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(An Autonomous College of the Manonmaniam Sundaranar University)

Re-accredited with ‘A’ Grade (3.38) by NAAC
(Under the Management of H.R. & C.E. Dept.)
Data Structures and Algorithms – 21PGICIT3

Date & Time: 05-12-2022 (2-5 pm) Max Marks:75

Duration: 3 Hrs

Course Bloom’s Q. No. Section -A (10x1=10 marks)

Outcome K-level Answer all questions
CO1 K3 1. Choose following concepts make extensive use of arrays
a) Binary trees
b) Scheduling of processes
c) Caching
d) Spatial locality

Linked list data structure offers considerable saving in ______

CO1 K2 2. a) Computational Time b) Space Utilization
c) Space Utilization and Computational Time
d) Speed Utilization

The optimal data structure used to solve Tower of Hanoi is

CO2 K1 3. _________
a) Tree b) Heap c) Priority queue d) Stack

What would be the Prefix notation for the given equation?

CO2 K1 4. A+B*C^D
a) +A*B^CDb) +A^B*CDc) *A+B^CDd) ^A*B+CD

If the tree is not a complete binary tree then what changes can
CO3 K2 5. be made for easy access of children of a node in the array?
a) every node stores data saying which of its children exist in
the array
b) no need of any changes continue with 2w and 2w+1, if node
is at i
c) keep a seperate table telling children of a node
d) use another array parallel to the array with tree
Consider a situation of writing a binary tree into a file with
memory storage efficiency in mind, is array representation of
CO3 K1 6. tree is good?
a) yes because we are overcoming the need of pointers and so
space efficiency
b) yes because array values are indexable
c) No it is not efficient in case of sparse trees and remaning
cases it is fine
d) No linked list representation of tree is only fine
What is the number of edges present in a complete graph having
n vertices?
CO4 K2 7. a) (n*(n+1))/2 b) (n*(n-1))/2 c) n
d) Information given is insufficient

Identify a graph with all vertices having equal degree.

CO4 K3 8. a) Multi Graph b) Regular Graph
c) Simple Graph d) Complete Graph

What is an internal sorting algorithm?

CO5 K2 9. a) Algorithm that uses tape or disk during the sort
b) Algorithm that uses main memory during the sort
c) Algorithm that involves swapping
d) Algorithm that are considered ‘in place’

What is the worst case complexity of bubble sort?

CO5 K1 10. a) O(nlogn) b) O(logn) c) O(n) d) O(n2)
Section -B (5x5=25 marks)
Answer ALL questions by choosing either (a) or (b)
11 (a) What is circular linked list? Explain the concept.
CO1 K1 (or)
Define linear data structure with suitable example.
12 (a) Apply tower of Hanoi procedure for stack operation.
CO2 K3 (or)
(b) Identify various queues structure and theiroperations.
13 (a) Analyse basic terminologies of tree.
CO3 K4 (or)
(b) Examine the construction of head tree.

14 (a) Classify the graph terminologies.

CO4 K2 (or)
(b) Explain the Euler’s and Hamiltonian circuit.
15 (a) Prove that Quick sort is most efficient sort algorithm.
CO5 K5 (or)
(b) Explain travelling sales man problem.

Section -C (5x8=40 marks)

Answer ALL questions by choosing either (a) or (b)
16 (a) Define data structure. explain the implementation procedure
CO1 K2 (b) Demonstrate operations on double linked list with suitable
17 (a) Show the stack operations with example.
CO2 K1 What is queue? How round robin algorithms will useful to the
(b) queue operation?
K5 18 (a) Evaluate properties of binary tree with example.
CO3 (or)
(b) Compare B tree and B+ tree with suitable example.

19 (a) Construct suitable algorithms forGraphtraversal.

K3 (or)
CO4 (b) Construct minimum spanning tree with suitable example

20 (a) Compare merge sort and radix sort.

CO5 K4 (b) Analyse the binary search with array.
Multimedia and its Applications – 21PGICIT4

Date & Time: 07-12-2022 (2-5 pm) Marks: 75

Duration : 3 Hrs
Course Bloom’s Q. No. Section -A (10x1=10 marks)
Outcome K-level Answer all questions
CO1 K1 1. Which of the following provides a system for dynamically
Displaying a font?
a. Apache b. PostScript c. HTTPD d. serif
CO1 K1 2. A printed page might be presented in which of these
a. newsscape b. portraitc. flat-file d. x-height
CO2 K1 3. Which of the following is not a color specification format?
a. RGB b. HSB c. GIF d. CMYK
CO2 K1 4. The process of recording a sound, stored in the form of
thousands of individual measurements, each at a discrete point
in time, is called:
a. sampling b. Synthesizing c. Sizing d. quantizing

CO3 K2 5. To create a smooth transition between two images when

morphing, it’s important to set numerous:
a. layers b. keyframes c. key points d. anchor tags

CO3 K2 6. Red and green should be avoided as cue colors because:

a. they represent negative ideas in some cultures
b. they do not blend well with other colors
c. color-blind individuals cannot see them correctly
d. they are associated with “stop” and “go”
CO4 K2 7. Painting software is dedicated to producing:
a. vector images b. animations
c. 3-D images d. bitmap images
CO4 K2 8. Which of the following is not a stage of multimedia production?
a. testing b. planning and costing
c. designing and producing d. marketing
CO5 K3 9. Which of these is not an image format supported by most
a. GIF b. JPEG c. PNG d. DXF
CO5 K3 10. Web pages are written in:
a. MPEG b. HTML c. QuickTime d. TCP/IP
Section -B (5x5=25 marks)
Answer ALL questions by choosing either (a) or (b)
CO1 K1 11 (a) What are the font and faces used in multimedia?

K1 (b) Relate portrait vs landscape.

CO2 K5 12 (a) Evaluate audio file formats.

K5 (b) Compare MIDI and digital audio.

CO3 K3 13 (a) Identify the principles of animation.


K3 (b) Identify the stages of multimedia project hardware

CO4 K4 14 (a) Classify types of authoring tools used in multimedia

K4 (b) Distinguish between acquiring content and acquiring talent.
CO5 K2 15 (a) Demonstratepreparing delivering on DVD.

K2 (b) Explain multimedia on the web.

Section -C (5x8=40 marks)
Answer ALL questions by choosing either (a) or (b)
CO1 K1 16 (a) List the editing and designing tools used in multimedia.

(b) Relate hypermedia and hypertext.
CO2 K3 17 (a) Make use of bitmap in multimedia.

(b) Identify the methods of adding sound to multimedia project.

CO3 K5 18 (a) Choose any four memory and storage devices.

(b) Explain the digital video container..

CO4 K4 19 (a) Analyse the multimedia skills.

(b) Compare RFPs and bid proposals.

CO5 K2 20 (a) Compare web servers and web browsers

(b) Explain the process ofdeveloping audio and video for web.

Date & Time: 09-12-2022 (2-5 pm) Marks: 75

Duration: 3 Hrs .

Course Bloom’s Q. No. Section -A (10x1=10 marks)

Outcome K-level Answer all questions
CO1 K1 1 Which network provides point-to-point static connections among
the magic?
a) System network b) Interconnect
c) Bus d) Message-Passing

CO1 K3 2 Identify a parallelism that define by the control and data

dependence of programs.
a) Hardware b) Software c) Data d) Network
CO2 K1 3 What is intuitively defined as the time required for each phase to
complete its operation
a) Pipeline b) Instruction c) Pipeline cycle
d) Instruction cycle

CO2 K2 4 Show a scalar processor that can built either with single chip or
with multiple chips mounted on a processor board.
a) CISC b) RISC c) Instruction d) Pipeline

CO3 K1 5 What occurs when the addressed data or Instruction is found in

the cache?
a) Cache b) Cache Hit c) Cache Miss d) Physical Cache

CO3 K4 6 Analyze the process of assigning control of the DTB to a

a) Bus Arbitration b) Data Transfer Bus
c) Arbitration d) Interrupt Lines

CO4 K5 7 Choose a pipeline that can be reconfigured to perform variable

functions at different times.
a) Static b) Dynamic c) Linear d) Nonlinear
CO4 K4 8 Classify the one that reveals the instruction function to be
performed and identifies the resource needed.
a) Fetch stage b) Decode stage
c) Issue stage d) Execute stage

CO5 K1 9 Find the printed circuit on which many connectors are used to
plug in functional boards.
a) Bus b) System Bus c) Backplane d) Crossbar
CO5 K2 10 Classify a single-stage, non-blocking, permutation network.
a) Crossbar b) Crossbar Switch
c) Crossbar switched network d) Crossbar network
Section -B (5x5=25 marks)
Answer ALL questions by choosing either (a) or (b)

11(a) Define Vector Super computer with its architecture.

(b) Recall the levels of Parallelism in program execution.
12 (a) Analyze Instruction set Architecture.
(b) Discover VLIW architecture.
13 (a) Determine Addressing and Timing protocols.
(b) Explain about Interleaved Memory Organization.
14 (a) Compare Asynchronous and Synchronous models.
(b) Demonstrate Dynamic Instruction Scheduling.
15 (a) Construct Hierarchical Bus System with diagram.
(b) Identify the differences between Full map and Chained directories
with diagram.
Section –C (5x8=40 marks)
Answer ALL questions by choosing either (a) or (b)
16 (a) Show different models of shared memory multiprocessor.
CO1 K1
(b) Tell about Data and Resource dependences with Bernstein’s
17 (a) Explain briefly about RISC Scalar processor.
(b) Compare Vector and Symbolic Processors.
18 (a) Explain briefly about Memory Allocation Schemes.
(b) Compare and Conclude Direct Mapping and Associate Caches.
19 (a) Make use of Collision free Scheduling.
(b) Construct Mechanism for Instruction Pipelining.
20 (a) Compare and Contrast Crossbar Switch and Multiport Memory.
(b) Analyze in detail about Snoopy Bus protocol.
Dot Net Programming – 21PGIIICIT11

Date & Time: 30-11-2022 (2-5 pm) Marks: 75

Duration : 3 Hrs
Course Bloom’s Q. No. Section -A (10x1=10 marks)
Outcome K-level Answer all questions
CO1 K2 1. A variable which is declared inside a method is called
a________ variable?
a) Local b) private c) static d) Global

If a class is using an interface, it must?

CO1 K3 2.
a) inherit the properties of the interface
b) create an interface object
c) contain the same methods as the interface
d) all of the above

ASP.NET is a ____
CO2 K2 3. a) Client-Side technology b) Server-side technology
c) Both d) None

In which form does Postback occur?

CO2 K3 4. a) Win Forms b) HTML Forms c) Web Forms d)All

Which of the following attribute must be set on a validator

CO3 K2 5. control for the validation?
a) ControlToValidate b) ValidateControl
c) ValidateToBind d) ValidateBind

Which term is used for pages that depend on the Master page?
a) Content Pages b) Master Pages c) Web Pages
CO3 K1 6. d)None of the above
Which of the following can be used to add alternating color
scheme in a repeater mode
CO4 K1 7. a) AlternatingItemTemplate d) Datasource
c) colorValidator d) none
The GridView control in ASP.NET has which of the following
CO4 K2 8. a) Automatic data binding b) Automatic paging
c) both A&B d) None

Which interface you will use wrap an AJAX client control into
CO5 K1 9. a custom server control?

a. IScriptManager b. IScriptControl
c. IScriptAJAX d. None of the above
A Master Page contains a ScriptManager control and a user
wants the AJAX functionality on content page then which
control is necessary on content page?
CO5 K1 10.
a. Async PostBack Trigger
b. Script Manager
c. Script Manager Proxy
d. None of the above
Section -B (5x5=25 marks)
Answer ALL questions by choosing either (a) or (b)
CO1 11 (a) Briefly explain Arrays in C#.
K1 (or)
(b) What is interface? Explain with example.

CO2 12 (a) Illustrate the special features of ASP.NET.

K2 (or)
(b) Explain about file upload control with sample code.
CO3 13 (a) Identify tree view control in code.
K3 (or)
(b) Identify the method to create static and dynamic menu.

CO4 14 (a) Compare form view control and list view control.
K4 (or)
(b) Analyze about SQL Data source control.
CO5 15 (a) Explain about AJAX Architecture with neat diagram.
K5 (or)
Explain the step by step process to create a simple AJAX
(b) application.
Section -C (5x8=40 marks)
Answer ALL questions by choosing either (a) or (b)
16 (a) Recall classes and objects in C# with suitable example.
CO1 K1 (b) What is operator? Which are the operators available in C#.
17 (a) Demonstrate ASP.NET Life cycle with suitable example.
CO2 K2 (b) Explain the following
i) Button control ii) Text control
iii) Literal control iv) Label control
CO3 K3 18 (a) Build an program with menu and their properties.
(b) Develop an program and verify the Validation control in
that code.
K5 19 (a) Explain about Grid View control with examples.
CO4 (b) Explain about Dynamic data applications with suitable example

20 (a) Analyze about ASP.NET MVC Framework.

CO5 K4 (b) Examine about AJAX server controls with suitable example

Date & Time: 02-12-2022 (2-5 pm) Marks: 75

Duration: 3 Hrs

Course Bloom’s Q. No. Section -A (10x1=10 marks)

Outcome K-level Answer all questions
CO1 K1 1 Which refers to the degree of tolerance against errors and
component failure in a system?
a) Flexibility b) Reliability c) Scalability d) Security

CO1 K1 2 Find a special type of message that entitles its holder to use the
shared medium for transmitting.
a) Token b) Bus c) Ring d) Star

CO2 K3 3 Identify a representation that the type of each program object

along with its value is encoded in the message.
a) Encode b) Decode c) Tagged d) Untagged

CO2 K3 4 Choose a communication method that the sender is blocked until

the receiver accepts some messages thus creating space in the
buffer for new messages.
a) Controlled b) Uncontrolled c) Flow d) Flow-controlled
CO3 K1 5 What messages are sent by the client to server for requesting
execution of remote procedure.
a) Call b) Reply c) Request d) Response
CO3 K5 6 Conclude when two different processes access two unrelated
variables that reside in the same data block.
a) Thrashing b) False sharing c) Sharing d) Paging

CO4 K2 7 Show the register that is used to keep track of the oscillations of
the quartz crystal.
a) Clock b) Constant c) Counter d) Static

CO4 K2 8 Show the time, which defined as the time period for which the
execution of the process is stopped for transferring.
a) Clock b) Freezing c) Counter d) Unfreezing

CO5 K4 9 Analyze the storage that can even withstand transient I/O faults
and decay of the storage media.
a) Volatile b) Non-Volatile c) Stable d) Non-Stable
CO5 K1 10 Fine a program that lies dormant until some trigger condition
causes it to explode
a) Virus b) Worms c) Logic Bombs d) Antivirus

Section -B (5x5=25 marks)

Answer ALL questions by choosing either (a) or (b)

11(a) List out and discuss Eight forms of transparency issues during
CO1 K1 designing a Distributed Operating System.
(b) Define the problems & Challenges of ATM Technology.

12 (a) Demonstrate about Synchronization.

(b) Illustrate Buffering.
13 (a) Write in detail about RPC messages.
(b) Identify design & implementation issues of DSM.
14 (a) Discover Election Algorithm.
(b) Classify the issues in designing a threads package.
15 (a) Determine about File Sharing Semantics.
(b) Explain about the implementation of Access Matrix.
Section –C (5x8=40 marks)
Answer ALL questions by choosing either (a) or (b)
16 (a) Summarize Distributed Computing System models.
CO1 K2
(b) Explain in detail about Internetworking.
17 (a) Define Failure handling in message passing.
CO2 K1 (b) Show in detail about One-to-Many communication in Group
18 (a) Make use of RPC model & Transparency of RPC.
(b) Experiment with implementing Sequential Consistency model
19 (a) Analyze Mutual Exclusion with necessary diagrams
(b) Discover Process Migration mechanisms.
20 (a) Explain in detail about File Caching Schemes.
(b) Explain in detail about Cryptography.

Date & Time: 05-12-2022 (2-5 pm) Max.Marks:75

Duration: 3 Hrs

Course Bloom’s Q. No. Section -A (10x1=10 marks)

Outcome K-level
Answer all questions

CO1 K1 1 Which approach to research is to form a database from which to

infer characteristics?
a) Quantitative b) Simulation
c) Inferential d) Experimental

CO1 K3 2 Identify a method that is the pursuit of truth as determined by

logical considerations.
a) Research b) Scientific c) Quantitative d) Qualitative

CO2 K1 3 What is a definite plan from a given population?

a) Sample design b) Sampling design
c) Research design d) Researcher design

CO2 K1 4 Which is the arrangement of conditions for collection and

analysis of data
a) Sample design b) Sampling design
c) Research design d) Researcher design

CO3 K2 5 Show method that has merit like the researcher is enabled to
record the natural behavior of the group.
a) Observation Method b) Interview Method
c) Questionnaire d) Schedule

CO3 K5 6 Choose the one that refer to the data which have already been
collected and analyzed by someone else.
a) Primary data b) Secondary data
c) Random data d) Data

CO4 K4 7 Analyze which is based on the normal probability distribution and

is used for judging the significance of several statistical measures.
a) z-test b) t-test c) x2-test d) F-test

CO4 K1 8 Which is a way to test for comparing two related samples?

a) Paired z-test b) Paired t-test
c) Paired x2-test d) Paired F-test

CO5 K2 9 Classify that refers to the task of drawing inferences from the
collected facts after an analytical and/or experimental study.
a) Interpretation b) Significance
c) Layout d) Mechanics

CO5 K3 10 Choose the one that is considered a major component of the

research study for the research task remain incomplete till the
report has been presented or written
a) Interpretation b) Writing report
c) Research report d) Mechanics of report
Section -B (5x5=25 marks)

Answer ALL questions by choosing either (a) or (b)

11(a) Differentiate Research methods and Methodology.

(b) Recall the points to be considered while selecting the problem.
12 (a) Analyze the features of good design.
(b) Discover the criteria of selecting a sampling procedure.
13 (a) Write the Importance of Projective technique.
(b) Justify the Selection of appropriate method for data collection.
14 (a) Identify the procedure for hypothesis testing.
(b) Make use of hypothesis testing for comparing two related samples
15 (a) Demonstrate the layout of the Research report.
(b) Compare Technical Report and Popular Report.
Section –C (5x8=40 marks)
Answer ALL questions by choosing either (a) or (b)
16 (a) List out useful guidelines for Research process.
CO1 K1
(b) Define and discuss the types of Research.
17 (a) Identify the points to be considered by the Researcher while
developing a Sample design
(b) Write in detail about the types of Sample design.
18 (a) Explain briefly about Collecting data through Interview method
(b) Explain in detail about Collecting data through Questionnaires
19 (a) Classify basic concepts concerning testing of Hypothesis
(b) Discover Hypothesis testing for means with Illustration.
20 (a) Explain in detail about the different steps in writing a Report.
(b) Demonstrate the Mechanics of writing a Research Report.

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