Thevenin Lab Report
Thevenin Lab Report
Thevenin Lab Report
The experiment was carried out by taking four fixed resistors with different readings one being
the load resistor and connecting them in a circuit in which R1 is in series with R2 which is in
parallel with R3 which is in series with RL which at same time is in parallel with R3. Then the
measured and calculated the equivalent resistance of R1, R2and R3. Afterwards RL was
removed to make an open circuit and the voltage at the open circuit was both measured and
calculated. Then using thevenin equivalent circuit current at RL was easily found hence showing
thevenin theorem which states that a complex circuit can be simplified to a simple series circuit.
To verify thevenin theorem there was a need for both theoretical and practical results therefore a
complex circuit of four resistors was simplified to a simple series circuit both on paper and in the
Thevenin theorem was first derived by Herman Helmholtz in 1853 later independently by Leon
Charles thevenin a French in 1883 the theorem was aimed to take a complex network of resistors
and sources be simplified down to a single voltage source called thevenin voltage (VTH) and a
single resistor called thevenin resistor (RTH) connected in series with the load resistor.
1. Fixed resistors (1KΩ,1.8KΩ,3.3KΩ,2KΩ)
2. Connecting wires
3. Proto board
4. Multimeter
1. Connect the resistors in a way that R1(1KΩ) is in series with R2(1.8KΩ) but parallel with
R3(3.3KΩ) which is in series with RL(2KΩ) as show below.
2. Remove the RL and replace the it with a multimeter set to measure voltage passing
through the load resistance like shown by the diagram.
3. Vary the voltage source from the proto board to voltages 5V,10V and 15V at each
voltage record the record is as the thevenin’s voltage
4. After wards short circuit the voltage source and open circuit the RL to record the
thevenin’s resistance
5. Measure the RTH by measuring the resistance at the open end record it.
6. To measure the corresponding load current, attach the multimeter to the load resistor set
to measure current
After calculating the thevenin voltage and the corresponding load current voltage to each varied
voltage supply, the calculated results for both practical and theoretical was almost the same or in
the same range of values.
In a nutshell with the calculations and results found a complex circuit can have simplified into an
equivalent simple series circuit hence proving thevenin’s theorem.
wikipedia. (2024, april 15). history of thevenin theorem. Retrieved from
Thevenin’s equivalent circuit
Taking the practical reading for load current
2.16 Ω× 2.2Ω
9.64 V
2.16 Ω× 2.2Ω
2.16 Ω× 2.2Ω