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Species Richness and Relative Abundance of Pest Faunal Complex Infesting Okra
under Mid-Hill Conditions of Eastern Himalayas

Article · March 2016


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Uttar Banga Krishi Vishwavidyalaya


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Journal of Agriculture and Technology

J. Agric. Technol., 3(1): 74-78 (2016)

ISBN: 2348-4721

Species Richness and Relative Abundance of Pest Faunal Complex

Infesting Okra under Mid-Hill Conditions of Eastern Himalayas
Suprakash Pal1* and Sumit Kumar Satpathi2

Regional Research Station, Kalimpong, Darjeeling, West Bengal-734301; 2Department of Agricultural
Entomology, Uttar Banga Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Pundibari, Cooch Behar, West Bengal-736165
*E-mail: palsento@gmail.com

Field experiment was conducted to study the species richness and relative abundance of
different pest species infesting okra at the Regional Research Station (Hill Zone), Uttar
Banga Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Kalimpong, West Bengal in the spring-summer season
during the period from April to August, 2011 and 2012. Twenty four species of insect
pests belonging to 16 families under 5 orders were found damaging okra right from the
seedling stage upto the maturity of the crop. The leaf beetle (Nisotra chrysomeloides
Jacoby), aphid (Aphis gossypii Glover), blister beetle (Mylabris pustulata Thun.) and
whitefly, Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) were found as the most common and major insect
pests of okra. By number, leaf beetle was found to be the most frequent infesting pest
followed by aphid, blister beetle and whitefly. The Shannon’s diversity index (H) and
Simpson’s diversity index (D) for the pest faunal complex of okra was calculated as 2.18
and 6.85, respectively. Similarly, the Shannon's equitability (EH) and Simpson’s equitability
(ED) for the community were calculated as 0.69 and 0.29 respectively.

Keywords: Okra, pests, species richness, abundance, diversity indices

INTRODUCTION account, a diversity index depends not only on

The need for studies on the biodiversity in species richness but also on the evenness, or
agroecosystems has come to be realized more equitability, with which individuals are distributed
than ever before, aiming at a clear understanding among the different species. Diversity indices
of the numerous relationships between crop provide important information about rarity and
plants, insects and natural enemies commonness of species in a community. The
(Ananthakrishnan, 2004). Communities and ability to quantify diversity in this way is an
ecosystems are dynamic; and species have important tool for biologists trying to understand
significant impact on community and ecosystem community structure.
dynamics (Jayaraj, 2006). The species diversity in Okra [Abelmoschus esculentus (L.)
a community is measured mathematically by a Moench] is an important vegetable crop in the hilly
number of diversity indices. Diversity indices region of West Bengal and Sikkim lying in the
provide more information about community eastern belt of Himalayas. In this region, it is
composition than simply species richness (i.e. the mainly grown in the spring-summer season. It is
number of species present); they also take the highly susceptible to damage by a number of
relative abundances of different species into pests, which is a major bottleneck in realizing the
account. By taking relative abundances into full yield potential of the crop. As many as 72

Journal of Agriculture and Technology

insect pests are known to attack this crop Visual Searching Method
(Ambegaonkar and Bilapate, 1984). The diversity Adult whiteflies, jassid nymphs and aphids
of pest faunal complex varies from place to place were counted from a random sample of 5 plants
with the variation in the agro-climatic conditions of taken from each plot in the early hours of the day
the locality. Information on diversity of pest (6-8 hours) to avoid the excessive mobility of the
species in a specific agro-ecosystem is very much adult insects after this time. Three leaves were
essential in formulating ecologically sustainable chosen randomly on each plant, selecting one leaf
pest management strategies. However, such each from top, middle and bottom portion of plant.
information in the context of changing pest The lower surface of leaf was thoroughly
scenario is insufficient particularly from this region. examined for the presence of any insect. The data
Keeping this point in consideration, the present were pooled over the season and season’s
investigation was undertaken to study the two average was combined to provide an overall
components of species diversity, viz. species average density per plot. The population of
richness and evenness in the okra ecosystem of beetles, large sized bugs, grasshoppers and
Darjeeling hills. spiders were counted from 3 branches selected
randomly from 5 plants each plot.
The experiment was carried out in the Sweeping Method
experimental farm of Regional Research Station This method was used for counting flying
(Hill Zone), Uttar Banga Krishi Viswavidyalaya, insects in the bhendi field. Five times sweeping
Kalimpong, West Bengal in the spring-summer was done in each plot to make a composite
season during the period from April to August, sample. Each sample was examined separately
2011 and 2012. The farm is located at 27˚ 04′ N without killing the insects and released them in the
latitude and 88˚ 35′ E longitude with an elevation same plot immediately after counting.
of 1250 metre from the sea level. The site was
situated in the subtropical climate zone, Measurement of Diversity Index
characterized by heavy rainfall during the month of To assess the relative abundance of
May to September and scanty rainfall during the different species, Shannon’s and Simpson’s
rest of the year. The soil of the experimental field diversity indices along with their respective
was sandy loam in texture, acidic in nature and of evenness indices were used. The Shannon’s
medium fertility status. The seeds of the variety diversity index is an information statistic index,
Arka Anamika were sown in the last week of April which means it assumes all species are
with a spacing of 50 x 25 cm. The plot size was represented in a sample and that they are
kept at 2 x 2 m and total number of plots was 30 randomly sampled. Whereas, the Simpson’s
for the experiment. The experiment was laid out in diversity index is dominance index because it
randomized block design with three replications. gives more weight to common or dominant
Recommended agronomic practices were followed species. In this case, a few rare species with only
to raise the crop except the use of any plant a few representatives will not affect the diversity.
protection chemicals. In the Shannon’s index (H), p is the
proportion (n/N) of individuals of one particular
Data Collection species found (n) divided by the total number of
The number of species was the simplest individuals found (N), In is the natural log, ∑ is the
measure of species diversity. However, for sum of the calculations and s is the total number
limitation in species identification, concept was of insect species found in the community (i.e., the
restricted to family and genus level in some cases. richness).
The counting of individuals was done by one
absolute method viz., visual searching and one
relative method viz., using sweep net.

Journal of Agriculture and Technology

Shannon's equitability (EH) can be abundance (herbivores) of hemiptera, coleoptera,

calculated by dividing H by Hmax (here Hmax = ln S). orthoptera, lepidoptera and diptera were 53.61,
Equitability assumes a value between 0 and 1 with 39.78, 4.48, 1.31 and 0.83 per cent respectively.
1 being complete evenness. Leaf beetle (Nisotra chrysomeloides Jacoby) was
found to be the most frequent ( abundant) species
followed by aphid (Aphis gossypii Glover), blister
beetle (Mylabris pustulata Thun.) and whitefly,
Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius). Therefore, by
In the Simpson’s index (D), p is the number, the beetles such as leaf beetle and blister
proportion (n/N) of individuals of one particular beetle occupied dominant position in the okra
species found (n) divided by the total number of agroecosystem. Other insect pests were recorded
individuals found (N), ∑ is the sum of the to have lower level of abundance and caused
calculations and s is the total number of insect minor or insignificant damage in okra
species found in the community (i.e., the agroecosystem. Although the number of injurious
richness). species seems to be high, the significant crop
damage was caused by only 3-4 key pests (Leaf
beetle, blister beetle, aphid and white fly).

The Shannon’s diversity index (H) and

Simpsons equitability (ED) can be Simpson’s diversity index (D) for the pest faunal
calculated by dividing D by Dmax (here Dmax = S). complex of okra was calculated as 2.18 and 6.85,
Equitability takes a value between 0 and 1, with 1 respectively (Table 2). Similarly, the Shannon's
being complete evenness. equitability (EH) and Simpson’s equitability (ED) for
the community were calculated as 0.69 and 0.29,
respectively. Based on the value of 0.29 calculated
for ED, we could describe the equitability, or
evenness of individuals' distributions among pest
species, in this community as relatively low (because
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION the ED assumes a value between 0 and 1, and 1 is
The herbivores observed during the study have complete equitability).
been presented in the Table 1. Twenty four Similar trend in species richness and relative
species of pests were recorded from the okra abundance of herbivores in okra ecosystem has
ecosystem throughout the crop growth period, been reported by Chakraborty et al. (2014). But they
which belonged to 16 different insect families have observed that the coleopteran pests were
under 5 orders (Table 1). Six species of insect relatively less abundant in the okra ecosystem which
pests were found to damage the reproductive does not corroborate with our present findings.
parts of plants (flower buds and fruits), one Earlier, okra has been reported to be heavily
species was recorded on the stem and twenty one infested by leaf beetle, aphid, blister beetle, red
insect pests were found to infest the foliage. Most cotton bug, cotton jassid, and shoot weevil in the
of the insect pests belonged to three orders such North Eastern hill region of India (Boopathi et al.,
as Hemiptera, Coleoptera and Lepidoptera. In 2011). The blister beetle, found in abundance during
terms of species composition, Hemiptera occupied the flowering stage of okra in the rainy season has
top position (10 species) followed by Coleoptera (7 been reported as a major pest of commercial flowers
species) and Lepidoptera (4 species). in the hilly region of West Bengal (Pal and Sarkar,
2009). The white fly, another key pest during the
The data (Table 1) also revealed the course of the present investigation has earlier been
relative abundance of different insect pests in okra recorded as a major pest of frenchbean in the
agroecosystem. It was recorded that the relative Darjeeling hills (Pal and Ghimiray, 2010).
(Supplement the discussion with related references

Journal of Agriculture and Technology

of the topic as the discussion part is lacking with the the brief background before directly starting the
related study of species richness and relative results.
abundance of pest fauna). In result part please give

Table 1: Species richness in the okra field and relative abundance of individual pest species

Order Family Common name Scientific name Plant part Population

harboured Frequency (%)
Hemiptera Aleyrodidae Cotton white fly Bemisiatabaci (Gennadius) Leaf 15.90
Aphididae Cotton aphid Aphis gossypii Glover Leaf 19.40
Cicadellidae Cotton jassid Amrasca biguttula biguttula (Ishida) Leaf 5.01
Pseudociccidae White mealy bug Phenacoccus sp. Leaf, shoot, 0.47
flower bud and
Pentatomidae Green stink bug Nezaraviridula (Linnaeus) Leaf 0.21
Pentatomidae Shield bug Dolychoris sp. Leaf 0.16
Coreidae Coreid bug Cletus spp. Leaf 0.21
Pyrrhocoridae Red cotton bug Dysdercuskoenigii (Fabricius) Leaf and fruit 0.47
Fulgoridae Lantern fly Unspecified Leaf 11.68
Membracidae Cowbug Oxyrhachis sp. Leaf and stem 0.10
Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Leaf beetle Nisotra chrysomeloides Jacoby Leaf, flower bud 19.60
and fruit
Chrysomelidae Flea beetle Phyllotreta cruciferae (Goeze) Leaf 0.83
Chrysomelidae Flea beetle Phyllotreta striolata (Fabricius) Leaf 0.31
Chrysomelidae Red pumpkin Aulacophora foveicollis (Lucas) Leaf 0.16
Chrysomelidae White spotted Monolepta signata Oliver Leaf 0.99
flea beetle
Meloidae Blister beetle Mylabris pustulata Thun. Flower bud and 16.53
Scarabaeidae Flower beetle Unspecified Flower 1.36
Lepidoptera Pyralidae Leaf roller Sylepta derogate (Fabricius) Leaf 0.63
Noctuidae Green Plusia orichalcea (Fabricius) Leaf 0.26
Noctuidae Gram pod borer Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) Fruit 0.16
Noctuidae Tobacco Spodoptera litura (Fabricius) Leaf 0.26
Orthoptera Acrididae Surface Atractomorpha sp. Leaf 2.45
Acrididae Small green Unspecified Leaf 2.03
Diptera Agromyzidae Serpentine Lyriomyza trifolii (Burgess) Leaf 0.83

CONCLUSION Table 2: Diversity indices and their respective

The individuals of the okra pest complex were not evenness indices in the okra field
evenly distributed amongst different pest species
or families. The beetles particularly the leaf beetle, Shannon’s Shannon’s Simpson’s Simpson’s
index equitability index equitability
Nisotra chrysomeloides Jacoby were the most
(H) (EH) (D) (ED)
dominant pests of okra in terms of number of 2.18 0.69 6.85 0.29
individuals recorded.

Journal of Agriculture and Technology

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