Reviewer 344444
Reviewer 344444
Reviewer 344444
K-12 Curriculum of the Department of Education paved the way for the Technology refers to a mix of process and product use in the application of knowledge, it includes
enhancement of the Teacher Education Curriculum of the Commission on Higher tools from pencil and paper to the latest electronic gadgets and tools for practical tasks.
Education (CHED).
Information and Communication Technology Literacy or ICT Literacy is the use of digital
1.Strengthening Early Childhood Education (Universal Kindergarten) - With technology, communication tools and/ or networks to access, manage, integrate, evaluate, create,
the Universal Kindergarten program of the Department every Filipino child is and communicate information to function In a knowledge society (Guro, 2011).
expected to have access can be facilitated using technological tools that are
readily available to the school for teacher’s use. Educational Technology - refers to the use of technology in teaching and learning. Educational
technology includes both the non-digital (flip charts, pictures, models, realia, etc.) and digital
2.Making the Curriculum Relevant to Learners (Contextualization and (electronic tools: hardware, software and connections, etc.)
Enhancement ) - Researchers shows the learners will value a curriculum that
is relevant to their lives. Students are often heard saying. “Do I need to know Digital Literacy - is the ability to find, evaluate, utilize, share, and create contents using
these to leave a meaningful life?” “How will I use this lesson in the actual information technologies and the Interne (Cornell University). According to American Library
work place?” “What is the relevance of this to me?” and so on. Association(2015) digital literacy is the ability to use information and communication requiring
both cognitive and technical skills.
Briggs (2014) - shared some few tips for making learning engaging and
personally relevant as cited by Willis, Faeth, and Immordino-Yang: Digital Learning is any type of learning that is accompanied by technology or by instructional
practice that makes effective use of technology.
Use suspense and keep it fresh- Drop hints about a new learning unit before Online Digital Tools and Apps - used an Internet connection to access the information needed.
you reveal what might it be, leave gaping pauses in your speech, change A common example is Skype. It is a telecommunication application software product
seating arrangements, and put up new and relevant posters or displays; all that specializes in providing video chat and voice calls between computers, tablets, mobile
these can activate emotional signals and keep students interests piqued. devices via Internet to regular telephones.
Make it student-directed – Give students a choice of assignments on a Offline Digital Tools and Apps - can still be used even if there is no Internet access. Among these are
particular topic, or ask them to design one of their own. “When students are Cannary Learning, Pocket, Evertone. (ibooks, KA LITE (Gupta, Prinvaka. 2017) downloaded in ed tech
involved in designing the lesson and become more emotionally invested in and review, (July 03, 2017)
attached to the learning outcomes.” Instructional Technology - is the theory and practice of design, development. utilization.
management, and evaluation of the processes and resources for learning.
Connect it to their lives and to what they already know- Taking the time to Software - refers to program control instructions and accompanying documentation; turn on disc or
brainstorm about what students already know and would like to learn about a tapes when not being used in the computer. By extension, the term refers to any audio-visual materials
topic helps them to create goals. This also helps teachers see the best points of (Smaldino, 2005).
departure for new ideas. Making cross-curricular connections also helps Multimedia - is a sequential or simultaneous use of a variety of media formats in each presentation or
solidify those neural hoops.
self-study program (Smaldino, 2005}.
Internet - is a massive network of networks, networking infrastructure. It connects millions of
Provide utility value – utility value provides relevance first by piquing
computers together globally, forming a network in which any computer can communicate with another
students and by telling them the content is important to their future goals: it computer if they are connected to the internet. It is generally defined as a global network connecting millions
then continues by showing or explaining how the content fits into their plans of computers.
for the future. This helps students realize the content is not just interesting but
World Wide Web(www) - is also called the web which is a graphical environment on computer
also worth knowing.
networks that allows you to access, view and maintain documentations that can include text, data, sound,
and videos, it is a way of accessing information over the medium of the Internet. It is an information sharing
Build relatedness- Relatedness, on the other hand, answers the question, model that is built on top of the Internet.
“What have these to do with me?” It is an inherent need students to feel close Web Access - is the ability of the learner to access the Internet at any point during the lesson to take
to the significant people in their lives, including teachers. Relatedness is seen
advantage of the array of available educational resources.
by many as having non-academic and academic sides.
Web Quest is an inquiry-oriented lesson format in which most lesson or information that learners
work with comes from the web this can be created using various programs. Including simple word
3.Building Proficiency (Mother- Tongue Based Multilingual Education) - To processing documents that include links to websites.
be able to promote the child’s dominant language and to use it as a language
Productivity Tools refers to any type of software associated with computers and related technologies
of instruction, maximum use of technological tools is highly encouraged
that can be used as tools for personal, professional or classroom productivity examples: Microsoft
office, apple works-word processing, grade and record keeping, Webpage production, and presentation
4.Ensuring Integrated and Seamless Learning (Spiral Progression) - Learning (KFIT-UNESCO, 2016)
basic concepts that lead to a more complex and sophisticated version of the Technology Tool - is an instrument used for doing work. It can be anything that help you
general concepts entail TPACK: Technological Knowledge, Pedagogical accomplish your goal with the use of technology.
Knowledge, And Content knowledge.
Webquest - is a teacher structured research experience for the students that is primarily based on use of
the World Wide Web and typically takes one or more Instructional periods (Bender & Waller, 2011)
5. Gearing Up for the Future - The K-12 Curriculum ensures college readiness
Blog - is an online journal where posted information from both teachers and students are arranged. There
by aligning the core and applied courses to the College Readiness Standards
are three kinds of blogs: blogs used for communication, blogs used for instruction, and blogs used for both.
(CRS) and the new General Education (GE) Curriculum, Hence, the K-12
(Ferriter & Garry, 2010).
Curriculum focused on developing appropriate Specialization Subjects for the
Wiki is an editable website usually with limited access, allows students to collaboratively create and post
Academic, Sports, Arts and Design, and Technical Vocational Livelihood
written work or digital files, such as digital photos, or videos. Wikipedia is one of the most widely recognized
Tracks, All of these specialization subjects have to be supported by educational
of all the wikis (Watters, 2011)
technology for better learning.
Flipped Classroom - utilizes a reverse instructional delivery, where the teacher is required to use the web
resources as homework or out of class activity as initial instruction of the lesson which will be discussed
6.Nurturing the Holistically Developed Filipino (College and Livelihood
during classtime.
Readiness, 21st Century Skills) - To nurture holistically developed Filipino,
Podcast - is a video or audio multi-media clip about a single topic typically in the format of the radio talk
every K-12 graduate is expected to be ready to go into different paths- higher
show. The two basic functions of podcast are to retrieve information and to disseminate information (Eash,
education, employment, or entrepreneurship. Every graduate is expected to be
equipped with information, media and technology skills, and life and career
skills, effective communication skills and life and career skills. Google Apps - is a cloud-based teaching tool which is stored in the Goggle server and is available for
students both at home and in school. It includes the gmail, a free-email for all; Google calendar- a tool used
for organizational purposes; Google sites that provide options for developing blogs and wikis; and Google
docs is used for sophisticated word processing and editing of the document.
Vlog - is a video blog where each entry is posted as a video instead of the text.
Facebook - is a popular social networking site used by students and adults worldwide to present
information on themselves and to the world.
VOIP (voice over internet protocol) is a category of hardware and software that enables people to
use the Internet as transmission medium for telephone calls by sending voice data in packets
using IP rather than traditional circuit transmission.
Blended Learning Another way of handling flexible learning is by combining modalities of instructional
delivery. Blended learning is a combination of a learning activities wherein a part of the lesson is delivered
online while the other part is handled in actual physical setting of a classroom.
Model 1: Face-to-Face Driver In the face-to-face model, the teacher delivers the curricula The 21ST century has redefined digital literacy. It has broadened its perspective to include
most of the time and utilizes online learning at certain times with the purpose to augment other aspects of the 21ST context. These literacies include: (1) Cyber Literacy, (2) Media
or provide an alternative experience. Literacy, (3) Arts and Creativity Literacy, (4) Financial Literacy, (5) Multicultural Literacy
or Global Understanding.
Model 2: Rotation In a particular course or subject, students rotate on a fixed schedule
between learning online in one-to-one, self-paced learning environment and being inside Digital literacies - are the individual's capabilities to be able to effectively and responsibly
the classroom with face-to-face teacher. This is the model that is in between the function and perform in a digital society. The term “digital literacy” was coined by Paul
traditional face to face learning. Glister in 1997
Model 3: Flex This model uses an online platform that delivers most of the course. Support The Digital literacies
to learning is provided as needed through on-site support or by online tutor who facilitates
the tutorial or small group sessions. Media Literacy - is one's ability to critically read information or content and utilize multimedia in
creatively producing communications.
Model 4: Online Lab The online-lab model uses an online platform in delivering the course Information Literacy- is locating information from the web and interpreting while evaluating its validity
but located in a physical classroom or computer laboratory. in order that it can be shared
ICT Literacy - is knowing how to select and use digital devices, applications or services to accomplish
Model 5: Self-Blend The self-blend Model is a system provided by the school where the tasks requiring the use of the internet
students can choose the courses they would like to have in addition to their typical brick- Communications and Collaboration - are one's capabilities in being able to participate
and-mortar classroom classes. in the digital networks in the teaching and learning context
Identity Management - is being able to understand how to ensure safety and security in managing
Model 6: Online Driver The online-driver model utilizes a platform and a teacher that online identity and fostering a positive digital reputation.
delivers all curricula. Students remotely work on their program most of the time. Learning Skills - are ways of knowing how to study and learn in a technology-enriched environment;
this is knowing how to utilize technology in addressing the need to learn efficiently
Digital Scholarship - is being able to link and participate in professional and research practices
Each 21st Century skill is broken into one of three categories:
ICT stands for Information and Communications Technology. This refers to various tools
and devices or gadgets use in communicating, disseminating, creating, storing and Learning skills (the four C’s) teaches students about the mental processes required to adapt
managing information. It is important that learners understand how to use these tools and improve upon a modern work environment.
in helping them learn.
Literacy skills (IMT) focuses on how students can discern facts, publishing outlets, and the
Why ICT integration in education technology behind them
- Allows Effective Collaboration
- Easy Processing of Information Life skills (FLIPS) take a look at intangible elements of a student’s everyday life. These
- Effective Accessibility to Resources intangibles focus on both personal and professional qualities.
- Allows Easy Sharing of Resources
- Allows Creativity
Category 1. Learning Skills (The Four C’s). The four C’s are by far the most popular 21st
QR code stands for quick response . It is a code that was created by a Japanese
Century skills. These skills are also called learning skills.
corporation Denso-Wave in 1994.
The 4 C's of 21st Century Skills are:
Response - It allows the readers to decode the information at a high rate of speed.
Critical thinking: Finding solutions to problems
Create Interactive and Engaging Content – You can enrich the content you teach in a Creativity: Thinking outside the box
Collaboration: Working with others
class by using QR Codes that link to other readings and resources.
Communication: Talking to others
Scavenger Hunts- Create an interactive classroom activity such as the Scavenger’s Hunt
Category 2. Literacy Skills (IMT). Literacy skills are the next category of 21st Century skills. They’re
by using QR Codes that provide directions resulting in better learner engagement.
sometimes called IMT skills, and they’re each concerned with a different element in digital
Share Resources- Learners can use QR Codes to share educational resources with each comprehension.
other (e.g.) lecture notes, web content, how-to-do-videos.
The three 21st Century literacy skills are:
Enhance Classroom Library- Create QR Codes of students’ brief write ups about why Information literacy: Understanding facts, figures, statistics, and data
Media literacy: Understanding the methods and outlets in which information is published
they enjoy their book and put them right in or on the book and put them right in or on
Technology literacy: Understanding the machines that make the Information Age possible
the books in the class library.
Category 3. Life Skills (FLIPS). Life skills is the final category. Also called FLIPS, these
Use in Classroom Activities- The QR code can be used in class and pin them up inside
skills all pertain to someone’s personal life, but they also bleed into professional settings.
the classroom instead of providing them with thick copies of printed materials giving
instruction on how to do an activity. The five 21st Century life skills are:
Flexibility: Deviating from plans as needed
Gather Students Feedback- You can create surveys, polls, and forms using google form
Leadership: Motivating a team to accomplish a goal
and share them with students as QR Codes which can be easily scanned and accessed. Initiative: Starting projects, strategies, and plans on one’s own
Productivity: Maintaining efficiency in an age of distractions
Provide Help With Homework- A detailed instruction can be made into a QR Code Social skills: Meeting and networking with others for mutual benefit
which students scan at home and use the information to help them comply with their
assignments. Coding - coding is a universal language. Basic understanding of HTML, CS S and the like
will create a shared understanding of what can be one with the web pages.
Research Project – Make students create QR codes linking other resources and web
Collaboration - the use of Google Docs among others allows student to begin
content to their research work.
experimenting with effective online collaboration.
Communicate with Parents or Partners- You can share information to parents on Cloud software - this is essential part of document management. The cloud is used to store
school events or activities in school. You can also put it in a webpage for parents to get everything from photos to research projects to tern papers and even music.
information or include it in newsletters, permission slips, etc. Word Processing Software - Google, Microsoft Online Drop Box are available for storage
and management solutions.
Provides Easy Access to Online Content- Create QR Codes with URL’s for students to Screen casting - a screencast is a video recording using the computer screen, and usually
gain easy access to online resources. includes an audio.
Personal Archiving - students should be taught the concepts of rneta-data, tagging, A. Cyber Rights
keywords and categories to make them aware how they are represented online. Cyber citizenship is based on the general concept of citizenship but differs in a couple of
Information evaluation - critical thinking to weed out fake news is crucial in the 21st ways. First, there are no real “rights” you have as a cyber citizen other than the legal
century skill. The use of tools and skills needed to process information are very much protections you already have as an actual citizen. Moreover, some of those are not
needed. available due to the global nature of the cyber world. Nevertheless, every citizen of the
Use of social media - social media serves different purposes depending on the user, cyber world should have the right to respect, privacy, and their own opinion. We have the
the technology and the need. For example, students should realize that Twitter can be right to privacy.
useful for staying current on the latest news in the field.
While the cyber world does not have a bill of constitutionally protected rights, we should
still be required t respect certain unalienable rights:
TECHNOLOGY TOOLS AND RESOURCES • Life: Right for fair and reasonable treatment online. In the cyber world, the
right to life is primarily about being treated in a civil and respectful manner.
These 5 tenets are the essence of what it means to be a great Global Digital Citizen. This means interacting with people in a considerate, tolerate, and appropriate
way. This right also includes freedom from threats to life or person-hood.
1. Personal Responsibility -Personal responsibility includes demonstrating how we manage our • Liberty: Right to basic freedoms. Respect for online freedom should be
selves in matters such as personal finance, ethical and moral boundaries, personal health and similar to those enshrined by our constitution, especially the Bill of Rights. We
wellness, and relationships of every kind, both online and offline. should respect and expect privacy, safety, and equal treatment regardless of
sex, religion, or sexual orientation. We should also honor other’s property.
2. Global Citizenship -The Global Citizen understands that technology has dissolved boundaries • Pursuit of Happiness: Right to explore personal interests without undue
between all the world's people. We now communicate, collaborate, and celebrate across all levels interference.
of society. We are now all global citizens.
3. Digital Citizenship -Digital citizenship covers appropriate and exemplary behavior in our B. Cyber Privileges
online environments. It's about working towards making our transparent digital world safe for It is a privilege to have access to the internet. It is a privilege to have the technology that
ourselves and others. allows us access to the internet and the cellular networks.
4. Altruistic Service -Altruism is defined as "having a selfless concern for the well-being of C. Cyber Responsibilities
others." The Global Digital Citizens acknowledge that they share this world with many different Responsibility is really at the heart of cyber citizenship. To be responsible, we need to be
people. informed about the cyber world. We also need to know about how to remain safe and
protect ourselves online. Another area of responsibility is to obey the law ad we are
5. Environmental Stewardship -This practice is all about common-sense values and an
responsible for being considerate and well-mannered citizens.
appreciation for the beauty and majesty that surround us every day. This facet of Global Digital
Citizenship encourages exploring how we can practice the conscientious use of Earth's
resources. Cyber citizenship is probably more accurately characterized as civil behavior. There are
certain ways civilized human beings should behave toward others.