En-Luqman's Advice To His Son
En-Luqman's Advice To His Son
En-Luqman's Advice To His Son
Bring up children in the 21st century is no easier, nor is it any harder, than
bringing up children in any century. Of course each time period has its unique
problems but generic advice will always offer the best solutions because the
nature of the human being remains unchanged. When God sent down the
Quran He filled it with advice and reminders that would be equally useful for
all time periods.
Luqman’s advice to his son can be found in the Quran in the chapter named
after him, chapter 31, verses 12 - 19. In addition to this Ibn Kathir, the
renowned Islamic scholar and historian of the 14th century CE, wrote about
Luqman in his book ‘Stories of the Quran’. He used information obtained
from the most reliable sources of the time. According to Ibn Kathir and most
Islamic scholars Luqman was not a prophet but a wise man that God had
blessed with wisdom. The earlier scholars, according to Ibn Kathir, were of the
opinion that wisdom means discretion and religious understanding. In some
traditions it is said that Luqman himself said that he maintained his honourable
and noble qualities by, "Lowering my gaze, watching my tongue, eating what is
lawful, keeping my chastity, undertaking my promises, fulfilling my
commitments, being hospitable to guests, respecting my neighbours, and
discarding what does not concern me. All these made me the one you are
looking at."[1]
The wise man known as Luqman gave 10 pieces of advice to his son.
Advice that is applicable now and can be followed and used by any parent
wanting to raise a child in the light of Islam. It is said that if all parents
implemented Luqman’s advice then there would be no need to worry about the
fate of the children in the Hereafter because they have been shown the path that
leads to Paradise. In the few short verses of the Quran that contain Luqman’s
advice to his son is the key to success in this life and on the Day of Judgement.
The advice a parent gives or chooses not to give their child is very
important. One the Day of Judgement it would be devastating to hear your
child say to God, "But my mum (or dad) didn’t tell me that." Choosing the
right words can be a difficult task so taking the advice of the prophets or our
righteous predecessors such as Luqman is an excellent idea. Therefore let us
examine just what Luqman said to his son and note that Luqman chose to speak
in a respectful manner. Respect is important between any people engaging in
a conversation but it is extremely important between family members. Nobody
likes to be dictated to or to be yelled at especially when the unacceptable way
of speaking comes from a beloved family member.
1. "…O my son! Join not in worship others with God. Verily! Joining
others in worship with God is a great wrong indeed." (Quran 31:13)
Luqman calls his son "my son" rather than by name so as to emphasis the
familial bond. He catches his attention encouraging him to listen carefully
to what he is about to say. He then calls his son’s attention to what is the
most important thing in the eyes of God. The one who associates others
with God, he says, does the biggest wrong or injustice to the Creator and
Sustainer of the universe. That person also does a great wrong to himself
because he offers himself up to the possibility of God’s anger and an
eternal punishment.
"Indeed God does not forgive that partners are associated
with Him but He forgives anything besides that to
whomsoever He wills." (Quran 4:48)
2. "And we have enjoined on man to be dutiful and good to his
parents…" (Quran 31:14)
In the Quran God mentions the rights of parents in the same sentence as
the most important aspect of Islam, worshipping God alone. This
indicates that being kind to parents, honouring and respecting them, is
extremely important in the way of life that is Islam.
"And your Lord has decreed that you worship none but
Him and that you be dutiful to your parents…" (Quran
Prophet Muhammad reinforced the duty to be kind to parents. A
companion of the Prophet once asked him which of the many good deeds a
man can do is the most loved by God. Prophet Muhammad answered him
by saying, "To offer the prayer in its proper time". The companion then
asked, "And what is next?" to which Prophet Muhammad replied, "To be
good and dutiful to your parents…"[2]
In the following part of Chapter Luqman, verse 14 God clarifies the
difficulties mothers in particular go through raising their children and
demands that the child gives thanks to his parents. God reminds us then
that it is to Him that we will return so our first allegiance is to God alone,
followed by devotion and kindness to our parents.
"And We have enjoined on man (to be dutiful and good) to
his parents. His mother carried him, (increasing her) in
weakness upon weakness, and his weaning is in two years -
give thanks to Me and to your parents. Unto Me is the
final destination." (Quran 31:14)
3. "O my son! If it be (anything) equal to the weight of a grain of
mustard seed, and though it be in a rock, or in the heavens or in the
earth, Allah will bring it forth…" (Quran 31:16)
Luqman then advises his son to remember the might and power that
belongs to God. God’s knowledge is perfect, anything that happens or will
happen in this world is already known by God. God’s might is absolute
and should not be questioned, challenged or ignored by anyone.
[1] Narrated Ibn Wahb in Chapter 16, Stories of the Quran by Ibn Kathir.
[2] Saheeh Al-Bukhari
[1] Saheeh Muslim
[2] Ibn Qayyim al Jawziyyah, 1997, Patience and gratitude, English translation, United
Kingdom, Ta-Ha Publishers. P12
[3] As Sallabi, Dr Ali Muhammad. ‘Umar Ibn Al-Khattab: His Life and Times. International
Islamic Publishing House Saudi Arabia. (2007)