Dour Dour Docks
Dour Dour Docks
Dour Dour Docks
The Docks __________ The Vessel __________ The Job __________. (d6/table)
2 A bustling harbor which has 2 A newly built passenger ship 2 Commandeer the vessel and
existed for centuries. Each which has just been delivered pilot it to a small offshore
civilization has built their from dry dock for its maiden island. The crew is
infrastructure on top of the voyage. The vessel is largely expendable, but you must
last. Concrete on stone, stone nondescript, and said to be protect the ship and any
on wood, wood on mud. The unsinkable. The shipbuilders, cargo onboard. It may be
waterfront is crammed with as a reflection of their hubris, possible to charter passage or
fish markets as well as have not included any life join the crew before your
dockworkers, beggars and rafts for passengers–many of hijacking.
travelers. Great flocks of whom are already onboard.
seabirds feed around the
open markets and
fishermen’s scraps.
4 A serpentine set of wooden 4 A trading vessel has arrived 4 Board the vessel and locate
docks winding through a from a distant port. The ship an object known as the
stinking marsh. The piers are is laden with large crates Gilded Sextant. It is said to
made of twisted black under heavy guard. The be capable of traveling vast
brambles and driftwood. The guards outnumber the distances on the open waters
marsh winds for miles before sailors, clearly taking great by ethereal means. The crew
reaching the sea: the only care to protect whatever is likely to be protective of it.
coastal access in the region. strange treasures the ship
As a result, the docks are has borne to these shores.
constantly overrun. The foot The guards will not abandon
traffic ensures the docks are the ship, even under threat of
ever-sinking into the marsh. death.
5 A long-shuttered port, fallen 5 A pirate ship of grim infamy, 5 Gain passage aboard the
into disuse after a canal was long the subject of dread and vessel by any means. Sneak
built which allowed quick paranoia. The captain long on board, join the crew,
access to a more developed ago made a Faustian bargain charter the ship, or buy a
village nearby. Trash floats in with a scorned demigod. ticket. However you can,
the vacant harbor. Moorings Tales speak of the ship being make sure that you are
are fallen or broken. blasted to pieces, sinking to aboard the vessel when it
Vagrants live in listing ships its doom and rising again departs.
lashed to old docks. The only from the black depths to sail
vessels who dock here are once more. The crew appear
lost, in danger, or have to be missing, but they’re in
something to hide. an undead hibernation,
clinging to the hull of the
ship, underwater.