TEACHING DATE AND TIME February 12-16, 2024; 8:00 – SEMESTER and Quarter Second Semester, Quarter
4:00 3
The learners demonstrate The learners demonstrate The learners demonstrate The learners demonstrate
understanding of the value of understanding of the importance of understanding of the range of understanding of the range of
qualitative research; its kinds, qualitative research across fields of research topics in the area of research topics in the area of
characteristics, uses, strengths, inquiry. inquiry. inquiry.
and weaknesses.
The learners shall be able to The learners shall be able to decide The learners shall be able to The learners shall be able to
decide on suitable qualitative on suitable qualitative research in formulate clearly statement of formulate clearly statement of
research in different areas of different areas of interest. research problem. research problem.
B. Performance interest.
The learners describe The learners illustrate the The learner designs a research The learner designs a research
C. Learning characteristics, strengths, importance of qualitative research project related to daily life writes a research title
Competencies weaknesses, and kinds of across fields
qualitative research.
SLM titled PR1_Quarter 3 – SLM titled PR1_Quarter 3 – Module SLM titled PR1_Quarter 3 – SLM titled PR1_Quarter 3 –
3. Textbook pages Module 6: 5: Module 7: Module 8:
A. Other Learning Powerpoint Presentations Powerpoint Presentations Powerpoint Presentations, Powerpoint Presentations
Resources Worksheet
Recall the previous lesson by Complete the matrix with the Complete the matrix with the
completing the matrix with the appropriate information as briefly appropriate information as
appropriate description of each as possible. briefly as possible.
type of research.
A. Preliminaries Character Strength Weaknes Kinds of Importance of
istics of s of ses of Qualitative Qualitative
Reviewing previous Research Research
Qualitativ Qualitati Qualitativ
lessons or presenting Across the
e ve e Fields
the new lesson
Research Research Research
B. Engage Present the learning objectives. Present the learning objectives. Present the learning Present the learning objectives.
Flash pictures of different sports Fill out the following “word shapes” Identifying statement with TRUE
and academic activities in by referring to the clues and or FALSE.
school. Ask students who among guessing the correct word/s.
Directions: Examine the
them are good in sports and who
following list of topics.
among them are good in
academic activities. 1. Climate Change 2. The
Digital Era 3. Philippines’
Relate the activity to the lesson
Underground River 4.
by pointing out that, like us,
Carcinogenic Foods 5. Social
research also has its strengths
Media Network 6. Jeju Island 7.
and weaknesses.
Academic Depression 8.
Establishing a purpose Theory of Relativity 9.
for the lesson Teaching Through Powerpoint
Presentations 10. Manila Flash
Flood Solutions
Guide Questions:
C. Explore The learners will answer a pre- The learners will answer a pre-test The learners will answer a pre- The learners will answer a pre-
test about the lesson’s module about the lesson’s module test about the lesson’s module test about the lesson’s module
Presenting samples of
instances of the new
D. Explain The teacher will discuss the The teacher will discuss the kinds of The teacher will discuss the The teacher will discuss the
characteristics, strengths and qualitative research and its Guidelines in choosing a characteristics of a good
Discussing new weaknesses of qualitative importance across fields of research topic, topics to be research title, how to write a
concepts and research. research. avoided and narrowing a research title.
practicing new general topic.
skills #1
Discussing new
concepts and
practicing new Name the type of research best
skills #2
suited for the following topics :
E. Elaborate Write the strengths of qualitative Think of a research topic that will Group the class into 5 and do Directions: Here is the list of
research on the upward arrow best suit the different kinds of the activity: Write on the titles. Based on the guidelines in
Finding practical and the weaknesses on its qualitative research. Write your formulating a good title and
activity sheet the right
applications of opposite direction. State your answer on your answer sheet. reason why there is a need to
descriptive word for each
concepts and skills answer in your own use subtitles, identify if the
in daily living words. a. Case Study given title is good or bad.
The students will take a 5-item The students will take a 5-item Write the title that appears to The students will take a 5-item
F. Evaluation multiple choice quiz. multiple choice quiz. be the best in terms of multiple choice quiz.
narrowing down a broad topic.
- Evaluating learning
5-item quiz
Draw your palm on a page in Do you think qualitative research is Plan your research by Answer carefully and honestly
your notebook. Put your more advantageous in studying the following the five steps in the questions in your notebook.
weaknesses as a person at the present educational problem of the research design. In order for you to write a good
center of the palm and how you Philippines noting that we are in a title, you have to follow steps
would improve these limitations state of pandemic? Why or why 1. Problem/Topic: and guidelines in formulating a
on the fingers not? _______________________________ good title. How would you relate
G. Additional activities/ 2. Objective of the Study: this learning to your personal
application/ ______________________________ growth and development?
remediation 3. Setting: What/who symbolizes steps and
_______________________________ guidelines? And what/who
4. Data Sources: symbolizes your formulated
_______________________________ good titles. Draw the
5. Data Collection methods: symbolisms in your notebook
_______________________________ and write a brief explanation.
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovations or
localized materials did I use/
discover which I which to
share with other teachers?