Paper 4 2001-2023
Paper 4 2001-2023
Paper 4 2001-2023
September 2008
[KT 116] Sub. Code: 2013
2. Lymphoma – update.
September 2010
[KX 116] Sub. Code: 2013
1. What are blood components? Describe the preparation, storage and uses of
blood components.
1. Glycosylated Haemoglobin.
2. Electrophoresis.
3. Interpretation of synovial biopsies.
4. Importance of calibration verification in clinical laboratory.
5. Myeloproliferative diseases.
6. Refractory anemias.
7. Idiopathic thrombocytopenia.
8. DIVC.
9. Paps smear.
10. Atypical chronic myeloid leukemia.
MAY 2011
[KY 116] Sub. Code: 2013
Q.P. Code : 202013
Time : 3 hours Maximum : 100 marks
(180 Min)
Answer ALL questions in the same order.
Pages Time Marks
I. Essay: (Max.) (Max.) (Max.)
1. Discuss the pathogenesis, morphology and complications of
sickle cell disease. 6 15 10
2. Digital photography in histopathology. 6 15 10
II. Short Questions:
1. S 100. 3 8 5
2. Latest classification of myeloid neoplasms. 3 8 5
3. Pathology of bonenarrow failure. 3 8 5
4. Von Willibrand disease. 3 8 5
5. Molecular markers of early cervical neoplasia. 3 8 5
6. Mantle cell lymphoma. 3 8 5
7. Hairy cell leukemia. 3 8 5
8. Tissue array. 3 8 5
III. Reasoning Out:
1. 62/F presented with mild weakness. On examination she had
cervical and supraclavicular lymphadenopathy. Total count
was 185000/µL, Peripheral smear was done. 4 10 5
Describe the molecular pathogenesis, morphology and
prognosis for this case.
2. 36/F presented with fatigue and weakness. Peripheral smear
was taken. Discuss the morphology and etiology of the case. 4 10 5
3. 40/F presented with fever with rigor and mild
hepatosplenomegaly. Peripheral smear was done for
diagnosis. Discuss in detail the Peripheral smear picture. 4 10 5
4. 42/F admitted with fever, night sweat, weight loss, painless
cervical lymphadenopathy. Lymph node biopsy was done.
CD15 and CD30 positive. Describe the morphology and
molecular genetics of this disease. 4 10 5
IV. Very Short Ansers :
1. Dorfman Chanarin syndrome. 1 4 2
2. P blood group. 1 4 2
3. B cell associate antigens detected by monoclonal antibodies. 1 4 2
4. Letterer-Siwe disease. 1 4 2
5. Pure red cell aplasia. 1 4 2
6. Secondary polycythemia. 1 4 2
7. Absolute eosinopil count. 1 4 2
8. Clot retraction. 1 4 2
9. Bleeding time. 1 4 2
10. Dutcher bodies. 1 4 2
APRIL 2012
[LA 116] Sub. Code: 2013
Q.P. Code : 202013
Time : 3 hours Maximum : 100 marks
(180 Min)
Answer ALL questions in the same order.
Pages Time Marks
(Max.) (Max.) (Max.)
I. Essay:
1. Define Myelodysplastic syndrome. Classify the syndrome.
Discuss the etiopathogenesis, and describe morphology of the
peripheral blood & bone marrow in MDS. 9 15 10
2. What is amyloid? Describe physical and chemical nature of
amyloid. Discuss pathogenesis and classification of
amyloidosis. 9 15 10
II. Short Questions:
1. What is immunological tolerance? Discuss mechanisms of tolerance
with suitable examples. 3 8 5
2. Discuss Bethesda system of reporting Cervical Smears. 3 8 5
3. What are Toll like receptors? Enumerate laboratory methods to
identify them. 3 8 5
4. Out line principle and methodology of FISH. Discuss its usefulness
in diagnosis. 3 8 5
5. Discuss briefly immunology of Leprosy. 3 8 5
6. What is a reticulocyte? How is it counted? Discuss the significance
of its presence in the peripheral blood. 3 8 5
7. Outline principle and methodology of automated cell counters. 3 8 5
8. Define Exchange Transfusion. Discuss its principle and applications. 3 8 5
III. Reasoning Out:
1. A 22 male patient was hospitalized with blood oozing from his nose
and mouth. He also had petechiae and ecchymoses all over his body.
There was generalized lymphadenopathy and hepatosplenomegaly
Lab studies showed normocytic anemia, thrombocytopenia and a
Total WBC count of 32000/ The PT and PTT were prolonged. The
Peripheral smear showed hypergranular promyelocytes filled with Auer
rods. The patient is most likely to have which chromosome translocation?
a) t ( 8: 14) 5 10 5
b) t ( 9: 22)
c) t ( 14: 18)
d) t ( 15: 17)
2. Splenectomy is the treatment for this anemia and its complications.
Name the anemia and discuss rationale for the treatment. 5 10 5
3. The cord blood of a Rh positive foetus is evaluated for Rh incompatibility. Which of the
following tests would be diagnostic for a hemolytic reaction?
a) Hemoglobin estimation
b) Reticulocyte count
c) Total Bilirubin estimation
d) Direct Coombs Test 5 10 5
[LB 116] OCTOBER 2012 Sub. Code: 2013
Q.P. Code : 202013
Time : 3 hours Maximum : 100 marks
(180 Min)
Answer ALL questions in the same order.
Pages Time Marks
(Max.) (Max.) (Max.)
I. Essay:
1. What are high density tissue microarrays? Discuss mechanics
& design of TMA. Enumerate applications of TMA. 9 15 10
2. Define hemolytic anemias. Classify them. How will you investigate
a patient with hemolysis to arrive at a definitive diagnosis 9 15 10
II. Short Questions:
1. Outline principle and methodology of Polymerase Chain Reaction. 3 8 5
2. Discuss briefly transfusion reactions. 3 8 5
3. Discuss briefly newer concepts about the adult stem cell. 3 8 5
4. Discuss briefly the applications of exfoliate cytology in early
detection of cancer. 3 8 5
5. What are the methods used for detection of mutations? 3 8 5
6. Discuss briefly mechanisms of autoimmunity. 3 8 5
7. Discuss mechanisms of rejection of kidney allograft. 3 8 5
8. Give a brief outline of advances in the technique
of microscopy 3 8 5
III. Reasoning Out:
1. A 48 year old man has fever, weight loss, sweating and a dragging
sensation in the abdomen. Physical examination showed massive
hepatosplenomegaly. Laboratory studies revealed normocytic
anemia and thrombocytopenia and a WBC count of 110,000/cu mm,
Bone marrow aspirate was hypercellular with neutrophils in all
Stages of development. < 2 % of the WBCs were myelobalsts.
Which of the following laboratory findings would most likely to be positive?
a) Leukocytes for Alkaline Phosphatase
b) Leukocytes for CD 10 antigen
c) Leukocytes for Philadelphia chromosome
d) Leukocytes for TRAP 5 10 5
2. A 45 year old man had a sudden onset pain in his right great toe.
O/E the area was red and swollen. The TC was 18000 / cu mm,
with neutrophilia and 10 % band forms. Synovial fluid microscopy
would show the following crystals:
a) Calcium pyrophosphate
b) Cholesterol
c) Negative birefringent crystals
d) Postive birefringent crystals` 5 10 5
4. A 4 years old boy had history of frequent respiratory infections and greasy
Stools. The child is below the normal percentile for weight & height
for age. Physical examination shows nasal polyps and coarse
inspiratory rales in both lung fields that clear with coughing. Which
of the following laboratory tests is the next step in determining a diagnosis?
a) Chromosome study
b) Nasal smear for eosinophils
c) Stool culture
d) Sweat chloride test 5 10 5
IV. Very Short Answers :
1. What is the differential diagnosis of hypochromic microcytic
anemia? 1 4 2
2 Represent diagrammatically the molecular basis of platelet adhesion
& aggregation. 1 4 2
3. What is the origin and nature of stromal cells of the bone marrow? 1 4 2
4. Name causes of unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia. 1 4 2
5. What are the battery of stains performed on frozen and fixed
muscle biopsy? 1 4 2
6. Brief note on Heinz body preparation and its application in
Hematology. 1 4 2
7. Enumerate storage options available in digital photography
of pathology images. 1 4 2
8. Give a diagrammatic representation of the Cross section of RBC
Membrane in Hereditary Spherocytosis. 1 4 2
9. What is marrow stainable Iron? How is it estimated? 1 4 2
10. What are the tests done using the cord blood in a setting of Rh
Incompatibility? 1 4 2
(LC 116) APRIL 2013 Sub. Code: 2013
Q.P. Code : 202013
Time: Three Hours Maximum: 100 marks
I. Essay: (2X10=20)
1. Recent advances in molecular diagnosis of Paediatric soft tissue sarcoma.
2. Liquid based cytology for cervical screening.
2. Describe the subtypes of acute myeloid leukemia defined by the WHO classification.
What are the features that have an impact on prognosis.
2. A young healthy man has seasonal episodes of nasal congestion, sneezing and watery
eyes. There is no cough or fever but there is swelling of his nasal passages. Chemical
mediators from which of the following cell types are responsible for these features?
a) Macrophage
b) NK cell
c) Basophil
d) Mast cell
3. Which of the following findings is most likely to be observed following splenectomy
for blunt trauma?
a) Tear-drop cells
b) Punctate basophilia
c) Red cell inclusions
d) Elliptocytes
4. A male infant has failure to thrive and has recurrent episodes of bacterial pneumonia
with both Hemophilus influenzae and Streptococcus pneumoniae. Which of the
following diseases is he most likely to have?
a) Di George syndrome
b) X-linked agammaglobulinaemia
c) IgA deficiency
d) Complement inactivation syndrome
[LD 116]
[LE 116] APRIL 2014 Sub. Code: 2013
I. Essay: (2X10=20)
1. 2 years old child had severe anaemia with massive spleen. Peripheral
smear showed numerous target cells and microcytes with nucleated RBCs.
[LF 116] OCTOBER 2014 Sub. Code: 2013
I. Essay: (2 x 10 = 20)
1. What are high density tissue microarray? Discuss the mechanics and design
of microarray and its applications.
3. 45 year old male had dragging sensation in left upper quadrant and discomfort
after eating. Blood examination revealed anemia, leukopenia and
A. What is your diagnosis?
B. Enumerate the differential diagnosis.
C. What is the morphology of the diseased organ?
1. Reticular hyperplasia.
2. Lymphotropic viruses.
3. Four favourable prognostic factors in ALL.
4. Smoldering myeloma.
5. Mutations in Thalassemia.
6. Hematogones.
7. Critical alert values.
8. Vacutainers.
9. Lap score.
10. Protein-S.
[LG 116] APRIL 2015 Sub. Code: 2013
Q.P. Code : 202013
Time: Three Hours Maximum: 100 marks
Answer ALL questions in the same order.
I. Essay: (2 x 10 = 20)
1. Discuss in detail about quality control in the pathology laboratory.
2. Classify non neoplastic lesions of leukocytes. Discuss in detail the granulocytic non
neoplastic lesions.
4. 30 year female presented with fever, anemia, thrombocytopenia, renal failure and
neurological deficits
A. What is your diagnosis?
B. What is the pathogenesis of this condition?
C. What are the other tests done for confirmation?
1. Thrombopoietin.
2. Latest tests for malaria.
3. Test for microalbuminuria.
4. DD for normocytic anemias.
5. Transient erythroblastopenia of childhood.
6. Bombay blood group.
7. 5 q- syndrome.
8. Sickling test.
9. Mastocytosis.
10. Protein-C.
[LG 116]
[LH 116] OCTOBER 2015 Sub. Code: 2013
2. Immunology of leprosy.
4. Telepathology.
5. Polycythemia.
7. Hb electrophoresis.
8. Cytospin.
2. 60 year old male was found to have serum ‘M’ protein of 3.5 gm / dl and
lytic lesion in vertebra.
3. 45 year old female had pins and needles of extremities, abdominal pain, lemon
yellow appearance of skin and glossitis. Gastric mucosal biopsy revealed atrophic
gastritis. Blood examination revealed anemia.
1. Ham test.
5. Sezary syndrome.
7. EQAS.
8. RBC inclusions.
[LH 116]
[LI 116] APRIL 2016 Sub. Code: 2013
I. Essay: (2 x 10 = 20)
1. A 45 year old male presented with anaemia, weakness and dragging sensation in
the abdomen. He had massive splenomegaly. His total count is
1,50,000. What is the probable diagnosis? Discuss the pathology and prognostic
factors in this condition.
2. 50 year old female admitted with menorrhagia and anaemia. Discuss the
peripheral smear and bone marrow findings. Add a note on other investigations
for assessment of anaemia in this patient.
3. A 20 year old male patient has a history of episodic haemolysis following intake
of anti malarial drugs. What is the probable diagnosis?
4. An elderly lady came with complaints of generalised weakness and fatigue. Her
total WBC count was 80,000 cells/ cumm with 89% lymphocytes. What is the
probable diagnosis?
1. JAK mutation.
2. HbF.
3. Decalcifying agents in histopathology.
4. Coomb’s test.
5. Reticulocyte count.
6. Phase contrast microscopy.
7. Sickle cell trait.
8. Agranulocytosis.
9. Prognostic factors in AML.
10. PCV.
[LJ 116] OCTOBER 2016 Sub. Code: 2013
I. Essay: (2 x 10 = 20)
2. 50 year old male presented with jaundice. Discuss the investigations for
1. Thalassemia.
2. Sample rejection criteria.
3. Haemolytic uremic syndrome.
4. Cryoprecipitate.
5. Chronic lymphocytic leukemia.
6. External quality assurance.
7. Promyelocytic leukemia.
8. Bone marrow transplant.
1. A 10 year old boy presented with osteolytic lesion in the skull, skin nodules.
FNAC of the skin nodule showed plenty of eosinophils and histiocytes. What
is the probable diagnosis? Discuss the classification and syndromes associated.
2. A 55 year old lady with complaints of low back pain, was found to have
multiple osteolytic lesions, anaemia. Bone marrow aspiration was done. Serum
electrophoresis was advised. What is the probable diagnosis? Discuss the
diagnostic criteria and prognostic factors.
3. A 50 year old male presented with oral ulcers and bullous lesions in the face
and scalp. Skin biopsy was done. It revealed suprabasal bulla. What is the
probable diagnosis? What is the role of IF in the diagnosis of these lesions?
4. A 40 year old female presented with thyroid nodule and cervical lymph nodal
enlargement. Serum calcitonin was raised. What is the finding in FNAC of the
thyroid nodule?
[LK 116] MAY 2017 Sub. Code: 2013
I. Essay: (2 x 10 = 20)
1. A 15 year old boy came with complaints of haemarthrosis. His father had
similar episodes. What is your probable diagnosis? Discuss the
pathophysiology, clinical features and management of the disorder.
2. A 19 year old girl presented with anaemia, repeated leg ulcers and auto
splenectomy. What is your diagnosis? Discuss the etiopathogenesis,
pathophysiology, diagnosis of the disease.
3. A 23 year old female presented with solitary nodule thyroid in the left lobe
with cervical lymphadenopathy. FNAC of thyroid was done. Discuss the
differential diagnosis in cytology.
4. A 50 year old lady presented with anaemia, paraesthesia of lower limbs. She
had beefy tongue. Her serum LDH was mildly elevated. What are the
investigations you recommend for arriving at a diagnosis?
1. RS cell.
2. Ph’ chromosome.
3. HbA1C.
4. Autologous blood transfusion.
5. Glanzmann’s thrombasthenia.
6. Prognostic factors in ALL.
7. Congenital anaemias.
8. Storage of platelets in blood bank.
9. Osmotic fragility test.
10. Enumerate uses of silver stains in Histopathology.
[LL 116] OCTOBER 2017 Sub. Code: 2013
I. Essay: (2 x 10 = 20)
1. A 76 year old male had difficulty in walking and his children suspected stroke
and brought to physician. Physician diagnosed it as peripheral neuropathy.
Routine hematological investigations showed, WBC’s 3.2x109, RBC’s 2.22
million, HB 8.5 gms%, HCT 27%, MCV 121.6fL, MCH 38.3 pg, MCHC
31.5g/dl, RDW 18%, Platelets 115x109, Reticulocytes 1.8%. Discuss about
possible diagnosis, which CBC findings help the physician to get diagnosis,
what are the other tests can be done?
2. A 28 year old woman presented with history of 2 days fever, chills, sweating
and malaise. Patient had visited Ghana of Africa 3 weeks back with family
and CBC showed, WBC 11x109, HCT 25%, MCV 92fL, Platelets 176x109,
Peripheral blood smear showed, inclusions. Write possible diagnosis, discuss
the type of anemia.
4. A 2-year-old child presented with platelet count of 15,000/L and had history
of viral fever. What’s the diagnosis? Write briefly about differential diagnosis
and possible investigations required to substantiate your diagnosis.
[LM 116] MAY 2018 Sub. Code: 2013
I. Essay: (2 x 15 = 30)
1. 45 year old male presented with massive splenomegaly. His total count
was 4 lakhs per cumm. What is the probable diagnosis? Describe the
molecular pathogenesis and morphology of the disease.
3. 3 year old child presented with multiple erosive bony masses, diabetes
insipidus and exophthalmos. FNAC of the bony lesion showed
histiocytes mixed with eosinophils. What could be the diagnosis?
Describe the characteristic electron microscopic picture and
immunophenotype of the lesion.
4. A 30 year old male presented with fever, chills and moderate splenomegaly.
He also complained of black coloured urine and bleeding gums. What is the
probable diagnosis? Name all the diagnostic tools for diagnosis.
[LM 116]
[LN 116] OCTOBER 2018 Sub. Code: 2013
I. Essay: (2 x 15 = 30)
1. Thalassemia.
2. Mantle cell lymphoma.
3. Microsatellite instability.
4. Morphological abnormalities in neutrophils.
5. Myelodysplastic syndrome.
6. Graft versus host disease.
7. Partial thromboplastin time.
8. Haemolytic uremic syndrome.
9. Decalcifying agents in histopathology.
10. Langerhans cell histiocytosis.
2. 42 year old female had menorrhagia, koilonychia and alopecia. Her blood
examination revealed anaemia. What is your diagnosis? Enumerate the
differential diagnosis. What are the morphologic changes in the bone
4. A 50 year old male presented with oral ulcers and bullous lesions in the
face and scalp. Skin biopsy revealed supra basal acantholytic bullae.
Discuss the pathogenesis of this condition.
[LN 116]
[LO 116] MAY 2019 Sub. Code: 2013
I. Essay: (2 x 15 = 30)
2. A 58 year old lady with complaints of low back pain, was found to have
multiple osteolytic lesions and anaemia. Bone marrow aspiration was
done. Serum electrophoresis was advised. Discuss the diagnostic criteria
and prognostic factors of this condition.
3. 2 years old child had severe anaemia with massive spleen. Peripheral
smear showed numerous target cells and microcytes with nucleated RBCs.
Discuss the etiopathogenesis of this condition.
4. A 10 year old boy presented with osteolytic lesion in the skull and skin
nodules. FNAC of the skin nodule showed plenty of eosinophils and
histiocytes. What is the probable diagnosis? Discuss the classification and
syndromes associated.
[LO 116]
[LP 116] OCTOBER 2019 Sub. Code: 2013
I. Essay: (2 x 15 = 30)
1. 5 year old male child with a history of bloody diarrhea presented with
anaemia, jaundice, oliguria, haemoglobinuria, proteinuria and purpura.
Peripheral smear examination showed polychromasia, nucleated RBCs,
fragmented red blood cells and thrombocytopenia. Biochemical
examination revealed increased unconjugated bilirubin, lactate
dehydrogenase, urea and serum creatinine levels. What would be the
diagnosis and describe its pathogenesis?
[LP 116]
[LQ 116] AUGUST 2020 Sub. Code: 2013
I. Essay: (2 x 15 = 30)
1. Discuss in detail about the genetic and molecular classification of Acute myeloid
leukemia and their prognostic significance.
2. A 50 year old female came with complaints of swelling in left breast. The lump
occupies all quadrants and engorged veins are seen in the overlying skin of the
tumour. Tumour measures 15cm in diameter. FNAC discloses spindle cell
proliferation with scant duct epithelial cells.
a) What is your probable diagnosis?
b) What is your differential diagnosis?
c) What is the significance of proliferative marker?
d) How will you grade based on Bethesda system?
3. A 40 year old male with anterior mediastinal mass, presented with Myasthenia
a) What is your probable diagnosis?
b) What are the Hematological diseases associated with this tumour?
c) What is the thyroid disease associated with this tumour?
d) How do you classify this tumour?
4. A 40 year old female presented with pin point hemorrhages in thighs and lower
limbs with a previous episode of nasal bleeding and dysfunctional uterine bleeding.
Peripheral smear revealed thrombocytopenia with giant platelets. Bone marrow
discloses increased megakaryocytes. PT and APTT were normal. Discuss the
pathogenesis involved?
[LQ 116]
[LS 116] NOVEMBER 2020 Sub. Code: 2013
I. Essay: (2 x 15 = 30)
1. Acute leukemias
2. Primary glomerulonephritis
3. Hematological scoring system in sepsis
4. Immunohistochemistry in effusion cytology and small biopsy
5. Angiomyolipoma
6. Cytospin
7. Lymphnode pathology in aids
8. Adrenalitis
9. Carcinosarcoma
10. Monoclonal gammapathy of undetermined significance
III. Reasoning Out: (4 x 5 = 20)
1. 62 year old male presented with erythematous maculopapular eruption over the
trunk and extremities associated with fever. Patient received chemotherapy for
all. Skin eruption was associated with slight increase in WBC followed by bone
marrow recovery within next weeks. Skin biopsy showed dermal perivascular
infiltrate with strong CD 30 expression. Discuss the pathology.
2. 64 year old male with a history of autoimmue thyroiditis presents with skin
lesion and generalised lymphadenopathy. CBC 25 000/dl with 80 percent
lymphocytes and 16 percent neutrophils. Blood smear showed many small to
medium sized lymphocytes with a single distinct nucleolus and occasional
cytoplasmic protrusion. BMA and biopsy showed leukemic cells accounting for
25 percent marrow cellularity. TCL 1 positive. Discuss the pathology.
3. 55 year old female complaints of lowback ache. She was found to have multiple
osteolytic lesions and anemia. BMA was done. Serum electrophoresis was
advised. Discuss the diagnostic criteria and risk stratification.
[LS 116]
[MD 0721] JULY 2021 Sub. Code: 2013
I. Essay: (2 x 15 = 30)
1. Lymphoma.
2. Immunology of malaria.
3. Hemophagocytic syndrome.
4. Henoch schonlein purpura.
5. Stromal tumors of undetermined significance.
6. WBC histogram.
7. Mesothelial tumors.
8. Autoimmune hepatitis.
9. Hematological changes in dengue.
10. Chordoma.
III. Reasoning Out: (4 x 5 = 20)
1. 10 year old male child presented with osteolytic lesion in the skull skin nodule
probable diagnosis discuss pathology.
2. 41 year old female presented with fever myalgia dyspnea cough and skin rash she
had a history of gastric bypass surgery subsequentely developed short gut
syndrome and was put on long term total parenteral nutrition she was admited for
sepsis ct showed evidence of pneumonia blood culture grew candida albicans she
was found to have 16. 5 percent circulating plasma cells white blood cell count
20000 mm3 absolute plasma cell count 34000 mm3 normocytic anemia serum
electrphoresis showed m protein patient did not have bone pain pathological
fractures kidney function compromise or hypercalcemia follow up smear no
plasma cells discuss the pathology.
3. 20 year old male patient has a history of episodic hemolysis folowing intake of
antimalarial drugs what is the probable diagnosis.
4. 45 year old male presented with fatiguability anemia weakness dragging sensation
abdomen had massive splenomegaly total count 150000 what is the probable
diagnosis discuss pathology and prognosis.
[MD 0721]
I. Essay: (2 x 15 = 30)
1. What are plasma cell dyscrasias? Discuss investigation for diagnosis of multiple
III. Reasoning Out: (4 x 5 = 20)
1. A 4 year old male child is suffering from growth retardation and anorexia. O/E:
Pallor++, depressed nasal bridge, malar prominence, hepatosplenomegaly seen
a) What is your provisional diagnosis?
b) How will you confirm your diagnosis?
2. A 16 year old boy is admitted with chills and rigors for more than 3 months. O/E:
Pallor+ with moderate hepatosplenomegaly
a) What are the possible causes?
b) How will you confirm the case?
3. A 58 year old male with renal failure was admitted for continuous haemorroidal
bleeding with anaemia. His Hb was 4 gms/dl. Packed RBC was started to stop the
bleeding. Patient became dyspneic. Physical examination revealed pulmonary
a) What is the probable diagnosis?
b) How to investigate this case? Discuss.
4. A 20 year old tall male presented with gynaecomastia and pubic hair. O/E: testis
was small and firm
a) What is the provisional diagnosis?
b) What are the diagnostic prenatal and postnatal test for the above condition?
[MD 1121]
I. Essay: (2 x 15 = 30)
1. Write the WHO classification, molecular markers and recent advances of non
Hodgkin’s lymphoma.
1. Rh factor.
2. Problems in pediatric blood transfusion.
3. Protein C deficiency.
4. Hypersplenism.
5. Platelet function test.
6. Hemolytic uremic syndrome.
7. Von willebrand’s disease.
8. Hemoglobin electrophoresis.
9. Glycosylated hemoglobin.
10. Cytology of medullary carcinoma thyroid.
III. Reasoning Out: (4 x 5 = 20)
1. A 45 year old male treated with chloroamphenicol for enteric fever 3 weeks back
presented with severe pallor, sterna tenderness, nasal bleeding and high fever.
a) What is your diagnosis?
b) Describe your expected peripheral smear and bone marrow findings in this
c) What other causes can give rise to similar peripheral smear findings?
2. A 5 year old boy presents with multiple petechial spots over skin and
mucosa 7 days after an attack of febrile illness.
a) What is your provisional diagnosis?
b) Describe the peripheral smear and bone marrow findings.
c) Write the differential diagnosis.
4. A 43 year old male presents with recurrent epidoses of dark smoky urine for the
past 1 year. O/E: Mild pallor and hepatomegaly was seen.
a) What is the provisional diagnosis?
b) What are the other possibilities?
c) How can you confirm the diagnosis?
[MD 0522]
[MD 1022] OCTOBER 2022 Sub. Code: 2013
Q.P. Code: 202013
Time : Three Hours Maximum : 100 Marks
I. Essay: (2 x 15 = 30)
… 2 …
… 2 …
III. Reasoning Out: (4 x 5 = 20)
1. A 76 year old male had difficulty in walking and his children suspected stroke and
brought to physician. Physician diagnosed it as peripheral neuropathy. Routine
hematological investigations showed, WBC’s 3.2x109, RBC’s 2.22 million, HB
8.5 gms%, HCT 27%, MCV 121.6fL, MCH 38.3 pg, MCHC 31.5g/dl, RDW 18%,
Platelets 115x109, Reticulocytes 1.8%.
a. Discuss about possible diagnosis.
b. Which CBC findings help the physician to get diagnosis?
c. What are the other tests can be done?
2. A 68 year old man presented with back pain, weakness, anemia and features of
renal failure. He had history of fracture of big toe 2months back due to slip.
a. Write possible diagnosis.
b. Discuss about the features associated with this condition
c. What are the other investigations to be done?
d. Enumerate Blood and BM picture.
4. A 25-year-old male presented with multiple nodes in neck. H/O fever with night
sweats present.
a. What’s the diagnosis?
b. Detail about types and morphology.
c. Write briefly about differential diagnosis.
d. Possible investigations required to substantiate your diagnosis.
[MD 1022]
[MD 0723] JULY 2023 Sub. Code: 2013
Q.P. Code: 202013
Time : Three Hours Maximum : 100 Marks
I. Essay: (2 x 15 = 30)
1. A 5-year-old girl is brought to emergency with severe epistaxis for one day.
O/E there are presence of multiple petechial spots over trunks and extremities
without any hepatosplenomegaly or lymphadenopathy. History reveals an attack
of common cold two weeks before.
a) What is your provisional diagnosis?
b) How can you confirm your diagnosis?
… 2 …
3. A 4-year-old girl has received regular blood transfusions since infancy. Routine
blood examination shows: Hb – 3.8 gm.%; Total RBC – 3.1 million/cumm; Total
platelet count: – 1,96,000/cumm; Differential Count – N36, E03, B00, L59, M02.
RBC series: Microcytic hypochromic anaemia with target cells and
polychromasia; Normoblast: 20/100.
a) What is your provisional diagnosis?
b) How can you confirm your diagnosis?
[MD 0723]
I. Essay: (2 x 15 = 30)
2. Classify Mediastinal lesions. What is the role of Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology
in Mediastinal lesions? What are the ancillary tests which can be done to assist
diagnosis in FNAC?
… 2 …
1. 40 / M presented with fever with chills every second day, he was coming from an
Endemic area, his Urine was black in colour.
a) What is your diagnosis?
b) What are the tests done for confirmation?
c) What are the clinical manifestations?
d) What are the complications?
[MD 1223]