CWTS Midterm-Reviewer
CWTS Midterm-Reviewer
CWTS Midterm-Reviewer
• Reasons behind the use of drugs: for curiosity, to ease depression, boredom, pain and misery
• Act instituting the Comprehensive Dangerous Drug Act of 2002 is R.A. 9165.
• other term for "drug addict" is DRUG USER.
• One of the unusual behaviors of a Drug Abuse is having a bloodshot eye.
• Inhalants is derived from ether or chloroform.
• Physical examination is done from HEAD TO TOE.
• Good chance of survival if CPR is started within 4 minutes.
• Victim Assessment is a systematic approach where the first aider can find out what is wrong and how serious
before initially and deciding in providing first aid.
• First aid is the immediate care given to an injured or suddenly ill person.
• CPR stands for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation.
• Pacific Ring of fire is the area where the Philippine Sea and Eurasian Tectonic Plates meet and is prone to
occurrences of earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions.
• Glowing avalanche is the most dangerous type of eruption when freshly erupted magma flows down the sides
of a volcano.
• Storms are disasters that generally happens in bad weather and is accompanied by strong winds, thunder,
lightning, and heavy precipitation like ice.
• During the Typhoon Yolanda, the PAG-ASA developed the Super Typhoon intensity scale classification.
• Typhoon Hagupit, locally known as Typhoon "Ruby," entered the Philippines on 4 December 2014 at 4:00 AM
with maximum winds of 175kph and gustiness of 210kph and is moving West Northwest at 25kph.
• Typhoon Mangkhut, locally known as Typhoon Ompong, entered the Philippine Area of Responsibility (PAR) on
12 September 2018 and made landfall in Baggao, Cagayan, on 15 September 2018. The typhoon caused
widespread damage across Northern and Central Luzon due to its intense nature and large size
(approximately 900km).
• 4 Distinct priority areas, 4 Pillars of PDRRMS: Disaster prevention and Mitigation, Disaster preparedness,
Disaster response, Disaster Recovery and Rehabilitation
• Disaster Response is the priority area that aims to provide life preservation and meet the basic needs of the
affected population during or after the disasters.
• Disaster prevention and Mitigation involves Flood forecasting and monitoring, Structural and non-structural
• 4 distinct priority areas mutually reinforce each other and are interoperable.
• Graduates of the ROTC program component are organized into the Citizen Armed Force, while graduates of
the LTS and CWTS program components are organized into the National Service Reserve Corps (NSRC) .
• LTS is a NSTP learning component which is designed to train students in teaching literacy and numeracy skills
to schoolchildren and out-of-school youths. The hope is to continue learning on a peer-to-peer interaction.
• Commonwealth Act No. 1 is also known as National Defense Act of 1935
• National Service Law was enacted by the National Assembly of the Philippines on December 21, 1935 and was
provided for obligatory military service for all male citizens of ages between 18 and 30.
• Republic Act 7077 was enacted by the 8th Congress of the Philippines on June 27, 1991 and is also called
"Citizen Armed Forces of the Philippines Reservist Act”.
• The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted by United Nations on 1948.
• The UDHR has 30 articles.
• Article 1 - All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and
conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
• Article 20 – (1) Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association.
(2) No one may be compelled to belong to an association.
• Article 24 – Everyone has the right to rest and leisure, including reasonable limitation of working hours and
periodic holidays with pay.
• The sun with eight rays in the Philippine flag represents the first eight provinces.
• The first flag was sewn in Hongkong.
• The flag may be flown at half-mast as a sign of mourning.
• In Section 9 of RA 8491, the Philippine flag must be permanently hoisted and illuminated at night at the
following locations:
• A citizen is a person having the title of citizenship. He is a member of a democratic community who enjoys a
full civil and political rights and its accorded protection inside and outside the territory of the State.
• Loyalty should NOT be servility or fanaticism. The greatest ideal in the life of every citizen must be patriotism
or love of country.
• There are TWO principles of citizenship in the world. A baby who was born within the air space or within 12
nautical miles from the boarder of the United States will automatically have US citizenship regardless of the
parent’s nationality.
• Every right has a corresponding responsibility. Citizenship is a term denoting membership of a citizen in a
political society, which membership implies, reciprocally, a duty of allegiance on the part member and duty of
protection on the part of the State.
• Disaster management is very important to survive in the case of a natural or a major human-induced
disaster. The role of the youth or the students in disaster preparedness and management are very
important in their respective school and community.
• Disaster management can spread awareness to all about the precautions to be taken at times of disasters.
Disaster management can help to MINIMIZE the potential risks by developing early warning measures.
• Students could create pamphlets and fliers that spell out proper emergency procedures and why they
should be followed. Youths could also set up information booths during lunchtime to answer questions about
crisis management and provide further information about their program.
• Students SHOULD SUPPORT teachers during the drills by retrieving or distributing class lists, taking
attendance, or maintaining order. Students CAN also assist in disaster cleanup and preparations for
continuing classes elsewhere while the building returns to normal.
• Students are often the best source of information for other students. The basic role of the DISASTER
awareness of what to do before and after disasters.
• Developing early warning measures helps to prepare and implement developmental plans to provide flexibility
to such disasters and also to mobilize activities including communication and medical services. The student
disaster management team can put together information to pass on to other students and create posters to
hang in the school hallways reminding students of rules and emergency exits.
• reduce means to reasonably limit or conserve the use of materials for more important projects.
• The school-community can spend as much money disposing its trash as it does on buying textbooks.
• Another term for seven (7) environmental principles (EPs) - Core messages
• The 7 EPs are explained in a summary from the Environmental Education continuum prepared by Miriam College
Public Education and Awareness Campaign for the Environment (Miriam P.E.A.C.E)
• Nature Know best. This principle is the most basic and in fact encompasses all the others.
• Actions points for citizen-voters in exercising the right of suffrage before elections
• Actions points for citizen-voters in exercising the right of suffrage during elections
• Section 5 provides for the creation of the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management
Council (NDRRMC) which is formerly known as the National Disaster Coordinating Council but its membership and
functions have increased to cope with complexities of disasters at present times.
• The LDRRMOs have twenty-five (25) functions, duties and responsibilities.
• Of the amount appropriated for LDRRMF, thirty percent (30%) shall be allocated as Quick Response Fund (QRF)
• The specific amount of the NDRRM Fund and the appropriate recipient agencies and/or LGUs shall be determined
upon approval of the President of the Philippines in accordance with the favorable recommendation of the
• On LDRRMF, any such amount still not fully utilized after five (5) years shall revert back to the general fund and
will be available for other social services to be identified by the local sanggunian.
• Section 22 of RA 10121 provides for the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Fund.
• total budget of the NDRRMF? Nineteen Billion Six Hundred Million Pesos (P19.6 B)
• What climate do the Philippines have? Tropical and maritime
• which type it is if rainfall is more or less evenly distributed throughout the year? Type IV
• the National Mapping and Resource Information (NAMRIA) has discovered more islands, increasing the number of
islands to? 7,701
• Definition of Urban Forestry by The Master Plan for Forestry Development of the Department of Environment and
Natural Resources (1990)
• 1988 – President Corazon C. Aquino issued Memorandum Oder No. 198 establishing the Metro Greening Program
and known as the “Luntiang Kamaynilaan” Program.
• Presidential Decree 953 requires planting of trees and other plants in certain places and
penalizing and unauthorized cutting, destruction, damaging and injuring of trees, plants and vegetation.
• Domestic sewage is defined as wastewater discharged from residential commercial, institutional, recreational and
industrial facilities where wastes are generated through the use of dining facilities, shower rooms and toilets.
• Agricultural run-off is wastewater from farms which often carries fecal materials, soil particles, fertilizers
(phosphates and nitrates), and pesticides.
• Non-point sources are those contribute extraneous materials into watercourses from an extensively wide area
thus making it much harder to control.
• Untreated domestic sewage: a leading contributor to water pollution.
• Point source pollution is defined as those entering the entering environment from a fixed source.
• Climatic Amelioration. Trees, shrubs and grass ameliorates air temperature by controlling solar radiation.
• 1992 – President Fidel V. Ramos launched the Clean and Green Program thru Memorandum Circular No.5
• To be loyal to the republic means faith and confidence in the Republic.
• To engage in a gainful work. Every citizen must consider his own responsibility and should strive to become a
useful and productive member of society to assure not only himself but, more importantly, his family a lot worthy
of human dignity.
• To register and vote. It is through suffrage that the will of the people is expressed.
• Natural rights. rights conferred upon human beings by God which cannot be taken away
• Duties and responsibilities of a Filipino Citizen