WATER 02 Vitamin B2 03 Vitamin B3
(Riboflavin) (Niacin)
SOLUABLE Riboflavin, vitamin B2, is It helps keep your
a heat-stable, water- nervous system, digestive
soluble vitamin that the system and skin healthy.
body uses to metabolize Some of the food sources
carbohydrates, fats, and of B3 is Red meat: beef,
protein into glucose for beef liver, pork. Poultry.
energy. Foods that are Fish. Brown rice. Fortified
particularly rich in cereals and breads. Nuts,
riboflavin include eggs, seeds. Legumes. Bananas.
important during early protect your cells against
pregnancy, because it the effects of free
helps the neural tube— radicals — molecules
which becomes the brain produced when your body
and spine—develop. breaks down food or is
Folate is naturally present exposed to tobacco
in a wide variety of foods, smoke and radiation from
04 Vitamin B7 including vegetables the sun, X-rays or other
(especially dark green sources. Citrus fruits,
leafy vegetables), fruits tomatoes and tomato
Biotin (vitamin H or B7) is a and fruit juices, nuts, juice, and potatoes are
water-soluble vitamin that beans, peas, seafood, major contributors of
helps the body metabolize eggs, dairy products, vitamin C to the American
fats, carbohydrates, and diet. What occurs in
meat, poultry, and grains
protein. Some of the best vitamin C deficiency?
Untreated folic acid
food sourced for this Scurvy: irritability,
deficiency can lead to
vitamin is Beef liver.
megaloblastic anemia and purpura, bleeding gums,
Eggs (cooked) Salmon.
pancytopenia. In addition, periosteal hemorrhage,
Avocados. Pork. Sweet
it can cause glossitis, aching bones.
potato. Nuts, seeds. These
include hair loss (alopecia) angular stomatitis, and
and periorificial dermatitis; oral ulcers.
scaly, red rash around the
orifices, i.e., eyes, nose,
and mouth (also called
“biotin-deficient face”).
Vitamin A
Vitamin A is a fat-soluble
vitamin that is naturally
FAST Vitamin E
present in many foods.
Vitamin A is important for
SOLUABLE It plays many roles in your
body. It's perhaps best known
for its antioxidant effects,
normal vision, the immune
system, reproduction, and VITAMINS protecting your cells from
oxidative damage by
growth and development. neutralizing harmful molecules
Some food sources you can called free radicals. Vegetable
get Vitamin A is Green leafy Vitamin K
Vitamin D oils like wheat germ, sunflower,
vegetables and other green, Together with calcium, vitamin It is best known for its role in and safflower oils are among
orange, and yellow helping blood clot, or the best sources of vitamin E.
D also helps protect older
vegetables such as spinach, coagulate, properly. The most Vitamin E deficiency may lead
adults from osteoporosis.
common sources of vitamin K in to anemia (Pearce et al., 1994),
sweet potatoes, carrots, Vitamin D has other roles in
the U.S. diet are spinach; retinopathy (Pearce et al.,
broccoli, and winter squash. the body, including reduction
broccoli; iceberg lettuce; and 1994), and immune response
The various stages of of inflammation as well as
fats and oils, particularly impairment
xerophthalmia are regarded modulation of such processes
as cell growth, neuromuscular soybean and canola oil. Several
both as disorders and vitamin K-dependent proteins
and immune function, and
clinical indicators of vitamin are involved in essential
glucose metabolism. The best
A deficiency. Night food sources of vitamin D are processes such as blood
blindness (in which it is oily fish, including salmon, clotting, bone metabolism, and
difficult or impossible to see mackerel, and sardines . cardiovascular health. Vitamin
in relatively low light) is one Vitamin D deficiency can lead K deficiency can contribute to
to a loss of bone density, significant bleeding, poor bone
of the clinical signs of
which can contribute to development, osteoporosis,
vitamin A deficiency.
osteoporosis and fractures and increased cardiovascular
(broken bones). disease.
MAJOR 02 Phosphorus
MINERALS The main function of phosphorus is in the
formation of bones and teeth. Many
different types of foods contain
phosphorus, including dairy products,
meats and poultry, fish, eggs, nuts,
legumes, vegetables, and grains. Rickets.
This disease is more common in children.
It's also related to vitamin D deficiency,
which inhibits the body's ability to absorb
2 but it's also plentiful in red meat and poultry. Early
symptoms of zinc deficiency include a loss of appetite
and, in infants and children, slowed growth and
needs iodine to make thyroid hormones. Seaweed
(such as kelp, nori, kombu, and wakame) is one of the
Iron best food sources of iodine Iodine deficiency is the
most common cause of thyroid disease, specifically
Iron is a mineral that the body needs for
hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid)..
growth and development. Iron is an important
nutrient that you can only get through your thyroid hormone metabolism, DNA synthesis,
diet. Haem iron is found in meat, poultry and reproduction, and protection from oxidative damage
fish. Iron deficiency anemia is a common type SELENIUM and infection. Brazil nuts, seafood, meat, poultry, and
of anemia — a condition in which blood lacks organ meats are the richest food sources of selenium.
adequate healthy red blood cells. Red blood many selenium-deficiency diseases are associated
cells carry oxygen to the body's tissues. As the with concurrent vitamin E deficiency.
name implies, iron deficiency anemia is due to
insufficient iron.
making energy, connective tissues, and blood
COPPER vessels. Oysters and other shellfish , whole
grains, beans, nuts, potatoes, and organ meats
(kidneys, liver) anemia, low body temperature,
bone fractures and osteoporosis, low white
blood cell count, irregular heartbeat, loss of
pigment from the skin, and thyroid problems.
ELECTOR- Potasuim Chloride
LYTES It helps your nerves to
function and muscles to
It helps to regulate the
amount of fluid and types of
contract. It helps your nutrients going in and out of
heartbeat stay regular. the cells. Chloride is found
apricots and dried fruit. in table salt or sea salt as
tree fruits — such as sodium chloride. It is also
avocados, apples, oranges found in many vegetables.
and bananas. Hypochloremia occurs when
leafy greens — such as there's a low level of
spinach, kale and silverbeet. chloride in your body.
vine fruits — such as
tomatoes, cucumbers,
zucchini, eggplant and
root vegetables — such as
carrots, potatoes and sweet
potatoes. Constipation.
Feeling of skipped heart
beats or palpitations.
Muscle damage.
Muscle weakness or spasms.
Tingling or numbness.
Recommended Daily Amount of Vitamin B12:
• Adults (19 years and older): 2.4 micrograms (mcg) per day
• Pregnant women: 2.6 mcg per day
• Breastfeeding women: 2.8 mcg per day
• Fortified Plant-Based Milk (1 cup): Provides approximately 1.2 mcg of vitamin B12.
• Fortified Breakfast Cereal (1 serving): Provides about 0.6 mcg of vitamin B12.
• Whole-grain toast with avocado: Does not contain vitamin B12 but provides fiber, healthy fats, and other nutrients.
• Fortified Nutritional Yeast (1 tablespoon): Contains about 0.5 mcg of vitamin B12.
• Apple slices with almond butter: Does not contain vitamin B12 but offers fiber and protein.
• Veggie wrap with hummus and spinach: Spinach and hummus do not contain vitamin B12, but they are rich in other vitamins and minerals.
• Fortified Soy Yogurt (1 serving): Provides around 0.2 mcg of vitamin B12.
• Stir-fried tofu with vegetables (broccoli, carrots, bell peppers) and brown rice: Tofu (if fortified) can provide up to 0.1 mcg of vitamin B12 per serving.
• Side of Fortified Plant-Based Milk (1/2 cup): Provides approximately 0.6 mcg of vitamin B12.