Vds 2234en
Vds 2234en
Vds 2234en
loss prevention
FW: h 0 cm
CPW: h 50 cm
K 90
I 90 H 2m
R 90
S 90
F 90
T 90 T 90
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FW: h 0,3 m
© VdS Schadenverhütung GmbH
CPW: h 0,5 m
Firewalls and complex partition walls
VdS 2234en : 2024-05 (07)
VdS 2234en : 2024-05 (07) Firewalls and complex partition walls
6.3 Engaging or bridging components.......22 damage progression is limited through joint effort
6.4 Joints.....................................................22 of all involved, this will in future be of advantage
6.5 Connection to roofs and roof to all insured parties.
6.6 Double-leaf walls...................................26 This leaflet is based on the current perception of
6.7 Exterior wall range.................................26 fire protection. It contains recommendations which
6.8 System walls..........................................27 are aimed at reducing fire hazards and the con-
7 Exterior walls......................................28 sequences thereof. It is the intention to update
this leaflet in mutual consultation, if fundamental
8 Free-standing walls............................28 changes in fire protection technology should arise.
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Firewalls and complex partition walls VdS 2234en : 2024-05 (07)
Firewalls (FW) confine fire compartments. They For storages of combustible material outdoors, a
are intended to prevent the spreading of fire and minimum distance of 20 m is required.
fumes to other buildings or building sections.
Constructional fire compartment separation is
Complex partition walls (CPW) meet higher requi- on hand if buildings, building sections or storages
rements than firewalls. They separate buildings are separated by a firewall according to this leaflet.
or building sections into complexes.
3.2 Building elements with a fire
The requirements for complex partition walls are
resistance class of 90 minutes
printed in blue in the brochure.
J non-load-bearing walls: EI 90 and from non- themselves, however are separated from other
combustible building material buildings, building sections or storages.
Classification F 180-A: With a fire resistance of at
least 180 minutes and from non-combustible ma- The complex is the basis for calculating the high-
terials est possible damage and a risk-related premium
J load-bearing walls: REI 180 and from non- for fire and fire business interruption insurance.
combustible building material.
J non-load-bearing walls: EI 180 and from non- Spatial separation of a complex is on hand, if
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VdS 2234en : 2024-05 (07) Firewalls and complex partition walls
J between other buildings and/or storages of Building connecting components (bridges, tun-
5 m is maintained. nels, etc.) do not cancel a spatial fire-compart-
ment or complex separation (see Fig. 3b), if
For special risk situations, e.g. high bay storage
systems, explosion hazard, buildings with a height J they are generally made of non-combustible
of more than 20 m, increased minimum distances materials,
may be required, which would have to be deter- J combustible objects and substances aren’t
mined for each individual case. placed, kept or stored in the space between
the buildings or in course of the connecting
Minimum distances component,
J to open storages of combustible material: 20 m J a spread and transmission of fire and smoke
J otherwise: 5 m are excluded by
accesses on both sides of the connecting
Constructional complex separation is on hand component,
if buildings, building sections or storages are se- J
a horizontal and vertical angle influence in the
parated by a complex partition wall according to connection area of connecting components on
this leaflet. both external walls of the building, and
a static failure of the connecting components
in the sense of a kinematic chain is excluded.
3.4 Explanations of spatial fire-compart-
ment or complex separations with inter-
The accesses of the connecting component can
mediate structures
be protected either on both sides of the connec-
tion each with a closure (door, gate) classified with
If the distance between two opposite buildings a fire resistance duration of at least 30 minutes or
is less than the height of the higher building or on one side with a closure classified with a fire
less than 5 m, the constructional construction of resistance duration of at least 90 minutes. These
the opposite external in particular walls must be closures shall be permanently closed or closed
taken into account when assessing the spatial timely and in complete manner in the event of fire,
separation of fire-compartments or complexes if necessary by means of a hold-open device.
between buildings. Due to experience, external
walls including their opening closures made of If pipes are routed over the building connecting
non-combustible materials and/or with a classi- component, the requirements in paragraph 6.2.3
fied fire resistance can help to limit the hazards of to 6.2.7 shall be followed as well.
fire spread and transmission.
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Firewalls and complex partition walls VdS 2234en : 2024-05 (07)
4 Arrangement
Firewalls are of importance from the point of view
of insurance and fire protection, e.g.
VdS 2234en : 2024-05 (07) Firewalls and complex partition walls
CPW: ü ≥ 50cm
ü For a height difference of less than 2 m, a firewall
in accordance with Section 4.1 must be construc
∆ H ≥ 2m ted as for buildings of equal height.
Firewalls and complex partition walls VdS 2234en : 2024-05 (07)
Wall without openings and constructed of non-combustible material J The firewall must be constructed at least up
to the roof skin of the lower building. The roof
FW: a ≥ ∆ H; 5m ≤ a ≤ 15m
CPW: a ≥ ∆ H; 7m ≤ a ≤ 15m
of the lower building, including the roof bea-
ring structure, must be constructed with a fire
resistance of at least 90 minutes and from
∆H non-combustible material (F 90-A), which is
corresponding to the height difference of the
a buildings and needs to be at least 5m but not
more than 15 m., The roof may not have any
openings in this section. If combustible roof
sheeting is present in this area, it must be pro-
tected by a layer of gravel, at least 5 cm thick.
Roof F 90-A and roof The wall above the firewall may not have any
structure without openings openings and must be constructed from non-
F 90-A combustible material.
Figure 5: Construction of the lower building J The complex partition wall must be constructed
at least up to the roof skin of the lower building.
The roof of the lower building, including the
roof bearing structure, must be constructed
with a fire resistance of at least 90 minutes and
from non-combustible material (F 90-A), which
is corresponding to the height difference of the
buildings and needs to be at least 7 m but not
more than 15 m, The roof may not have any
openings in this section. If combustible roof
sheeting is present in this region, it must be
protected by a layer of gravel, at least 5 cm
thick. The wall above the complex parti tion
wall may not have any openings and must be
constructed of non-combustible material.
FW: a ≥ ∆ H; 5m ≤ a ≤ 15m
J The firewall must be erected at a distance
CPW: a ≥ ∆ H; 7m ≤ a ≤ 15m from the higher building section, which corre-
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VdS 2234en : 2024-05 (07) Firewalls and complex partition walls
FW: a ≥ 5m
CPW: a ≥ 7m
CPW: a ≥ 7m
Figure 8: Effect of angle – wall section F 90-A It is a prerequisite for both constructions, that the
© VdS Schadenverhütung GmbH
Firewalls and complex partition walls VdS 2234en : 2024-05 (07)
5 Construction, requirements motion of a test bag (weight: 200 kg) from a drop
and proofs height of 2,0 m.
VdS 2234en : 2024-05 (07) Firewalls and complex partition walls
Table 1
The following construction types comply with the requirements for:
Row Construction characteristics raw Allowed minimum thickness d (cm) Slenderness Minimum
den- hs/d2) pitch of re-
single-leaf double-leaf
sity inforcement
construction construction10)
class u (cm)
1 Walls of normal concrete according to DIN 1045
1.1 Non-reinforced concrete — 20.0 2 x 18.0
according to
1.2 Reinforced concrete according to
DIN 1045
DIN 1045
1.2.1 - non-load-bearing — 12.0 2 x 10.0
1.2.2 - load-bearing — 14.0 1) 2 x 12.0 1) 25 2.5
2 Walls of lightweight concrete with no-fines lightweight texture according to DIN 4232
2.1 ≥ 1.4 25.0 2 x 20.0 Dimensioning
according to n. a.
2.2 ≥ 0.8 30.0 2 x 20.0 DIN 4232
3 Walls of reinforced gas concrete
Non-load-bearing wall panels of
3.1 ≥ 0.7 17.5 2 x 17.5 2.0
strength class 4.4
Non-load-bearing wall panels of according to
3.2 ≥ 0.6 20.0 2 x 20.0 3.0
strength class 3.3 approval do-
Load-bearing, standing wall panels of
3.3 ≥ 0.7 20.0 2) 20.0 2) 2.0 2)
strength class 4.4
4 Walls of reinforced prefab brick components according to DIN 1053
Vertically perforated panel with bricks according
4.1 — 16.5 2 x 16.5 25
for full plaster butt joints to DIN 1053
4.2 Joined panels with two layers of bricks — 24.0 2 x 16.5 25 Part 4
5 Walls of masonry according to DIN 1053-1 und -2, utilising normal mortar of mortar group II, IIa, III or Illa
to DIN 105-2
≥ 1.8 24.0 5) 2 x 17.5
Sand lime brick according to ≥ 1.4 24.0 2 x 17.5 9)
5.2 DIN 106-1 and Part 1 A14) (currently in
construction) and -2 ≥ 0.9 30.0 (30.0) 2 x 20.0 (2 x 17.5) Dimensioning
= 0.8 30.0 2 x 24.0 (2 x 17.5) according to
DIN 1053 n. a.
Gas concrete bricks according to
5.3 -1 3)
DIN 4165
5.3.1 ≥ 0.6 30.0 2 x 24.0 -2 3)
Firewalls and complex partition walls VdS 2234en : 2024-05 (07)
Table 2
The following construction types comply with the requirements for complex partition walls:
VdS 2234en : 2024-05 (07) Firewalls and complex partition walls
6 Construction
Firewalls must be constructed without offset
through all storeys.
6.1 Stability
a: sufficient expansion
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Firewalls and complex partition walls VdS 2234en : 2024-05 (07)
6.1.2 Connections
Anchor from
flat stainless Statically required connections, which have to
Insulating layer absorb the impact load according to DIN 4102-
3, must be constructed in such a way that the
stability and functionality of the firewalls is not
compromised. Construction of connections is
in accordance with DIN 4102-4 or the proofs of
Steel angle applicability.
Steel angle
Joint filler
Joint filler
Joint filler
Plaster or
similar covering
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6.1.3 Bracings
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VdS 2234en : 2024-05 (07) Firewalls and complex partition walls
6.2 Openings
Wall openings for cable and pipe ducts, J of up to 220 m2 a maximum of four openings
which are not taken into consideration
in establishing the number of with a total area of 22 m2 (including slip doors),
openings and total area
of openings.
J of more than 220 m2 a maximum of four ope-
nings with a total area of 10 % (including slip
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may be present.
Fire stop seals for cable and pipe ducts are not ta-
ken into consideration in establishing the number
of openings and total area of openings.
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Firewalls and complex partition walls VdS 2234en : 2024-05 (07)
VdS 2234en : 2024-05 (07) Firewalls and complex partition walls
Firewalls and complex partition walls VdS 2234en : 2024-05 (07)
Figure 20: Piping for non-combustible pipes J Sand pockets below firewalls, for lines moun-
ted near floor height;
J Y-Sand pockets in the wall for pipe lead-
through (Figure 20);
J Sleeves from non-combustible material (buil-
ding material class DIN 4102-A1) for pipelines
moving in the plain of the firewall, whereby the
remaining space between the pipeline and the
wall is to be filled with a non-combustible ma-
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VdS 2234en : 2024-05 (07) Firewalls and complex partition walls
Non-combustible Building
Spreading of fire through heat conduction in non-
pipe sleeve material class combustible pipelines must be prevented. An
DIN 4102-A1 opened
mineral fibre insulating sleeve of building material
Movable class DIN 4102-A with a melting point higher than
1,000°C for a length of ≥ 500 mm on both sides
stationary of the wall can be specified for this purpose. The
thickness of this sleeve should be at least 60 mm.
T 90 Fire barrier
for pneumatic
In order to protect the lead-through of pipelines
with combustible media like fuel, and for gas
magnet lines, supplementary fire protection measures,
closed like for instance closing off the pipeline at both
Lyra arches on sides of the wall, may be necessary and must be
Mortar or fire
both sides of
the wall Required
specified for each individual case.
resistant mortar
Firewalls and complex partition walls VdS 2234en : 2024-05 (07)
6.2.6 Glazing
Figure 25: Ventilation and air conditioning ducts firewalls, compensators must be fitted to prevent
horizontal forces from developing as a result of
duct expansion.
VdS 2234en : 2024-05 (07) Firewalls and complex partition walls
Firewalls and complex partition walls VdS 2234en : 2024-05 (07)
Firewalls may only be weakened by engaging
components to the extent that the remaining wall
thickness remains stable and fireresistant F 90
(REI 90 or EI 90). The same applies for conduc-
tors, conduit slots and chimneys. Horizontal or
oblique cuts are not allowed.
Figure 28: Engaging components Furthermore, bridging components may not ex-
ert any force on the firewalls.
6.4 Joints
VdS 2234en : 2024-05 (07) Firewalls and complex partition walls
5 m from firewalls.
FW: a ≥ 5m
CPW: a ≥ 7m
Roof openings must be at a distance of at least
7 m from complex partition walls.
Firewalls and complex partition walls VdS 2234en : 2024-05 (07)
FW: ü ≥ 30cm
For flat roofs with a fire resistance less than 90 mi-
CPW: ü ≥ 50cm nutes and or from combustible material, the roof
overhang must be constructed according to the
adjacent figure.
VdS 2234en : 2024-05 (07) Firewalls and complex partition walls
FW: ü ≥ 30cm, a ≥ 5m
CPW: ü ≥ 50cm, a ≥ 7m
Firewalls and complex partition walls VdS 2234en : 2024-05 (07)
tion walls.
VdS 2234en : 2024-05 (07) Firewalls and complex partition walls
Figure 41: Examples for system walls in standard The following assembly conditions need to be
construction observed specifically:
Connection to walls/ceilings:
Steel profiles (L-/U-profile)
with load anchor or metal pin
Firewalls and complex partition walls VdS 2234en : 2024-05 (07)
7 Exterior walls
Exterior firewalls as replacement for spatial fire
compartment separation must be constructed
on the higher of the two opposite buildings.
They must be constructed up to at least the roof
skin of the higher building.
8 Free-standing walls
VdS 2234en : 2024-05 (07) Firewalls and complex partition walls
9 Arrangement and
a a installation of components
of the photovoltaic systems
(PV systems) to buildings
or on their roofs
Fig. 46: Required elevation of the height above roof For any installation of PV modules in the roof, al-
of a firewall ways observe the instructions given in Clauses
6.1 and 6.5.
Firewalls and complex partition walls VdS 2234en : 2024-05 (07)
Fig. 47: Subdivision of linked rows of modules and in- The aisle between the rows of modules and lin-
stallation areas ked areas where modules are installed is required
also to minimise the risk for firefighters emanating
from operating modules and system components
where modules or module strings, respectively,
cannot be de-energised individually.
VdS 2234en : 2024-05 (07) Firewalls and complex partition walls
If a penetration of cables or pipes through a fire- openings: Terms, requirements and tests, Is-
wall or a complex partition wall cannot be avo- sue 12/85.
ided, appropriate systems shall be used to provi- J Part 17 Melting point of mineral fibre insula-
de for corresponding fire protection sealing (also ting materials; Terms, requirements and tests,
see the Clause 6.2.5). Issue 12/90
Components containing combustible materials, DIN 18 090 Lifts; Swing doors and folding doors
which are guided over or penetrated through a for lift well with a fire resistance of at least 90
firewall or a complex partition wall, shall always minutes, Issue 02/69
be approved by the construction authority in
charge. DIN 18 091 Lifts; Horizontal and vertical sliding
doors for lift well with a fire resistance of at least
90 minutes, Issue 02/69
9.3 PV modules mounted to or into the fa-
DIN 18 092 Light load lifts; Vertical sliding doors
for lift well with a fire resistance of at least 90
If PV modules are mounted to or into the façade, minutes, Issue 05/63
not only the building regulations on how to delimit
fire spread in vertical direction shall be complied DIN 18 095 Smoke protection doors
with but also the information given in Clause 6.7.
J Part 1 Terms and requirements, Issue 10/88
J Part 2 Construction type tests for functional ef-
10 Literature/Sources ficiency endurance, Issue 03/91
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