Eric Adams Indictment
Eric Adams Indictment
Eric Adams Indictment
v. 24Cr.
Thereafter, for nearly a decade, ADAMS sought and accepted improper valuable benefits, such as
luxury international travel, including from wealthy foreign businesspeople and at least one Turkish
govermnent official seeking to gain influence over him. By 2018, ADAMS-who had by then
made known his plans to run for Mayor of New York City-not only accepted, but sought illegal
campaign contributions to his 2021 mayoral campaign, as well as other things of value, from
foreign nationals. As ADAMS's prominence and power grew, his foreign-national benefactors
sought to cash in on their c01rnpt relationships with him, particularly when, in 2021, it became
clear that ADAMS would become New York City's mayor. ADAMS agreed, providing favorable
treatment in exchange for the illicit benefits he received. After his inauguration as Mayor of New
York City, ADAMS soon began preparing for his next election, including by planning to solicit
more illegal contributions and granting requests from those who supported his 2021 mayoral
2. ERIC ADAMS, the defendant, sought and accepted illegal campaign contributions
in the form of "nominee" or "straw" contributions, meaning that the true contributors conveyed
their money through nominal donors, who falsely certified they were contributing their own
money. By smuggling their contributions to ADAMS through U.S.-based straw donors,
ADAMS' s overseas contributors defeated federal laws that serve to prevent foreign influence on
U.S. elections. Wealthy individuals evaded laws designed to limit their power over elected
officials by restricting the amount any one person can donate to a candidate. And businesses
circumvented New York City's ban on corporate contributions by funneling their donations
through multiple employees, frustrating a law that seeks to reduce corporate power in politics.
ADAMS increased his fundraising by accepting these concealed, illegal donations-at the cost of
giving his secret patrons the undue influence over him that the law tries to prevent.
3. ERIC ADAMS, the defendant, compounded his gains from the straw contributions
by using them to defraud New York City and steal public funds. New York City has a matching
funds program that matches small-dollar contributions from individual City residents with up to
eight times their amount in public funds, to give New Yorkers a greater .voice in elections.
ADAMS's campaigns applied for matching funds based on known straw donations, fraudulently
obtaining as much as $2,000 in public funds for each illegal contribution. ADAMS and those
worldng at his direction falsely certified compliance with applicable campaign finance regulations
despite ADAMS' s repeated acceptance of straw donations, relying on the concealed nature of these
illegal contributions to falsely portray his campaigns as law-abiding. As a result of those false
certifications, ADAMS's 2021 mayoral campaign received more than $10,000,000 in public funds.
4. ERIC ADAMS, the defendant, also sought and received other improper benefits
from some of the same co-conspiratOl's who funneled straw donations to his campaigns. In
particular, a senior official in the Turkish diplomatic establishment (the "Turkish Official"), who
facilitated many straw donations to ADAMS, also arranged for ADAMS and his companions to
receive free or discounted travel on Turkey's national airline (the "Turkish Airline"), which is
owned in significant part by the Tuddsh government, to destinations including France, China, Sri
Lanka, India, Hunga1y, and Turkey itself. The Turkish Official and other Turkish nationals futther
arranged for ADAMS and his companions to receive, among other things, free rooms at opulent
hotels, free meals at high-end restaurants, and free luxurious entertainment while in Turkey.
5. ERIC ADAMS, the defendant, and others working at his direction, repeatedly took
steps to shield his solicitation and acceptance of these benefits from public scrutiny. ADAMS did
not disclose the travel benefits he had obtained in annual financial disclosures he was required to
file as a New York City employee. Sometimes, ADAMS agreed to pay a nominal fee to create the
appearance of having paid for travel that was in fact heavily discounted. Other times, ADAMS
created and instructed others to create fake paper trails, falsely suggesting that he had paid, 01·
planned to pay, for travel benefits that were actually free. And ADAMS deleted messages with
others involved in his misconduct, including, in one instance, assuring a co-conspirator in writing
6. In September 2021, the Turkish Official told ERIC ADAMS, the defendant, that it
was his tum to repay the Turkish Official, by pressuring the New York City Fire Department
("FDNY") to facilitate the opening of a new Turkish consular building-a 36-story skyscraper-
without a fae inspection, in time for a high-profile visit by Turkey's president. At the time, the
building would have failed an FDNY inspection. In exchange for free travel and other travel-
related bribes in 2021 and 2022 arranged by the Turkish Official, ADAMS did as instructed.
Because of ADAMS's pressure on the FDNY, the FDNY official responsible for the FDNY's
assessment of the skyscraper's fire safety was told that he would lose his job if he failed to
acquiesce, and, after ADAMS intervened, the skyscraper opened as requested by the Turkish
New York City's Public Matching Funds Program
7. The New York City Campaign Finance Board ("CFB") oversees and administers a
publicly funded campaign finance system for municipal elections in New York City, including a
matching funds program (the "Matching Funds Program") that provides eligible candidates with
public funds to match small-dollar contributions from New York City residents ("Matching
Funds"). The Matching Funds Program is intended to incentivize candidates to finance their
campaigns by engaging with average New Yorkers, instead of seeking large contributions from a
. limited number of influential donors, and to empower more candidates to run for office, even
without access to wealth. For mayoral candidates in the 2021 and 2025 election cycles, the
minimum amount of qualifying contributions from New York City residents were eligible to opt
b. Candidates that opted into the Matching Funds Program were required to
file a signed and notarized certification attesting, among other things, that they understood that
they were responsible for reading, understanding, and complying with, and ensuring their
campaigns' compliance with, various statutes and rules; that submitting fraudulent claims for
Matching Funds or otherwise furnishing false information to the CFB would constitute a
fundamental breach of the obligations affomed as pa1t of the ce1tification; and that, in the event of
such a breach, they would be ineligible to receive additional Matching Funds and would be
for each $1 of eligible contributions up to $250 from New York City residents. In other words,
for each eligible contribution of at least $250, a participating candidate could collect up to $2,000
in Matching Funds. The Matching Funds Program would provide up to $12,952,888 in Matching
Funds for qualifying mayoral candidates during the primary and general elections in the 2021
election cycle, and up to $14,101,334 in Matching Funds for qualifying mayoral candidates during
contributions; (ii) contributions from a person who was not a United States citizen or a lawful
permanent resident of the United States; (iii) contributions from foreign entities and organizations;
(iv) contributions from corporations; and (v) contributions that were made, received, solicited, or
and their campaign staff that straw contributions were not only prohibited, but also illegal.
f. Candidates that opted into the Matching Funds Program were required to
regularly submit to the CFB disclosme statements that, among other things, identified all
contributions were eligible for matching funds. These disclosure statements were required to be
submitted electronically by either the candidate or the campaign's treasurer using a unique login.
In order to submit a disclosure statement, the filer was required to (i) identify him or herself as
either the candidate or the treasurer and (ii) electronically sign a verification stating, "This
disclosme statement is true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information and belief and I
which shall have the same validity and effect as a signature affixed by hand."
8. ERIC ADAMS, the defendant, was aware that the law prohibited foreign, conduit,
and corporate contributions. At least as early as 2018, ADAMS, began raising money to fund his
first mayoral campaign (the "2021 Campaign"). In September 2019, ADAMS submitted the
required certification to opt into the Matching Funds Program. During the 2021 election cycle,
ADAMS and persons acting at his direction regularly submitted and signed disclosure statements
attesting to the veracity of the information being provided to the CFB. ADAMS won his party's
primary election in July 2021, and was elected Mayor in November 2021. While serving as Mayor,
ADAMS again opted into the Matching Funds Program and began fundraising for his 2025
reelection campaign (the "2025 Campaign," and together with the 2021 Campaign, the "Adams
ADAMS Travels to Turkey and Begins Accepting Illegal Campaign Contributions and
Personal Benefits
defendant, began building relationships with foreign nationals who were seeking influence with
him. In the years that followed, ADAMS solicited and knowingly accepted illegal campaign
10. In 2015, ERIC ADAMS, the defendant, took two official trips to Turkey. His first
trip, in August 2015, was arranged by the Turkish Consulate General in New York City (the
"Tm-kish Consulate") and paid for in part by the Turkish Consulate and in pa1t by a for-profit
educational conglomerate based in Istanbul (the "Turkish University"). The second trip, in
December 2015, was airnnged by the Turkish Official and a Turkish entrepreneur (the "Promoter")
whose business includes organizing events to introduce Turkish corporations and businesspeople
to politicians, celebrities, and others whose influence may benefit the corporations and
businesspeople, For both trips, ADAMS received free business class tickets on the Turkish
Airline. Unlike ADAMS 's subsequent travel with the Turkish Airline, ADAMS rep01ted his 2015
travel to Turkey on financial disclosure forms filed with the New York City Conflict of Interest
Board (the "COIB"), as he was required to do annually at all times relevant to this Indictment.
11. The 2015 travel to Turkey by ERIC ADAMS, the defendant, involved several
a. The Turkish Official, who helped arrange ADAMS' s travel to and within
Turkey in 2015, and who later steered illegal contributions and improper gifts to ADAMS to gain
influence with and, eventually, to obtain cotTupt official action from ADAMS.
Campaigns and favorable treatment in Turkey for ADAMS in 2017 and 2019, hoping to leverage
met with ADAMS in Istanbul in 2015 and again in Brooklyn, New York in 2018. Businessman-I,
who was considering a business venture in Brooklyn, and also sought to enhance his own status
· served as ADAMS's "Liaison to Eastem Europe Muslim Countries," including Turkey. The
Adams Staffer subsequently became a paid member of ADAMS's staff at Borough Hall and, later,
City Hall. The Adams Staffer accompanied ADAMS on his 2015 travel to Turkey, and later, at
ADAMS's direction, coordinated many of the illegal campaign contributions and improper
e. A wealthy Turkish businesswoman (the "Businesswoman"), who later gave
ADAMS multiple free or steeply discounted stays in a luxury hotel she owned, and organized
12. After ERIC ADAMS, the defendant, first traveled to Turkey in 2015, the Turldsh
Official introduced ADAMS to the Turkish Airline's general manager in the New York City area
(the "Airline Manager"). In 2016 and twice in 2017, ADAMS solicited and accepted free and
heavily discounted luxury air travel from the Turkish Airline, as part of the Turkish Official's
traveled to India. Adams's Partner purchased economy class tickets for herself and ADAMS on
the Turkish Airline for approximately $2,286. Two days before their flight was scheduled to
depart, ADAMS accepted upgrades for himself and his partner by the Turkish Airline to business
class at no cost. Business class is the highest class offered by the Turkish Airline. Had ADAMS
and his partner purchased their business class tickets, the tickets would have cost approximately
$15,000 total.
b. In July and August 2017, ADAMS, a close relative of ADAMS (the "Adams
Relative"), and a member of ADAMS's staff who has served as ADAMS's liaison to the Asian-
American communities in New York City (the "Adams Liaison") traveled to Nice, France;
Istanbul, Turkey; Columbo, Sri Lanka; and Beijing, China. ADAMS accepted free business class
tickets from the Turkish Airline, worth more than $35,000 total, for himself and his companions.
c. In October 2017, ADAMS and the Adams Liaison traveled to Nepal through
Istanbul and Beijing. ADAMS accepted free business class tickets from the Turkish Airline for
himself and the Adams Liaison for the flights from New York to Istanbul and Istanbul to Beijing,
and for the corresponding return flights, worth more than $16,000 total.
13. Because the Turkish Airline provided free travel benefits wo1th tens of thousands
of dollars to ERIC ADAMS, the defendant, he flew the Turkish Airline even when doing so was
otherwise inconvenient. For example, during the July and August 2017 trip, Adams's Partner was
surprised to learn that ADAMS was in Turkey when she had understood him to be flying from
New York to France. ADAMS responded, in a text message, "Transferring here. You know first
stop is always ins.tanbul [sic]." When Adams's Pattner later inquired about planning a trip to
Easter Island, Chile, ADAMS repeatedly asked her whether the Turkish Airline could be used for
their flights, requiring her to call the Turkish Airline to confirm that they did not have routes
14. ERIC ADAMS, the defendant, also accepted valuable travel and hospitality
benefits for himself and his companions during their time in Turkey. For example, during a stay
in Istanbul during the July and August 2017 trip, ADAMS, the Adams Relative, and the Adams
Liaison accepted a heavily discounted stay at the St. Regis Istanbul, arranged by the Promoter.
The St. Regis Istanbul is owned by the Businesswoman, who sought to ingratiate herself with
ADAMS. ADAMS stayed in the "Bentley Suite," portions of which are depicted here:
Bentley Suite Bedroom
Although booking the Bentley Suite for two nights would have cost approximately $7,000,
15. In order to conceal the valuable flight, hotel, and other travel benefits that ERIC
ADAMS, the defendant, accepted from foreign nationals seeking influence over him, he did not
disclose any of these trips on his annual disclosure forms, despite a legal requirement to do so.
a. By law, certain New York City elected officials and candidates for elected
office are required to file annual reports with the corn disclosing their financial information and
outside positions and interests, as well as those of their spouses or domestic pattners and
unemancipated children. The purpose of the annual disclosure law is to prnvide transparency to
ensure that there are no prohibited conflicts of interest between public servants' official duties and
b. At all times relevant to this Indictment, ADAMS was an elected New York
City official required to file annual disclosure forms with the COIB.
c. On his 2016 and 2017 corn Annual Disclosure FOl'ms, ADAMS was asked
whether he had received "any gift or gifts from the same person, entity or donor or affiliated donors
who had no business dealings with the City, other than a relative, in the total amount or with a total
value of $1,000 m· more during" the year. ADAMS answered "no." ADAMS also answered "no"
to a similar question asking whether he had received any gifts worth $50 or more from "a person,
entity, donor, or affiliated donors" who did have business with New York City.
free business class upgrade for two for travel from New York to India; the free business class
tickets for three from New York to France, Turkey, Sri Lanka, and China; the heavily discounted
stay in the Bentley Suite; and the free business class tickets for two from New York to China
through Turkey-for each of the 2016 and 2017 trips described in paragraphs 12 through 14 each
exceed $1,000 in value, as would be obvious to anyone who, like ADAMS, had extensive
16. ERIC ADAMS, the defendant, also sought to conceal the luxury travel benefits he
solicited and accepted from foreign nationals by creating fake paper trails, which members of
ADAMS' s staff assisted in at his direction. For example, ADAMS attempted to create a fake paper
trail suggesting he had paid for his 2017 flights on the Turkish Airline, when in fact he had not.
"Adams Scheduler") who managed his appointments, meetings, and other official events. Despite
her status as a New York City employee, the Adams Scheduler was used by ADAMS to perform
personal tasks for him, such as collecting rent at a Brooklyn property he owned. ADAMS also
assigned the Adams Scheduler to pay various personal expenses for him, after which ADAMS
the Adams Scheduler to pay for the free 2017 flights he and his companions had alr~ady taken on
the Turkish Airline. But the emails provided inconsistent explanations: in some, ADAMS
suggested that the Adams Scheduler should pay by using ADAMS's credit card, while in others,
ADAMS claimed to have left cash in an envelope for the Adams Scheduler to send to the Turkish
c. For example, on November 25, 2017, ADAMS sent an email to the Adams
Scheduler saying that with respect to the "July trip," meaning the July and August 2017 trip on the
Turkish Airline, "I left you the money for the international airline in an envelope in your top desk
draw. [sic] Please send it to them." Given the cost of the international business class tickets for
ADAMS alone, ADAMS's email suggested that he left, at a minimum, well over $10,000 in cash
in the Adams Scheduler's desk drnwer to "send" to the Turkish Airline as payment for flights taken
months earlier. He did not do that, as records from the Turkish Airline confam that ADAMS did
not pay the airline, in cash or otherwise, because the tickets were complimentaiy.
17. In retnrn for travel benefits the Turkish Official provided or arranged in or about
2015 and 2016, ERIC ADAMS, the defendant, granted a political request from the Turkish
Official. Prior to ADAMS's 2015 travel to Turkey-which ADAMS knew, and disclosed to the
COIB, had been funded by, among other entities, the Turkish Consulate, the Turkish Airline, and
community center in Brooklyn (the "Community Center"). In or about 2016, the Turkish Official
told ADAMS that the Community Center was affiliated with a Turkish political movement that
was hostile to Turkey's government, and that if ADAMS wished to continue receiving suppmt
from the Turkish government, ADAMS could no longer associate with the Community Center.
ADAMS acquiesced.
ADAMS begins accepting stmw contributions and continues to receive luxury tmvel benefits
18. By 2018, ERIC ADAMS, the defendant, began raising funds for the 2021 !
Campaign. ADAMS was closely involved in the details offundraising, which he regarded as vital
to his success. As he texted a close supporter later in the campaign: "You win the race by raising
money. , , . Have to raise money. Everything else is fluff." ADAMS further explained, "I have I
a 7 million dollar race. I have a clear plan to raise it and each night we are out executing the plan." I
Throughout the 2021 Campaign, ADAMS solicited and lmowingly accepted straw donations,
including from foreign sources, while continuing to secretly accept free and heavily discqunted
travel benefits from the Turkish Official, the Promoter, and the Airline Manager. I
19, As part of these efforts, ERIC ADAMS, the defendant, solicited and knowingly
accepted straw donations to the 2021 Campaign that were facilitated by the Turkish Official and
Manager to fundraise for the 2021 Campaign, and the Airline Manager sought to organize a
b. On June 14, 2018, the Turkish Official exchanged messages with the Adams
Staffer, asking "how much can companies donate?" 1 The Adams Staffer explained that only
c. On June 22, 2018, ADAMS attended a fundraiser for the 2021 Campaign.
The Airline Manager, among others, organized and attended the event. Following the event, the
Turkish Official messaged the Adams Staffer, asking for the "list of the participants of the June 22
meeting," The Adams Staffer then sent the Turkish Official ''The list for 6/22/18," which included
the names of various persons who donated to the 2021 Campaign in the preceding days or who
d. A promotional flyer for the June 22, 2018 fundraiser listed as one of the
fundraiser's hosts a friend of the Airline Manager who owned an airport transportation business
stated that he had facilitated a straw donation through an associate, Records from the CFB show
that the associate ultimately donated $3,000 in his own name and described himself as
Many of the conversations quoted in this Indictment, including this conversation between I
the Adams Staffer and the Turkish Official, were held in a language other than English, I
20. ERIC ADAMS, the defendant, also sought to arrange for his campaigns to receive
unlawful contributions from Turkish nationals, which would be routed through U.S.-based straw
a. On June 22, 2018-the same day as the fundraising event just described-
the Adams Staffer and the Promoter discussed by text message a possible trip by ADAMS to
Turkey. The Promoter stated, in part, "Fund Raising in Turkey is not legal, but I think I can raise
money for your campaign off the record." The Adams Staffer inquired, "How will [ADAMS]
declare that money here?" The Promoter responded, "He won't declare it ... Or ... We'll make
the donation through an American citizen in the U.S .... A Turk ... I'll give cash to him in Turkey
... Or I'll send it to an American ... He will make a donation to you." The Adams Staffer replied,
"I think he wouldn't get involved in such games. They might cause a big stink later on," but "I'll
ask anyways." The Adams Staffer then asked, "how much do you think would come from you?
$?" The Promoter responded, ''Max $1 00K." The Adams Staffer wrote, "l 00K? Do you have a
chance to transfer that here? ... We can't do it while Eric is in Turkey," to which the Promoter
replied, ''Let's think." After this conversation, the Adams Staffer asked ADAMS whether the
Adams Staffer should pursue the unlawful foreign contributions offered by the Promoter, and
contrary to the Adams Staffei-'s expectations, ADAMS directed that the Adams Staffer pursue the
owned the Turkish University, a for-profit educational conglomerate in Turkey, and whom
ADAMS met there in 2015-visited New York City. ADAMS and the Adams Staffer met with
Businessman- I at Brooklyn Borough Hall. At the close of the meeting, Businessman- I offered to
contribute funds to the 2021 Campaign. Although ADAMS knew that Businessman-I was a
Turkish national who could not lawfully contribute to U.S. elections, ADAMS directed the Adams
directive, ADAMS wrote to the Adams Staffer that Businessman-I "is ready to help. I don't want
his willing to help be waisted [sic]." As ADAMS directed, the Adams Staffer maintained contact
21. In 2018, ERIC ADAMS, the defendant, also continued to secretly solicit and accept
free and heavily discounted luxury travel benefits provided by the Turkish Official and the Airline
Manager. Jn January 2018, ADAMS andAdams's Partner traveled to Budapest, Hungary, through
Istanbul. Several months earlier, Adams's Partner had purchased two economy class tickets on
the Turkish Airline for approximately $560 each. In December 2017, the Adams Staffer, acting at
ADAMS's direction, asked the Airline Manager to upgrade the tickets to business class, which he
did for free. Had ADAMS and Adams's Partner purchased their business class tickets, the tickets
would have cost more than $14,000 total. Consistent with his prior actions, ADAMS concealed
this free and heavily discounted travel the Turkish Airline provided by omitting it from his 2018
As the 2021 Mayoral Election Approaches, ADAMS Continues to Solicit and Accept Illegal
Campaign Contributions
22. In Januaty 2019, ERIC ADAMS, the defendant, and Adams's Pattner traveled to
Turkey, Jordan, and Oman with the assistance of the Promoter. Because ADAMS made his travel
arrangements through the Promoter and not throngh the Airline Manager, the Airline Manager did
not upgrade ADAMS's economy class tickets on the Turkish Airline, instead arranging a full
upgrade only for Adams's Partner. Had Adams's Partner purchased her business class ticket, it
would have cost at least approximately $7,000. In an effort to monopolize flight travel as a method
of gaining influence with ADAMS, the Airline Manager observed that difficulty arose in
upgrading ADAMS because the an-angements had been made through others. When exchanging
messages about another potential trip later in 2019, the Adams Staffer requested an upgrade for
ADAMS from the Airline Manager and explained, in part, that "He learned his lesson last time.
We're writing directly to you this time." After the 2019 trip, ADAMS exclusively aiTanged his
flights on the Turkish Airline through the Airline Manager, allowing the Airline Manager, the
Turkish Official, and the Turkish government to increase their influence over ADAMS.
23. During his 2019 trip, ERIC ADAMS, the defendant, solicited and accepted travel
benefits from the Promoter-the Turkish entrepreneur who, as described above, facilitated
ADAMS's second 2015 trip to Turkey and in 2018 proposed to ADAMS via the Adams Staffer
raising campaign contributions illegally in Turkey. Specifically, ADAMS solicited and accepted
free hotel stays, dinners, and a boat trip, among other things, from the Promoter, including a free
two-night stay in the Cosmopolitan Suite of the St. Regis Istanbul, depicted below:
Cosmopolitan Suite Bedroom
Had ADAMS paid for a two-day stay in this luxury suite, the cost would have been approximately
$3,000 total. ADAMS also solicited and accepted from the Promoter free transportation, meals,
and entertainment, including a car and driver, a boat tour to the Princes' Islands in the Sea of
Marmara, a Turkish bath at a seaside hotel, and at least one meal at a high-end restaurant.
24. ERIC ADAMS, the defendant, did not report any of the free travel benefits he
received during his 2019 stay in Istanbul on his 2019 COIB disclosure form.
25. ERIC ADAMS, the defendant, also solicited unlawful foreign campaign
contributions while in Istanbul in January 2019. During ADAMS's trip, the Promoter arranged II
for ADAMS to meet a wealthy Turkish businessman ("Businessman-3"). The Turkish Official,
through the Adams Staffer, discouraged ADAMS from meeting Businessman-3, who was then
under suspicion of wrongdoing. ADAMS did so nonethless. During their meeting, ADAMS and
the Promoter solicited campaign contribntions from Businessman-3, who as a Turkish national
could not lawfully contribute to any U.S. campaign. During the meeting, Businessman-3 agreed
18 I
to contribute $50,000 or more to the 2021 Campaign, believing that ADAMS might one day be
the President of the United States and hoping to gain influence with ADAMS. In subsequent
messages, the Promoter and the Adams Staffer discussed how to funnel Businessman-3's planned
contributions to the 2021 Campaign through U.S. straw donors. Before any of the discussed straw
donations could occur, however, Businessman-3's legal troubles in Turkey and the United States
became more public. ADAMS declined to meet with Businessman-3 when Businessman-3 later
visited New.York, and Businessman-3 did not ultimately contribute to the 2021 Campaign.
26. Businessman-3 was not the only wealthy Turkish national from whom ERIC
ADAMS, the defendant, sought illegal campaign contributions. Also in January 2019, ADAMS
continued to seek the illegal foreign contributions promised by Businessman-! (the Turkish
national who owned the Turkish University), telling the Adams Staffer in a text message to confom
27. ERIC ADAMS, the defendant, continued to conceal the benefits he received from
foreign nationals seeking to gain influence over him. ADAMS did not repoti any of the 20 I 9 gifts
he received from the Airline Manager or the Promoter on his annual disclosure form. In addition,
in March 2019, while exchanging text messages to plan another possible to trip to Turkey in which
the Airline Manager would atTange travel for ADAMS, the Adams Staffer texted ADAMS, "To
be o[n the] safe side Please Delete all messages you send me." ADAMS responded, "Always do."
In December 2020, ADAMS solicits and accepts straw conil'ibutions fl'Om a New York
construction company
28. In 2020, ERIC ADAMS, the defendant, solicited and received straw donations from
a businessman who operated a construction company in the New York City area
("Businessman-4"). Although Businessman-4 was not part of New York's Turkish community,
his contributions were sought and made for similar reasons to the many Turkish nationals and
Turkish Americans whom the Turkish Official and the Promoter induced to make illegal
contributions to the 2021 Campaign: Businessman-4 was a prominent member of a different ethnic
community in New York City, and he was told by ADAMS's representatives that straw
contributions would increase Businessman-4's influence, and the standing of his community, with
a. In December 2020, two volunteers for the 2021 Campaign who later became
employees of ADAMS at City Hall ("Adams Employee-I" and "Adams Employee-2", and
together, the "Adams Employees") asked Businessman-4 to contribute $10,000 to the 2021
Campaign. The Adams Employees were liaisons to Businessman-4's community, playing roles
similar to the Adams Staffer's role in the Turkish community. The Adams Employees told
Businessman-4, among other things, that donating $10,000 would give Businessman-4 influence
with ADAMS, which would help Businessman-4's business interests and his community when
ADAMS became mayor, and that gaining such influence with ADAMS would be more expensive
at a later date.
from his company's bank account. The Adams Employees infmmed Businessman-4 that he could
bank account. The Adams Employees informed Businessman-4 that he could not donate more
than $2,000. The Adams Employees then explained that Businessman-4 should instead direct his
employees to contribute to the 2021 Campaign and then reimburse the employees.
Businessman-4 personally contributed $2,000 to the 2021 Campaign and reimbursed four of his
employees for their $2,000 contributions to the 2021 Campaign. Businessman-4 and his
employees made these contributions at a fundraiser that ADAMS personally attended, which was
e. The 2021 Campaign requested, and received, Matching Funds for these
straw donations.
the influence with ADAMS that the Adams Employees assured Businessman-4 would result from
the straw contributions. Among other things, Businessman-4 sought assistance from ADAMS and
the Adams Employees with atrnnging events celebrating the national heritage ofBusinessman-4' s
ethnic community, and ADAMS and the Adams Employees worked with Businessman-4 to
the New York City Department of Buildings ("DOB"), including from ADAMS himself. On
February 5, 2023, Businessman-4 sent a text message to ADAMS saying, among other things, "I
always supported you," but that Businessman-4 was "having a hard time with DOB" getting a
stop-work order lifted, and that although ADAMS's staff had assisted, "we reached a certain limit
that only you can lift." ADAMS responded, "Let me look into this." Approximately a week and
a half later, Businessman-4 replied to ADAMS "Mayor, brother I want to thank you for your help.
DOB issue partially resolved and they promised to expedite the process. Thank you, you have my
continued support."
In Muy 2021, ADAMS receives straw contributions from another New York
construction company, as arra11ged by the Turkish Official
29. ERIC ADAMS, the defendant, accepted support from the Turkish Official
throughout the 2021 Campaign, and the Turkish Official repeatedly informed ADAMS that he was
prnviding such support. When a fundraising effort organized or facilitated by the Turkish Official
failed to raise the amount of funds that the Turkish Official had prnmised ADAMS, the Turkish
Official told ADAMS and the Adams Staffer that he would "close the gap" by obtaining sufficient
30. In May 2021, ERIC ADAMS, the defendant, sought and accepted straw donations
from another businessman ("Businessman-5") who operated another construction company in the
New York City area. Businessman-5 is a prominent member of New York City's Turkish
community and made these donations at the behest of the Turkish Official.
a. In Janua1y 202 l, the Turkish Official messaged the Adams Staffer, asking
for a meeting with ADAMS. The Turkish Official and the Adams Staffer then exchanged the
following messages:
Turkish Official: Nov 2nd 2021 [the date of the 2021 mayoral election]
b. ADAMS, the Turkish Official, the Airline Manager, the Adams Staffer, and
the lead fundraiser for the 2021 Campaign (the "Adams Fundraiser") met at a restaurant for cl.inner
on Februaiy 14, 2021. At the dinner, the Turkish Official committed to "support" the 202 l
c. The Turkish Official then organized a larger dinner to plan specific
donations to the 2021 Campaign. Businessman-5, the Turkish Official, ADAMS, the Adams
Fundraiser, and the Adams Staffer attended that dinner, which occul'!'ed on April 2, 2021. At the
dinner, ADAMS explained the Matching Funds Program and solicited contributions from
Businessman-5. The Turkish Official told ADAMS, "we are supp01ting you."
d. After the April 2, 2021 dinner, Businessman-5 worked with the Turkish
Official, the Adams Fundrniser, and the Adams Staffer, among others, to plan a fundraiser for
ADAMS. Businessman-5 attempted to recmit others in the construction industry and the Turkish
community, writing, in part, this "may feel like swimming against the current but unfortunately
this is how things work in this country." The day before the scheduled fundraiser, the Turkish
Official sent Businessman-5 at least one check, and Businessman-5 sent the Turkish Official a
message confiiming that "As of now, the checks that reached us are 17,000."
at his construction company's offices. ADAMS, Businessman-5, the Adams Fundraiser, and the
Adams Staffer attended. The Turkish Official did not attend but sent his driver to deliver several
the direction ofBusinessman-5, had provided $1,250 per employee to ten of its employees. Each
of those employees then contributed that amount to the 2021 Campaign, with the exception of one
employee who donated in his wife's name, and another who donated $1,200 of the funds. The
Adams Staffer sent the Tm·kish Official a list of the contributions collected at the fundraiser.
message asking, "how much fa the total?" to which Businessman-5 replied, "I think I got to 22[.J
He just left[.] The girls, [ADAMS's] assistants, were very happy[.]" The Turkish Official
subsequently asked the Adams Staffer to tell ADAMS, "we will continue supporting you," which
g. The 2021 Campaign requested Matching Funds for eight of these straw
donations that were made in the names of New York City residents, fraudulently obtaining public
31. In 2021, Businessman-1-the Turkish national who owned the Turkish University,
ADAMS, the defendant. ADAMS and Businessman-I used the Promoter and the Adams Staffer,
among others, to devise and execute a plan to funnel Businessman-1 's money to the 2021
Campaign, knowing full well that these donations would violate the law against U.S. political
about raising funds from the Turkish University, among other sources. ADAMS explained that he
was "Not doing [an] in person fundraiser for less than $25K."
b. On July 11, 2021, the Adams Staffer asked the Promoter how much would
be donated, explaining in a message that she needed to "tell [ADAMS] a net number." When the
Promoter estimated between $35,000 and $50,000, the Adams Staffer replied that the Promoter
earlier "had mentioned 200K." When the Promoter explained that the requisite number of straw
donors could not be gathered, the Adams Staffer offered to help with that aspect of the scheme.
The Promoter responded, ''Hnnnm then great," and when the Adams Staffer then wrote "From
what I gathered you'll distribute the money," the Promoter responded "Yes." The Adams Staffer
later told ADAMS that the estimated total amount of the foreign donations would be $45,000.
c. In August 2021, the Promoter, the Adams Staffer, and the president of the
Turkish University's American campus (the "University President") exchanged messages and
voice notes explicitly discussing the plan to funnel Businessman-1 's contribution to the 2021
Campaign through the Turkish University's U.S.-based employees. The Promoter assured the
Adams Staffer that those employees are "[U.S.] citizens and green card holders." The Adams
Staffer told ADAMS about the plan to funnel Businessman-1 's contribution through U.S.-based
straw donors, and ADAMS approved the plan, knowing that Businessman-! was a Turkish citizen.
d. On August 27, 2021, the University President messaged the Adams Staffer
that the Turkish University would donate $20,000 to the 2021 Campaign by "dividing it amongst
our employees in appropriate amounts." The Adams Staffer responded that "if the donation is not
more than $25K, then Mr. President"-referring to ADAMS, who was then Brooklyn Borough
President-"does not participate in person." The University President then informed the Adams
Staffer that in addition to the Turkish University's contribution, others would donate to reach the
$25,000 threshold.
e. On August 27, 2021, the University President informed the Adams Staffer
that the Turkish University would donate only $10,000. Because that meant that ADAMS would
no longer appear at an in-person event, the Adams Staffer asked the Adams Fundraiser to create
an internet link through which the Turkish University's straw donors could contribute. In a series
of messages with ADAMS and the Adams Staffer, the Adams Fundraiser sent the link to the
Adams Staffer. To remind the Adams Staffer of the mechanics of the plan they had discussed-
that the foreign donations would be concealed by routing them through U.S.-based straw donors
who could lawfully contribute in their own names-ADAMS wrote to the Adams Staffer and the
Adams Fundraiser, "We can't take any money from people who are not US citizens." The Adams
Staffer inquired, "What about green card holders?" The Adams Fundraiser responded, "Yes we
can," confirming that the Promoter's plan to use green card holders as straw donors would work.
September 27, 2021, when three U.S.-based employees of the Turkish University made $2,000
contributions to the 2021 Campaign and were then reimbursed, as directed by Businessman- I and
the University President. The University President and another U.S.-based employee of the
Turkish University each also made $2,000 contributions from their own funds. The contributions
occurred during a period when the 2021 Campaign had begun to wind down fundraising and were
ultimately refunded by the campaign, but not before ADAMS submitted a disclosure statement to
the CFB that falsely claimed the U.S.-based Turkish University employees were the true donors.
mayoral election. The next day, Businessman-I and the Promoter exchanged the following
h. The Promoter also celebrated ADAMS's prospects with additional people,
telling others-including ADAMS himself-that ADAMS would soon be President of the United
States. Similarly, the Turkish Official wrote to the Adams Staffer that given ADAMS's increasing
prominence, "at this point," the Foreign Minister of Turkey "is personally paying attention to him"
and ADAMS "should not bother with" his other Turkish benefactors.
32. All told, the 2021 Campaign reaped over $10 million in Matching Funds based on
the false certifications that the campaign complied with the law, when in fact ERIC ADAMS, the
In 2021, ADAMS Accepts Bribes From the Turkish Official and Intervenes on the Turkish
Official's Behalf with the Fire Prevention Chief
33. In 2021, ERIC ADAMS, the defendant, intervened with the FDNY to permit the
Turkish Consulate to occupy a skyscraper that had not passed a fire safety inspection, in exchange
for, among other things, luxury travel benefits provided by the Turkish Official and the Airline
34. In late June 2021, ERIC ADAMS, the defendant, sought luxury travel to Turkey
an-anged by the Turkish Official and the Airline Manager. When the Adams Staffer began
coordinating this travel for ADAMS, at ADAMS's direction, ADAMS again attempted to create a
false record suggesting that he would pay his own way, when, in fact, ADAMS had the Adams
Staffer coordinate with the Airline Manager to provide ADAMS with free and steeply discounted
travel benefits. ADAMS approved the itinemry, and, to create the false impression of payment,
the Turkish Official, ADAMS, and the Adams Staffer agreed that ADAMS would collect invoices
from vendors in Turkey regardless of whether he actually paid and would make some small credit
card payments to conceal the fact that he was taking a vacation that was mostly paid for by the
Turkish government.
a. On June 22, 2021, ADAMS, through the Adams Staffer, requested that the
Airline Manager book flights to Istanbul for ADAMS. In order to conceal the favorable treatment,
the Adams Staffer requested that the Airline Managei; chai·ge ADAMS what would appear to be a
"real" price:
Thank you.
Adams Staffer: No
ADAMS paid approximately $1,100 each for roundtrip economy tickets on the Turkish Airline for
himself and Adams's Partner, which were immediately upgraded to business class at no cost. Had
ADAMS purchased business class tickets on the open market, they would have cost more than
$15,000 total.
b. At ADAMS' s direction, the Adams Staffer also coordinated luxury lodging
for ADAMS and Adams's Pmtner, which would be secretly provided at no cost to ADAMS, as the
c. The Turkish Official also airnnged an itinerary for ADAMS and Adams's
Paitner in Turkey, which, in addition to the stay at the Four Seasons, would include a yacht tour,
a tlu·ee-day stay at a luxury beach resort, and a car and driver, as well as a domestic flight between
Istanbul and the res01t. The Adams Staffer fo1warded details of this itinerary to ADAMS. To
assist ADAMS in concealing the nature and extent of the travel benefits he was soliciting and
accepting, the Turkish Official suggested a nominal price of approximately $720, although the true
price of this itinerary would in fact have been approximately $8,500 or more. ADAMS approved
d. On June 26, 2021 (the same day the trip was supposed to start), the Adams
Staffer informed the Turkish Official and the Airline Manager that ADAMS was cancelling his
trip. The Turkish Airline refunded ADAMS's payment for economy class tickets-the only
payment ADAMS had made for the late June 2021 trip to Istanbul.
35. At around the time of this cancellation, ERIC ADAMS, the defendant, solicited
various travel benefits for the Adams Fundraiser-the 2021 Campaign's chieffundraiser who, as
noted above, helped coordinate the straw contributions from Businessman-S's construction
company one month earlier in May 2021-from the Turkish Official and the Airline Manager,
Continuing their effmts to influence ADAMS, the Turkish Official and the Airline Manager
ultimately provided the Adams Fundraiser with transportation from the airport, a free hotel, and
free use of a VIP room in the Turkish Airline's business class lounge.
a. On June 27, 2021, when the Adams Fundraiser was scheduled to travel to
Istanbul, ADAMS created a message thread between himself, the Adams Fundraiser, and the
Turkish Official. ADAMS informed the Turkish Official that the Adams Fundraiser would be
arriving in Istanbul shmily and needed transportation from the airport and a hotel, which the
Turkish Official promptly arranged. When ADAMS suggested that ADAMS would pay for the
Adams Fundraiser's expenses, the Turl<lsh Official told ADAMS, "Eric no prob, it was set through
Turldsh Hospitality Services, I hope she enjoyed her stay," ADAMS responded, "It was amazing.
Thanks for all the coordination and attention." In the same message thread with ADAMS, the
Turkish Official also provided the Adams Fundraiser with a fake bill for the hotel stay, to allow
ADAMS and the Adams Fundraiser to create the appearance that the Adams Fundraiser had paid
for her hotel stay, when in fact, as ADAMS knew, she had not.
ADAMS created a message thread between himself, the Adams Fundraiser, and the Airline
Manage1·. ADAMS wrote, "[Adams Fundraiser] this is [the Airline Manager]. l. He will try to
help the issue with the form[.] 2. He can see about a hotel or the business class lounge." The
Airline Manager then arranged for the Adams Fundraiser-who was otherwise flying on an
economy ticket-to have access not only to the Turkish Airline's business lounge, but also to an
exclusive private suite inside the lounge, complete with a bed and free food. The Airline Manager
explained, "This is our suite for our VIPs [a]nd we want you to feel your self [sic] Vip :) ." At
another point in this exchange, ADAMS wrote, "Thanks a million [Airline Manager]. My
36. ERIC ADAMS, the defendant, and the Turkish Official understood that in exchange
for the benefits described in paragraphs 34 and 35, and future travel benefits for ADAMS, ADAMS
was expected to assist the Turkish Official in the operation of the Turkish Consulate in New York.
37. On July 6, 2021, ERIC ADAMS, the defendant, declared victory in his party's
mayoral primary. On the moming of July 7, 2021, the Airline Manager sent ADAMS the following
text message: "Brother congratulations." ADAMS responded, "Cannot thank you enough."
38, In September 2021, ERIC ADAMS, the defendant, agreed to pressure a New York
City agency to help the Turkish Consulate secure atemporary certificate of occupancy ("TCO")
for a building it owned and operated.
York City Charter to affect the administration of City services within his Borough, such as those
provided by the FDNY and other city agencies, including through: holding public hearings;
introducing legislation before the City Council; overseeing the coordination of a borough-wide
public service complaint program; and consulting with the Mayor of the City of New Yark on the
executive capital budget and other budget recommendations. In addition to, or in the course of,
the performance of these duties, as Brooklyn Borough President, ADAMS met with members of
b. In 2017, construction began on a 36-story building located at 821 United
Nations Plaza, New York, New York, and referred to as the Turkish House or Turkevi Center (the
"Turkish House"). The Turkish House was designed to serve as, and now serves as, the
· headquaiters of multiple Turkish diplomatic missions, including the Turkish Consulate. The cost
of the Turkish House was significant and was a topic of political debate in Turkey.
September 20, 2021, so that Turkey's President could formally open the building during his visit
for that year's opening of the United Nations Genernl Assembly. Ensuring the Turkish House
opened on schedule was a priority for the Turkish Official, who was at this time Turkey's Consul
but the DOB bad not yet issued a TCO for the building. Without a TCO, the Turkish House could
e. The DOB had not issued a TCO because the FDNY had not yet conducted
an inspection and issued what the FDNY refers to as a "letter of defect," which was a prerequisite
to the issuance of a TCO for the Turkish House. Issuing a letter of defect is a regular FDNY
procedure which, in substance, identifies remaining defects in a building's fire safety systems, but
also serves to signal that the defects are sufficiently limited that the building can be safely
various New York City officials and employees, among others, sought to help the Turkish Official
obtain a TCO for the Turkish House by lobbying the chief of the FDNY's Bureau of Fire
Prevention (the "Fire Prevention Chief') to provide a letter of defect. The Fire Prevention Chief
refused, citing numerous reported fire safety defects, some of which were serious, at the Turkish
House, and the lilcelihood that the building would fail any FDNY inspection.
ADAMS, both directly and through the Adams Staffer, to intervene with the Commissioner of the
FDNY (the "FDNY Commissioner") in order to secure a TCO for the Turkish House. ADAMS,
the Turkish Official, and the Adams Staffer discussed these requests through phone calls and
electronic messages. In a phone call to the Adams Staffer, the Turkish Official stated that because
Turkey had supported ADAMS, it was now "his tum" to support Turkey. The Adams Staffer
asking him to call ADAMS. Until that point, the messages between the FDNY Commissioner and
ADAMS had consisted of (i) an August 3, 2021 message from the FDNY Commissioner to
ADAMS, requesting to continue serving as FDNY commissioner after ADAMS became mayor,
and stressing that he was "loyal and trustworthy," to which ADAMS sent a noncommittal response,
and (ii) a September 5, 2021 invitation to a September 11 memorial service from the FDNY
Commissioner to ADAMS, to which ADAMS responded that he would try to attend and wished
to speak with the FDNY Commissioner for "a half hour ... about FDNY."
stating, in part, "They said they needed a letter of Defect from FDNY to DOB. They know they
have some issues but according to them with the letter the DOB wi[ll] give the TCO." The FDNY
Commissioner responded, "We will get on it tomorrow." Through the Adams Staffer, ADAMS
sent the FDNY a letter describing the status of the Turkish House's fire alarm system, an FDNY
employee with responsibility for inspecting the system sent the Fire Prevention Chiefthe following
Sent: Thursdaf: Seotember 9, 202111:51 AM
Commissioner, stating that the Turkish Official had understood that the FDNY was going to
inspect the Turkish House the previous day, and "They really need someone ... by today if
possible. If it is[ im ]possible please let me know and I will manage their expectation." The FDNY
Commissioner wrote back that "There seems to be a difference of opinion between the inspector"
and the private alarm engineer responsible for the building, but that the FDNY Commissioner was
n. Shortly after noon on September 10, 2021, ADAMS messaged the FDNY
Commissioner, "They said the hire [sic] ups at FDNY did not give the inspector authorization to
come. The inspector indicated he needs authority to come to day [sic]." The FDNY Commissioner
responded, "Working on that as we speak." At approximately 2:06 p.m., ADAMS messaged the
Adams Staffer that ADAMS had again spoken with the FDNY Commissioner, and "He again told
Deprutment summoned the Fire Prevention Chief to a meeting. The Chief of Depaitment was the
FDNY Commissioner's direct subordinate and the Fire Prevention Chiefs superior, The Chief of
Department informed the Fire Prevention Chief, in substance, that if the FDNY did not assist the
Turkish Consulate in obtaining a TCO, both the Chief of Department and the Fire Prevention Chief
would lose their jobs. The Fire Prevention Chief then drafted a "conditional letter of no objection"
for the Turkish House. TI1e Fire Prevention Chief had never before written a "conditional Jetter of
no objection," which was not standard FDNY procedure. Instead, the Fire Prevention Chief wrote
this letter, which he later described as "unprecedented," to inform the DOB that FDNY did not
object to issuing the TCO, provided that the private engineers affirmed that the fire alann system
functioned properly, and "assum[ing] the Department of Buildings has inspected, tested and
ADAMS, "Letter being drafted now. Everything should be good to go Monday morning." Four
minutes later, ADAMS messaged the Turkish Official, "From the commissioner: Letter being
drafted now. Everything should be good to go Monday morning." The Turkish Official responded,
"You are Great Eric, we are so happy to hear that /A,,fk.. You are a true friend of Turkey."
ADAMS replied, "Yes even more a true friend of yours. You are my brother. I am hear [sic] to
help." At 2:30 pm, the Turkish Official confirmed, "You are such a friend ,/k." At 2:31 p.m., the
Fire Prevention Chief sent the "conditional letter ofno objection" to the private alarm engineer.
39. After ERIC ADAMS, the defendant, pressured the FDNY to permit a TCO to be
issued for the Turkish House, the Turkish Official continued to fulfill his end of the bargain, by
providing additional luxury travel benefits to ADAMS. These benefits, which ADAMS accepted,
acquiesce in the TCO-ADAMS messaged the Adams Staffer, directing her to secure tickets to
Pakistan for a trip from November 30 to December 8, 2021. The Adams Staffer relayed the request
to the Airline Manager, stating, "He' II pay the economy class price," but asking, "Can we upgrade
b. On September 21, 2021, the Turkish Official messaged the Adams Staffer,
seeking a meeting at a particular time between ADAMS and a Turkish Deputy Minister. The
Turkish Official wrote, "This is very important. He"-the Deputy Minister-"is the person who
makes all the arrangements with one phone call in Turkey. Flight, yacht tour, hotels, rental cars .... "
The meeting did not occur, because ADAMS was scheduled to meet with a former President of
the United States at the time requested for the meeting with the Deputy Minister.
c. After the Airline Manager and the Adams Staffer fmther discussed the price
and timing of ADAMS's tickets, on September 28, 2021, ADAMS purchased two roundtrip
economy class tickets on the Turkish Airline from New York to Pakistan-arriving in Lahore and
depaiting from Islamabad-for a total price of $1,436. On November 17, 2021, the Adams Staffer
messaged ADAMS to confirm that he still intended to travel and that she should therefore have his
tickets upgraded to business class. ADAMS responded, "Ok, do so." On November 18, 2021, the
Adams Staffer messaged the AMine Manager, requesting the upgrade. The Turkish Airline
Pakistan-ADAMS asked that hls destination be changed to Ghana. The Airline Manager changed
ADAMS's and Adams's Partner's tickets to business class flights to Ghana at no cost to ADAMS.
Had ADAMS paid full price for the business class tickets to" Ghana, they would have cost more
e. On November 26, 2021, the Turkish Official informed the Adams Staffer
that "we wiJI take care of the layover in Istanbul," referring to a nine-hour layover in Istanbul
during ADAMS's just-scheduled flight from New York to Ghana. The Turkish Official then
offered various arrangements for ADAMS, including an escort to meet ADAMS and Adams's
Partner at the gate of the Istanbul aitport, pickup at the Istanbul airpo1t by "luxury vehicle"-later
specified as a "BMW 7"-with a driver, dinner at a high-end restaurant where ADAMS would
meet a Turkish government official, drinks at a separate location, a boat tour of the Bosporus Strait,
and return to the airport in time for ADAMS's business class flight from Istanbul to Ghana.
ADAMS selected the airport escort, driver, and dinner, but declined the Bosporus Strait cruise,
explaining that he has "done the boat tour a few titnes." In touting the benefits he provided, the
'Turkish Official messaged the Adams Staffer, "don't let [the Airline Manager] and others confuse
f. On November 30, 2021, the Adams Staffer relayed to the Turkish Official
requests by ADAMS that his excursion into Istanbul receive no media attention, including social
media. The Turkish Official agreed that it would be "confidential." Accordingly, the Turkish
Official confirmed that during ADAMS 's dinner at the Istanbul restaurant, the Turkish Official's
"team did not let anyone talce any pictures." This was in stark contrast to the Ghana po1tion of
ADAMS's trip, for which ADAMS actively sought and obtained press coverage, and which
g. After ADAMS completed the layover, the Turkish Official and the Adams
40. During and shortly after the travel to Ghana and Istanbul described in the preceding
paragraphs, ERIC ADAMS, the defendant, took additional actions for those who provided him
committees, which were established to advise the mayor-elect and his team on policies and
appointments before he took office. Initially, there were no members of the Turkish community
b. On December 8, 2021, the Adams Staffer sent the Airline Manager a link to
a list of ADAMS' s transition committees and asked the Airline Manager, "Have you looked at the
list?" The Airline Manager responded, "It would suit me well to be lead Or Senior Advisor." Two
days later, the Airline Manager sent a message reiterating, "Lead Plz :) Otherwise seat number 52
is empty ... On the way back," meaning that if the Airline Manager was not given a position on a
transition committee, it would affect ADAMS's travel benefits from the Turkish Airline.
c. On December 17, 2021, the Adams Staffer sent ADAMS a list of members
of the Turkish community to add to ADAMS's transition committees, with the Airline Manager
as the top name. ADAMS informed the Adams Staffer that he had sent the list to the persons
responsible for organizing his transition committees. ADAMS sent the list to a staff member with
the direction "Add to transition." The Airline Manager was subsequently added to ADAMS's
Airline Manager a series of text messages, noting the Airline Manager's membership on
ADAMS's Infrastructure, Climate and Sustainability Committee and sending applause emojis.
The Airline Manager responded that his membership on the transition committee was in service of
Turkey; "Thank you, brother. We are doing our best to serve our country adequately. Your support
gives us strengtb here. Thank you. You are always there for us, and we're trying to be worthy."
41. ERIC ADAMS, the defendant, continued to conceal the luxury travel benefits he
accepted in exchange for taking actions favorable to the Turkish Official, the Airline Manager,
and others, by once again not repmting these gifts on his 2021 annual disclosure form. In total,
from 2016 through 2021, ADAMS received the following benefits from the Turkish Official, the
Airline Manager, the Promoter, and others, none of which he reported on annual disclosure forms:
- -. - - - - -
- . -
- - -Benefits . Value "Disclosed?
¥'ear Destination .
.- -
China (via Free business class tickets for two on roundtrip $16,000+ No
2017 from New York to China
ADAMS Continues His Corrupt Relationships After Becoming Mayor
After his Inauguration, ADAMS favors those who provided him with illegal benefits over those
who fell short
42. On January 1, 2022, ERIC ADAMS, the defendant, was inaugurated as Mayor of
New York City. ADAMS soon began preparing for his next election, in part by planning to solicit
more straw contributions, and in part by granting requests by those who supp01ted the 2021
Campaign with significant straw donations, while denying requests from those who fell short.
a. On January 11, 2022, ADAMS met the Promoter, the Adams Staffer, and
others at a high-end New York City restaurant frequented by ADAMS, At one point during the
meeting, ADAMS, the Promoter, and the Adams Staffer met separately in a private area. There,
the Promoter discussed his prior efforts to collect campaign contributions for ADAMS in Turkey,
stated that he could collect more foreign contributions in the future, and indicated that he would
be able to raise more money for the 2025 Campaign if ADAMS visited Turkey and met with
Turkish businesspeople. ADAMS welcomed the offer of foreign contributions and told the ·
b. On April 21, 2022, the Turkish Official messaged the Adams Staffer, noting
that Almenian Genocide Remembrance Day was approaching, and repeatedly asked the Adams
Staffer for assurances that ADAMS would not make any statement about the Armenian Genocide.
The Adams Staffer confirmed that ADAMS would not make a statement about the Armenian
c. On November 21, 2022, the Promoter messaged the Adams Staffer that
Businessman-I was visiting New York, and asked that ADAMS meet with Businessman-I. In
support of the requested meeting, the Promoter stated that the Turkish University "gave support,
albeit a little." ADAMS declined the meeting, stating that "they didn't keep their word," meaning
that Businessman-] and the Turkish University had failed to fulfill their commitment to make at
43. ERIC ADAMS, the defendant, also continued his agreement with the Turkish
Official to assist in New York City's regulation of the Turkish House in exchange for free or
heavily discounted travel benefits from the Turkish Airline for ADAMS and his associates,
a. From on or about July 8, 2022, to on or about July 12, 2022, the Turkish
Official exchanged messages with the Adams Staffer concerning business class upgrades on the
b. On July 11, 2022, the Turkish Official met with ADAMS's senior advisor
and the Adams Staffer, among others, at the Turkish House. In a message, the Adams Staffer
referred the Turkish Official to ADAMS's senior advisor, telling the Turkish Official, "ask [the
senior advisor] all your pending problems regarding this building [that is, the Turkish House] ...
In 2023 and 2024, ADAMS solicits and accepts straw contributions for his 2025 re-election
44. In 2023 and 2024, ERIC ADAMS, the defendant, again solicited and knowingly
accepted straw and foreign contributions, as part of his efforts to raise funds for the 2025
45. In 2023, ERIC ADAMS, the defendant, directed his staff to devise a plan for
ADAMS to secretly obtain illegal foreign donations offered by the Promoter, and then knowingly
accepted donations of foreign money through straw donors. ADAMS then attended a fundraiser
where he thanked the true donors, who he knew to be wealtl1y foreign nationals.
a. In the summer of 2023, the Promoter informed the Adams Staffer that he
could secure contributions to the 2025 Campaign from Turkish nationals if ADAMS would attend
an event with the foreign donors. The Adams Staffer brought this opportunity to ADAMS, who
directed the Adams Staffer to work with the Adams Fundraiser to devise a plan to obtain the illegal
b. The Adams Fundraiser suggested that the true foreign donors make their
contributions through straw donors considerably in advance of the event at which ADAMS would
meet the true foreign donors, so that the event did not appear connected to the contributions. As
the Adams Staffer explained to the Adams Fundraiser in a text message regarding the planned
attendees, "Mayor knows most of them from turkey[.] The People who has business here as well."
The Adams Staffer and the Promoter agreed to execute this plan, which ADAMS approved.
c. The Adams Fundraiser, the Promoter, and the Adams Staffer scheduled an
event for September 20, 2023 in a private room at a Manhattan hotel. To conceal the event's true
purpose, the Promoter provided a PowerPoint presentation billing the event as a dinner hosted by
attendance price of $5,000. The event was not publicized or listed on ADAMS's public calendar.
The Adams Fundraiser entered the event on ADAMS's private calendar as a "Fundraiser for Eric
Adams 2025," with the host listed as the Promoter, a goal of"25k," and the note "Total Submitted
$5,000 or more from attendees, many of whom were foreign nationals. The Promoter then used a
portion of the attendees' payments to make straw donations to the 2025 Campaign, by sending
cash from the foreign national donors to the Adams Staffer. The Adams Staffer then distributed
$2,100 in cash to at least three straw donors who each made an online $2,100 contribution to the
2025 Campaign.
e. On September 20, 2023, the Promoter hosted the fundraiser, which
ADAMS, the Adams Fundraiser, the Adams Staffer, and foreign nationals who had contributed to
the 2025 Campaign via straw donors attended. Jn one video of the event, the Promoter introduced
a foreign-national attendee to ADAMS, explaining that the attendee owned a business and lived in
46. On October 9, 2023, ERIC ADAMS, the defendant, attended a fundraiser at which
attendees agreed to make, and ADAMS agreed to accept, straw donations. The fundraiser was
organized by a Turkish American public relations representative (the "PR Representative") and
the publisher of a magazine targeted at Turkish Americans (the "Publisher"), both of whom were
associates of the Turkish Official, and hosted by the owner of a logistics company
("Businessman-6"), who is part of the Turkish-American community in the New York City area.
a. From late August 2023 through early September 2023, the Adams Staffer
and the Adams Fundraiser discussed the particulars of the fundraiser, including the creation of a
unique fundraising link for the event, which the Adams Fundraiser ultimately created.
Businessman-6 on how to make straw donations to the 2025 Campaign, using a system under
which the 2025 Campaign routed foreign donations through U.S. citizens, to make it appear that
c. Beginning at least as early as September 29, 2023, the Adams Staffer sent
the Adams Fundraiser updates regarding how much money was being raised in connection with
the planned fundraiser. On October 8, 2023, the day before the event, the Adams Staffer and the
Adams Fundraiser: And okay are they going to make the limit?
Adams Staffer: Yes[.] They said as agreed we will collect the 25K
d. Also on October 8, 2023, the An-line Manager sent the Turkish Official the
Businessman-6 owned a large corporation and wished to contribute significant amounts of money
to the 2025 Campaign. ADAMS told Businessman-6 to coordinate with the Adams Staffer.
Businessman-6 then explained to the Adams Staffer that his company employed many drivers and
that Businessman-6 would contribute to the 2025 Campaign through those employees. ADAMS
scheduled a dinner with Businessman-6 for early November, which was canceled after the federal
of this Indictment, ERIC ADAMS, the defendant, and his agents and co-conspirators sought to
conceal their wrongful conduct from scmtiny by the public and law enforcement. As described
above, ADAMS repeatedly did not disclose the free and heavily discounted travel benefits he
accepted from the Turkish Official, the Promoter, and the Airline Manager; created a false paper
trail to suggest he had paid for this travel when, in fact, he had not; assured the Adams Staffer that
he had a practice of deleting all his messages with the Adams Staffer; and directed the Adams
Staffer to ensure that bis activities in Turkey in 2021 were shielded from public view. In addition,
the purpose of conducting the straw donations discussed throughout this Indictment was to allow
ADAMS to benefit from illegal campaign contributions by concealing their true source.
48. ERIC ADAMS, the defendant, and his co-conspirators and agents continued their
efforts to defeat scmtiny of their criminal conduct after the federal investigation into those crimes
became known to them. On November 2, 2023, Special Agents of the Federal Bureau of
Investigation (the "FBI") executed search warrants at, among other locations, the residences of the
Adams Fundraiser, Businessman-5, and the Adams Staffer. Each took actions to conceal the
a After learning that FBI agents had arrived at her residence, but before
answering their repeated knocks at her door, the Adams Fundraiser called ADAMS five times,
even though the agents had not yet given the Adams Fundraiser any indication of the purpose for
their visit. When the Adams Fundraiser then spoke with the FBI agents, she agreed to discuss
many subjects, but refused to say who had paid for her 2021 travel to Turkey. As the FBI agents
departed the Adams Fundraiser's residence, ADAMS attempted to call the Adams Fundraiser's
phone. On the morning that the FBI agents executed this search, ADAMS had flown to
Washington, D.C. for a publicized official meeting, but upon learning about the search, ADAMS
b. Businessman-5 also agreed to speak with FBI agents and acknowledged that
he and his employees had contributed to the 2021 Campaign. Businessman-5 further
aclmowledged that he had spoken with the Turkish Official about his constmction company's
fundraiser for the 2021 Campaign. But Businessman-5 lied in order to conceal the straw donations
he orchestrated, falsely denying that he caused his constmction company to reimburse his
employees for their contributions and that he knew why the company had issued identical checks
to ten employees for the amount of their contributions shortly before the fundraiser.
c. The Adams Staffer also agreed to speak with FBI agents and falsely denied
the criminal conduct of herself and ADAMS, among others. At one point during het· voluntary
interview, the Adams Staffer excused herself to a bathroom and, while there, deleted the encrypted
messaging applications she had used to communicate with ADAMS, the Promoter, the Turkish
electronic devices used by ERJC ADAMS, the defendant. Although ADAMS was carrying several
electronic devices, including two cellphones, he was not carrying his personal cellphone, which is
the device he used to communicate about the conduct described in this indictment. When ADAMS
produced his personal cellphone the next day in response to a subpoena, it was "locked," such that
the device required a password to open. ADAMS claimed that after he learned about the
investigation into his conduct, he changed the password on November 5, 2024, and increased the
complexity of his password from four digits to six. ADAMS had done this, he claimed, to prevent
members of his staff from inadvertently or intentionally deleting the contents of his phone because,
according to ADAMS, he wished to preserve the contents of his phone due to the investigation.
But, ADAMS further claimed, he had forgotten the password he had just set, and thus was unable
to provide the FBI with a password that would unlock the phone.
49. As the federal investigation into the crhninal conduct of ERJC ADAMS, the
defendant, continued, so did efforts to frustrate that investigation.
a. On June 13, 2024, FBI agents interviewed Businessman-4 and the four
employees of his company through whom Businessman-4 had made straw donations to the 2021
Campaign, most of whom denied making stmw contributions. Businessman-4 then contacted
Adams Employee-I, who, as discussed above, had asked Businessman-4 to make the straw
donations to the 2021 Campaign. Later that day, Adams Employee-1 visited Businessman-4 at his
company's offices. Adams Employee-1 stated that he had just met with ADAMS at City Hall.
Adams Employee-1 proceeded to discuss with Businessman-4 what had happened with the FBI
and encouraged Businessman-4 to lie to federal investigators. Adams Employee-I then asked to
address Businessman-4's four employees who had made straw donations to the 2021 Campaign
and encouraged them to lie to federal investigators as well. Adams Employee-I then took
photographs of the subpoena that had been issued to Businessman-4 to send to ADAMS.
Adams Employee- I told Businessman-4 that he had met with ADAMS at City Hall earlier that day
and that they had left their cellphones outside the room in which they met so that it would be "safe"
to talk. Adams Employee-I explained to Businessman-4 that although ADAMS was upset that
law enforcement had approached Businessman-4, ADAMS believed that Businessman-4 would
(Conspiracy to Commit Wire Fraud, Federal Program Bribery, and to Receive Campaign
Contributions By Foreign Nationals)
51. From at least in or about 2015 through at least in or about 2024, in the Southern
District of New York and elsewhere, ERIC ADAMS, the defendant, and others known and
unknown, willfully and knowingly combined, conspired, confederated, and agreed together and
with each other to commit offenses against the United States, to wit:
a. wire fraud, in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 1343;
national, in violation of Title 52, United States Code, Section 3012l(a)(2); and
52. It was a part and object of the conspiracy that ERIC ADAMS, the defendant, and
others known and unknown, knowingly having devised and intending to devise a scheme and
artifice to defraud, and for obtaining money and property by means of false and fraudulent
pretenses, representations, and promises, would and did transmit and cause to be transmitted by
means of wire, radio, and tel~yision communication in interstate and foreign c01mnerce, writings,
signs, signals, pictures, and sounds, for the purpose of executing such scheme and artifice, in
53. It was fu1ther a part and object of the conspiracy that ERJC ADAMS, the defendant,
and others known and unknown, would and did knowingly and willfully solicit, accept, and
receive, directly and indirectly, a contribution and donation from a foreign national, and express
and implied promises to make a contribution and donation, in connection with a local election, to
wit, mayoral elections in the City of New York, aggregating $25,000 and more in a calendar year,
in violation of Title 52, United States Code, Sections 3012l(a)(2) and 30109(d)(l)(A)(i).
54. It was fmther a part and object of the conspiracy that ERIC ADAMS, the defendant,
being an agent of a local government, to wit, the City of New York, which, in a one-year period,
received benefits in excess of$] 0,000 under a federal program involving a grant, contract, subsidy,
loan, guarantee, insurance, and other form of federal assistance, corruptly solicited and demanded
for the benefit of a person, and accepted and agreed to accept, a thing of value from a person,
intending to be influenced and rewarded in connection with business, a transaction, and a series
of transactions of the City of New Yorlc involving a thing ofvalne of $5,000 and more, in violation
Overt Acts
55. In fmtherance of the conspiracy and to effect the illegal objects thereof, the
following oveit acts, among others, were committed by ERIC ADAMS, the defendant, in the
a. In 2016, ADAMS accepted free upgrades to business class for himself and
b. In July 2017, ADAMS accepted free business tickets for himself and two
companions on roundtrip flights from New York to France, Turkey, Sri Lanka, and China.
d. In October 2017, ADAMS accepted free business tickets for himself and a
i. In December 2020, the Adams Employees solicited straw donations to
Official, among others, where ADAMS accepted straw donations from Businessman-5.
stays at a luxury hotel and luxury resort, and transportation (including a domestic flight and a car
and driver).
m. In June 2021, ADAMS solicited a free hotel stay and free use of a VIP room
in a business class lounge of the Turkish Airlines for the Adams Fundraiser.
business class tickets for himself and a companion on roundtrip flights from New York to Pakistan.
CFB that concealed the straw donations from the Turkish University.
r. In November 2021, ADAMS solicited and accepted a free car and driver
and meal at a luxury restaurant for himself and his companion in Istanbul.
others, where he agreed to accept contributions of foreign money to the 2025 Campaign.
t. In July 2022, ADAMS's senior advisor and the Adams Staffer met the
Turkish Official at the Turkish House, and the Adams Staffer identified ADAMS's senior official
as the point of contact for the Turkish Official's "pending problems regarding" the Turkish House
foreign donors for contributions of foreign money to the 2025 Campaign made through straw
(Wire Fraud)
57. From at least in or about 2018 through at least in or about 2024, in the Southern
District of New York and elsewhere, ERIC ADAMS, the defendant, knowingly having devised
and intending to devise a scheme and artifice to defraud, and for obtaining money and property by
means of false and fraudulent pretenses, representations, and promises, transmitted and caused to
be transmitted by means of wire, radio, and television communication in interstate and foreign
commerce, writings, signs, signals, pictures, and sounds, for the purpose of executing such scheme
and artifice, to wit, ADAMS participated in a scheme to fraudulently obtain Matching Funds for
the Adams Campaigns by falsely claiming that contributions qualified for Matching Funds when,
(Solicitation of a Contribntion by a Foreign National)
59. In or about 2021, in the Southern District of New Yok and elsewhere, ERIC
ADAMS, the defendant, knowingly and willfully solicited, accepted, and received, and aided and
abetted and willfully caused the solicitation, acceptance and receipt of, a contribution and donation
from a foreign national, and express and implied promises to make a contribution and donation, in
connection with a local election, to wit, mayoral elections in the City of New York, aggregating
(Title 52, United States Code, Sections 30121 and 30109(d)(l)(A), and
Title 18, United States Code, Section 2.)
(Solicitation of a Contribution by a Foreign National)
61. In or abont 2023, in the Southern District of New York and elsewhere, ERIC
ADAMS, the defendant, knowingly and willfully solicited, accepted, and received, and aided and
abetted and willfully caused the solicitation, acceptance and receipt of, a contribution and donation
from a foreign national, and express and implied promises to make a contribution and donation, in
connection with a local election, to wit, mayoral elections in the City of New Yark, aggregating
(Title 52, United States Code, Sections 30121 and 30109(d)(l)(A), and
Title 18, United States Code, Section 2.)
63. From at least in or about the summer of 2021, through at least in or about the
summer of 2022, in the Southern District of New York and elsewhere, ERIC ADAMS, the
defendant, being an agent of a local government, to wit, the City of New York, which, in a one-
year period, received benefits in excess of $10,000 under a federal program involving a grant,
contract, subsidy, loan, guarantee, insurance, and other form of federal assistance, corruptly
solicited and demanded for the benefit of a person, and accepted and agreed to accept, a thing of
value from a person, intending to be influenced and rewarded in connection with business, a
transaction, and a series of transactions of the City of New York involving a thing of value of
$5,000 and more, to wit, ADAMS solicited and accepted free and heavily discounted luxmy travel
benefits from the Turkish Official and others in exchange for intending to be influenced in
connection with the City of New York's regulation of the Turkish House, located at 821 United
64. As a result of committing one or more of the offenses alleged in Counts One, Two,
and Five of this Indictment, ERIC ADAMS, the defendant, shall forfeit to the United States,
pursuant to Title 18, United States Code, Section 98I(a)(I)(C) and Title 28, United States Code,
Section 246l(c), any and all property, real and personal, that constitutes or is derived from
proceeds traceable to the commission of said offenses, including but not limited to a sum of money
in United States currency representing the amount of proceeds traceable to the commission of said
Substitute Assets Provision
65. If any of the above-described forfeitable property, as a result of any act or omission
of the defendant:
without difficulty;
it is the intent of the United States, pursuant to Title 21, United States Code, Section 853(p) and
Title 28, United States Code, Section 2461(c), to seek forfeiture of any other property of the
United States Attorney