LAS 2 Art Chapter 2
LAS 2 Art Chapter 2
LAS 2 Art Chapter 2
Background Information:
Art History Timeline
CIVILIZATION (~40,000–4,000 B.C.)
(-8000 to 4000 B.C.)
1. Paleolithic Period or Old Stone Age, (30,000 BCE– Prehistoric cultures that existed before the advent of a Venus of Willendorf, known as
10,000 BCE) ancient cultural stage, or level, of written language Woman of Willendorf or Nude
human development, characterized using Small sculptures/portable sculptures Woman. It is a fertility figure, a good-
rudimentary chipped stone tools. Paleolithic man luck totem, a mother goddess symbol,
was a hunter-gatherer who followed the herds of or an aphrodisiac .
reindeer and other game animals in a continuous
quest for food. Cave paintings/Monumental paintings, incised designs, Chauvet–Pont d’Arc and Lascaux
and reliefs on the walls of caves from simple finger grotto, limestone caves which
tracings in clay to sophisticated polychrome paintings, sheltered surface for paintings of
generally depicting animals, of dynamic naturalism varied sample of prehistoric graphic
and exquisite design. art,
2. Mesolithic Period or Middle Stone Age (10,000 Due to the warmer climate, Mesolithic rock art moves
BCE–8,000 BCE). Man had invented the small tools from caves to outdoor sites such as vertical cliffs or Pre-Estuarine X-Ray paintings (c.9,000
like spearheads, arrow heads etc., had started sheer faces of natural rock, often protected from the BCE) Ubirr, Arnhem Land, Australia.
taming the dogs for the hunting purpose. The man elements by outcroppings or overhangs, focus on Bhimbetka rock paintings (9,000 BCE)
of this age was still a food collector and not a food humans - usually groups of humans engaged in India.
producer. It begins at the end of the Ice Age - hunting, dancing and various other rituals, as well as Wonderwerk Cave (8,200 BCE), done
roughly 10,000 BCE - and ends with the arrival of everyday activities. in a cave that had been inhabited by
agriculture Rock Paintings. humans for some 2 million years.
Cave Paintings/Engraving Argentinian Cueva de las Manos (Cave
Relief sculpture of Hands) in the valley of the Pinturas
Wood carving River, Patagonia, which contains a
host of hand stencils and handprints,
carbon-dated to 7,300 BCE.
3. Neolithic Period or New Stone Age (8,000 BCE– Static domestic existence created a huge demand for The world's earliest ceramic pots,
3,000 BCE). The onset of civilization. Neolithic aesthetic decoration and embellishment. As a result, Xianrendong Cave Pottery (c.18,000
farming settlements gained control of their food crafts were developed as well as various forms of BCE)
supply (farming and animal husbandry). The decorative art and design. Murals began to appear in Pig Dragon Pendant (3,800 BCE), a
communities became protective of their "territory". houses; as did small statues, and patterns for pottery Chinese Jade carving and Chinese
They merged with others, creating larger and textiles. Lacquerware (from 4,500 BCE)
settlements and cities. They became more Emergence of monumental religious architecture for Jiahu Carvings, Yellow River Valley,
organized and hierarchical. Lastly, Neolithic man shrines and tombs. China (7,000–5,700 BCE) Tortoise shell
began to develop systems of belief in supernatural carvings, and the 33 Jiahu flutes carved
deities. from the wing bones of cranes, which
are among the world's oldest musical
Vidovdanka (5500-4700 BCE)
Terracotta figurine from Vinca-Belo
Brdo. Now in National Museum of
1. Mesopotamia civilization - appeared 5,000 years Sumerian artisans worked with clay shaped into bricks Bronze Head from Nineveh (Portrait
ago between Tigris and Euphrates. It grew into 12 used in making homes, palaces, and temples. of Sargon of Akkad)
city-states. Ziggurat – brick temple, home of gods. Gold Head of a Bull (from the tomb of
- Sumerians believed in many gods called Most of artisans worked either for the temple or for the Queen Shubad of Ur)
- Mesopotamians developed a twelve-month royal court. They learned how to make tools and
calendar based on the cycles of the moon. weapons of bronze. A system of writing called
- About 2350 BC, Sargon the Great, ruler of Schools trained boys in this art – Cuneiform writing and CUNEIFORM
Kingdom Akkad, conquered the city-states and worked as scribes for the temple, court, and merchants.
made it as part of the worlds’ first empire.
- About 2100 BC, one of the Sumerian city -states,
Ur, regained power and ruled birth Sumer and
- About 1792 BC, Hammurabi, a Babylonian ruler
conquered and united Mesopotamia.
3. Greek Civilization
- About 2600 BC, Minoans on the island of Crete
developed a civilization. Mycenaeans from the
Greek peninsula invaded Crete about 1400BC Simple but beautiful, balanced, and graceful- Phidias was the best- “Zeus” at Olympia and the “Athena”
and took control of the trades. With the fall of these are the characteristics of Ancient Greek art, known sculptor Parthenon, the temple of Athena,
Mycenae about 1100 BC, the Greeks entered the the style that is now called “classical”. patron goddess of Athens.
dark age. Greek art focused on humanism and divinity Artemis, goddess of hunting (carving)
- In the Hellenic Age that followed, the Greeks (portrayed gods in human form). Forms of art Bronze head of Aphrodite, goddess of
developed ideas about gods and became include paintings, sculpture, and pottery. Statues love
familiar with the Homeric epics whose heroes were painted. Painted in pottery vessels were Tomb of the Diver (painting)
possessed qualities- intelligence, bravery, and scenes and designs revealing their way of life. Discobolus of Myron (sculpture)
a sense of beauty- that became the Greek ideal. Assembly-line techniques made possible the A Greek Vessel and The Black Figure
- About 800BC city-states developed in Greece. production of large vessels and those who painted
Two of these- Sparta and Athens. Sparta had them were considered secondary artists.
the bravest warriors in Greece. Athens, where Greek painters and sculptures showed human
the idea of democracy was born, was famous beings as ideally beautiful. Statutes of athletes had
for its statesmen, thinkers, writers, and well-developed and well-proportioned bodies, while
artists. the faces of men and women were shown with
- In the early 15th century BC, Persian empire perfect features.
threatened to conquer Greece and the two city-
states that often quarreled, united to preserve
their freedom. Their victory over Persia lead to
golden age in Athens.
- When Athens built an empire, Sparta challenged
its rivel and brought on the Peloponnesian War.
The weakened city-states were easily conquered
by Philip of Macedonia in 338BC.
- Philips’s son, Alexander the Great, made Greece
part of an empire that stretched from Egypt to
- Greeks greatly influenced art, architecture,
science, and philosophy. The Greek ideal was a
balanced life in which both EXCELLENCE and
MODERATION (known as “golden mean”, of
balance between extremes) were goals to be
6. Fluxus
- Fluxus was an avant-garde art movement that
emerged in the late 1950s as a group of artists Geoffrey Hendricks
who had become disenchanted with the Sky Crated
elitist attitude, they perceived in the art Joseph Beuys,
world at the time. These artists looked to Woman/Animal Skull
Futurists and Dadaists for inspiration, focusing Yoko Ono
especially on performance aspects of the Cut Piece
C. Explain how the different historical period influence the development of art.