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Microgrids: A review, outstanding issues and future trends

Article in Energy Strategy Reviews · July 2023

DOI: 10.1016/j.esr.2023.101127


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6 authors, including:

Moslem Uddin Daoyi Dong

UNSW Canberra Australian National University


Josep M. Guerrero
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya


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Energy Strategy Reviews 49 (2023) 101127

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Microgrids: A review, outstanding issues and future trends

Moslem Uddin a ,∗, Huadong Mo a ,∗, Daoyi Dong a , Sondoss Elsawah a , Jianguo Zhu b ,
Josep M. Guerrero c
a School of Engineering & Information Technology, The University of New South Wales, Canberra, ACT 2610, Australia
b School of Electrical and Information Engineering, University of Sydney, Camperdown, NSW 2006, Australia
Department of Energy Technology, Aalborg University, 9220 Aalborg, Denmark


Keywords: A microgrid, regarded as one of the cornerstones of the future smart grid, uses distributed generations and
Microgrid information technology to create a widely distributed automated energy delivery network. This paper presents
Energy management a review of the microgrid concept, classification and control strategies. Besides, various prospective issues and
Renewable energy
challenges of microgrid implementation are highlighted and explained. Finally, the important aspects of future
Battery energy storage system
microgrid research are outlined. This study would help researchers, scientists, and policymakers to get in-depth
and systematic knowledge on microgrid. It will also contribute to identify the key factors for mobilizing this
sector for a sustainable future.

1. Introduction of the world’s MGs are currently located in North America and Asia-
Pacific, with the People’s Republic of China providing the majority of
Electricity distribution networks globally are undergoing a transfor- the capacity in Asia-Pacific. While there is no central registry, as of the
mation, driven by the emergence of new distributed energy resources fourth quarter of 2017, a semiannual tracker estimated 1869 MGs with
(DERs), including microgrids (MGs). The MG is a promising potential a total capacity of 20.7 gigawatts (GW) [23]. MGs are predicted to grow
for a modernized electric infrastructure [1,2]. The term ‘‘microgrid’’ significantly in the next years, particularly in Asia-Pacific and North
refers to the concept of a small number of DERs connected to a single America, with annual capacity installation and spending expected to
power subsystem. DERs include both renewable and /or conventional climb fivefold between 2018 and 2027 [24]. MGs are expected to
resources [3]. The electric grid is no longer a one-way system from the become more popular in areas with inadequate or deteriorating power
20th-century [4]. A constellation of distributed energy technologies is infrastructure, as well as remote business activities such as mining pits.
paving the way for MGs [5–7]. It can act as a well-regulated single grid- MGs are likely to become an increasingly important part of the energy
level entity to provide either islanded or grid-connected operation [8]. sector as current and future challenges arise [25].
It has the potential to improve power quality, boosts energy security The MG has also attracted much attention in global academic com-
for critical loads, and maximize overall system efficiency [9,10]. MGs
munities. Fig. 1 shows the number of MG-related web of science (WoS)
have gained popularity in recent years as a result of technological
articles from 2000 to 2021. These statistics motivate the authors to
improvements in small-scale power generation [11]. Meanwhile, envi-
conduct an in-dept study in this field to clarify the state of knowledge
ronmental concerns about centralized electric power generation have
and identify needed research. Several review papers have addressed
been a motivating reason behind the development of MGs [12–18].
different aspects of MGs. The basic concept of MGs has been briefly
The MG market is expected to continue growing, despite the fact
presented in [26,27]. A review has examined the MG technology [28].
that the most important feature of MG technology is not effectively ex-
Planning, modeling, design and architectures of hybrid renewable MGs
pressed in monetary terms: resiliency [19,20]. Various MG deployments
or current experiments are taking place around the world to better un- have also been reviewed in [29]. A survey has classified MGs into
derstand how MGs work [21]. For varied purposes, many technologies different groups [30]. In [3], existing MGs architectures have also been
and topologies have been investigated. Some of the trials are carried investigated. AC and DC MGs have been surveyed concisely in [31].
out only for research and development, while others are set up on Several review articles have explored MG control strategies [32–34].
islands or in remote areas. Since the MG concept is much versatile, the Control methods proposed for inverter-based MGs have also been pre-
experiment settings and goals can be widely varied [22]. The majority sented [35]. Control strategies for DERs in MGs were investigated and

∗ Corresponding authors.
E-mail addresses: (M. Uddin), (H. Mo).
Received 14 February 2023; Received in revised form 2 July 2023; Accepted 4 July 2023
Available online 15 July 2023
2211-467X/© 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
M. Uddin et al. Energy Strategy Reviews 49 (2023) 101127

Table 1
Examples of existing reviews related to MGs.
Ref Basic concept Classification Control Simulation Challenge Future direction
[30] × ✓ × × ✓ ✓
[43] ✓ ✓ ✓ × × ✓
[44] ✓ ✓ ✓ × × ×
[45] ✓ × ✓ × × ✓
[46] ✓ ✓ × × ✓ ✓
[47] ✓ × ✓ × × ×
This review ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

reported in [36]. Also, control strategies for voltage and frequency reg-
ulation in MGs have been discussed [37]. The droop control techniques
for MGs can be found in [38]. The literature has also provided reviews
on protection schemes for MGs [39–41]. The available techniques for
reactive power compensation in MGs have been reviewed and analyzed
in [42]. A review on MGs has summarized the experimental MG systems
installed in three different regions namely Asia, North America and
Europe [7]. A few recent review articles in the existing literature on
a similar investigation of MGs are summarized in Table 1 to highlight
this article’s research scope and significance. Overall, the existing re-
views indicate that the information on MGs is scattered throughout the
literature. As a result, identifying the key attributes for advancing the
global MG projects is tricky for practitioners and policymakers.
Therefore, the purpose of this study is to review the current scenar-
ios of MGs. The paper is organized in a systematic manner to provide
a detailed study of MG systems. An attempt has been made to review
MGs and identify the key attributes that will help mobilize this sector
Fig. 1. Annual publications in advance WoS search for MGs.
globally for a sustainable future. This research investigates and outlines
many factors that may help researchers, practitioners, and stakeholders
get systematic and in-depth understanding about MGs. The feature of
this review lies in the discussion of significant challenges and future The searching keywords are ‘‘microgrid’’, ‘‘microgrids’’, ‘‘micro-
research directions that are potentially important for MGs. In summary, grid’’, ‘‘nano-grid’’ and ‘‘nanogrid’’. The search was limited to
the importance and the originality of this study are as follows: English-language publications.
• Selection criteria: The articles were selected based on a set of
• A brief overview of MGs and its basics are presented (Section 3). inclusion and exclusion criteria. The initial screening focused
• An in-depth review on MGs classification is included (Section 4). on examining article titles and abstracts to determine their rel-
• MG control systems are thoroughly discussed in Section 5. A com- evancy. Only articles, conference papers, and authoritative re-
prehensive survey of different control aspects of MG is reviewed ports concentrating on MGs and related topics that have been
in detail with respect to the principles behind, their applicability peer-reviewed were considered for further analysis.
and performances. • Data synthesis and analysis: Relevant data were extracted from the
• Mathematical modeling is vigorously explained, to provide a deep selected articles, including author(s), publication year, research
insight into complex MG systems (Section 6). Simulation case methodologies employed, significant findings, challenges, and
study is also conducted. future trends identified. The extracted data were structured so as
• Challenges and issues associated with MG implementation are to facilitate analysis and synthesis.
thoroughly analyzed and explained (Section 7).
• Future work and possible research areas worth exploring for MG 3. The concept of MGs
are also outlined (Section 8).
3.1. Foundational MG research
2. Review methodology
The Consortium for Electric Reliability Technology Solutions
This review paper aims to provide a comprehensive overview of (CERTS) and the MICROGRIDS project, respectively, initiated a sys-
MGs, with an emphasis on unresolved issues and future directions. To tematic research and development various projects in the United States
accomplish this, a systematic review of scholarly articles and reports and Europe [48–50]. CERTS, founded in 1999, is widely regarded as
was conducted, allowing for the identification and analysis of critical the forerunner of the present grid-connected MG idea [51]. The CERTS
findings. The following strategy was adopted: MG was suggested as a possible solution to the problems associated
with integrating DERs into the grid [52,53]. Initially, the focus was
• Objective and scope: The primary objective of this review is to on automated and seamless islanding and grid reconnection, as well as
evaluate the current state of knowledge regarding MGs, identify passive control mechanisms [54]. The CERTS MG idea is further tested
outstanding issues, and investigate potential future trends. The in both test beds and real-world MG projects [55–57]. By incorporating
literature review includes research articles, conference papers, the renewable sources, reliability improvement was the initial moti-
and technical reports, among others. The scope of this review vation of CERTS rather than reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.
spans from the initial stages of MG research to the contemporary Similar technical challenges were explored by the European Union
period. MICROGRIDS project such as energy management, safe islanding and
• Literature search strategy: A systematic search was conducted to re-connection practices, protection equipment, control strategies under
identify relevant literature from various scholarly databases, in- islanded and connected scenarios, and communications protocols [50].
cluding Google Scholar, IEEE Xplore, ScienceDirect, Research- All these issues pioneered in the early investigations are still attracting
Gate, Scopus, Springer, Web of Science, and ACM Digital Library. wide attention [47].

M. Uddin et al. Energy Strategy Reviews 49 (2023) 101127

3.2. Basic MG components 2400 GW between 2022 and 2027. This represents a significant
acceleration of 85% compared to the growth witnessed in the
Understanding the commonly utilized power generation technolo- previous five years. Furthermore, the forecasted growth is nearly
gies and applications is critical for evaluating a potential MG project. 30% higher than what was initially predicted in last year’s report,
Table 2 summarized the MG generation options with their advantages marking the most substantial upward revision to date [68]. As a
and disadvantages. result, MGs are becoming increasingly important for reaping the
benefits of RESs.
(a) Generation: MG generation system can be consisted of differ-
• Increased reliability and resilience: MGs’ capacity to island allows
ent dispatchable and non-dispatchable generations. There is a
them to continue supplying power to their customers in the case
range of dispatchable generations such as natural gas genera-
of a power outage. The ability to island can also be significant for
tors, biogas generators, and combined heat and power (CHP).
isolating faults by separating distribution feeds.
Non-dispatchable generations include renewable sources such as
• Increase power quality: Systems may necessitate a higher level of
solar, wind, hydro, biofuels etc. [3,7,58].
electricity than the electric grid can provide. Implementing an MG
(b) Energy storage system: Energy storage system (ESS) performs
allows better control over its parameters, which is important for
multiple functions in MGs such as ensuring power quality, peak
sensitive equipment in healthcare, sophisticated manufacturing,
load shaving, frequency regulation, smoothing the output of
labs, and other institutions.
renewable energy sources (RESs) and providing backup power
• Relationship of the MG to the utility grid: MGs can be thought of as
for the system [59]. ESS also plays a crucial role in MG cost
the essential building element for smart grids. To put it in another
optimization [58].
way, future utility grids may be a collection of interconnected
(c) Energy management system (EMS): EMS ensures the smart man-
MGs that manages energy demand and supply at the micro and
agement of the MG with the help of energy meters and commu-
macro levels.
nication tools. It controls MG generation and load dispatching
• Grid support: MGs reduce grid ‘‘congestion’’ and peak loads. Also,
based on economic and reliability criteria [7,58].
they offer several grid services including: energy, capacity, and
(d) Loads: MGs present two major types of loads: (i) critical loads
ancillary services.
that need to be served under all conditions and (ii) deferrable
loads that could be adjusted for MG load balancing and hence,
achieving the most economic power generation [3,7,58]. 3.4. Applications
(e) Controller: The MG controller supervises the instantaneous oper-
ation of the system [7,58]. There are several key MG applications, according to current experi-
(f) Point of common coupling: The point of Common coupling (PCC) ence and publications.
is a crucial component as it acts as the physical connection point
between the MG and the main grid. It serves as the interface 3.4.1. Institutional and campus MGs
where electrical energy is exchanged between the MG and the Institutional and campus MGs are typically comprised of a certain
larger power system. The PCC incorporates various equipment number of buildings in a limited geographical area. Depending on the
and devices to facilitate the connection, power exchange, con- type of institution, the requirements for power supply quality may
trol, and protection between the MG and the main grid. This differ [69]. Most government and college facilities may be fine with
includes components such as circuit breakers, protective relays, a moderate level of power supply reliability, while research institutes
and synchronization equipment. The isolated MG does not have may demand a higher-quality power supply. In this sort of MGs, all
PCC [7,58]. buildings and participants often belong to a single entity, and there
is a single decision–maker. This structure allows for quick decisions,
and the real estate owner can take action if there are evident benefits
3.3. Potential benefits of MGs

• Price stability: Investment in the grid can reduce risk. It acts as a

safety net against the unforeseeable and potentially exorbitant ex- 3.4.2. Commercial and industrial MGs
penses of contingency/emergency energy. It also offers protection This type of MGs is similar to the one mentioned above in the case of
from fluctuating electricity bills. single ownership. When an MG is developed in an existing commercial
• Economic benefit: Depending on local market laws and initiatives, or industrial area with multiple participants, the scenario becomes
MGs can lower peak load prices, engage in demand response more complicated. When a ‘‘commercial–industrial park’’ is a greenfield
(DR) markets, and provide frequency management services to the project with both premium and normal power supply capabilities, the
larger grid. They can also make money by lowering peak load investor can opt for an MG structure to suit all client requirements.
costs, engaging in DR markets, and offering frequency regulation By diversifying their energy sources, taking advantage of time-of-day
services to the rest of the grid. electricity pricing, and having backup power on hand whenever it is
• Continuous supply: While the electric system in many developed needed, facilities connected to public grids can minimize energy costs
countries is typically stable, any outage can be costly and haz- and boost self-sufficiency.
ardous. Extreme weather, ageing, physical attacks, and cyberat-
tacks are all posing rising risks to the nation’s electricity infras- 3.4.3. Community and utility MGs
tructure today [65–67]. Operating in the island mode can ensure a Private end-customers in largely residential regions, but occasional
constant supply of electricity (i.e., separating itself from the bulk business and industrial customers, will form ‘‘community and utility’’
grid while using on-site generating). MGs. Urban regions, communities, and rural feeders may all be in-
• Renewable integration: RESs contribute significantly to supplying cluded. Connected to the large utility grid, such MGs can offer power
some of the world’s energy demands. The ongoing global energy to urban and rural areas. This sort of MGs can contain a wide range
crisis has generated unparalleled impetus for RESs. The projected of renewable or fossil-fueled distributed energy supplies. National and
expansion of renewable capacity in the next five years is an- international standards and regulations will play a decisive role in the
ticipated to surpass previous expectations. According to the IEA commercial acceptability of this type of MGs. Decisions will take long as
forecast, renewable energy is expected to grow by approximately compared to other MG structures due to a large number of participants.

M. Uddin et al. Energy Strategy Reviews 49 (2023) 101127

Table 2
A summary of MG generation options with their advantages and disadvantages.
MG components Advantages Disadvantages
– Quick start-up – Higher fuel cost
– High load acceptance – Higher emissions
Diesel generator [46,60] – Dispatchable
– Low-load operation of 20% possible
– Fuel storage
– Very good transient response
– High fuel efficiency – Slower start-up and limited transient response
– CHP option – Costly fuel storage
Gas generator [61]
– Low emissions – Recently, fuel price has experienced significant increases
– Part load operation of 35% possible
– Low maintenance cost – Reliance on sun
– Diverse applications – Requires ESS
Solar [62]
– Reduces carbon footprint – Capital cost
– Requires inverter
– Location independent – Reliance on wind
Wind [62] – Reduces carbon footprint – Visual/noise pollution
– Low production costs
– Cost-effective fuel source – Integration cost
Biogas [62] – Reduces soil/water pollution – Fuel treatment/filtration
– Byproduct-fertilizer – Requires suitable biomass
– Carbon savings neutrality – Space constraint
– Retrofit-able – Battery life
Battery storage [61,62]
– Rate optimization/curb – Limited energy storage
– Instantaneous power availability
– Low Emissions – Hydrogen extraction is expensive
Fuel cell [63,64] – Extremely quiet – Expensive infrastructure is required for hydrogen
– Useful for CHP application

3.4.4. Island and remote ‘‘off-grid’’ MGs from Earth. Ecosystems that do not participate in any form of mat-
A community or utility MG is usually fairly similar to an island MG. ter exchange with the surrounding environment are referred to as
The key distinction is that there will be no connection to the power closed ecological systems (CESs). Long-term manned space mis-
grid in most cases. If the distance between the island and the mainland sions require CESs to minimize Earth support. They include mul-
allows it, a cable connection to the utility grid on the mainland may tiple distinct compartments that reproduce the key functions of an
be possible in a few cases. On the other hand, depending on the is- ecological system continuously and under regulated settings [76].
land’s actual power supply infrastructure, the decision-making process • Water: As our reliance on electricity has grown over the years,
could be quicker. For geographically isolated/remote communities and prolonged power outages can have severe effects on affected
developing countries, ‘‘off-grid’’ MGs emphasize distributed and diverse communities. Additionally, power outages can prevent the opera-
tion of water treatment facilities, resulting in a shortage of clean
power sources. Many remote MGs are being implemented to eventually
water, which is crucial for recovery efforts following a disaster.
join a larger grid system as developing world regions continue to
The temporary reconfiguration of electricity and water networks
improve their electrical infrastructure. Other remote MGs are designed
into localized networks, such as electric MGs and water micro-
to be self-sufficient to preserve energy security.
nets, that use local resources to meet local demand apart from
the primary power grid and/or water network, is one strategy to
3.4.5. Advanced applications deal with this [77,78].
MGs can also be used for the following, in addition to their usual
applications: 4. Classification of MGs

• Maritime: Maritime power systems, such as those installed in A detailed literature analysis was conducted to investigate the pri-
ships, ferries, vessels, and other maritime devices, operate in mary topologies and architectural structures of current MGs to guide
islanded mode at sea and grid-connected mode at port. Therefore, designers in adopting inherent safe and robust design options. MGs’
maritime MGs are true commercial microgrids that are afford- can be categorized into different groups according to their applications,
able and have a prospective market. Maritime MGs are growing infrastructure, and end-users requirements (as illustrated in Fig. 2).
increasingly important as ships become more electrical [72,73].
• Aerospace: Aerospace MG concept has gained an increased impor- 4.1. Classifying MGs on the basis of control strategies
tance in recent years. In several aerospace applications, electrical
According to control strategies, there are primarily two types of MG
sources are eventually replacing mechanical, hydraulic, or pneu-
systems [79].
matic power sources such as airport MGs, e-aircraft/more electric
Centralized control MGs: In centralized control MGs, the central
aircraft (MEA) [74].
controller (CC) provides the required directions to the set points of local
• Space: The reliability of the power system components of a space- controller (LC) by a two-way communication channel. Hence, this con-
ship or satellite is crucial to the success of an extremely costly trol technique has limited capability of reliability and is superfluous.
space mission. Space MGs have emerged as a sustainable solution Decentralized control MGs: The decentralized control MGs usually
for meeting the energy requirements of space applications [75]. follow the control technique for a multiagent system. The operation
• Biological: Artificial ecosystems can be employed as life support control of these MGs is defined and directed individually. A single
systems (LSSs) to support long-duration human space missions. controller is not attending here for control purposes. The MGs’ function
There is no provision for food production or waste disposal in is flexible, and the communication between the two ends may be
space. Therefore, an open LSS requires food and waste treatment maintained using a communication language like Java-Jade.

M. Uddin et al. Energy Strategy Reviews 49 (2023) 101127

Fig. 2. Classification of MGs.

4.2. Classifying MGs on the basis of size 4.3.2. DC MGs

The concept of DC MGs is to generate and store electricity in DC
MGs can be categorized into three groups on the basis of their size: forms. The supply power of this type of MGs will be followed by DC
small, medium and large scale MGs [44]. power and the connected loads will be driven by DC power. This type
of MGs is more advantageous than AC MGs because these MGs do not
4.2.1. Small scale MGs require synchronization, and there are rarely any power quality issues.
Small scale MGs generate electricity of low capacity using RESs. They do not have any concerns about the power factor improvement.
However, some MGs may utilize diesel generator (DG) sets as a power To interface with the existing distribution systems, these MGs use many
source alongside or in place of RESs. The generation capacity of a small converters and power electronic devices. In comparison to AC MGs,
scale MG can be up to 10 MW [80,81]. Small-scale MGs are capable DC MGs have higher efficiency and a lower conversion process when
to supply residential buildings, small regional power grids, island and feeding DC loads. Telecommunication, electric vehicles, marine power
remote areas. systems, and other commercial applications of DC MGs are only a few
examples. Mono-polar, bi-polar, and homo-polar MGs are the three
4.2.2. Medium scale MGs different types of DC MGs [91–93]. DC MGs have the advantage of
Medium-scale MGs generate electricity of medium capacity using being able to connect DC loads directly to the DC bus. As a result,
renewable energy resources/oil/coal. The range of generation capacity there are just a few power converters necessary. DC MGs, on the other
for a medium scale MG may be > 10 MW ∼ 100 MW [80,81]. This type hand, do not have a standardized voltage. An additional power step is
required to generate AC voltage. DC MGs also cannot be reconfigured
of MGs is capable to feed industrial zones applications.
from the existing grid. Their protection is complicated.
4.2.3. Large scale MGs
4.3.3. AC-DC coupled/hybrid MGs
Large scale MGs generate electricity of high capacity using oil/coal.
The connected load will be driven by both AC and DC power sources
The range of generation capacity for a large scale MG may be >
in this type of MGs. Hybrid MGs feature an AC and DC distribution sys-
100 MW [80,81]. This type of MGs is capable to feed industrial zones
tem. The goal of a hybrid MG is to minimize the number of conversion
site applications.
stages and interface devices while keeping energy prices low [94]. As a
result, the system’s overall efficiency and reliability can be improved.
4.3. Classifying MG on the basis of power supply Hybrid MGs may combine both AC and DC loads, allowing customers
to customize their power usage with their own needs. Power electronic
In terms of connected power supply, MGs can be divided into three converters decouple the AC and DC components of an MG [95–97].
categories: AC, DC, and hybrid MGs [36,82–84]. DG units in AC-DC hybrid MGs can be tied directly to the DC and/or
AC networks without the need for synchronization [98]. However,
4.3.1. AC MGs this configuration does not necessarily lead to reduced energy losses
A typical MG system with an AC power supply and connected in the MGs. Energy losses can still occur within the system due to
loads driven by the AC power is defined as an AC MG. This MG can various factors such as converter inefficiencies, transmission losses, and
be operated independently or can be connected to the main grid at system control limitations. Hybrid MGs, on the other hand, necessitate
the PCC. The AC bus connects the power producing sources, storage a sophisticated controller and management system, particularly in an
devices, and other system components to satisfy the AC load demands. islanded mode. These MGs also exhibit lower reliability compared to
These MGs are straightforward to incorporate into present power sys- AC MGs, primarily attributed to the incorporation of interface power
tems and require no extra control mechanisms. The three varieties converters in the distribution network for DC-link generation [84].
of AC MGs are single-phase, grounded three-phase, and ungrounded Nevertheless, a reduction in the number of converter stages leads to
three-phase [30,85,86]. Besides, this type of MGs may be classified an enhancement in the reliability of the interconnected devices.
into three categories based on frequency: high-frequency [87,88], low-
frequency [89,90] and standard-frequency AC MGs. AC microgrids have 4.4. Classifying MGs on the basis of source
been the predominant and widely adopted architecture among the
other options in real-world applications. However, synchronizing with 4.4.1. Renewable MGs
the host grid while maintaining voltage magnitude, phase angle, and An MG powered by distributed renewable resources is known as
frequency is challenging. Their efficiency and dependability are also a renewable MG. Renewable MGs usually comprise RESs and bat-
low. Complex architecture and control are required for AC MGs. teries [99]. They provide electricity to end-users with lower carbon

M. Uddin et al. Energy Strategy Reviews 49 (2023) 101127

footprint. Therefore, these MGs are becoming increasingly popular and and transport, not to mention that transportation has its own carbon
being deployed across the world. However, the uncertain and intermit- burden. Many communities that employ diesel generators face this
tent output of RESs increase the complexity of effective operation of the problem on a regular basis. MGs are exploring for cleaner options as
MGs [100]. Also, meeting the time-varying demand presents a pivotal a result of these impacts [110].
challenge to an isolated MG. ESS is one of the most appealing technolo-
gies for enabling maximum utilization of renewable and is extensively 4.4.3. Hybrid MGs
used for balancing demand and supply in MGs [101]. However, the A hybrid MG system combines RESs, fossil fuel generators (diesel/
critical challenge is to coordinate storage systems, distributed RESs and gas), and/or batteries to operate in both isolated and grid-connected
variable power demand. Therefore, an EMS is crucial for renewable modes [111]. Fuels-renewable energy hybrid MGs are replacing 100%
MGs [102]. diesel/natural gas MGs as a more popular option. Hybrid cars sub-
Renewable MGs can be classified into five subgroups based on stantially lower fuel usage while also being less expensive, more reli-
renewable sources: solar, wind, biomass, micro-hydro and hybrid MGs. able, and less environmentally damaging over their lifetime. However,
hybrid systems require fuel-based generators, and hence noise and
• Solar MGs: Solar MGs are an attractive renewable energy op-
pollution are inescapable.
tion since they can be used at any scale and can be scaled up
afterwards. As a result, they are widely regarded as a feasible
4.5. Classifying MGs on the basis of scenario
and durable rural electrification option across the world. Since
solar MGs rely on the sun for electricity, they function best
Residential: A typical residential MG consists of an advanced control
in places with abundance of sunshine. To deal with gloomy
system (or ‘‘controller’’) that combines customers’ electrical demands,
weather, most systems include storage capacity that allows them
regulates distributed resources such as solar PV and energy storage, and
to run through periods of scant sunshine [103–105]. Solar MGs
coordinates with the distribution networks. A residential MG provides
have the potential to be an environment-friendly energy option.
emergency power to key circuits during power outages, reducing a
However, the output of solar photovoltaics (PV) is constrained
customer’s dependency on a centralized electrical supply. The MG
by its fluctuating nature. Therefore, a suitable control technique
is imperative. Solar MGs are commonly used to power schools, controller turns a residence into a flexible, dynamic, and fast-acting
street lights, homes, businesses, hospitals and irrigation pumps network resource that can provide services to electricity distribution
for agriculture. and transmission network operators. This types of MGs is designed to
serve household customers and will consequently be multi-users, with
• Wind MGs: A wind MG is an electrical distribution system with
a set of interconnected load and wind turbines that operate as a the MGs being managed by a separate company. It may be rural or
single controlled source within clearly defined electrical bound- urban in nature.
aries. Wind-based MGs typically employ an ESS to smooth out the Industrial: The key reasons for implementing an industrial MG are
supply and store the excess energy for future use in the MGs. the security and reliability of the power supply. Power outages may
• Biomass MGs: An MG powered by biomass is known as a biomass disrupt many production processes, resulting in considerable revenue
MG. Biomass gasifier systems produce syngas in this MG by losses and lengthy start-up times. Chip production, the chemical in-
incompletely burning biomass, which is then burned in an engine dustry, and the paper and food industries are just a few examples.
to power a generator [106–108]. Bioenergy MGs are gaining Uninterruptible power supplies are now being installed at some indus-
traction in many locations, despite the fact that solar and wind trial sites if their use is economically justified. The MG architecture may
power is more typical MG generation alternatives. As they use offer additional benefits, such as the ability to combine a reliable power
biomass gasifiers, which are less expensive than solar PV, their supply with great energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy.
capital requirements are comparatively modest. Biomass gasifiers, Commercial: Commercial customers often deploy these MGs to serve
on the other hand, are confined to places with a sufficient biomass single users, such as airports, hospitals, data centers, and so on. This
source. They also require a great amount of feedstock, decent type of electricity systems is likewise self-contained and may operate in-
storage procedures, and a fair number of manpower compared dependently of the main grid. They may also be connected to the main
to other types of systems. Tar build-up or wet husk can stymie grid at times. By diversifying their energy sources, taking advantage
operations on a daily basis. Spark plug failure, battery discharge, of time-of-day electricity pricing, and having backup power on hand
and bottle coil failure are all common problems with these sys- whenever it is needed, facilities connected to public grids can minimize
tems (an unintentional current to the spark plug). Keeping the energy costs and boost self-sufficiency.
husk dry during the monsoon season is another challenge.
• Micro hydro MGs: Micro-hydro-based MGs are mainly run-of- 4.6. Classifying MGs on the basis of location
the-river projects in which water is redirected from a river or
streams through a pipe into a turbine to generate electricity. The Urban MGs: Urban MGs are MGs that have been established in urban
cost of energy generation per kWh is quite low. Micro-hydro areas near utility systems. These MGs are capable of operating in both
systems, however, are confined to places with sufficient water grid-connected and islanded modes. They conform to all rules, con-
supply. trol strategies, and synchronization techniques to maintain the utility
• Hybrid MGs: An MG with the capability to provide electricity to grid’s system stability and power quality [112]. Hospitals, universities,
a remote site using hybrid renewable sources such as PV, wind, industries, communities, offices, and shopping malls are among the
biomass, and micro hydro [109]. commercial and residential sectors where urban MGs are implemented.
Remote MGs: Remote MGs are MG systems that are located in
4.4.2. Fossil fuels MGs remote regions where utility power systems are unavailable due to
MGs powered by fossil fuel (diesel/natural gas) based generator, geographic location. Military installations, hilltop areas, and islands are
which can supply power to the remote areas. They can work in both all instances of remote MGs. Because the utilities are not there, these
islanded and grid-connected environments. For many years, energy MGs operate in an isolated manner. Because of the economic, political,
sources like steam/gas turbines and diesel generators have been the and technological challenges, they are rarely installed in comparison to
standard for generating local power in an MG. These, however, have urban MGs [113,114]. Remote MGs provide access to energy outside
a negative influence on both the environment and the economy. The of the grid. Remote MGs, like island MGs, have traditionally relied on
fossil fuels required to power these MGs are expensive to purchase diesel, but are increasingly combining solar and storage.

M. Uddin et al. Energy Strategy Reviews 49 (2023) 101127

Fig. 3. MG control structures: (a) centralized, (b) decentralized, and (c) distributed.

4.7. Classifying MGs on the basis of application • Optimization: Determines the best MG dispatch plan in order
to maximize economic advantage. In addition, depending on the
The MGs may be divided into several groups according to their MG’s conditions, it ensures enhanced energy efficiency.
applications. The following are some of the categories. • Synchronization: For optimal power transmission, the MG must
be synchronized with the power network.
• Military MGs: Military MGs are small-scale electricity infrastruc- • Stability: The MG’s voltage and frequency are regulated as it op-
tures that can operate almost autonomously in a military base erates in various modes. Furthermore, both the AC- and DC-sides
camp. of the MG benefit from a robust and reliable power network.
• Campus MGs: Corporate, university and college campuses are all
examples of campus MGs. They are frequently introduced through 5.1. Control techniques
the use of CHP.
• Community MGs: A community MG is a coordinated local grid re- A detailed classification of the MG control methods that are fre-
gion served by one or more distribution substations and supported quently utilized in MG operations can be found in Fig. 3 [120–124].
by high penetrations of local RESs and other DERs. They are
frequently employed in developed countries to help communities
5.1.1. Centralized control techniques
reach renewable energy goals.
Centralized control management allows for easy deployment and
• Island MGs: They are small-scale MGs that are completely discon-
real-time monitoring of the entire system. Within the framework of
nected from the main grid and generate their own electricity. centralized control, a single individual CC serves as the primary con-
• District energy MGs: District energy MGs provide both electricity troller. In MG systems, CC manages the operation of different DG
and thermal energy for various facilities’ heating (and cooling). units. A LC is used by each DG unit, which can interact with the
CC directly. Recent computation technologies help CC to monitor and
5. Microgrid control analyze the data received from the LC in real-time operation [125].
The implementation of centralized control is rather straightforward. It
MGs’ resources are distributed in nature [115]. In addition, the has also demonstrated excellent response in the operation of the MG
uncertain and intermittent output of RESs increases the complexity of system. However, many concerns remain unresolved, particularly when
the effective operation of the MG. Therefore, a proper control strategy working with a large-scale hybrid system [126]. CC failures impact the
is imperative to provide stable and constant power flow. MG Central entire system’s functionality. In addition to this, the control technique
Controller (MGCC) is used to control and manage the MG. MGCC can has a low degree of flexibility and expandability [44,127].
be installed at a local control center or a distribution substation [116].
Local DG units and distributed ESS devices are controlled by MGCC, 5.1.2. Decentralized control techniques
which communicates with controllers at lower hierarchical levels. MGs In recent years, decentralized control has been extensively devel-
can also be managed using more distributed methods like droop control oped to maximize the autonomy of the micro sources and loads in
and agent systems. MGs. The key aspects of this control technique are to maintain stability,
In an MG context, a control strategy should meet the following cost-effective operation, and reliability [128]. The control decision is
requirements [31,117–119]: made by relying on the local measurement and it requires limited local
connections [129]. Furthermore, high-performance computer units and
• Power balance: Coordination of DG supply and efficient load a high level of connection are not required [125]. However, global
sharing. optimum solutions for the whole MG system cannot be guaranteed.
• Transition: Islanding to the grid-tied mode or vice versa is a
seamless transition between MG modes of operation. 5.1.3. Distributed control
• Protection: Monitoring of energy flow and important equipment, Some information is shared among controllers so that each has some
as well as grid fault management. understanding of the behavior of the others, so improving the overall
• Power transmission: Exchange of power between the main grid performance [130]. Table 3 summarized the different control methods
and the MG. with their advantages and disadvantages.

M. Uddin et al. Energy Strategy Reviews 49 (2023) 101127

Table 3
A summary of MG control methods options with their advantages and disadvantages [131].
Control method Advantages Disadvantages
– Global optimal solutions – Require communication infrastructure
– Significant computational burden is involved
– Reduced scalability
– Communication network affect stability
– No communication infrastructure is required – No global optimal solution
– Reduced computation complexity
– Enhanced scalability
– Higher reliability
– Reduced computation complexity – Sub-optimal solutions
Distributed – Enhanced scalability – Require communication infrastructure
– Better reliability – Communication network affect stability

5.2. Advancements in MG control systems 6.1.1. PV modules

The PV panel’s output power is affected by meteorological condi-
Recent advancements in control and supervision systems for MGs tions such as net sun irradiation and solar panel temperature. As a
have been driven by the increasing incorporation of RESs, the need result, these variables are interdependent as the following [149]:
for enhanced grid flexibility, and the growing complexity of MG op- ( )
erations. The primary aim of these technological advancements is to 𝑅(𝑡) [ ]
𝑃𝑃 𝑉 (𝑡) = 𝑃𝑃𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑑
𝑉 1 + 𝛼𝑝 (𝑇𝑎𝑚𝑏 − 𝑇𝑟𝑒𝑓 ) . (1)
improve the performance, reliability, and efficiency of MGs, ensuring 𝑅𝑠𝑡𝑛𝑑
seamless integration of DERs, and effective management of grid oper- where 𝑃𝑃𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑑 refers to the nominal output of the solar cell, 𝑅𝑠𝑡𝑛𝑑 denotes
ations. Some notable advancements in control and supervision systems the solar irradiation under the typical standard conditions. The value
for MGs include: of 1 kW/m2 is a standard condition typically applicable to the northern
• Intelligent EMS: Advanced EMS solutions utilize artificial intel- parts of the Earth, while closer to the equator, the solar irradiation
ligence, machine learning, and optimization algorithms to ef- under standard conditions is generally higher, around 2 kW/m2 . 𝑅(𝑡)
ficiently manage the generation, storage, and consumption of is the solar radiation at time 𝑡 and 𝛼𝑝 is the temperature coefficient
energy within microgrids [132–134]. These systems continuously of output. 𝑇𝑎𝑚𝑏 stands for the ambient temperature, and 𝑇𝑟𝑒𝑓 is the
monitor and forecast energy demand and generation, dynamically standard temperature of a solar panel, which is 27◦ Celsius.
optimize energy dispatch, and enable real-time decision-making
to achieve optimal operational performance. 6.1.2. Wind turbine
• Advanced ESS management : To optimize the utilization and effec- The wind turbine’s output power (𝑃𝑤 ) is a function of the air density
tiveness of ESS in microgrids, sophisticated control strategies have
(𝜌), turbine swept area (𝐴𝑤𝑡 ), turbine efficiency (𝜂𝑤𝑡 ) and wind velocity
been developed. These strategies involve intelligent scheduling
(𝑉𝑤 ). It is possible to calculate 𝑃𝑤 by [150]:
and control of ESS based on real-time capacity demand, renew-
( )
able energy availability, and grid conditions [135–137]. This 1
𝑃𝑤 = 𝜌 𝐴𝑤𝑡 × 𝑉𝑤3 × 𝜂𝑤𝑡 (2)
facilitates the efficient balancing of energy, peak reduction, load 2
shifting, and grid support.
• Grid-forming inverter control: Grid-forming inverters have attracted 6.1.3. Diesel generator
attention due to their ability to independently regulate the voltage In MGs, a DG can act as a backup supply, turning on when the bat-
and frequency of MGs, eliminating the dependence on the main tery bank’s minimum permissible depth of discharge (DoD) is reached.
grid [138]. This feature is particularly significant as RESs become
It can be calculated based on its fuel consumption (FC) in litres per
more prevalent. Advanced control algorithms for grid-forming
kilowatt-hour (L/kW) [151] as:
inverters enhance grid stability, strengthen MG resilience, and
enable seamless transitions between grid-connected and islanded 𝑟
𝐹 𝐶(𝑡) = 𝐴𝐺 𝑃𝐷𝐺 (𝑡) + 𝐵𝐺 𝑃𝐷𝐺 (3)
modes [139–141].
• DR integration: Control systems in microgrids are incorporating where 𝑃𝐷𝐺 is the generated power in kW and refers to the rated
DR mechanisms to allow consumers to actively participate in power in kW of DG. The two coefficients 𝐴𝐺 and 𝐵𝐺 represent the fuel
load management. Advanced DR algorithms and communication curve slope (L∕h∕kW𝑜𝑢𝑡 ) and fuel curve interception (L∕h∕kW𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑑 ) of
protocols enable real-time interaction between the MG opera- DG, respectively.
tor and end-users, which facilitates load shedding or load shift-
ing during peak demand periods and optimizes overall energy 6.1.4. Battery energy storage system (BESS)
consumption [142,143]. The behavior of the battery can be represented as the state of charge
• Cyber-physical security: It is crucial to ensure the cybersecurity and (𝑆𝑂𝐶) in percentage that is related to the battery energy level, 𝐵𝐿(𝑡),
resilience of MG control systems as they grow more networked
at time 𝑡 as follows [152]:
and dependent on digital communication and control technolo-
gies [144,145]. To defend against cyber threats, control and 𝐵𝐿(𝑡)
𝑆𝑂𝐶(𝑡) = × 100% (4)
supervisory systems are integrating advanced security features 𝐵𝐿𝑐𝑎𝑝𝑠
like encryption, authentication protocols, anomaly detection, and subjected to
intrusion prevention systems [146–148].
𝑆𝑂𝐶𝑚𝑖𝑛 < 𝑆𝑂𝐶(𝑡) < 𝑆𝑂𝐶𝑚𝑎𝑥
6. Modeling and simulation studies
where 𝐵𝐿𝑐𝑎𝑝𝑠 is the battery’s initial nominal capacity of battery;
6.1. Mathematical modeling of MG 𝑆𝑂𝐶𝑚𝑖𝑛 is the minimum limit of the battery, and 𝑆𝑂𝐶𝑚𝑎𝑥 is the max-
imum limit of the battery 𝑆𝑂𝐶. The limits require to be set for min-
This subsection discusses detailed mathematical model of MG com- imizing the influence on battery ageing, hence extending the battery
ponents, which can be used for optimum capacity planning. life [153].

M. Uddin et al. Energy Strategy Reviews 49 (2023) 101127

Fig. 4. Monthly variation of MG performance indices: (a) capacity factor, (b) plant use factor, (c) load factor and (d) utilization factor.

6.1.5. Power converter modeling

The power converter chosen for an MG should be able to accom-
modate the maximum expected AC load. Therefore, the converter size
(𝑃𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑣 ) can be selected based on the maximum load demand (𝑃𝑝𝑒𝑎𝑘 ) and
inverter efficiency (𝜂𝑖𝑛𝑣 ) as given by [154]:
𝑃𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑣 = (5)

6.2. Simulation case study

MGs face great challenges to meet demand with unpredictable daily

and seasonal variations. Therefore, energy management (EM) for MGs
has attracted much attention in global academic and industrial com-
munities. In this study, an isolated campus MG has been considered as
a case study for illustrating concepts of peak shaving-based EM [155].
The test MG is powered by two conventional gas turbine generators Fig. 5. Proposed structure of test MG.
(GTG), time-varying loads, and battery storage. The maximum power
output of each GTG is 4.2 MW, whereas the maximum power output
of the BESS is 400 kW. Actual load statistics are from the campus The findings of the statistical data-based study show that the test
MG system, representing a typical working day. The statistical data of MG’s performance is considerably below ideal. The significant disparity
installed capacity, generation and loads are used to analyze the MG’s between the peak and average peak loads caused the test MG to un-
performance under variable load conditions. Statistical analysis results derperform. In practice, the introduction of battery storage-based EMS
are depicted in Fig. 4. Key observations from the results are: can improve the MG’s performance significantly. Since the electrical
demand fluctuates throughout the day, the supply–demand mismatch is
• The capacity factor for the test MG ranged from 52.77% to
more likely to happen. BESS is expected to supply the essential amount
63.32% against the industry best practice 50%–80%. of energy into the power system during the low load demand. Fig. 5
• The plant utilization factor had an average value of 75.04%. The illustrates the simplified structure of the proposed model for the test
low plant utilization factor reflects a poor ratio between the actual MG.
and projected energy productions. Fig. 6(a) shows the hourly demand or the load profile of the test
• Average load factor was 60.35%, which is low compared to the MG for a working day. Two major peaks are observed: the day and
industry standard of 80% or more. evening peaks. The evening peak is observed at about 6:20 PM, which
• The highest level of utilization factor (UF) recorded was 67.65%. is slightly higher than the optimum capacity of 𝐺1 . Typically, 𝐺2
The UF fluctuated throughout the year and it was never close to is operated along with 𝐺1 to meet this evening peak. However, as
the optimal practice, which is 80%. can be seen from the simulation results illustrated in Fig. 6(a), the

M. Uddin et al. Energy Strategy Reviews 49 (2023) 101127

Fig. 6. Simulation results for case MG: (a) EM results (power) with dispatch of generator 𝐺2 , and (b) charge–discharge (kW) behavior of BESS and SOC.

battery energy control system can precisely maintain the instantaneous 7. Challenges and issues
power balance. The required power from BESS to meet the peak load
is determined by the battery energy control system. Meanwhile, the Despite the potential benefits, MG development has a number of
controller allows BESS to absorb power from the gas turbine generation challenges and limitations, as explained. The fundamental challenges
system during the off-peak hours and stores it for later use (during the of MGs can be classified under four groups as illustrated in Fig. 7.
peak load demand). As a result, the campus MG’s dynamic performance
7.1. Technical challenges in MGs
is improved significantly.
The BESS can offer more cost-effective generator operation. It will 7.1.1. Operation and management
decrease the cost of energy production. Without BESS, there will be Operation and management: The following are the major manage-
several on-off generator operations, which will make it more expensive. ment and operational issues that an MG experiences:
In addition, without BESS, generators operate at exceedingly low loads
• Issues during start-up of island mode: The system’s frequency and
in the evening. This also adds to the cost of energy generation. Gen-
voltages can be affected by the drastic intake of current during
erator dispatch results are illustrated in Fig. 6(a). The short inspection the earliest stages of island mode start-up. This may cause the
reveals that 𝐺1 must function throughout the day whereas 𝐺2 works generators to trip and shut down during the initiation phase. To
for a particular amount of time in order to power the associated loads. address this, an investigation of energy generation methods in
The availability of stored energy yields minimal operational hours for island mode is required, as well as the development of specialized
𝐺2 . Reduced use of traditional generators will improve the system controls suitable for MG operations.
economics and lessen the environmental impact. • Energy management: In general, energy regulation includes several
The charge–discharge and SOC results of the BESS are depicted fine-tuning parameters. After that, the parameters need to be
in Fig. 6(b). The simulation results show that the BESS follows the simulated for finding the best solutions. Finding an ideal value
in MGs is a challenging task because of the varied ambiguity
considered energy management approach. During the periods of low
and unspecific instances, as well as the well-identified specific
demand, such as when MG is operating in the evening peak, the battery
event [156–158].
unit supplies the system with the necessary amount of power. During • Appropriate design: MGs, particularly renewable energy-based
the day’s peak demand, the GTG generation is sufficient to meet the MGs, have a different design, modeling, and planning require-
demand. As a result, during the daytime peak period, the BESS unit ments than conventional fuel-based systems, with which most
is not required to engage with the system for supplying the stored people are already aware [159–162]. One of the major factors
energy. The BESS unit absorbs the power from the system after the that reduces the longevity of MGs is poor design. The design of re-
discharging process, particularly during the low demand periods. To newable MGs necessitates a thorough understanding of the avail-
prevent overcharging and underdischarging, the minimum level of able energy supplies as well as the demands of the users [163].
charge for a battery storage is regarded to be 20%, while the maximum It is also important to consider how changes in available energy
is 90%. The simulation results demonstrate that BESS performed as resources and demand can affect energy supply availability and
reliability. As a result, proper MG design remains a challenge.
• Identifying the MG’s modes of operation: Each integrated power
The following are the key insights of this simulated case study:
source versus load scenario in the MG should be identified and
• Using battery storage, the current EM method can minimize the specified for situations such as temporary switching or emergency
shedding. As an MG consists of loads and generators with varying
challenges related with the fluctuating demand. BESS can mini-
operational natures and behaviors, this phase becomes critical
mize the peaks in demand profile optimally, and maximize the
and challenging [43,164].
economic benefits.
• System security: To keep the system secure, contingency plan-
• The EM may regulate the BESS’ charging/discharging process to ning and emergency actions (such as demand-side management,
ensure optimal functioning of the MG. load shedding, islanding, or unit shutdown) are needed. Under
• The EM can ensure that the conventional generators are utilized contingency scenarios, generation should be rescheduled eco-
to their full potential, which can result in economic benefits for nomically to accommodate system loading and load-end volt-
the MG. age/frequency. System security should be maintained in an MG

M. Uddin et al. Energy Strategy Reviews 49 (2023) 101127

Fig. 7. Challenges of MG implementation.

through emergency operations and contingency planning, such while planning power system studies. As a result, the funda-
as load shedding, distributed source management, islanding, and mentals for illuminating and demonstrating the MG’s operating
unit shutdown. behavior are essential [172–174].
• Maintaining power quality: To ensure power quality, MG’s active • Designing feeders for MG: Feeders are now developed based on
and reactive power balance should be maintained on a short-term robust sources of power generation and delivery, as per the
basis. existing power system. However, there is a challenge when the
• Supervisory control and data acquisition: The CCs and MCs of demand for feeders in MGs remains unfulfilled [43,175,176].
MG should incorporate SCADA-based metering, control, and pro- • Telecommunication infrastructures and communication protocols:
tection capabilities. Provisions should be established for system Complete energy management, protection, and control necessi-
diagnostics through state estimation functions. tate telecommunication infrastructures and communication pro-
• Analysis on control system: To get the most out of an MG, it tocols [177].
is critical to have a good design and functional analysis. The
mode of operation and configurations of the MG are essential 7.1.3. Integration of DERs
while designing the MG control system. To successfully handle the When an MG is connected to the main grid, power flows between
operating scenario, the control system should incorporate each the main grid and MG are bidirectional. Voltage rise concerns arise as
promising control strategy [32,165]. a result of the addition of a large number of distributed generators to
• Load flow analysis: Load flow should be analyzed in every MG the grid, which is one of the biggest technological challenges [178]. As
operating condition and configuration to determine current flow solar PV is intermittent, it typically causes short-term voltage changes,
and voltage levels. The challenge is listing relevant loads and which disrupt the operation of power regulation and protection systems
determining their critical levels. Additionally, stating the times and, as a result, shorten the equipment’s life. [179].
of variable load profiles may add to the complexity [166,167].
• Balancing between generation and load in island mode: This is one • Bidirectional power flows: The presence of DG units at low voltage
of the most typical issues that MGs encounter. It is necessary to levels in the network may produce reverse power flows, posing
maintain a continual balance between load and power generation. challenges with protection coordination, undesirable power flow
Instability in the island system can be caused by sudden or patterns, fault current distribution, and voltage control.
significant changes in loads.
• Analysis on system stability: As MG stability is crucial, it is crit- 7.1.4. Protection
ical to forecast, monitor, and estimate the transient events that The following are the major protection issues that an MG may
occur as a result of both common and unusual disruptions. MGs experience:
are composed of various power sources and components. It is
• Evaluation of short-circuit current: Short-circuit current (SCC) limits
challenging to maintain system stability while employing inertia-
are typically calculated using the maximum and minimum levels
based generators, static converter-based PV, wind, and energy caused by power system faults. The difficulty originates from the
storage devices [168,169]. Furthermore, there are other sorts widely variable SCC between operating configurations as a result
of converters, such as those based on power electronic devices of different power sources and loads [168,180,181].
and virtual synchronous generators. To maintain system stability, • Earthing: Neutral earthing is a vital and difficult issue in MGs
manufacturers and designers should conduct a comprehensive in terms of the protection plan. This is because the MG shifts
study and close connection of equipment [170,171]. between power sources, uses numerous power sources (such as
spinning machines and converters), and interfaces with the main
7.1.2. Component and compatibility grid. The installation of earthing is governed mostly by local
• Equipment specifications: The specifications and single-line dia- grid regulations, but the distribution and maintenance of neutral
grams of the system are the most important factors to consider earthing may bring particular issues [182].

M. Uddin et al. Energy Strategy Reviews 49 (2023) 101127

• Analysis on protection and coordination: Due to the obvious chang- 8. Future research areas in MGs
ing and low SCC, protection research is necessary. The MG con-
figuration should include effective protection equipment and per- The MG is an exciting research field in power engineering. Vari-
sonnel safety, as well as coordinated and sequenced protection ous research challenges have been addressed with great attention in
device operation. In MGs, the traditional protection plan may not recent MG studies. However, it still has several critical areas that need
be easy or successful, necessitating innovation and compromise to be addressed. Both AC and DC MGs leave open research areas
[164,183,184]. that should be considered when considering future improvements.
This paper highlights some of the most critical aspects for future MG
7.2. Economic challenges research.

MG investments remain substantial. Some of its components, in- • Modeling: In future MGs, power sources, ESSs, and loads will all
cluding fuel cells, energy storage technologies, smart grid infrastruc- desire to function as plug-and-play units, which will increase its
ture, and grid management software, are not yet commercially viable complexity. To avoid this growing complexity, future MGs will
without some form of financial assistance. necessitate an MG system redesign.
Ensuring economic operation: Generation schedules, economic load • Mode of operation: Another topic of future research could be to
dispatch, and efficient power flow operations should all be used to investigate and design a system that allows MGs to seamlessly
achieve a cost-effective operation. The economic operation of the MG transition from grid-connected to autonomous operation.
should be ensured by economic load dispatch, generator scheduling, • Protection: Fixed relay settings are commonly used in classic distri-
and optimal power flow operations. bution network protection mechanisms. For MGs, this protection
Increased power generation cost: The implementation of a hybrid mechanism may be insufficient. As a result, more study is required
system will result in an overall increase in complexity, and there is a to develop a protection strategy capable of ensuring the MG’s safe
possibility that the cost of producing electricity would go up as a result. operation in all modes and transitions.
Fixed cost reimbursement: Infrastructure expenses are factored into • Control: When the operating elements of the MG have vary-
utility tariffs. Individual users will purchase less power from the utility
ing characteristics, an efficient technique for controlling system
if they are encouraged to generate their own electricity. Some will also
parameters is necessary for standalone mode.
generate additional electricity for selling to the utilities. Customers who
• Energy management: Coordination of renewable sources, storage
use net metering will remain connected to the grid, and they may be
systems, and load is not straightforward/trivial. Therefore, a strat-
benefited from this infrastructure without having to pay for its fixed
egy is imperative to maintain the power delivered by the renew-
expenses. As a result, consumers who do not adopt net metering will
able sources, generators, and ESS for achieving an economical use
face the consequences of infrastructure expenditures. Utilities are also
concerned that as more individuals opt for net metering, they may be of the power sources.
unable to afford the massive infrastructure upgrades that a modern, • Generation-load stability: An efficient control strategy is required
clean grid necessitates [185]. for the MGs operating in standalone mode for maintaining an
Additional cost for the remote MG: The MG installation in rural places equalization between generation and load
makes maintenance difficult and increases transportation costs. • Storage units: It will be critical in the future to investigate the
High costs of DERs: MGs have a significant disadvantage in terms potential use of ESS with diverse features to maintain the MG’s
of installation costs. This can be mitigated by securing some type of inertia.
government subsidy to promote investment. For the sake of satisfying • Integration of electric vehicles: Electric vehicles (EVs) are grow-
environmental and carbon capture targets, this should be done at least ing significantly. Therefore, a greater focus on EV incorporation
temporarily. A global goal has been set to increase renewable green with MGs could produce interesting findings for power system
power output and cut carbon emissions by 50% by 2050. development.
• Integration of nuclear energy and RESs: Future research can focus
7.3. Market challenges on the integration of nuclear energy and RESs to achieve a
balanced and sustainable energy mix. This entails studying hybrid
Market monopoly: If MGs are permitted to distribute energy au- energy systems, devising strategies for integrating nuclear power
tonomously to priority loads during any interruption of the main grid, and intermittent renewables into the MG, and exploring energy
the key question is who will be responsible for energy supply pricing storage technologies that can effectively harness the benefits of
during the outage. Since the main grid would be disconnected and the both nuclear and RESs [186,187].
electrical market would lose control over energy prices, MGs may sell • Co-ordination among multiple MGs: To allow multi-MGs to co-
energy at a very high price, taking advantage of market monopoly. As ordinate and collaborate, reliable signaling and communication
a result, to support the long-term development of MGs, proper market infrastructure should be established. This will help MGs in achiev-
infrastructure should be established and implemented.
ing a balanced operation and a continuous supply of energy to
7.4. Regulatory challenges
• Communication channel: In MGs, smart metering and network
control are required to be integrated.
Standards need to be reviewed: MG is a relatively new industry.
Standards and protocols for micro source integration and participation • Policy and standards: It is necessary to have a universally accepted
in traditional and deregulated power markets, as well as recommen- set of standards, regulations, and processes in order to foster and
dations for safety and protection, should be developed. To properly support the successful incorporation of MGs all over the world.
combine MGs with active distribution networks, standards such as
G59/1 and IEEE 1547 should be reviewed and restructured. Also, 9. Conclusion
research is needed to review IEEE 2030.7-2017– IEEE Standard for the
Specification of Microgrid Controllers. This work was set out to present the overview of MGs. Due to the
Administrative and legal barrier: In most countries, there is no stan- potential importance of MGs, this survey explores the key technologies
dard legislation or regulation that regulates the operation of MGs. used in MGs. This review also classifies MGs into seven groups accord-
Some governments are promoting the development of green electricity ing to their applications, infrastructure, and end-users requirements.
MGs, although standard regulations have yet to be drafted for future Further, MG control strategies are reviewed to provide an insight
implementation. into these techniques. There is no doubt that the emergence of MGs

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