8.1 and 8.2 Homework and Notes
8.1 and 8.2 Homework and Notes
8.1 and 8.2 Homework and Notes
10. (:": .
11. ls the following sentence tru~QrJ als~? Most earthquakes occur
along existing faults. - 1.+'f
12. Cirde the letter of small Earth movements that occur following a
mAjor earthquake.
a. foreshocks
b. slippage
@ aftershocks
' d. foci
13. The ~~'O is one of the most studied fault systems
in the world. 9ldW -~ ~J lfjn
14. Whatisfaultcreep? ( ~ ~M
identifies each of the following types of seismic waves.
surface wave
____Jl_ S wave
_/j__ Pwave
Locating an Earthquake
11. Is the following sentence true or false? On a seismogram, the
greater the interval is between the arrival of the first P wave and
the first S wave, the greater the distance to the earthquake source.
\ ~'v~,~
12. <:> Is the following sentence true or false? You can use travel-time
graphs from two seismograp~~ tofind the exact location of an
earthquake epicenter. ~ ,
Name 111:ct GeoO;' t[ Block 11
8.1 Notes • What is an Earthquake?
What is a vibration of the earth produced by a
rapid release within the lithosphere?
{fN1 t:CAf.\-\ Ll_\f
What are the solid parts of the crust and
mantle? \r\~
Draw a picture of the Lithosphere and I
Asthenosphere in relation to the crust and oc~'te, crv5~ (.DW'it,e f-o- I
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