Av 0905
Av 0905
Av 0905
TCDS AV-0905
Rev. 1
This Data Sheet which is part of Type Certificate No. AV-0905, prescribes conditions and
limitations under which the product for which the type certificate was issued, meets the
airworthiness requirements of the Administración Nacional de Aviación Civil (ANAC).
Fuel Jet A, Jet A-1, JP-8, or PRC National Standard No. 3 Jet Fuel
Max. permissible engine rotor operating speeds (Takeoff and Max. Continuous):
Max. steady state low rotor N1 (fan) 100% (100% = 21,830
rpm) Max. steady state high rotor N2 (Gas Gen.) 100% (100% =
44,040 rpm)
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TCDS AV-0905
Rev. 1
I. Model 510 (cont`d)
Airspeed Limitations
VMO (max. operating)
Sea level to 27,120 ft. 250 KIAS
MMO above 27,120 ft. 0.63
VFE (max. flap extended)
15 degrees (takeoff & 185 KIAS
30 degrees (landing) 150 KIAS
Aft Limits: 292.46 in. aft of datum (30% MAC) from 8,730 lb to 5,314
Maximum Weight
Minimum Crew for all Flights (See note 5 for cockpit equipment / arrangements restrictions):
One pilot (in the left pilot seat) plus additional equipment as specified in the Kinds
of Operations Equipment List (KOEL) contained in the Limitations Section of the
FAA Approved Argentine Airplane Flight Manual.
One pilot and one copilot
No. of Seats Max. six (two crew plus four passenger seats)
TCDS AV-0905
Rev. 1
I. Model 510 (cont`d)
Maximum Baggage
Nose compartment 320 lb. (+120.10 in. aft of
datum) Tailcone total 300 lb. (+356.33 in. aft of
Datum 143.7 in. forward of the jig point (nose jack pad location).
Means Longitudinal – In board crew seat rails at FS
196.00. Lateral – In board crew seat rails at FS
TCDS AV-0905
Rev. 1
(1) DNAR Part 21, Section 21.29(a), Section 21.183(c) and DNAR
Part 23 equivalent to FAR Part 23 effective February 1, 1965,
as amended by Amendments 23-1 through 23-54;
(2) DNAR/FAR Part 36, effective December 1, 1969, as
amended by Amendments 36-1 through 36-26
(3) DNAR/FAR Part 34, effective September 10, 1990, as
amended by Amendments 34-1 through 34-3:
(4) Compliance with the Noise Control Act of 972;
(5) Special Conditions as follows:
(a) 23-193-SC, Turbofan Engines and Engine Location
(b) 23-158-SC, Protection of Systems for High Intensity Radiated
Fields (HIRF)
(c) 23-181-SC, Flight Performance, Flight Characteristics, and
Operating Limitations; items 1 through 24
(d) 23-192-SC, Full Authority Digital Engine Control (FADEC) System
(6) Equivalent level of safety as follows:
(a) ACE-05-8: DNAR/FAR 23.1305(c)(5) and (c)(2), and
23.1549, digital indication of N2 and FF.
(b) ACE-05-9: DNAR/FAR 23.1555(d)(1), usable fuel quantity
marking on the Cessna Model 510.
(c) ACE-05-10: DNAR/FAR 23.807(e), Emergency Exit Water
Barrier on the Cessna 510 Mustang
(d) ACE-05-11: DNAR/FAR 23.841(b)(6), Cabin Pressurization for
High Altitude takeoff and Landing Operations
(e) ACE-05-12: DNAR/FAR 23.1435(a)(2), Hydraulic Pressure
(f) ACE-05-23: DNAR/FAR 23.1447(e), Passenger Oxygen
Dispensing Units for Cessna Model 510.
(g) ACE-05-28: DNAR/FAR 23.841(a) Cabin Pressurization
(h) ACE-06-03: DNAR/FAR 23.1545(b)(4), Airspeed Indicator
(i) ACE-07-03: DNAR/FAR 23.841(a) & 23.1301(d), Cabin Pressure
Control System
(j) ACE-09-04: DNAR/FAR 23.1326 Pitot Heat Indication
TCDS AV-0905
Rev. 1
(b) Certificate of Airworthiness for export signed by the Airworthiness
Authority of the country with which Argentina has a Bilateral
Airworthiness Agreement.
NOTE 4. All replacements seats (crew and passenger), although they may
comply with TSO C127, must also be demonstrated to comply
with installation requirements into the aircraft listed in DNAR/FAR
23.2, 23.561, 23.562 and 23.785.
The foam cushion buildup of all seats (crew and passenger) may
not be altered. Any deviations in the foam construction or stiffness
musts be demonstrated by test to comply with DNAR/FAR 23.562
NOTE 5. Approval for operation with a minimum crew of one pilot is based
TCDS AV-0905
Rev. 1
upon cockpit equipment installation and arrangements. No
significant changes may be made to the installed cockpit
equipment or arrangement (EFIS, autopilot, avionics, etc.), except
as permitted by the approved MMEL, without prior approval from the
responsible DCA (ANAC).
NOTE 6. S/N 510-001 and On: All Airplanes are equipped with Garmin G1000
dual RVSM capable Air Data Computers and pilot’s and copilot’s
Primary Flight Displays as standard equipment.
NOTE 7. The Model 510 is approved for One Engine Inoperative 10 minutes
thrust capability with the Pratt & Whitney Canada PW615F-A
turbofan engine, per FAA Policy Memo “Project Specific Policy on
Approval for 10- Minute Rated Takeoff Thrust during Takeoff
with One –Engine Inoperative (OEI) under DNAR Part 23 and
Part 33 for Cessna Model 510
Airplane with PW615F-A Engines”, dated August 15, 2006,
from Standards Office, Small Airplane Directorate and Standards
office, Engine and Propeller Directorate.