Beam Reinforcement

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Beam reinforcement :

Introduction :

The beams are elements not exposed to bad weather and stressed by bending
moments and shear forces, in the calculation will be done in simple bending
with the stresses the most unfavorable.

a)Longitudinal reinforcement:
reinforcement of spans :

{ }
Mu=−59.1727 KN . m
Mser=−43.2487 KN .m
b=0.25 m
d=0.9 h=0.9∗0.4=0.36 m
Fc 28=25 MPA / Fe 500

Mu 59.1727
γ= = =1.37
Ms 43.2487

0.85 Fc 28 0.85∗25
Fbu= = =14.17 MPA
θγb 1∗1.5
Mu 59.1727∗10
μ= = =0.129
bd ² Fbu 25∗36²∗14.17

εb 3.5
μl=0.8 αl (1−0.1 αl ) → αl= = =0.617
εb +εsl 3.5∗2.17

Fe 500 −3
εsl= = =2.17∗10
γs∗E 1.15∗2∗105

μl=0.8∗0.617 ( 1−0.4∗0.617 ) =0.371

μ< μl → A s =0

αu=1.25 ( 1−√ 1−2 μ )=1.25 ( 1−√ 1−2∗0.129 ) =0.173

Z=d ( 1−0.4 αu ) =36 ( 1−0.4∗0.173 )=33.5 cm

Fe 500
σs= = =434.78 MPA
γs 1.15
Mu 59.1727∗10
As= = =4.06 cm ²→ 4 HA 12=4.52 cm ²
Z∗σs 33.5∗434.78
Minimum Reinforcement :

As min=max { A RPA
s min ; A s min }

As min=max { 6.75; 0.86 }=6.75 c m


So the adopted reinforcement will be :

6 HA 12=6.79 c m

Reinforcement in supports:

{ }
Mu=39.19 KN . m
Mser=28.0567 KN . m
b=0.25 m
d=0.9 h=0.9∗0.4=0.36 m
Fc 28=25 MPA / Fe 500

Mu 39.19
γ= = =1.39
Ms 28.0567

0.85 Fc 28 0.85∗25
Fbu= = =14.17 MPA
θγb 1∗1.5
Mu 39.19∗10
μ= = =0.085
bd ² Fbu 25∗36²∗14.17

εb 3.5
μl=0.8 αl (1−0.1 αl ) → αl= = =0.617
εb +εsl 3.5∗2.17

Fe 500 −3
εsl= = =2.17∗10
γs∗E 1.15∗2∗105

μl=0.8∗0.617 ( 1−0.4∗0.617 ) =0.371

μ< μl → A s =0

αu=1.25 ( 1−√ 1−2 μ )=1.25 ( 1−√ 1−2∗0.085 ) =0.111

Z=d ( 1−0.4 αu ) =36 ( 1−0.4∗0.111 ) =34.4 cm

Fe 500
σs= = =434.78 MPA
γs 1.15
Mu 39.19∗10
As= = =2.62 cm ²→ 4 HA 10=3.14 cm ²
Z∗σs 34.4∗434.78
Minimum Reinforcement :

As min=max { A RPA
s min ; A s min }

As min=max { 6.75; 0.86 }=6.75 c m


So the adopted reinforcement will be :

6 HA 12=6.79 c m

 Checking Contraints :
Verification of the shear force at (E.L.S) :
The cracking is of little detriment , the following condition must be verified:
V u =95.858 KN

{ }
Vu 0.2 Fc 28
τu= ≤ τ u=min ; 5 MPA =3.33 MPA
bd γb

→ τu=1.065 MPA <3.33 MPA C . V

Verification with the E.L.S:

Stress calculation:
The section being subjected to a moment Mser , the stress at a distance x from
the neutral axis is :
σ= y

 In spans:

{ }
Mser=43.2487 KN
On a As=6.79 c m2
A s =0
+15 ( As+ A s ) y−15 ( As∗d+ A s d )=0 … … ( 1 )
' ' '

After solving equation (1) we found that → y=14.23 cm

+15 [ As ( d− y ) ] + A s ( y−d ) =56144.9336 cm
2 ' ' 2 4

σbc= y=10.96 MPA <σ bc=15 MPA C .V

σs=15 ( d− y )=251.54 MPA<¿ σ s=400 MPA C .V

We adopt : 6HA12=6.79 cm²

 On support:

{ }
Mser=28.0567 KN
On a As=6.79 c m2
A s =0
+15 ( As+ A s ) y−15 ( As∗d+ A s d )=0 … … ( 1 )
' ' '

After solving equation (1) we found that → y=14.23 cm

+15 [ As ( d− y ) ] + A s ( y−d ) =56144.9336 cm
2 ' ' 2 4

σbc= y=7.11 MPA <σ bc=15 MPA C .V

σs=15 ( d− y )=163.183 MPA <¿ σ s=400 MPA C .V

We adopt : 6HA12=6.79 cm²

b)Transversal reinforcements:
According to article A.5.1,23 of the modified BAEL91 rules99 we have :

At γs(τu−0.3 Ftj K )

bSt 0.9 Fe(cosα + sinα )

K=1 for simple bending

α =90 ° for straight reinforcements

St ≤ min ( h4 ; 12∗φ )
St =10 cm≤ min ( 404 ; 12∗1.2)=10 cm
Outside the nodal zone :
St =15 cm≤ =20 cm

bStγs ( τu+ 0.3 Ftj K ) 25∗15∗1.15∗( 1.065+0.3∗2.1∗1 )

At ≥ = =2.03 c m2
0.9 Fe ( cosα + sinα ) 0.9∗400∗1

bStγs ( τu+ 0.3 Ftj K ) 25∗10∗1.15∗( 1.065+0.3∗2.1∗1 )

At ≥ = =1.35 c m2
0.9 Fe ( cosα + sinα ) 0.9∗400∗1

 Verifications of the transverse reinforcements :

Amin ≥ 0.003∗St∗b
At=1.35> A min =0.003∗10∗25=0.75 cm ² C . V
At=2.03> A min =0.003∗15∗25=1.125 cm ² C . V
At=1.35 c m

 Verifications of reinforcement and spacing against BAEL91 rules

mod99 :
The BAEL99 mod99 rules recommend in articles A.5.1 ,22 and A.7.2,2 to check
the following conditions :

At∗Fe 1.35∗400
= =2.16>0.4 MPA C . V
b∗St 25∗10
St =¿ 10 cm ≤ min ( 0.9∗d ; 40 cm )=32.4 cm C . V

( h b
∅ t ≤ min ∅ l ; ;
35 10 )
=min ∅ l; (
400 250
35 10 )
;∅ t ≤∧11.43 mm C . V

 Verifications of the deflection of the beams (at ELS) :

{ ( 16L ; 10MtLM 0 )
h ≥ max
L≤ 8 m
4.2b 0 d
As ≤

Mt=0.85 M 0=0.85∗60.87=51.73 KN .m
{ ( 400
16 10∗60.87 )
h=40 cm≥ max ; =( 25 ; 34 )=34 cm C . V
L=4.00 m≤ 8.00 mC .V
As=6.79 cm² ≤ =¿ 15.12 cm² C .V

Column reinforcement:
Columns are structural elements ensuring the transmission of forces from the
beams to the foundations. They are subjected to a normal force "N" and a
bending moment "M" in both longitudinal and transverse directions. So they
are calculated in compound bending

.So the reinforcement of this one is made for the most unfavorable cases of the

-Compressive force and the corresponding moment.

- Tractive effort and corresponding moment.

- Bending moment and the corresponding normal force (compression,traction).

In the case of cracking, it will be taken as not very harmful if the posts in
question are not exposed to outside weather conditions, and will be harmful if
the posts in question are lesions.

a)Longitudinal reinforcement:
From the results of the step software,we have:

{ {
max max
N =−726.082 KN M =−59.1727 KN . m
correspondant correspondant
M =−2.9225 KN . m N =−15.87 KN

Column subject to Nmax and Mcorrespondant :

 Case A)
N =−726.082 KN
M =−2.9225 KN . m

*Determination of column bucking length:

Beam stiffnes:
3 3
' I ' b ' h' 0.25∗0.4 −4 3
K= = = =1.99∗10 m
L' 12 L' 12∗3.4

Column stiffnes:
3 3
I b h 0.3∗0.3 −4 3
K= = = =1.78∗10 m
L 12 L 12∗3.8

SO: K < K’

That is to :the beams are stiffer than the column in the direction of
buckling considered,which leads to:
Lf =0.7∗L=0.7∗3.4=2.38 m

*Determination of the design eccentricity:

Mu 2.9225
e 0= = =0.004 m
Nu 726.082

ea=max 2cm ;
250 }
=max 2 ;
250 }
=2 cm=0.02 m

e 2= 4 (2+ αφ)
10 h


1+0.2( )²

√12∗L =29.44<50

α =0.744
SO: e 2= 10 ∗0.4 ∗(2+ 0.744∗2 )=0.03 m

*Buckling verification :
According to BAEL91 ,the sections stressed in compound bending,must be
checked with respect to the ultimate limit state of from stability , by the
following condition:
≤ max ¿

0.4 {
=8.5 ≤ max 15 ;
20∗ ( 0.004+0.02 )
0.4 }
=15 Condition verified

Mcor 2.9225
e= = =0.004 m
Nmax 726.082

h 0.3
=0.15 m→ the centre of pressure is inside the section between the armatures ( A A )
e< =
2 2

The following condition must be verified :

Nmax ( d−d 0 )−M A ≥ ( 0.337 h−0.81 d 0 ) bhfbu
M A =Mcor+ Nmax∗ d −
2 ( )
M A =2.9225+726.082∗ 0.27− (
2 )
=¿ 90.05 KN . m
−3 −3
726.082∗10 ( 0.27−0.03 ) −90.05∗10 ≥ ( 0.337∗0.3−0.81∗0.03 )∗0.3∗0.3∗14.2
0.084 <0. 099 → Not verified ∧¿

So the section is partially compressed .the calculation is made by assimilation

to the bending simple:
MA 90.05∗10
μbu= 2
= 2
b d fbu 0.3∗0.27 ∗14.2
μbu=0.290< μl=0.3916 → A =0

α =1.25 ( 1−√ 1−μbu )=0.197

z=d ( 1−0.4 α )=0.249 m

MA 90.05∗10
Al= = =10.39 c m
z∗fs 0.249∗102∗348

Nmax 726.082∗10
A=Al− =10.39−
fs 348
A=−10.47 c m <0

As=0 cm²

Column subject to Mmax and Ncorrespondant :

 Case B)

M =−59.1727 KN
N =−15.87 KN . m

Mmax 59.1727
e= = =3.72 m
Ncor 15.87

The following condition must be verified :

Nmax ( d−d 0 )−M A ≥ ( 0.337 h−0.81 d 0 ) bhfbu
M A =Mmax+ Ncor∗ d −
2 ( )
M A =59.1727+15.87∗ 0.27− (0.3
2 )
=¿ 61.0771 KN . m
−3 −3
15.87∗10 ( 0.27−0.03 )−61.0771∗10 ≥ ( 0.337∗0.3−0.81∗0.03 )∗0.3∗0.3∗14.2
−0.057 <0. 099 → Not verified∧¿

So the section is partially compressed .the calculation is made by assimilation

to the bending simple:
MA 61.0771∗10
μbu= 2
= 2
b d fbu 0.3∗0.27 ∗14.2
μbu=0.197< μl=0.3916→ A =0

α =1.25 ( 1−√ 1−μbu )=0.130

z=d ( 1−0.4 α )=0.256 m

MA 61.0771∗10
Al= = 2
=6.86 c m
z∗fs 0.256∗10 ∗348
Nmax 15.87∗10
As= Al− =6.86−
fs 348
As=6.4 Oc m > 0

Finally,we obtained the reinforcement of the cases A and B,the section of

reinforcement which will be adopted ,is that largest either for the section of
compression reinforcement or for the section of tense reinforcement.
As=max ( A sA ; A sB )=max ( 0 ; 6.40 )=6.40 c m
A S =0.8 % hb=0.008∗30∗30=7.2c m

So the final reinforcement section for the column section (30*30)cm² is :

As=max ( As=6.40 c m2 ; A RPA

S =7.2 c m ) =so we adopt 4 HA 16

→ As=8.04 c m

-Transverse reinforcement:
The calculation of the transverse reinforcement consists in the determination of the web
reinforcements of the columns in sufficient number and dimensions, to give them a
consequent transverse resistance against the shear stresses, as well as so that they will
ensure a connection suitable between the longitudinal bars and keeps them stable during
the different makes of construction of Columns.

According to RPA99, the transverse reinforcement of columns is calculated using the

formula :

At ρa∗Vu
t ht∗Fe

Vu: The design shear force.

ht: Total height of the raw section

Fe: Yield stress of transverse reinforcing steel.

ρ a : Is a correction coefficient which takes into account the fragile mode of the break shear

Vu =94.02 KN ; ht=30 cm ; Fe=500 MPA

Lf Lf 340
λg= ∨ = =11.33>5 SO ρa=2.5
a b 30

t= is the spacing of the transverse bars, this spacing is fixed suit:

 In the nodal zone:

t ≤ min ( 10 Φ 1 ;15 cm ) ; Φ 1=1.6 cm→ t ≤ min ( 16 ; 15 cm )=15 cm

On adopte: t=15 cm

 In the current area:

' '
t ≤ 15Φ 1=15∗1.6=24 cmOn adopte :→t =15 cm

Minimum reinforcement:

λg> 5→ At ≥0.3 %tb

 In the nodal zone:

At=0.003∗15∗30=1.35 cm²

 In the current area:

At=0.003∗15∗30=1.35 cm²

Digital Application :

 In the nodal zone:

ρa∗Vu∗t 2.5∗94.02∗10∗15 2 2
At ≥ = =2.35 c m > 1.35 c m
h∗Fe 30∗500

 In the current area:

ρa∗Vu∗t ' 2.5∗94.02∗10∗15
At ≥ = =2.35 cm²>1.35 cm²
h∗Fe 30∗500

On pen

 In the nodal zone:

2 HA 14 → At =3.08 cm²
 In the current area:
2 HA 14 → At =3.08 cm²

Verification :
We must verified that:
τu= ≤ min ⁡(τ u ; τ u )

According to article of the RPA99 V2003 rules , the conventional shear
stress calculation in the concrete τ bu under seismic combination must be less
than or equal to the following limit value:
τ u =ρdFc 2 8

h 340
λg= = =11.33>5 SO ρd=0.075
a 30
τ u =0.075∗25=1.875 Mpa

According to article A.5.1, 21 of the BAEL91 mod99 rules , the ultimate limit
sterss of shear stress for minimally detrimental cracking is a follows:

τ u=min ( 0.2γbfc 28 ; 5 Mpa)=min( 0.2∗25

; 5 Mpa )=3.33 Mpa

Vu 0.09402
τu= = =1.160 Mpa ≤ min ( 1.875 ; 3.33 )=1.875 Mpa
bd 0.3∗0.27

1.160 Mpa<1.875 Mpa → C . V

General conclusion


This graduation project allowed us to put into practice the theoretical knowledge
acquired during our training cycle to analyze and study a real building project. We
have understood how important it is to analyze a structure well before calculating it.
The analysis of the structure of a work is a very important step which allows to make
a good paraseismic design at the lowest cost.

For the realization of a construction in seismic zone, one establishes first the
architectural part, by taking account of the specific function of exploitation of this
construction, one seeks immediately after, the suitable arrangement of the bracing

According to the study that has been made, it should be emphasized that for the
seismic design, it is very important that the civil engineer and the architect work in
close collaboration from the beginning of the project to avoid all insufficient designs.
and to arrive at achieved security without significant additional cost.

Let us note that at the end of this project which constitutes for us a first experience,
that the use of the data-processing tool for the analysis and the calculation of the
structures is very beneficial in time and in effort on the condition of mastering the
concepts of basics of engineering sciences, as well as the software itself.

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