SDV - Physics Semester Paper Last Year 2023
SDV - Physics Semester Paper Last Year 2023
SDV - Physics Semester Paper Last Year 2023
0.1] Select & write the correct answer for the following nultiple choice type of question: [6]
1) Ifpressure of an ideal gas is decreased by 10% isothermally, then its volume
a) decrease by 9% b) increase by 9% c) decrease by 10% á) increase by 11.11%
2) The length of second's pendulum on the surface of the earth is nearly 1 m. Its length on the surface
moon should be [acceleration due to gravity (g) on moon is 1/6th of that on the earth's
c) 1/36 m d) 1/V6 m
a) 1/6 m b) 6 m
along the y axis?
3) Which of the following equations represents a wave travelling
a) x = Asin (ky - «ot) b) y = A sin(kx - ot) c) y = Asin (ky) cos (ot) d)y= Acos (ky) sin (ot)
capacitor bear a ratio
4) Energy stored in a capacitor and dissipated during charging a
a) 1:1 b) 1:2 ) 2:1 d) 1:3
10 N and 15 2 form a Wheatstone's network. The siunt required acros:
5) Four resistances 10 2, 10 2,
15 N resistor to balance the bridge is
b) 15 2 c) 20 2 d) 30 2
a) 10 2
is kept with its plane perpendicular to
6) Acircular coil of 100 turns with a cross sectional area of lm²
coil is
the magnetic field of 1 T. The magnetic flux linkage with the d) 200 Wb
b) 50 Wb c) 100 Wb
a) 1 Wb
Q.2] Answer the following in one sentence. [6]
1) Write ideal gas equation for a mass of 7 gm of Nz gas.
2) Define linear simple harmonic motion.
3) State an expression for equation of stationary wave on a stretched string.
4) Define potential gradient.
5) What do you mean by electromagnetic induction?
6) State Lenz's law of electromagnetic induction.
Alteinpt any SIX of the following. [12]
0.3] Define athermanous substances and diathermanous substances.
Q.4] State the laws of simple pendulum.
Q.5] What are harmonics and overtones?
fundamental frequency
Q.6] A sonometer wire of length 0.5 m is stretched by a weight of 5 kg. The
vibration is 100 Hz. Calculate linear density of wire.
Q.7] The safest way to protect yourself from lightening is to be inside a car. Justify
Q.8] A wire is bent in a circle of radius 10 cm. It is given a charge of 250 uC which spreads
uniformly. What is the electric potential at the centre?
Q.9] The e.m.f. of a cell is balanced by a length of 120 cm of a potentiometer wire. When the cell i
shunted by a resistance of 10 2, the balancing length is reduced by 20 cm. Find the internal resistance
the cell.
Q.10] State Faraday's laws of induction.
Altenmptany SIX oLLhe lollowiuL, 700 nn (b) ma 3cm
a peak at (a) Ama
0111Find the temperature of a blackbody if its spectrum has
is 2.897 x 10m K)
(c) Amas = 3 m. (WVien's constant
sinple pendulum.
0.12] Deduce the expression for period of the expression for (a) acceleration in S.H.M and
o 13Wsino differential equation of linear S.H.M., obtain
(b) velocity in S.HLM.
progressive waves.
Q.14]State the characteristics of
amplitude of awave is represented by y = 0.2 sin 4 n i nSl units. Find (a) wavelength
0.15) The
amplitude of the wave.
(b) frequency and (c) carries a charge of 1 uC. Calculate the electric field (i) at
a distance of 30
0.161 A Sphere of radius 10 cm
centre of the sphere and (ii) at the surface of the
cm fron the
used to compare the e.m.f.s of two cells by connecting the cells
0.171 Describe how a potentiometer is
individually. applications.
What are eddy currents? State and explain its any two
Answer any TWO ofthe following, and prove Kirchoff's law of heat radiation.
Q.19]What is a perfect blackbody? State
plate capacitor with air between the plates, each plate has an area of 6 10 mn² and
Q.20] In aparallel Calculate the capacitance of the capacitor. b)
If this
between the plates is 2 nm. a)
the separation each plate? c) How would charge on
V supply, what would be the charge on
capacitor is connected to 100 while the voltage
sheet of k=6 is inserted between the plates
the plates be affected if a 2 mm thick mica
supply remains connected?
a voltmeter.
Q.21] a) Distinguish between a potentiometer and
S.H.M. is 40J. Find its speed while crossing
b) The total energy of abody of mass 2 kg performing
the centre of the path. gas equation.
Q. 22] a) Mention the conditions under which a real gas obeys ideal
15 N are connected in parallel. This
b) A set of three coil having resistances 10 n, 12 2 and the same resistances.
of three coils of
combination is connected in series with a series combination
circuit, if a battery of e.m.f. 4.1 V is used for
Calculate the total resistance and current through the
drawing current.