Class – XI
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Internal Examiner External
The natural environment is clean, but due to multifarious activities of man, it
gets polluted
resulting in what is called environmental pollution. In the present study it was
preferred to
investigate the soil samples for its physico-chemical analysis of some
parameters. Fifteen
representative samples were obtained and analyzed for its pH, EC,
Phosphorus, Potassium,
Sulfur and Carbon
Keywords: Physico-chemical, EC, PH, Phosphorus, Potassium, Sulfur and Carbon
1. Introduction
The soil forms the intermediate zone between the atmosphere and the rock cover
of the earth, the
lithosphere. It also forms the interface between water bodies (hydrosphere) and
the lithosphere
and thus forming a part of biosphere. The soil may be defined as the uppermost
weathered layer
of the earth’s crust in which are mixed organisms and products of their death and
decay. It may
also be defined as the part of the earth’s crust in which plants are anchored. The
soil is a complex
organization being made up of some six constituents’ namely inorganic matter,
organic matter,
soil organisms, soil moisture, soil solution and soil air. Roughly, the soil
contains 50-60%
mineral matter, 25-35% water, 15-25% air and little percentage of organic matter
(Chatwal et al,
2005).The soil pollution due to sewage is also very high. Several diseases are
inflicted in human
beings due to pathogenic forms present in the soil. It is the need of time that we
have to study the
physico-chemical parameters of soil to know its quality. Twenty representative
samples were
collected from various parts of the Kadi taluka and its physico-chemical analysis
have been
performed to know its different parameters like pH, Electrical Conductivity,
Potassium, Sulfur, Carbon and Boron.
Twenty surface soil (0-0.2m) samples from 5 different regions of Kadi of Gujarat
1. pH
The most significant property of soil is its pH level, Its effects on all other
parameters of soil.
Therefore, pH is considered while analysing any kind of soil. If the pH is less than 6
then it is
said to be an acidic soil, the pH range from 6-8.5 it’s a normal soil and greater than
8.5 then it
is said to be alkaline soil.
2. Electrical conductivity
Electrical conductivity is also a very important property of the soil, it is used to
check the quality
of the soil. It is a measure of ions present in solution The electrical conductivity of
a soil solution
increases with the increased concentration of ions. Electrical conductivity is a very
quick, simple
and inexpensive method to check health of soils. It is a measure of ions present in
solution. The
electrical conductivity of a soil solution increases with the increased concentration
of ions.
3. Phosphorus
Phosphorus is a most important element present in every living cell. It is
one of the most
important micronutrient essential for plant growth. Phosphorus most often
limits nutrients
remains present in plant nuclei and act as an energy storage.
4. Potassium
Potassium plays an important role in different physiological processes of plants, it
is one of the
important element for the development of the plant. It is involved in many plant
reactions, ranging from lignin and cellulose used for the formation of
cellular structural
components, for regulation of photosynthesis and production of plant sugars that
are used for
various plant metabolic needs.
5. Sulfur
Sulfur is as necessary as phosphorus and is considered an essential mineral.
Sulphur in plants
helps form important enzymes and assists in the formation of plant proteins. It is
needed in very
low amount, but deficiency can cause serious plant health problems and loss of
6. Carbon
Soil organic carbon is the basis of soil fertility. It release nutrient for plant growth,
promotes the
structure, biological and physical health of soil, and is buffer against harmful
Increasing soil organic carbon has two benefits- as well as helping to mitigate
climate change, it
improves soil health and fertility. Many management practices that increase soil
organic carbon
also improve crop and pasture yields
4. Conclusion
It was observed that different areas of soil had influences on the physicochemical
of the soils. However, application of more labile organic inputs, liming materials
and suitable
inorganic fertilizers (N-P-K) would be effective for sustainable man-agement
and improving
fertility status of the soils. Such type of monitoring of soil sample is beneficial
to know the
concentrations of various parameters present in soil samples.
5. Acknowledgment
This SHC project is funded by agriculture department of Gujarat (govt. of Gujarat)
and higher
education department of Gujarat.
6. References
[1] Jana M.M. (1994) Workshop of River Behaviour in the North Bengal Rivers,
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University, India.
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[4] Page A.L., Millner R.H., Keeney D.R. (1982) Method of Soil Analysis, Part 2:
Chemical and
Microbiological Properties, 2nd ed. ASA and SSSA, Madison, Wisconsin.