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Infor SunSystems 6.4 Installation Guide

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Infor SunSystems Installation Guide

Release 6.4.0
Copyright © 2022 Infor

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Publication Information
Release: Infor SunSystems 6.4.0
Publication Date: January 7, 2022
Document code: ss_6.4.0_install__en-us


About this guide.................................................................................................................................9

Related documents...........................................................................................................................9
Contacting Infor...............................................................................................................................11
Chapter 1: Installing SunSystems in a multitier environment......................................................12
Accessing SunSystems...................................................................................................................12
Architectural overview.....................................................................................................................12
Deployment nodes...........................................................................................................................13
Installing SunSystems for the first time...........................................................................................15
Windows service packs...................................................................................................................16
Chapter 2: Installation prerequisites..............................................................................................17
Prerequisites checklist.....................................................................................................................17
Creating users and groups in Active Directory................................................................................17
Prerequisites checklist for the database and reporting server tiers.................................................18
Operating system requirements...................................................................................................19
Microsoft SQL Server and Reporting services.............................................................................20
Prerequisites checklist for the application and web server tiers......................................................23
Installing Microsoft .NET..............................................................................................................24
Adding the IIS role.......................................................................................................................25
Disabling Default Website in IIS...................................................................................................25
Installing or updating Oracle OpenJDK........................................................................................26
Installing or updating Apache Tomcat..........................................................................................26
Installing Microsoft SQL Server ODBC driver..............................................................................27
Installing IIS Application Request Routing (ARR)........................................................................27
Prerequisites checklist for the Windows client tier...........................................................................27
Supported web browsers.............................................................................................................28
Chapter 3: Installing SunSystems...................................................................................................29

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 3


Installation checklist........................................................................................................................29
The SunSystems ISO......................................................................................................................30
Installing the database tier..............................................................................................................31
Installing the SunSystems domain and business unit group databases......................................31
Installing the SunSystems security database..............................................................................32
Installing additional business unit groups.....................................................................................32
Recovery mode............................................................................................................................32
Installing the application tier............................................................................................................33
Installing the reporting tier...............................................................................................................33
Installing the web tier.......................................................................................................................34
Running the SunSystems installer in silent mode...........................................................................34
Installing SunSystems Windows clients..........................................................................................35
Running a Windows client install in silent mode..........................................................................35
Defining the deployment plan using DeployManager......................................................................36
Applying a deployment plan using DeployAgent.............................................................................38
Running Switch Security.................................................................................................................38
Validating the deployment...............................................................................................................38
About multiple domain support........................................................................................................39
Authentication in SunSystems.........................................................................................................39
Resetting a service account............................................................................................................39
Resetting an application pool..........................................................................................................40
Configure a single server with an internal and external hostname..................................................40
Chapter 4: Post-installation tasks...................................................................................................42
Post-installation checklist................................................................................................................42
Serializing SunSystems...................................................................................................................44
Migrating users and groups.............................................................................................................44
Adding services to the Trusted Service group.................................................................................45
Adding users to the SunSystems Reporting Service group............................................................45
Synchronizing report models...........................................................................................................46
Migrating reports.............................................................................................................................46
Restricting SecurityWeb server permissions...................................................................................47
Allocating memory for Microsoft SQL Server and SSRS................................................................47
Configuring Microsoft SQL server memory options........................................................................48
Adding load balancing.....................................................................................................................48
Adding a load balancer to the application tier..............................................................................48

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 4


Adding a load balancer to the web tier.........................................................................................48

Adding Secure Sockets...................................................................................................................49
Installing languages.........................................................................................................................49
Language installation tasks..........................................................................................................49
Installing a language pack...........................................................................................................50
Amending the base language......................................................................................................50
Specifying a language for a user.................................................................................................51
Configuring SunSystems help.........................................................................................................51
Changing the configuration service account...................................................................................52
Managing users and sessions.........................................................................................................52
Chapter 5: Requirements and planning..........................................................................................54
Software requirements....................................................................................................................54
RDBMS support..............................................................................................................................55
Chapter 6: Creating a secure installation.......................................................................................56
Requirements for a secure environment.........................................................................................56
Security model.............................................................................................................................56
SunSystems Connect (SSC) security..........................................................................................56
Microsoft SQL Server security.....................................................................................................57
Microsoft SQL Server service accounts.......................................................................................57
Citrix XenApp...............................................................................................................................58
Deployment suggestions..............................................................................................................59
About Load Balancing..................................................................................................................60
Chapter 7: Database Utilities...........................................................................................................62
Updating Database Utilities from the Infor Support Portal...............................................................62
Accessing Database utilities from the ISO......................................................................................63
Accessing Database utilities from the DVD.....................................................................................63
Domain DB Utilities.........................................................................................................................69
Add a SunSystems business unit group to a SunSystems domain.............................................70
Remove a SunSystems business unit group from a SunSystems domain..................................70
Recover business unit links..........................................................................................................71
Business unit groups parameter maintenance.............................................................................71
Query Database file groups.........................................................................................................71

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 5


Re-link all the SunSystems business unit groups to a SunSystems domain...............................71

Load Difference tables.................................................................................................................71
Structural Integrity Check - Domain.............................................................................................72
Data Integrity Check - Domain.....................................................................................................72
Database Health Check...............................................................................................................72
Database DB Utilities......................................................................................................................76
Form actions....................................................................................................................................77
Security DB.....................................................................................................................................77
Migrating databases........................................................................................................................78
Chapter 8: Microsoft SQL Server....................................................................................................79
Configuring the linked server connection on the database server..................................................79
Verifying the linked server connection for the SunSystems application.......................................80
About Microsoft SQL Server clustering...........................................................................................80
Database replication........................................................................................................................81
Specifying a DNS CNAME record as a server alias........................................................................81
Specifying the Domain Name System (DNS)..............................................................................81
Specifying the database server setup..........................................................................................81
Using CNAME to refer to the database server during a new installation of SunSystems............82
Amending an existing SunSystems installation to use CNAME to refer to the database
Responding to a failover..............................................................................................................84
Maintaining SunSystems using scheduled SQL jobs......................................................................84
Revoking guest user access in a database.....................................................................................89
AlwaysOn Availability Groups requirements....................................................................................89
Configuring Kerberos for Microsoft SQL Server...........................................................................89
Setting up AlwaysOn Availability Groups.....................................................................................90
Connecting to the AlwaysOn Availability Group Listener using non-default ports........................90
Chapter 9: SunSystems Connect....................................................................................................93
Software requirements....................................................................................................................93
Installing SSC..................................................................................................................................93
Chapter 10: SunSystems Reporting Services (SRS).....................................................................94
Changing the SunSystemsReporting user and password...............................................................94
Managing and deploying reports.....................................................................................................95
Configuring email support...............................................................................................................96

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 6


Chapter 11: SunSystems Web UI....................................................................................................97

Chapter 12: Troubleshooting...........................................................................................................98

Troubleshooting hints.......................................................................................................................98
Support Knowledgebase on the Infor Support Portal...................................................................98
General installation problems.......................................................................................................99
Problems encountered during installation....................................................................................99
Problems encountered during uninstallation..............................................................................104
Problems encountered when running SunSystems...................................................................105
About diagnostic tools...................................................................................................................107
Database test program..............................................................................................................108
SunSystems disaster recovery......................................................................................................108
Database recovery and integrity................................................................................................108
Contacting Infor Technical Support...............................................................................................109
Appendix A: Glossary of installation terms.................................................................................110

Appendix B: SunSystems URLs....................................................................................................112

Appendix C: Default folder structure and write permission requirements...............................113

Appendix D: Moving databases to a new database server.........................................................118

Exporting a configuration using DeployManager...........................................................................119
Copying the databases from source to target installation..............................................................120
Setting up databases in the target installation...............................................................................120
Appendix E: Changing location of SunSystems components in multitier configurations......122
Changing location of Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS).....................................122
Security Server, SunSystems application server and Connect service.........................................122
Appendix F: Application file types................................................................................................123

Appendix G: Infor Support Policy and installations running virtualization software..............126

Appendix H: Logging management..............................................................................................127

Database test program..................................................................................................................127
Appendix I: Administrative access recovery...............................................................................128

Appendix J: Ports, security and authentication..........................................................................129

Port usage.....................................................................................................................................129
Load Balancing configuration........................................................................................................129
Firewall rules.................................................................................................................................130

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 7


Folder permissions for services.....................................................................................................130

Component ports...........................................................................................................................131
Application timeouts......................................................................................................................132
Appendix K: Example deployment of Secure Sockets................................................................133

Appendix L: SunSystems and Transparent Data Encryption (TDE)..........................................134

TDE software requirements...........................................................................................................134
TDE implementation and management.........................................................................................134
Implications for SunSystems.........................................................................................................135
Impact on SunSystems support....................................................................................................135
Considerations when implementing TDE......................................................................................135
Appendix M: Order Fulfilment wizards.........................................................................................137
Using the Order Fulfilment Business Unit Template Wizard (WBD)..............................................137
Using the Order Fulfilment Copy Data wizard (WCD)...................................................................138
Appendix N: Deployment Tools.....................................................................................................139
Environmental setup tasks for DeployAgent..................................................................................139
Microsoft IIS ARR setup................................................................................................................140
Configuration service setup...........................................................................................................142
Virtual Host Table configuration.....................................................................................................142
SunSystems service configuration................................................................................................142
Finalising SunSystems deployment...............................................................................................143
Restarting SunSystems.................................................................................................................143
Appendix O: Database Health Check............................................................................................144

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 8

About this guide

About this guide

Version 6.4A
This guide describes the steps to install SunSystems 6.4, where no previous SunSystems installation
exists, or the previous installation has been removed. It provides details of mandatory pre-installation
checks, the installation process, and post-installation tasks. It also provides supplementary reference

Intended audience
This document is intended for system administrators, SunSystems consultants and channel partner
consultants involved in deploying and maintaining SunSystems. Due to the numerous implementation
options for SunSystems, only experienced installers should perform the installation process.

Related documents
SunSystems documentation consists of user guides, such as the installation and upgrade guides, and
online application help.
User guides are in PDF format and are available from the Infor Support Portal. To access documentation
on the Infor Support Portal, select Search > Browse Documentation. We recommend that you check
this portal periodically for updated documentation.
Release Notes
Details information relevant to this release that is not included elsewhere in the SunSystems

What's New
Highlights significant changes or enhancements in the release.

Resolved Issues
Describes issues resolved in the latest release.

Infor SunSystems Architecture and Planning Guide

Provides an architectural overview of the software. Refer to this guide when planning the deployment
of SunSystems.

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 9

About this guide

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide

Describes installing SunSystems in multiple deployment scenarios.
Note: Review the installation guides before making any changes to your SunSystems environment.

Infor SunSystems Standalone Installation Guide

Describes installing SunSystems on a single machine. No other environment is described.

Infor SunSystems Upgrade Guide

Describes upgrading SunSystems from an existing deployment.

Guide to Migrating Data from SunSystems 4

Describes migrating data from an existing SunSystems v4 installation, into SunSystems v6.

SunSystems online help

Provides details of day-to-day operational tasks and is displayed while you are using SunSystems.
The help files can be accessed from the cloud at https://docs.infor.com/en-us/sunsystems/6.4.x. See
KB1859777 for instructions on how to download online help to a local server in your environment. See
Configuration Manager in the online help for more information.
Read the Administrator Help after successful installation of SunSystems. There are specific tasks that
must be carried out before the installation can be used and the Administrator Help provides details of
setup and maintenance. The tasks are those that are normally expected of an application consultant
or a systems administrator.
Tasks in the Administrator Help are broken into four areas:
• Tasks that are appropriate to SunSystems modules
• Generic tasks appropriate to all installations of SunSystems
• Financial tasks that are relevant only if the Financials modules are installed
• Order Fulfilment tasks that are relevant only if the Order Fulfilment modules are installed.
These topic modules are included in the online help.
• System Basics
• Modules
• Financials
• Order Fulfilment
• SunSystems Connect
• SSC Technical Reference
• Transfer Desk
• Transfer Desk Web
• Enterprise Data Management
• Administration
• Administrator Help
• User Manager
• Security Console
• Configuration Manager
• Integration Configuration
• Financials Administration

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 10

About this guide

• Order Fulfilment Administration

• Customization
• User Group Menu Designer
• Form Designer
• Filter Designer
• Formula Designer
• Drill Association Designer
• Data Description Editor
• Reporting
• Report Designer
• Report Manager.

Contacting Infor
If you have questions about Infor products, go to Infor Concierge at https://concierge.infor.com/ and
create a support incident.
The latest documentation is available from docs.infor.com or from the Infor Support Portal. To access
documentation on the Infor Support Portal, select Search > Browse Documentation. We recommend
that you check this portal periodically for updated documentation.
If you have comments about Infor documentation, contact documentation@infor.com.

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 11

Installing SunSystems in a multitier environment

Chapter 1: Installing SunSystems in a multitier


This installation guide describes the installation of SunSystems 6.4 over multiple tiers.
Refer to the Standalone Installation Guide for SunSystems v6.4 if you are running a simple installation
of SunSystems.
Refer to the SunSystems Upgrade Guide if you are upgrading from SunSystems 6.2 or SunSystems
Note: If you have an installation of SunSystems 6.4 and are updating it to the latest patch set, refer to
the SunSystems 6.4 Patch Set Installation Note available with the patch set. The Installation Note
contains important instructions which are not included in this Installation Guide.
Note: The SunSystems 6.4 installer is English language only. Language Deployer is used to add or
remove languages from a SunSystems installation.

Accessing SunSystems
After a successful installation, SunSystems v6.4 can be accessed from an icon on the desktop, or from
a URL:
Note: The SunSystems URL is case sensitive.

Architectural overview
A SunSystems implementation comprises software components that can be logically divided into distinct
layers, or tiers, and is consistent with modern software design. Although the practical installation of the
software can vary greatly, the logical tiers that define the software are always present.

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 12

Installing SunSystems in a multitier environment

This logical split is represented by the deployed components. It facilitates the differentiation between
tiers that are publicly accessible, that is, exposed on the Internet, and private tiers that are only accessed

Deployment nodes
The logical tiers in a SunSystems deployment consist of discrete node types. These map to a server
instance that can be physical or virtual. The server instance corresponds to the installable components
available from the SunSystems media. The exceptions to this are the Database and Reporting Server
nodes; these correspond to the installable components available from Microsoft SQL Server media.
All software components can be deployed on a single server. More commonly, individual components
are selected to build a customized, multitiered solution that meets deployment requirements, for example,
for specific security or scalability needs.
This section describes each logical tier, its composition, scalability characteristics, and deployment
This diagram shows each logical tier with a brief description of its function.

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 13

Installing SunSystems in a multitier environment

1 Web server node

Includes the software components with a browser interface/API. This makes public, or Internet,
components easy to configure and, more importantly, to secure.
2 Application server node

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 14

Installing SunSystems in a multitier environment

Includes the application services and APIs. These are required to support the web server node
and the rich client components, and may include supporting web applications.
3 Reporting server node
Includes Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) and SSRS extensions. These extensions
are required for SunSystems reporting. The node can be deployed with the database server or
deployed separately depending on the scale of the solution. SSRS is installed using the Microsoft
SQL Server installation media.
4 Database server node
Microsoft SQL Server is used as the relational database management server for SunSystems. This
node comprises all SunSystems databases and associated logins. Often the reporting server node
and the database server node are the same, for simplicity and to reduce licensing costs.

Installing SunSystems for the first time

If you are installing SunSystems for the first time, note that the servers on which Infor applications are
installed should be member servers in a domain. They should be dedicated to the Infor applications.
If not, then performance may be affected. The servers should not be:
• a primary or back-up domain controller, running Active Directory
• a mail server running Exchange or other mail
• a file or print server other than for SunSystems
• a virtualization host server running Hyper-V, VMware, ESXi, or Citrix XenServer
• an Intranet or Internet server, running Internet Information Server, Apache or similar, other than
for SunSystems
• a Microsoft Small Business Server.
Note: If deploying on Microsoft Small Business Server, Infor software must be installed in dedicated
virtual images and not on the host operating system. This is subject to the supporting software
environment meeting the minimum software requirements. If performance issues arise, separation
onto dedicated hardware may be necessary.
If a SunSystems component is installed on a computer (physical or virtual) included in the list, the
installation cannot be supported. If you are unsure, check with your local support region for further
clarification before deploying the configuration.

Caution: Computer names should follow Microsoft naming conventions. In addition, you should not
include the ‘_’ underscore character in computer names as this causes problems for Tomcat and Java

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 15

Installing SunSystems in a multitier environment

Windows service packs

The latest service pack should be applied to your Windows operating system before installing
SunSystems components.

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 16

Installation prerequisites

Chapter 2: Installation prerequisites

To ensure a successful installation of SunSystems you must complete the prerequisites checklist for
each node.

Prerequisites checklist
The installation prerequisites are defined by node. Refer to the relevant prerequisites checklist when
installing each node.

✔ Task References
Design your implementation Architecture and Planning
Guide for SunSystems on Infor
Support Portal
In Active Directory, create SunSystemsServices and Sun- Creating users and groups in
SystemsClients groups, and create the svc-SunSystems Active Directory on page 17
user and the SunSystemsReporting user
Complete the prerequisite checklist for the database and Prerequisites checklist for the
reporting server tiers database and reporting server
tiers on page 18
Complete the prerequisite checklist for the application and Prerequisites checklist for the
web server tiers application and web server tiers
on page 23
Complete the prerequisite checklist for the Windows client Prerequisites checklist for the
tier Windows client tier on page 27

Creating users and groups in Active Directory

In Active Directory, you must create two domain Windows groups: one for the SunSystems services,
for example, SunSystemsServices, and one for the SunSystems clients, for example,

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 17

Installation prerequisites

During installation, db_owner rights to the SunSystems databases is assigned to the

SunSystemsServices group.
The Windows credentials of SunSystems users are added to the SunSystemsClients group. This
is only required only for functions that make a direct connection to the database, for example, Bill of
Materials Management (BOMM). You must set the AppRole.
You must create two domain service accounts, one for the SunSystems Reporting service and one for
all other SunSystems services and app pools (in IIS), These service accounts must be added to the
SunSystemsServices group.
For example, create the SunSystemsReporting service account for the SunSystems Reporting
service, and the svc-SunSystems service account, for all other SunSystems services.
The SunSystems databases are accessed by Reporting Services.
You must give Log on as a service right to the SunSystemsReporting account for all web servers,
application Servers and reporting servers. Give the svc-SunSystems domain user Log on as a
service right on all application servers and all web servers.
Create users and groups in Active Directory:
1 Create the SunSystemsServices and SunSystemsClients groups.
2 Create the SunSystemsReporting and svc-SunSystems service accounts.
3 Add the users SunSystemsReporting and svc-SunSystems to the SunSystemsServices
domain group
4 Run secpol.msc to launch Local Security Policy.
5 Select Local Policies > User Rights Assignment.
6 Select Log on as a service and right-click to open Properties.
7 Click Add User or Group.
8 Specify this information:
Enter the object names to select
Specify the SunSystemsReporting and svc-SunSystems service accounts. Click Check
Names to ensure they are recognized.

9 Click OK.

Prerequisites checklist for the database and reporting

server tiers
Complete these tasks:

✔ Server Task References

• database server Ensure the servers comply with the Operating system require-
• reporting server hardware requirements ments on page 19

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 18

Installation prerequisites

✔ Server Task References

• database server Install Microsoft .NET and add the Mi- Installing Microsoft .NET
• reporting server crosoft .NET features. Both are required on page 24
on any tier where SunSystems software Adding Microsoft .NET
is installed. features on page 24
database server Install and configure Microsoft SQL Microsoft SQL Server and
Server Reporting services on
page 20
Microsoft SQL Server re-
quirements on page 20
Installing Microsoft SQL
Server on page 20
reporting server Install and configure Microsoft Reporting Installing Microsoft Report-
Services and assign the SunSystemsRe- ing Services on page 21
porting user as the reporting service
For SQL Server 2019 installations, addi- Adding file extensions to
tional file type extensions are required SQL Server Reporting
for SSRS Services on page 22
• database server Check the firewall status
• reporting server

Operating system requirements

Operating systems (64-bit only) Entry level recommendation
Windows 2022 Standard Edition and DataCenter Dual Core 3Ghz 8GB RAM
Windows 2019 Standard Edition or above Dual Core 3Ghz 8GB RAM
Windows 2016 Standard Edition or above Dual Core 3Ghz 8GB RAM
Windows 2012 R2 Standard Edition or above Dual Core 3Ghz 8GB RAM
Windows 10 Dual Core 3Ghz 8GB RAM
Windows 8.1 (Client)

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 19

Installation prerequisites

Microsoft SQL Server and Reporting services

If you are installing SQL Server 2016 then the option to install Reporting Services is included with
Microsoft SQL Server. Do not select Reporting Services if you are installing the Report server on a
separate tier because SQL Management Tools are included in a separate Report tier.
You must assign the SunSystemsReporting user as the reporting service account to enable access
for Reporting Services to the SunSystems databases.
• If you are installing SunSystems in a multitier environment, and you are installing the database
and reporting tiers on separate servers, then you must install Reporting Services on the reporting
• In a multitier environment, you must install the SQL Server Command-Line Utilities on the application
server tier if you plan to install the SunSystems v63 Language Pack. This ensures that bcp.exe
is available from the application server.
• Microsoft SQL Server does not give the sysadmin role to NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM (Local System).
No change to this is required on a multitier installation because all services will be run by domain
service accounts.

Microsoft SQL Server requirements

Software Notes
Microsoft SQL Server 2019 (Standard edition or SQL Server Reporting Services and Management
above) Tools are both separate installations
Note: Additional file type extensions are required
for SSRS
Microsoft SQL Server 2017 (Standard edition or SQL Server Reporting Services and Management
above) Tools are both separate installations.
Microsoft SQL Server 2016 (Standard edition or Features to include:
above) • Database Server
• Reporting Services (Native) (do not select if
installing separately in a multitier environ-
• Management Tools (separate installer in SQL

Installing Microsoft SQL Server

Note: If you are installing SunSystems in a multitier environment, you must install Microsoft SQL Server
on the database server tier.
1 Ensure you are using Microsoft SQL Server 2019, 2017 or 2016.
2 Run the Microsoft SQL Server installer.

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 20

Installation prerequisites

3 Select Installation > New SQL Server stand-alone installation or add features to an existing
4 Select Feature Selection and select Database Engine Services as the installation feature.
5 Click Install.
6 Install the latest Service Pack and cumulative patch for SQL Server.
7 Install SQL Server Management Tools after the installation has completed:
a Run the SQL Server Management installer.
b Select Installation > Install SQL Server Management Tools.
c Select the most recent version.
Note: If a restart of the server is required, you are prompted by the installer.

Installing Microsoft Reporting Services

Microsoft Reporting Services must be installed on the reporting tier:
1 Run the Microsoft SQL Server installer.
2 From the Installation menu, select Install SQL Server Reporting Services.
3 When the setup is complete, select Configure Report Server.
4 To create the Report Server database, select Change Database > Create a new report server
database and click Next > Next.
5 Specify this information:
Service Account
Specify the <localmachine>\SunSystemsReportingService account as this user.

Specify the password.

6 Backup the encryption key.

7 Specify the Web Services URL and Web Portal URL.
8 Check that the web browsers open without error:
a Click the Web Services URL to ensure that the browser opens without error.
b Click the Web Portal URL to ensure that the browser opens without error.
You can also access this through Reporting Services Configuration Manager.
Note: If the Web Services URL and Web Portal URL browsers open with error, you may need to
delete encrypted content. Before doing so, you must make sure that SQL Server Reporting Services
is not used by any other application that might use the encrypted content.
9 Check that TCP/IP is an enabled protocol for SQL Server Network Configuration. In SQL Server
Configuration Manager, select the correct version of Configuration Manager to run:

SQL Server version Configuration Manager

SQL Server 2019 SQLServerManager15.msc
SQL Server 2017 SQLServerManager14.msc

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 21

Installation prerequisites

SQL Server version Configuration Manager

SQL Server 2016 SQLServerManager13.msc

a Open Microsoft SQL Server Configuration Manager.

b Expand the SQL Server Network Configuration.
c Click Protocols for MSSQLSERVER to ensure TCP/IP is enabled.

Installing SQL Server Management Studio

Complete these steps to install Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio
1 Run the Microsoft SQL Server Installer.
2 Select Installation > Install SQL Server Management Tools.
3 Complete the installation.
Note: You are prompted by the installer if you are required to restart.

Adding file extensions to SQL Server Reporting Services

In Microsoft SQL Server 2019, specific file type extensions are required to import the example reports.
These are included in the AllowedResourceExtensionsForUpload and TrustedFileFormat system
properties in SSRS.
You must ensure that all necessary file type extensions are added before the example reports are
Note: If the SSRS databases are recreated, then the file type extensions for both system properties
revert to their default values.
Complete these steps:
1 Open SQL Server Management Studio.
2 In Object Explorer, select Connect > Reporting Services.
3 Right-click the report server name and select Properties > Advanced.
Note: If the Properties option is unavailable, then you must add your SSMS login as a system
administrator in SSRS.
4 Check that these file extensions are included in the list for AllowedResourceExtensionsForUpload:
• *.log
• *.mhtml
• *.csv
• *.xlsx
If one of the values is missing then you must add it to the list.
5 Check that these file extensions are included in the list for TrustedFileFormat:
• txt
• log

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 22

Installation prerequisites

• xsl
• doc
• docx
• tif
• tiff
• xml
• csv
• xlsx
• mhtml
• emf
If one of the values is missing then you must add it to the list.
6 Restart the SQL Server Reporting Services.

Prerequisites checklist for the application and web

server tiers
Complete these tasks:

✔ Server Task References

Ensure the servers comply with the Operating system require-
hardware requirements ments on page 19
application and web Install Microsoft .NET and add the Mi- Installing Microsoft .NET
crosoft .NET features. Both are required on page 24
on any tier where SunSystems software Adding Microsoft .NET
is installed. features on page 24
application and web Add Internet Information Services (IIS) Adding the IIS role on
roles page 25
application and web Disable Default Website in IIS Disabling Default Website
in IIS on page 25
application and web Install Oracle OpenJDK Installing or updating Ora-
cle OpenJDK on page 26
application and web Install Apache Tomcat Installing or updating
Apache Tomcat on page
application only Install SQL Server ODBC driver Installing Microsoft SQL
Server ODBC driver on
page 27

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 23

Installation prerequisites

✔ Server Task References

application and web Install Application Request Routing Installing IIS Application
(ARR) Request Routing (ARR) on
page 27
application and web Check firewall status
application only Ensure you have a valid SunSystems
serialization file available.

Installing Microsoft .NET

You must install Microsoft .NET by downloading it from the Microsoft website. Ensure you comply with
the prerequisite Internet Security settings.
Note: You must install .NET 4.8 on all tiers.
To install Microsoft .NET:
1 Apply the required settings in Internet Security Settings:
Note: This step must be completed before downloading .NET.
a Open Control Panel and select Internet Options > Security > Custom Level.
b Scroll to Downloads and select Enable in File Download.
c Select Enable in Enable .NET Framework setup.
2 Download and install .NET 4.8.
3 Restart the server.

Adding Microsoft .NET features

These features must be added for Microsoft .NET:
1 Open Windows Control Panel and go to Programs and Features. Or, run appwiz.cpl from the
Windows command prompt.
2 Select Turn Windows features on or off.
3 Select .NET Framework 4.8 Advanced Services.
4 Select these features:
• ASP.NET 4.8
• WCF Services
• HTTP Activation
• Message Queuing (MSMQ) Activation
• Named Pipe Activation
• TCP Port Sharing
5 Click OK.

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 24

Installation prerequisites

Adding the IIS role

Note: The IIS role is required on application and web tier servers.
Note: The IIS role is added first because the "Add Roles and Features Wizard" selects roles first.
Add these features to the IIS installation:
1 Open Server Manager and select Add Roles and Features > Server Roles.
2 Select Web Server (IIS) > Web Server.
3 Expand Common HTTP Features and select these features:
• Default Document
• Directory Browsing
• HTTP Errors
• Static Content
• HTTP Redirection.
4 Expand Health and Diagnostics and select these features:
• HTTP Logging
• Custom Logging
• Logging Tools
• Request Monitor
• Tracing.
5 Expand Performance and select these features:
• Static Content Compression.
6 Expand Security and select these features:
• Request Filtering
• Basic Authentication
• Digest Authentication
• Windows Authentication.
7 Expand Application Development and select these features:
• .NET Extensibility 3.8
• ASP.NET 4.8
• ISAPI Extensions
• ISAPI Filters.
8 Go to Web Server (IIS) > Management Tools and select these features:
• IIS Management Console.

Disabling Default Website in IIS

Note: You may specify a different port for SunSystems during installation, if required.
Port 80 is used by SunSystems, by default. To enable this, you must disable the default website in IIS
before installing SunSystems:

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 25

Installation prerequisites

1 Open Default Website from Internet Information Services (IIS).

2 Select Manage Website.
3 Click Stop.

Installing or updating Oracle OpenJDK

Oracle OpenJDK and Tomcat are prerequisites for SunSystems and must be maintained with the latest
performance and security enhancements. Windows environment variables are used by SunSystems
to establish the location of these local installations.
You must use the latest version to ensure your environment has the most recent security updates for
Oracle Java Development Kit:
1 Download the zip file for Windows/x64 from https://jdk.java.net/17/
2 Unzip the file into C:\JavaPlatform or an equivalent folder and update the SUNSYS_JA
VA_HOME64 environment variable with this location.
• If you are updating Java on an existing installation, then you must run Restart Services after
updating the Java environment variable.
• If you are installing SunSystems, then SUNSYS_JAVA_HOME64 is set during the installation

Installing or updating Apache Tomcat

Use the latest version of Apache Tomcat 9 to ensure your environment has the most recent security
Note: Apache Tomcat 10 is not supported.
To install or update Apache Tomcat, complete these steps:
1 If you are updating an existing SunSystems installation, all SunSystems users must be logged out
and all SunSystems services must be stopped.
2 Open https://tomcat.apache.org/download-90.cgi.
3 Browse to Core under Binary Distributions, and click zip. This downloads the Apache Tomcat
file, for example, apache-tomcat-9.0.45.zip.
Note: You must use the core zip, not the Windows zip.
4 Unzip and save the files to C:\JavaPlatform or an equivalent folder.
5 If you are updating java on an existing SunSystems installation, then you must specify the installation
directory in the SUNSYS_TOMCAT_HOME environment variable and run Restart Services. If you are
installing a new version of SunSystems, then SUNSYS_TOMCAT_HOME is set during the installation
6 If required, run Restart Services.

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 26

Installation prerequisites

Installing Microsoft SQL Server ODBC driver

Download the latest version of Microsoft ODBC Driver for SQL Server for Windows x64. We recommend
that you install this version or higher, if you want to ensure that security protocol TLS 1.2 is supported.
SunSystems DeployAgent detects the highest version of ODBC driver installed and configures
SunSystems to use it.
Note: TLS 1.2 is supported by SunSystems. For security reasons, it is your responsibility to disable
security protocols TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1 and earlier.
1 Open https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=53339
2 Select x64\msodbcsql.msi and click Next.
The download should start automatically.
3 Run msodbcsql.msi on your application server.

Installing IIS Application Request Routing (ARR)

Install IIS Application Request Routing 3.0 (x64) from the Microsoft website:
1 Open https://www.iis.net/downloads/microsoft/application-request-routing .
2 Click Install this extension.
3 Click Products on the Web Platform Installer 5.0 dialog.
Ensure that Application Request Routing 3.0 and URL Rewrite 2.0 are installed.
4 Close the Web Platform Installer 5.0 dialog.

Prerequisites checklist for the Windows client tier

Complete these tasks:

✔ Task References
Ensure the Windows client complies with the hardware Operating system requirements
requirements on page 19
Ensure the SunSystems Administrator is a member of the
Configuration Administrators group in User Manager.
Install Microsoft .NET and add the Microsoft .NET features. Installing Microsoft .NET on
Both are required on any tier where SunSystems software page 24
is installed. Adding Microsoft .NET features
on page 24
Install Oracle Java JDK Installing or updating Oracle
OpenJDK on page 26

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 27

Installation prerequisites

✔ Task References
Download and install the latest version of Adobe Acrobat
Reader from the Adobe website
Ensure you are using a supported web browser Supported web browsers on
page 28

Supported web browsers

These web browsers are supported:
• Microsoft Chromium Edge
• Chrome
• Safari 13 or later.
Note: To access SunSystems online help using Safari, you must allow pop-up windows. Select Safari
> Preferences, click Security and clear Block pop-up windows.

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 28

Installing SunSystems

Chapter 3: Installing SunSystems

Install SunSystems following the steps listed in the Installation Checklist.

To start the installation process, you must download the SunSystems ISO and run the installer.
The installation process is broken down into tiers:
• Installing the database tier
• Installing the application tier
• Installing the reporting tier
• Installing the web tier
• Installing the Windows client
This chapter also covers other aspects of the installation:
• Defining the deployment plan using DeployManager
• Applying a deployment plan using DeployAgent
• Running Switch Security
• Validating the deployment
• About multiple domain support
• Authentication in SunSystems
• Resetting a service account
• Resetting an application pool
• Configure a single server with an internal and external hostname.

Installation checklist
Complete these tasks in the Installation Checklist:

✔ Task References
Download the SunSystems ISO to a local folder Updating Database Utilities from the Infor
and update Database Utilities. Support Portal on page 62The SunSys-
Run the installer. tems ISO on page 30

Install the database tier Installing the database tier on page 31

Install the application tier Installing the application tier on page 33

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 29

Installing SunSystems

✔ Task References
Install the reporting tier Installing the reporting tier on page 33
Install the web tier Installing the web tier on page 34
Define a deployment plan using DeployManager Defining the deployment plan using De-
ployManager on page 36
Apply the deployment plan using DeployAgent Applying a deployment plan using Deploy-
Agent on page 38
Run Switch Security to load balance SunSys- Running Switch Security on page 38
tems Security
Validate the deployment using DeployMonitor Validating the deployment on page 38
Check port usage Port usage on page 129
Apply firewall rules Firewall rules on page 130
Check folder permissions Folder permissions for services on page
Ensure the installation complies with multiple About multiple domain support on page
domain support 39
Conform with updates to authentication in Sun- Authentication in SunSystems on page
Systems 39
Resetting a service account on page 39
Resetting an application pool on page 40

The SunSystems ISO

Downloading the SunSystems installer and updating Database Utilities
The SunSystems 6.4 ISO can be downloaded from the Infor download centre: https://
Note: You can run a product search for Infor SunSystems 6.4.
Download the SunSystems64.iso to a local folder on your server.
Ensure you are using the latest version of Database Utilities. This is either the version included on the
ISO, or the latest version from the Infor Support Portal. If required, you can browse to the location of
the Database Utilities when you run the installer.

Running the SunSystems installer

Run the SunSystems installer from a local folder.

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 30

Installing SunSystems

To run the installer, right-click SunSystems64.iso then run the setup.hta file.

New tools in SunSystems 6.4

New desktop tools are introduced in v6.4 which are designed to facilitate manual configuration:
• DeployManager
Use to design your SunSystems implementation
• DeployAgent
Use to deploy your design defined in DeployManager
• Switch Security
Defines the location of the security server on the reporting tier, and most often used to load balance
• Restart Services
Stops and restarts all SunSystems services on the current server.

Order of the installation steps

The order of the installation steps is important. For example, a reporting tier cannot be installed until
an application tier has been installed.
In a two-tier environment that includes a combined database / SSRS server and a combined web /
application server, a manual step is required. In this scenario, reports cannot be imported by the installer
before Reporting Extensions are installed, and Reporting Extensions cannot be installed before the
application tier is installed. To import the reports run VisionImport.exe from the command prompt.
The instructions are in the troubleshooting section of this guide.
In a multitier deployment plan, DeployAgent should not be run until after the system has been configured
with DeployManager.

Installing the database tier

Creating the SunSystems databases is the first step when installing SunSystems. The SunSystems
domain database, the business unit group and the security databases must be created.

Installing the SunSystems domain and business unit group

1 Run the SunSystems installer.
2 Select Install/Configure Database > A pre-configured SunSystems Business Unit Group.

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 31

Installing SunSystems

3 Select the SQL Server instance name, and the name of your domain database (SunSystemsDomain)
that you want to create.
4 Specify the locations of your data file and log file.
5 Enter the details for your business unit group in SunSystems Data Database Details.
6 Specify the locations of your data file and log file.
7 Enter your Windows domain, SunSystemsServices and SunSystemsClients groups in Group
Account Settings.

Installing the SunSystems security database

1 From the SunSystems installer, select Install/Configure Database > A new SunSystems Security
2 Specify the database name, the database instance, the location of the data and log files and details
of the domain groups.

Installing additional business unit groups

Additional business unit groups can be added by selecting A new Business Unit Group. The
Architecture and Planning Guide gives advice on how many business units (created in Business Unit
Administration BUA) should be created in each business unit group.
A two way linked server is required when creating additional business unit groups on other Microsoft
SQL Server instances. See Configuring the linked server connection on the database server on page
Note: Before installing additional business unit groups, you must ensure the linked server is specified
using the fully qualified domain name (FQDN). In User Manager, select Settings > SunSystems >
Configure... and specify the server using the FQDN.
Note: MSDTC is not needed because distributed transactions are no longer used.

Recovery mode
In SQL Server Management Studio you should set the recovery mode for your SunSystems databases
according to your back up policy.
The recovery mode for SunSystems databases is set in Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio
and should be specified according to back policy.

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 32

Installing SunSystems

Installing the application tier

The SunSystems application tier must be installed after the SunSystems database tier has been
• If the installer does not load, open Task Manager. If the process mshta.exe is running, close it.
• If you have installed SQL Server databases in a linked server environment then you must run this
script in SQL Server:
EXEC sp_serveroption ‘YourServerNameGoesHere’, ‘DATA ACCESS’, TRUE
1 Run the program setup.hta. This runs the SunSystems installer.
2 Click Install SunSystems Software > Next
3 Select Setup Type.
4 Select Custom.
5 Click Next > Next > Install.
6 Clear all features then select SunSystems Application Tier in the custom setup screen.
7 Clear Install a SunSystems schema.
8 Specify the database server instance and select the SunSystems security database.
9 Specify the database server instance and the name of the SunSystems domain database, in the
Domain Database dialog.
10 Specify the administrator credentials that you use to login to User Manager.
11 Browse to the location of the Java JDK installation, for example, C:\JavaPlatform\java\jdk-
17\ in the JDK Location dialog.
12 Browse to the location of the Apache Tomcat installation, for example, C:\JavaPlatform\
apache-tomcat-9.0.45\, in the Apache Tomcat Location dialog.
13 Specify a domain service account, for example, svc-SunSystems.
14 Specify the domain service account for reporting service account, for example,
15 Select the default settings for the SunSystems Application Tier Ports.
16 Specify the security group, for example, SunSystemsServices.
17 Create or overwrite any Virtual Host entries and select the default.
18 Click Install to complete the installation.

Installing the reporting tier

The SunSystems reporting tier must be installed after the application tier, which includes the security
server. Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services Extensions must be installed on the server where
SQL Server Reporting Services is located.
1 Run the installer.
2 Select Install SunSystems software.

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 33

Installing SunSystems

3 Select Custom. Clear all features except Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services Extensions.
4 Specify the SunSystems Application Server and specify the location of the security server.
5 Specify the Reporting service account, for example, SunSystemsReporting.
6 Select the SQL Server Report Server Instance.
7 Create or overwrite any virtual host entries and select the default value.
8 Click Install to complete the installation.

Installing the web tier

The SunSystems web tier must be installed after the reporting tier, which includes the security server.
Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services Extensions must be installed on the server where SQL Server
Reporting Services is located.
1 Run the installer.
2 Select Install SunSystems software.
3 Select Custom. Clear all features except SunSystems Web Tier.
4 Specify the location of the SunSystems application server, and the SunSystems security
administrator credentials.
5 Specify the installation location of JDK and Apache Tomcat.
6 Specify the domain SunSystems service account, for example, svc-SunSystems, and the
SunSystems reporting service account, for example, SunSystemsReporting.
7 Click Next to accept the default ports.
8 Click Next to import the example reports.
Note: If the Web and Application tiers are installed on the same server but the Reporting tier is on
a separate server, then example reports cannot be imported as part of the installation process.
You must clear the optionImport example reports. After the installation process is complete, use
Report Manager to import the reports.
9 Create or overwrite any virtual host entries and select the default value.
10 Click Install to complete the installation.

Running the SunSystems installer in silent mode

You can run the SunSystems installer in silent mode.
1 Copy the SunSystems v63 installation media to a local folder.
2 Navigate to the folder \DVD\Application
3 Copy the file SQLExpressTemplate.xml and rename as SQLExpress.xml
4 Open SQLExpress.xml in a file editor, for example, Notepad.
5 Follow the instructions in the file, using your implementation parameters.

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 34

Installing SunSystems

6 Save your changes.

7 Open a command prompt and navigate to the \DVD\Application folder.
8 Specify the command:setup /v“ /qn”
This runs the installer using the parameters defined in SQLExpress.xml

Installing SunSystems Windows clients

Oracle OpenJDK is a prerequisite for each Windows client machine.
Note: To install SunSystems client, the Administrator must be a member of the Configuration
Administrators group in User Manager.
1 Run the SunSystems installer.
2 Select Install SunSystems software.
3 Specify this information:
Setup type
Select Custom.

Clear all components then select SunSystems Client.

Application server name

Specify the application server name.

Security port number

Specify port 40003 and http. If DeployAgent has been run on the application server or you are
using an application server load balancer, then specify port 80.

SunSystems Security Administrator

Specify the SunSystems Security Administrator.

SunSystems Java
Browse to the local installation of Oracle OpenJDK.

4 Click Next to install SunSystems Client.

5 Browse to the location of Oracle Java JDK, and install it.

Running a Windows client install in silent mode

1 Copy the SunSystems v63 installation media to a local folder.
2 Navigate to the folder \DVD\Application
3 Copy the file SQLExpress-ExampleClientOnly.xml and rename as SQLExpress.xml
4 Open SQLExpress.xml in Notepad.

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 35

Installing SunSystems

5 Follow the instructions in the file, using your implementation parameters.

6 Save your changes.
7 Open a command prompt and navigate to the \DVD\Application folder.
8 Specify the command:setup /v“ /qn”
This runs the installer using SQLExpress.xml for parameters.

Defining the deployment plan using DeployManager

Define your deployment plan in a single step using DeployManager. After the design is complete, and
has been saved, you do not need to run DeployManager again unless you wish to change the server
deployment plan.
DeployManager is run on the application and web servers. You can use it to add or remove application
and web nodes and configure load balancing SSL in SunSystems.
Note: Ensure DeployManager is closed after you have completed your deployment plan. While in use,
it can create a large log file.
Note: If you add web, application and reporting servers then you must specify a load balancer name
and port.
DeployManager is available from your desktop after the SunSystems installation has completed.
1 Run DeployManager from the desktop of an application or web server.
2 Log in using a SunSystems administrator user and password.
3 Select Function > Deployment Builder to open Deployment Builder. Use Deployment Builder to
complete your deployment plan.
4 Add additional web servers to your deployment guide:
a Click the SunSystems Public Tiers tab.
b Select Enable Load Balancing.
c Specify the Encryption method, depending on your requirement. Select from:
• SSL/TLS certificate at Load Balancer
• SSL/TLS certificate at IIS Server
Note: You must select an SSL/TLS certificate if the web server is public.
d Specify the URL/domain name of the load balancer in Load Balancer Name. For example,
e Specify the port for the load balancer in Port.
f Click the + button in the Web Servers dialog to add a new server. A new line is added with
default values for the IIS and Tomcat ports.
g Double-click the Server Name on the new line to specify a new server name.
h Optionally, amend the IIS port value by double-clicking the value. The default is 80.
i Optionally, amend the Tomcat port value by double-clicking the value. The default is 40000.
5 Add additional application servers to your deployment plan:
a Click the SunSystems Private Tiers tab.

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 36

Installing SunSystems

b Select Enable Load Balancing.

c Specify the Encryption method, depending on your requirement. Select from:
• No transport encryption (HTTP Only)
• SSL/TLS certificate at Load Balancer
• SSL/TLS certificate at IIS Server
d Specify the URL/domain name of the load balancer in Load Balancer Name. For example,
e Specify the port for the load balancer in Port.
f Click the + button in the Application Servers dialog to add a new server. A new line is added
with default values for the IIS, Application, Security, Web Services and Tomcat ports.
g Double-click the Server Name on the new line to specify a new server name.
h Optionally, amend the IIS port value by double-clicking the value. The default is 80.
i Optionally, amend the Application port value by double-clicking the value. The default is 40001.
j Optionally, amend the Security port value by double-clicking the value. The default is 40002.
k Optionally, amend the Web Services port value by double-clicking the value. The default is
l Optionally, amend the Tomcat port value by double-clicking the value. The default is 40004.
6 Add additional reporting servers to your deployment plan:
Note: ARR Load Balancing is not automatically configured for this tier.
a Click the SunSystems Private Tiers tab.
b Select Enable Load Balancing.
c Specify the Encryption method, depending on your requirement. Select from:
• No transport encryption (HTTP Only)
• SSL/TLS certificate at Load Balancer
• SSL/TLS certificate at IIS Server
d Specify the URL/domain name of the load balancer in Load Balancer Name. For example,
e Specify the port for the load balancer in Port.
f Click the + button in the Reporting Servers dialog to add a new server. A new line is added
with default values for the Report Server Virtual Directory, Report Manager Virtual Directory
and the Reporting Services.
g Double-click the Server Name on the new line to specify a new server name.
h Optionally, amend the Report Server Virtual Directory value by double-clicking the value. The
default is ReportServer.
i Optionally, amend the Report Manager Virtual Directory value by double-clicking the value.
The default is Reports.
j Optionally, amend the Reporting Services value by double-clicking the value. The default is
7 Optionally amend the Desktop Services Tier values:
a Click the SunSystems Public Tiers tab.
b Specify the Server Name. The default is your desktop machine name.
c Specify the Application Port.
d Specify the Security Port.

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 37

Installing SunSystems

8 Click the Save button to save your changes.

Applying a deployment plan using DeployAgent

After creating a deployment plan, deploy it using DeployAgent.
DeployAgent must be run on each server in the application and web tiers.
Note: DeployAgent cannot be run on more than one server at a time.
1 Run DeployAgent on the application server.
If an error occurs indicating that SunSystems application server will not start, then run DeployAgent
on the next application server.
2 Repeat step 1 for the remaining servers in the application tier.
3 Rerun DeployAgent on any application server that failed in step 1.
4 Run DeployAgent on the web server.
5 Repeat step 4 for the remaining servers in the web tier.

Running Switch Security

Any change to the way the Security Service is exposed, such as adding a load balancer, must also be
made to the Security client, across all tiers. This change is made by DeployAgent, apart from the
Reporting and Desktop tiers. DeployAgent is not present on these tiers so you must make this change
using Switch Security.
Switch Security is a function available from the desktop.
Note: Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Server service must be restarted after changes are made in
Switch Security.

Validating the deployment

Use DeployManager to validate your SunSystems installation. It may be run on any server within the
SunSystems installation.
You can observer the connections in your deployment plan being validated. It may not be possible for
all connections to be validated, due to firewalls, the deployment plan and where DeployManager is
being run.
1 Select a server on which to run DeployManager.
2 Select Deploy Monitor from the dropdown menu.

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 38

Installing SunSystems

About multiple domain support

SunSystems Windows clients can be installed on a different Active Directory Domain to the SunSystems
server implementation. However, Active Directory Forest Trust must exist where the server domain
trusts the client domain. Windows API is used by SunSystems to authenticate users across domains.
This means if users on the other domain cannot be authenticated by Windows, they cannot be
authenticated by SunSystems either.

Authentication in SunSystems
Authentication in SunSystems 6.4 has improved from older versions of SunSystems.

Ensure all services and IIS application pools are run using a trusted user. These services and application
pools must be run as a user who is defined as a member of the SunSystemsServices group:
Application pools
• SecurityConsole
• SunSystemsReportingServices.
• SunSystemsConnectServer
• Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS).

Password hash
SunSystems passwords must be reset after upgrading from an earlier version. This will also affect
migrations from SunSystems 4.

Resetting a service account

If the credentials for a service account are changed, then it must be updated. To change a service
account, a new password must be applied for each service on each server. The services on each
server must be restarted using Restart Services, which will restart the services in the correct order.
To change a service account, repeat these steps for each server in the SunSystems installation:
1 Open Control Panel.
2 Select Administrative Tools > View Local Services.
3 Select a SunSystems service.
4 open Properties > Log on

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 39

Installing SunSystems

5 Enter a new password.

6 Add the service to a service group if it is not already a member.
7 Repeat steps 3 and 4 for the remaining SunSystems services.
8 Run the Restart Services application to restart all SunSystems services on the server, in the correct

Resetting an application pool

If the credentials for an application pool are changed, then it must be updated.
To update an application pool, these Application Pools Identity must be updated:
• SunSystemsDefault
• SunSystemsReportingServices
• SunSystemsSecurity
• TransferDeskWebServer.
1 Open IIS.
2 Select Host > Application Pools.
3 Select SunSystemsDefault.
4 Select Advanced Settings > Identity > Custom Account.
5 Click Set.
6 Repeat steps 4 and 5 for SunSystemsReportingServices, SunSystemsSecurity and
7 Restart IIS.

Configure a single server with an internal and external

Exposing a server using internal and external names is the logical equivalence of placing a
load-balancing proxy in front of a single server. The internal and external server names must be provided
to SunSystems. This is so that internal traffic between IIS and Tomcat remains linked to the internal
server name, and external web traffic links to the external (load balancer) name.
Note: All SunSystems installations, including standalone installations, must be included in a public
web tier, referred to as a SunSystems public tier. This means that the installation endpoints are visible
to client machines. It does not mean that the installation is visible to the internet, or that it belongs to
a DMZ. Nor is it as restricted as a private tier that uses firewalls to prevent access to everything apart
from machines in the public tier.
1 Enable load balancing on the web tier.
2 Specify the load balancer name, for example, servera.cloud.company.com

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 40

Installing SunSystems

3 Specify 443 as the load balancer port.

4 Add a single web server:
a Specify the single web server, for example, serverb.companybc.com as the single web
b Specify 443 as the IIS port.
c Specify 40000 as the Tomcat port.
5 Save the deployment plan.
6 Run DeployAgent.exe on all tiers, starting with the application server tier.

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 41

Post-installation tasks

Chapter 4: Post-installation tasks

To complete a successful installation of SunSystems, you must complete the post-installation checklist.

Post-installation checklist
✔ Task References
Serialize SunSystems. Run the serialization file on all
application servers. Ensure all business unit groups are
Migrate users and groups Migrating users and groups on
page 44
Add services to the Trusted Service group Adding services to the Trusted
Service group on page 45
Add users to the SunSystems Reporting Services group Adding users to the SunSys-
tems Reporting Service group
on page 45
Synchronize the business unit data models in Report Synchronizing report models on
Models page 46
Migrate reports Migrating reports on page 46
Switch off compatibility view and restart your web
Review log files for installation errors. Log files are found
at ProgramData\Infor\SunSystems\Logs
If you cannot browse to this location, then in Windows
Explorer, select Organize > Folder and Search Options
> View and select Show hidden files, folders, and
Restrict SecurityWeb permissions Restricting SecurityWeb server
permissions on page 47

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 42

Post-installation tasks

✔ Task References
Set the recommended memory allocation, where Mi- Allocating memory for Microsoft
crosoft SQL Server and SQL Server Reporting Services SQL Server and SSRS on page
(SSRS) are on the same server 47
Configure Microsoft SQL Server memory options Configuring Microsoft SQL
server memory options on page
Add load balancing Adding load balancing on page
Adding a load balancer to the
application tier on page 48
Adding a load balancer to the
web tier on page 48
Add Secure Sockets Adding Secure Sockets on page
Install SunSystems Windows clients Installing SunSystems Windows
clients on page 35
Open SunSystems in a web browser, for example,
If you have set up SSL in IIS and DeployManager, then
use https://<FQDN>/sunsystems
Note: All URLs are accessible through the SunSystems
URL. For example:
• Security Users SEU
• Connect Portal SCP

Download and install additional languages Installing languages on page 49

Language installation tasks on
page 49
Installing a language pack on
page 50
Amending the base language
on page 50
Specifying a language for a user
on page 51

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 43

Post-installation tasks

✔ Task References
For public facing web deployment you must secure the
SunSystems web endpoint with a certificate. The public
facing firewall must only be accessible through port 443.
We recommend that the Windows environment for the
web server must be hardened to prevent https access
by any connections using protocols lower that TLS 1.2.
See https://www.cisecurity.org/ for details of
how to security harden your system.
Configure SunSystems Help so it is accessible from Configuring SunSystems help
Navigator on page 51
If applicable, install the latest SunSystems patch sets.
You can download the latest SunSystems 6.4 patch set
from http://support.infor.com.
Investigate integrating SunSystems with the Infor OS
platform. SunSystems integrates with the Infor OS Plat-
form formally known as Infor Ming.le, ION, IFS, EAM.
See Infor OS document, on http://support.infor.com.

Serializing SunSystems
Serialize SunSystems. Run the serialization file on all application servers, ensuring that all business
units groups are selected.
Note: You must include your SunSystems user as a member of the Trusted Service Group.

Migrating users and groups

Caution: Do not switch off standard authentication in User Manager or Security Console unless you
have a user with access to User Manager. The user must be a Windows authenticated user who has
an administrator role.

If pre-configured data (PK1) has been installed, use SunSystems User Migration Wizard to import the
pre-configured users and groups:
1 Open SunSystems.
2 Select SunSystems Tools > Migration > SunSystems User Migration.
3 Select Operator ID if you require a three digit SunSystems login.
Alternatively, create your own Users and Groups. See the User Manager help in the online help.

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 44

Post-installation tasks

Adding services to the Trusted Service group

The SunSystemsServices group is used to grant access to the SunSystems database during installation.
It is set as the default group for Trusted Service.
After installation has completed, SunSystems can use a separate Windows group for Trusted Service.
This enhances the security of your system by separating the trusted services permissions from database
access permissions. In order to use a separate group for Trusted Service, the group must be set up
in Windows and configured with the appropriate permissions and Windows user accounts for each
Note: You do not have to have a separate Windows group configured specifically for Trusted Service;
by default the system will use the same Windows group you selected for SunSystemsServices to obtain
the required permissions.
Adding services to the Trusted Service group:
1 Open Active Directory.
2 Select Users and Computers.
3 Create the global group TrustedService.
4 Add the Windows accounts.
5 Open SunSystems navigator.
6 Select Security Settings (SES) > Security Service.
7 Specify this information:
Trusted Service Group
Specify the relevant Windows group name.

8 Alternatively, specify the Trusted Service Group in User Manager. Select Settings > SunSystems
> Trusted Service Group.

Adding users to the SunSystems Reporting Service

Only users requiring administrative access to SRS need to be added to the SunSystems Reporting
Administrators group.
Note: Preconfigured (PK1) data must be installed.
Note: You must make a note of which users have the SunSystems Reporting Model Managers role,
and which users have the Reporting Administrator role. This information is required for subsequent
steps in the post-installation checklist.
To add a user to the SunSystems Reporting Services group:
1 Log into User Manager as an administrator.
2 Select Groups.
3 Browse to the PK1 group and select Edit > Edit Group....

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 45

Post-installation tasks

4 Select Function Permissions > Select All > Apply.

5 Select Action Permissions > Add.
6 Specify PK1 and click OK > OK > Apply > OK.
7 Select Users.
8 Browse to a user that requires SRS group membership, for example, PK1, and select Edit > Edit
9 Click Change....
10 Browse to SunSystems Reporting and select the functions required.
11 Click OK > Apply.
This applies the changed group membership.

Synchronizing report models

You must create a report model for each business unit.
Synchronize the report models:
1 Log into SunSystems as a user who is a Report Model Manager..
2 Select Report Models (RMD).
You can select multiple business units.
3 Select a business unit and click Synchronize > Yes.
On successful completion, the status is updated to Synchronized.

Migrating reports
A migration report is generated after the report migration has completed. Reports that fail migration
must be opened, corrected and redeployed in Report Designer.
To migrate a report:
1 Log into SunSystems as a user who is a SunSystems Reporting Administrator.
2 Select Report Manager (RMA).
3 Select Tools > Migrate Reports.
4 Click Yes.

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 46

Post-installation tasks

Restricting SecurityWeb server permissions

During the installation, the access permissions to the SecurityWeb folder are full rights for Everyone.
After the installation is complete, you should manually restrict access
Note: For Windows 2012, go directly to step 3.
1 Open IIS Security..
2 Switch the Anonymous User setting for the SecurityWeb website to the App Role account.
3 Restrict permissions to the SecurityWeb folder to Full control for the Security App role account.
4 Apply any other restrictions appropriate to your installation.
5 Grant Modify folder permissions to the SecurityWeb folder for local account IIS

Allocating memory for Microsoft SQL Server and SSRS

If the Microsoft SQL Server databases and Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) are
installed on the same server, we recommend that minimum and maximum memory allocations for
SSRS are specified. The settings are stored in the RSReportServer.config file.
The setting for WorkingSetMaximum must be appropriate for SSRS. This depends on the hardware
RAM available. Sufficient RAM must be provided for the operating system and SQL Server database
server. The memory for Microsoft SQL Server must never be expended; the minimum amount of
memory reserved for SQL Server is 1GB. The setting for WorkingSetMinimum must also be set
We recommend that the maximum memory for Microsoft SQL Server database server is specified. See
Configuring Microsoft SQL server memory options on page 48.
1 Open the RSReportServer.config file.
This is usually found at Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS13.MSSQLSERVER\
Reporting Services\ReportServer
2 Add or update these settings:


3 Save your changes and close the file.

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 47

Post-installation tasks

Configuring Microsoft SQL server memory options

Use the two server memory options, min server memory and max server memory, to reconfigure
the amount of memory (in megabytes) managed by the SQL Server Memory Manager for an instance
of SQL Server. By default, SQL Server can change its memory requirements dynamically based on
available system resources.
Note: Use the default settings to enable the memory requirements to be changed dynamically by SQL
Server, based on the system resources available. The default setting for min server memory is 0,
and the default setting for max server memory is 2147483647 megabytes (MB).
To specify a fixed amount of memory:
1 In Object Explorer, right-click a server and select Properties.
2 Click the Memory node.
3 Specify an amount for Minimum server memory and Maximum server memory, under Server
Memory Options.

Adding load balancing

If you have more than one server in the application tier, you must load balance the application tier. If
you have more than one server in the web tier, you must load balance the web tier.
See the SunSystems Architecture and Planning Guide for information on scaling out SunSystems.

Adding a load balancer to the application tier

To add load balancing to the application tier:
1 Open DeployManager.
2 Include the application load balancer in the deployment plan.
3 Save the configuration.
4 Run DeployAgent consecutively on each application server.
Note: Do not run DeployAgent on multiple servers simultaneously.
5 Run SwitchSecurity on the reporting tier.
6 Specify the name of the application tier load balancer for the security service.

Adding a load balancer to the web tier

To add a load balancer to the web tier:

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 48

Post-installation tasks

1 Open DeployManager.
2 Include the web load balancer in the deployment plan.
3 Save the configuration.
4 Run DeployAgent consecutively on each web server.

Caution: Do not run DeployAgent on multiple servers simultaneously.

Adding Secure Sockets

If SunSystems is outward facing, it must be secured with a certificate.
Secure Sockets (SSL) can be implemented in the load balancer, or in IIS.
See Appendix J for an example.
1 Create a certificate request in IIS, on the web server, and send it to the certificate provider.
2 Complete the certificate request in IIS, after you receive the certificate from the provider. This must
be completed on the same server on which the certificate request was created.
3 Open IIS Manager.
4 Select Sites > SunSystems Applications > Bindings.
5 Add a site binding of type https on port 443. Select the SSL certificate you installed.
6 Open DeployManager.
7 Amend the deployment plan to use the new HTTPS site binding for SunSystems.
8 Save your changes.
9 Run DeployAgent consecutively on each server in your implementation. This applies the change
to your system.

Installing languages
The SunSystems installation sets the base language to 1, which means SunSystems is installed as
English-only. Other languages must be installed using the Language Deployer after the installation has
completed. Ensure the language required is available for deployment.
Note: SunSystems can support up to 99 language versions; the base language and 98 additional

Language installation tasks

Complete the tasks in the language installation checklist:

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 49

Post-installation tasks

Status Task References

Install a language using the rel- Installing a language pack
evant Language Pack
Amend the base language and Amending the base language
update the base language de- on page 50
Specify a language for each Specifying a language for a user
user in User Manager on page 51

Installing a language pack

Language packs are available for download from the Infor Support Portal. Select a language pack
relevant to your SunSystems v6.4 patch set.
A language pack contains instructions to add or remove additional languages to a SunSystems
installation. Refer to the Installation note in the language pack for instructions on how to install your
specific language. The language must be included in the serialization details.
Use Microsoft SQL Server Command Line Utilities to run the language deployer. This is normally found
at ENU\x64\MsSqlCmdLnUtils.msi, or run bcp.exe. The utilities are included in Client Tools
Connectivity/Client Tools SDK features in the Microsoft SQL Server Installer.
Note: If you have multiple versions of SQL Server installed, then the most recently installed version of
bcp.exe must be listed first in the PATH environment variable. An incorrectly ordered variable may
result in the error message BCP.exe version is too low while running Language Deployer. To
check that the PATH variable is correctly ordered, run bcp -v from a command prompt.

Amending the base language

1 Open SunSystems navigator.
2 Select Business Unit Administration (BUA).
3 Select a business unit or business unit group to amend.
Note: All business units in the business unit group must be offline.
4 Select Actions > Advanced > Amend a Base Language.
5 Complete this information:
Business Unit Group
Automatically populated with the selected business unit group.

Business Unit Code

Automatically populated with the selected business unit.

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 50

Post-installation tasks

Language Code
Select a language from one of the installed languages.

Update System Text

Select Yes to update system text using the language defined for each Business Unit. Existing text
will be overwritten. The default value is No.

6 Click OK.
7 Ensure these columns contain the correct language:
8 Repeat for each business unit group.

Specifying a language for a user

1 Open SunSystems navigator.
2 Select User Manager.
3 Select Edit User... > Operator.
4 Click Language to select a language.
5 Click OK.

Configuring SunSystems help

You can access SunSystems help from the cloud, or install it on a local server.
By default SunSystems links to cloud help. To access the help contents directly, open https://
docs.infor.com and select Enterprise Financial Management > Infor SunSystems
Note: To access SunSystems online help, you must clear the Block pop-up windows option in the
security settings of your browser.
To ensure context sensitivity works with cloud help, select Configuration Manager (CGM) >
SunSystems Help, click Edit and select Cloud as the Service Priority. All SunSystems sessions
must be closed and all users logged out before running Restart Services.

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 51

Post-installation tasks

To install and configure local help files:

1 Log into SunSystems as a user who is a member of the Configuration Administrator's group in
User Manager.
2 Select Configuration Manager (CGM).
3 Click Online Help and click Edit.
4 Specify this information:
Service Priority
Specify Local.

5 Save your change.

6 Ensure all user sessions are closed and all users are logged out.
7 Run Restart Services.
8 Download the SunSystems 6.4 help files zip from http://support.infor.com and open KB 1859777.
9 Copy the file to the SunSystems web tier.
Unzip the file at Program Files\Infor\SunSystems\HelpContent\.

Changing the configuration service account

You must run these netsh commands if you change the configuration service account after installing
1 Run the command to display the current configuration service account:
netsh http show urlacl
2 Run the command to delete the current account. This must be done before you set the new service
netsh http delete urlacl url=http://+:40003/sunsystems-configuration-api/
3 Run the command to set the new service account:
netsh http add urlacl url=http://+:40003/sunsystems-configuration-api/
where DOMAIN\user is the new service account.
4 Add the new service account to the SunSystemsServices domain group

Managing users and sessions

Many administrative tasks, for example, restarting the SunSystems services, require you to log out all
users and to close all sessions.
To log out all users and close all sessions:

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 52

Post-installation tasks

1 Log into User Manager as the SunSystems Administrator

2 Select Settings > SunSystems > Operator Activity
3 Select an operator and click Clear.
The maximum number of sessions that a single user can open is nine. The maximum number of
sessions that can be open at one time is 150. Setting a restriction prevents the limits of system resources
being reached.
To view or maintain the total number of open sessions:
1 Log into SunSystems Web as a user who is a member of the SunSystems Administrators group.
2 Open the Security User Activity (SEC) function.

Increasing the SunSystems Web connections limit

There is a default limit to the number of SunSystems Web connections that can be made to a
SunSystems Web server. This limit is set per web server.
Log into SunSystems as a user who is member of the Configuration Administrators group. Choose
function Configuration Manager (CGM). Select Application > Session Settings, and click Edit.
Note: Due to an issue with IE11, you may not be able to see the Edit icon. However, it is there and
can be clicked.
Set Max Allowed Global Sessions to 250, which is the maximum setting.
The restriction in Tomcat of 200 sessions was removed by patch set 5. If this patch has not been
applied, then the change can be applied manually:
1 Open \Program Files\Infor\SunSystems\SunSystemsWeb\tomcat\conf\server.xml
using a file editor such as Notepad++.
2 Replace this text:<Connector with <Connector maxThreads="550"
This results in a Tomcat Connector configuration line similar to:
<Connector maxThreads=”550” port="9080" protocol="org.apache.coy
ote.http11.Http11NioProtocol" connectionTimeout="20000" redirectPort="9443"
compression="2048" compressableMimeType="text/html,text/xml,text/css,appli

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 53

Requirements and planning

Chapter 5: Requirements and planning

The hardware and software requirements for running SunSystems vary depending on the type of
deployment that you choose, that is, stand-alone, two-tier installation, or three-tier installation.
See the SunSystems Architecture and Planning Guide for an overview of the architecture and planning
considerations for the deployment of the software.
The requirements in this section should be regarded as the minimum for the type of deployment that
you choose. If you are installing other software on the same computer(s) as SunSystems, you may
need to increase the minimum requirements. Careful consideration must be given to your current
requirements and hardware capacity. These are the main factors to consider:
• Transaction and event volume
• The number of primary system users
• The number of secondary users, that is, those who might find the information on the system useful
as a source of information
• The location of the application users
• The volume of the local area network and whether it is related to the application.
If other applications share the network, any performance improvements to other application could affect
the network.
Projections should be made to predict your future requirements. Expansion in any of the previously
listed factors might have a detrimental effect on the performance of the system. For sizing advice,
contact your regional office.

Software requirements
These tables list the recommended operating systems to use:


Layer Windows version Microsoft SQL Server version

All Windows Server 2019, Win- Microsoft SQL Server 2019,
dows Server 2016, Windows 10 2017 or 2016 Database Server,
and Reporting Services.
(Standard Edition or above).

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 54

Requirements and planning


Layer Windows version Microsoft SQL Server version

Client Windows 10
Application and database Windows Server 2019 or 2016 Microsoft SQL Server 2019,
(Standard or Datacenter) 2017 or 2016 Database Server,
and Reporting Services.
(Standard Edition or above).


Layer Windows version Microsoft SQL Server version

Client Windows 10
Application Windows Server 2019 or 2016
(Standard or Datacenter)
Database Windows Server 2019 or 2016 Microsoft SQL Server 2019,
(Standard or Datacenter) 2017 or 2016 Database Server,
and Reporting Services.
(Standard Edition or above).

RDBMS support
SunSystems version 6.4 is supported with these relational databases:
• Microsoft SQL Server 2019
• Microsoft SQL Server 2017
• Microsoft SQL Server 2016.
Before upgrading to a new Microsoft SQL Server service pack, contact your regional support
representative to check your support status.
Note: Binary sort order is mandatory.

Clustered databases
If you intend to use database server clustering, check that the shared disk array installation, configuration
and verification steps have been completed before you attempt to install SunSystems.
Check that Windows Cluster Services has been installed and configured on each database server or
Note: In the event of a failover, SunSystems automatically reconnects to SQL Server. This means that
SunSystems services do not need to be restarted. Users do not need to log out and log back in but
they must close then re-open any open menu functions.

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 55

Creating a secure installation

Chapter 6: Creating a secure installation

This chapter details the security requirements for configuring and running SunSystems, and describes
the security issues in terms of database security and SunSystems application security. Recommendations
are given on security settings for all Windows operating systems and database servers; issues such
as file system and registry security are also covered.

Requirements for a secure environment

To create a secure environment, you must review these requirements:
• Security model
• SunSystems Connect (SSC) security
• Microsoft SQL Server security
• Microsoft SQL Server service accounts
• Citrix XenApp
• Deployment
• Load Balancing.

Security model
SunSystems can be configured to use two different authentication methods. The simplest requires the
user to enter their credentials upon accessing SunSystems. If Windows authentication is required, with
the correct configuration SunSystems obtains the Windows account credentials and uses these to log
the user on to SunSystems. To define the ID of the user while using the application, mapping is required,
but no further login requests are made.

SunSystems Connect (SSC) security

SunSystems Connect provides web services that are accessible from anywhere using standard SOAP
messaging. Historically, credentials were provided in the SOAP message itself, a relatively insecure
way of submission because they could be intercepted.

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 56

Creating a secure installation

To submit a SOAP request, the SunSystems security service issues vouchers to authenticated users.
These vouchers are exchanged using industry standard public/private key exchange algorithms using
the highest level of encryption available on the operating systems negotiating transfer. A client-side
library is required to make these requests, and is provided for the Java programming environments
and Microsoft programming environments.
See SunSystems Connect online help and the SunSystems Connect Implementation Guide.

Microsoft SQL Server security

Microsoft SQL Server can operate in one of two security or authentication modes, depending on the
chosen installation:
• Windows Authentication Mode (Windows Authentication)
• Mixed Mode (Windows Authentication and SQL Server Authentication).
Mixed Mode allows users to connect using Windows Authentication or SQL Server Authentication.
Users who connect through a Windows user account can make use of trusted connections, that is,
connections that are validated by Windows, in either Windows Authentication Mode or Mixed Mode.
After successful connection to SQL Server, the security mechanism is the same for both modes.
Security systems that are based on SQL Server logins and passwords (SQL Server Authentication)
might be easier to manage than security systems that are based on Windows user and group accounts.
This is especially true for databases that are not mission-critical and applications without sensitive and
confidential information.
For example, a single SQL Server login and password can be created for all users of an application,
rather than creating all the necessary Windows user and group accounts. However, this removes the
ability to track and control the activities of individual users and is therefore not recommended for
SunSystems applications.
Windows Authentication has certain benefits over SQL Server Authentication, primarily because of its
integration with the Windows security system. Windows security provides more features, such as secure
validation and encryption of passwords, auditing, password expiration, minimum password length, and
account lockout after multiple invalid login requests.

Microsoft SQL Server service accounts

Depending on the Microsoft SQL Server components that you choose to install, SQL Server installs a
variety of services. For the purpose of SunSystems security, the key service is the SQL Server database
service called MSSQLSERVER, or MSSQL$<instancename> if it is a named instance.
Many server-to-server activities can be performed only with a domain user account. This means that
you should use a domain user account on this service.
All domain user accounts must have permission to:
• Access and change the SQL Server directory (\Mssql)

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 57

Creating a secure installation

• Access and change the .mdf, .ndf, and .ldf database files, regardless of location
• Log-on as a service right
• Read and write registry keys at and under these locations:
• HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\MSSQLServer
• HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\MSSQLServer
• HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion\Perflib

For more information about other specific functionality, refer to your SQL Server documentation, in
particular Books Online.

Citrix XenApp
The SunSystems Windows services must not be set up to run under a local system account, because
the system account performs network operations and has privileges that are not applicable for all users.
To secure the file system, use the SUBINACL utility. This is provided by Microsoft to secure the file
system. Next, grant permissions to the SunSystems directories that are specified in the File Permissions
and Ownership subsection.
In addition to using standard Windows security features and practices, access to Citrix servers can be
restricted in several ways:
• SunSystems can be utilized as a published application. This implies that all users on a specific
connection type can be restricted to running published applications. Published Application Manager
allows you to restrict an application to specified users or groups of users (explicit user access only).
• Internet firewalls are supported by Citrix XenApp server to restrict Internet access to the XenApp
• Users are required to enter a user name and password to run an application (explicit user access
• It is recommended by Citrix that your website is disassociated from your production system, or you
restrict external access. Any system accessible through the Internet facilitates unauthorized access
to your production site and is a security risk. Therefore, your web server must be installed on a
separate network loop outside the firewall, unless you plan to use it with a secure intranet.
• SunSystems does not support anonymous user access by Citrix. SunSystems allows only the
domain users to log on to SunSystems who are members of the clients group, for example,

Citrix XenApp - Publishing applications

Anonymous user access is not supported by SunSystems. This ensures that access to SunSystems
is restricted to domain users only.
To use SunSystems as a published application, domain users must be members of the
SunSystemsClients group.
Note: Hot Keys are supported by SunSystems. For information about using the published application
Hot Keys, refer to Citrix documentation.

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 58

Creating a secure installation

Citrix XenApp - Configuring folder and registry permissions

In SunSystems, all users are granted full control of the ProgramData\Infor\SunSystems folder.
If SunSystems online Citrix XenApp is published with domain user access, complete these steps:
1 Give 'write' access to the SunSystemsClients group where reports are located, if they are outside
of SunSystems folder hierarchy.
2 Transfer desk creates files when running exports. The systems administrator must configure 'write'
access to the SunSystemsClients group for this location.

Deployment suggestions
Consider having a separate partition for user data. In the event of a full partition, storing user data,
system files and print queues in the same partition prevents users from printing and may cause
SunSystems to become unstable. Storing user data in a separate directory generates an 'out-of-space'
error instead.

Control access through groups

The administrator should create local applications groups or global applications groups, assign those
groups the rights necessary to run the SunSystems application, and add global groups to them that
contain the users who require access to the application.
The SunSystems administrator must create a local or global application group. These groups must be
assigned the rights required to run SunSystems. Users that require access to SunSystems must belong
to this group.

Registry security
A security policy must be setup and assigned to the SunSystems Group. Audit the system to ensure
that SunSystems users have the minimum access permissions required to run the software.

CPU optimization and SunSystems

CPU optimization is recommended for a SunSystems deployment on Citrix XenApp. It normalizes the
use of server resources by 'smoothing' out the peaks of CPU usage by each user. Approximately 20
percent of server CPU is reserved for automatic optimization by Citrix XenApp. This means that no
single session controls the majority of CPU processing. When CPU power is borrowed from idle or
inactive sessions, it can be reallocated when that session becomes active again. Invoking CPU
optimization is beneficial, and should not have any noticeable negative effect.
CPU optimization is recommended for a SunSystems deployment on Citrix XenApp.

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 59

Creating a secure installation

Memory optimization and SunSystems

SpeedScreen technology is designed to optimize the graphics-based applications on Citrix, such as
3D graphics. However, this technology also optimizes the use of the network bandwidth. We recommend
that the SpeedScreen setting is switched on in the SunSystems deployment on Citrix XenApp.

Additional scalability recommendations

Note: If you are using XenApp 7.9, only web connection is supported. This means the ICA connection
is not supported.
• Disable Virtual Channels in the Citrix ICA session
• Profile Considerations: Roaming profiles with folder redirection could lead to performance loss if
not implemented with care
• Logically group servers and applications in the farm into two or more Load Managed Groups (LMG)
• Network Performance: Match speed and duplex settings for 10/100 Mbps connection. Autosense
for 1000 Mbps connection.

Citrix web client and SunSystems

Citrix XenApp 6.5 uses Citrix Web Interface to connect to published applications, so Citrix client is not
required. SunSystems can be used with the Citrix Web Interface client. To do this, point your browser
to the Web Interface URL of your Citrix server, specified as:
http(s)://<servername>:<port number>/Citrix/AccessPlatform/site/default.aspx

About Load Balancing

Active / Passive Arrangements
SunSystems 6.4 deployments are designed to be highly resilient in the event of both node and service
level failure, whilst continuing to make the most of the remaining available resources under these
scenarios. Any individual service of a SunSystems node should be able to fail independently while
enabling remaining components to stay within the available deployment.
ARR-managed tiers for SunSystems, i.e. web and app tiers, only include active nodes. These nodes
source traffic between each other, as well as from the tier entry point on the load balancer.
Note: All aspects of affinity and weighting are managed by the ARR deployment. This means that any
active/passive arrangement cannot be controlled at the load balancer.
If 'reserve' hardware is required, then this should be included in the Deployment Manager model and
all services, or even nodes, should be switched off to act as if under failure. When started, these
resources are actively included into the available deployment.

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 60

Creating a secure installation

Traffic Encryption
TLS 1.2 encryption over all HTTP endpoints is supported by SunSystems. The support is provided at
a 'between tiers' level. This means that all traffic crossing between client and web tiers, or web and
app tiers will be encrypted.
Encryption 'within tiers' is not currently supported by SunSystems. Encryption 'within tiers' is defined
as traffic between nodes of the same type and ensures service level resilience within the tier. This type
of traffic uses a mix of HTTPS and HTTP for those services not directly hosted within IIS. A complete
'within tiers' level of encryption incurs a performance penalty from additional proxying and should not
be required if a 'private subnetwork' model is used for each tier, as is the approach generally used.
All network tiers must be installed using a 'private subnetwork' model where nodes are installed alone
in an IP subnetwork. The network switch should prevent any 'sniffing' from external clients. SunSystems
may also be deployed using a VPN tunnel to create a virtual 'private subnetwork' to prevent any traffic
The Application server and Security Services for SunSystems utilize TCP endpoints which are not
encrypted. In a web only deployment, these services are not externally exposed and where Desktop
Clients are available, they should access the endpoints through the Desktop Services tier, using a VPN
access. Third party encryption services, or a VPN, can be used with all SunSystems TCP endpoints
to add additional security.

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 61

Database Utilities

Chapter 7: Database Utilities

SunSystems database administration is implemented through Database Utilities, which is a separate

A subset of the database administration functions is available from Business Unit Administration (BUA)
in SunSystems.
The functions included in Database Utilities are grouped into sections:

Function type Description

Create Use these functions to create a new domain
database, security database, or new or pre-con-
figured business unit group
Upgrade Use these functions as part of the upgrade pro-
cess including pre-upgrade system checks
Domain DB Use these functions to maintain the domain
SunSystems DB Use these functions to maintain business unit
Security DB Use these functions to maintain the security
Form Actions Use these functions to maintain forms

Updating Database Utilities from the Infor Support

Database Utilities is provided with the SunSystems ISO or the DVD. However, you must download the
latest version from Infor Support Portal before running the upgrade or performing any activity on a
SunSystems database. Search for KB2001312 in the Infor Support Portal.

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 62

Database Utilities

Accessing Database utilities from the ISO

You can access Database Utilities from the ISO. Run the SunSystems ISO by clicking setup.hta
and select Install/Configure Database.
Alternatively, browse to the \Sqlserver DatabaseUtilities\ folder and run DBUTILITY.exe.

Accessing Database utilities from the DVD

You can access Database Utilities from the DVD. Browse the DVD to the \SqlServer Database
Utilities\ folder and run DBUTILITY.exe.

A new SunSystems Domain database
Create a new domain SunSystems on the local machine.
Select SunSystems Database Utilities > Create > A new SunSystems Domain database.
You can use this utility to install the domain database on a different server to the one containing the
SunSystems databases. Both servers must belong to the same domain.
All SunSystems databases must be registered in the domain database. For a new installation, this
requires the domain database to be created before or simultaneously with other SunSystems databases.
This utility uses a subset of the steps for a full installation.

A new SunSystems business unit group

Create a new business unit group on the local machine.
Select SunSystems Database Utilities > Create > A new SunSystems Business Unit Group.
Select this utility to create a live, store or archive business unit group.
You can also use this utility to create a business unit group on a server remote from the application
servers. The servers must belong to the same SunSystems domain.
Note: To run this utility remotely, ensure that your local machine has Microsoft SQL Server Tools
installed. This utility uses SQL Server client connectivity components, specifically bcp.exe, to connect
to the SQL Server instance on the remote machine and it will fail if these have not been installed.
The business unit group is registered in the SunSystems domain database. If the domain database
does not exist, then it is created on the local machine, after which the business unit group is registered.

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 63

Database Utilities

Registering a second business unit group automatically converts the domain to a multiple database
This option uses a subset of the steps used in a full installation.

A new SunSystems Security database

Create a new SunSystems security database.
Select SunSystems Database Utilities > Create > A new SunSystems Security database.
This option uses a subset of the steps used in a full installation.

A pre-configured SunSystems business unit group

Create the PK1 business unit group, containing multiple business units with the same data but different
collations. See Migrating users and groups on page 44, and Adding users to the SunSystems Reporting
Service group on page 45.
Select SunSystems Database Utilities > Create > A pre-configured SunSystems Business Unit
Note: You can only create a pre-configured business unit group on the local machine. This utility will
not create a database locally.
You can also use this utility to create a business unit group on the local server, if it is remote from the
application servers. The servers must belong to the same SunSystems domain.
The business unit group is registered in the SunSystems domain database. If the domain database
does not exist, then it is created on the local machine, after which the business unit group is registered.
If the domain database already contains a PK1 business unit, then registration for the business unit
group fails. Business units in a SunSystems domain must be unique.
Registering a second business unit group automatically converts the domain to a multiple database
This option uses a subset of the steps used in a full installation.

Pre-upgrade check
Run on each SunSystems business unit group to identify outstanding transactions.
Select SunSystems Database Utilities > Upgrade > Pre-Upgrade Check.
This check must be run before performing an upgrade. If it returns outstanding transaction entries then
the upgrade is prevented from progressing.
Included in the check are tests for:

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 64

Database Utilities

• all help journals cleared down

• the Recover Failed Postings function (REP) is empty
• the ledger import queue is empty
• the data audit is empty.

Remove work tables

Run on a business unit group to remove all work tables.
Select SunSystems Database Utilities > Upgrade > Remove work tables.
The stored procedure, SSP_DROP_WORK_TABLESPre-upgrade is run, removing all temporary work
tables from the database. This improves the performance of the upgrading business units during the
Work tables older than a month are deleted. You can amend the parameters so that all work tables
are deleted.

A SunSystems Security database

Caution: The automated database upgrade process affects standard SunSystems tables only. It
does not affect any non-standard tables created separately to SunSystems.

Upgrades the security database.

Select SunSystems Database Utilities > Upgrade > A SunSystems Security database.
You must review and resolve any issues reported.
These automated tasks are run by the setup program:
• Security: Object existence checks
• Security: Add logins to SQL Server
• Security: Configure database access - SunSystemsSecurity
• Security: Upgrade schema SECUPGRADE621-630.INI
• Security: Update procedures
• Security: Update language metadata
Caution: Scroll through the upgrade screen to ensure that you identify any issues which do not stop
the upgrade but produce a log file. If any issues are reported, you must restore the security database.
The issues must be resolved and the upgrade process restarted from the beginning, including the

A SunSystems Domain database

Caution: The automated database upgrade process affects standard SunSystems tables only. It
does not affect any non-standard tables created separately to SunSystems.

Upgrades the domain database.

Select SunSystems Database Utilities > Upgrade > A SunSystems Domain database.

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 65

Database Utilities

You must review and resolve any issues reported.

These automated tasks are run by the setup program:
• Domain: Add logins to SQL Server
• Domain: Prepare database access
• Domain: Object existence checks
• Domain: PreCheck DB integrity
• Domain: Upgrade schema DOMUPGRADE621-630.INI
• Domain: Data/Index file group check
• Domain: Update metadata
• Domain: Remove old dictionary tables
• Domain: Rename data dictionary tables
• Domain: Drop old constraints
• Domain: Create new dictionary tables
• Domain: Add data dictionary constraints
• Domain: Load data dictionary tables
• Domain: Install language metadata
• Domain: Update base language metadata
• Domain: Update language metadata
• Domain: Load data dictionary language tables
• Domain: Copy forward third party data
• Domain: Add data dictionary indexes
• Domain: Remove old dictionary tables
• Domain: Disable SSC hierarchy node
• Domain: Create generated data dictionary
• Domain: Generated menu
• Domain: Create DOMN_GEN_DATA triggers
• Domain: Remove data from difference tables
• Domain: Load data to difference tables
• Domain: Refresh difference tables’ version
• Domain: Apply post upgrade scripts
• Domain: Filter FDD selection
• Domain: Finalise database
• Domain: Forms load
• Domain: Delete previous patch history
• Domain: Enable Broker
• Domain: Post upgrade DB integrity check
Caution: Scroll through the upgrade screen to ensure that you identify any issues which do not stop
the upgrade but produce a log file. If any issues are reported, you must restore the security database.
The issues must be resolved and the upgrade process restarted from the beginning, including the

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 66

Database Utilities

A SunSystems Domain database forcing all scripts to be reapplied

Caution: The automated database upgrade process affects standard SunSystems tables only. It
does not affect any non-standard tables created separately to SunSystems.

Upgrades the domain database and forces all scripts to be applied to the database whether they have
changed or not.
Select SunSystems Database Utilities > Upgrade > A SunSystems Domain database forcing all
scripts to be reapplied.
This utility takes longer to complete than A SunSystems Domain database and must only be used
by an experienced SunSystems installer, or under instruction from Infor Support.

A SunSystems business unit group

Caution: The automated database upgrade process affects standard SunSystems tables only. It
does not affect any non-standard tables created separately to SunSystems.

Upgrade one or more business unit groups.

To open this utility, select SunSystems Database UtilitiesUpgradeA SunSystems Business Unit
These automated tasks are run by the setup program, for each business unit group:
• SunSystems: Object existence checks
• SunSystems: Create missing financial only BU table
• SunSystems: Pre-Upgrade checks
• Remove audit triggers
• Remove integration triggers
• Remove balance triggers
• SunSystems: Create GS views to domain tables
• SunSystems: Create SUN views to domain tables
• SunSystems: Upgrade database ‘SYSUPGRADE621-630.INI’
• SunSystems: Upgrade database ‘BUSUPGRADE621-630.INI’
• SunSystems: Update database, apply ‘SYSUPDATE.INI’
• SunSystems: Update database, apply ‘BUSUPDATE.INI’
• SunSystems: Load integration data
• SunSystems: Add ‘BUGROUP2’ to domain
• SunSystems: Update system base language
• SunSystems: Update business unit base language
• Post upgrade system tasks
• Post upgrade BU tasks
• Business rules check
• Drill to investigate
• SunSystems: Add logins to SQL Server
• SunSystems: Configure database access
• SunSystems: Create GS views to domain tables

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 67

Database Utilities

• Post upgrade DB integrity check

• Add audit triggers
• Reapply integration triggers
• Reapply balance triggers
• SunSystems: Delete previous patch history
• SunSystems: Finalise database
• SunSystems: Configure database access
• SunSystems: Create GS views to domain tables
• Post upgrade DB integrity check
• Add audit triggers
• Reapply integration triggers
• Reapply balance triggers
• SunSystems: Delete previous patch history
• SunSystems: Finalise database
• SunSystems: Configure multi database flag
Note: During the upgrade of a SunSystems version older than v6.2.1, a section of the business unit
upgrade script splits out data from one table, ZZZ_SSRFMSC, where ZZZ is the business unit code,
to multiple new tables, for example, ZZZ_LDG_DEFN. On completion, the data from the ZZZ_SSRFMSC
table will be retained in the ZZZ_SSRFMSC_SAVE table.
Caution: Scroll through the upgrade screen to ensure that you identify any issues which do not stop
the upgrade but produce a log file. If any issues are reported, you must restore the security database.
The issues must be resolved and the upgrade process restarted from the beginning, including the

A SunSystems business unit group forcing all scripts to be reapplied

Caution: The automated database upgrade process affects standard SunSystems tables only. It
does not affect any non-standard tables created separately to SunSystems.

Upgrades one or more business unit groups and forces all scripts to be applied to the database whether
they have changed or not.
To open this utility, select SunSystems Database Utilities > Upgrade > A SunSystems Business
Unit Group forcing all scripts to be reapplied.
This utility takes longer to complete than A SunSystems Business Unit Group and must only be
used by an experienced SunSystems installer, or under instruction from Infor Support.

Custom forms
Upgrade your custom forms after the database upgrade has completed.
Select SunSystems Database Utilities > Upgrade > Custom forms.
• SunSystems client is installed on the machine on which you are running the Upgrade Custom
Forms process.

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 68

Database Utilities

• If you are upgrading from SunSystems 6.1.1, then the pre-upgrade Custom forms are in the business
unit group.
Note: The custom forms upgrade procedure selects the appropriate custom forms for upgrade. This
means it does not upgrade filters and forms for functions removed from the new version.
Note: The manual amendment of forms should be completed by an application consultant, as each
form must be checked out and amended in Form Designer.
Note: It is likely that forms will need to be redesigned in order to utilize the Infor SoHo user interface.
Caution: A form may not be fully upgraded if it contains a field associated with any of these functions:
• BCS Budget Check Setup
• CAA Corporate Allocation Calendar
• CAD Corporate Allocation Setup
• CAR Corporate Allocation Ratios
• CAS Corporate Allocation Sources
• CAT Corporate Allocation Target
• DYB Daybook Setup
• FDU Asset Timing Rules
• FNL Financial Analysis Layouts
• FRH Financial Column Headings
• FSL Financial Statement Layouts
• FSR Statement Line Contents
• FTC Financial Table Columns Record
• FTF Financial Table Format Record
• FTR Financial Table Row Record
• JNP Journal Presets
• LEQ Ledger Sequences
• LES Ledger Setup
• TXD Tax Details
• PYP Payment Profiles.

Domain DB Utilities
These utilities perform functions on the domain database.
The options included are:
• Add a SunSystems business unit group to a SunSystems domain
• Remove a SunSystems business unit group from a SunSystems domain
• Recover business unit links
• Business unit groups parameter maintenance
• Query Database file groups
• Re-link all the SunSystems business unit groups to a SunSystems domain
• Load Difference tables
• Structural Integrity Check - Domain

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 69

Database Utilities

• Data Integrity Check - Domain

• Database Health Check.

Add a SunSystems business unit group to a SunSystems

This option enables you to add an existing business unit group to an existing domain.
To open this option, select SunSystems Database Utilities > Domain DB Utilities > Add a
SunSystems Business Unit Group to a SunSystems Domain.

Remove a SunSystems business unit group from a

SunSystems domain
Use this option to remove a SunSystems business unit group from a SunSystems domain and optionally
delete the database if it is held on the local machine.
To open this option, select SunSystems Database Utilities > Domain DB Utilities > Remove a
SunSystems Business Unit Group from a SunSystems Domain.

Caution: Removing a SunSystems database from a SunSystems domain deletes the server files.

If removal from the domain leaves only one registered business unit group, the domain automatically
reverts to a single database environment.

Caution: Removal of the only remaining business unit group in a SunSystems domain renders the
domain incomplete and in an unsupported state.

After selecting this option you must:

• specify whether the business unit group should be removed from the domain, or removed and
• specify the location for log files.
• select the domain datasource name in which the business unit group to be removed is registered,
and specify whether this uses integrated security.
• select the datasource name used for the business unit group to be removed and optionally deleted.
• confirm that the database and server instance details are correct.
• confirm that the domain and business unit group details are correct.

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 70

Database Utilities

Recover business unit links

This option runs the stored procedure SSP_REFRESH_BULINKS, which removes the existing business
unit link entries and recreates them based on the current DB_DEFN entries on the SunSystems business
unit group.
To use this option, select SunSystems Database Utilities > Domain DB Utilities > Recover Business
Unit Links.

Business unit groups parameter maintenance

This option provides facilities for the maintenance of parameters on existing SunSystems domain
databases and SunSystems business unit groups.
To use this option, select SunSystems Database Utilities > Domain DB Utilities > Business Unit
groups parameter maintenance > .

Query Database file groups

This option lists the filegroups currently referenced in the SQL_OBJ_REGISTRY table.
To open this option, select SunSystems Database Utilities > Domain DB Utilities > Query Database
file groups.

Re-link all the SunSystems business unit groups to a

SunSystems domain
This option re-links the existing SunSystems business unit groups to the existing SunSystems domain
database. Use it to move the SunSystems domain database and SunSystems business unit groups
from one server to another.
To open this option, select SunSystems Database Utilities > Domain DB Utilities > Re-link all the
SunSystems Business Unit Groups to a SunSystems Domain.

Load Difference tables

Use this option to reload the difference table in a specified SunSystems database with the data dictionary
differences from a previous version of SunSystems.
To use this option, select SunSystems Database Utilities > Domain DB Utilities > Load Difference

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 71

Database Utilities

This utility is required for a custom upgrade. Use it to create a SunSystems database, either from
scripts or by attaching a pre-configured database, and to upload the difference tables for the version
that you are upgrading from. You must specify the log file folder location and the domain database
information. A list of SunSystems databases that are in the domain database is displayed. Select the
required database and the version of the data to be loaded in the difference tables.
You have the option to run further database utilities.

Structural Integrity Check - Domain

This option performs a structural integrity check of all tables in the selected SunSystems domain
database. This is the same check that is performed as part of the upgrade process.
To run this option, select SunSystems Database Utilities > Domain DB Utilities > Structural Integrity
Check – Domain.

Data Integrity Check - Domain

This option performs a data integrity check of all tables in the selected SunSystems domain database.
To run this option, select SunSystems Database Utilities > Domain DB Utilities > Data Integrity
Check – Domain.

Database Health Check

You can use the Database Health Check to check settings, performance, maintenance and housekeeping
of the SunSystems databases and the instances that they reside on. See Database Health Check on
page 144 for a table showing which items are checked.
To use this option, select Database Utilities > Domain DB Utilities > Database Health Check.
You must select a valid domain name and a database name.
Note: The version of the domain database must match the version of the SunSystems installation.
Two options are included with the Database Health Check:
• Include database performance testing
Select this option to include performance testing. The results of the performance testing are retained
for a specified number of months. For example, if you want to keep track of database performance
over a period of time, specify Months to retain to indicate how many months the log files must
be kept. The minimum value specified is 0. The maximum value that can be specified is 24. The
default value is 6. This means the log files are kept for 6 months.
• Exclude database performance testing
The health check runs without any database performance testing.

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 72

Database Utilities

The log file DatabaseHealthCheck.log is generated in the ProgramData\Infor\SunSystems

\Logs\Install folder. The results are identified according to the type of observation made:
• Action - An action is required to resolve this status.
• Review - Further investigation is required to resolve this status.
• Information - Status information is provided but no action is required.
The generated log contains thorough and detailed information. It is expected to contain many rows.

Name Description Type / Importance

Database Size Total database size all data and Information
log files
Database Files Lists all files for this database Information
and their sizes
Database Files Growth Check all files have same file Review
growth settings
Database Owner Lists the owner of each SunSys- Information
tems database
Collation Check Best practice is the collation of Information
the database to match the colla-
tion of the instance
SunSystems version Details the version of each of Information
the SunSystems databases e.g.
SunSystems Patch Set version Details of the patch-set of each Information
of the SunSystems databases
e.g. S6 - PS - 01
Data Audit Rows Number of rows in the SS- Information
DA_STORE table
Data Audit Setup Number of rows in the SS- Information
DA_DDR table where AUDIT_
Database Recovery Model Details the recovery model op- Information
Page Verification Page Verification Not Optimal Action
for Database, SQL Server may
have a harder time recognizing
and recovering from storage
corruption. Consider using CHE
CKSUM instead. CHECKSUM is
the recommended setting

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 73

Database Utilities

Name Description Type / Importance

Database compatibility level The database compatibility level Action
must the highest supported by
the server product version. Indi-
cates that this is not the case
and should be changed
Database backups Check backups are being done. Action
Checks the date and time of the
last backup and reports is one
hasn’t been done in the last 7
Service Broker Enabled Checks that the Service Broker Action
is enabled for the Domain, Se-
curity and Landlord databases
to enable SQL Query Notifica-
tions when changes are made
in the database
Database file growth Percent grown is not best prac- Action / Review
tice, fixed growth is better. Ac-
tion if percent Review for fixed
to ensure growth size is big
enough so growth doesn’t hap-
pen too often
DBCC CHECKDB last good run This should be run on a weekly Action
basis if not more frequently.
Checks the date and time of the
last CHECKDB and reports is one
hasn’t been done in the last 7
Database option AUTO_CLOSE Must always be set to OFF, Action
must be amended if set ON
Database option AUTO_CRE- Must always be set to ON, must Action
ATE_STATISTICS be amended if set OFF
Database option AU- Must always be set to OFF, Action
TO_SHRINK must be amended if set ON
Index fragmentation Tells how many indexes have Action
more than 100 pages and are
more than 25% fragmented.
Check your maintenance plans
to ensure that a frequent pro-
cess is run to keep the indexes

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 74

Database Utilities

Name Description Type / Importance

Statistics review Statistics that have more than Action
20,000 rows and less than 30%
sampling. Check the statics and
maybe rebuild them at a conve-
nient time to ensure best perfor-
mance. Tables with a large
number of rows need a smaller
sampling size
SSP_DROP_WORK_TABLES Date last run – should be run at Action
least once a month. This proce-
dure is a SunSystems one to
keep the number of work tables
to a minimum to improve perfor-
SSP_DOMN_DROP_WORK_TA- Date last run – should be run at Action
BLES least once a month. This proce-
dure is a SunSystems one to
keep the number of work tables
to a minimum
SSP_HOUSEKEEPING Date last run – should be run at Action
least once a month This proce-
dure is a SunSystems one to
keep the number of rows in
some interface tables to a mini-
mum to improve performance
Trusted Constraints - Foreign Identifies how many foreign Action
Keys keys that aren’t currently set to
trusted. Trusted constraints
perform quicker than non-trust-
ed ones. Can be enabled as an
action in SunSystems function
Trusted Constraints - Check Identifies how many check con- Action
Constraints straints that aren’t currently set
to trusted. Trusted constraints
perform quicker than non-trust-
ed ones. Can be enabled as an
action in SunSystems function
Database users List all users that have access Review
to the database with the type of

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 75

Database Utilities

Name Description Type / Importance

Recovery Mode full NO log Details all SunSystems Action
backups databases where the recovery
mode is set to Full and no log
backup have been done in the
last 7 day
Database Encrypted Details whether transparent Information
database encryption is enabled.
If it is, you must ensure that
certificate is backed up properly
Database Change tracking This is not a default setting, and Action
it has some performance over-
head. It tracks changes to rows
in tables that have change
tracking turned on
Data Compression - table Reports the number of tables Information
where data compression is set
Data Compression - index Reports the number of indexes Information
where data compression is set

Database DB Utilities
Structural integrity check
This utility checks the structural integrity of all tables in a specified business unit group.
To open this utility, select SunSystems Database UtilitiesSunSystems DB UtilitiesStructural
integrity check.
This check is run on the domain database, and all business unit groups. It check is also run during the
upgrade process.
Note: If the database integrity has been compromised, the Structural Integrity Check will fail. You
must contact Infor Support or Infor Consulting Services in the event this occurs.
Note: All reported issues must be resolved before the upgrade can continue.

Referential integrity check - SunSystems business unit group only

This utility checks the integrity of a SunSystems business unit group.
To open this utility, select SunSystems Database UtilitiesSunSystems DB UtilitiesReferential
Integrity Check – SunSystems Business Unit Group only.

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 76

Database Utilities

You must specify the SQL Server Instance Name and the SunSystems database. Errors or warnings
generated by the check are listed in theR_ERR table and reports any issues found. The results should
not stop an upgrade from running but should be addressed.
Note: The Referential Integrity Check should be run before a running a SunSystems upgrade, so that
any errors can be resolved. The check may take longer to complete for larger databases.

Query database file groups

List the filegroups referenced in the SQL_OBJ_REGISTRY table.
To open this utility, select SunSystems Database UtilitiesSunSystems DB UtilitiesQuery database
file groups.

Caution: During an upgrade, you must ensure that all references to filegroups exist on the new
machine, otherwise the upgrade will fail.

Form actions
Import forms into a SunSystems Domain
Imports forms into a SunSystems domain database.

Force Import forms into a SunSystems Domain

Imports forms into a SunSystems domain database, even if they may have been previously imported.

Export forms from a SunSystems Domain

Exports forms from a SunSystems domain database.

Remove forms from a SunSystems Domain

Removes forms from a SunSystems domain database.

Security DB
Grant permission to Security DB
Grants the Windows Service Groups access to the Security database.

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 77

Database Utilities

Migrating databases
SunSystems databases can be migrated from one database server to another. Only database
administrators can perform migrations, and the process requires downtime of SunSystems.
Before you can migrate a database, you must complete the prerequisites for migration:
• The version of the source and target Microsoft SQL Servers must be the same,
• The version of Windows, service pack level and operating system language must be the same.
• The user performing the migration must have Windows and database administrator rights.
• All SunSystems users must be logged off, and all SunSystems Windows services must be stopped.
• A SQL Server Login for the SunSystemsServices and SunSystemsClients groups must be created
on the target database server. The Windows group names used must be the same for both servers.
See the SunSystems Upgrade Guide for the correct upgrade procedure for databases. It describes the
steps to migrate a database from a source to a target server.

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 78

Microsoft SQL Server

Chapter 8: Microsoft SQL Server

In Microsoft SQL Server, performance and capacity can be increased by scaling up and scaling out.
Scaleup means increasing the power of the database server. Scaleout is achieved through linked
• Before starting, you must ensure that you have administrator access to the SQL Server machines
and Domain Controller machine to configure, or verify, the linked server environment.
• We do not recommend that you install SunSystems components on the Active Directory Domain
Controller. Additionally, Microsoft advise against installing SQL Server on the Domain Controller.
• Standalone and 2-tier deployments of SunSystems are not supported in a linked server environment.
• When creating a new Linked Server, the fields RPC and RPC Out must be set to True, in Server
Options. Otherwise, error messages are displayed when setting the Application Role in User
• To serialize SunSystems in a linked server environment, open the serialization file using Notepad
and manually enter the details into SunSystems Serialisation (ZZS).
• SunSystems connects directly to the SQL Server default instance on port 1433. If a named SQL
Server instance is being used, or a non-default port, the SQL Server Browser service is used to
make the connection to the server.

Configuring the linked server connection on the

database server
Note: If you are using SQL Server 2019 or 2017 then you must create linked servers using the fully
qualified domain name. You must also check that the server is specified in User Manager using the
fully qualified domain name. In User Manager, select Settings > SunSystems > Configure... and
specify the server using the fully qualified domain name.
1 Log in to Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio using an administrator account that includes
sysadmin rights on SQL Server.
2 Expand the SQL Server instance node and select the Server Objects node.
3 Select Linked Servers > New Linked Server > General.
4 Specify Linked Server as the other database server name.
5 Select SQL Server > Security.

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 79

Microsoft SQL Server

6 Select Be made using the login’s current security context.

7 Select delegation for the domain service account.
Note: If your business unit groups and domain databases are on the same server, then NTLM
Authentication is sufficient. This includes AlwaysOn Availability Groups where the Linked Server
is configured for the listener name. Kerberos authentication is required with Linked Server when
business unit groups and the SunSystems domain database are on different SQL Servers instances
8 In Active Directory, select delegation for the domain service account. Ensure that the relevant
Service Principal Names exist.
9 Run the system stored procedure sp_linkedservers using the master database to verify the
linked server configuration.

Verifying the linked server connection for the SunSystems

To verify the linked server connection fof SunSystems:
1 Open SunSystems navigator.
2 Select Business Unit Administration (BUA).
3 Create a business unit group in the linked server location.
4 Set the business unit group to be online.
5 Copy an existing business unit to the linked server business unit group.

About Microsoft SQL Server clustering

Clustering refers to a group of two or more servers, or nodes that work together and are represented
to a network as a single virtual server.
When a client machine connects to clustered SQL servers, the clustered SQL servers are recognised
as a single SQL server. If one of the nodes fails, its responsibilities are taken over by another server
in the cluster.
Note: SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) should not be installed on the SQL Server Cluster. It
should be installed on its own server with the ReportServer database on the cluster. Should a SQL
Server failover occur, SunSystems services will need to be restarted to reestablish connections to the
databases. SunSystems users must be logged off and their activity cleared in Operator Activity, in
User Manager. Users will need to log back into SunSystems.
When you install SunSystems for the first time use the SQL Server cluster address when creating the
domain database, business unit group, and security database.

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 80

Microsoft SQL Server

Database replication
Database replication is not supported as a means of providing high availability or failover.

Specifying a DNS CNAME record as a server alias

SunSystems 6.4 uses Microsoft JDBC driver for SQL Server. Microsoft SQL Server Alias is not supported
by Microsoft JDBC driver for SQL Server. Instead, we recommend that you specify a DNS CNAME
record to provide a server alias. In case of a server failover, you should set up a standby database

Before specifying a DNS CNAME record, you must:
• SunSystems 6.4 is installed in a multitier environment
• You have domain administrator access
• A database with a named instance of SQL Server, for example, INSTANCE1, has been installed.
You can also use a default SQL Server instance.

Specifying the Domain Name System (DNS)

To specify a Domain Name System:
1 Open DNS Manager.
2 Expand the console tree.
3 Right-click the correct forward lookup zone and select New Alias (CNAME).
4 Specify the CNAME, for example, DBSERVER.
5 Browse to select the target host.
6 Click OK to expand the CNAME to the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the server running
SQL Server.
7 Specify Time to live (TTL) as 5 minutes.

Specifying the database server setup

To specify the database server setup:
1 Create a Linked Server in Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio:
a Specify the name of the SQL Server instance, to which you are linking, on the General page,
in the Linked server section. This is your CNAME, for example, DBSERVER\INSTANCE1.

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 81

Microsoft SQL Server

b Select SQL Server as the server type. This indicates that the linked server is another instance
of SQL Server.
c Select Be made using the login’s current security context n the Security page.
2 Specify database relinking details:
a Open SunSystems Database Utilities.
b Select Security DB > Grant permission to Security DB. Enter the SunSystemsServices
domain group details.
c Select Domain database > Re-link all the SunSystems Business Unit Groups to a
SunSystems Domain. Specify a Datasource name that includes an Instance name, for
d Select Relink Details. Specify the Instance name, for example, DBSERVER\INSTANCE1, and
the SunSystems Business Unit Group Database name.
e Select Group Account Settings. Specify the details for the SunSystemsServices and
SunSystemsClients Windows Domain groups. Select the languages. On the Progress Monitor
page, click Next to finish.
3 Open Windows Firewall. Ensure the port connection between the SunSystems application server
and the SQL Server database server instance is not blocked.

Using CNAME to refer to the database server during a new

installation of SunSystems
You can use the CNAME to refer to the database server, at the time of SunSystems installation.
During SunSystems installation, you must enter CNAME\<Instance> to refer to the SQL Server
database instance.

Amending an existing SunSystems installation to use

CNAME to refer to the database server
You can use the CNAME to refer to the database server in an existing installation. To do this, you must
specify the application server setup, specify the SunSystems Reporting Services setup and update the
standby database server.

Specifying the application server setup

Update the application server with the DNS CNAME:
1 Open DeployManager.
2 Select the SunSystems Private Tiers tab.
3 In the Application Servers section, click Server Name and specify DBSERVER\INSTANCE1.

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 82

Microsoft SQL Server

4 If required, specify the ports for IIS, Application, Security, Web Services and Tomcat.
5 Log into User Manager using the SunSystems Administrator account.
6 Select Settings > SunSystems > Configure.
8 Click Test connection.
9 Click OK to save your changes.
10 Restart the SunSystems Security service.
11 Restart IIS using IIS Manager, or by using the IISReset command-line utility.
12 Use Restart Services to restart all SunSystems services.

Specifying the SunSystems Reporting Services setup

Note: You must specify CNAME in SunSystems Reporting Services if SunSystems has been set up
with Microsoft SSRS on the database server.
Update the SunSystems Reporting Services with the CNAME DNS:
1 Update DeployManager:
a Run DeployManager.
b Log in as a SunSystems administrator.
c Select SunSystems Private Tiers > Reporting Servers.
d Replace server name with the CNAME for SQL Server Reporting Services. Save your changes.
e Run DeployAgent on the application tier and the web tier after all changes have been made.
2 Use IIS Manager, or the IISReset command-line utility, to restart IIS on the application server.

Specifying CNAME if SSRS is not installed on the database server

Specify CNAME in Microsoft SSRS if it is not installed on the database server:
1 On the SSRS server, open the Report Server Database Configuration Wizard.
2 Select Database > Change Database > Choose an existing report server database.
3 Click Next.
4 Select the Report Server database, for example, ReportServer$INSTANCE1.
5 Click Next.
6 Set Service Credentials to Authentication Type.
7 Click Next.
Note: Deleting the encrypted content may affect other systems using Microsoft SSRS.
8 Select Encryption Keys.
9 Click Delete to Delete Encrypted Content.
10 Click OK.
11 Restart the Report Server.

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 83

Microsoft SQL Server

Updating the standby database server

Note: You must keep the standby database up to date by using log shipping or by restoring database
Refer to the section Copying the databases from source to target installation on page 120.

Responding to a failover
Note: You must test that failover works in your test environment, before moving to a live environment.
In the event of a failover:
1 Use IIS Manager, or the IISReset command-line utility, to restart IIS on all SunSystems servers.
2 Restart all SunSystems services on all SunSystems application and web tier servers using the
Restart Services tool.

Maintaining SunSystems using scheduled SQL jobs

This set of SQL jobs can be used to assist in maintaining SunSystems. They are accessed from
Database Utilities.

SunSystems Domain databases - dbo.SSP_DOMN_DROP_WORK_TABLES

This stored procedure removes work tables from the domain database. It uses these parameters:

Parameter Description
drop_list_flag Distinguishes between 'delete' and 'list'
Specify 1 for 'delete' and 0 for 'list'
intg_retention Days to retain INTG tables
default is 7 days

An example procedure to remove work tables from the domain database:


SunSystems business unit group databases - dbo.SSP_DROP_WORK_TABLES

This stored procedure removes work tables from a business unit group. It uses these parameters:

Parameter Description
drop_list_flag Distinguishes between 'delete' and 'list'
Specify 1 for 'delete' and 0 for 'list'

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 84

Microsoft SQL Server

Parameter Description
db_code Specify a single business unit or blank '' to indicate all
tdesk_retention Transfer Desk work tables
recommendation is 60 days (2 months), minimum retention is 7 days
with a default of 60
cdesk_retention Control Desk tables
recommendation is 7 days, minimum retention is 2 days with a default
of 7
recon_mng_retention Recon manager
recommendation is 7 days, minimum retention is 2 days with a default
of 7
cdesk_iface_reten- Control Desk Interface
tion_int recommendation is 30 days (1 month), minimum retention is 7 days
with a default of 30
other_tabs_retention Number of days additional tables ('%SALQ' '%SALQ_EX',
'%SALQVCNLST', '%SACDLI', '%SMCDSO') are to be retained since
creation, recommended 60 days (2 months), cannot drop tables cre-
ated less than 7 days ago with a default of 60

Example procedure to remove work tables from a business unit group:

exec dbo.SSP_DROP_WORK_TABLES 1,'',60,7,7,30,60

SunSystems Housekeeping - dbo.SSP_HOUSEKEEPING

This stored procedure completes basic housekeeping tasks. It removes rows from permanent work
tables so it must be run on one business unit at a time. Depending on the amount of data in the ledger
details, it may take a long time to complete when it is first run. You can test this by setting the
@ldg_details parameter to a negative number to start with.
Here is a list of parameters and which tables are affected:

Parameter Description
bu_code The business unit code
ldg_details number of months to retain the data after the associated transaction
is complete
For example, if you specify 6 then all data in the LDG_DETAIL table
is cleared where the transaction has been complete for longer than
6 months

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Microsoft SQL Server

Parameter Description
iface_tables Number of weeks to retain the data in these tables
For example, 1
del_fin_rpt Number of weeks to retain the data in these tables
For example. 1
del_bu_temp_tbl clear down the temporary tables used in business unit copy

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 86

Microsoft SQL Server

Parameter Description
del_bu_wrk_tbl Number of weeks to retain the data in these tables
For example, 1
del_other_tbls Number of weeks to retain the data in these tables
For example, 1
return_err_no Returns a SQL error number (integer) if an error has occurred
return_err_msg Returns the SQL error message (nvarchar(250)) if an error has oc-

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 87

Microsoft SQL Server

Example Housekeeping statement using business unit PK1:

Declare @return_err_no integer, @return_err_msg nvarchar(250)

exec dbo.SSP_HOUSEKEEPING 'PK1', 6, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
@return_err_no output, @return_err_msg output

Example Housekeeping statement to run for all business units in one business unit group:

declare @bu_code nchar(3)

declare @return_err_no integer
declare @return_err_msg nvarchar(250)

declare bu_cursor cursor fast_forward for

select DB_CODE from dbo.DB_DEFN with (NOLOCK) where DB_CODE <> '' order
by 1
open bu_cursor
fetch next from bu_cursor into @bu_code
while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0
exec dbo.SSP_HOUSEKEEPING @bu_code, 6, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
@return_err_no output, @return_err_msg output
fetch next from bu_cursor into @bu_code
close bu_cursor
deallocate bu_cursor

If you receive an error after executing the SSP_HOUSEKEEPING procedure, you can record the error
and report in a way that is suitable for your business.

Resetting the operator information after a reboot only

This stored procedure clears all login information.
Note: This stored procedure may only be run immediately after the servers are rebooted. It is not
permissible to run it at any other time.
This script must be run on a domain database:

Delete from dbo.DOMN_DB_OPR

update DOMN_OPR set LOGIN_IND = 0, CURRENT_DB_1 = '', CURRENT_DB_2 = '',
CURRENT_DB_3 = '', CURRENT_DB_4 = '',
= '', CURRENT_DB_9 = '',
= '', CURRENT_FUNCTION_4 = '',
RENT_SYS_4 = '',
RENT_SYS_8 = '', CURRENT_SYS_9 = '',

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 88

Microsoft SQL Server



Revoking guest user access in a database

Microsoft SQL Server creates a guest user each time a database is created. The guest user exists to
permit access to a database for logins that are not mapped to a specific database user. Any login can
use the database through the guest user.
The SQL Server guest user is not required by SunSystems. Please consult Microsoft documentation
if you wish to remove it.
It is common practice to revoke the access rights of the guest user as part of securing an environment.
See the Microsoft website for more details.

AlwaysOn Availability Groups requirements

Note: All databases within the same AlwaysOn Availability Group are supported. AlwaysOn Availability
Groups with SQL Server standard edition are not supported because of the limitations imposed by this
During a new installation, SunSystems databases are created using Database Utilities then added to
AlwaysOn Availability Groups. The Linked Server to the listener name must be set up.
Note: Before running the upgrade process, SunSystems databases must be removed from AlwaysOn
Availability Groups, and added back after the upgrade has completed.

Configuring Kerberos for Microsoft SQL Server

When setting up AlwaysOn Availability Groups, you must ensure that Linked Server works with Microsoft
Note: NTLM Authentication is sufficient if you have your business unit groups and domain database
on the same server. This includes with AlwaysOn Availability Groups where Linked Server is configured
for the listener name. Kerberos authentication is required with Linked Server when business unit groups
and domain database are on different SQL Servers instances. For example, attempting to add an
additional business unit group to an instance on another linked server will result in the error message
NT AUTHORITY\ANONYMOUS LOGON if Kerberos has not been configured.
To configure Kerberos for both SQL nodes and your AAG listener:
1 Download the Microsoft Kerberos Configuration Manager for SQL Server.
2 Clear all GUIDs in the local administrator group.

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 89

Microsoft SQL Server

3 Run Kerberos Configuration Manager for SQL Server and resolve any delegation or SPN issues.
4 Locate the database engine service account from an Active Directory domain controller.
5 Open the Advanced view.
6 Select Attribute Editor > servicePrincipalName.
7 Add a new entry, consisting of two SPNs, for the AAG listener.
The new entry is in addition to the existing four entries. For the new entries, use the same format
as the existing entries, but use the FQDN of your listener computer object.
8 Add a new entry that contains the port number.
There should now be six SPNs, if you have two replicas in your availability group.
9 Open Database Utilities.
10 Select Re-link all the SunSystems Business Unit Groups to a SunSystems Domain and relink
to a domain using the listener name.
If these steps are not completed, then the message Could not find server <servername>
in sys.servers is displayed.

Setting up AlwaysOn Availability Groups

Complete these steps to set up the AlwaysOn Availability groups:
1 Create the SunSystems databases.
2 Add the SunSystems databases to the AlwaysOn Availability Groups.
3 Create the linked server to an AlwaysOn Availability Group listener.
4 Use Database Utilities to run Relink to a domain using the listener name.
5 If you are updating a previously installed version of SunSystems, you must specify the listener
name for the server where the domain database is installed:
a Open User Manager.
b Select Settings > SunSystems > configure
c Specify the listener name.
6 Amend the security global.config file to include the listener name for accessing the security

Connecting to the AlwaysOn Availability Group Listener using

non-default ports
AlwaysOn Availability Groups (AOAG) is supported when all SunSystems databases are in the same
availability group. If required, a non-default port can be used to set up the SQL Server connection.
Note: This feature is available from SunSystems 6.4 Patch Set 14.
1 Open User Manager and select SettingsSunSystemsConfigure. Amend the port value.

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 90

Microsoft SQL Server

2 Open SQL Server Management Studio to connect to the primary SQL Server Replica.
a Select AlwaysOn High Availability > Availability Groups and select the Availability Group.
b Select Availability Group Listeners. Right-click the Listener Name and select Properties.
c Specify the port number.
Note: Do not append the port number to the listener name.

3 Add a new registration for the SQL Server startup account using the non-default port. Open a
Command prompt and run these three commands in the order listed:
a setspn -L <servicename/serviceaccount>
For example, setspn -L sunsystemsdomain/sqladmin where the sqladmin user is a
startup service account of the SQL Server instance on the sunsystemsdomain domain.
b setspn -D <serviceclass/host:portservicename>
For example, setspn -D MSSQLSvc/mylistener.sunsystemsdomain.com:1433 where
mylistener is an AOAG listener.
c setspn -S <serviceclass/host:portservicename>
For example, setspn -S MSSQLSvc/mylistener.sunsystemsdomain.com:56789
where 56789 is a non-default port of mylistener.

4 Open SQL Server Management Studio to recreate the linked server object for the listener name.
a Specify this information:
Server type
Select Other data source

Select Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server

Product name
Specify SQLServer
Note: Do not include a space between SQL and Server.

Data source
Specify <listener name>,<port>

b Click the Security tab and select Be made using the login's current security
c Click the Server Options tab. Ensure that both RPC and RPC Out are set to True.
d Create a second linked server for the FQDN of the listener name. You must repeat this step
for all replicas.
Note: You can check that the second linked server setup is correct by running this SQL query:
select * from sys.sysservers

5 Remove all SunSystems databases from the Availability Group.

6 Run the latest version of Database Utilities (version 3 or later) to re-link your business unit groups.
a Select SunSystems Database Utilities > Domain DB Utilities > Re-link all the SunSystems
Business Unit Groups to a SunSystems Domain.
b Specify this information:

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 91

Microsoft SQL Server

Instance Name
Specify <listener name>,<port>

Database Name
Select the SunSystems domain database.

c Click Next. In the Relink Details window, select the business unit groups from the list.
Note: You must ensure that the Instance name is set to <listener name>,<port> for each
business unit group.
d Click Next. Specify the Windows Domain Groups for SunSystems.
e Click Next to complete the remaining details then click Next to run the function.
7 Set the port number for the connection to the SunSystems security database. Open the \Program
Data\Infor\SunSystems\Security\global.config file on the SunSystems application
server. Edit these lines to add the port element:


Note: Do not append the port number to the database.

8 Open User Manager and select Settings > SunSystems > Configure. Specify the port number
in the port field.
Note: If you are unable to update the connection details using User Manager, then update the
security port in the security database using this query:

UPDATE [<security-db-name>.{dbo].[SCTY_PROPERTIES] SET NUMPROP = <non-

default port> WHERE PROPNAME like 'db.port'

9 Run Restart Services to restart the SunSystems services.

10 Open SunSystems and select Business Unit Administration (BUA). Bring all your business unit
groups online.
11 If there are report server databases in the AlwaysOn Availability Group, then these must be
reconfigured in the SQL Server Reporting Services Configuration Manager.

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 92

SunSystems Connect

Chapter 9: SunSystems Connect

SunSystems Connect provides an Extensible Markup Language (XML) and Simple Object Access
Protocol (SOAP) interface through which developers can access SunSystems data and core functionality.
Note: SSC client applications must be run on the SSC application server. This includes Audit Viewer,
Transaction Monitor and Component Manager.

Software requirements
SunSystems Connect and Automation Desk require:
• Microsoft Windows Server 2016 (Standard or Enterprise)
• Microsoft Windows Server 2019 (Standard or Enterprise)
Third party applications that make SOAP calls to SSC, must be running on a machine with the required

Installing SSC
When you install SunSystems Application Server, the Connect Server is automatically installed.
Note: Settings previously made in Property Editor are now specified in Configuration Manager (CGM).
See the Configuration Manager help in the Online help for details.

SSC layout
SSC is installed into the subdirectory ssc in the SunSystems program directory. The default folder
structure and requirements for Write Permissions are listed in Appendix C.

Changing the SSC TCP port value

The port value for SSC TCP is changed in DeployManager.

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 93

SunSystems Reporting Services (SRS)

Chapter 10: SunSystems Reporting Services (SRS)

You can manage Reporting properties using the Reporting module in Configuration Manager. In
SunSystems, select Configuration Manager (CGM) > Reporting.

Changing the SunSystemsReporting user and

The installation process sets the SunSystemsReporting user as the identity for both Microsoft SQL
Server Reporting Services and SunSystems Reporting Services.
Note: When moving from a domain account to a local account (or vice versa) you may need to add or
remove RSWindowsNegotiate to the AuthenticationTypes in the rsreportserver.config in SSRS.
Note: Ensure that the new account has Read and Execute permissions to the SQL Server Reporting
Services RSTempFiles folder, and all sub-folders. The path of the RSTempFiles folder is usually
ProgramFiles%\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS13.MSSQLSERVER\Reporting Services\
After installation, if you need to change the SunSystemsReporting user and password you must:
1 Add the new SunSystemsReporting user to the domain SunSystemsServices group.
2 Update the credentials used by Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services:
a Run Reporting Services Configuration Manager from the Start Menu on the server hosting
Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services.
b Select the instance of Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services used by SRS.
c Click Connect.
d Select Service Account.
e Select Use another account.
f Enter the domain and user account details and password for the new SunSystems reporting
g Click Apply.
h If required, back up your new encryption key to the local file system.
i Check for any errors in the Results panel.
3 Update the credentials used by the SunSystems Reporting Services web applications:
a Run Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager on the server hosting the SunSystems
Reporting Services web applications.

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 94

SunSystems Reporting Services (SRS)

b Expand the server node, in the tree. This is usually identified as the name of the server.
c Select Application Pools.
d Select the SunSystemsReportingServices Application Pool.
e Select Actions > Advanced Settings.
f Select the Identity property.
g Click the ellipses (…).
h Select Custom account.
i Specify the domain and user name of the new SunSystems reporting user.
j Click OK.
k Close IIS Manager.
4 Update the credentials used by the SunSystems Reporting Services applications:
a Open the Services control panel applet.
b Select the SunSystems Report Manager Service
c Select Action > Properties.
d Select the Log On tab.
e Select This account.
f Specify the domain, user name and password of the new SunSystems Reporting user.
g Click OK.
5 Run ConfigureMSRS.exe on the report server to add the domain user:
a Open a command prompt.
b Navigate to \Program Files\Infor\SunSystems\.
c Specify this command: configuremsrs -install -instance [sql instance] -user
6 Check that ConfigureMSRS.exe has completed successfully:
a Open your browser as an administrator.
b Navigate to http://localhost/Reports.
c Select Settings > Site Settings > Security.
Ensure that domain\user has been added.

7 Check that Service Broker is enabled for both the domain and security databases:
a Open Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.
b Select Databases > SunSystemsDomain > Properties > Options.
c Select Service Broker and complete this information:
Broker Enabled
Select true to enable this setting.

Managing and deploying reports

During installation, example reports are installed in a location that is accessible for demonstration
purposes. This location is likely to be overwritten during an upgrade.

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 95

SunSystems Reporting Services (SRS)

Operational reports must be deployed in a location more suitable to the requirements of the business.
Path environment variables must be amended, and the appropriate folder level permissions set.
Reports may be renamed using the convention used by the example reports, or another appropriate

Configuring email support

Use Configuration Manager (CGM) in SunSystems navigator to configure SunSystems Reporting with
the SMTP server.
Select Configuration Manager (CGM) > Reporting > Common.
See "Configuring the email settings for reporting" in the SunSystems online help.

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 96

SunSystems Web UI

Chapter 11: SunSystems Web UI

The SunSystems Web user interface is customized in Configuration Manager (CGM). For example,
you can change the font, colour, or how the session navigation menu is displayed in Infor Ming.le™.
Note: To use Configuration Manager, your user must be a member of the Configuration Administrators
Some properties in Configuration Manager require the SunSystems services to be restarted before
changes are saved. Services are restarted using the Restart Services tool.

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 97


Chapter 12: Troubleshooting

The information included in the Troubleshooting section will help system administrators resolve problems
that are encountered during the installation process, or when attempting to start up SunSystems.
If the problem you are experiencing is not detailed below, you can contact technical support. Before
calling for technical assistance, collate the information described in Contacting Technical Support.
You can search for known issues in the Support Knowledgebase on the Infor Support Portal. Often a
solution can be found here before contacting Infor Support.

Troubleshooting hints
There are several troubleshooting hints that will assist you when analyzing a problem:
• Take copies of error messages. They contain important information and technical support staff will
require details.
• Do not assume too much about the possible cause of the problem, or you might overlook any
• Work carefully through the problem, ensure that you can duplicate the problem and assemble all
the evidence, because you might need to pass it on to a member of the technical support staff.
• Confirm if the problem happens in other applications, on other user’s machines, or only on one
• Check security barriers (firewalls) because these can block communications between client and
server machines.
• Do not overlook the obvious; check plugs, connections and cables.

Support Knowledgebase on the Infor Support Portal

This knowledgebase is maintained by Infor Technical Support and contains helpful information regarding
problems that may be encountered by customers implementing SunSystems. It is important to search
by the SunSystems version number.

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 98


General installation problems

An error message or unexpected software behaviour are indicators of an installation problem. These
are the most likely causes of installation problems:
• Insufficient user credentials
• Prerequisites not complete or correctly installed
• Incorrect installation settings
• Incorrect access control such as network settings or folder permissions
• Incorrectly set IP address
• Changes made to registry settings used by SunSystems
• Insufficient account permissions for database access
• SunSystems Security or Configuration Services not started
• Insufficient service accounts where log on as a service role is not set.

About the setup program

Background settings are specified by the user and validated by the setup program, during installation.
If a setting is changed after installation, this will cause errors and unexpected behaviour in SunSystems.
The condition of an error condition, or unexpected response to a request, is described in an error
message. To save the error message text to a file, click Save. A member of technical support can then
analyze the contents of the file.
After saving an error message, you are given the option to continue working in SunSystems, or to
abort. If you choose to continue, SunSystems operates normally as far as possible; if the error is too
severe, it aborts automatically.

Problems encountered during installation

Specific installation problems can be identified by a symptom, or error message. The most common
installation problems are listed in this section and include a description of possible causes and solutions.

Missing prerequisites
Where possible the SunSystems installer checks and notifies the user of any missing prerequisites.
However, in the event of an installation problem, check that all the prerequisites have been correctly
installed. Refer to the Prerequisites checklist on page 17.

Tools for diagnosis

DeployManager and DeployAgent can be used as tools to help you validate your installation. In
DeployManager you define your SunSystems Deployment. DeployAgent applies the deployment you
defined in DeployManager.

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 99


Use the function Deployment Monitor, which is part of DeployManager, to validate all connections. Red
indicates a firewall block or problem. When viewing results, consider that some connections may not
be accessible due to firewall settings.
DeployAgent and DeployManager generate log files in ProgramData\Infor\SunSystems\Logs\
Use the Restart Services tool to restart the SunSystems Services in the correct order:
1 Security and Configuration Services
2 SunSystems Connect Server
3 All other services.

Configuration Service will not start

To diagnose problems starting the configuration service, check the ConfigurationService.log
located in ProgramData\Infor\SunSystems\Logs\Configuration.

404 not found errors in browser

This error message means that the browser client can contact the server but the server cannot find
what was requested. This could be caused by cached information that is held in the browser. Press
CTRL R on the browser to clear the cache.

Connection problems

Possible cause(s)
The firewall settings may be blocking the connection.
The connection to the Microsoft SQL Server may be broken.

Check the Windows firewall settings.
Check connection to SQL Server. Open SQL Server Configuration Manager and expand SQL Server
Network Configuration. Click Protocols for <instancename>. Right-click the Protocol name, TCP/IP
and click Enabled.

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 100


DeployAgent displays error “cannot connect to configuration


Possible cause(s)
This error can occur in a load balanced environment because the load balancer may direct to a server
which has not yet been fully configured.

Run DeployAgent on all other servers in the same tier. On the server with the error message, run
RestartServices then run DeployAgent. This problem can occur on the Application tier or the Web tier,
in a load balanced environment.

Report Manager URL not accessible

Possible cause(s)
The Report Manager may not be connected to a Windows domain.

Check that your machine is connected to a Windows domain.

Service will not start

Possible cause(s)
If Log on as a service right has not been given to the service account, then installation will
pause to display a message stating that the service will not start.

Specify the service account details in Services, restart the service manually, and specify Log on as
a service right. After clicking OK the SunSystems installation process resumes.

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 101


Server Error in Application: “SunSystems


Possible cause(s)
This error could indicate that ASP.NET is not registered.

Check that ASP.NET is registered. Run a command prompt as administrator. Change directory to
Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319. Enter the command aspnet_regiis
–lv to check if ASP.NET is already registered. If not already registered, specify aspnet_regiis
–ir to register.

Client installation fails to validate the configuration api

Possible cause(s)
This issue only occurs in a SunSystems environment where you have applied SSL. A connection cannot
be made between the client and the security service unless you make a specific registry change on
the machine on which you are installing SunSystems client.
Note: In addition to client installation, this issue can occur when adding any node to your SunSystems

You must enable this registry key on the machine where you are running the SunSystems installer:

Installer rolls back after attempting the installation - No message is


Possible cause(s)
Roll backs are usually caused by a problem communicating with the Security and Configuration services.
The services must be started by the installer in order to complete the configuration of SunSystems.
The roll back may also be caused by a SunSystems application still included in IIS after it has been

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 102


The .msi log is usually found in the %TEMP% folder, or the folder above. This log is not easy to interpret
but contains the reason for the rollback.
Relevant information is also logged in the InstallLog.txt, usually found in ProgramData\Infor
You can also open IIS Manager to check that all SunSystems applications have been uninstalled

SunSystems Reporting Installation does not complete or it hangs

when loading reports

Possible cause(s)
The SunSystems Configuration Service may not be running.

If this occurs, check that the SunSystems Configuration Service is running. The service is located on
the SunSystems application server.

The security password cannot be validated by the SunSystems

installer during a re-installation over existing databases
A re-installation may be required if you move the databases to a different database server.

Possible cause(s)
An incorrect security admin password is used during the re-installation of SunSystems over existing
databases. This causes the installation to fail and locks the security admin user in the security database.
As SunSystems is not installed, you are unable to unlock the admin user in Security Console / User

You must edit the SunSystems security database SCTY_USER table:
Install SunSystems using a blank password for the admin user.

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 103


The reports fail to load after applying a patch set

Possible Cause(s)
After applying a patch set, an error message indicates that the reports failed to load and that they must
be loaded manually.
This issue occurs in a two-tier environment that includes a combined database / SSRS server and a
combined web / application server. The installation order is important. In this scenario, reports cannot
be imported by the installer until after Reporting Extensions are installed, which cannot be before the
application tier is installed. This means that a manual step is required as part of the installation process.

To load the reports manually:
1 After the patch set installation has completed, open InstallLog.log
2 Find the VisionImport command, and take a copy.
3 Run the VisionImport command from an administrator command prompt, using your administrator
password. For example:
"C:\Program File\Infor\SunSystems\VisionImport.exe" /U:admin /P:"******"
/T:"/" /D:"C:\ProgramData\Infor\SunSystems\Reporting\Example Reports"
/V:1 /O:YES
Note: You must replace "******" with your administrator password that you use to log into

Problems encountered during uninstallation

Specific uninstallation problems can be identified by a symptom, or error message. The most common
uninstallation problems are listed in this section and include a description of possible causes and

Message displayed: Locked file detected when trying to uninstall

<file name>

Possible cause(s)
SunSystems or a session is still active.

Before you attempt to uninstall SunSystems, ensure that all SunSystems sessions have been closed.

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 104


Problems encountered when running SunSystems

Specific problems when running SunSystems can be identified by a symptom, or error message. The
most common problems are listed in this section and include a description of possible causes and

Message displayed: Integrity Failure 001. Please contact your

maintenance supplier

Possible Cause(s)
Serialization has not been applied. SunSystems is licensed specifically for several users and language
combinations. Only the components with valid serialization information are operable in the production

Run the serialization on all application tier servers for all business unit groups.

Message displayed: Number of Licensed Users Exceeded

Possible cause(s)
The supplied serialization details are configured to allow an explicit number of users to connect to the
system at any one time. This does not prevent the definition of additional users in the system, but does
inhibit the number of concurrent users from exceeding the licensed number.

If this imposed limit does not enable all required users to connect to the system, contact your
SunSystems supplier to arrange a new license.

Serialization – nothing happens

Possible cause(s)
Your SunSystems user is not part of the Trusted Service Group.

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 105


If you run a SunSystems serialization and nothing happens, check that the user you are logged in with
is in the Trusted Service Group. Open User Manager and select Settings > SunSystems > Trusted
Service Group. Use Task Manager to end task the process Serialise (32 bit) before you try
to run the serialization again.

Log into SunSystems but there is nothing on the menu

Possible cause(s)
The operator group is not set up in User Manager

Log into User Manager as administrator. Select Group and add Function Permission and Action
Permission settings. If there are required functions not showing on the menu you can recreate the
menu in User Group Menu Designer (UGM).

Accessing SunSystems when logged in to Windows as a local user

Possible cause(s)
Standard authentication has not been set up globally in User Manager.

If SunSystems is to be accessed from client machines when users are not logged on as Windows
Domain users, you must set standard authentication globally in User Manager. Log into User Manager
as an administrator. Select SettingsSecurity Policyand clear Enable Windows Authentication.

To login as a different SunSystems user

Possible cause(s)
Your SunSystems user is authenticated using Windows authentication.

If you are set up in User Manager as a Windows authenticated user, you will automatically be logged
into SunSystems. Contact your SunSystems administrator to change your user to standard

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 106


"BCP.exe version is too low" while running Language Deployer

Possible cause(s)
The PATH environment variable may be incorrectly ordered. This can occur if you have multiple versions
of SQL Server installed.

Check that your PATH variable is correct. The latest version of BCP.exe must be listed first.
You can check the contents of the PATH variable by running bcp -v from a command prompt.

Language characters are not displayed correctly on reports

Possible cause(s)
SunSystems Reporting requires language-specific fonts to render a report to PDF. From Windows
2016, some fonts are no longer automatically included and are optional Windows features.

You must install the required font pack on the server where the reports are installed:
1 Find the required language pack from Microsoft Support.
2 Install the language pack on the server where the reports are installed.
3 In Windows, select App and Features > Manage optional features > Add a feature and select
the required font.
For example, if Hindi characters are not displayed correctly, you must install the language pack
for Devanagari Supplemental Fonts. This will be listed under Add a feature.
4 Wait for the notification that the font has installed, then reboot your server.
5 Re-run the report to see the characters displayed correctly.

About diagnostic tools

In certain circumstances, it is useful to determine the environment and programs that are running if
SunSystems is functioning incorrectly. It might be necessary, under the direction of technical support,
to use the internal tools available:
• Server Monitor
• SunDebug
• SSC logging
• Transfer Desk logging.

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 107


These tools display and log the SunSystems program behaviour. This facilitates the resolution of system
failures that are not identifiable by the error message. They should be used only under the direction of
a SunSystems administrator or technical support.

Database test program

The database test program is intended as an investigative tool to diagnoses database connection
The program is called databasetest.exe and is installed in the <SunSystems>\ssc\bin folder
. You should run the program from the command prompt. The databasetest.exe program has two
modes of operation, with or without a parameter.
If it is run with a single parameter that contains a JDBC URL, the program tests that connection. The
format of the URL depends on the type of runtime driver that is being used.
If it is run without a parameter, the complete suite of database tests is run:
• Low level domain database connection test
• Low level locator service connection test
• Request domain database information for the locator service
• Request list of data sources from the domain database
• Request database information for each data source
• Low level database connection test for each data source.

SunSystems disaster recovery

Infor Consulting Services (ICS) should be consulted for advice on your disaster recovery strategy.

Database recovery and integrity

If any of the SunSystems databases require recovery, you must restore the security, domain and all
SunSystems data databases from the same backup set. This must be done using the tools provided
with the database server installation, by a Database Administrator (DBA).
After successfully recovering the databases, check the integrity of SunSystems databases. There are
several integrity checks supplied with Database Utilities.
If the database machine has been replaced as part of the recovery process, you must use the new
database server with the SunSystems application server:
• Restore SunSystems databases (SunSystems data database, domain database and security
database) on the new machine.

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 108


• Run the SunSystems database utilities and choose the option to re-link the SunSystems data
database and domain database.
• Check the database structural integrity of domain and business unit groups using the SunSystems
database utilities.
• Run SunSystems function BUA to synchronize and bring business unit groups on-line.
• Use the Restart Services tool on each application tier server.
• Serialize SunSystems on each application tier server.

Contacting Infor Technical Support

If you continue to experience problems, contact your designated Support Centre as outlined in your
Software Maintenance Agreement. If you are supported by Infor, go to the Infor Support Portal at https://
concierge.infor.com and create a support incident.
You can search for known issues in the Support Knowledgebase on Infor Support Portal. Often a
solution can be found here before contacting Infor Support.
When contacting Infor Support, you must provide:
• the SunSystems serial number and version number, which are displayed in SunSystems Help
• the platform operating system version and service pack or patch level
• the database and version
• a brief description of the circumstances relating to the problem
• details of the steps to replicate the problem
• any saved error message files, as appropriate.

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 109

Glossary of installation terms

Appendix A: Glossary of installation terms

Glossary terms

Term Definition
application server component A software element that is installed on an appli-
cation server. That is, the application layer.
business unit group A collection of SunSystems business units that
are stored in a single SunSystems data database.
That is, a business unit group is a SunSystems
data database. Business units must be unique;
for example, you cannot have business unit AAA
present in more than one business unit group.
central logs repository A directory on SunSystems application server
and client machine containing log files generated
by SunSystems. Files are created in relevant
folders under the central logs repository. For ex-
ample: ProgramData\Infor\SunSystems\
client component A software element that is installed on the client
machine. For example, Security Client, SunSys-
tems Client, and Reporting Client are elements
that are included in the SunSystems client instal-
collation The character set, code page, and sort order
used for languages. For example, Latin1_Gener-
al_Bin is the Western European default.
database server component The server hosting the RDBMS
domain database A central repository containing information to
connect to multiple SunSystems databases, of
different code pages, through a single application
server, or application server farm.
firewall A protective channel between a secured network
and an unsecured network, through which all
traffic must pass.

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 110

Glossary of installation terms

Term Definition
SunSystems security The services, applications, and features control-
ling access to SunSystems programs and data.
SunSystems domain The one-to-many application server and database
installation accessible from a client installation
and managed from a central repository. The
central repository is also known as a domain
database. For example, a SunSystems domain
can describe a three-tier installation which in-
cludes an application server farm and access to
multiple databases.
SunSystems session An open SunSystems window. Up to nine ses-
sions can be open simultaneously.

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 111

SunSystems URLs

Appendix B: SunSystems URLs

Use a browser to access SunSystems:

URL Description
http://<FQDN>sunsystems The SunSystems application
http://<FQDN>/sunsystems-security Opens the function SEU Security Console
http://<FQDN>/sunsystems-connectportal Opens the function SCP Connect Portal
http://support.infor.com Infor Support website
http://docs.infor.com SunSystems documentation website

Use these URLs if you have SSL and IIS set up in DeployManager:

URL Description
https://<FQDN>sunsystems The SunSystems application
https://<FQDN>/sunsystems-security Opens the function SEU Security Console
https://<FQDN>/sunsystems-connectportal Opens the function SCP Connect Portal

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 112

Default folder structure and write permission requirements

Appendix C: Default folder structure and write

permission requirements

SunSystems sub-folders in Program Files

Default location: Program Files\Infor
Read & Execute permission is required for this folder by the accounts running SunSystems services.

Folder name File types Description

SunSystems The sun5.ini defines the location of work
files. In the case of multiple application
servers this can be set to a central location.
[SunSystems] Sys-Wor
User Manager/SecurityConsole enables
you set the work folder at operator level
within \ProgramData\Infor\SunSys
tems\ .
SunSystems\_sql .sql Contains folders that are specific to the
.ini database environment, namely the steering
files, which determine the sequence in
which the SQL scripts are run.
SunSystems\web\sunsys .dll Folders containing SecurityConsole IIS
tems-security .xml application files.
SunSystems\web\sunsys .dll Folders containing SecurityWebServer IIS
tems-login-internal .js application files.

SunSystems\SSC .xml Tomcat deployment of SSC. The binary,

.jar support, and help files for SunSystems
Connect are located in this folder. Various
.dat subfolders under the SSC folder are written
.slc to by SunSystems Connect, Transfer Desk,
.bat Automation Desks, Component Manager,
and Configuration Manager.

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 113

Default folder structure and write permission requirements

Folder name File types Description

SunSystems\SunSystems .conf Tomcat deployment files of SunSystems
Web .xml Web.
SunSystems\web\sunsys .dll SunSystems TransferDesk Web IIS appli-
tems-transferdeskrun cation files.
SunSystems\web\sunsys .dll SunSystems Reporting Services IIS Web-
tems-reporting .config site. ReportManager, ReportDesigner and
SunSystemsReportServer application files.

SunSystems sub-folders in ProgramData

Default location: \ProgramData\Infor
Read/Write permission is required by accounts running SunSystems Services.

Folder name File types Description

SunSystems\_work Default location for work files, for example,
for Ledger Entry

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 114

Default folder structure and write permission requirements

Folder name File types Description

SunSystems\Checkout .sfl This is the default client directory to hold
.dtd Source Form Layout (SFL) files. Used by
Form Designer (FRD), Filter Designer
(FLD) and Filter DD Regeneration to store
local copies of SFL files. Form Designer
stores checked out and newly created SFL
files in this directory. When executing a
local form compilation, the SFL file in this
directory is compiled.
The directory location is established during
installation to CheckOut\, in the SunSys-
tems root directory.
The location can be changed for SFL files
respectively through the registry settings
Wow6432Node\SunSystems\Form De
The directory location can be overridden
for a single form checkout through FormDe-
signer in the Check Out dialog box, the
Open Form dialog box, the Local Com-
pile dialog box, the Check In dialog box,
and the Options dialog box on the Gener-
al tab.
SunSystems\ClientFile .dtd Cached message files, menu files, and
Directory .msg form files are downloaded from the server
into this folder on the client. The locations
.opx can be changed for the various file types
.rfx using the registry settings.
Message files
tion Manager\5.1\FileCache\MSG
Form files
tion Manager\5.1\FileCache\RFX
SunSystems\Databases .mdf Default location for SunSystems SQL
.ldf Server Database files

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 115

Default folder structure and write permission requirements

Folder name File types Description

SunSystems\Logs\SunSys .log SunSystems and SRS log files
SunSystems\MessageFiles .msg Message files
SunSystems\Reporting .srdl SRS Example Report files for importing
into Report Store database. Patched exam-
ple reports are inserted here by the Patch
Set procedure. The transformed Output
folder is the default location for trans-
formed reports.
SunSystems\RPTParams Work folder for SRS
SunSystems\Security .config Location of SunSystems Security Global.
SunSystems\ServerInfo Folder to hold the cached information that
Cache is obtained from the server by Common
Services. Used by Form Designer (FRD)
and Filter Designer (FLD).
If ServerInformation caching is switched
on through the Server tab of the Options
dialog box, the directory is created and is
set to ServerInfoCache\ by the instal-
lation procedure.
The location of this directory cannot be

IIS application SecurityWebServer requires read permissions to redirection.config.

In Windows 2019 and 2016:
1 Browse to \Windows\System32\inetsrv
2 Select Properties in the Config folder.
3 Select the Security tab.
4 Click Advanced > Continue > Add > Select a Principal > Location.
5 Select your local machine and click OK.

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 116

Default folder structure and write permission requirements

6 Specify the IIS AppPool\SecurityWebServer and select Check Names.

7 Click OK.
8 Select Read & Execute in Permissions.
9 Click OK.

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 117

Moving databases to a new database server

Appendix D: Moving databases to a new database


These instructions describe moving SunSystems databases to a new database server. For example,
you may wish to move databases from UAT to production, or from production to UAT.
To move databases successfully you must complete this checklist:

Checklist for moving databases to a new installation

✔ Task References
Ensure that the 6.4 target environment is on patch set 5
or later.
If the source environment is a version that is earlier than
6.4, then refer to the SunSystems Upgrade Guide for the
steps to upgrade the source databases to 6.4.
The patch sets must also align with the target installation
so you must apply outstanding patch sets to the source
databases using the corresponding Patch Set DBDeployer
Ensure that the version of Microsoft SQL Server installed
in the target environment, including service packs, is the
same or higher, than the version installed in the source
Note: The version of SQL Server in the source environ-
ment must not be higher than the target environment.
Ensure that: Installing Microsoft Reporting
• SQL Server Reporting Services Services on page 21Installing
• SunSystems Reporting Services including Microsoft the reporting tier on page 33
SQL Server Reporting Services Extensions and the
corresponding patch set
are installed in both the source and target environment.
Ensure that all test data is removed from the source envi-
ronment. This is relevant if you are moving databases from
a UAT environment, and you have completed testing.

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 118

Moving databases to a new database server

✔ Task References
Reports are not exported by DeployManager so must be Migrating reports on page 46
migrated separately. To do this, you can either export the
reports, or move the Report Server database:
• Reports can be exported from SunSystems Report
Manager in the source environment and imported into
Report Manager in the target environment. This does
not require moving the Report Server database. See
'Migrating Reports' in Chapter 4: Post-installation tasks.
• If you prefer to move the Report Server database, refer
to the Microsoft documentation on moving Report
Server databases.
You must save the target SunSystems configuration. This Exporting a configuration using
must be completed before you restore databases in the DeployManager on page 119
target installation.
Do this by using DeployManager to run a configuration
export from any application or web node in the target instal-
In the source installation, ensure all SunSystems users
are logged out from SunSystems.
Clear any outstanding operator activity sessions.
Make a note of the SunSystems administrator user and
password. This information is required when you log into
User Manager or Security Console.
Move the databases from the source installation to the Copying the databases from
target installation. source to target installation on
page 120
In the target installation, stop all SunSystems services and
the Report server. Stop the SunSystems website on all
applicable nodes.
Setup the restored databases in the target installation. Setting up databases in the tar-
get installation on page 120

Exporting a configuration using DeployManager

Configuration information, regarding the machines that compose a SunSystems installation, is stored
in the databases. This makes the transfer of databases between two similar environments reasonably
Note: You only need to run the export once.

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 119

Moving databases to a new database server

To export a configuration:
1 Run DeployManager from any application or web node in your installation.
2 Select Function > Environment Migration.
3 In the Export Environment, click Export to save the target configuration.
4 Make a note of the location of the generated Sunsystems-Environment.zip file. The default
location is the Documents folder.

Copying the databases from source to target

Note: Report server database names must not be changed when the databases are moved from the
source system to the target system.
Note: SunSystemsServices is an example name for the windows domain group
Complete these steps:
1 Backup existing SunSystems databases and Report server databases on the source server. This
includes the SunSystems domain, security, data, report store, and report store temp databases.
2 Copy database backups to the target machine.
Note: The mechanism used to move the databases, for example, using a centrally accessible
share, is chosen by the user.
3 Backup the SSRS encryption key on the source machine.
Note: Complete this step using the Reporting Services Configuration Manager tool or the command
line tool rskeymgmt.exe provided by Microsoft.
4 Copy the encryption key to the target machine.
You must now setup the databases on the target machine.

Setting up databases in the target installation

Complete these steps to setup the databases in the target installation:
1 Using Microsoft SQL Server, restore all databases that were copied from the source system, onto
the target system.
Note: Ensure that you overwrite any existing databases in the target installation, with the copied
databases from the source installation.
2 Enable Service Broker for the two Report server databases. In SQL Server, select Properties >
Options and select true for Broker Enabled.
3 Relink all business unit groups to a domain database:

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 120

Moving databases to a new database server

• Ensure all references to the new database server are updated. You must use the
SunSystemsServices Windows domain group.
• SunSystems Database Utilities is available from SunSystems media but we recommend that
you check the Infor Support Portal for the latest version as important changes were made for
patch set 7.
a In Database Utilities, select SunSystems Database Utilities > Domain DB > Re-link all the
SunSystems Business Unit Groups to a SunSystems Domain.
b Specify the Instance Name as the new database server/instance name.
Scripts should run without any errors.

4 Grant the Windows service groups access to the security database. In Database Utilities, select
Security DB > Grant permission to Security DB.
5 Start the SunSystems Security service.
6 Import the saved configuration of the target installation:
Note: You only need to run the import once. It can be run from any application or web node in the
target installation. Importing the saved configuration ensures that the underlying software and
configuration remain consistent.
a Run DeployManager.
b Select Function > Environment Manager.
c Find the SunSystems-Environment.zip configuration file that you exported previously,
and select it for import.
7 Run DeployAgent on all servers except the database server.
Note: DeployAgent must be run on the application nodes first, and the web nodes second.
8 Use Reporting Services Configuration Manager to import the encryption key into SSRS. Ensure
the Reporting Services are running correctly with the new Report Server databases.
9 Create the SunSystemsReporting account with the RSExecRole and db_owner role for both Report
Server databases.
Note: Complete this step using the Reporting Services Configuration Manager tool or the command
line tool rskeymgmt.exe provided by Microsoft.
10 If the service account running SQL Server Reporting Services is different on the target machine
to the source machine you must run ConfigureMSRS.exe.
Note: ConfigureMSRS.exe is only found on the tier on which SRS Extensions are installed. An
example of the command line required to run ConfigureMSRS.exe is C:\Program
Files\Infor\SunSystems\ConfigureMSRS.exe -install -instance MSSQLSERVER
-user DOMAIN\SunSystemsReporting
The instance of the Reporting Service, and the account under which the Report Server is running,
must both be supplied.
11 Run Restart Services.
12 Log into SunSystems and select Business Unit Admin (BUA) to restore the business unit groups

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 121

Changing location of SunSystems components in multitier configurations

Appendix E: Changing location of SunSystems

components in multitier configurations

The installation of SunSystems components on a different server requires updating elements of the
installation configuration.

Changing location of Microsoft SQL Server Reporting

Services (SSRS)
To change the location of Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS):
1 Run DeployManager.
2 Log in as a SunSystems administrator.
3 Select SunSystems Private Tiers > Reporting Servers.
4 Specify a new server name.
5 Run DeployAgent on all nodes.

Security Server, SunSystems application server and

Connect service
Use Switch Security to reconfigure links from SunSystems client to SunSystems security server, and
the SunSystems application server.

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 122

Application file types

Appendix F: Application file types

The list of SunSystems file types:

File suffix File type Usage Application

.420 file used to upgrade from SunSystems
ssformat to ssrepo
.cfg file configuration files SunSystems
.dat file data files SunSystems
.dll file Dynamic Linked Library SunSystems
Validation routines
.gnt file generated application SunSystems
.idx file index for .dat
.ini file application initialization SunSystems
.lib file library files SunSystems
.MSG Program messages System messages in- SunSystems
voked by a program
.ocx file control files for ActiveX SunSystems
.sql file set of stored proce- SunSystems
dures and database
scripts that is supplied
with SunSystems
.xml file XML data file SunSystems
.cmd file command file, similar Transfer Desk
to a batch file but avail-
able only under Win-

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 123

Application file types

File suffix File type Usage Application

.css file Cascading style sheet Transfer Desk
that describes the for-
matting elements of a
HTML page
.dat file encrypted data file Transfer Desk
.dtd file document type defini- Transfer Desk
tion that is used to de-
scribe and validate the
structure of an XML
.hs file Helpset file, which de- Transfer Desk
scribes how help files
are grouped together
.htm file Hyper-text Markup Transfer Desk
Language file, which
contains help and other
.jar file Java archive file, which Transfer Desk
contains compiled Java
code and compressed
Java code that is exe-
cuted at run-time
.jhm file JavaHelp information Transfer Desk
.js file JavaScript file used in Transfer Desk
HTML files
.jsp file Java Server Page, Transfer Desk
used to generate web
pages on a Java web
.log file Text format log file Transfer Desk
.properties file Configuration file, simi- Transfer Desk
lar to a .ini file, that
specifies parame-
ters/settings, which are
a applied at run-time
.srdl file Report layout SunSystems Reporting
.xsd file XML Schema Defini- Transfer Desk
tion, which describes
the structure of an XML

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 124

Application file types

File suffix File type Usage Application

.xsl file Extensible Style sheet Transfer Desk
Language file, which
contains information
that is used to trans-
form the structure of an
XML document

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 125

Infor Support Policy and installations running virtualization software

Appendix G: Infor Support Policy and installations

running virtualization software

The Infor Support Policy regarding virtualization software such as Terminal Services, Citrix Xenapp
and so on.
We will fully support SunSystems deployed in test and production environments, where the SunSystems
implementation uses virtualization software and has been correctly sized to provide adequate system
We will not directly support the virtualization technology used because that is the responsibility of the
relevant vendor.
Reported support issues will be investigated in the normal way. However, we reserve the right to ask
a customer to reproduce the issue outside of a virtual environment, if we believe that the issue may
result from the failure of the abstraction layer, or its configuration, to provide a suitable application

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 126

Logging management

Appendix H: Logging management

Log files are generated to assist you with troubleshooting and are stored in subfolders that are named
according to function name.
The subfolders are located under the main SunSystems log folder, which, by default, is found at this
location: \ProgramData\Infor\SunSystems\Logs.

Database test program

The database test program diagnoses database connection issues. It is located at: \ssc\bin\
databasetest.exe. Run the program from the command prompt.
There are two modes of operation:
• with a parameter that specifies the JDBC URL
The JDBC URL connection is tested. The format of the URL depends on the type of runtime driver
that is being used.
• with no parameters
The program runs the complete suite of database tests, including:
• Low level domain database connection test
• Low level locator service connection test
• Request domain database information for the locator service
• Request list of data sources from the domain database
• Request database information for each data source
• Low level database connection test for each data source.

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 127

Administrative access recovery

Appendix I: Administrative access recovery

The Infor Support Policy regarding virtualization software such as Terminal Services, Citrix Xenapp
and so on.
For example, Security Console and User Manager will be inaccessible if Windows authentication
credentials are incorrectly mapped, or if the SunSystems administrator leaves the company without
informing another user of the administrator login details.
To avoid such situations, these steps must be completed by a local administrator or the server where
the security service is running:
Note: This feature should only be used when the administrator is unable to access the system to correct
problems in the configuration.
Note: This feature is not available if User Manager is accessed remotely. The user must be on the
specific server and be a local administrator in Windows.
1 Ensure all users have logged out of SunSystems.
2 Stop the SunSystems Security service.
3 Edit the global.config file.
Usually this is located in \ProgramData\Infor\SunSystems\Security\.
4 Change the property entry <serveradminaccess>0</serveradminaccess> to <serverad
5 Restart the service.
6 Run Security Console or User Manager as an administrator:
• If you are using Security Console, then right-click your browser icon and select Run as
Administrator. Run the url http://<server>/sunsystems-security
• If you are using User Manager, then right-click the User Manager executable and select Run
as Administrator.
7 Correct the problem that was preventing the administrator from gaining access.
8 Reverse the above process, reverting the configured property in global.config back to 0.
9 Save and close the file.
Users can log into SunSystems.

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 128

Ports, security and authentication

Appendix J: Ports, security and authentication

Port usage
Use this table to check the correct ports are being used:
Note: The application server and security service are not exposed through ARR.

Port function Default number Affinity

All SunSystems web tier end- 443 (80 for http) none
SunSystemsWeb 40000 HTTP none
Application server 40001 TCP none
Security server 40003 HTTP none
SunSystems Web Services 40003 HTTP none
SunSystems Connect 40004 HTTP none
k Connect RMI 40005 TCP none

Load Balancing configuration

Use these tables to check that the correct ports are being used.

Web Tier Load Balancer listeners

Balancer proto- Balancer ports Instance proto- Instance port Affinity

col col
HTTP(S) Default port HTTP(S) Default port none
80(443) 80(443)

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 129

Ports, security and authentication

Application Tier Load Balancer Listeners

Balancer proto- Balancer ports Instance proto- Instance port Affinity

col col
HTTP(S) Default port HTTP(S) Default port none
80(443) 80(443)
TCP Default port TCP Default port none
40001 40001

Firewall rules
Ensure that these firewall rules are applied:
• Communication enabled from the application nodes to the application tier load balancer over the
http/s port
• Communication enabled from the application nodes to the application tier load balancer over ports
40001 and 40003
• Communication enabled from the application nodes to the application ports 40000 and 40003
• Direct access from the application nodes to Microsoft SQL Server
• Communication enabled from the web nodes to the application tier load balancer over the http/s
• Communication enabled from the web nodes to the web tier load balancer over the http/s port
• Communication enabled from the web nodes to the application tier load balancer over ports 40001
and 40003
• Communication enabled from the reporting nodes to the application tier load balancer over the
http/s port
• Communication enabled from the rich client to the application server tier over ports 80, 40001 and
• Communication enabled from the rich client to the web server tier over port 80
• Communication enabled from the rich clients to the exposed Desktop Service tier on ports 40001
and 40003
• Direct access from the reporting nodes to Microsoft SQL Server, that is, port 1433 must be open
by default

Folder permissions for services

Ensure these service permissions have been applied on the application server:
• Full Control permission is applied to ProgramData\Infor for all service accounts
• Read & Execute permission is applied to Program Files\Infor for all service accounts

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 130

Ports, security and authentication

• Modify permission is applied, during SunSystems serialization, to ProgramData\Infor\Sun

Systems\_data\SSSystem.dat for the SunSystems Connect service account

Component ports
This table shows SunSystems components and their associated ports:

Component 6.3 internal ports 6.3 external 6.4 internal ports 6.4 external
ports ports
SunSystems Con- 40004 80 40004 80
nect service
SunSystems Ap- n/a n/a n/a n/a
plication Manager
port range
SunSystems Ap- n/a n/a n/a n/a
plication Manager
listener port
Application Serv- 40001 40001 40001 40001
er service
RMI registry 50001 50001 (we recom- 50001 50001 (we recom-
mend local box mend local box
access only) access only)
Job execution port removed, use port removed, use port removed, use port removed, use
RMI registry RMI registry RMI registry RMI registry
Locator service port removed, use port removed, use port removed, use port removed, use
RMI registry RMI registry RMI registry RMI registry
Transfer execu- port removed, use port removed, use port removed, use port removed, use
tion RMI registry RMI registry RMI registry RMI registry
Transfer Monitor port removed, use port removed, use port removed, use port removed, use
RMI port ranges RMI registry RMI registry RMI registry RMI registry
Configuration ser- 40003 80 40003 80
Secure job execu- port removed, use port removed, use port removed, use port removed, use
tion RMI registry RMI registry RMI registry RMI registry
SunSystems Web 80 80 80 80
SunSystems Se- 40002 40002 40003 80

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 131

Ports, security and authentication

Component 6.3 internal ports 6.3 external 6.4 internal ports 6.4 external
ports ports
Microsoft SQL 80 80 80 80
Server Reporting
SunSystems Re- 80 80 80 80
port services
SunSystems Web 40000 80 40000 80
ASP NET State 42424 42424 42424 42424
SunSystems API 40003 80 40003 80

Application timeouts
Timeout values for SunSystems URLs are set by the installation and cannot be updated by a user.
• #set( $defaultTimeout = "00:02:00")
• #set( $webSunSystemsTransferdeskDesignerTimeout = "00:10:00")
• #set( $webSunSystemsReportingTimeout = "00:20:00")
• #set( $webApplicationTierTimeout = "01:00:00")
• #set( $webApplicationConnectTierTimeout = "1.00:00:00")
• #set( $webReportingTierTimeout = "01:00:00")
• #set( $appSunSystemsQueryApiTimeout = "01:00:00")
• #set( $appSunSystemsReportingApiTimeout = "01:00:00")
• #set( $appSunSystemsConnectTimeout = "1.00:00:00")

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 132

Example deployment of Secure Sockets

Appendix K: Example deployment of Secure Sockets

This example uses HAProxy load balancer and shows the deployment created and saved in
DeployManager, and applied consecutively to each node, starting with the application nodes, then the
web nodes.

HAProxy load balancer SS63WEBLB.infor.com SSL on load balancer, port

web node SS63W1.infor.com
web node SS63W2.infor.com

HAProxy load balancer SS63APPLB.infor.com SSL on load balancer, port

application node SS63A1.infor.com
application node SS63A2.infor.com
SQL/reporting node SS63DB.infor.com Reporting tier connects to secu-
rity server through the applica-
tion load balancer

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 133

SunSystems and Transparent Data Encryption (TDE)

Appendix L: SunSystems and Transparent Data

Encryption (TDE)

TDE is an encryption technology within Microsoft SQL Server that offers encryption at file level; TDE
protects data by encrypting the physical files of the database: both the data (.mdf) and log (.ldf)
The encryption and decryption process is completely transparent to the applications accessing the
database. The file pages are encrypted before they are written to disk, and decrypted when read back
into memory. The process uses either Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) or Triple DES encryption
algorithms. Essentially, this is real-time I/O encryption and decryption and does not increase the size
of the database.
The main purpose of implementing TDE is to prevent unauthorized access to the data by restoring the
files to another server / SQL server instance. The backup files of databases that have TDE implemented
are also automatically encrypted. This means that in the event that a database backup is lost or stolen,
restoring the database will not be possible without the appropriate certificate and encryption keys.

TDE software requirements

TDE is only available with Enterprise or Developer editions of Microsoft SQL Server. It is not available
in the Standard or Business Intelligence editions. No additional software is required to implement TDE.

TDE implementation and management

Implementing TDE is simple. The process requires creating encryption keys and certificates:
1 Create a master key
2 Create a certificate protected by the master key
3 Create a database encryption key protected by the certificate
4 Use SET / ALTER to enable encryption on the database.

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 134

SunSystems and Transparent Data Encryption (TDE)

In the event of a database restore, the certificate protecting the database encryption keys must be
available. To prevent data loss, therefore, server certificate backups must be maintained in addition to
database backups.

Implications for SunSystems

To use TDE, no application changes are required, to either the code or the schema. TDE is transparent
and works in the background, which means that the user experience is the same whether using
TDE-encrypted databases or non-encrypted databases.
However, there is a performance overhead. The encryption and decryption process requires additional
CPU cycles; Microsoft estimates the performance impact to range between 3 and 30 percent, depending
on the type of CPU usage. SQL Server instances with low I/O and low CPU usage will have the least
performance impact whereas servers with high CPU usage will have the most performance impact.
It is possible to have a mixed setup where some databases are TDE-enabled and others are not,
because TDE is enabled at the database level.
Limited initial testing in SunSystems indicates that there is minimal impact on performance.

Impact on SunSystems support

SunSystems support consultants are often required to backup and restore a customers database in
order to resolve a support issue. The backup files of TDE-enabled databases are automatically encrypted,
which means that encryption keys and certificates must also be provided by the customer. Before
restoring a TDE-enabled database, a consultant will require the database backup files, the service
master key backup file, the master database master key backup file and the master database certificate
private key.
Alternatively, users could pack the business unit into a store business unit group (database) that is not

Considerations when implementing TDE

TDE is designed to protect data at rest by encrypting the physical data files, not the data itself. In
contrast, data in transit, that is, data transmitted to or from a client across the network, is not encrypted.
If there is a requirement to encrypt data across the network, then an SSL connection must be
implemented on the clients. Additionally, in a Replication setup, data is not automatically replicated in
an encrypted form from a TDE-enabled database.

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 135

SunSystems and Transparent Data Encryption (TDE)

One consequence of implementing TDE is that the TempDB database will be automatically encrypted
as part of maintaining full protection by TDE. This may have a performance impact on any unencrypted
databases sharing the same SQL Server instance.
A disadvantage of implementing TDE is that any benefit gained from backup compression is rendered
negligible because the backup files are only minimally compressed.
Further details about TDE can be found on the Microsoft website: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 136

Order Fulfilment wizards

Appendix M: Order Fulfilment wizards

There are two Order Fulfilment wizards available:

• Order Fulfilment Business Unit Template wizard
• Order Fulfilment Copy Data wizard.
The wizards are delivered with SunSystems as SunSystems Tools and Wizards. They are intended
for use by Infor consultants, and must be run from the command line.

Using the Order Fulfilment Business Unit Template

Wizard (WBD)
The Order Fulfilment Business Unit Template wizard, also known as the BUOFT wizard, is provided
with SunSystems to assist you with implementing and configuring your system. Use it to optionally
rename and create multiple copies of movement, purchase and sales types.
The wizard is included in the Ease of Implementation set of tools.
Note: In SunSystems, you must ensure you are currently in the business unit in which data is to be
1 Setup the environment before using the wizard:
a Run Business Unit Setup (BUS) to create the business unit and to specify the operating
b Ensure the relevant users are groups have access to the business unit by using User Manager.
c Ensure an application role has been created in User Manager.
2 Run the wizard:
a Navigate to \TechProducts\easeofimplementation\buoftwizard
b Run simplewizard.sln from the command line.
c Follow the steps in the wizard which guide you through the process.
3 Generate customer specific data, for example, items, accounts, customers and suppliers.
4 Amend the data generated by the wizard to replace the dummy codes with the customer specific

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 137

Order Fulfilment wizards

Using the Order Fulfilment Copy Data wizard (WCD)

The Order Fulfilment Copy Data wizard, also known as the OFCD wizard, is provided with SunSystems
to assist you with implementing and configuring your system. Use it to generate one or more copies
of a specific static data entry within the same business unit. For example, purchase, sales and movement
types, ledger interfaces, items, customers and suppliers.
The wizard is included in the Ease of Implementation set of tools.
Note: In SunSystems, you must ensure you are currently in the business unit in which data is to be
1 Run the Business Unit Order Fulfilment Template wizard.
2 Navigate to \TechProducts\easeofimplementation\ofcdwizard
3 Run simplewizard.sln from the command line.
4 Follow the steps in the wizard which guide you through the process.

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 138

Deployment Tools

Appendix N: Deployment Tools

DeployAgent and DeployManager are deployment tools that are responsible for the setup and
configuration of the SunSystems environment and various infrastructure-related security settings. In
particular, these tools are responsible for the Application Request Routing (ARR) solution used by all
SunSystems deployments.
The tasks performed by DeployAgent to configure a SunSystems node, include simple configurations
of IIS, or changes to SunSystems configuration properties. Some tasks are complex and based on
industry standards and are documented in this appendix.

Environmental setup tasks for DeployAgent

Note: The environmental setup tasks for SunSystems occur at system level and therefore may impact
other applications.
These tasks are required for the secure operation of SunSystems and are performed whenever
DeployAgent is run:

Task Name - DeployAgent UI Description Notes

Updating HTTP protocol ver- Disables support for HTTP/2 Feature disabled due to issues
sions protocol with NTLM. HTTP/2 does not
This feature is only supported currently support NTLM and
by Windows Server 2016/Win- some browsers have issues with
dows 10 and IIS 10.0 the failback procedure - especial-
ly as NTLM has a specific syn-
chronous set of requests
For example, running Chrome
58+ in a Infor Ming.le iframe, the
page fails to load and requires
a manual refresh to enable fail-
back to HTTP/1.1
For these reasons, HTTP/2 is
currently disabled by the Deploy-
Agent tool.

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 139

Deployment Tools

Microsoft IIS ARR setup

The ARR Farms and Rewrite Rules required to support the Deployment Topology setup in
DeployManager are created by the Microsoft IIS ARR setup task. It is used to configure the security
features within IIS that are specific to the SunSystems applications, and are based on the known

Task name(s) Detailed description Notes

(as in DeployAgent UI)
Reconfiguring 'SunSystemsDe- 'SunSystemsDefault' is the cpu.resetInterval:"00:00:00"
fault' AppPool AppPool responsible for han- processModal.idle.Time-
dling ARR proxied requests. out:"00:00:00"
A number of AppPool settings queueLength:"4000"
for ARR, that are recommended
by Microsoft, are applied here
Reconfiguring 'Custom HTTP Removes all additional Custom This is required to prevent the
Headers' for 'SunSystems Appli- HTTP Headers configured with- 'doubling up' of HTTP headers
cations' in IIS due to the looping SunSystems
proxy configuration.
In particular, the 'Powered By'
HTTP header, specified by
IIS/ARR by default. However,
this also means that any HTTP
headers that should be added
to HTTP Response, must be
added using URL Rewrite

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 140

Deployment Tools

Task name(s) Detailed description Notes

(as in DeployAgent UI)
• Rebuilding 'Allowed File Clears the list of all acceptable The list of acceptable exten-
Extensions' for 'SunSys- file extensions which may be sions is:
tems Applications' served by the 'SunSystems Ap- • .htm
• Reconfiguring WEB 'Al- plications' site. • .html
lowed File Extensions' Adds back a white list of accept- • .jsp
• Reconfiguring APP 'Allowed able SunSystems file exten-
• .aspx
File Extensions' sions. All other extensions are
• .svc
refused by IIS.
• .js
• .css
• .svg
• .png
• .gif
• .jpeg
• .jpg
• .ico
• .axd
A file without an extension is al-
so acceptable. This is required
by the SunSystems reporting
• Reconfiguring WEB applica- Configures the IIS to provide Compression configurations
tion compression GZip Compression for static used are:
• Reconfiguring APP applica- content and dynamically gener-
tion compression ated content. Appli- Static Dynam-
cation ic
Ensures compression is speci-
fied as disabled for the appropri- sunsys- EN- DIS-
ate SunSystems applications. tems-lo- ABLED ABLED

• Reconfiguring WEB applica- Enforces the usage of "Require This option is only set to true
tion authentication SSL" for Forms Authentication. when IIS is responsible for the
• Reconfiguring APP applica- SSL configuration (encryption
tion authentication at NODE level).
See https://technet.mi
cc771633(v=ws.10).aspx for

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 141

Deployment Tools

Configuration service setup

The specification of the SunSystems Configuration service is checked by the "Configuration Service"
setup task, inline with the Deployment Topology. This is completed before any further DeployAgent
tasks. After changes to configuration the Configuration Service is restarted. The service must be
restarted before proceeding with the remaining DeployAgent tasks.

Virtual Host Table configuration

This task is used to configure the Virtual Host table, or source tier routing table, that contains source
tier-based content. The table is used by SunSystems applications to communicate.
The related sub-tasks are based on the node configuration defined in the Deployment Topology.

SunSystems service configuration

The SunSystems service task is responsible for any SunSystems component configuration that is
related to the Deployment Topology. Many of these options specify the security features that relate to
the deployed nodes and encryption.
These configuration options are held in the SunSystems Configuration service, but are not configurable
through Configuration Manager:

Table 1:

Task Name(s) Detailed description Notes

(as in DeployAgent UI)
Configuring SunSystems Con- SunSystems Connect configura- https://tomcat.apache.org/tom
nect Server properties tion related to embedded Tom- cat-9.0-doc/config/http.html
cat Server. This task automatically sets
This task configures some of these Tomcat HTTP Connector
the basic service properties properties:
such as port number, in addition • tomcat.http_connector.port
to further security configura- • tomcat.http_connec-
tions. tor_scheme
• tomcat.http_connector.se-
Configuring SunSystems Report Configures the specified port
Manager service properties number for the SunSystems
Report Manager service.

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 142

Deployment Tools

Task Name(s) Detailed description Notes

(as in DeployAgent UI)
Configuring SunSystems Appli- Configures the specified port
cation server properties number configurations for the
SunSystems Application server.

Finalising SunSystems deployment

This task encompasses all other items not included in the previous tasks. It is used to complete any
configuration not held in the Configuration service. It is also used to apply any patch set level fixes that
cannot be completed during the normal patch set process. This generally relates to environmental
changes such as changes to IIS.

Table 2:

Task Name(s) Detailed description Notes

(as in DeployAgent UI)
Updating SunSystems Web Configures the specified port
service server.xml settings number for SunSystems Web

Restarting SunSystems
This task is the same as that provided for the RestartServices.exe. This process stops all
SunSystems services and SunSystems specific IIS components then restarts them in reverse order.
A restart of all services and IIS marks a node as unavailable. After the restart, ARR detects if the system
has returned to service within 30 seconds. The entry points stop returning HTTP 502.4 errors and
instead return the HTTP 200 status.

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 143

Database Health Check

Appendix O: Database Health Check

Check and remove

You can use the Database Health Check to check settings, performance, maintenance and housekeeping
of the SunSystems databases and the instances that they reside on.
The log file DatabaseHealthCheck.log is generated in the ProgramData\Infor\SunSystems
\Logs\Install folder.
Note: The generated log contains thorough and detailed information. It is expected to contain many

Name Description Type

Server Name Server name Information
Server Instance Name Server instance name Information
Instance SQL Server instance name Information
Edition SQL Server edition Information
Product version SQL Server product version Information
Version name SQL Server product version Information
Full version name SQL Server full version name Information
Security - sysadmins Which logins have sysadmin Information
rights and can do whatever they
want on SQL server
Security - CONTROL SERVER These logins can do what they Information
want on SQL Server
Number of databases on this Shows how many databases Information
instance are in this instance of SQL
server. Useful to see the poten-
tial load on this instance

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 144

Database Health Check

Name Description Type

Default database configurations Details any database configura- Review
changed tion default that have been
changed. Allow a focus on
which default settings have
been changed
Parallelism settings Reports current settings –Sug- Review
gested settings for SunSystems
is Max degree of parallelism =
2 and cost threshold for paral-
lelism of 30. These are suggest-
ed settings and should be test-
SQL Server service account SQL Server service account Review
must not have the ‘lock pages
in memory’ privilege on servers
that host other mission-critical
SQL Server Maximum Memory SQL server should leave suffi- Review
cient memory for OS - Calculate
max. memory for SQL Server
like this:
Total memory:
• 1 GB for OS
• 4 GB for OS the first 16 GB
• 1 GB for OS for every addi-
tional 8 GB memory.

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 145

Database Health Check

Name Description Type

Optimize for ad hoc workloads This is used to improve the effi- Review
ciency of the plan cache for
workloads that contain many
single use ad hoc batches.
When this option is set to 1, the
Database Engine stores a small
compiled plan stub in the plan
cache when a batch is compiled
for the first time, instead of the
full compiled plan.
This helps to relieve memory
pressure by not allowing the
plan cache to become filled with
compiled plans that are not
To find the number of single-use
cached plans, run the following
query: -
SELECT objtype, cacheob
AVG(usecounts) AS Avg_U
AS AllRefObjects,
ASbigint))/1024/1024 AS
WHERE objtype = 'Adhoc'
usecounts = 1
GROUP BY objtype,
Free space on disk Details any disks where Review
databases are located if the
available free space is < 30%.
If the figure is less than 30% it
is suggested that you review the
amount of free space to ensure
that there is sufficient.

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 146

Database Health Check

Name Description Type

Check database files This check the files in tempdb, Review
master, msdb and model.
Checks files, growth settings
and location.
Tempdb should always have
more than on data file and not
more than the number of CPU
cores. All tempdb datafiles
should be the same size and
grow by the same amount.
Performance This is to check the general Review
performance of the disks – we
would expect the total time to
be less than 2 minutes.
This is running the Performance
script that has been supplied by
Infor. This is generally checking
the read and write speeds.
Long running queries List the top 50 long running Review
queries by average time. The
details can be used to give an
idea of heavily used tables and
an idea of the function. Potential-
ly index changes may assist.
Long Running Queries by I/O List the top 50 long running Review
queries by I/O. The details can
be used to give an idea of
heavily used tables and an idea
of the function. Potentially index
changes may assist.
Always On Enabled Details whether AlwaysOn is Information
enabled or not and if enabled
details of Availability groups,
Listener Name and Availability
Replicas are provided.
Linked Server Configuration Provides details of Linked Information
Servers if they have been con-
figured - mainly used when a
BU Group is on a server differ-
ent to the server on which the
Domain resides

The next section circulates through the SunSystems databases. These are identified by having the
table SQL_OBJ_REGISTRY present in a database.

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 147

Database Health Check

Name Description Type / Importance

Database Size Total database size all data and Information
log files
Database Files Lists all files for this database Information
and their sizes
Database Files Growth Check all files have same file Review
growth settings
Database Owner Lists the owner of each SunSys- Information
tems database
Collation Check Best practice is the collation of Information
the database to match the colla-
tion of the instance
SunSystems version Details the version of each of Information
the SunSystems databases e.g.
SunSystems Patch Set version Details of the patch-set of each Information
of the SunSystems databases
e.g. S6 - PS - 01
Data Audit Rows Number of rows in the SS- Information
DA_STORE table
Data Audit Setup Number of rows in the SS- Information
DA_DDR table where AUDIT_
Database Recovery Model Details the recovery model op- Information
Page Verification Page Verification Not Optimal Action
for Database, SQL Server may
have a harder time recognizing
and recovering from storage
corruption. Consider using CHE
CKSUM instead. CHECKSUM is
the recommended setting
Database compatibility level The database compatibility level Action
must the highest supported by
the server product version. Indi-
cates that this is not the case
and should be changed

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 148

Database Health Check

Name Description Type / Importance

Database backups Check backups are being done. Action
Checks the date and time of the
last backup and reports is one
hasn’t been done in the last 7
Service Broker Enabled Checks that the Service Broker Action
is enabled for the Domain, Se-
curity and Landlord databases
to enable SQL Query Notifica-
tions when changes are made
in the database
Database file growth Percent grown is not best prac- Action / Review
tice, fixed growth is better. Ac-
tion if percent Review for fixed
to ensure growth size is big
enough so growth doesn’t hap-
pen too often
DBCC CHECKDB last good run This should be run on a weekly Action
basis if not more frequently.
Checks the date and time of the
last CHECKDB and reports is one
hasn’t been done in the last 7
Database option AUTO_CLOSE Must always be set to OFF, Action
must be amended if set ON
Database option AUTO_CRE- Must always be set to ON, must Action
ATE_STATISTICS be amended if set OFF
Database option AU- Must always be set to OFF, Action
TO_SHRINK must be amended if set ON
Index fragmentation Tells how many indexes have Action
more than 100 pages and are
more than 25% fragmented.
Check your maintenance plans
to ensure that a frequent pro-
cess is run to keep the indexes

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 149

Database Health Check

Name Description Type / Importance

Statistics review Statistics that have more than Action
20,000 rows and less than 30%
sampling. Check the statics and
maybe rebuild them at a conve-
nient time to ensure best perfor-
mance. Tables with a large
number of rows need a smaller
sampling size
SSP_DROP_WORK_TABLES Date last run – should be run at Action
least once a month. This proce-
dure is a SunSystems one to
keep the number of work tables
to a minimum to improve perfor-
SSP_DOMN_DROP_WORK_TA- Date last run – should be run at Action
BLES least once a month. This proce-
dure is a SunSystems one to
keep the number of work tables
to a minimum
SSP_HOUSEKEEPING Date last run – should be run at Action
least once a month This proce-
dure is a SunSystems one to
keep the number of rows in
some interface tables to a mini-
mum to improve performance
Trusted Constraints - Foreign Identifies how many foreign Action
Keys keys that aren’t currently set to
trusted. Trusted constraints
perform quicker than non-trust-
ed ones. Can be enabled as an
action in SunSystems function
Trusted Constraints - Check Identifies how many check con- Action
Constraints straints that aren’t currently set
to trusted. Trusted con-
straintsperform quicker than
non-trusted ones. Can be en-
abled as an action in SunSys-
tems function BUA
Database users List all users that have access Review
to the database with the type of

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 150

Database Health Check

Name Description Type / Importance

Recovery Mode full NO log Details all SunSystems Action
backups databases where the recovery
mode is set to Full and no log
backup have been done in the
last 7 day
Database Encrypted Details whether transparent Information
database encryption is enabled.
If it is, you must ensure that
certificate is backed up properly
Database Change tracking This is not a default setting, and Action
it has some performance over-
head. It tracks changes to rows
in tables that have change
tracking turned on
Data Compression - table Reports the number of tables Information
where data compression is set
Data Compression - index Reports the number of indexes Information
where data compression is set

Infor SunSystems Installation Guide | 151

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