Hyeon Seok Rou (Graduate Student Member, IEEE) [] is a Ph.D. Candidate at Constructor
University, Bremen, Germany, funded as a Research Associate at Continental AG on a researach project on 6G vehicular-
to-everything (V2X) integrated sensing and communications (ISAC). His research interests lie in the fields of ISAC, hyper-
dimensional sparse modulation schemes, B5G/6G V2X wireless communications technology, and Bayesian inference.
Giuseppe Thadeu Freitas de Abreu (Senior Member, IEEE) [] is a Full Professor of Electrical
Engineering at Constructor University, Bremen, Germany. His research interests include communications theory, estimation the-
ory, statistical modeling, wireless localization, cognitive radio, wireless security, MIMO systems, ultrawideband and millimeter
wave communications, full-duplex and cognitive radio, compressive sensing, energy harvesting networks, random networks,
connected vehicles networks, and many other topics. He has served as an editor for various IEEE Transactions, and currently
serves as an editor to the IEEE Signal Processing Letters and the IEEE Communications Letters.
Junil Choi (Senior Member, IEEE) [] is a (Named) Ewon Associate Professor with the School of Electrical
Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), South Korea. From 2007 to 2011, he was a member
of the Technical Staff with the Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology (SAIT) and Samsung Electronics Company Ltd.,
South Korea, where he contributed to advanced codebook and feedback framework designs for the 3GPP LTE/LTE-Advanced
and IEEE 802.16m standards. His research interests include the design and analysis of massive MIMO, mmWave communication
systems, distributed reception, and vehicular communication systems. He was the recipient of numerous awards from various
IEEE societies, and is currently an Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, IEEE Transactions
on Communications, IEEE Communications Letters, and IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society.
David González G. (Senior Member, IEEE) [] is a Senior Research Engineer at Continental AG,
Germany, and has previously served at Panasonic Research and Development Center, Germany. His research interests include
aspects of cellular networks and wireless communications, including interference management, radio access modeling and
optimization, resource allocation, and vehicular communications. Since 2017, he has represented his last two companies as
delegate in the 3GPP for 5G standardization, mainly focused on physical layer aspects and vehicular communications.
Osvaldo Gonsa [] is the Head of the Wireless Communications Technologies
group by Continental AG in Frankfurt, Germany. He has worked in research and standardization in radio access network,
serving as an advisor to the German Federal Ministry of Economy and Energy for the “PAiCE” projects, and currently as
the GSMA Advisory Board for automotive and the 6GKom project of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research.
Yong Lian Guan (Senior Member, IEEE) [] is a Professor of Communication Engineering with the
School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore, where he leads the
Continental-NTU Corporate Laboratory and the successful deployment of the campus-wide NTU-NXP V2X test bed. His
research interests broadly include coding and signal processing for communication systems and data storage systems. He is a
Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society from 2021 to 2023 and an Editor of the IEEE Transactions
on Vehicular Technology.
Marios Kountouris (Fellow, IEEE) [] is a Professor with the Communication Systems Department,
EURECOM, Sophia-Antipolis, France. His research interests include communications theory, machine learning for wireless
communications, low latency networking, and stochastic modeling and performance analysis. He was a recipient of the
Consolidator Grant of the European Research Council (ERC) in 2020 on goal-oriented semantic communication. He is an
AAIA Fellow. He has received several awards and distinctions at various IEEE venues. He has served as an Editor for
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, and IEEE Wireless Communication
Letters. He is a Chartered Professional Engineer of the Technical Chamber of Greece.
B5G and 6G wireless systems rely on extremely high-frequency (EHF) technology developed for the millimeter-wave
(mmWave) and Terahertz (THz) bands [2]–[4], to provide a variety of enhanced applications such as Internet-of-things (IoT),
edge computing, and smart cities [5], [6], with particular interest in heterogeneous high-mobility environments found in vehicle-
to-everything (V2X), cell-free/cooperative multi-cell, and non-terrestrial network (NTN) communication scenarios [7]–[9].
A promising enabling technology to satisfy the demands of B5G and 6G is ISAC, which combines sensing and communi-
cations functions under a single wireless system, with unified hardware and signal processing techniques [10]–[13].
Besides the greater support to services such as environment mapping and node localization, which is of fundamental impor-
tance to the aforementioned high-mobility scenarios, various enhancements are expected to be brought by ISAC technology,
including increased efficiency in spectrum, energy, and hardware costs.
High-mobility environments are a great challenge to wireless communications systems due to the resulting doubly-dispersive
wireless channel [14], [15], also referred to as TV multipath, or time-frequency selectivity. Although the delays and Doppler
shifts can be estimated [16]–[18], the effect of such a scattering environment onto received signals is severe inter-carrier
interference (ICI) [19], [20], which can drastically decrease the communication performance under conventional of even
highly effective modulation schemes such as orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM). And despite various clever
contributions that have been proposed to mitigate the issue [21]–[23], hefty consequences in overhead and increased complexity
are inevitable.
Motivated by the above challenge, as well as the potential of ISAC technology within B5G and 6G systems, novel waveforms
have recently been proposed which are inherently robust to high-mobility environments, thanks to the orthogonality they
maintain in the doubly-dispersive channel. One of the best-known and investigated methods with such features is the OTFS
waveform [24], [25], which leverages the inverse symplectic finite Fourier transform (ISFFT) [26] to modulate a two-dimensional
(2D) grid of information symbols directly onto the delay-Doppler domain. The OTFS scheme gained great attention as a
promising candidate for high-mobility B5G systems, thanks to the demonstrated superior performance it achieves in comparison
to other proposed waveforms [27]–[29].
Alternatively, chirp domain-based multicarrier waveforms have also been investigated, which are attractive due to their
inherent spread-spectrum property and potential for full-duplex operations [12], [30], [31]. This effort led to the proposal of
several novel modulation schemes for doubly-dispersive wireless channel [32]–[34], including the recently proposed AFDM
waveform [35], [36], which leverages the inverse discrete affine Fourier transform (IDAFT) [37] to modulate information
symbols into a “twisted” time-frequency domain in order to achieve the desired delay-Doppler orthogonality. This particular
feature of AFDM, as well as other properties such as the full-diversity guarantee, optimizable parametrization, increased
throughput, and reduced computational dimension [36], promotes the AFDM approach as a strong contender to OTFS.
It was quickly noticed that the full delay-Doppler representation of the channel in OTFS and AFDM inherently conveys the
velocity and range information of the scatterers in the form of the respective multipath delays and Doppler-shifts, such to
imply significant benefits in terms of ISAC. This was followed by a plethora of OTFS-based ISAC techniques being proposed
to extract the delay and Doppler parameters of the resolvable paths directly from the channel state information (CSI) [38]–[40],
which have been shown to approach the sensing performances of the full OFDM and frequency modulated continuous wave
(FMCW) radars, with a higher robustness to mobility and achievable capacity [41].
Naturally, the AFDM waveform is also expected to be a very promising candidate for ISAC in doubly-dispersive environments
[12] with similarities and advantages over OTFS, in addition to the natural relationship between chirp waveforms and radar
signal processing. However, very few works have been published so far on AFDM-based ISAC [42], which is likely due to the
fact that the AFDM technique was only very recently proposed. In view of all the above, the full article here described aims to
offer a thorough analysis on the future of ISAC in heterogeneous high-mobility environments, in the form of a comprehensive
comparison of AFDM as a rising competitor, and OTFS as its leading state-of-the-art (SotA) alternative.
where f and ν respectively denote the instantaneous frequency and Doppler shift.
The two representations of the doubly-dispersive CIR given by eq. (2) and eq. (3) are respectively visualized in Fig. 1,
highlight the continuously fast-varying nature in the time-frequency domain, in contrast to the sparse and impulsive property
in the delay-Doppler domain, with the implication of an inherently more efficient signal processing in the latter.
Following the above, given a discrete sequence of the transmit signal s[n] sampled at a rate of T with discrete time indices
n ∈ {0, · · ·, N − 1}, the received signal over the CIR in eq. (1) is given by
P∞ PP n τ
r[n] = ℓ=0 s[n − ℓ] · p=1 hp · ej2πνp N · δ( ∆τp − ℓ) + w[n], (4)
where w[n] is the additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) signal, and ℓ ≜ ∆τ is the normalized delay with resolution ∆τ
assumed to be sufficient such the normalized delays can be rounded to the nearest integer with negligible error.
Omitting the full derivations at this point, eq. (4) can also be described with as circular convolution by
· s + w ∈ CN ×1 ,
r ≜ Hs + w = p=1 hp ·Cp ·Np ·Π (5)
where r ∈ CN ×1 is the received signal vector; and Cp ∈ CN ×N is a diagonal matrix arising from a cyclic prefix, Np ∈ CN ×N
is a diagonal Doppler shift matrix, and Π ∈ CN ×N is the forward cyclic-shift matrix, respectively for the p-th path.
In other words, the resultant delay-Doppler representation of the doubly-dispersive channel is a superposition of P different
shifted diagonal matrices.
1 1 1
0.6 0.6 0.6
jg DD (=; 8)j
jg TF (t; f )j
0.4 0.4 0.4
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0.5 0 2 0 0
20 20
2 1 #10!5 2
4 4 20 20
#106 1.5 4 40 40
6 40 40
2 6
8 Time 6 Delay
Frequency Doppler 60 60 60 60
(a) Time-frequency transfer function. (b) Delay-doppler spread function. (a) OTFS effective channel. (b) AFDM effective channel.
Fig. 1. Different representations of a doubly-dispersive CIR with P = 3 Fig. 2. Illustration of the OTFS and AFDM effective channels of the
resolvable paths (illustrated by unique colors) of random integer delays and exemplary CIR in Fig. 1, which is a simple case with integer multiple delays
Doppler-shifts, with carrier frequency of 5.9GHz and signal bandwidth of and Doppler shifts. In case of fractional Doppler shifts, the diagonals of the
10MHz (following the IEEE 802.11p vehicular environment [43]). effective matrices would become a thicker band, retaining other properties.
where θ = {h1 , · · ·, hP , τ1 , · · ·, τP , ν1 , · · ·, νP } is the set of all 3P channel parameters corresponding to the channel gain,
delay, and Doppler shift of the P paths, respectively, and H̃(hp , τp , νp ) is the conditional channel matrix given the parameters
hp , τp , νp , defined as the channel in eq. (5).
The joint domain of 3P parameters, which are continuously complex on hp and bounded but still continuously real on τp
and nup , for all P , the above minimization problem is extremely challenging. One efficient widely utilized framework is the
iterative grid search or reduced-search methods [39], [46] which are known to exhibit a trade-off in complexity and resolution.
On the other hand, other methods have also investigated leveraged subspace analysis and radar-like signal processing methods
[47]–[49] to directly approximate the continuous parameters of eq. (12) from the effective channel information.
The various approaches and the advantages of the available methods will be discussed in the full article - specifically aiming
to provide relevant results and evaluation for the AFDM-based sensing which is currently lacking in the relevant literature.
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