Art of Earliest Times Summary
Art of Earliest Times Summary
Art of Earliest Times Summary
Sumerian Decorative
—the eastern part of the Fertile
Crescent attractedsettlers from many Arts
different areas. Successive tribes
fought to possess the land between Archaeological findings at the
the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. Thus, Sumerian city of Ur reveal a thriving
the history ofancient Mesopotamia is a civilization, particularly evident in the
long series of conquests by a variety of
rich artifacts uncovered in the
ancient cemetery. Burial sites
contained chariots, jewelry,
SumerianCivilization headdresses, sculptures, and musical
-The Sumerian people were highly instruments, showcasing the
skilled and innovative, with sophistication of Sumerian
contributions to agriculture, decorative arts. Notably, a sound box
infrastructure, and technology. They from a lyre found in a queen's tomb
were early settlers in Mesopotamia, stands out for its exquisite
known for their agricultural practices
craftsmanship, featuring a bull's head
including irrigation and canal building.
Their inventions, such as wheeled adorned with gold leaf and details
transportation and the potter's wheel, crafted from lapis lazuli. The
demonstrate their creativity. Sumerian incorporation of human and animal
temples served as important hubs for elements in art, such as the
both spiritual practices and community representation of bulls, reflects
activities. Their society's reliance on
ancient Near Eastern artistic
irrigation led to the development of
governance and legal systems, conventions. This fascination with
marking the emergence of civilization bulls may stem from early herders
in the region. who recognized the animal's
significance in protecting their cattle
from wild beasts.
size and his central position at the top of
Evolution of Writing the relief.
1. The king wears a horned helmet sym-
Sumerians were the first to develop writing, their
bolizing his status as a god. He is
writing is the oldest that has come down to us.
placed before a triangular mountain
They wrote on clay tablets, press-ing rather than with stars shining down on him as he
scratching lines into the soft, wet clay. To draw tramples the body of a defeated foe.
their pictures they used a stylus, or writing 2. Two enemy soldiers confront the
instrument Akkadian king, one begging for mercy
they could produce triangular forms or wedges, as and another, mortally wounded,
well as straight lines. Curved lines were made by attempting to pull an arrow from his
combining a series of straight strokes neck.
3. The king’s victorious army marches
Neo-Sumerian Period up the mountain. The only casualties
shown are those of the king’s
Sumerian culture known as the Neo-Sumerian period,
lasting over 300 years. One prominent figure from this
era was Gudea, renowned for his dedication to religion,
literature, and philanthropy. Gudea was celebrated for his
construction of temples, support for education, and
advocacy for the vulnerable. His legacy endured
Around 1800 B.C., after centuries of
posthumously, with him being revered as a deity.
war-fare between the various
Numerous surviving sculpture portraits provide insights
into Gudea's appearance and influence. Mesopotamian city-states, the
Babylonians under the rule of their
king, Hammurabi, gained control of
Akkadian Period Mesopotamia
The worlds oldest known cave paintings .