-j-4 design CS_RS12-IIh-j-5 workbook CS_RS12-IIh-
II. Content

III. Learning Resources

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages
2. Learner’s Materials Pages Applied Research by Melegrito and Mendoza
Quantitative Research by Richard Pulmones

3. Textbook Pages 225-228 225-228 235-242

4. Additional Materials from Learning
Resources (LR) Portal
B. Other Learning Resources
IV. Procedures
A. Review Previous Lessons We have learned from our We have discussed las time In the previous lesson, we have
previous lessons on how a the research format for your discussed how to present a
research is being carried out. research study. What are written research report and the
those? best design for a QR project.

B. Establishing purpose for the Lesson Writing and presenting a Today, you are going to What have been your By this time, you should now
research paper is one thing present your research observations on the be in a good position to
that a student should proposal. previous lessons on prepare a sequential plan.
accomplish for before research?
graduating junior high
C. Presenting examples/instances of the new What are the guidelines Students to present their This lesson will provide a To facilitate and monitor the
lessons in selecting research written research proposal review checklist which you student’s research learning
topics? may use to evaluate your process and development, a
research repot in accordance research workbook must be
with the best design based developed.
on a scientific method
D. Discussing new concepts and practicing Sample research format: What are the checklist for a What is a research workbook?
new skills #1 1. Title Group presentation quantitative research study?
2. Introduction
3. Objectives of the study
E. Discussing new concepts & practicing new 4. Significance of the Study A> Preliminaries 1. Identification of ideas
skills #2 5. Research questions B> Chapter I – 2. Stimulation of ideas
6. Respondents of the study Intoduction 3. Development of themes
7. Research methodology C> Chapter 2 – 4. Appreciation and criticism
Background 5. Reflection and
D> Chapter 3 - modification?
E> Chapter 4 – Results
and Discussion
F> Chapter 5 –
conclusions and
F. Developing Mastery (Leads to Formative You will involve yourself in What motivates you conduct In your research paper, Develop a matrix that will
Assessment 3) an already published research that study? using the checklist sequence the process of your
results. It should be research provided review your research.
study related to your research proposal.
approved title. Prepare an
outline of the research study
using the format below.
G. Finding Practical Applications of concepts Is learning to write a What is the significance of What had been your How would you assess your
and skills in daily living research paper may be your study to you as a observations on your research skill progress or
helpful later in your life? student? research proposal based on development? Did you gain
the checklist? anything from the inputs or
H. Making Generalizations &Abstractions Reporting and sharing Research is important to Therefore, it is important The process and result of
about the lessons findings of a research study students because it will help that you have a guide in research is nothing without
should be done in a timely them to be more critical on designing or making your application and dissemination.
and effective manner issues surrounding them. research proposal. Research outputs are to be
especially in writing a utilized by target users.
research paper.
I. Evaluating Learning What are the guidelines in What have been your How do you plan and Write a reflection-essay on
selecting a research topic? observations on the research execute your writing a what factors facilitated your
Enumerate and discuss each. proposal presented? research? learning in research? And what
hindered your growth or further
development? Develop a
criteria for assessing yourself.
J. Additional activities for application or
V. Remarks

VI. Reflection
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation

B. No. of learners who requires additional acts for

remediation who scored below 80%
C. No. of Learners who caught up with the lessons
D. No. of Learners who continue to require
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well?
Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my
principal/supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovations or localized materials did I
used/discover which I wish to share with other

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