Analysis of Flood Control Management in Ngontok Ri
Analysis of Flood Control Management in Ngontok Ri
Analysis of Flood Control Management in Ngontok Ri
1 174
2 authors, including:
Gilang Idfi
State University of Malang
All content following this page was uploaded by Gilang Idfi on 25 July 2018.
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Analysis of Flood Control Management in Ngontok Ring
Kanal River
Gilang Idfi1, a) and Wasis Wardoyo2,b)
Department of Civil Engineering, State University of Malang
Department of Civil Engineering, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology Surabaya
Corresponding author:
Abstract. Ngotok Ring Kanal river is a natural channel that acts as the water body of thirteen river branches and three
drainage outlets. The catchment area of Ngotok Ring Kanal River is about 722 km2. This river is important for Mojokerto
District since it plays an important role in controlling the yearly flood. Many efforts have been done to solve this flood
problem but it remains to unsolve satisfactorily yet. Therefore, a research is taken to give one other possibility to overcome
the flood effects caused by very high discharge peak at every rainy season. The aim of this research is to distribute the
discharge peak by creating some scenarios on releasing the amount of discharge by building a pond at any river branch. By
these, it can be known the best scenario of distributing the discharge peak based on the time of release and the place of the
built pond. It offers 5 scenarios a number of ponds i.e. by simulating 2 ponds, 3 ponds, 5 ponds at any river banks
respectively. The result of the study showed that scenario-5 with 5 ponds is the best scenario to reduce the peak discharge
of Ngotok Ring Kanal River. This scenario becomes to reduce the peak discharge from 566.702 m³/s become 454.88 m³/s.
Ngotok Ring Kanal river is a natural channel that acts as the water body of thirteen river branches and three
drainage outlets. In fig.1 can be informed that the geometric system of Ngotok River. This river flows at Brantas River
in Magersari Village, Mojokerto. From fig.2, the catchment area of Ngotok Ring Kanal River is about 722 km². This
river is one of The Water Resources Utilization, so it is very important for Mojokerto District since it plays an
important role in controlling the yearly flood [1].
FIGURE 2. Location of The Ngotok Ring Kanal River
Many efforts have been done to solve this flood problem but it remains to unsolve satisfactorily yet. Therefore, a
research is taken to give one other possibility to overcome the flood effects caused by very high discharge peak at
every rainy season. The aim of this research is to distribute the discharge peak by creating some scenarios on releasing
the amount of discharge by building the pond at any river branch. It offers 5 scenarios i.e. by simulating 2 ponds, 3
ponds, 5 ponds at any river banks respectively. This study made by creating hydrology and hydraulics modeling of
Ngotok Ring Kanal Catchment Area. The result of this study is known as the best scenario will be implemented to
decrease the peak of discharge at Ngotok Ring Kanal River.
Areal Rainfall
For assessing rainfall can be used Arithmetic Mean, Thiessen Polygon and Isohyet Method. This study used
Thiessen Polygon to calculate the areal rainfall. The Thiessen Polygon method assumes that at any point in a catchment
can be shown in Figure 3, the rainfall is the same that at the nearest rain gauge so the depth recorded at a given gauge
is applied out to a distance halfway to next gauge in any direction. The relative weight for each gauge is determined
from the corresponding [2].
If the area within the catchment assigned to each gauge is A, and its rainfall is R i , the areal average rainfall for the
catchment is
ᏽ = . σ୬୧ୀଵ A୧ R ୧ …………………………………………..…(1)
: average areal rainfall (mm)
Ri : areal rainfall (mm)
A : the catchment assigned (km²)
Runoff Coefficient
Runoff coefficient is the ratio between surface runoff and total of rainfall. The runoff coefficient depends on by
soil characteristic, land use, and topography [3]. From Table 1 can inform several numbers a runoff coefficient.
TABLE 1. Runoff Coefficient
Description Area Range of Runoff Coeficient Recommended
Downtown 0.70-0.95 0.85
Neighborhood 0.50-0.70 0.60
Single-family 0.30-0.50 0.40
Multiunits,detached 0.40-0.60 0.50
Multiunits,detached 0.60-0.75 0.70
Residential (Suburban) 0.25-0.40 0.35
Apartement 0.50-0.70 0.60
Light 0.50-0.80 0.65
Heavy 0.60-0.90 0.75
Parks, cemeteries 0.10-0.25 0.20
Playgrounds 0.20-0.35 0.30
Railroad yard 0.20-0.35 0.30
Unimproved 0.10-0.30 0.20
Apart from the above-mentioned site-specific factors which strongly influence the rainfall-runoff process, it should
also be considered that the physical conditions of a catchment area are not homogenous. Even at the micro level, there
are a variety of different slopes, soil types, vegetation covers etc [4]. Each catchment has, therefore its own runoff
response and will respond differently to different rainstorm events. The design of water harvesting schemes requires
the knowledge of the quantity of runoff to be produced by rainstorms in a given catchment area. It is commonly
assumed that the quantity (volume) of runoff is a proportion (percentage) of the rainfall depth [14].
K = ୖୟ୧୬ୟ୪୪……………………………………………………….…..(2)
In rural catchments where no or only small parts of the area are impervious, the coefficient K, which describes the
percentage of runoff resulting from a rainstorm, is however not a constant factor[5]. Instead, its value is highly variable
and depends on the above described catchment-specific factors and on the rainstorm characteristics.
Rainfall Intensity
The intensity of rainfall is a measure of the amount of rain that falls over time. The intensity of rain is measured
in the height of the water layer covering the ground in a period of time [6]. It means that if the rain stays where it falls,
it would form a layer of a certain height. The amounts of rainfall per unit time referred as the intensity of rainfall that
commonly is expressed in mm/hour [13]. Therefore, the intensity of rainfall means the amount of precipitation/rainfall
in a relatively short time (usually within 2 hours) [7]. Rainfall can be classified based on its intensity. The classification
of rainfall intensity is shown in Table 2.
TABLE 2. Rainfall Intensity Classification
In this study, the mean deviation for each analyzed rainfall intensity by Mononobe. The correlation between
intensity of short time rainfall duration and 24-hour rainfall follows the Mononobe’s equation [8]
ோమర ଶସ ଶ/ଷ
=ܫ .ቀ்ቁ ……………………………………………(3)
I: Rainfall Intensity (mm/hour)
R 24 : 24-hour rainfall (mm)
T: Time of rainfall (hour)
Sub Basin
Unsteady Flow Analysis using HEC-RAS
The analysis of hydraulics is supported by using the application software of HEC-RAS. Generally, the computation
produce in HEC-RAS consists of input data, computation, and the output as result. Input data used here are geometric
data and boundary data [12]. The geometry data consists of basic map data of study location and channel cross section
data from survey result. After processing data, the output is obtained as result [15]. The result can be arranged by
using time control, computation interval, hydrograph interval output and detail output interval. The existing modeling
scheme can be shown in Fig. 5.
Existing Condition
This condition is modeled by precipitation for a return period of 25 years ( X25 = 128.03 mm) for input basin data
in HEC-HMS. The result of the computation is flooded hydrograph for a return period of years. Flood peak discharge
is 566.702 m³/s and hydrograph as shown in Fig. 6 below.
This hydrograph can be used for the upstream boundary of Ngotok Ring Kanal River in HEC-RAS modeling. The
Manning coefficient used is 0.02. Figure 7 shows water surface profile in a long section of Ngotok Ring Kanal River.
Water Surface
El i Levee Elevation
4 3 ROB
Scenario 2: Simulating with ponds at Gunting and Panemon River
This condition is modeled by 2 ponds at Balong River and Gunting River. Flood peak discharge is 516.588 m³/s
and hydrograph as shown in Fig. 10 below.
This hydrograph can be used for the upstream boundary of Ngotok Ring Kanal River in HEC-RAS modeling. The
Manning coefficient used is 0.02. Figure 11 shows water surface profile in a long section of Ngotok Ring Kanal River
for scenario-2.
4 3
Levee Elevation
Water Surface
Q25 = 503.397 m3/s
This hydrograph can be used for the upstream boundary of Ngotok Ring Kanal River in HEC-RAS modeling. The
Manning coefficient used is 0.02. Figure 13 shows water surface profile in long section of Ngotok Ring Kanal River
for scenario-3
4 3 ROB
Scenario 4: Simulating with ponds at Brangkal, Gunting, Sambong and Panemon River :
This condition is modeled by 4 ponds at Brangkal River, Gunting River, Sambong River, Panemon River. Flood
peak discharge is 498.394 m³/s and hydrograph as shown in Fig. 14 below
Q25 = 498.394 m3/s
This hydrograph can be used for the upstream boundary of Ngotok Ring Kanal River in HEC-RAS modeling. The
Manning coefficient used is 0.02. Figure 15 shows water surface profile in long section of Ngotok Ring Kanal River
for scenario-4
4 3 ROB
Scenario 5: Simulating with ponds at Brangkal, Gunting, Sambong, Jombang Kulon and
Panemon River
This condition is modeled by 5 ponds at Brangkal River, Gunting River, Sambong River, Jombang Kulon River
and Panemon River. Flood peak discharge is 454.875 m³/s and hydrograph as shown in Fig. 16 below
FIGURE 16. Hydrograph for Return of 25 years
This hydrograph can be used for the upstream boundary of Ngotok Ring Kanal River in HEC-RAS modeling. The
Manning coefficient used is 0.02. Figure 17 shows water surface profile in long section of Ngotok Ring Kanal River
for scenario-
4 3 ROB
From Table 3 and Fig. 18 show the relation between peak discharge and the reduction on all scenario.
FIGURE 18. Scenario and Reduction
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