A. Content Demonstrates the Demonstrates Demonstrates Understands the Standard concept of melody by understanding of understanding of importance using intervals in shapes, space, colors, participation in and and the principles of of keeping the school major scales and in assessment of physical and community emphasis, harmony and the minor scales activities and physical contrast in digital environments painting and fitness healthy. poster design using new technologies B. Performance Applies learned Applies concepts on Participates and Demonstrates Standard concepts of melody the use of software in practices assesses and other elements creating digital for building and paintings and graphic performance to composition in physical maintaining healthy designs. and performance activities. school and community environments assesses physical fitness C. Learning Identify the different Discuss the 1. assess regularly Demonstrate ways to Pre-assessment Competency/ participation in physical build and keep the Test/ Diagnostic major scales, elements and activities based on the Objectives school and community Test Files appreciate the principles applied in Philippines melody of a song lay outing and focus physical activity pyramid environments healthy Write the LC code (PE6PF-IIb-h-18) (H6CMH-IIc-d-3). for each. and create simple on the basics of lay 2. observe safety melody. outing. precautions (PE6GS-lIb-h- (MU6ME-IIA-4) A6PL-IIf 3) 3. execute the different skills involved in the game (PE6GS-IIc-h-4) 4. display joy of effort, respect for others and fair play during participation in physical activities. (PE6PF-llb-h-20) II. CONTENT Creating Simple Elements and Skills and Tactics Building a Healthy Melody Principles in in Different Communities Types Layouting of Games and Sports III. LEARNING RESOURCES A. References K-12 MELC p 259 K-12 MELC p 291-292 K-12 MELC p 327 K-12 MELC p 353 1. Teacher’s Guide