Sek - Men.Keb. Tun Sardon Form 1 English Language Scheme of Work
Sek - Men.Keb. Tun Sardon Form 1 English Language Scheme of Work
Sek - Men.Keb. Tun Sardon Form 1 English Language Scheme of Work
Literature Component : Poem : The River : Mr Nobody / S.Stories : Flipping Fantastic / Novel : Journey to the centre of the Earth. 4 23.1.2012 27.1.2012 CHINESE NEW YEAR HOLIDAY
Inviting and welcoming friends Accepting and declining invitations Talking about friends and family Expressing thanks and responding appropriately; apologising Writing short messages to friends
Simple present tense Personal and possessive pronouns Possessive adjectives Figurative language - proverbs
d t
Listening - find more details Reading - identify main ideas, supporting details; use contextual clues and identify words that associate with other words Reading - give reasons; draw conclusions Process writing write messages Understandin g figurative language proverbs
Literature Component : Poem : The River : Mr Nobody / S.Stories : Flipping Fantastic / Novel : Journey to the centre of the Earth.
2 8 Writing a paragraph on preferences students favourite food 3 Reading an article discuss points of interest and give opinions
Listening - note important details Reading - tell what the text is about; scan for details; use the dictionary to find meaning; group words according to categories. Listening - find more details Reading - identify main ideas and supporting details Process writing skills - write a paragraph on food
Simple present tense for habitual actions instructions and directions Simple sentence Positive statements Negative statements Punctuation: capital letters, comma, exclamation mark, full stop and question mark
short i, long e
Literature Component : Poem : The River : Mr Nobody / S.Stories : Flipping Fantastic / Novel : Journey to the centre of the Earth.
1 9
Talking about everyday activities Talking about what one shouldnt or mustnt do Giving instructions in a poster Discussing plans and rules
2 10
Listening - note details; follow sequence of ideas Reading - scan for details; use the dictionary to find the meaning Writing simple instructions Listening - find more details Reading - identify main ideas; use contextual clues (pronouns) Process writing write instructions
Reciting a poem
Making simple predictions Relating characters and actions to ones life Talking about the message the writer is putting across
Simple present tense for habitual actions for instructions Concord (subjectverb agreement) Verbs - contracted forms Special finites or modals
Thinking Skills ICT Skills Values gratitude filial piety Multiple Intelligences Preparation for the Real World Curicullum assessment 1 28.2.2012 2 . 3.2012
Literature Component : Poem : The River : Mr Nobody / S.Stories : Flipping Fantastic / Novel : Journey to the centre of the Earth. Unit 5 Technology ( 12.03.20 12 Until 23.03.2012 ) 11 1 2 Talking about things Writing shopping lists Listening - note details Reading - scan for details Reading - identify main ideas and important details, use contextual clues, identify base words Process writing describe a product Reciting a poem Relating events and values in the poem to ones life Singular and plural nouns Spelling rules for regular and irregular plurals Articles with singular and plural nouns- a, an, the Figurative language proverbs Plural endings: s z iz aiz Thinking Skills Preparation for the Real World
Literature Component : Poem : The River : Mr Nobody / S.Stories : Flipping Fantastic / Novel : Journey to the centre of the Earth.
Talking about plants and flowers Talking about what we should and should not do in parks, and writing simple instructions Talking about activities
Listening - note important details Reading - use the dictionary to find meaning; group words according to categories; build new words from a given word Reading - identify main ideas and supporting details
2 14 3 Writing short e-mail messages Reading - discuss points of interest and give opinions Reading give reasons Process writing write descriptions of trees
Reciting a poems Retelling the poem in ones own words Using a dictionary to find the meaning of words Saying what one thinks of the poem Changing the poem to a drawing Understandin g figurative language images
Conjunction and to link two ideas Special finites or modals should and should not Present continuous tense am / is/ are... verb + ing
Literature Component : Poem : The River : Mr Nobody / S.Stories : Flipping Fantastic / Novel : Journey to the centre of the Earth.
1 15
Describing a friends qualities Asking Yes - No questions and responding to such questions
Listening - note details Reading - scan for details; understand word formation; use a dictionary to find meaning Listening - find more details; identify main ideas Reading - identify main ideas and supporting details Reading - give reasons Process writing - write a paragraph on past activities
16 3
Talking about characters in the story and writing brief descriptions saying what one thinks of a character
Adjectives for describing character and appearance Prefixes un, in, im and dis to show not Adverbs of manner Yes - No questions
th voiced, voiceless
Literature Component : Poem : The River : Mr Nobody / S.Stories : Flipping Fantastic / Novel : Journey to the centre of the Earth. Unit 8 Social Issues : Road Safety ( 23.04.20 12 Until 4.05.2012) 1 17 Giving and following directions Adding more details to show locations Giving advice and instructions Writing simple instructions Listening - draw a route on a map Drawing directions and explaining them Reading - group words according to categories Reading to identify main ideas and supporting details Reading and discussing road signs Reading a set of instructions and discussing safety tips Reading - give reasons Process writing draw a pictorial map and write directions Describing characters in a story Relating characters to ones life Using a dictionary to find the meaning of words Acting out sections of a text Simple present tense for instructions and directions Prepositions of place and direction k g Thinking Skills Multiple Intelligences Knowledge Acquisition Preparation for the Real World
Literature Revision
Mid year Examination ( Possibility) * Unit 9 People 19 ( 7.05.201 2 Until 11.05.201 2 1 Talking about holidays Talking about past activities Listening - note important details; follow sequence of ideas Reading - scan for details Reading - identify main ideas and supporting details Reading - identify cause and effect; give reasons Process writing write recounts of experiences Retelling the story in a correct sequence Simple past tense words that signal past time Regular and irregular verbs Time expressions Place expressions Prepositions of place, time and direction
sh s z
2 Asking questions to get information and responding 3 Writing simple letters Writing recounts of experiences Giving the sequence of events in a story Making simple predictions
Literature Component : Poem : The River : Mr Nobody / S.Stories : Flipping Fantastic / Novel : Journey to the centre of the Earth.
Listening - note important details; follow sequence Reading - scan for details Writing plans Listening - find more details Reading understand nonlinear texts; understand meanings of words by the use of the suffix ing Writing announcements Reading draw conclusions Process writing write plans, and announcements
Simple present tense for instructions Sequence connectors Giving the sequence of events Making simple predictions Saying what one thinks of the text
j ch
3 Writing simple letters to family members Reading notes on exercises discuss points of interest and give opinions
Literature Component : Poem : The River : Mr Nobody / S.Stories : Flipping Fantastic / Novel : Journey to the centre of the Earth.
1 26
2 27 Asking questions to clarify and responding appropriately Giving details to support main ideas Making comparisons 3 Reading a dialogue and writing short notes Reading a dialogue, discuss points of interest and give opinions
Listening note details to support main ideas Reading - scan for details Group words according to categories Listening - find more details Reading - identify base words, identify supporting details Reading - make simple predictions; give reasons Process writing gathering information to write an article
Reciting a poem
f v
Thinking Skills Learning How to Learn Skills Multiple Intelligences Knowledge Acquisition Preparation for the Real World
Literature Component : Poem : The River : Mr Nobody / S.Stories : Flipping Fantastic / Novel : Journey to the centre of the Earth.
Talking about plans Requesting and offering help Making telephone calls to get information Discuss plans with others to go somewhere and to do something
Listening note important details Reading scan for details: follow sequence of ideas Listening - identify main ideas and details. Reading - identify main ideas and supporting details; use contextual clues for meaning; identify words that associate with other words Reading - make simple prediction of outcomes, give reasons Process writing write plans for a trip
short e long a
2 29
Thinking Skills Learning How to Learn Skills ICT Skills Values respect for customs Preparation for the Real World
3 Writing simple letters to friends Writing out plans for others to follow
Talking about values Telling how events, characters and values are similar to ones life Giving ones opinions
Literature Component : Poem : The River : Mr Nobody / S.Stories : Flipping Fantastic / Novel : Journey to the centre of the Earth. 30.7.2012 until 3.8.2012 ( 06.08.20 12 until (10.8.2012 ) (20.8.2012 UNTIL 24.8.2012) 31 REVISION FOR MONTHLY TEST
1 35 2 36
Asking for the price of goods, stating whether the price is agreeable or too high Discussing plans for a party Making enquiries to get information and responding appropriately Making enquiries about a product Placing orders Completing an order form Writing a magazine article
Listening - note important details Reading - scan for details; follow sequence of ideas Listening - find more details Reading - identify main ideas and supporting details; identify words that associate with other words
Reciting a poem
Countable and uncountable nouns Regular plurals Phrasal Quantifiers Each as an adjective
w y
37 3
Talking about setting in poems Giving ones opinions and interpretatio n of the poem Relating the setting to ones life
Thinking Skills Values and Citizenship Education Multiple Intelligences Preparation for the Real World
Reading - draw obvious conclusions in simple texts Process writing write recounts
Literature Component : Poem : The River : Mr Nobody / S.Stories : Flipping Fantastic / Novel : Journey to the centre of the Earth.
1 38
Listening - note important details; follow sequence of ideas Reading - scan for details: follow sequence of ideas; use the dictionary to find meaning Listening - find more details Reading understand non linear texts; identify base words Reading - make predictions; identify cause and effect; draw conclusions Process writing write plans for a project
Retelling a story
Simple present tense for instructions Sequence markers (review) Some to express infinitive quality, number Article the for unique nouns with same as
Literature Component : Poem : The River : Mr Nobody / S.Stories : Flipping Fantastic / Novel : Journey to the centre of the Earth.
1 40
Listening note important details Reading - scan for details; understand word formation Writing and presenting plans Listening - find more details Reading - identify main ideas and supporting details by the use of suffix -ment or -ion ;identify base words; use contextual clues Reading - give reasons Process writing write plans for a calendar Reading give reasons Talking about
m n
Thinking Skills ICT Skills Values being thankful being hardworking Multiple Intelligences
Talking about the message the writerputting across composing simple stories
Literature Component : Poem : The River : Mr Nobody / S.Stories : Flipping Fantastic / Novel : Journey to the centre of the Earth.
1 42
Asking simple questions politely to get information and responding appropriately Talking about festivals Writing short Web messages
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2 Listening - find more details Reading - find meaning using contextual clues Reading - give reasons; draw conclusions Process writingdesign a Web page and write messages Talking about songs - feelings and values
Thinking Skills ICT Skills Values and Citizenship Education Knowledge Acquisition
FINAL year Examination ( WEEK 43 44 (22.10.2012 UNTIL 2.11.2012) 45 REVISION (5.11.2012 UNTIL 9.11.2012)