RA: A Static Analysis Tool For Analyzing Re-Entrancy Attacks in Ethereum Smart Contracts
RA: A Static Analysis Tool For Analyzing Re-Entrancy Attacks in Ethereum Smart Contracts
RA: A Static Analysis Tool For Analyzing Re-Entrancy Attacks in Ethereum Smart Contracts
[DOI: 10.2197/ipsjjip.29.537]
Recommended Paper
Abstract: Ethereum smart contracts are programs that are deployed and executed in a consensus-based blockchain
managed by a peer-to-peer network. Several re-entrancy attacks that aim to steal Ether, the cryptocurrency used in
Ethereum, stored in deployed smart contracts have been found in the recent years. A countermeasure to such attacks
is based on dynamic analysis that executes the smart contracts themselves, but it requires the spending of Ether and
knowledge of attack patterns for analysis in advance. In this paper, we present a static analysis tool named RA (Re-
entrancy Analyzer), a combination of symbolic execution and equivalence checking by a satisfiability modulo theories
solver to analyze vulnerability of smart contracts to re-entrancy attacks. In contrast to existing tools, RA supports
analysis of inter-contract behaviors by using only the Ethereum Virtual Machine bytecodes of target smart contracts,
i.e., even without prior knowledge of attack patterns and without spending Ether. Furthermore, RA can verify existence
of vulnerability to re-entrancy attacks without execution of smart contracts and it does not provide false positives and
false negatives. We also present an implementation of RA to evaluate its performance in analyzing the vulnerability of
deployed smart contracts to re-entrancy attacks and show that RA can precisely determine which smart contracts are
Keywords: ethereum, smart contracts, static analysis, EVM, symbolic execution, SMT solver
Osaka University, Suita, Osaka 565–0871, Japan The preliminary version of this paper was published at Computer Se-
National Institute of Technology, Nara College, Yamatokoriyama, Nara curity Symposium 2019 (CSS2019), Oct. 2019. The paper was recom-
639–1080, Japan mended to be submitted to Journal of Information Processing (JIP) by
t-yuichiro@ist.osaka-u.ac.jp the chief examiner of SIGCSEC.
b) *1
yanai@ist.osaka-u.ac.jp Hereafter, “contract” and “smart contract” are used interchangeably but
cruz@ist.osaka-u.ac.jp have the same meaning. Likewise, “the blockchain” will be used to refer
okamura@info.nara-k.ac.jp to the Ethereum blockchain, unless otherwise specified.
c 2021 Information Processing Society of Japan 537
Journal of Information Processing Vol.29 537–547 (Sep. 2021)
sis targets. If a developer will only analyze the Solidity source was presented at IEEE Blockchain 2020. In the previous work,
codes he/she develops, then a tool that analyzes Solidity source we presented an analysis tool named RA and evaluated its per-
codes will suffice. However, such a tool cannot be used if a user formance. In this paper, we evaluate the performance of RA in
wants to analyze other deployed contracts but he/she does not a theoretical fashion. We also include additional related works
have the corresponding source codes. In contrast, users can ob- from literature.
tain the EVM bytecodes of deployed contracts directly from a
blockchain explorer even if the corresponding source codes are 1.2 Contributions
unpublished and analyze their vulnerabilities anytime. Thus, us- In this paper, we present a new static analysis tool named Re-
ing static analysis of EVM bytecodes, analysts can easily judge entrancy Analyzer (RA) for analyzing EVM bytecodes of smart
whether a deployed contract has benign or malicious codes, e.g., contracts. RA can analyze re-entrancy vulnerabilities via inter-
vulnerable or honeypots. contract flows, for instance, by creating a new contract and call-
In early literature on analysis of EVM bytecodes, formal veri- ing a different function in the main contract via an external con-
fication [6], [16], [18], [19], [33] is a leading approach for verify- tract. RA does not require analysts to have prior knowledge of
ing a specification of bytecodes and symbolic execution [8], [21], the attack patterns and pay Ether for analysis, and it does not
[23], [26], [31] is used for exploring bytecodes in a depth-first provide false positives and false negatives. These advantages
search fashion by extracting control flow graphs (CFGs). Ac- are achieved via integration of symbolic execution and equiva-
cording to Weiss et al. [35], rigid formal verification is often dis- lence checking with a satisfiability modulo theories (SMT) solver.
missed as it puts too high demands on analysts who are not ex- Furthermore, we provide an implementation of RA and evalu-
perts in formal verification. On the other hand, symbolic exe- ate it by utilizing publicly available reference implementations
cution can potentially support analysis of vulnerabilities via ex- of re-entrancy vulnerabilities [1], [2], [29]. Our results confirm
traction of CFGs. Several prior works [23], [26], [31] succeeded that, unlike Oyente [23], RA can analyze precisely the vulner-
in analyzing some vulnerabilities, such as to re-entrancy attacks. ability of deployed contracts to state-of-the-art re-entrancy at-
However, symbolic execution only outputs CFGs from programs tacks [29]. We have released the source codes of RA via GitHub
to be analyzed and does not support detection of the vulnerabil- (https://github.com/wanidon/RA) for reproducibility and as refer-
ities themselves. Accordingly, analysis becomes often heuristic ence for future works.
if an infeasible path exists in the programs. In particular, analy- Our main contribution is the creation of a new symbolic execu-
sis results may produce many false positives and false negatives tion method named symbolic re-entrancy emulation, which em-
because of an infeasible path [7]. ulates re-entrancy attacks by connecting different contracts with
A recent work [29] has found re-entrancy attacks that under- each other. As will be described in detail in Section 3, Oyente
mine existing analysis tools [19], [23], [33] by creating a new and its extensions [19], [33] do not support inter-contract analy-
contract or calling a different function via an external contract. sis, for example, CFGs become fragments. On the other hand, we
Although a monitoring tool was also proposed in the same pa- developed a module that localizes stored data on the blockchain
per as a countermeasure against those attacks, the tool performs in each execution path and a module that stacks a return address
monitoring based on dynamic analysis and is therefore unable to of an account information for each path. Using these modules,
detect vulnerabilities unless the attacks occur during program ex- RA can support inter-contract analysis and emulate the behavior
ecution. Accordingly, analysts need to implement and execute of re-entrancy attacks in a symbolic fashion via an internal im-
attack patterns by themselves in advance to check for vulnerabil- plementation of a dummy contract, i.e., a contract that executes
ities. Although generic attack patterns [12] have been presented other contracts.
formally, dynamic analysis remains impractical for analysis of As another important contribution, we developed a new
smart contracts because it often requires analysts to know how method named vulnerability verification, which verifies vulnera-
an attack is launched as well as to spend Ether for the execution bilities by utilizing the Z3 SMT solver in the CFGs obtained from
of contracts. Ideally, contracts should be analyzed based on only the symbolic re-entrancy emulation. In particular, on path condi-
their bytecodes, i.e., with the use of static analysis. tions of the obtained CFGs, our method verifies whether program
Research Goal: This paper aims to design an inter-contract behavior on paths for executions with re-entrancy attacks is iden-
static analysis tool that (1) uses only EVM bytecodes as input, tical to that without the attacks, i.e., behavior on normal execu-
(2) eliminates false negatives and false positives, and (3) does tions. Using the methods above, RA can completely eliminate
not require analysts to have a priori knowledge of the attacks on false positives and false negatives (see Section 4 for details).
contracts. For this goal, we focus on analysis of re-entrancy at-
tacks [29]. As evident in the attack on “The DAO,” re-entrancy 1.3 Paper Organization
attacks have a significant impact and many contracts have been The rest of this paper is organized as follows. A background
found to be vulnerable to these attacks [19], [23]. Considering of smart contracts and program analysis is presented in Section 2.
findings on new attacks [29] in the recent years, our research goal Re-entrancy attacks and the technical difficulties in analyzing re-
can prove to be important and useful. Moreover, the design of a entrancy attacks are discussed in Section 3. The design of RA
static analysis tool that is effective against new attacks is an open is presented in Section 4, and then its experimental evaluation
challenge [29]. is presented in Section 5. A review of related works is given in
This paper is the full version of our previous work [10] which Section 6. Finally, a conclusion is presented in Section 7.
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tor to other contracts, including malicious contracts, via CALL in false positives and false negatives, analysis tools should include
the initialization codes. Here, the victim contract first creates a a method that can evaluate vulnerabilities without requiring ana-
new contract and then updates its internal state. The newly cre- lysts to have prior knowledge of the attacks.
ated contract then calls a contract owned by an adversary. Con-
4. Design of RA
sequently, the adversary maliciously withdraws from the victim
contract via the re-entrancy. In this section, we present Re-entrancy Analyzer (RA), a new
3.1.3 Cross-Function Re-Entrancy Attack static analysis tool for re-entrancy attacks on Ethereum smart
Whenever function calls in which Ether is sent to an exter- contracts. We first describe our design concept and then describe
nal contract account are executed, transactions are created by the symbolic re-entrancy emulation and vulnerability verification as
CALL instruction. In doing so, some data are sent together with main processes, including their implementation.
the transaction. The four most significant bytes correspond to a
function ID of a caller function, which is obtained from a function 4.1 Design Concept
name and a type name of variables. The callee contract obtains The main idea of RA is to combine symbolic execution and an
the function ID of the caller contract from the received transac- SMT solver in a dual way, i.e., symbolic re-entrancy emulation
tion and then decides a function to be executed by checking if the and vulnerability verification.
ID is identical to that owned by the callee contract. If the callee First, modules that emulate re-entrancy attacks based on sym-
contract does not own a function ID specified by a transaction, a bolic execution are developed. Loosely speaking, by using an
fallback function is executed as described above. Cross-function SMT solver to verify if conditions for calling to an external con-
re-entrancy attacks proposed by Rodler et al. [29] are launched tract and generating basic blocks are satisfied, RA can identify
over multiple functions of the victim contract. Specifically, cross- which function is called. Consequently, RA can find path con-
function re-entrancy attacks are launched by re-entering the same ditions via symbolic execution, which transits executions to each
contract via a different function, whereas classical re-entrancy at- basic block recursively. Second, by utilizing the path conditions
tacks are launched by re-entering the same contract via the same obtained from the emulation process above, RA verifies if a resul-
function. tant running state of a function call based on a fallback function
is equivalent to the original behavior, i.e., without the fallback
3.2 Technical Difficulties function, on the CFG obtained from the emulation. The verifi-
We present some technical issues that need to be solved for the cation is done by the SMT solver. While symbolic executions in
analysis of the attacks described in the previous subsection. First, literature [19], [23], [33] report only program behavior via CFGs
existing tools [19], [23], [33] do not provide support for generat- obtained within a single contract, RA emulates re-entrancy at-
ing running states of a callee contract via opcodes such as CRE- tacks including inter-contract behavior and then it verifies the
ATE and CALL, which utilize an external contract. Consequently, vulnerability of these contracts to re-entrancy attacks. Conse-
in these tools, a caller contract is unidentified uniquely from the quently, in contrast to the early literature, while the coverage of
standpoint of a callee contract and vice versa. More concretely, in the analysis for re-entrancy attacks has improved drastically, RA
the reference implementation of re-entrancy attacks [29], an ini- can analyze the vulnerabilities precisely, i.e., without false pos-
tialization code for the create-based re-entrancy attack is executed itives and false negatives and without requiring analysts to have
in the aforementioned manner. In doing so, the initialization code prior knowledge of attack patterns, including state-of-the-art re-
is on an infeasible path for existing tools. Moreover, because the entrancy attacks [29].
main body of the created code is determined by a return value
from the initialization code, the contract by CREATE is infeasi- 4.2 Tool Overview
ble unless the initialization code is analyzed. Thus, the behavior The overview of RA is as follows. First, for the symbolic re-
of the created contract including CALL is unknown during offline entrancy emulation, RA generates CFGs from bytecodes whereby
analysis. Likewise, when an external contract is called by CALL a newly created/called contract is represented within a flow of the
for the cross-function re-entrancy attacks [29], analysis should be main contract via symbolic execution. Then, for vulnerability
executed independently for each contract because running states verification, RA verifies whether the bytecodes are vulnerable to
of a callee contract are not generated. Consequently, utilizing re-entrancy attacks by utilizing the Z3 SMT solver in accordance
path conditions for a caller contract is no longer meaningful to with path conditions obtained from the symbolic re-entrancy em-
analyze the behavior of a callee contract. Furthermore, there are ulation. To do this, the following notions are defined for RA:
many candidates of function combinations, and thus analyzing • Local-world state is owned by a basic block in local and
vulnerability to cross-function re-entrancy attacks becomes diffi- stores global information, such as balance or storage.
cult due to the potential state explosion [29]. • Call stack is a stack that stores a return address to a basic
Second, a method that evaluates vulnerabilities should be con- block.
sidered as well. Several analysis tools [7], [23], [26] report fea- • Contract queue is a queue that stores bytecodes of a contract
sible paths but do not provide evaluation and detection of vul- to be analyzed.
nerabilities. Accordingly, analysts often need to determine if An overview of RA including the notions is presented in Fig. 1.
a contract is vulnerable in a heuristic fashion, and hence many RA mainly consists of three modules, namely, CFManager, VM,
false positives and false negatives are produced. To eliminate and Verifier. The symbolic re-entrancy emulation process is
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Table 1 Results of Analysis of Contracts Vulnerable to Re-Entrancy Attacks: The Benign Functions and
Vulnerable Functions columns represent the number of benign functions and vulnerable func-
tions in the contract, respectively. The true positive rate is denoted by TPR, false positive rate by
FPR, true negative rate by TNR, and false negative rate by FNR.
Code Benign Vulnerable
Contract Length [Byte] Functions Functions TPR [%] FPR [%] TNR [%] FNR [%]
Fund [2] 356 0 1 100 0 0 0
KnownReentrancy [1] 365 0 1 100 0 0 0
Bank [29] 1,694 2 1 100 0 100 0
Token [29] 2,516 11 1 100 0 0 0
KnownCrossFunction [1] 680 1 1 100 0 100 0
provides analysis of create-based re-entrancy attacks in an inter- Table 2 Computational Time of RA for Analysis: The Combinations of
Functions column represents the number of combinations of func-
contract fashion. tion calls in the contract.
5.1.2 Call of Contracts
Code Combinations
We omit the output of RA in this case due to its length and Contract Length [Byte] of Functions Time [sec]
describe only the intuition. Suppose that an adversary utilizes Fund [2] 356 1 20.750
a contract with only CALL instructions. In particular, because Known
Reentrancy [1] 365 1 23.003
there are two basic blocks, two function calls and two transitions
Bank [29] 1,694 3 47.579
to the caller are identified according to the analysis results of RA. Token [29] 2,516 12 519.676
These results confirm that RA provides analysis of cross-function KnownCross
re-entrancy attacks in an inter-contract fashion. Function [1] 680 2 37.705
5.2 Vulnerability Analysis Table 3 Comparison of RA and Other Analysis Tools: • indicates the tool
can detect the attack, ◦ indicates the tool cannot detect the attack,
The performance of RA is evaluated by using it to analyze the and indicates the tool can potentially detect the attack but did not
vulnerability of a number of deployed contracts to re-entrancy provide a discussion in its paper.
attacks. In particular, the target contracts included in the evalua- Static Cross- Create-
tion are the Fund contract in the official document of Solidity [2], Tool Analysis Function Based Analysis Target
Oyente [23] Static ◦ ◦ EVM
a contract named KnownReentrancy obtained from the code of
Securify [33] Static ◦ ◦ EVM
“Reentrancy on a Single Function” published on the webpage of
Annotary [35] Static Solidity
“Ethereum Smart Contract Best Practices” [1], the Bank contract
Sereum [29] Dynamic • • EVM
based on create-based re-entrancy attack [29], the Token contract ÆGIS [12] Dyanmic • EVM
based on cross-function re-entrancy attack [29], and a contract RA Static • • EVM
named KnownCrossFunction obtained from the code of “Cross-
function Reentrancy” published on “Ethereum Smart Contract 5.3 Computational Performance
Best Practices”. Both Fund and KnownReentrancy contain a sin- We now present the computational performance of RA for
gle contract. Bank contains three contracts, two of which are be- analysis of re-entrancy attacks. The performance was measured
nign, i.e., not vulnerable. Token contains twelve contracts, eleven by utilizing the time.perf counter function as an average of ten ex-
of which are benign and only one contract is vulnerable. Fi- ecutions. The environment for measurement is as follows: iMac
nally, KnownCrossFunction contains one vulnerable contract and 21.5-inch, 2017 with 3.6 GHz Intel Core i7 processor, 32 GB
one benign contract because the cross-function re-entrancy attack memory, and Radeon Pro 560 4 GB as GPU. The measurement
needs “cross” calls between different contracts. Several contracts was done by implementing parallel-processing. As can be seen in
include multiple functions and hence analysis of re-entrancy at- Table 2, the computational time for analysis becomes longer in
tacks becomes complicated due to combinations of function calls proportion to the number of function calls. Surprisingly, analysis
as described in Section 3.2. In doing so, the goal of this eval- of Bank is fast even with its code length because Bank is based
uation is to determine whether RA can precisely identify both on create-based re-entrancy attack, i.e., the majority of its codes
vulnerable contracts and benign contracts. to create a contract and the function call are restricted to call the
The results are shown in Table 1. According to the table, RA created contract. In contrast, Token is based on cross-function
can precisely verify all the existing vulnerabilities without false re-entrancy attack and its code length and variation of function
positives and false negatives. In other words, in addition to be- calls are large. Nevertheless, RA was still able to analyze Token
ing able to analyze contracts that are vulnerable to re-entrancy within reasonable time.
attacks, RA can also analyze contracts that are not vulnerable, as
confirmed by the true negative rate. This precise evaluation for 5.4 Comparison to Other Analysis Tools
verification of vulnerabilities was obtained by the use of the Z3 Table 3 shows a comparison of different tools in terms of
SMT solver with path conditions obtained from symbolic execu- their ability to detect re-entrancy attacks discovered by Rodler
tion. et al. [29]. Oyente [23] and Securify [33] cannot detect such re-
entrancy attacks. In particular, Oyente fails to detect the vulner-
c 2021 Information Processing Society of Japan 543
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abilities, while Securify produces false alerts due to its conser- ongoing work, may be able to overcome the limitation described
vative policy. Sereum and ÆGIS can potentially detect the vul- above. Finally, bytecodes of contracts cannot include symbolic
nerabilities, but they are based on dynamic analysis. Finally, An- values. Accordingly, a case where created contracts are differ-
notary is a static analysis tool that can deal with CREATE and ent for each execution is not considered. Improving the points
CALL instructions. Thus, it can potentially detect the re-entrancy described above is our ongoing work.
attacks, but its paper did not discuss re-entrancy attacks. More-
over, Annotary’s analysis target are Solidity codes and thus it may
6. Related Works
experience difficulties in analyzing deployed contracts. In this section, we recall early literature on security analysis
of Ethereum smart contracts in terms of symbolic execution and
5.5 Computational Complexity for Vulnerability Verifica- formal methods as static analysis. Then, we describe several mul-
tion tidisciplinary approaches proposed in the past few years as addi-
Let the number of functions with function call be Fn , the num- tional related works. Interested readers are advised to read the
ber of those paths be F p , the number of any function be Gn , and survey papers [11], [37] for details on EVM analysis.
the number of those paths be G p . Here, the number of functions
to be executed in the first step is Fn and its resulting number of 6.1 Symbolic Execution
end states for each execution is F p . Then, in the second step, Gn Symbolic execution of Ethereum smart contracts was origi-
functions are executed in proportion to the number of end states, nally started by Oyente [23]. Although there are many subsequent
and the number of the end states of Gn is G p . Consequently, the works [8], [21], [26], [31], these works do not perform inter-
order complexity to obtain path conditions at the end of the pro- contract analysis. Furthermore, analysis of re-entrancy attacks
cess is O(Fn F pGnG p ). By parallelizing the process, the complex- is often heuristic and thus Oyente often produces many false pos-
ity becomes O(GnG p ) because all combinations of function calls itives. Extensions of Oyente that support readability of outputs
can be parallelized. To compute path conditions using Eq. (1), from symbolic execution have been proposed [24], [25], and the
RA decides whether two sets, i.e., C and I, of the path conditions usability of RA can be potentially improved in a similar way.
obtained from combinations of one function have an identity re- The closest work to RA is Annotary [35], which can analyze
lation between i ∈ I and c ∈ C. In doing so, the order complexity inter-contract behavior via both symbolic executions of EVM
is O(Fn F pG2nG2p ), which is smaller than the complexity to obtain bytecodes and the Z3 SMT solver. The major difference of Anno-
path conditions at the end states. The execution time for analy- tary from RA is that Annotary mainly targets analysis of Solidity
sis becomes longer in proportion to the number of contracts to be codes. In other words, RA mainly checks if deployed contracts
analyzed because the order complexity described above is poly- are secure or not, while Annotary supports developers in imple-
nomial time. In contrast, RA can be expected to be utilized for menting secure codes. Compared to RA, Annotary has several
analysis of contracts developed by a user in realistic time. advantages. In particular, according to Weiss et al. [35], Anno-
tary’s focus on the analysis of Solidity code brings the following
5.6 Extension to Analysis of Delegated Re-Entrancy Attacks two advantages. First, an analyst can use annotations to express
Rodler et al. [29] presented delegated re-entrancy attacks invariants and restrictions directly in the Solidity source code and
where a contract invokes another contract as a library within in- then use these annotations to find a feasible path on symbolic ex-
structions that utilize contracts as an external library, e.g., DELE- ecution effectively. On the other hand, RA focuses on analysis of
GATECALL or CALLCODE. These instructions are currently not EVM bytecodes and hence cannot handle Solidity source code,
implemented in RA, but RA can be extended to analyze delegated i.e., RA cannot analyze Solidity source codes because it targets
re-entrancy attacks by introducing these instructions. The main EVM bytecodes. Therefore, Annotary has an advantage in find-
technical difficulty in analysis of delegated re-entrancy attacks is ing a feasible path effectively by its use of annotations. Second,
that the library contract that will be used is unknown [29]. This Solidity source codes can be operated and written using a typi-
difficulty is also a problem in analyses of create-based and cross- cal editor, and then a software developer can incorporate a plugin
function re-entrancy attacks, which have been overcome already such that an analysis tool coordinates with existing editors. For
in RA. instance, Annotary has provided a Sublime Text plugin. It means
that, for example, a developer can analyze the Solidity source
5.7 Limitations codes written by him-/herself. The analysis of EVM bytecodes
The current implementation of RA has three limitations. First, requires a developer to compile the source codes to get the EVM
analysis of gas is not considered. Thus, contracts that restrict bytecodes or to obtain the EVM bytecodes of deployed contracts,
gas consumption may not be analyzed precisely. Second, a case and therefore it would be challenging to embed RA into a typical
where multiple contracts are tightly coupled with each other, i.e., editor. Providing a plugin is thus another advantage provided by
more than two contracts are strongly interdependent, is out of the Annotary. Although the authors of Annotary did not consider the
scope of RA. Specifically, instructions that utilize other contracts new attacks by Rodler et al. [29], we consider their idea and work
as an external library are not implemented. Consequently, the to be elegant nonetheless.
number of contracts to be analyzed in a single execution should ETHBMC [13] and VerX [27] are recent state-of-the-art works
be at most one, and the number of callee contracts is limited to a that verify properties of Ethereum. VerX is similar to Annotary
single contract. An improved implementation of RA, which is our in terms of taking Solidity codes as input and dealing with exter-
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nal contracts. Similar to Annotary, the new attacks by Rodler ties aside from re-entrancy, such as time-dependent vulnerability
et al. [29] were not considered in VerX. On the other hand, which utilizes a timestamp for each block. We believe that the
ETHBMC takes EVM bytecodes for symbolic executions and its inter-contract analysis capability of RA can potentially identify
motivation is rather close to that of RA. However, ETHBMC such a vulnerability. Finally, we will also try to improve the com-
mainly focuses on parity vulnerability. putational performance of RA by reusing parts of the computa-
tions for vulnerability verification.
6.2 Formal Methods Acknowledgments This work is supported by Secom Sci-
Formal verification of EVM was motivated by Bhargavan et ence and Technology Foundation, and Innovation Platform for
al. [6], and EVM was correctly formalized as KEVM [18]. How- Society 5.0 Program Grant Number JPMXP0518071489 by
ever, verification of the security is challenging in general, and MEXT.
the existing works [3], [4], [19], [33] do not provide support for
inter-contract analysis, which is the main target of our work. As References
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ized several attacks, including re-entrancy attacks, as well as for- smart-contract-best-practices/known attacks/ .
[2] Security Considerations Solidity 0.5.11 documentation, available from
malization of EVM. Their formalization inspired the vulnera- https://solidity.readthedocs.io/en/v0.5.11/security-considerations.
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A.1 Outputs of RA
Figure A·1 shows CFGs output by RA on analysis of contracts
with CREATE instruction. Figure A·2 shows CFGs output by
RA for the reference implementation of create-based re-entrancy
Editor’s Recommendation
This paper proposes a static analysis tool named RA (Re-
entrancy Analyzer), a combination of symbolic execution and
equivalence checking to analyze vulnerability of smart contracts
to re-entrancy attacks. This research is necessary and important
for smart contracts. In particular, this paper shows the experiment
results on deployed contracts and includes a sufficient amount of
survey. The paper gives insights to readers in this research field Fig. A·1 Control flow graph obtained from CREATE instructions.
and thus is selected as a recommended paper.
(Chief examiner of SIGSCEC Toshihiro Yamauchi)
c 2021 Information Processing Society of Japan 546
Journal of Information Processing Vol.29 537–547 (Sep. 2021)
Fig. A·2 Control flow graph obtained from RA for create-based re-entrancy
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