GoGoPhonics2 TG
GoGoPhonics2 TG
GoGoPhonics2 TG
1. Sing a song before the class begins.
1. Teach the Short Vowel ‘a’ sounds /ap/ and /am/.
Unit 01
a, m, am
c, ap, cap, cap
r, am, ram, ram
Short vowel ‘a’ makes cap and ram!
3. Read the sentence on page 8 and explain what the words mean.
Unit 02
T Look at this picture.
This is a ram (Point to the ram picture.) and it wears a cap. (Point to the cap picture.)
Do you know what ram and cap mean? (Explain what the words mean with the
Let’s look at the sentence below. The sentence is ‘Look! It’s a ram with a cap.’
Please, repeat after me. ‘Look! It’s a ram with a cap.’
Unit 03
/ap/ - cap, map, lap, nap
/am/ - ram, jam, ham, dam
5. Flashcards Game
a. Divide the class into even teams. (5 to 6 students is plenty.)
b. Line up the teams on the floor.
c. The person at the front of the team needs to have a pencil and a piece of paper.
d. Make and practice the actions. The actions need to be the same for everyone.
Practice them first.
* Tapping their shoulder means ‘Repeat again.’
Unit 04
Unit 01 3
g. Draw the ‘c’ first. If the student knows the letter, they should nod their head. If they
are unsure, then they need to tap their shoulder so the student can “re-write” it on
their back. Continue until the word is done, then that student in turn draws the word
onto the back of the person in front of them.
h. When the word reaches the person at the front of the line, they need to write it onto
the paper.
i. Compare the words to see which team got the entire word correct.
j. Then let the front student move to the back. Keep it going.
k. The team with the most correct answers wins the game.
1. Do the Listening Power, Writing Power, and Reading Power pages with students.
10~11 12 13
a. Cut out the word cards from ‘Book2_Unit1_Teacher’s Materials’ and make two sets
of these word cards.
Unit 01
b. Divide the class into two teams.
c. Shuffle the cards and give one set of the word cards to each team.
d. Make sure they don’t touch the cards until you say ‘Start!’
e. Each team gets two cups. Before you give them out, write down /ap/ on one of the
cups, and /am/ on the other one.
f. Students must sort and put the word cards that end with /ap/ into the /ap/ cup and /
am/ cards into the /am/ cup.
g. Whoever finishes first and is correct wins the game.
h. Read aloud each word and have the students repeat.
Unit 02
/ap/ is written on this cup, and /am/ is written on the other cup.
I’m going to give out a set of word cards to each team.
When I say ‘Start!’, you have to sort and put the word cards into the correct cup.
Do it as quickly as you can and make sure you put the word cards into the correct
one. Whoever finishes first and is perfectly correct wins the game.
Is it clear?
Are we all ready?
Well done, everyone!
Let’s read the words aloud together.
3. Story Time
Unit 03
The ram goes camping today.
He has a cap.
And he has a map.
He has a ham sandwich.
He has some apple jam.
Oh, he takes a nap now.
1) Before Reading
a. Talk about the pictures
Unit 01 5
2) During Reading
a. Underline the words that they have learned.
: ram, cap, map, ham, jam, nap
b. Check the students’ understanding of the new words.
c. Read the story with an active and loud voice.
d. Let the students repeat the sentences after the teacher.
e. Let the students read the story by themselves.
3) After Reading
a. Ask ‘Comprehension Questions’ to check if the students understood the story
1. Do the Let’s Check page.
a. Have the students use the words from the box to fill in the blanks for the
/ap/ word family.
Unit 01
b. Check the answers.
Unit 02
Unit 03
Unit 04
Unit 01 7
Uni t
02 Short Vowel a an, at, ag
* Students will learn how to recognize and spell sets of rhyming words /an/, /at/, and /ag/.
Focus * Students will learn that rhyming words sound the same at the end.
* Students will become familiar with short vowel spelling patterns.
1. Sing a song before the class begins.
a. Prepare a die (or make a big die with hardboard) and write down /am/ and /ap/ on
each side.
b. Call out each student to come out and students roll the die and say a word that ends
with the sound shown on the cube. Each student gets a turn.
Unit 01
[Sounds /an/, /at/ & /ag/]
/a/ + /n/ = /an/
/a/ + /t/ = /at/
/a/ + /g/ = /ag/
What is the sound of short vowel ‘a’?
Say /a/ /a/ /a/ /a/ /a/ /a/.
a, n, an
Unit 02
a, t, at
a, g, ag
m, an, man, man
f, at, fat, fat
b, ag, bag, bag
Short vowel ‘a’ makes man, fat and bag!
Unit 03
3. Read the sentence on page 16 and explain what the words mean.
Unit 02 9
5. Flashcards Game
a. Stick the flashcards on the students’ backs. One student gets one word on his/her
the back.
b. Make sure the students don’t see their own card.
c. Have the students mingle around the classroom and look at the rest of the cards on
their friends’ back.
d. They cannot speak but just mingle.
e. Have the students sit on their chair and teacher asks question like this; ‘Where is the
van?’ (Answer is ‘It’s on Jennifer.’) And take the ‘van’ card off Jennifer’s back and
give it to the student who said the correct answer.
f. The student with the most cards wins the game.
1. Do the Listening Power, Writing Power, and Reading Power pages with
18~19 20 21
a. Prepare four flags. Write /an/ on two flags and /at/ on the other two.
b. Divide the class into two.
c. Take one student from each team.
Unit 01
d. Give them two flags each. (Make sure they get both /an/ and /at/ flags.)
e. The teacher says a word and whoever raises the correct flag wins the game. For
example, when you say ‘fat’, the student who raises the /at/ flag first wins the game.
f. All students get a turn.
g. Play again with /at/ and /ag/ flags or /an/ and /ag/ flags.
h. Word List: man, fan, can, fat, bat, hat, bag, tag (You can add some more if you want.)
Unit 02
Is it clear?
OK, let’s begin.
3. Story Time
Unit 03
1) Before Reading
a. Talk about the pictures
Unit 02 11
3) After Reading
a. Ask ‘Comprehension Questions’ to check if the students understood the story
1. Do the Let’s Check page.
a. Have the students use the letters in the box to fill in the blanks for the /at/ word
Unit 01
b. Check the answers.
Unit 02
Unit 03
Unit 04
Unit 01 13
Uni t
03 Short Vowel e en, et
* Students will learn how to recognize and spell sets of rhyming words /en/ and /et/.
Focus * Students will learn that rhyming words sound the same at the end.
* Students will become familiar with short vowel spelling patterns.
1. Sing a song before the class begins.
a. Show the flashcards with the letters covered and ask the students what they are.
Unit 01
[Sounds /en/ & /et/]
/e/ + /n/ = /en/
/e/ + /t/ = /et/
What is the sound of short vowel ‘e’?
Say /e/ /e/ /e/ /e/ /e/ /e/.
e, n, en
Unit 02
e, t, et
h, en, hen, hen
v, et, vet, vet
Short vowel ‘e’ makes hen and vet!
3. Read the sentence on page 24 and explain what the words mean.
Unit 03
T Look at this picture.
This is a hen (Point to the hen picture.) and it looks sick. (Make your face look like
you are sick.)
Do you know who this is? (⇢ Yes, he’s a vet.)
Let’s look at the sentence below. The sentence is ‘A sick hen goes to the vet.’
Please, repeat after me. ‘A sick hen goes to the vet.’
Unit 03
01 15
5. Flashcards Game
a. Make two teams and have one student from each team stand in front of the board,
facing away from it.
b. Place a flashcard picture on the board and the students have to explain that word to
their team member.
c. The first student out of the two standing in front of the board to guess the word wins
a point for his/her team.
d. Students take turns and everyone gets a chance to stand in front of the board.
e. Add some more words if you need more cards. (wet, set, let, met, net, get, bet, yet,
Ben, then, when, amen)
1. Do the Listening Power, Writing Power, and Reading Power pages with
26~27 28 29
a. Cut out the word cards from ‘Book2_Unit3_Teacher’s Materials’ and put them on the
middle of the class.
Unit 01
b. Divide the class into two teams and students sit on the floor like this;
c. Take one student from each team and have the pair do rock-scissors-paper. The one
who wins takes a card from the floor and goes back to their group.
d. Students take turns to come out and do rock-scissors-paper to get a card from the
floor. They have to choose the card to complete a word. For example, if one student
chose ‘p’, then the next student has to get /en/ card to make a word ‘pen’.
e. In order to do this, team members have to talk to each other to choose the correct
word card.
f. The team with the most words wins the game.
Unit 02
g. After the game, you can ask students if they can come up with more words with /en/
and /et/.
Unit 03
OK, let’s begin.
3. Story Time
1) Before Reading
a. Talk about the pictures.
T - Who is in the picture? (⇢ There is a hen, a dog, and a vet in the picture.)
- What do you think the hen is doing? (Answers will vary.)
- What’s the weather like in the third picture? (⇢ It’s raining.)
- Let’s find out what happens to the hen.
Unit 03 17
b. Learn about Sight Words.
: for, help, get
2) During Reading
a. Underline the words that they have learned.
: vet, hen, ten, pen, get, wet
b. Check the students’ understanding of the new words.
c. Read the story with an active and loud voice.
d. Let the students repeat the sentences after the teacher.
e. Let the students read the story by themselves.
3) After Reading
a. Ask ‘Comprehension Questions’ to check if the students understood the story
T - Who did you see in the story? (⇢ There was a hen, a dog, and a vet.)
- What did the vet tell the hen to do?
(⇢ He asked the hen to buy ten pens for him.)
- How was the weather outside? (⇢ It was rainy.)
- What happened to the hen? (⇢ She had a cold.)
1. Do the Let’s Check page.
Unit 01
3. Extra Worksheet
Materials: Book2_Unit3_Extra Worksheet
a. Have the students cut out the pictures and paste them in the correct box.
b. Check the answers.
Unit 02
What sound have we learned?
Can you remember?
Yes, it was /en/ and /et/.
Here is a worksheet for you.
Cut out the pictures and paste them in the correct box.
Now, let’s check the answer together.
Well done, everyone!
Unit 03
Unit 04
Unit 03 19
Uni t
04 Short Vowel e ell, ed, eg
* Students will learn how to recognize and spell sets of rhyming words /ell/, /ed/, and /eg/.
Focus * Students will learn that rhyming words sound the same at the ends. (Except egg for ‘eg’.)
* Students will become familiar with short vowel spelling patterns.
1. Sing a song before the class begins.
1. Teach the Short Vowel ‘e’ sounds /ell/, /ed/, and /eg/.
Unit 01
e, d, ed
e, g, eg
b, ell, bell, bell
r, ed, red, red
l, eg, leg, leg
Short vowel ‘e’ makes bell, red, and leg!
Unit 02
3. Read the sentence on page 32 and explain what the words mean.
Unit 03
[Short Vowel ‘e’ words]
/ell/ - bell, well, yell
/ed/ - red, bed, wed
/eg/ - leg, egg
5. Flashcards Game
a. Spread out the flashcards on the floor and have the students stand at one end of the
Unit 04
b. Teacher shouts out a card and the students have to find the card and jump on it.
c. The first student to do this wins a point.
d. Variation: Make two teams for a relay race.
T I’m going to spread these flashcards on the floor and you all have to stand at the
back of the room.
When I shout out a word, what you have to do is to find the card and jump on it.
The one who jumps on the card first gets a point.
Unit 04 21
You win the game if you get the most points.
Is it clear?
OK, let’s get started!
1. Do the Listening Power, Writing Power, and Reading Power pages with
34~35 36 37
Today is Christmas.
Unit 01
Mom makes egg salads for us.
We make red bells for a Christmas tree.
Dad gives a present to us.
“Wow! It’s a new bed.” We yell for joy.
1) Before Reading
a. Talk about the pictures
Unit 02
b. Learn about Sight Words.
: make, we, give
2) During Reading
a. Underline the words that we’ve learned.
: egg, red, bell, bed, yell
b. Check the students’ understanding of the new words.
c. Read the story with an active and loud voice.
d. Let the students repeat the sentences after the teacher.
e. Let the students read the story by themselves.
Unit 03
3) After Reading
a. Ask ‘Comprehension Questions’ to check if the students understood the story
Unit 04 23
1. Do the Let’s Check page.
3. Extra Worksheet
Materials: Book2_Unit4_Extra Worksheet
a. Have the students trace the words and draw a line from the dot to the star while
saying each word.
b. Check the answers.
Unit 05
* Students will learn how to recognize and spell sets of rhyming words /ig/ and /in/.
Focus * Students will learn that rhyming words sound the same at the end.
* Students will become familiar with short vowel spelling patterns.
1. Sing a song before the class begins.
Unit 02
2. Open the class with ‘Topic Questions’.
Today’s Topic: Vegetable
- What kind of vegetables do you like? (⇢ I like cucumbers.)
[Other words: cabbage, carrot, radish, onion, green onion, etc.]
Unit 03
1. Teach the Short Vowel ‘i’ sounds /ig/ and /in/.
Unit 05 25
What is the sound of short vowel ‘i’?
Say /i/ /i/ /i/ /i/ /i/ /i/.
i, g, ig
i, n, in
p, ig, pig, pig
b, in, bin, bin
Short vowel ‘i’ makes pig and bin!
3. Read the sentence on page 40 and explain what the words mean.
5. Flashcards Game
a. Place flashcards on the floor in a winding manner.
b. Each card represents a stepping stone in the river, as students must say the words
in order to step on it and cross the river.
c. As they repeat stepping on the flashcards, it will help them memorize the words and
they can also practice their pronunciation.
d. Go through each word before they start.
Unit 05
42~43 44 45
Unit 02
❺ fin, fin ❻ pin, pin
Unit 03
by naming its corresponding flashcard. The students in that corner are out and must
sit down.
d. Continue the game until only one student remains.
e. Repeat this game with different flashcards if time allows.
Is that clear?
Who wants to volunteer to stand in the middle?
Thank you.
OK, let’s get started!
Unit 05 27
3. Story Time
1) Before Reading
a. Talk about the pictures
2) During Reading
a. Underline the words that they have learned.
: big, pig, dig, bin, wig, pin
b. Check the students’ understanding of the new words.
c. Read the story with an active and loud voice.
d. Let the students repeat the sentences after the teacher.
e. Let the students read the story by themselves.
3) After Reading
a. Ask ‘Comprehension Questions’ to check if the students understood the story
Unit 05
Let’s Check Script
Unit 02
3. Extra Worksheet
Materials: Book2_Unit5_Extra Worksheet
T Let’s review what we have learned in the previous lessons (Unit 1-5).
Unit 03
What sound have we learned? Can you remember?
Here is a worksheet for you.
Match the rhyming word pictures from left to the right.
Now, let’s check the answer together.
(cap-map, bag-tag, fan-man, pen-hen, red-bed, bin-pin, well-bell)
Well done, everyone!
Unit 04
Unit 05 29
Review for Unit 01-05
1. Review Activity
a. Review the words from Unit 1-5.
b. Randomly select 10-20 flashcards from Unit 1-5 and have the letters covered.
c. Hold up the card and show it to the students and have the students shout out a
d. Go through each word together.
A Treasure Map
One day, Ram finds a map
under his bed.
It is a treasure map.
Ram shows the map to Pig
and Hen.
Pig and Hen yell for joy.
“Let’s find the treasure.
Let’s meet at ten tomorrow.”
50~51 Hen wears a cap.
She drives a van.
Pig wears a hat.
Ram has a red big bag.
He has ham, an egg, and jam
for lunch.
It’s ten o’clock.
“Let’s get in my van.”
Unit 02
“Let’s go!”
“Oops, my! My map!”
Unit 03
1. Before Reading
a. Talk about the title.
- What is in Ram’s bag? (⇢ There is an egg, a jam, and a ham in his bag.)
- What happens to the map? (⇢ It’s flying away.)
- Let’s find out what happens to Ram.
Unit 05 31
2. During Reading
a. Underline the words that they have learned.
: ram, map, bed, pig, hen, yell, cap, van, hat, big, bag, red, egg, ha, jam, ten, get
b. Learn about Sight Words.
: one, day, find, under, at, for, wear, drive, o’clock
c. Read the story with an active and loud voice.
3. After Reading
a. Let the student repeat the sentences after the teacher.
b. Ask ‘Comprehension Questions’ to check if the students understood the story well.
Unit 01
* Students will learn how to recognize and spell sets of rhyming words /it/, /ip/, and /ix/.
Focus * Students will learn that rhyming words sound the same at the ends.
* Students will become familiar with short vowel spelling patterns.
1. Sing a song before the class begins.
Unit 06
2. Open the class with ‘Topic Questions’.
Today’s Topic: Flowers
- What kind of flowers do you like? (⇢ I like roses.)
[Other words: tulip, lily, Daisy, etc.]
Unit 03
c. Take one student from each team and give them a marker or pointer of some sort.
d. Speak out a word from Unit 5 on the board. (pig, big, wig, dig, bin, pin, fin, win)
e. Students have to run to the board and touch the word you said.
Unit 06 33
1. Teach the Short Vowel ‘i’ sounds /it/, /ip/, and /ix/.
What is the sound of short vowel ‘i’?
Say /i/ /i/ /i/ /i/ /i/ /i/.
i, t, it
i, p, ip
i, x, ix
k, it, kit, kit
z, ip, zip, zip
s, ix, six, six
Short vowel ‘i’ makes kit, zip and six!
3. Read the sentence on page 56 and explain what the words mean.
Unit 01
c. Line up the students on the line, hold up a flashcard and say a word.
d. For example, when you hold up ‘zip’ card, you can say either ‘zip’ or ‘hip’ or
something that is wrong but sounds similar.
e. If the students think the word you said matches the flashcard, they should jump to
the ‘right’ side, otherwise they should jump to the ‘wrong’ side.
f. Students who make a mistake should sit out the game until the next round.
g. The one who remains in the end wins the game.
Unit 06
If you think the word that matches the flashcard, then you should jump to the
‘right’ side, otherwise jump to the ‘wrong’ side.
If you make a mistake, you should sit out the game until the next round.
Is that clear?
OK, let’s begin!
1. Do the Listening Power, Writing Power, and Reading Power pages with
Unit 03
58~59 60 61
Unit 06 35
2. Activity - ‘Make a Word’ Materials: Index cards, A box
a. Prepare three index cards and write down /it/, /ip/, and /ix/ on each card.
b. Put them in a box.
c. Students take turns and come up to the front and pick one card from the box
without looking.
d. They have to say one word that matches the rhyming family to the card in 5 seconds.
e. For example, if she/he chose /it/ card, she/he has to say a word that ends with /it/
such as ‘kit’.
f. The teacher counts 5 seconds as soon as they pick up a card from the box.
g. Make sure every student gets a chance.
3. Story Time
1) Before Reading
a. Talk about the pictures.
2) During Reading
a. Underline the words that they have learned.
: kit, sit, mix, six, lip
b. Check the students’ understanding of the new words.
Unit 01
3) After Reading
a. Ask ‘Comprehension Questions’ to check if the students understood the story
Unit 06
b. Check ‘True or False’.
1. Do the Let’s Check page.
Unit 03
Let’s Check Script
Unit 06 37
3. Extra Worksheet
Materials: Book2_Unit6_Extra Worksheet
a. Have the students fill in the flower petals to make a Word Family Flower. They can
add more petal shapes with the same rhyming words if possible.
b. Check the answers.
Unit 01
* Students will learn how to recognize and spell sets of rhyming words /og/ and /op/.
Focus * Students will learn that rhyming words sound the same at the end.
* Students will become familiar with short vowel spelling patterns.
1. Sing a song before the class begins.
Unit 02
2. Open the class with ‘Topic Questions’.
Today’s Topic: Animals
- What kind of animals do you like? (⇢ I like elephants.)
[Other words: monkey, rabbit, tiger, lion, hippo, giraffe, turtle, etc.]
Unit 07
She is mixing six eggs with water.
c. Ask your students to hold up their pictures to check the answers.
Unit 07 39
1. Teach the Short Vowel ‘o’ sounds /og/ and /op/.
What is the sound of short vowel ‘o’?
Say /o/ /o/ /o/ /o/ /o/ /o/.
o, g, og
o, p, op
l, og, log, log
h, op, hop, hop
Short vowel ‘o’ makes log and hop!
3. Read the sentence on page 64 and explain what the words mean.
Unit 01
and write down the word on the board. If they spell it correctly, they get a point.
d. This can also be played in teams.
Unit 02
1. Do the Listening Power, Writing Power, and Reading Power pages with
66~67 68 69
Unit 07
Listening Power Script
Unit 04
Unit 07 41
2. Activity - ‘Basketball Card Line-Up’
Materials: A few sets of /og/ and /op/ cards, 2 baskets, 2 balls.
og og op op Basket
op og op og Basket
3. Story Time
T - What are the boy and the dog doing? (⇢ They are running/jogging.)
- What can you see in the second picture? (⇢ There is a log.)
Unit 01
- What are they doing? (⇢ They are hopping on the log.)
- What are they doing after that? (⇢ They are playing on the top of the logs.)
- Let’s find out what happens to these two.
2) During Reading
a. Underline the words that they have learned.
: dog, jog, hop, log, top
b. Check the students’ understanding of the new words.
c. Read the story with an active and loud voice.
Unit 02
d. Let the students repeat the sentences after the teacher.
e. Let the students read the story by themselves.
3) After Reading
a. Ask ‘Comprehension Questions’ to check if the students understood the story
T - Who did you see in the story? (⇢ We saw Tommy and Dodo.)
- What were they doing? (⇢ They were jogging.)
- What did they do when they saw a log?
(⇢ They hopped on the log and played on the top of the logs.)
- What happened to them? (⇢ They fell off the logs.)
Unit 07
b. Check ‘True or False’.
Unit 04
Unit 07 43
1. Do the Let’s Check page.
3. Extra Worksheet
Materials: Book2_Unit7_Extra Worksheet
Unit 01
* Students will learn how to recognize and spell sets of rhyming words /ox/, /ot/, and /od/.
Focus * Students will learn that rhyming words sound the same at the ends.
* Students will become familiar with short vowel spelling patterns.
1. Sing a song before the class begins.
Unit 02
2. Open the class with ‘Topic Questions’.
Today’s Topic: Height
- How tall are you? (⇢ I am 120 centimeters tall.)
Unit 03
T There are words from unit 7 but they have the wrong spelling.
I’m going to divide you into two teams.
One student of each team will come up to the board and correct the wrong
spelling of each word.
Whoever is faster and correct gets a point.
Is it clear? OK, let’s get started.
1. Teach the Short Vowel ‘o’ sounds /ox/, /ot/ and /od/. Unit 08
Unit 08 45
What is the sound of short vowel ‘o’?
Say /o/ /o /o/ /o/ /o/ /o/.
o, x, ox
o, t, ot
o, d, od
f, ox, fox, fox
h, ot, hot, hot
g, od, god, god
Short vowel ‘o’ makes fox, hot, and god!
3. Read the sentence on page 72 and explain what the words mean.
5. Flashcards Game
a. Prepare several sets of flashcards and place all the flashcards around the classroom.
b. Students have to go around the classroom and collect the flashcards as many as
they can.
c. Students come back to their place after collecting the cards.
d. Then the teacher says “Give me a (fox)”.
e. The student with the (fox) flashcard should hand in the card to the teacher.
f. The student with the most cards wins the game.
Unit 01
to come and hand it to me if you have (fox) card.
The student with the most cards wins the game.
Is that clear?
OK, ready, start!
1. Do the Listening Power, Writing Power, and Reading Power pages with
Unit 02
74~75 76 77
Unit 03
❶ /ox/, box ❷ /od/, rod ❸ /ot/, hot
Listen and circle. Then put on the right stickers.
❶ ox, ox ❷ pot, pot ❸ god, god ❹ dot, dot
Unit 08 47
T We’re going to play ‘Question Chain’ game.
I’m going to say one sound from /ox/, /ot/, or /od/ to a student next to me.
Listen carefully and say one word that ends with the same sound.
For example, if I say /ox/ you have to say one word that ends with /ox/ like fox.
And then you do the same thing to the person next to you.
We will continue around the circle.
Is that clear?
Let’s begin.
3. Story Time
Cox is an ox.
He has a long rod.
Rob is a fox.
He has a pot.
The pot has dots.
Cox and Rob, what are you doing?
“We are fishing!”
Oh, my god. The pot is full of fish.
1) Before Reading
a. Talk about the pictures
2) During Reading
a. Underline the words that they have learned.
: cox, ox, rod, pot, dot, god
b. Check the students’ understanding of the new words.
c. Read the story with an active and loud voice.
d. Let the students repeat the sentences after the teacher.
e. Let the students read the story by themselves.
3) After Reading
a. Ask ‘Comprehension Questions’ to check if the students understood the story
T - What was the name of the ox? (⇢ His name was Cox.)
- What was the name of the fox? (⇢ His name was Rob.)
- What did Cox have? (⇢ He had a long rod.)
- What did Rob have? (⇢ He had a pot.)
- What were they doing? (⇢ They were fishing.)
- Did they catch lots of fish? (⇢ Yes, the pot was full of fish.)
Unit 01
Let’s correct the sentence then.
‘Rob is a fox.’ or ‘Cox is an ox.’
That’s right.
1. Do the Let’s Check page.
Unit 02
A. Listen and choose.
1. ox, ox
2. dot, dot
Unit 03
3. Extra Worksheet
Materials: Book2_Unit8_Extra Worksheet
a. Have the students find the wrong pictures that do not end with the same sound and
put an X on it.
b. Check the answers.
That’s awesome.
Unit 08 49
Uni t
09 Short Vowel u un, ug
* Students will learn how to recognize and spell sets of rhyming words /un/ and /ug/.
Focus * Students will learn that rhyming words sound the same at the end.
* Students will become familiar with short vowel spelling patterns.
1. Sing a song before the class begins.
ox, ot, od
b. Get your students to stand at the back of the class and clear a runway to the board.
c. Say one word from page 73 and have students run to the correct ending sound.
d. You can also give students a second chance to make their minds up by shouting ‘last
e. Try to encourage them to make individual decisions.
Unit 09
[Sounds /un/ & /ug/]
/u/ + /n/ = /un/
/u/ + /g/ = /ug/
What is the sound of short vowel ‘u’?
Say /u/ /u/ /u/ /u/ /u/ /u/.
u, n, un
Unit 02
u, g, ug
b, un, bun, bun
b, ug, bug, bug
Short vowel ‘u’ makes bun and bug!
3. Read the sentence on page 80 and explain what the words mean.
Unit 03
T Look at this picture.
These are bugs (Point to the bug picture.) and they are eating a bun. (Point to the
bun picture.)
Do you think they like the bun? (⇢ Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.)
Let’s look at the sentence below. The sentence is ‘The bugs eat a bun. It’s their
Please, repeat after me. ‘The bugs eat a bun. It’s their favorite.’
Unit 09 51
5. Flashcards Game
a. Prepare enough flashcards so that each student can get one card.
b. Do not let them know what card they get but just stick it on their back.
c. Divide the classroom and designate one side as /un/ and the other side as
d. When you say ‘Start!’, students have to go around the classroom and ask each other
a question: ‘What is on my back?’
e. When their friends say the word, students can find out where they belong to.
f. The students with /un/ words have to go to the /un/ side, and students with /ug/
words have to go to the /ug/ side.
g. When everyone finds out where to go, check if they went to the correct place by
taking the cards off their backs and showing them the cards.
T This half of the classroom is /un/ side, and the other side of the classroom is /ug/
There will be either an /un/ or an /ug/ flashcard on your back.
You have to go around the classroom and ask your friends ‘What is on my back?’
and find out where to go.
Is that clear?
OK, please line up so that I can stick the word card on your back.
Do not look back at your card.
I think everyone is ready.
Ready? Start!
1. Do the Listening Power, Writing Power, and Reading Power pages with
82~83 84 85
Unit 09
c. The game continues until someone makes a mistake—that is, someone misspells a
word or comes up with a wrong word, and then she/he is out.
d. The last one remaining in the game is the winner.
3. Story Time
Unit 02
The two bugs are friends.
They hug every day.
They eat a bun together.
They chat on the rug.
It’s so much fun.
1) Before Reading
a. Talk about the pictures.
T - What can you see in the picture? (⇢ There are two bugs.)
- What are they doing? (⇢ They are hugging each other.)
- What are they eating? (⇢ They are eating a bun.)
- Where are they sitting on? (⇢ They are sitting on the rug.)
Unit 03
- Let’s find out what happens to these two.
2) During Reading
a. Underline the words that we’ve learned.
: bug, hug, bun, rug
b. Check the students’ understanding of the new words.
c. Read the story with an active and loud voice.
d. Let the students repeat the sentences after the teacher.
Unit 04
e. Let the students read the story by themselves.
3) After Reading
a. Ask ‘Comprehension Questions’ to check if the students understood the story
Unit 09 53
- What did they eat? (⇢ They ate a bun.)
- What did they do on the rug? (⇢ They chatted on the rug.)
1. Do the Let’s Check page.
3. Extra Worksheet
Materials: Book2_Unit9_Extra Worksheet
a. Have the students match the pictures to the correct rhyming family.
b. Check the answers.
Unit 01
* Students will learn how to recognize and spell sets of rhyming words /ut/, /ub/ and /ud/.
Focus * Students will learn that rhyming words sound the same at the end.
* Students will become familiar with short vowel spelling patterns.
1. Sing a song before the class begins.
Unit 10
2. Open the class with ‘Topic Questions’.
Today’s Topic: Body
- How many fingers do you have? (⇢ I have 10 fingers.)
- How many feet do you have? (⇢ I have two feet.)
[Other words: head, arms, legs, toes, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, shoulder, etc.]
a. After drilling all of the vocabulary from Unit 9 using the flashcards, teacher shuffles
and places all of the flashcards on the board in one line.
Unit 03
b. Give the students 10 seconds to memorize the order of the flashcards.
c. Ask the students to close their eyes and change the order of the cards.
d. Have the students open their eyes and if they know the answer, they have to come
to the board and re-place the flashcards in the initial order.
e. The one who replaces the cards correctly first wins the game.
Unit 10 55
1. Teach the Short Vowel ‘u’ sounds /ut/, /ub/, and /ud/.
What is the sound of short vowel ‘u’?
Say /u/ /u/ /u/ /u/ /u/ /u/.
u, t, ut’
u, b, ub
u, b, ub
h, ut, hut, hut
c, ub, cub, cub
m, ud, mud, mud
Short vowel ‘u’ makes hut, cub, and mud!
3. Read the sentence on page 88 and explain what the words mean.
Unit 01
front and write the word on the board.
d. If the word is correct, s/he gets a point.
T I will quickly show you the card one by one for a quick peek.
When you can guess what it is, please put your hand up.
Then come up to the front and write the word down on the board.
If the word is correct, you get a point.
Is that clear?
OK, ready?
Let’s get started.
Unit 10
1. Do the Listening Power, Writing Power, and Reading Power pages with
90~91 92 93
Unit 03
Listening Power Script
Unit 04
Unit 10 57
e. Call out the name of one of the flashcards to the first student.
f. S/he has to jump over the rope, pick up the correct flashcard and put it in the box.
g. For other rounds you can hold the rope down low, so students have to crawl or roll
h. Make sure every student gets a chance.
3. Story Time
1) Before Reading
a. Talk about the pictures.
2) During Reading
a. Underline the words that we’ve learned.
: cub, hut, nut, mud, puddle, tub
b. Check the students’ understanding of the new words.
c. Read the story with an active and loud voice.
d. Let the students repeat the sentences after the teacher.
e. Let the students read the story by themselves.
3) After Reading
a. Ask ‘Comprehension Questions’ to check if the students understood the story
Unit 01
b. Check ‘True or False’.
Unit 10
1. Do the Let’s Check page.
3. Extra Worksheet
Materials: Book2_Unit10_Extra Worksheet
Unit 03
a. Have the students write four words that rhyme with the given sound in the circle.
Unit 04
Unit 10 59
Review for Unit 06-10
1. Review Activity
a. Review the words from Unit 6-10.
b. Randomly select 20-25 flashcards from Unit 6-10 and have the letters covered.
c. Spread them out on the floor.
d. When teacher says “Go!” students run and collect the cards.
e. Have each student come out to the front and hold up the card and say the word.
Unit 01
Ox likes running. He jogs every
It’s foggy today. He runs with
Fox and Dog.
Oh, my god! Ox hits a log.
He falls in the mud. His hip
He can’t move.
98~99 Fox and Dog make a salad
for Ox.
They mix some eggs and
They put some nuts in it.
They bake a bun, too.
“What’s next?”
“Let’s clean the house for Ox.”
They clean the floor with
“Thank you, friends.”
Ox hugs Fox and Dog.
Unit 03
1. Before Reading
a. Talk about the title.
- What are Fox and Dog doing on page 102? (⇢ They are mopping on the floor.)
- Do they look happy? (⇢ Yes, they look happy.)
Unit 10 61
2. During Reading
a. Underline the words that we’ve learned.
: ox, jog, foggy, fox, dog, log, god, mud, hip, mix, egg, put, nut, bun, mop, hug
b. Learn about Sight Words.
: like, every, day, with, in, they, next, what, clean, floor, thank, you
c. Read the story with an active and loud voice.
3. After Reading
a. Let the student repeat the sentences after the teacher.
b. Ask ‘Comprehension Questions’ to check if the students understood the story well.