Measurement Notes
Measurement Notes
Measurement Notes
The importance of digits in a counted or measured number depends on who will be using
the number.
63 401 people attended a football match at Kr 10 per person. How important/crucial are
the digits 4 and 1 when you report this number to;
Number without a decimal point: Start at A number with a decimal point: Start at
the RIGHT and count, beginning with the the far LEFT and count all digits,
first non-zero digit. beginning with the first non-zero digit.
Examples: 340 2 s.f.
Examples: 340 ∙ 3 s.f.
30400 3 s.f.
30400 ∙ 5 s.f.
34955 5 s.f.
0 ∙ 00055 2 s.f.
In carrying out calculations, the general rule is that the accuracy of a calculated result is
limited by the least accurate measurement involved in the calculation. Thus;
1. Addition and subtraction: the result is rounded off to the last common digit
occurring furthest to the right in the components. Example:
101 (3 s.f.) + 23.643 (5 s.f.) = 124.643, rounds-off to 125 (3 s.f.)
2. Multiplication and division: the result must round-off to the same number of sig.
figures as in the number in the expression with the lowest significant figures.
3.0 (2 s.f.) × 12.60 (4 s.f.) = 37.8, rounds-off to 38 (2 s.f.) 1
Significant figures with Mixed Operations
• When processing work that involves multiplication and/or division; complete
the entire calculation then round the answer to the correct number of
significant figures at the end.
• The same is true for calculations involving only additions and/or subtraction.
• However, if the calculations involve mixed operation – multiplication/division
with addition/subtraction, then we must follow BODMAS/BEDMAS/PEMDAS.
Scientific Notation
Before numbers in scientific notation can be added or subtracted, the exponents must be
equal. 2
Multiplication and Division in scientific notation:
Multiplication: Multiply
the main numbers and add
the exponents according to
laws of exponents
This is another way to shorten very large or very small numbers.
A prefix is a word that comes before another. E.g. anti in anticlockwise; pro in
The prefixes used in mathematics and science have assigned number values in powers of
10. The kilo as in kilogram and the milli as used in millimeter have values of 1000 (or 10! )
and 0.001 (or 10"! ) respectively.
Below are some of the important prefixes used regularly in Mathematics and the Physics. 3
Orders of Magnitudes
Example: 29.1 ≈ 29, to the nearest unit, but also 29.1 ≈ 30 to the nearest tens.
𝐴 = 10 '()!" * 4
SI Units
The International system of measurement (SI units)
There are seven basic (fundamental) quantities and their units, including luminous
intensity, measured in candela (cd).
In the IB however, we are concerned only with the six listed below.
Length, 𝑙 meter m
mass, 𝑀 kilogram kg
time, 𝑡 second s
electric current, 𝐼 ampere A
thermodynamic temperature, 𝑇 kelvin K
amount of substance, 𝑛 mole mol
All other SI quantities and their units, not listed above, are derived from the fundamental
units above.
Area, volume and density which are discussed next, are examples of derived quantities.
Area, 𝐴 𝑚×𝑚 𝑚$
volume, 𝑉 𝑚×𝑚×𝑚 𝑚!
density, 𝜌 𝑘𝑔 𝑚"!
𝑚×𝑚×𝑚 5
Mistakes, Errors and Uncertainties
Accuracy and precision.
Questions to consider;
1. Who is the best shot? Who is the worst?
2. Arrange the competitors from best to
3. Who has made the smallest error? What is the difference!
4. Who are the two most reliable or certain Mistake, Error, an
shots (least uncertain)? uncertainty!
5. For whom would you use the term, “most
6. For whom would you use the term, “most
7. Compare A and B. Who is the better
shot? precise accurate
8. Compare B and D. Is D a better shot than
B? What factors outside the competitors’
control might have contributed to the
differences seen for B and D? 6
Mistakes, Errors and Uncertainties in Measurement:
Mistakes: faults that can be avoided by a careful and properly trained experimenter.
Two ways a zero offset error may occur (positive and negative offset errors
1 Systematic errors and Accuracy: systematic errors are due to faults and
instabilities in our measuring system and surrounding conditions (e.g. erroneous
instruments, varying environmental conditions such as temperature or pressure, air
movement, etc.)
Note: It is difficult to reduce systematic errors during the course of the experiment
but they can easily be factored-in during analysis. 7
2 Random error: errors due to the randomness in the taking of a measurement.
Thus instead of measuring once, the time for an oscillation of a pendulum bob,
measure the time taken for 20 oscillations and divide the measurement by 20.
(ii) The least count of the measuring instrument should be as small as possible
(iii) A large number of readings should be taken and the average value should be
determined. The average value is the best estimate of the magnitude of the
quantity being measured.
0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40
Neither of the two rulers gives the exact reading for the length of the pencil but their.
Which ruler gives a reading that is closer to the exact reading? Why is this? 8
Uncertainties in Analogue and Digital Measuring Instruments
The ability of a measurement to take measurements is limited by its least count i.e. the
smallest graduation on its scale. 9
Analogue measuring instruments: for these instruments, the uncertainty of a
measurement is equal to half the limit (least count) of the scale.
In a meter rule the least count is 0.1 cm (1mm) and so the uncertainty in measurement
made using the rule is;
𝑐𝑚 = 0.05𝑐𝑚 (𝑜𝑟 0.5𝑚𝑚)
Digital Measuring Instrument: for these instruments, the uncertainty is the limit (least
count) of the reading.
Thus it is easy to decide the uncertainty through the number of decimal places on the
display window. See examples below.
A s
Ammeter reading for current in milliamps: Stopwatch recording time in seconds:
54.3 ± 0.1 𝐴 28.60 ± 0.01 𝑠
Electronic balance recording mass in grams:
29.731 ± 0.001 𝑔 10 11
Summary Comparison
Accuracy Precision
Definition How close an experimental result is How close together the trial values are in
to the true or standard (literature) a measurement.
Causes Affected by systematic errors in an Affected/evidenced by random
experiment: parallax errors, zero- uncertainties and quality of measuring
offset errors, a constant external instrument. A micrometer provides more
offset factor like temperature, precise readings than a Vernier calipers
pressure, wind, vibration, etc.
Nature If it is less accurate, then it has If it is less precise then it has more
more errors uncertainty
Example Suppose Suppose five trials of a measurement
with Literature value: 𝑥 are; 𝑥+ , 𝑥$ , 𝑥! , 𝑥0 and 𝑥# , so that;
equations Experimental value: 𝑥3 𝑥+ and 𝑥# are the smallest and largest
Then; absolute error, ∆𝑥 is; trial values respectively,
∆𝑥 = |𝑥 − 𝑥3 | Then absolute uncertainty is;
Percentage error, ∆𝑥 % is; 𝑥# − 𝑥+
∆𝑥 =
∆𝑥 |𝑥 − 𝑥3 | 2
∆𝑥% = × 100% = × 100% Percentage uncertainty is;
𝑥 𝑥
∆𝑥% = × 100%
Where 𝑥̅ is the experimental mean of 𝑥+ ,
𝑥$ , 𝑥! , 𝑥0 and 𝑥# .
Example Measurement of gravitational field Different trial measurements of 𝑔:
with real strength (gravity):
data Literature value, 𝑔 = 9.81 𝑁𝑘𝑔"+ Gravitational field strength, 𝑔3
Experimental value, 𝑔3 = 10.36 𝑁𝑘𝑔"+
Trial1 Trial2 Trial3 Trial4 Trial5
Absolute error in the experiment:
∆𝑔 = |𝑔 − 𝑔3 | 7.94 8.95 9.59 11.30 12.07
= |9.81 − 10.36|
= |−0.55| Mean (average) experimental value;
= 0.55 7.94 + 8.95 + 9.59 + 11.30 + 12.07
𝑔̅ =
Note: 𝑔 and ∆𝑔 MUST be to the 5
same number of decimal places. 49.85
Percentage error is; 5
∆𝑔 𝑔̅ = 9.97 𝑁𝑘𝑔"+
∆𝑔 % = × 100% The absolute uncertainty is;
0.55 12.07 − 7.94 4.13
∆𝑔 % = × 100% ∆𝑔 = =
9.81 2 2
∆𝑔 % = 5.6 %. ∆𝑔 = 2.07 𝑁𝑘𝑔"+
Reflection: An error of ~ 6 % is Hence percentage uncertainty is
considered large (in most lab ∆𝑔 % = × 100%
experiments) and so we would 9.97
∆𝑔 % = 20.8%.
conclude that our experimental
result of 𝑔 =10.36 Nkg-1 is
Reflection: The percentage uncertainty
inaccurate. There were systematic
is too large. The result is imprecise, and
errors incurred during the
the experimental procedure must have
experiment. A 5% error is
suffered too many random errors.
considered the boundary for
accuracy (debatable). 12
Key physical quantities
Length, 𝑙
Different names are used to describe different types of length, but they are all just length.
Area, 𝐴
Definition: the two-dimensional expanse of a surface.
Nature: area is a quantity derived (formed) from the fundamental quantity, length.
SI unit: square meter, 𝑚$ .
Multipliers: 𝑐𝑚$ , 𝑚𝑚$ , 𝑘𝑚$ . 13
Volume and Capacity, 𝑉
Definitions: the volume of a substance is the space it occupies. Note: The term “Volume”
is used when referring to
the capacity of a container is the maximum volume a substance. The term
of substance it can hold. “capacity” is used in
reference to the container.
Nature: volume (and capacity) is a quantity derived from the However, both are a
measure of space and
fundamental quantity length. have the same unit.
SI unit: cubic meter 𝑚! .
Multipliers: 𝑚𝑚! , 𝑐𝑚! , litre (𝑙), 𝑚𝑙
Conversion: 1 𝑐𝑚! = 1𝑚𝑙; 1 𝑙 = 1000 𝑐𝑚! = 1000 𝑚𝑙
Measurement of Volume
Because their physical properties are The beaker has
different, the volume of solids, liquids and a measurable
capacity of
gases are measured using differing
400 ml (or 400
Volume of a liquid … containing a
liquid of volume
Unlike a solid which is rigid, a liquid takes 350 ml.
the shape of the container in which it is
placed. This fact is used in making volume
measuring containers like measuring
cylinders, beakers and other graduated
containers. 14
Volume of an irregular solid (a random stone):
“a solid will displace its own volume when fully immersed in a liquid”.
𝑉 = 𝑉! − 𝑉" = 10 − 7 = 3 𝑚𝑙
The diagram on the side shows a Displacement-Can and a measuring cylinder being
used to measure the volume of the water displaced when a stone is placed in the Can.
1. The Can is first placed on a
horizontal stable surface, filled
with water until excess water
starts to drip out through the
can spout
2. When dripping stops, a beaker
is placed below the spout and
the stone carefully lowered
into the can.
3. The water displaced by the
stone flows out through the
spout into the measuring
4. The volume of the displaced
water in the measuring
cylinder is also the volume of
the stone. 15
Volume of regular solids
For regular solids, measure the dimension (length, width, height, radius etc.) then use an
appropriate formula to find volume. Below are some common solids and their respective
volume formulas.
𝑉 = 𝑙# 𝑉 =𝑙×𝑤×ℎ
4 1 !
𝑉 = 𝜋𝑟 ! ℎ 𝑉 = 𝜋𝑟 # 𝑉= 𝜋𝑟 ℎ
3 3
All kinds of matter (substances) are built from atoms of one or more
types, or groups of atoms called molecules.
The diagrams illustrate how hydrogen and oxygen atoms combine to form
a water molecule.
Carbon monoxide 16
Mass, m
It is expected that you can estimate the masses of the most common objects around you. 17
Weight, W
Definition: the force of pull of the Earth on objects. Wait! My mass is 50 kg,
so the Earth is pulling me
For an object with a mass m (kg), the weight is;
downwards with a force
of about 500 N
𝑊 = 𝑚𝑔
The gravitational field strength for some celestial bodies are provided below.
Jupiter 25.9
Mars 3.73
If you stood on the Moon, what would your weight be, same, smaller or larger than your
wait here on Earth?
Density, 𝜌
Definition: density refers to how tightly packed matter is. 18
mass, 𝑚 𝑚
density, 𝜌 = ⟺ 𝜌=
𝑣olume, 𝑉 𝑉
Notes: Since density refers to mass in a specified volume (1 𝑚! 𝑜𝑟 1 𝑐𝑚! , the density of a
particular substance is the same no matter how much of the substance there is. 19