Unit 5, Performnace and Compensation Management, BBA 5th
Unit 5, Performnace and Compensation Management, BBA 5th
Unit 5, Performnace and Compensation Management, BBA 5th
Overall Discussion
1. Base Salary
Some employees work at their local MNC branch and are later
asked to travel overseas for a new project.
3. Benefits
The term ‘benefits’, refers to the other added benefits that the
employee is given apart from the basic salary.
The MNC Company will pay for or cover the expenses for all
the travelling, finding temporary accommodation and finding a
home in the host country.
However there are a also companies that only cover housing and
accommodation costs.
5. Education Benefits
Many reputed MNC companies also provide educational
benefits to their employees to further their academic graph or
complete post graduate education.
MNC are known for helping employees grow in their career and
providing growth opportunities.
Hence, depending on the expatriate compensation package the
MNC will offer educational benefits to their employees.
Other MNC firms also cover educational expenses for the family
and children of certain executive expatriates or employees.
The MNC will arrange for host country health care and
insurance partners to assist the employee with obtaining quality
health care and coverage.
Mostly, the health insurance is incredibly helpful in the face of
sudden accidents and third party liabilities.