Class 9TH Digital Presentation
Class 9TH Digital Presentation
Class 9TH Digital Presentation
Q: What is a presentation ?
A presentation includes
• Regular text
• Lists items
• Table
• Graphics elements
• Animation
Custom animation: There are many animation features for the texts, drawings,
etc., in a slide. Using this feature you can add, change or remove animation
Slide transition: Using slide transition, you can set the way, how the slide will
appear during presentation. There are too many ready-made alternatives available.
You can also modify features like speed of transition, sound effects, automated
transition, etc.
Deleting slides: To delete any slide from a presentation, first it should be selected.
To delete one or more slides (i) Select the slide(s) by marking them in the Slide
Pane (ii) Right click the mouse button on the selected slide (iii) Select the Delete
Slide option in the context menu
(iv) Another quick way to delete the slide is just select the slide and press the
Delete button from the keyboard
To rename a slide: (i) Select the slide by marking them in the Slide Pane (ii) Right
click the mouse button on the selected slide (iii) Select the Rename slide option in
the context menu (iv) A Rename Slide dialog box will appear where you can
assign the new name to the slide
|To create a new blank presentation, select the File Menu→New or click on the
icon New or use the combination of keys Ctrl+N.
To save the presentation, select the File Menu→Save, or, use the shortcut key
combination Ctrl+S, or click on the Save button on the Standard Toolbar.
Tables are inserted by selecting the Table icon on the Standard toolbar, or by
selecting the Table command on the Insert tab. In the Insert Table dialog box, the
Number of columns and the Number of rows are specified.
Ans Speaker notes are guided text used by the presenter during a presentation. Speaker
notes can be short or long texts that can be used as a reference by the presenter while
making a presentation
Ans Tables are used to represent the statistical data meaningfully in a presentation .
What are the two ways in which you can insert a movie clip/audio clip in a
You can insert a movie clip/ Audio clip in two ways:
∙ Using Insert tab
∙ Using Title and Content Layout Option
Step 1 :-select all the objects that you want to group in the slide.
Step 2 :- click Format tab. You can select the Group option available under Arrange
group in the Format tab. Or right click->group option
Q Name the three options present under the Group option in Power Point .