7th BEST 3N1 Cards-.65c74134505572.04826700
7th BEST 3N1 Cards-.65c74134505572.04826700
7th BEST 3N1 Cards-.65c74134505572.04826700
Prehospital Care:
Neurological Assessment:
• Head Injuries: neurological examination, GCS and pupillary responses.
• Peripheral Nervous System: motor & sensory functions, around wounds near major nerves
• Continues Vital Signs Monitoring
• Pain Assesment & Analgesia Administration accordingly.
• Considerations activation trauma Code for sever or Multiple Traumas.
Patient preparation:
• MOST important step to ensure successful procedure is child preparation.
• Use child-friendly language to describe the steps you will take to fix the cut with goal of no
• Engage parents be present at head of bed with child for distraction.
• Avoid showing the “metal” tools and needles.
Wound preparation:
• «The Solution to Pollution is Dilution»
• Irrigation is the key to decrease wound infections.
• Irrigate wounds well.
• 50-100ml of water per centimeter of laceration length
• Tap water is safe and effective as saline, no difference in infection rates.
Pain control:
• If available apply liberal amounts of L.E.T. using a piece of gauze or cover with an Op-Site/
Tega- derm for > 30 minutes. Can be used safely on wounds in any location on the body.
(EMLA cream apply only on intact skin)
• When infiltrating wound edges (i.e., not intact skin) with lidocaine, use a small needle (e.g.,
27-30 gauge) and inject slowly to minimize discomfort. Inject into the subcutaneous tissue,
then the dermal tissue.
Pain control:
Maximum Maximum dose
Duration of
Agent dose without with Epineph- Note
Epinephrine rine
Lidocaine 5 mg/kg 7 mg/kg 30-90 min
2%= 20mg/ml
Needle types and when to use:
• Reverse cutting: tougher tissues, less risk of cutting through tissue.
• Regular cutting: most used in acute setting, skin.
Non-Absorbable Absorbable
Braided Monofilament Braided Monofilament
Ethibond® Ethilon® Prolene® Vicryl® Vicryl® Monocryl® fast Chromic PDS II®
Silk absorbing gut (Polydioxanone)
(Polyester) (Nylon) (Polypropylene) (Polyglactin) rapide (Poliglecaprone)
• Antibiotics prophylaxis:
For immunocompromised pt, contaminated wounds, open fractures, bites, and extension to a
sterile site is a reasonable approach
Tetanus approach:
Post Wound Tetanus Vaccination
Clean, Minor Wounds All Other Wounds
Pediatric Airway Management
Emergency Department care:
Triage - Introduce – PPE – PAT assessment- if critical to be approached as ABCDE with urgent
Attach patient to cardiopulmonary monitoring and vital sign should be monitoring (sp2, HR, BP,
ECG and capnogram).
Equipment Preparation: “SOAPME”
Uncuffed Cuffed
• Insertion Depth: Depth of insertion from the lip (cm) = 3 x ID of ETT (mm).
• Estimated Foley Cath size: 2 X ID of ETT (mm).
• Estimated Chest tube size: 4 X ID of ETT (mm).
medication Dose remarks
Steps to intubate:
1- Identify oneself. 17- colorimetric end-tidal CO2 detector
2- Call for help. 18- Wear mask with eye protection
3- Put gloves on hand 19- Call for sedative and/or narcotic
Steps to intubate:
33- Call for chest x-ray
34- Confirm & adjust endotracheal tube placement based on chest x-ray
ATLS Approach
At the beginning:
Start primary survey:
A: airway:
Is the Patient response?
Start primary survey:
C: Circulation: chick for:
HR-BP- CRT- Pulse central and peripheral- skin color and temperature.
Pediatric Orthopedic & Casting Techniques
Ask the Nurse to insert 2 large pore IV line- IVF 20 ml/kg bolus once then if need PRBC
Do trauma panel: (CBC-Coagulation profile- blood group and cross match- LFT- amylase-
Renal Function- VBG- lactate- urine for RBC and blood.
PRBC (the best is cross match> type > O-ve (O -ve for children and women in childbearing
age, other we can give O +ve)-
If multiple PRBC units 40 ml/kg over 12 hours given, Consider (massive blood transfusion
protocol) PRBC-PLT - FFP 1-1-1”
to consider tranexamic acid “within 3 hours” from trauma –
Control external hemorrhage.
Stabilize pelvis by binder or bed sheath “technique?”
if patient unstable, hypotensive and can’t controlled the bleeding to shifted urgently to OR.
Start primary survey:
D: GCS-AVPU-pupils “equal, reactive. size”, glucose level – signs of basilar skull fracture- signs
of neurogenic shock – signs of high ICP, herniation or lateralization.
E: expose patient fully and prevent hypothermia- looks for bleeding, bruises, fx or deformity.
Log rolling for spinal tenderness and step off and check anal tone and rectum for blood “for
perforation and neurogenic shock.”
remove backboard if log rolling is normal “keep it as pt might need transfer for CT or OR”
1ry Survey Adjuncts: ECG-OGT “not NGT” – folly catheter if no urethral injury – AP CXR and
pelvic x ray – EFAST – VBG - ventilatory setting–CO2 monitor.
Orthopedic Fractures and Casting
• Chief complaint, Mechanism of injury. OPQRST (Onset, Provoking/ alleviating factors, Quality/
Quantity, Radiation, Site and Timing)
Pediatric Orthopedic & Casting Techniques
Cast materials:
• Plaster casts can be molded to arm or leg.
Cast types:
• slab : plaster encloses partial circumference extremity.
• cast : plaster encloses full circumference of extremity.
• spica : plaster include trunk and one or more extremities
• brace : plaster / material which can allow motion at adjacent joint.
Orthopedic Fractures and Casting
Applying Backslap:
• Apply stockinette over the limb with extra inches avoid wrinkles,
Pediatric Orthopedic & Casting Techniques
Orthopedic Fractures and Casting
Pediatric Orthopedic & Casting Techniques
BEST 3N1 Team
With best wishes