02-4564-Nguyễn Thị Ngọc fix
02-4564-Nguyễn Thị Ngọc fix
02-4564-Nguyễn Thị Ngọc fix
64, 2023
Abstract. Purchasing green products and services is a significant concern in green consumer behaviors that
are expected to reduce environmental impacts while satisfying needs. This paper extends the discourse to
changing meanings, influential factors, and interventions on green purchasing. We integratively reviewed
literature between 2012 and 2022, presented evidence, identified gaps, and discussed managerial
implications. We highlighted six groups of significant and insignificant factors: sociodemographic,
psychological determinants, knowledge and consciousness, habits and intention, latent classes,
product/service characteristics, and producer/retailer. Potential interventions were analyzed in green
marketing and green producers/retailers driving green purchasing. Also, we proposed a framework for
identifying areas for green purchasing intervention regarding green education. This paper is conceptual and
exploratory, but the findings have implications for policymakers and practitioners.
Keywords. Green purchasing, green/eco-labeled products, green education, green marketing, green
In recent years, environmental issues which are visible and directly impact human life have received
noticeable concerns from the global community. Consumers are likely to consume sustainably because of
pollutant supply shocks [1] and coronavirus disease [2]. Green purchasing (GP) is expected to reduce
environmental impacts while satisfying needs, and understanding this term is necessary. The research
questions are what GP is, which impacts GP, and how agents can intervene in GP.
Following that, we reviewed 68 empirical articles and organizational documents from recent years (2012
to 2022). Six critical theoretical papers [4][6][19][21][23][24] were also addressed. We applied crucial
search criteria, including keywords, reliable sources, and appropriate publication time. The keywords
include “green purchasing,” “green consumer behavior,” “purchasing green products/services,” “green
products,” “green services,” “eco-labeled products,” “eco-labeled services,” “green education,” “green
marketing,” and “green producers.” We searched Google Scholar and two Scopus and Web of Science
databases to seek necessary papers. We also used the literature mapping tool of Connected Papers [3] to
track similar documents by maps of co-citations and bibliometric couplings. Figure 1 shows an example of
an extracted map from a critical paper. The approach helps avoid omitting necessary studies and covers and
groups various analyzed factors. The documents were rechecked to be from reliable sources before being
reviewed. We present evidence, point out gaps, and discuss managerial implications based on the literature.
We note that green products/services have been considered on two levels: (a) available products/services
which are considered “green,” such as public transport, organic food, and eco-tourism, and (b) eco-labeled
products/services that are labeled as evidence such as carbon labels, energy savings labels, and green
The originality and value of this paper lie in its theoretical contribution. It extends the research work of
Joshi and Rahman [1] of reviewing studies on influential factors on GP between 2000 and 2014. It presents
significant and insignificant factors in recent studies (see Section 3). Also, it is one of the first studies
reviewing research studies exploring existing patterns of GP and combined assessments in green marketing,
green producers/marketers, and green education. Additionally, this study proposes a framework for
identifying areas for GP intervention. The paper is helpful to policymakers and practitioners in boosting
GP and to researchers in broadening future studies.
Authors: Ngoc T. Nguyen and Sarah W. Kimani
Sixty-eight studies have fulfilled the knowledge of factors impacting GP in the past decade. We group
factors with a priority on their details, including sociodemographic, psychological determinants, knowledge
and consciousness, habits and intention, latent classes, product/service characteristics, and
producer/retailer. Table 2 lists significant and insignificant factors throughout previous research in different
contexts. Three-factor groups of social-demographic, psychological determinants, and knowledge and
consciousness were more considered than the others.
Regarding social-demographic factors, the significance of standard terms, including gender, age, and
education, has been inconsistent among studies. Significant new terms include religiosity, nationality,
urban/rural, work status, and social interaction (see Table 2).
Psychological determinants have been found to impact most GP differently. Attitude, environmental
concern, identity, and belief are standard significant terms. Individuals also consider health when
purchasing food and their satisfaction or experience value when purchasing services. There is a conflict in
findings regarding the impact of attitude and subjective norms in buying organic food. Some studies found
it significant [13][30][31], while others did not [32][33]. The reason might be contextual differences. Also,
interaction impacts might need to be considered when purchasing organic food. To purchase services, a
passion for non-green choices is not necessarily influential in choosing a greener option in the case of
sustainable mobility. This determines that the green choice can compete with the other alternatives if the
green choice can persuade consumers in different aspects, such as public transport, with an insignificant
impact from car passion [18].
Findings in knowledge and consciousness factors raise arguments about the role of environmental
knowledge or awareness for their consistent role. Also, health consciousness is significant in purchasing
foods. Several studies investigated the role of habit and intention and showed their considerable impact on
GP. Besides, confirming the solid intention-actual behaviors relationship, information seeking, and
past/current habits significantly impact individual choices.
Latent classes and impacts of producer/retailer have received minor considerations. Modest research shows
that latent classes considerably influence purchasing eco-labeled rice and sustainable mobility. The
availability of informational products is a notable point that needs to be considered by producers or retailers.
Moreover, a green brand image impacts the GP to eco-labeled products/services. Individuals tend to think
price, functional, and health values are significant to consumers. Environmental attributes of eco-labeled
vehicles are considered less important than other factors. Interestingly, lower costs and taxes because of
eco-labeled vehicles were noted as a reason for consumers’ choice. On the contrary, eco-labeling products
were meant for consumers with high environmental motivation [12].
While distinguishing behavioral intention and actual behavior, factors show exciting conflicts. A strong
relationship exists between attitude and intention but a gap between attitude and actual behavior.
Individuals show their interest in GP but do not necessarily purchase it. The attitude–actual behavior and
intention–actual behavior gaps have become notable topics for exploration. The gap between behavioral
intention and actual behavior is broader in developing countries than developed countries [29][34]. Because
of this gap, the studies investigating factors impacting the behavior intention rather than actual behavior
still need more work in applying their results.
Admitting that the intention-behavior gap in GP exists, recent studies showed that some moderators could
adjust the gap. The moderators can be the availability of green products [17] and perceived consumer
effectiveness (i.e., consumers’ perception of their actions’ impact on the environment or their confidence)
[29]. Intention and actual behavior will become more consistent when the moderators’ levels are high. Also,
gender moderates the relationship between attitudes and GP behavior [36]. Additionally, the intention-
actual behavior gap could be overcome by non-economic green purchase influencers and instantiates [47].
Considering the moderating role of factors implies that the impacts of intention on actual behaviors differ
for distinct levels of the factors or that interactions have an effect. In this way, we argue that there is still
an interaction between products’ green attributes and intention on the actual behaviors. The green attributes
impact how an individual chooses the product. Also, a green lifestyle or intention is critical to developing
a green offering. Moreover, other moderating impacts might be on other relationships, such as between
attitude and intention and between attitude and actual behavior.
Table 2: Significant and insignificant factors to the GP behavior
Products/ services Factor types
Sociodemographic Psychological determinants Knowledge and Habits and Latent classes Product/service Producer
consciousness intention characteristics /Retailer
Environmental- Education, income Green trust [35] [17], attitude[36] Green awareness [35] [37] Green Price, quality Informational
friendly [35], gender [36], [8], environmental concern [36] [8] purchasing [17] product cues,
products/services Religiosity [8] [37], concern for self-image [37], (Perceived effectiveness intention availability/
brand loyalty, apathy, quality of environmental behavior [20] convenience
(Age [35]) unsure, trust in companies’ [37]) [17]
motivation [17]
Eco-labeled Education, Age, Green trust, satisfaction [38], Green brand
products/ income [12] [38], environmental motivation [39] (Green awareness to image[38]
services gender [12] environmental
slogans/labels [38] )
(Gender [38])
Organic food Gender, urban/rural Attitude [30][13], [31], Environmental awareness, Intention Price,
[13], environmental concern [30] [32], environmental [40][32] [31], transparency (Cue to
family/household subjective norm, health concern [30] knowledge, health information [40], health action [13])
size, income, age, [13], belief in product [40], consciousness [30], seeking [31] value,
education, perceived benefits, self-efficacy environmental perceived conditional
nationality [14] [13], moral norm, self-identity [33], responsibility [40], value, epistemic
(Knowledge of eco-labels of individuals
for different standards [16]
Sustainable Social interaction, Attitude, perceived behavior control Habits [43], Collectivistic comfort,
mobility (public distance to the [43], conformity, dissatisfaction (Awareness of current and access/egress
transport) workplace, private with the product, agreement to environmental and health preference individualistic time, and trip
vehicle ownership, production [44] problems by private [18] [18] cost [44]
convenient task, vehicles [18])
1 1
and being a student (Car passion [18]) (Number of
[18] transfers [18])
education, income,
household size,
number of
Green tourism Beliefs, downward comparison [45], Cognitive dissonance [45] Exception Compensation
experience value [46], financial or handling of for harm [45]
time limitations, denial of control by (Environmental vacations [45]
external pressures, and denial of knowledge [46])
responsibility [45]
denotes insignificant factors
Authors: Ngoc T. Nguyen and Sarah W. Kimani
Generally, government regulations and policies relating to production, packaging, consumption systems,
and resource utilization are expected to ensure environmental sustainability. However, they are not always
practical. Take the example of enforcing plastic bag bans; some governments do it effectively, while others
reverse the course with time or delay implementation [48]. This issue can be explained by the comparative
business power of plastic industries and the need to bolster green credentials or environmental
competitiveness. The motives behind environmental interventions by governments are varied but not
necessarily sustainable. In another aspect, cross-functional teams and partnerships (consisting of retailers,
producers, and consumers) are required to build multiple sustainable approaches to the green consumer
lifestyle and enhanced GP. Market-based solutions are more popular than government interventions or
policies regarding GP.
4.1 Interventions in green marketing
The marketer’s societal role is to educate consumers about the available goods and services to improve their
quality of life. Moreover, this role can be tenable if marketers’ communication approaches and techniques
help inform, educate, and channel the needs of current and potential consumers toward sustainable
production and consumption [49]. Adequate education and promotion of green products /services are
desired at the retail level to create awareness and move consumers from awareness and interest (intention)
to buying (actual behavior). However, marketing activities are cautioned to fuel excessive consumption,
undermining the needed transition to sustainability [50] because of their market-driven consumption-
oriented practices [51]. The call for marketers is to provide interventions that foster consumers’ cognitive
and motivational competencies to lead to mindful and sustainable consumption [50]. We address examples
of marketing intervention strategies marketers towards sustainability below.
First, marketers provide consumers with helpful information about green products and have created
connection platforms between consumers and producers; and between consumers and consumers [52]. This
strategy is challenging in many cases: (i) inadequate information, (ii) information presentations, and (iii)
marketing tools. The inadequate information on the green and social performance of eco-labeled products
or services has hindered green consumption, for example, consumers' failing to use electric cars in Kenya
[60] and India [53]. Besides, information presentations are effective in fostering GP if they are emotional
and experiential [52]. Marketers could target consumers prone to addictive and compulsive behaviors with
messages or interventions that mitigate those adverse tendencies [50]. Messages that emphasize the
environmental consequences of excessive consumption and compulsive buying at individual and societal
levels, now and in the future, are more effective in advancing GP. Experiential marketing tools create
connections between consumers and producers and consumers, allowing further sharing of information and
experiences [52]. They can take the form of physical and online connection platforms, including business
events, festivals, award ceremonies, trade shows, and demonstrations. Additionally, marketers could use
consumers' digital footprints to identify and psychologically target those consumers that are mindful of
sustainable consumption while taking care of consumers' privacy and data protection [50].
Second, marketers redesign and formulate eco-labeled products/services whereby firms are concerned with
every product’s/service eco-balance [54]. Related to this are process efficiency improvements [55]. The
aim is to minimize environmental risks and impacts throughout the product/service life cycle while
considering the resources required to make and dispose of it [51]. This strategy means that firms increase
the eco-quality of their production, decrease the amount of production in their operations, and encourage
people to consume better and less (extended eco-sufficiency) [56]. However, the big question is whether
such intervention strategies can give firms the needed profits and/or return on their investments in the short
and long run. In other words, do green innovations pay off? Research implies that in an organization with
a green culture, environmentally friendly values guide managers to be conscious of resource utilization,
waste production, and energy consumption, thereby improving green labels. Such is lacking in many
developing countries. Therefore, research on the categories of eco-labeled products/services could offer
consumers more structured information and lower consumer search costs.
Though deriving specific green products/services categories would be daunting, such findings would
indicate whether the use (or lack of use) of green products/services in a particular class is associated with
availability and accessibility [1]. An attempt to categorize the increasing demand based on the type of green
products sheds some light on which green products are more available, accessible, and affordable.
Moreover, classifying these green products in different geographical markets highlights the sustainability
of green products across other geographical regions. The sustainability of supply might imply sustainable
demand [57].
Research indicates that consumers desire to purchase green products/services. However, that desire is not
always fulfilled due to the scarcity of green products/ services [58]. The question of categorization
resurfaces: which green products are not available? While green consumers may buy energy-saving bulbs
because they are available in retail outlets, they may fail to purchase organically-grown lettuce because
they are not available in retail outlets. Moreover, even where green products are available, consumers could
perceive the environmental claims of those products as not genuine [59]. There is a need to avail the eco-
labeled products and the Ecolabel Catalog.
We look at the sustainability of demand for green products from the producer (supplier) and consumer
perspectives. From the supplier, we find that green producers/ retailers have an essential role in providing
credible and sustainable information to green consumers concerning products' green features, availability,
and pricing. A key concern for green consumers is overpriced green products [59], and the price
significantly affects green products' purchasing [58], a firm’s green performance.
Similarly, empirical evidence supports that green innovations and promotion would lead to sustainable
interventions. Green innovations can significantly reduce financial constraints [60] and positively affect a
firm's performance [61]. Those companies, producing and promoting products for re-consumption and
convincing consumers of re-consumption benefits, have competitive advantages because consumers
become conscious of sustainability [51]. Innovation of green products and services with related returns on
investment is another area that needs research. Research has shown that green innovations could enhance
corporate financing in Chinese non-financial private enterprises [60]. With a conviction that green
innovations could pay off, more corporations could engage in innovative green products/services.
Third, marketers enlighten consumers about the consequences of unconscious consumption and
overconsumption. We find advocates for consumption socially and ecologically less harmful [62]. Others
support dematerialization, green politics, and policies that support digital media and influence sustainable
actions. They could moderate polluted, congested, and over-touristed city centers [63]. Media campaigns
for conscious consumption focus on individual consumers as the unit of change around green consumption
[55] despite the warnings that dematerialization could slow economic growth [64].
Fourth, companies deliver their eco-concepts in their marketing policies by re-branding (i.e., with various
types of the green seal of approval or green-digital innovation re-branding of cities) [63], re-packaging (i.e.,
emphasizes refillable, starch-based, biodegradable), reformulating (i.e., improved nutritional quality with
less environmental footprint) [65], re-labeling (i.e., ecolabels, energy labels, and organic labels), and
repositioning (i.e., to emphasize green claims) [61]. However, companies are cautious that consumers are
not always convinced that the eco-concepts are the reasons to buy or even pay more for the product or
service [55]. Although widely recognized and accepted, green marketing practices’ credibility and validity
are somewhat controversial [66]. Benefits are contentious due to false environmental claims, puffery, and
ambiguous information [67]. Given this situation, marketers repurpose their marketing programs to provide
credible sustainability programs [51]. They aspire to be sustainability fluent while understanding
sustainability scores and their implications for consumers and investors [68].
A combination of GP and increased spending provides evidence of market opportunities in which green
marketers may benefit. While considering efforts to motivate consumers’ behaviors toward green
consumption and sustainability, it is noted that consumers’ thoughts about different types of green products
are varied [55]. The marketers’ task is to provide much-needed green information about as many products
and services as possible.
4.2 Interventions in green producers/retailers with their products
Green producers and retailers operate in a green economy that includes six key sectors: agriculture,
fisheries, forests, manufacturing, renewable energy, and tourism [69], and other sectors of renewable
energy, green buildings, sustainable transportation, water management, waste management, and land
management [70]. The nature of green producers and product categories determines the products'
Authors: Ngoc T. Nguyen and Sarah W. Kimani
availability and buying opportunities. Guided by the Eco-labeling Programs and standards to identify the
green product/service categories, we find that many eco-labelings are region or country specific. The first
example is the European Union (EU) Ecolabel of a product catalog. It covers many product groups,
including personal care products, gardening, cleaning, paper, lubricants, electronic equipment, and
household items. The list is non-exhaustive because the license holders are responsible for registering their
products on the EU Ecolabel Catalog. This public database allows stakeholders to efficiently find EU
Ecolabel products and services [88]. The second example is the Eco-mark issued by the Bureau of Indian
Standards (BIS) as a certification mark for ecologically safe products conforming to the standards
prescribed by the BIS. The mark is issued in sixteen product categories, including food, medicines,
chemicals, electronic goods, lubricating oils, and packing materials. The third example is the US
Environmental Protection Agency's recommendations for Specifications, Standards, and Ecolabels. It falls
within broad categories: cafeteria, construction, custodial, electronics, grounds/landscaping, machine shop
operations, and office/ furniture [71] [72]. Developed countries such as the US have created guides to
behavior, implying that green producers and retailers should pay close attention to green pricing [55].
From the consumer, we argue that green consumers' GP might determine the green content, amount,
directions, and costs of the flows of green products and services within supply chains. Given this situation,
retailers have a multifaceted role in creating awareness, interest, desire, and action toward sustainable
choice or consumption. Retailers encourage consumers to become influencers, encouraging other
consumers to change their consumption behaviors. They engage consumers with a wide range of green
product assortments, green merchandising techniques, green information at the point of sales, and other
green educational programs [73].
We addressed GP drivers in marketing, producers/retailers, and education based on the consumer-
producer/retailer relationships regarding the factors impacting individual consumers, as shown in Figure 2.
First, it is hard for consumers to convince them that the products consumed cause environmental damage
and that they should stop buying them. There is a reaction to powerful messages to GP, whereby consumers
think environmental issues are less critical. Generally, they will consider their needs and how the
products/services satisfy them, including the price, where to buy, and promotion. Several studies show that
consumers are unwilling to pay more for green products [47]. Ecolabelling is expensive, and eco-labeled
products/services are expensive. It becomes hard to persuade consumers to buy eco-labeled products at a
premium price.
We argue that persuading individuals to buy green products is not necessary as the only point of “green”
characteristics. Green characteristics could be considered essential requirements in products/services, and
if products/services lacked such features, they would be regarded as unacceptable and/or substandard. With
clear laws and policies, mandatory green requirements can work, boost the standards of products, and
motivate producers/retailers to provide greener products/services. Ecolabels could be used as a standard.
That is, consumers’ choices could be based on superior characteristics of products, including “greener”
Second, exploring the intention–behavior gap in GP for interventions in education makes researchers argue
if consumer education is necessary [29]. Instead, they stressed the products’ availability and performance
(i.e., in both environmentally friendly and functional aspects). Packaging is encouraged with more details
about the product's greenness [17], and such efforts boost awareness and push consumers’ intentions to
actual behaviors. However, while consumers are expected to understand their environmental impacts when
purchasing green products/services, we wonder how they can understand environmental implications for
products/services with brief information on the package.
Moreover, the information provided by the producer might result in consumers' weak belief about the
validity of green products/services. We suppose that education is essential where third prestige parties can
provide ecolabels and their catalogs, relevant information to increase consumers’ awareness and confidence
about the environmental impacts of their consumption. Tourists with high levels of sustainable intelligence
in Spain were willing to pay more for sustainable offers [74].
Third, regarding interventions in marketing, using suggestive messages (i.e., compared with assertive ones
associated with a must) introduced by Trudel [5] is encouraged. For example, “using public transport will
reduce air pollution” instead of “you must use public transport to reduce air pollution” to avoid reactance.
Following that, a visible link between purchases and environmental impacts based on the ecolabels should
be put in promotion strategies.
This paper argues that producers/retailers must increase the availability of green products/services. Green
education and marketing intervention programs should focus on increasing consumers’ positive awareness
and attitudes toward purchasing eco-labeled products and services that affect their trust. Playing these roles
well will drive consumers to actual green purchase behavior.
The development of GCB thought has raised contextual issues regarding the existing patterns of GP.
Comparative studies are recommended between developed and emerging economies where norms and
social values that motivate consumers and increase their involvement in purchase situations differ.
The findings highlighted many significant factors impacting GP, varied among different contexts, as basics
to the intervention capacity of marketing agents, producers/retailers, and education. The findings raise the
need to explore intervention models in the framework. Additionally, research shows modest analyses and
intervention efforts in developing countries, with problems of inadequate awareness of eco-labeling,
credible information, high prices, and unavailability. This means the need for research in this area.
Improving their issues will increase consumers’ intentions and actual buying of eco-labeled
Future research could focus on exploring the factors that bring about inconsistencies in the GP and factors
with negative influence. Additionally, we recommend incorporating qualitative research with quantitative
analysis. Deep interactions in qualitative research will help reveal GP's underlying reasons and deeper
intentions while raising awareness of consumption's environmental and ethical aspects. Focus group
discussions would allow sharing of experiences that help educate the group members and provide data.
They could explore the ability of consumers to access eco-labeled products/ services and their trust in
Authors: Ngoc T. Nguyen and Sarah W. Kimani
different contexts. The research on producers could address sustainable supplies (availability), accessibility
(convenience), and pricing issues. Research on the categories of eco-labeled products/services could also
be explored because it may offer consumers more structured information.
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Tóm tắt. Mua các sản phẩm và dịch vụ xanh là một phần quan trọng trong nhóm hành vi tiêu thụ xanh,
được mong đợi sẽ giúp giảm tác động đến môi trường từ hoạt động tiêu dùng trong khi vẫn đáp ứng nhu
cầu. Bài viết mở rộng đàm luận về các thay đổi về khái niệm, các yếu tố ảnh hưởng và các biện pháp can
thiệp đối với tiêu dùng xanh. Chúng tôi đã xem xét tổng hợp các tài liệu từ năm 2012 đến năm 2022, dẫn
chứng, xác định các khoảng trống nghiên cứu cũng như ứng dụng thực tiễn, và thảo luận về các hàm ý cho
hoạt động quản lý. Chúng tôi nhấn mạnh sáu nhóm để xem xét các yếu tố ảnh hưởng quan trọng và không
quan trọng bao gồm: các yếu tố nhân khẩu, xã hội; các yếu tố tâm lý; kiến thức và nhận thức, thói quen và
ý định; các phân lớp tiềm ẩn; đặc điểm sản phẩm/dịch vụ; và nhà sản xuất/nhà bán lẻ. Các biện pháp can
thiệp tiềm năng được phân tích trong khả năng thúc đẩy tiêu dùng các sản phẩm và dịch vụ xanh từ hoạt
động marketing (tiếp thị) xanh và vai trò của các nhà sản xuất/ nhà bán lẻ. Ngoài ra, chúng tôi đề xuất một
khung xác định các điểm cần can thiệp tới hành vi tiêu dùng xanh, xem xét đến vai trò của giáo dục. Bài
viết mang tính khái niệm và khám phá, nhưng đồng thời cung cấp các hàm ý đối với công tác hoạch định
chính sách và thực thi.
Từ khóa. Tiêu dùng xanh, các sản phẩm xanh/dán nhãn sinh thái, giáo dục xanh, marketing xanh, nhà sản
xuất/nhà bán lẻ xanh.