Science Year 4 Week 10r
Science Year 4 Week 10r
Science Year 4 Week 10r
PREVIOUS The pupils can say the meaning and types of skeleton and can
KNOWLEDGE: name major bones in the human body.
At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
LEARNING 1. Analyse some components of the solar system.
OBJECTIVE: 2. Explore the effect of the earth's rotation and revolution.
3. Find out the factors responsible for different weather.
WILF/ SUCCESS 1. I can analyse some components of the solar system.
CRITERIA: 2. I can explore the effect of the earth's rotation and revolution.
3. I can discover factors that are responsible for different
RESOURCES: Charts,globe, Cart of the solar system, Cambridge Science
Discuss how half of the ball is illuminated while the other half is
in darkness. Compare this to night and day on Earth. Learners
then enact the model. Call out certain times of day and see if the
learners can position their model to show that time of day.
STEP 2: Shared instruction:
The teacher with the aid of the slides and posters guides the
pupils to identify some of the components of the solar system
and explain the characteristics and functions of each.
The teacher also informs the pupils that the primary component
of the Solar system is the Sun. The other components include the
planets, moons, asteroids and comets. Most of the objects in the
solar system orbit around the sun in the same direction in which
the sun rotates,
STEP 3: Guided instruction/Group work:
Task 2
You will need:
• A flashlight, lamp or window
• A globe
1. Hold the globe next to the light source.
2. Find where you live on the globe.
3. Turn off the lights.
4. Point to where the axis is on the Earth (remember the Earth is
tilted on its axis).
5. Rotate the Earth counter clockwise to model day and night.
Task three
Discuss and come up with a strong reason why we have different
types of weather and what is responsible for the changes we
experience in weather.
CONCLUSION/ The teacher marks the individual work, grades it and gives
HOMEWORK corrections where needed.
MAGIC SUMMARY Topic: Earth Rotation and Revolution
Date: Tuesday 14th November, 2023
1. analyse some components of the solar system.
2. Explore the effect of the earth's rotation and revolution.
3. Find out the factors responsible for different weather.
1. I can analyse some components found in the solar system
2. I can explore the effect of the earth's rotation and revolution.
3. I can demonstrate with models to show how the earth rotation
and revolution affects day, nights and seasons.
Supervisor’s Well planned lesson with powerpoint. I noticed that there was
comment never a place you referred to the pupils' workbook. Does it mean
the topic is not in their textbook? Please, use their book