Water and Hydrology
Water and Hydrology
Water and Hydrology
-Soil and RockCycle
water movement
and Water
and topography
-The principles of
stratigraphic units
-Soil and Rock strength
Shear stress
Soil Strength
Normal stress
-Soil and Rock strength
3. The more angular the soil particles, the stronger the soil
-Soil and Rock strength
In a damp soil,
surface tension
increases shear
-Ground water movement and topography
The water table occurs everywhere beneath the Earth's surface. In desert regions it is
always present, but rarely intersects the surface.
In more humid regions the water table reaches the surface at streams and lakes,
and generally tends to follow surface topography. The depth to the water table may
change, however, as the amount of water flowing into and out of the saturated zone
changes. During dry seasons, the depth to the water table increases. During wet seasons,
the depth to the water table decreases.
-Ground water movement and topography
Gravity is the dominant driving force in ground-water movement. Under natural conditions, ground water
moves "downhill" until, in the course of its movement, it reaches the land surface at a spring or through a
seep along the side or bottom of a stream channel or an estuary
Thus, ground water in the shallowest part of the saturated zone moves from interstream areas toward
streams or the coast. If we ignore minor surface irregulates, we find that the slope of the land surface is
also toward streams or the coast. In effect, the water table usually is a subdued replica of the land
In areas where ground water is used for domestic and other needs requiring good-quality water, septic
tanks, sanitary landfills, waste ponds, and other waste-disposal sites should not be located uphill from
supply wells
Groundwater is normally hidden from views; as a consequence, many people have difficulty visualizing
its occurance and movement. This difficulty adversely affects their ability to understand and to deal
effectively with ground-water related problems.
Groundwater Model
link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?
Water Quality and Groundwater Contamination
Water quality depends on the amount of dissolved solids, and lack of toxic and biological
pollutants. Most pollution of groundwater is the result of biological activity, much of it is human.
Among the sources of contamination are:
What is stratigraphy?
Principles of stratigraphic units
Hydrostratigraphic units
-The principles of stratigraphic units
What is stratigraphy?
Strata - Layer Graphy - study
Definition: Stratigraphy is a branch of Geology which is a Study of layers of rocks. It is concerned with the
order and relative position of layers and their relationship to the geological time scale. It deals with origin,
composition, distribution and succession of strata; and with the arrangement of strata (generally
sedimentary beds)
In Simple Terms: In stratigraphy we study all those things that tells us about history also known as
"historical geology". we study about the time of occurrence of strata, time of destruction of strata and also
study about the fossils present in these strata. We get to know about earth's history. We study the events
that happened on earth in chronological order.
Categories of Stratigraphic Units:
1. Lithostratigraphy
2. Pedostratigraphy
3. Biostratigraphy
4. Chronostratigraphy
5. Geochronostratigraphy
6. Magnetostratigraphy
7. Chemostratigraphy
8. Sequence stratigraphy
Definition: Lithostratigraphy deals with the study of strata or rock layers.
(It is the subdivision, classification, and orgranization of rock strata on the basis of their lithologic
(physical characters)
Lithostratigraphic unit:
A body of rocks that is defined and recognized on the basis of its lithologic properties or
combination of lithologic properties and stratigraphic relations.
A lithostratigraphic unit may consist of sedimentary, or igneous, or metamorphic rocks.
Lithostratigraphic units are defined and recognized by observable physical features and not by their
inferred age, the time span they represent, inferred geologic history, or manner of formation.
The geographic extent of a lithostratigraphic unit is controlled entirely by the continuity and extent of
its diagnostic lithologic features.
2.Pedostratigraphic unit
Definition: is a body of rock that consists of one or more pedologic horizons. A pedologic horizon is a
layer parallel to the soil surface whose physical, chemical and biological characteristics differ from the
layers above and beneath.
3. Biostratigraphic unit
Biostratigraphic units (biozones) are
bodies of rock strata that are defined
or characterized on the basis of their
contained fossils.
Biostratigraphic units exist only
where the particular diagnostic
biostratigraphic feature or attribute
on which they are based has been
identified. Biostratigraphic units are,
therefore, descriptive units based on
the identification of fossil taxa.
Definition: It aims in determining the ages of strata. It
studies the age of rock strata in relation to time
Chronostratigraphic unit:
A body of rocks that includes all rocks
representative of a specific interval of geologic
time, and only this time span. Chronostratigraphic
units are bounded by isochronous horizons which
mark specific moments of geological time.
The rank and relative magnitude of the units in
the chronostratigraphic hierarchy are a function
of the durations they represent.
5. Geochronostratigraphic unit
Definition: The units of geologic time during which chronostratigraphic units were formed are called
geochronologic units.
Definition: The organization of rock bodies into units based on
differences in magnetic character.
Definition: Sequence stratigraphic units are bodies of sedimentary rocks that are defined and
characterized on the basis of their stratal stacking patterns and their stratigraphic relations. Stratal
stacking patterns provide the basis for the definition of all units and surfaces of sequence
The bounding surfaces of sequence stratigraphic units are sequence stratigraphic surfaces,
which are stratigraphic contacts that mark changes in stratal stacking pattern between the
underlying and the overlying units.
-The principles of stratigraphic units
1. Lithology
2. Superposition
3. Fossil content
1. Lithology - is the study of lithosphere (rock bed) in chronological order. Older beds are found
below than the younger beds. Sedimentary beds may be identified by its lithological characters
2. Superposition - when beds are not disturbed, a bed that is over another bed is younger. As we
move up sedimentary beds become younger, in a stratigraphic sequence. Younger rocks are at
top and older at bottom. In younger rock beds we will find remains of events that took place
recently and in older beds we will find remains of events that took place earlier
3. Fossil content - preserved remains of animals are called fossils. These are preserved naturally in
the earth. Each sedimentary bed contain a particular set of fossil by which it can be identified.
Lower forms of life are formed in older beds and evolved forms of life are found in new beds. By
this we can assign their ages.
-The principles of stratigraphic units
Hydrostratigraphic units
Aquifers Aquitards
Geologic layers or formations are often classified into Hydrostratigraphic Units for analysis
during hydrogeologic investigations.
A hydrostratigraphic unit is a geologic formation, part of a formation, or a group of formations
with similar hydrologic characteristics or properties (e.g. hydraulic conductivity or permeability)
relating to groundwater flow.
Hydrostratigraphic units are then classified into aquifer or aquitard units. Fluids flow more
readily through aquifer units (e.g. sand and gravel) compared to aquitard units (e.g. clay).
Ultimately a single geologic layer or formation may be subdivided into multiple
hydrostratigraphic units, including both aquifers and aquitards.
Examples of Lithostratigraphic and/or Hydrostratigraphic units at different study areas are shown
below From youngest to oldest, the interpretation is as follows:
of Chapter 2