ISC Class 12 Math's Paper
ISC Class 12 Math's Paper
ISC Class 12 Math's Paper
SECTION A - 65 Marks
1. In subparts (i) to (x) choose the correct options and in subparts (xi) to (xv), answer tbe
questions as instructed. ·
(i) Which of the following is NOT an equivalence relation on Z? lll
(a) aRb <=>a+ bis an even integer (b) aRb <=> a - bis an even integ~r
(c) Rb<=> a< b . (d) aRb <=>a= b ed
(ii) Let A be the set of all 50 cards numbered from 1 to 50. Let/: A~ N be 8 function definlll
by ./(x) = card number of the card 'x'. Then the function 'f is:
(a) one to one but not onto. (b) onto but not one to one.
(c) neither one to one nor onto. (d) one to one and onto.
(iii) The value of tan- 1 ✓3 - sec- 1(-2) is equal to
7t 2 -lt
(a) 3 (b) ~ (c) -
3 3
(iv) JfA~ G ~) , then A• (n e N) is equal to
(a) Gnn (b) (~ b;) (c) (1 i)
O 1
· ,\
0 OJ
(v) If A is a 3 x 3 matrix such thatA(aqj A)= [~ 3 0 , then the value of IA~ will be
o f1 I
(a) 27
(b) 9 (c) 3 (d) -3
a b C a b c
(vi) If x+a 2
y+ a z+3a = x y z +IBI, then the value of IBI ·is equal to
I 2 3 2 3 [11
(a) a+ 2b + 3c
(b) a- b + 2c (c) 0 (cl) 3a
(vii) If sin-Ix+ sin-Iy = 7t th dy .
, en dx 1s equal to [1 I
(a) - X X y
y (b) - - (c) - (cl) - -
y y x
(viii) lf.l{x) = 4-x2
4x _ x 3 then the function is: [l I
(a) discontinuous at only one point.
( b) discontinuous at exactly two points.
(c) discontinuous at exactly three points.
(d) discontinuous at exactly four points.
dx2 dx
(ix) The degree ofthe differential equation d y +3(dy} = x2 log(d
y) ..
IS. [l)
(a) 2 · (b) 1 (c) 3 dx (cl) not defined
(x) If A and B are two events such that P(A) > 0 and P(B) " I , then p ( : ) is: I1I
(xi) Write the smallest equivalence relation on the set A = {a, b, c} (11
(ii) Evaluate: J✓cosec x - 1dx
10• (0 A student answers a multiple choice question with 5 alternatives, of which exactly
one is correct. The probability that he knows the correct answer is ! .If he does not
know the correct answer, he randomly ticks one answer. Given that he has answered
the question correctly, find the probability that he did not tick the answer randomly.
· OR
(iQ Acand'dat talc .. f · g the first test
· 1 e. es three tests in succession and the probab1hty o passm
• -1 The p b b'l'
is 2· ro a 1 1ty of passing each succeedmg . test 1s. -1 or -l depen d'mg on
2 4 . .
Wheth h . · · 8elected, tf he
er e passes or fails in the preceding one. The candida~e
Passes at least two-tests. Find the probability that the candidate 18 selected.
~· " 'iaxam
meSter~ri . -- ir,iat,a
1' _. ,
11· Fin
. d A-1 ,
if A= (~2 ~l ~2J.
Using A- 1, solve the syste m of linea r equa tions :
-1 1
X_ 2y::::: 10, 2x - y- Z = 8, -2y + Z =7 .
_(i) Find the particular soluti on o~ the differential equat ion given
12 below
(l + x2)dy = (tan- 1x - y)dx, given that y = 1 when x = 0.
(ii) Evaluate: Jsm. 4 x+co s4 x
13. (i) Find the maxim um volum e of the cylind er which can be inscribed in a sphere of
radius 3 ✓3 cm. (Find the answ er in terms of1t)
(ii) Find the coord inates of a point on the curve y = x 2 +
7x + 2 which is closest to the
straight line y = 3x - 3. ·
14. A biased four-sided die with faces labell ed l, 2, 3 and 4 is rolled
and recorded. LetX be
the result obtain ed when the die is rolled. The proba bility distri
bution for Xis given in
the following table where p and q are CO?,Stants.
\ X
P(X~ x)
I 1
2 3 4
J 0·3 q 0·l
For the proba bility distri butio n, it is know n that E(x) = 2. Find
p and q.
Also, find P(X> 2).
Ajay plays a game with this four-s ided die. In this game he is
allowed a maximum of five
rolls. His score is calcu lated by addin g the result s of each roll.
He wins the game if his
score is at least 10. After 3 rolls, Ajay has score of four points
. Assuming that rolls of the
die are indep enden t, find the proba bility that Ajay wins the game.
SECTION B - 15 Marks
15· In subparts (i) and (ii) choos
e the corre ct option s and in subparts (iii) to (v), answer tbe
questions as instru cted. 5
➔ ➔
(i) If a = i + 2] + 3k and ➔
b=- i + 2] + k, ➔ A A h h a + t b is
c = 3i + J, find I sue t at
perpe ndicu lar to c is
(a) 0 (c/) 2
(b) 5 (c) 4
(ii) The plane s 2x- y + 4z = 5 and Sx - 2.5y + l0z = 6 are
(a)pa rallel (b) interst:ctony(tL'i.lS "'J
(d) pass through 0, 0, .:.
(c) perpe ndicu lar 4
ISC Mathematics _ XII
SECTION C-15.Marks
19. In subparts (i) and (ii) choose the correct options and in subparts (iii) to (v), answer the
questions as instructed. [51
(i) Which relation is correct for breakeve n point where R(x) is revenue function and
C(x) is cost function?
(a) R(x) > C(x) (b) R(x) < C(x)
(c) R(x) = C(x) (d) R(x) = 2C(x)
(ii) If correlation coefficient r = 0, then regressio n lines are
(a) parallel to each other. (b) not mutually perpendicular.
(c) parallel to coordinate axes. (d) overlapping lines.
( ...) A
m verage revenue of a commodity is given by AR(x)= a+ -b . Fmd . d
the eman
d function
when marginal revenue is zero. x
(iv) If R(x) = 36x + 3x~ + 5 then find actual revenue from selling 50tb item. . ble
(v) For a gi b' • . . . . _ d the mean ofvana
ven 1-vanant distribution the mean ofvanab lex- 4 an
Y=6 F" · · .' . ·
· ind the pomt of mtersect ion of two regressio n lmes. inal
lo. (i) Th t • t where marg
e ota\ revenue function R(x) = x + 2x3 - 3.5x2. Find the potn 121
revenue curve cuts the co-ordinate axes.
ISC Semeste r-2 Elu~_19jfiittqri;PJ+F~ h QP-49
Section A
1. (i) (c) (ii) (a) (iii) (c) (iv) (a)
(v) (c) (vi) (c) (vii) (b) (viii) (c)
(ix ) (d) (x) (c) (xi) R = {(a, a), (b. b), (c,
(xi i) Ix I= l (xiii) k = x 1
(xiv) -
s (xv) 42 % ca ses
co sx
2. (a) - (b) (-1 , 2)
2y - 1
y+ 3
3. (z) f 1(x) = 2 (ii) Domain of f 1(x) = (-w
, oo) , Ra nge off 1(x) = (-co. oo)
4. (l) 23 (ii) /(4) = 44
5. (0 x sin (lo gx ) + c (ii)
(a + b) 4
Section B
20 ~ 30 ~ IO A
(v) y= 3
-1--k (iv) -5 }
(iii ) - 1 +✓ 14 ✓14
15. (i) (b) (ii) (a) ✓ 14
(ii) e = 90°
16. (i) l...Ju square units
(5, -7 , 6)
17. (i) Point of intersection is
y Z X y Z
X -- =1
(i i) -+ -- -= 1 or - - -
2 I 3
3 6 9
18. m = 2
Section C
a b (iv) 336 (v) (4, 6)
(ii) (c) (i ii) -+.-
19. (i) (c) · X x
II.a_ _ __